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M.Tech, PDM - Syllabus 2020-21

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– Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21


(A Constituent College of SSAHE, Tumkur)



Name of the Marks Total
Sub Code L T P C
subject Marks

PDM101 Design and 4 0 0 4 50 100 150
Finite Element 4 0 0 4 50 100
PDM102 150
PDM103 Materials 4 0 0 4 50 100 150
Product Life
PDM104 Cycle 4 0 0 4 50 100 150
PDM15X Elective - I 4 0 0 3 50 100 150
Technical - - - 2 50 - 50
Seminar – I
CAM/ FEA -- - 3 2 50 - 50
Total Credits 23 350 500 850

Elective - I

PDM151 Simulation and Modeling of Manufacturing Systems

PDM152 Computer Applications in Design
PDM153 Lean Manufacturing Systems

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Sub. Code : PDM101 CIE Marks : 50
Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 4) Exam Marks : 100

Course Objectives:
• Competence with a set of tools and methods for product design and
• Confidence in your own abilities to create a new product.
• Awareness of the role of multiple functions in creating a new
product (e.g. marketing, finance, industrial design, engineering,
• Ability to coordinate multiple, interdisciplinary tasks in order to
achieve a common objective and enhance team-working skills.

UNIT-I (09 Hrs)

1. Introduction: Characteristics of successful product development,
Design and development of products, duration and cost of product
development, the challenges of product development. Development
Processes and Organizations, the front-end process, adopting the
generic product development process, the AMF development process,
product development organizations, the AMF organization.

UNIT-II (10 Hrs)

2. Product Planning: The product planning process, identify
opportunities. Evaluate and prioritize projects, allocate resources and
plan timing, complete pre project planning, reflect all the results and
the process.
3. Identifying Customer Needs: Gather raw data from customers,
interpret raw data in terms of customer needs, organize the needs into a
hierarchy, establish the relative importance of the needs and reflect on
the results and the process.

UNIT-III (12 Hrs)

4. Product Specifications: What are specifications, when are
specifications established, establishing target specifications, setting the
final specifications.
5. Concept Generation: The activity of concept generation, clarify the
problem, search externally, search internally, explore systematically,
reflect on the results and the process. Concept Selection, Overview of
methodology, concept screening, and concept scoring,

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UNIT-IV (12 Hrs)

6. Concept Testing: Define the purpose of concept test, choose a survey
population, choose a survey format, communicate the concept, measure
customer response, interpret the result, reflect on the results and the
7. Industrial Design: Assessing the need for industrial design, the impact
of industrial design, industrial design process, managing the industrial
design process and assessing the quality of industrial design.

UNIT-V (09 Hrs)

8. Design for Manufacturing: Definition, estimation of manufacturing
cost, reducing the cost of components, assembly, supporting
production, impact of DFM on other factors. Prototyping, Prototyping
basics, principles of prototyping, technologies, planning for prototypes.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Understand the product design and development process.
CO2. Apply creative thinking skills for idea generation.
CO3. Translate conceptual ideas into products.
CO4. Present ideas using various types of model.

Reference Books:
1. Product Design and Development - Karl.T.Ulrich, Steven D
Eppinger - Irwin McGrawHill - 2000.
2. Product Design and Manufacturing - A C Chitale and R C Gupta,
PH1, - 3rd Edition, 2003.
3. New Product Development - Timjones. Butterworth Heinmann -
Oxford. UCI -1997
4. Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly – Geoffery
Boothroyd, Peter Dewhurst and Winston Knight – 2002

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Sub. Code : PDM102 CIE Marks : 50
Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 4) Exam Marks : 100

Course Objectives:
• To provide the fundamental concepts of the theory of the finite
element method:
• To develop proficiency in the application of the finite element
method: modeling, analysis, and interpretation of results
• To develop to realistic engineering problems through the use of a
major commercial general-purpose finite element code.

UNIT-I (12 Hrs)

1. Introduction: Equations of equilibrium, stress-strain relations for 2-d and
3-d, Potential energy and equilibrium, Boundary conditions, Von Misses
2. FEM for 1-D Problems: General procedure for FEA, Raleigh Ritz
method, Galerkin Approach, shape functions, stiffness matrix, load
vectors, temperature effects.

UNIT-II (10 Hrs)

3. Applications of boundary conditions using elimination, penalty and
multi-constraint approaches, Application problems – 1-d bar element.
Trusses and beams.
4. FEM for 2-D Problems: Shape functions, stiffness matrix, strain matrix,
load vectors for CST Elements and application problems.

