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Protective Structure For Green House

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Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture


Crop water need

The crop water need (ET crop) is defined as the depth

(or amount) of water needed to meet the water loss
through evapotranspiration. In other words, it is the
amount of water needed by the various crops to grow
Consumptive use (CU): Sum of ET and quantity of
water used for metabolic activities.(ET and CU often
used interchangeably because only 1% water is used
for metabolic activities).
Evapotranspiration (ET) process

The combination of two separate processes where by

water is lost from the soil surface by evaporation and
from the crop by transpiration is referred to as ET.
The ET rate is normally expressed in millimetres (mm)
per unit time.
The rate expresses the amount of water lost from a
cropped surface in units of water depth.
The time unit can be an hour, day, decade, month or
even an entire growing period or year.
evaporation + transpiration = evapotranspiration (ET )

the plants extract

During the day water
ecapes as vapour to water from the
The atmosphere from: soil; this water
leaves the plant
• an open water during the day
through the stem
• the soil
• the leaves and the and the leaves
stem of the plant

root zone
Factors affecting ET

Weather parameters: The principal weather

parameters are radiation, air temperature, humidity
and wind speed.
Crop factors: The crop type, variety and
development stage should be considered from crops
grown in large, well-managed fields.
Management and environmental conditions:
Factors such as soil salinity, poor land fertility, limited
application of fertilizers, the presence of hard or
impenetrable soil horizons, the absence of control of
diseases & pests and poor soil management may limit
the crop development and reduce the ET.
Evapotranspiration concepts

Reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo): ETo is a

climatic parameters expressing the evaporation power of
the atmosphere.
Crop evapotranspiration under standard conditions
(ETc):ETc refers to the ET from excellently managed,
large, well-watered fields that achieve full production
under the given climatic conditions.
Crop evapotranspiration under non-standard conditions
(ETc adj):Due to sub-optimal crop management and
environmental constraints that affect crop growth and
limit ET, ETc under non-standard conditions generally
requires a correction.
Crop ET
Crop coefficient approach: Crop ET (ETc) is
calculated by multiplying the reference crop ET
(ETo) by a crop coefficient (Kc):
ETc = Kc ETo
ETc crop evapotranspiration [mm d-1],

Kc crop coefficient [dimensionless],

ETo reference crop evapotranspiration [mm d-1].

Types of Watering Systems

1. Manual/Hand Watering
2. Overhead Irrigation System
2.1 Sprinkler Irrigation
2.2 Boom Irrigation
3. Surface Irrigation System
3.1 Drip irrigation
3.2 Perimeter watering system
3.3 Tube water system
4. Subsurface Irrigation System
4.1 Ebb and Flow System
4.2 Capillary Mat Watering System
4.3 Floor Flood Irrigation System
4.4 Water Trays and Saucers
1. Manual/Hand Watering
1. Manual/Hand watering

It is most common but most uneconomical and expensive system of

watering but still is followed where labour is cheap and scale of
operation is rather small and automation is not practiced.

It requires considerable time and it is not pleasant work. But still it is

followed where crops is at high density like nursery production, seed
flats or pots.

Where it is practiced care should be taken that force of water should

be broken either by using fine rose spray or breaker at the end of
pipe so that it does not result in washing of root medium out of pots
and disturb structure of root medium surface.
Manual/Hand watering
2. Overhead Irrigation System
2.1 Sprinkler Irrigation
GH crops are most easily and cheaply irrigated from
In this system pipes are hanged 60 cm to 180 cm above
the plants.
Nozzles are fitted in the pipes at 360° pattern.
Care should be taken so that the water should be of
good quality and properly filtered so that these nozzles
are not clogged.

Sprinkler Irrigation
2.2 Boom Irrigation

A boom system consists of one or more pipes containing nozzles

that apply water as the system moves over the plants. It may be
suspended from an overhead rail system or from a cart that moves
down the aisle. Water is supplied by a trailing hose and powered by
a battery pack or electric supply cable.

The advantages to a boom system are greater uniformity of water

application, less water required and less aisle space is needed for

Because of the large number of options, careful selection of a boom

system is required. Factors affecting selection are type & style of
GH, cropping system, water quantity & quality and the amount of
automation desired.
Boom Irrigation
3. Surface Irrigation System
3.1 Drip Irrigation
• It is a controlled, slow application of water to
soil over a long period of time.

