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Automotive managerial process
The automotive managerial process refers to the set of activities and decision-making steps
involved in the effective management of an automotive-related business, such as an automobile
service and repair shop, a dealership, or a manufacturing facility. This process typically involves
several key components.
1. Strategic Planning
2. Financial Management
3. Operational Management
4. Human Resources Management
5. Marketing and Sales
6. Quality Control and Assurance
7. Compliance and Regulations
8. Customer Service
9. Technology Integration
10. Environmental and Sustainability Initiatives
11. Risk Management
12. Strategic Decision-Making
1. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) :- This law prohibits discrimination in the workplace
based on factors such as race, gender, and disability. Promoting diversity and inclusivity
is a priority for these organizations.
2. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) :- Employees are required to wear safety
gear like gloves, goggles, and helmets when working on vehicles to prevent injuries.
3. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) This law prohibits
discrimination in the workplace based on factors such as race, gender, and disability.
Promoting diversity and inclusivity is a priority for these organizations.
1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) :- Employees are required to wear safety gear
like gloves, goggles, and helmets when working on vehicles to prevent injuries.
2. Hazardous Materials Handling :- Proper storage and disposal of hazardous materials,
like oil and chemicals, are ensured to prevent environmental contamination and
3. Fire Safety Measures :- Fire extinguishers, alarms, and evacuation plans are in place to
ensure the safety of both employees and customers.
4. Vehicle Lift Safety :- Strict maintenance and inspection of vehicle lifts are conducted to
prevent accidents while working on elevated vehicles.
5. Tools and Equipment Maintenance :- Regular checks and maintenance of tools and
equipment are carried out to ensure their safety and efficiency.
Hazardous Chemicals in Automotive Maintenance :-
1. Brake Cleaner :- Brake cleaner is used to remove brake fluid, grease, and dirt.
Enhancing Quality Assurance and Quality Control, to enhance quality assurance and control, the
following measures can be implemented:
1. Regular Training :- Continuously train technicians to keep them updated on the latest
automotive technology and repair methods.
2. Quality Audits :- Conduct regular quality audits of service procedures and customer
feedback to identify areas for improvement.
In-Depth Analysis of the External Environment.