UNIT-III (10 Hrs)

5. FEM for Axisymmetric problems: Axisymmetric formulation,
triangular elements, PE approach, Body force term, Rotating flywheel,
Problem modeling and boundary conditions –Disks and Cylinders.

UNIT-IV (10 Hrs)

6. FEM for Scalar field problems: 1-d and 2-d Steady state heat transfer,
torsion, potential flow and fluid flow in ducts and application problems.

UNIT-V (10 Hrs)

7. DYNAMIC ANALYSIS: Equations of motion for dynamic problems --
consistent and lumped mass matrices --formulation of element mass
matrices free vibration and forced vibration problems formulation.
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Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Understanding the fundamental theory of the FEA method;
CO2. Develop the ability to generate the governing FE equations for
systems governed by partial differential equations;
CO3. Understand the use of the basic finite elements for structural
applications using truss, beam, frame, and plane elements; and model
multi-dimensional heat transfer problems using ANSYS;
CO4. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate and interpret FEA analysis results
for design and evaluation purposes;
CO5. Develop a basic understanding of the limitations of the FE method
and understand the possible error sources in its use.

Reference Books:

1. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering (Third Edition),

Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla, Ashok D Belegundu, Prentice Hall
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi – 2003
2. Cook R.D, Malkus D.S & Plesha M,E, "Concepts and Applications
of finite Element Analysis", John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
3. Segerlind L .J "Applied Finite Element Analysis" John Wiley &
Sons Edition, 1984.
4. Rao SS "The Finite Element Method in Engineering", Pergomon
Press, Oxford, 2nd Edition, 1984.
5. Bathe K .J "Finite Element Procedures in Ind, Engineering
Analysis", prentice Hall NewJersey, 1982.
6. Shames III & Dym C L "Energy and Finite Element Methods in
Structural mechanics", Wiley eastern ltd, 1995,

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Sub. Code : PDM103 CIE Marks : 50
Hrs./ Week: 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 4) Exam Marks : 100

Course Objectives:
• Introduce modern composite materials and their applications to
• Build proper background for stress and strength analysis in the design
of composite materials and structures.
• To train students to be able to design composite structures, select
composite materials.
• To develop an understanding of the linear elastic analysis of composite
materials. This understanding will include concepts such as anisotropic
material behavior and the analysis of laminated plates.
• To understand process of development of the different composite
materials with advances manufacturing techniques.

UNIT-I (12 Hrs)

1. Introduction to Composite Materials: Definition, Classification, Types
of matrices & reinforcements, characteristics &selection, Fiber
composites, laminated composites, particulate composites.
2. Macro Mechanics of a Lamina: Hooke’s law for different types of
materials, number of elastic constants, Two – dimensional relationship of
compliance & stiffness matrix. Hooke’s law for two dimensional angle
lamina, engineering constants – angle lamina, Invariants, Theories of

UNIT-II (10 Hrs)

3. Micro Mechanical Analysis of a Lamina: Introduction, Rule of mixture,
Evaluation of Density, Elastic moduli, Ultimate strength, Co-Efficient of
Thermal Conductivity. Problems on them. Mechanics of transfer of load
from fiber to matrix, Halpin-Tsai Equation.

UNIT-III (10 Hrs)

4. Macro Mechanical Analysis of Laminate: Introduction, code, Kirchoff
hypothesis – CLT, A, B, & D matrices, Engineering constants, Special
cases of laminates, Failure criterion.
5. Manufacturing Composites: Polymer matrix composite processing
(PMC’S): Hand lay-up, Spray-up, filament winding, Pultrussion, Resin
Transfer Moulding, and Sheet Moulding Compound.

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UNIT-IV (10 Hrs)

6. Metal Matrix Composites (MMC’S) Processing: Liquid state
processing, solid state processing and in situ Process. Ceramic matrix
composite processing, Cold pressing, sintering, hot pressing and reaction
7. Application Developments: Aircrafts, missiles, space hardware,
automobile, electrical and electronics, marine, recreational and sports
equipment-future potential of composites.

UNIT-V (10 Hrs)

8. Powder Metallurgy: Process details and special characteristics of
powder metallurgy process. Compaction techniques like CIP & HIP
(Cold Iso-static and Hot Iso-static pressing) Applications of Powder
metallurgy. High temperature alloys, Classification of Titanium alloys,
properties and applications.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. To select the properties of reinforcement and matrix materials used in
commercial composites, as well as some common manufacturing
CO2. To predict the elastic properties and analyze a advanced material for
mechanical properties and find the stresses.
CO3. To the advanced manufacturing techniques for manufacturing of the
advanced materials.
CO4. Understand the recent developments in composites, including metal
and ceramic matrix composites.