•The water flows under low pressure through

plastic pipe/tubing laid along each row of plants.
Comparison of Drip, Sprinkler and flood irrigation methods

Fig. 1: Availability of moisture in different irrigation methods

Types of Drip Irrigation Systems

1. Surface drip irrigation

1.1 Online Drip Irrigation

1.2 Inline drip irrigation

2. Sub surface drip irrigation

Water Source

There are basically two main types of water sources: groundwater

and surface water. Many existing and potential water supply
sources for irrigation systems are derived from surface water,
which does not tend to have high levels of salts (with the
exception of some coastal areas), and thus systems are usually less
prone to formation of precipitates in drippers when using a surface
water source.
Surface water: It can pond, open canal, river stream, well etc. It,
however, tends to introduce biological hazards. If wastewater is
being considered as a source, quality and clogging potential will
vary depending upon the extent of treatment.
Groundwater: Groundwater is generally of higher quality than
surface water. However, iron and manganese levels should be
measured, as high levels may lead to dripper clogging, and
treatment may be required.
Pumps and pumping stations

Unless the water at the source is supplied at an

adequate flow rate and pressure (by municipal or
other entity supply, a pre-existing pump upstream
from the irrigation system or gravitational pressure),
a pump will be needed to push water from the source
through the pipes and drippers.
Most irrigation systems include pumps as an integral
part of the drip irrigation system.
Power source for the pump: The power source for
the pump will depend on the availability and
accessibility of the energy resource in the local area.
Electricity is good source, if electricity is not
available, alternative power sources such as diesel,
gasoline, or solar may be used.

It play key roles in controlling pressure, flow and

distribution under different conditions to optimize
performance, facilitate management, and reduce
maintenance requirements.

The water flow rate and pressure throughout the

irrigation system should be precisely controlled to
ensure efficient and timely water application;
therefore proper selection and placement of valves is
Pressure relief valves, regulators or bye pass arrangement

These valves may be installed at any point where

possibility exists for excessively high pressures,
either static or surge pressure.

A bye pass arrangement is simplest and cost

effective means to avoid problems of high pressures
instead of using costly pressure relief valves.
ukWu fjVuZ okYo Check valves (non-return
(Non Return Valve) valves/on-way valve): These valves
are used to prevent unwanted flow
reversal. They are used to prevent
damaging back flow from the system
to avoid return flow of chemicals and
. fertilizers from the system into the
water source itself to avoid
contamination of water source.

cky okYo Control valves (ball valves):

Generally, they are installed on
filtration system, mainline and on all
submains. They are made up of gun
metal, PVC, cast iron and their size
ranges from 20 mm to more than 140
Rotating the lever turns the ball so
that when the port is in line with the
pipe, flow will occur, and when
perpendicular to the pipe, flow is
blocked. It is designed to be fully
opened or closed
Air release cum It is provided at the highest point
Vacuum Breaker in the main line to release the
entrapped air during the start of
system and to break the vacuum
during shut off. It is also
provided on submain if submain
length is more.

nkcekih Pressure gauges are essential

(PRESSURE components in a drip irrigation
GAUGE) system.
Providing vital
information concerning the
irrigation system, they help in
the detection of leaks and
clogging and in the management
of filters, chemical injectors and
in keeping the system in its
operating range.
It is critical component in any drip irrigation system.
Effective filtration is essential for proper irrigation system
operation and long-term performance, as it prevents the
irrigation water from clogging the drippers.
Water quality will dictate filtration requirements, fertigation
requirements and management of the irrigation systems to
prevent dripper clogging.
Causes of dripper clogging in systems may be chemical
(precipitates or scale), physical (grit or particulates such as
sand and sediment) or biological (such as algae or bacteria).
The type of filtration to be used is carefully selected at the
planning stage according to the general quality of the
irrigation water, and the presence of various substances in
it, with respect to the specific requirements of the irrigation
gkbMªkslkDyksu fQYVj
(Hydrocyclone Filter)




Application of Nutrients

Fertilization Fertigation
Plants get a larger dosage of fertilizer than Fertilizers are applied according the need
they require at the time it is applied. Losses for nutrients, following the uptake rate of
occur. the crop.
Fertilizer Use Efficiencies Under Various
Application Methods

Fertilizer Use Efficiency (%)

Soil application Fertigation

Nitrogen 30-50 95

Phosphorous 20 45

Potassium 50 80
Methods of applying chemicals/fertilizers through the Drip Systems

osUpqjh (VENTURI)



Water Distribution Network
The water distribution network constitutes main line, submains
line and laterals with drippers and other accessories.
Main line: It transports water within the field and distribute to
submains. It is made of rigid PVC or High Density Polyethylene
(HDPE). Pipelines of 65 mm diameter and above with a pressure
rating 4 to 6 kg/cm2 are used.
Submains: It distribute water evenly to a number of lateral lines.
For sub main pipes, rigid PVC,HDPE or LDPE (Low Density
Polyethylene) of diameter ranging from 32 mm to 75 mm having
pressure rating of 2.5 kg/cm2 are used.
Laterals: It distribute the water uniformly along their length by
means of drippers or emitters. These are normally manufactured
from LDPE and LLDPE. Generally pipes having 10, 12 and 16
mm internal diameter with wall thickness varying from 1 to 3 mm
are used.
ih-oh-lh- ikbi

,p-Mh-ih-bZ- ikbi

vkWu ykbu (ONLINE DRIP)

bu ykbu (INLINE DRIP)

,UM dSi They are used to
(END CAP) close the lateral
. ends.

