Lecture 11
Lecture 11
Lecture 11
Software Quality
Lecture 11
• Unit testing in Python
Testing options
• Test first:
• First make a sketch of all the test cases and then code them at the end
• Cons: at the start predicting/identifying test cases is difficult at times
• Test driven
• Define one testcase as a time
• Code it
• You can refactor (improve if improvement margin exists)..
• Then move on to next test case..
• Test last: Code and then test
• Cons…may be units are not well defined or identified
• Bugs in units might be identified late
• Spend most of the time in coding..and at the end less time left for testing
• The following three sets of assertion functions are defined in unittest
• Basic Boolean Asserts
• Comparative Asserts
• Asserts for Collections
• Basic assert functions evaluate whether the result of an operation is
True or False. All the assert methods accept a msg argument that, if
specified, is used as the error message on failure.
import unittest
class SimpleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test1(self):
self.assertEqual(4 + 5,9)
def test2(self):
self.assertNotEqual(5 * 2,10)
def test3(self):
self.assertTrue(4 + 5 == 9,"The result is False")
def test4(self):
self.assertTrue(4 + 5 == 10,"assertion fails")
def test5(self):
def test6(self):
self.assertNotIn(3, range(5))
The second set of assertion functions are comparative asserts
•assertAlmostEqual (first, second, places = 7, msg = None, delta = None)
•Test that first and second are approximately (or not approximately) equal by computing the difference, rounding to the given
number of decimal places (default 7),
•assertNotAlmostEqual (first, second, places, msg, delta)
•Test that first and second are not approximately equal by computing the difference, rounding to the given number of decimal
places (default 7), and comparing to zero.
•In both the above functions, if delta is supplied instead of places then the difference between first and second must be less
or equal to (or greater than) delta.
•Supplying both delta and places raises a TypeError.
•assertGreater (first, second, msg = None)
•Test that first is greater than second depending on the method name. If not, the test will fail.
•assertGreaterEqual (first, second, msg = None)
•Test that first is greater than or equal to second depending on the method name. If not, the test will fail
•assertLess (first, second, msg = None)
•Test that first is less than second depending on the method name. If not, the test will fail
•assertLessEqual (first, second, msg = None)
•Test that first is less than or equal to second depending upon the method name. If not, the test will fail.
•assertRegexpMatches (text, regexp, msg = None)
•Test that a regexp search matches the text. In case of failure, the error message
•assertNotRegexpMatches (text, regexp, msg = None)
•Verifies that a regexp search does not match text. Fails with an error message
import unittest
import math
import re
class SimpleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test1(self):
def test2(self):
def test3(self):
def test4(self):
self.assertNotRegexpMatches("Tutorials Point (I) Private Limited","Point")
Assert for Collections
This set of assert functions are meant to be used with collection data types in Python, such as List, Tuple,
Dictionary and Set.
import unittest
class SimpleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test1(self):
self.assertListEqual([2,3,4], [1,2,3,4,5])
def test2(self):
self.assertTupleEqual((1*2,2*2,3*2), (2,4,6))
def test3(self):
UnitTest Framework - Skip Test
• It is possible to skip individual test method or TestCase class,
conditionally as well as unconditionally. The framework allows a
certain test to be marked as an 'expected failure'. This test will
'fail' but will not be counted as failed in TestResult.
import unittest
def add(x,y):
return x+y
class SimpleTest(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skip("demonstrating skipping")
def testadd1(self):
import unittest
class suiteTest(unittest.TestCase):
a = 50
b = 40
def testadd(self):
"""Add""" testsub() and testdiv() will be skipped
result = self.a+self.b
def testmul(self):
result = self.a*self.b
self.assertEqual(result == 0)
Test suite vs test cases vs text runner vs text fixture
• A test case is a class that represents an individual unit of testing. That's
the place where you make sure your code works correctly. It contains
fixtures and calls to assert methods to check for and report failures.
• A test suite is just a bunch of test cases together.
• A test runner is a script that takes care of running the test suite.
• Test fixtures provide the necessary initial conditions and configure a fixed
state for software tests.
• They also clean up after testing completes. Test fixtures provide a
stable baseline for consistent, repeatable testing and allow for test
initialization and clean up code to remain separate from the tests
Test suite
#import usertest
#import configtest # first test
import unittest # second test
class ConfigTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
print 'stp’
##set up code
def runTest(self):
#runs test
print 'stp'
mySuit= unittest.TestSuite()
Test fixtures
• It happens that in specific scenarios, unit tests as we write them might become pure
overhead. How come? Because we repeat the same structures, and we write the same
code again and again, without really thinking about how these particular tests could
become more pleasant to maintain and scale.