Reference Books:
1. Mechanics of Composite Materials - Autar K.- Kaw CRC Press
New York. – 1st edition, 1997.
2. Composite Material Science and Engineering - Krishan K -
Chawla Springer – 1999.
3. Composite Materials Handbook - Mein Schwartz - Mc Graw Hill
Book Company - 1984.
4. Mechanics of Composite Materials - Rober M. Joness – McGraw
Hill Kogakusha Ltd. – 2008
5. Fiber Reinforced Composites - P.C. Mallik Marcel Decker- 2nd
edition, New York -1993.
6. ASM Handbook on Powder Metallurgy, Vol 17, ASM publications

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Sub. Code : PDM104 CIE Marks : 50
Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 4) Exam Marks : 100

Course Objectives:
• Utilizing each stage of the product life cycle to maximize profit.
• Distinguishing the product from other by positioning your product
• Managing price erosion of product by implementing effective
• Increasing the time period of product maturity to reap profits.
• Penetrating the new product into the market faster.

UNIT-I (10 Hrs)

1. Product Life Cycle Management: Need for PLM, Implementing PLM,
Responsibilities of PLM, PLM in 21st century, Components of PLM,
2. Product Data and Product workflow: Drivers for Change, The PLM
Strategy, Developing a PLM Strategy, A Five-step Process

UNIT-II (10 Hrs)

3. Strategy Identification and Selection: Strategy Elements, Implications
of Strategy Elements, Policies, Strategy Analysis, Communicating the
4. Change Management for PLM: Configuration management, cost of
design changes, schemes for concurrent engineering,

UNIT-III (08 Hrs)

5. Design for manufacturing and assembly: Robust design, failure mode
and effect-analysis

UNIT-IV (12 Hrs)

6. Modeling, Current Concepts: Part design, sketching, use of datum's
construction features, free ovulation, pattering, copying, and modifying
features, reference standards for datum specification, Standards for
Engineering data exchange.

UNIT-V (12 Hrs)

7. Tolerance Mass Property Calculations: Rapid prototyping and tooling,
finite modeling and analysis, general procedure, analysis techniques,

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8. Finite Element Modeling: Applicability of FEM, Static analysis, thermal

analysis, dynamic analysis.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Extend the 4Ps for product lifecycle in B2B and B2C markets,
Capture the voice of customers and product competitive information
CO2. Enhance product portfolio planning and strategy
CO3. Use product value propositions for product positioning and
CO4. Strengthen and sustain the life of current products
CO5. Assess, plan and monitor a product life cycle within the company

Reference Books:
1. Product Lifecycle Management Paradigm for century Product
Realization - John Stark, Springer-Verlag, 21st, London, 3rd printing
-2006. 441 pp., ISBN: 1-85233-810-5.
2. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice - Zeid, Mc Graw Hill.- 1991.
3. Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing - MarkHenderson &
Philip Wolfe, Bedworth Mc Graw hill inc.- 1991.
4. Part modeling Users Guide, Engineer - I998.

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Sub. Code: PDM151 CIE Marks: 50
Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To apply knowledge of mathematics and engineering to discrete event
simulation problems
• To provide accurate description to the random number generation, input
modeling, output analysis and comparison of alternative system design
• To determine appropriate simulation models to solve any real world

UNIT-I (10 Hrs)

1. Principles of Computer Modeling and Simulation: Monte Carlo
simulation. Nature of computer- modeling and simulation. Limitations of
simulation, areas of applications.
2. System and Environment: Components of a system -discrete and
continuous systems, Models of a system -a variety of modeling

UNIT-II (10 Hrs)

3. Discrete Event Simulation: Concepts in discrete event simulation,
manual simulation using event scheduling, single channel queue, two
server queue, simulation of inventory problem.
4. Statistical Models in Simulation: Discrete distributions, continuous
UNIT-III (11 Hrs)
5. Random Number Generation: Techniques for generating random
numbers-Mid square method -the mod product method -Constant
multiplier technique -Additive congruential method -Linear congruential
method -Tests for random numbers -The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test -the
Chi-square test, Runs test, Autocorrelation test, gap test, poker test.