¶y’k okYo It is provided to

(FLUSH VALVE) flush out the
water and dirt
accumulated at
the end of
Water saving
Fertilizer saving and increased fertilizer use
Energy and labour saving
Reduced weed growth
Marginal land & undulated land can be irrigated
Use of saline water is possible for irrigation
Less problem of disease and pest
Makes intercultural operations easy
3.2 Perimeter Watering System

In this system, pipes run around the perimeters of a bench with a

nozzle that sprays water in root medium below the foliage. Thus
this system is most pertinent for production of fresh flowers.

The pipes may be of galvanized iron or PVC.

Rubber pipes if are used they can be rolled if it is not in use. In

these pipes, nozzles are fitted at an angle of 45, 90 or 180

Normally pipes of 19 mm diameters are used. Depending upon

the length of beds, valve may be provided accordingly.
Perimeter Watering System
3.3 Tube Watering System

This system is mostly used for watering the pots. Water

is carried to each pot by the polyethylene micro tube.
These micro tubes are available in different inner
diameter varying from 0.9, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.9 mm and
The number of pots that can be watered from a single
19 mm main water pipe will depend upon inner
diameter of micro tube being used e.g., 0.9, 1.1, 1.3,
1.5 mm micro tube will be able to handle 900, 700, 600
and 400 pots, respectively.
These micro tubes should be provided with a weight at
the end of it so that speed of water can be broken
otherwise there is a danger that pipe being thrown out
of the pot and will dig a small pit in medium.
Tube Watering System
4. Subsurface Irrigation System
4.1 Ebb and Flow System

It a sub irrigation system for potted and bedding plants. Pot or flats
are grown in a leveled bench made of plastic or fiber glass
available in various widths and length.

These benches are glued together to make a bench of desired length

and width. These benches can move over a stand. These have
channels to drain out irrigation water.

There is a water tank below the bench. This tank is covered to

avoid dust or algal growth. The area of watering and size of pump
should be matched.

To ensure watering of pot, water remains on the bench for 10

minutes and collected in tank and reused. Fertilizer may also be
applied through this system of watering. Pot with bottom hole is
better than side holes.
Ebb and Flow System
4.2 Capillary mat watering system

Capillary mats are a subsurface way of providing a steady, adequate supply

of water to the plants. A capillary mat is made of absorbent materials upon
which potted seedlings sit. The mat absorbs water from a reservoir and the
pots are able to draw a steady supply of water from it, absorbing the exact
amount they need, when they need it.

Essentially, it is a wicking process, whereby the mat wicks water and then
the soil in the pot wicks the water from the mat. It is traditionally used in
GH or with hydroponic systems, but they are now widely used by home
gardeners as well.

Benefits of capillary mats are numerous. The obvious benefit is

convenience - all you have to do is fill the water reservoir once or twice a
week and the plants get exactly what they need, when they need it. The
researchers also found that some plant species using capillary mats grew
more robustly, producing a bigger canopy. Using capillary mats tends to
make plants grow deeper roots, because they have to reach to absorb water
from down below.
Capillary mat watering system
4.3 Floor flood irrigation system

The flood irrigation on tables or on flood floors is applied in the ornamental

plant production and more recently in transplants production of tomato and
cucumber cultivated in cubes of rockwool. Cubes of rockwool or pots filled
with substrate with growing plants are placed on the tables or flood floors.
The plants are flooded depending on water and nutrient needs. Cubes and
pots are flooded with nutrient solution having a height of 3- 5 cm for 10 to
15 minutes. In flood fertigation pots whose bottom does not adhere closely
to the surface but with intermittent beads on the perimeter are used. In
addition, the pots and the pallets must have large holes on the bottom and
The nutrient solution is absorbed by the substrate, and the excess of
nutrient solution is drained to the tank. Due to the uniform watering and
fertilization, the plant material is normally of very good quality and grows
very evenly.
Its advantages include: low labor intensity, full automation of irrigation and
fertilization, water and fertilizer savings, quickly and even growth, the
possibility to keep leaves clean and dry (and consequently less problems
related to fungal diseases development) and reduced environmental
Floor flood irrigation system
4.4 Water Trays and Saucers

In this system, water is applied to the surface and is collected

under the container through collection trays or saucers Water
trays and saucers, depending on their shape and spacing on the
bench, can greatly reduce runoff and leaching by containing the
water draining from pots and holding the water which misses the
pot during overhead watering.

They are inexpensive and reusable. Water which collects in them

should be given adequate time to evaporate or be absorbed by the
plant before further irrigation.

Avoid closed plant spacing and poor ventilation to prevent

disease problems when using this technique.
Water Trays and Saucers
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