• Sometimes the same test fixture can apply to several tests. For example, each test in a
test suite used to exercise an interface to a database may need to configure (or mock) a
database connection.
• It can be time consuming or resource intensive to bring up and tear down this
connection for each test. Thankfully, the unittest framework provides three scopes for
test fixtures; fixtures can be defined at the individual test, class or module level.
• Test fixtures are methods and functions that run before and after a test.
• The intent is to provide developers hooks to set up preconditions needed for the test,
and cleanup after the test.
• In many cases, this will be allocating, opening, or connecting to some resource in the
setUp, and deallocating, closing, or disconnecting in the tearDown.
• The most common fixture methods are setUp and tearDown.
• The setUp() method runs before every test.
• The tearDown() method runs after every test.
• The setUp() and tearDown() methods allow you to define instructions that will be
executed before and after each test method. If setUp() succeeded, tearDown() will be
run whether the test method succeeded or not.
What is the difference between setUp() and setUpClass() in the Python
unittest framework?
The main difference is that setUpClass is called only once and that is before all the tests,
while setup is called immediately before each and every test.
A class method called before tests in an individual class are run. setUpClass is called with
the class as the only argument and must be decorated as a classmethod():
def setUpClass(cls):
The setUpClass method is for expensive elements that you would rather only have to do
once, such as opening a database connection, opening a temporary file on the filesystem,
loading a shared library for testing, etc. Doing such things before each test would slow
down the test suite too much, so we just do it once before all the tests
class Example(unittest.TestCase): When you run this test, it prints:
@classmethod setUpClass
def setUpClass(cls): setUp
print("setUpClass") test1
def setUp(self): tearDown
print("setUp") setUp
def test1(self): test2
print("test1") tearDown
def test2(self): tearDownClass
def tearDown(self):
def tearDownClass(cls):
Sometimes the test code can be repetitive and hence we would end up writing the same
code again and again.
In this case we have a method called SetUp() method. For example let us consider the
below code:
To establish fixtures for each individual test case, override setUp() on the TestCase. To
clean them up, override tearDown().
To manage one set of fixtures for all instances of a test class, override the class
methods setUpClass() and tearDownClass() for the TestCase.
And to handle especially expensive setup operations for all of the tests within a
module, use the module-level functions setUpModule() and tearDownModule().
Install and get started from command prompt
• Traverse to the path:
def test_cube():
assert n*n*n == 8
Python Unittest vs Pytest
• Both unittest and pytest are testing frameworks in python. Unittest is
the testing framework set in python by default.
• In unittest, we create classes that are derived from the
unittest.TestCase module.
• It comes in handy because it is universally understood.
• Whereas using pytest involves a compact piece of code.
• Pytest has rich inbuilt features which require less piece of code
compared to unittest.
• In the case of unittest, we have to import a module, create a class and
then define testing functions inside the class. But in the case of pytest,
we have to define the functions and assert the conditions inside them.
import pytest
def test_file1_method1():
assert x+1 == y,"test failed"
assert x == y,"test failed"
def test_file1_method2():
assert x+1 == y,"test failed“
unittest follows follows OO design. You design a class , inherit it,, the methods define test
cases (as functions).
In contrast to it, pytest is available that is extensive and easy to use. It does not
necessitates OO design.
Pytest Setup and Teardown - Fixtures
In Pytest, fixtures are special functions marked with the @pytest.fixture decorator.
any code before yield is the setup, and any code after yield is the teardown
import pytest
# Test cases
def test_square_positive_number(setup_data):
result = calculate_square(setup_data)
assert result == 25
print("Running test case for positive number")
• Markers in Pytest
• Test functions can be marked or tagged by decorating them with
• $ pytest --markers
• @pytest.mark.skip(reason=None): skip the given test function with an
optional reason. Example: skip(reason="no way of currently testing this")
skips the test.
def test_is_phonbook_consitent_when_no_duplicates(self):
self.phonebook.add("Ali", "12345")
def test_is_phonbook_consitent_when_duplicates(self):
self.phonebook.add("Ali", "12345")
self.phonebook.add("Tahir", "12345")