UNIT-IV (11 Hrs)

6. Random Variable Generation: Inversion transforms technique-
exponential distribution. Uniform distribution, Weibul distribution,
continuous distribution, generating approximate normal variates-Erlang

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7. Empirical Discrete Distribution: Discrete uniform -distribution Poisson

distribution -geometric distribution -acceptance -rejection technique for
Poisson distribution gamma distribution.

UNIT-V (10 Hrs)

8. Design and Evaluation of Simulation Experiments: variance reduction
techniques -antithetic variables, variables-verification and validation of
simulation models. Simulation Software, Selection of simulation
software, simulation packages.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Identify the components of the system in order to model a system.
CO2. Generate and test random numbers, variates and apply them to
develop simulation models.
CO3. Fit statistical distribution to input data.
CO4. Design and Evaluation of Simulation data.
CO5. Evaluate the suitability of available simulation packages in relation
to particular requirements.

Reference Books:

1. System Simulation with Digital Computer - Nusing Deo - Prentice

Hall of India - 1979.
2. Computer Simulation and Modeling - Francis Neelamkovil - John
Wiley & Sons -1987
3. Discrete Event System Simulation - Jerry Banks & .John S Carson
II - Prentice Hall Inc.-1984.
4. Systems Simulation - Gordan. G - Prentice Hall India Ltd -1991.

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Sub. Code : PDM152 CIE Marks: 50
Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• Understand how CAD technology can be leveraged in the design process
• To sensitize the students with the basics of computer integrated
manufacturing systems
• To gain insight into the various softwares used for modeling and
manufacturing simulation
• Learn and apply all of the steps of the computer aided design process in
proposing and building models in design projects.
• To provide the students with a foundation in computer aided design.
UNIT-I (12 Hrs)
1. Introduction to CAD/CAM/CAE Systems: Overview, Definitions of
CAD.CAM and CAE, Integrating the Design and Manufacturing
Processes through a Common Database-A Scenario, Using
CAD/CAM/CAE Systems for Product Development-A Practical
2. Components of CAD/CAM/CAE Systems: : Hardware Components
,Vector-Refresh (Stroke- Refresh) Graphics Devices, Raster Graphics
Devices, Hardware configuration, Software Components, Windows-
Based CAD Systems.

UNIT-II (08 Hrs)

3. Basic Concepts of Graphics Programming: Graphics Libraries,
Coordinate Systems, Window and View port, Output Primitives - Line,
Polygon, Marker Text, Graphics Input, Display List, Transformation
Matrix, Translation, Rotation, Mapping, Other Transformation Matrices,
Hidden-Line and Hidden-Surface Removal, Back-Face Removal

UNIT-III (08 Hrs)

4. Geometric Modeling Systems: Wireframe Modeling Systems, Surface
Modeling Systems, Solid Modeling Systems, Modeling Functions, Data
Structure, Euler Operators, Boolean Operations, Calculation of
Volumetric Properties, Non manifold Modeling Systems, Assembly
Modeling Capabilities, Basic Functions of Assembly Modeling, Browsing
an Assembly.

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UNIT-IV (12 Hrs)

5. Representation and Manipulation of Curves: Types of Curve
Equations, Conic Sections, Circle or Circular Arc, Ellipse or Elliptic Arc,
Hyperbola, Parabola, Hermite Curves, Bezier Curve, Differentiation of a
Bezier Curve Equation, Evaluation of a Bezier Curve, B-Spline Curve,
Evaluation of a B-Spline Curve, Composition of B-Spline Curves,
Differentiation of a B-Spline Curve.
6. Representation and Manipulation of Surfaces: Types of Surface
Equations, Bilinear Surface, Coon's Patch, Bicubic Patch, Bezier Surface,
Evaluation of a Bezier Surface, Differentiation of a Bezier Surface, B-
Spline Surface, Evaluation of a-B-Spline Surface, Differentiation of a B-
Spline Surface, NURBS Surface, Interpolation Surface, Intersection of
UNIT-V (12 Hrs)
7. CAD and CAM Integration : Overview of the Discrete Part Production
Cycle, Process Planning, Manual Approach, Variant Approach,
Generative Approach, Computer-Aided Process Planning Systems, CAM-
Technology, Classification and Coding, Existing Coding Systems,
Product Data Management (PDM) Systems.
8. Standards for Communicating Between Systems: Exchange Methods
of Product Definition Data, Initial Graphics Exchange Specification,
Drawing Interchange Format, Standard for the Exchange of Product Data.
Tutorials, Computational exercises involving Geometric Modeling of

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Knowledge of various levels of the automation that can be
implemented in different departments of medium and high volume
production industry for better quality products at lower price.
CO2. Impart knowledge of the computer software used in all the stages of
product manufacturing in an industry.
CO3. Write the discrete part program for the new product.

