Angels in Christianity - Wikipedia
Angels in Christianity - Wikipedia
Angels in Christianity - Wikipedia
General views
In chapt er V of Ignat ius of Ant ioch's Letter to the Trallians , t he bishop gives a list ing of angels not
unlike t hat lat er proposed by Pseudo-Dionysius. In his First Epist le of Clement , Clement of Rome
exhort s his list eners t o join t he angels in praising God. Clement of Alexandria wrot e t hat angels
“breat he” in men’s t hought s and reasonings, and “put s in” t heir heart s “st rengt h” and a keener
percept ion.[1] Evagrius Pont icus spoke of t he concept of angelic companions and angels as
models for behavior.[2]
August ine of Hippo remarks, t he angels were experiencing somet hing new as t he creat ion of God
unfolded.[3] August ine also considers t hat t he 'good' angels seek at all t imes, t o direct us
t owards t he t rue source of happiness, God; t hat t hey encourage us in worship of God.[4]
Pseudo-Dionysian hierarchy
According t o Pseudo-Dionysius t he Areopagit e's De Coelesti Hierarchia (On the Celestial
Hierarchy), t here are t hree levels ("sphere") of angels, inside each of which t here are t hree orders.
Various works of Christ ian t heology have devised hierarchies of angelic beings. The most
influent ial Christ ian angelic hierarchy was put forward around t he t urn of t he 6t h cent ury CE by
Pseudo-Dionysius in his work De Coelesti Hierarchia . He claimed t o be an import ant figure who
was convert ed by Paul t he Apost le, and t he Pseudo-Dionysius enjoyed great er influence t han it
would have if he had used his act ual name, unt il Erasmus publicised doubt s about t he age of t he
work in t he early 16t h cent ury.[5]
Catholic Church
According t o t he Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) paragraph 328, "t he exist ence of t he
spirit ual, non-corporeal beings t hat Sacred Script ure usually calls 'angels' is a t rut h of fait h. The
wit ness of Script ure is as clear as t he unanimit y of Tradit ion."[6] The same cat echism st at es: "The
whole life of t he church benefit s from t he myst erious and powerful help of t he angels [...] From
it s beginning unt il deat h, human life is surrounded by t heir wat chful care and int ercession."[7] It
also st at es, "Christ is t he cent er of t he angelic world. They are His angels [...] They belong t o Him
because t hey were creat ed t hrough and for Him".[8]
Tradit ion places seraphim in a rank in Christ ian angelology, based on Isaiah's use of t he word.
In t he Book of Ezekiel, and in some Christ ian icons, t he cherub is depict ed as having t wo pairs of
wings, and four faces: t hat of a lion (represent at ive of all wild animals), an ox (domest ic animals),
a human (humanit y), and an eagle (birds).[9] Their legs were st raight , t he soles of t heir feet like
t he hooves of a bull, gleaming like polished brass. Lat er t radit ion ascribes t o t hem a variet y of
physical appearances.[9] In West ern Christ ian t radit ion, cherubim have become associat ed wit h
t he put t o (derived from classical Cupid/Eros), result ing in depict ions of cherubim as small, plump,
winged boys.[10]
Thrones or Ophanim
The ophanim refer t o t he wheels seen in Ezekiel's vision of t he chariot (Hebrew merkabah) in
Ezekiel 1:15–21 (ht t ps:// . One
of t he Dead Sea scrolls (4Q405) const rues t hem as angels.
According t o The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, t he Virt ues are known for t heir cont rol of t he
element s. In addit ion t o being t he spirit s of mot ion, t hey also assist in governing element s of
nat ure, such as st orms.[12] They also assist wit h miracles, as well as encourage humans t o
st rengt hen t heir fait h in God.[13]
Powers or Authorities
In The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, t he Powers (lat . potestas (f), pl. potestates ) (Greek:
ἐξουσίαι) are given t heir name because t hey are angels who have power over evil forces, which
t he angels are able t o rest rain t o keep t hem from doing harm.[13] Powers also oversee t he power
which human beings—such as kings—have been given in t he world.[12]
Principalities or Rulers
According t o The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, t he Principalit ies (Lat in: principatus ), also
t ranslat ed as "Princedoms" and "Rulers", from t he Greek archai, pl. of archē (see Greek root in
Eph 3:10 (ht t ps:// ), are t he angels t hat guide and
prot ect nat ions, or groups of peoples, and inst it ut ions such as t he Church. The Principalit ies
preside over t he bands of angels and charge t hem wit h fulfilling t he divine minist ry. There are
some who administ er and some who assist .[13]
The word archangel is only used t wice in t he New Test ament : in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 (ht t ps://bi and Jude 1:9 (ht t ps://bibl .
In most Christ ian t radit ions, Gabriel is also considered an archangel, but t here is no direct lit erary
support for t his assumpt ion. The t erm archangel appears only in t he singular, never plural, and
only in specific reference t o Michael.
Guardian angels
A guardian angel is a t ype of angel t hat is assigned t o prot ect and guide a part icular person,
group or nat ion. Belief in t ut elary beings can be t raced t hroughout all ant iquit y. The idea of
angels t hat guard over people played a major role in Ancient Judaism. In Christ ianit y, t he hierarchy
of angels was ext ensively developed in t he 5t h cent ury by Pseudo-Dionysius t he Areopagit e.
The t heology of angels and t ut elary spirit s has undergone many changes since t he 5t h cent ury.
The belief is t hat guardian angels serve t o prot ect whichever person God assigns t hem t o.
See also
Angels in Islam
Angels in Judaism
Dynamics of the celestial spheres
Fallen angel
Heavenly host
List of angels in theology
List of films about angels
Further reading