Reference Books:
1. Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing - Bedworth, Mark
Henderson & Philip Wolfe - McGraw hill inc.
2. Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE systems – Kunwoo - Lee Addison
Wesley -1999
3. CAD/CAM/CIM - Radhakrishnan P. et al. - New Age International -
4. CAD/CAM – Theory & Practice - Ibrahim Zeid - McGraw Hill - 1998

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Sub. Code: PDM153 CIE Marks: 50

Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours: 03
Total Hrs.: 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To teach the process-level dependence of manufacturing systems.
• To expose the students to the evolution of manufacturing paradigms.
• To teach the impact of system configuration on product quality.
• To teach the analysis and impact of system configuration on
• To provide a technical understanding of the impact of machine
reliability, maintainability, and buffers on system throughput.

UNIT-I (08 Hrs)

1. Just in Time Production System: JIT Logic -Pull system Japanese
approach to production elimination of waste - JIT implementation
requirements JIT application for job shops, Case studies

UNIT-II (10 Hrs)

2. Kanban System:- Kanban rules supplier Kanban and sequence
scheduleused by supplier. Monthly information & daily information. Later
replenish system by Kanban sequenced withdrawal P system by sequence
schedule table -problems & counter measures in applying Kanban system to
subcontractors -Supplier Kanban circulation in the paternal manufacturer -
structure of supplier Kanban sorting office.

UNIT-III (12 Hrs)

3. The rise & fall of Mass Production Mass production, work force,
organization, tools, product –logical limits of mass production, Sloan as a
necessary compliment to Ford. Case study:- Rouge Production Plant.
4. The Rise of Lean Production: - Birth place, concrete example, company as
community, Final assembly plant, product development and engineering.
Changing customer demand, dealing with the customer, future of lean

UNIT-IV (10 Hrs)

5. Elements of Lean Production viz G M Framingharn : Toyota Takaoka
Mass Production V /s lean production, diffusing lean production.

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6. Managing Lean Enterprise: Finance, Career ladders, geographic spread

and advantages of global enterprise, Shortening of Production Lead Times,
reduction of setup times, practical procedures for reducing setup time.

UNIT-V (12 Hrs)

7. Standardization of Operations: Machine layout, multi-function workers
and job rotation. Improvement activities to reduce work force and increase
worker morale -foundation for improvements.
8. Prospects for Catching up. Simplicity in the Natural State: institutional
factors -life time employment -educational commodities -quality &
productivity in full circle. An Action Plan, Getting started - Creating an
organization to channel your streams. Install business system to encourage
lean thinking.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Identify candidate manufacturing systems that are capable of creating
the part to specification.
CO2. Weigh tradeoffs between similar manufacturing systems based on
general pros and cons in terms of heuristic guidelines.
CO3. Compute quality characteristics that are associated with different
manufacturing systems.
CO4. Determine throughput of different manufacturing systems capable of
producing a given part.
CO5. Manage an enterprise through lean manufacturing.

Reference Books:
1. Productions and Operations Management - Chasel Aquilino -
Dreamtech latest edition.
2. Toyota Production System -An integrated approach to Just in Time -
Yasuhiro Monden - Engineering and Management Press -Institute of
Industrial Engineers Norcross Georgia-1983
3. The Machine that changed the World. The Story of Lean Production -
James P Womack - Daniel T Jones - and Daniel Roos -Harper
Perennial - edition published 1991.
4. Lean Thinking - James Womack – ISBN 0743249275 – 2003.
5. Japanese Manufacturing Techniques. The Nine Hidden Lessons by
simplicity - Richard Schourberger - ASQC Press 1991.
6. Quality Function Development - James Bossert - ASQC Press 1991.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

Technical Seminar-I

Sub. Code: PDM106 CIE Marks: 50

Hrs./ Week : 02 Credits: 02

Students have to select the on recent advances in Product Design

Technology / Manufacturing in discussion with the guide. He/ She have
to register the topic along with the synopsis. There will be two seminars
and they have to submit the seminar report according to University

CAM / FEA Laboratory

Sub. Code: PDM107 CIE Marks: 50

Hrs./ Week : 03 Credits: 02
Part - A
• Writing and execution of manual part programming using ISO codes
for machining of parts in turning, taper turning and thread cutting.
• CNC milling- Writing and execution of part program for contour
milling and etc.
• Simulation of Cutting / Milling operations on a computer using CAM
Part - B
• Static (Structural) Analysis of 1-D problems
• Static (Structural) Analysis of plane stress and Plane Strain problems
• Static (Structural) Analysis of 2-D problems
• Static (Structural) Analysis of 3-D problems
• Static Analysis of Axisymmetric problems
• Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of 1D problems
• Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of 2D problems

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(A Constituent College of SSAHE, Tumkur)



Exam Marks Total
Sub Code Name of the subject L T P C

Industrial Design 4 0 0 4 50 100 150

& Ergonomics
Product Data 4 0 0 4 50 100 150
PDM202 Management
PDM203 Robust Design 4 0 0 4 50 100 150
Design for 4 0 0 4 50 100 150
PDM25X Elective - II 4 0 0 3 50 100 150
Technical - - - 2 50 - 50
Seminar - II
Product Design 0 0 3 2 50 - 50
Total Credits 23 350 500 850

Elective - II

PDM251 Virtual Design and Manufacturing

PDM252 Non Traditional Machining Processes

PDM253 Quality By Design

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Sub. Code : PDM201 CIE Marks : 50

Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 4) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To understand the methods and procedures.
• To design the man machine systems.
• To eliminate unnecessary work.
• To study the most effective procedures.

UNIT-I (10 Hrs)

1. Introduction: An approach to industrial design -elements of design
structure for industrial design in engineering application in modern
manufacturing systems.
2. Ergonomics and Industrial Design: Introduction -general approach to the
man- machine relationship- workstation design-working position.

UNIT-II (12 Hrs)

3. Control and Displays: Shapes and sizes of various controls and displays
multiple, displays and control situations -design of major controls in
automobiles, machine tools etc., design of furniture -redesign of
4. Ergonomics and Production: ergonomics and product design –ergonomics
in automated systems- expert systems for ergonomic design.
Anthropometric data and its applications in ergonomic, design- limitations
of anthropometric data- use of computerized database. Case study.

UNIT-III (09 Hrs)

5. Visual Effects of Line and Form: The mechanics of seeing- psychology of
seeing general influences of line and form.

UNIT-IV (10 Hrs)

6. Colour: Colour and light -colour and objects- colour and the eye –colour
consistency- colour terms- reactions to colour and colour continuation -
colour on engineering equipments.

UNIT-V (11 Hrs)

7. Aesthetic Concepts: Concept of unity- concept of order with variety -
concept of purpose style and environment-Aesthetic expressions. Style

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components of style- house style, observation style in capital goods, case

8. Industrial Design in Practice: General design -specifying design
equipments- rating the importance of industrial design -industrial design in
the design process.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. To learn the concept of industrial design and the ergonomics.
CO2. Design the various controls and displays by knowing the
anthropometric data’s.
CO3. To learn the psychology of visuals effects.
CO4. Learning the different colour combinations for optimal design of
engineering equipments.
CO5. Realize the importance of environmental factors and aesthetics in
industrial design.

Reference Books:

1. Industrial Design for Engineers - Mayall W.H. - London Hiffee

books Ltd. -1988.
2. Applied Ergonomics Hand Book - Brain Shakel (Edited) -
Butterworth scientific. London - 1988.
3. Introduction to Ergonomics - R. C. Bridger - McGraw Hill
Publications - 1995.
4. Human Factor Engineering - Sanders & McCormick – McGraw
Hill Publications – 6th edition, 2002.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21


Sub. Code : PDM202 CIE Marks: 50
Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours: 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 4) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To understand the importance of Product Data Management (PDM) in
modern industry.
• Developing the ability to apply PDM technologies in different stages of
product development.
• Reviewing new PDM technologies developed in the future through the
use of the PDM systems available in IC in executing their tutorials and

UNIT-I (09 Hrs)

1. Product Data Management: Present market constraints, components of a
typical PDM setup, hardware and document creation and viewing of
documents, creating parts-version, control of parts and documents, Product
life cycle, Complexity in Product Development.

UNIT-II (12 Hrs)

2. General Description of PDM: History overview, Basic functionality,
Information architecture, system architecture, applications, trends in PDM.
3. Basic functionality of PDM: Information architecture, PDM System
architecture, Applications used in PDM systems. Trends in PDM, Baseline
product structure, configuration management.

UNIT-III (12 Hrs)

4. Workflow Management in PDM: Structure Management, Engineering
Change Management, Release Management, Version Management,
Configuration Management.
5. Document Management Systems: Document management and PDM,
Document life cycle, Content Management, Document management and
related technologies, Document management resources on the Internet.

UNIT-IV (10 Hrs)

6. Analysis and general findings: Development process, information
management, complex products, integration requirements and constraints
7. Evaluation and deployment: Complex systems, evaluation, deployment,
PDM Tools, PDM resources on the internet, PDM systems, list of PDM

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UNIT-V (09 Hrs)

8. PDM Implementation Case Studies: Sun Microsystems, Inc., Mentor
Graphics Corporation, Ericsson Radio Systems AB, Ericsson Mobile
Communications AB, ABB Automation Technology Products, Saab Tech
Electronics AB.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Demonstrate and understand the importance of product data
management in industries.
CO2. Apply product data management technologies in various stages of
product development.
CO3. Understand the latest developments in product data management.
CO4. Apply the various PDM tools in industries.

Reference Books:

1. Product Data Management - Rodger Burden - Publisher: Resource

Publishing- ISBN-10: 0970035225, ISBN-13: 978-0970035226 –2003
2. Implementing and Integrating Product Data Management and Software
Configuration Management - 21 - Ivica Cmkovic Ulf Asklund - Annita
Persson Dahlqvist - Archtech House Publishers.
3. The AutoCAD Database Book – Accessing and Managing CAD Drawing
Information – Galgotia Publications - Third Edition.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21


Sub. Code : PDM203 CIE Marks : 50

Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 4) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To understand the importance of design of experiments
• To describe how to design experiments ,carry them out and analyse the
data they yield
• To investigate the logic of hypothesis testing including analysis of
variance and detailed analysis of experimental data. Create designs that
have a minimal sensitivity to input variation
• Determine which design parameters have the largest impact on
• Optimize designs with multiple outputs.

UNIT-I (10 Hrs)

1. Robust Design : Steps in robust design : parameter design and tolerance
design, reliability improvement through experiments, illustration through
numerical examples, Quality by Experimental Design, Quality, western and
Taguchi quality philosophy, Elements of cost, Noise factors causes of
variation, Quadratic loss function and variation of quadratic loss functions.

UNIT-II (10 Hrs)

2. Experimental Design: Classical experiments: factorial experiments,
terminology, factors. Levels, Interactions, Treatment combination,
randomization, 2-level experimental design for two factors and three
factors. 3-level experiment deigns for two factors and three factors, factor
effects, factor interactions, Fractional factorial design, Saturated design,
Central composite designs, Illustration through numerical examples.

UNIT-III (10 Hrs)

3. Measures of Variability: Why analyze variability, Measure of Variability
Mean absolute deviation, Sum of square, Variance and Standard deviation.
Numerical example on two level design to minimize variability.
4. Analysis and interpretation of experimental data: Measures of
variability, Ranking method, column effect method and plotting method,
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), in factorial experiments: YATE’s
algorithm for ANOVA, Regression analysis, Mathematical models from
experimental data, illustration through numerical examples.

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UNIT-IV (12 Hrs)

5. Taguchi’s Orthogonal Arrays : Types orthogonal arrays, Selection of
standard orthogonal arrays, Linear graphs and interaction assignment,
dummy level technique, Compound factor method, modification of linear
graphs, Column merging method, Branching design, Strategies for
constructing orthogonal arrays.
6. Signal to Noise ratio (S-N Ratios) : Evaluation of sensitivity to noise,
Signal to noise ratios for static problems, Smaller the better types, Nominal
the better type, larger the better type. Signal to noise ratios for dynamic
problems, Illustrations through numerical examples.

UNIT-V (10 Hrs)

7. Parameter Design and Tolerance Design: Parameter and tolerance design
concepts, Taguchi’s inner and outer arrays, Parameter design strategy,
Tolerance deign strategy, Illustrations through numerical examples.
8. Reliability Improvement Through Robust Design: Role of S-N ratios in
reliability improvement, Case study; illustrating the reliability improvement
of routing process of printed wiring boards using robust design concepts.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Describe how to design the experiments, carry them out and analyze
the data they yield
CO2. Design an experiment including factorial and fractional factorial
CO3. Formulate the problems including experimentation in the social and
economic sciences.

Reference books:

1. Quality Engineering using Robust Design - Madhav S. Phadake:

Prentice Hall, Englewood Clifts, New Jersey 07632, 1989.
2. Design and analysis of experiments - Douglas Montgomery: Willey
India Pvt. Ltd., V Ed., 2007.
3. Techniques for Quality Engineering - Phillip J. Ross: Taguchi 2nd
edition. McGraw Hill Int. Ed., 1996.
4. Quality by Experimental Design - Thomas B. Barker : Marcel Dekker
Inc ASQC Quality Press, 1985
5. Experiments planning, analysis and parameter design optimization -
C.F. Jeff Wu, Michael Hamada: John Willey Ed., 2002.
6. Reliability improvement by Experiments - W.L. Condra, Marcel
Dekker: Marcel Dekker Inc ASQC Quality Press, 1985

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Sub. Code: PDM204 CIE Marks : 50

Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours: 03
Total Hrs.: 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 4) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To teach students various steps in the product development process and
the significance of early phases of design
• To teach fundamental principles of design and application of these
principles in practical design problems.
• To teach design of systems for ease of assembly and manufacture.
• To teach interrelations among part geometry, tolerances, materials and
manufacturing processes.
• To teach principles of robust design procedures and how to set values
for various design variables.

UNIT-I (10 Hrs)

1. Material and Process Selection: Introduction, Advantages of applying
DFMA, General requirements of early materials and process selection,
Selection of Manufacturing processes, Process capabilities, Selection of
materials, Primary process/ materials selection, Systematic selection of
processes and materials.
2. Engineering Design Features: Dimensioning, Tolerances, General
Tolerance, Geometric Tolerances, Assembly limits, achieving larger
machining tolerances. Screw threads, Ground surfaces, holes. Examples

UNIT-II (10 Hrs)

3. Datum features – Functional datum, Machining sequence, manufacturing
datum, changing the datum. Examples
4. Component Design – Machining Considerations: Drills, Milling cutters,
Drilling, Keyways, Dowels, Screws, Reduction in machining areas,
Simplification by separation and amalgamation, work piece holding, surface
grinding, Examples.

UNIT-III (12 Hrs)

5. Component Design – Casting Considerations: Pattern, Mould, parting
line, cast holes, machined holes, identifying parting line, special sand cores,
designing to obviate sand cores. Examples
6. Design for Injection Molding and Sheet Metal Working: Injection
molding materials, Molding cycle, Systems, molds, machine size, cycle

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time, Cost estimation, Insert molding, Design guidelines, Introduction to

sheet metalworking, Dedicated Dies and Press working, Press selections,
Design Rules.

UNIT-IV (12 Hrs)

7. Design for Die Casting and Powder Metal Processing: Die casting alloys,
cycle, machines, dies, finishing, Assembly techniques, Design principles,
Powder metallurgy processing, stages, compaction characteristics, Tooling,
Sintering, Design guidelines.

UNIT-V (08 Hrs)

8. Geometric Tolerance – Symbols, Three datum concept of dimensioning,
Straightness, concentricity, Run-out, Location Tolerance, Assembly of parts
having concentric cylinders, Control of feature location by true position,
Body of revolution, Roundness, Profile dimensioning, Tapers, Shaft of two
diameters. Examples.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Establish a list of candidate materials for each component of design
through identification of functional requirements and selection criteria
based on loading.
CO2. Identify control factors, noise factors, and an appropriate orthogonal
array to set up an experiment to establish relation between various
design variables and performance requirements.
CO3. Evaluate and improve the assembly efficiency for a given product.
CO4. Identify and apply the suitable manufacturing process to product or
product mix.
CO5. Apply all of the design methods learned in this course to redesign a
product for ease of manufacture, and robustness (insensitive to

Reference Books:

1. Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly – Geoffrey

Boothroyd - Peter Dewhurst - Winston Knight – Marcel Dekker,
Inc. – Newyork - Second Revision, ISBN 0-8247-0584-X
2. Designing for Manufacturing – Harry Peck - Pitman Publications –
3. Dimensioning and Tolerance for Quantity Production – Merhyle F
Spotts –Inc. Englewood Cliffs - New Jersey – Prentice Hall, 5th

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Sub. Code: PDM251 CIE Marks : 50
Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours: 03
Total Hrs.: 5 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To teach students how to formulate the design and manufacturing
problem for simple systems and mechanical components
• To teach students how to apply the general mechanical engineering
sciences in analyses specific to the design of mechanical components
and systems
• To teach students in a laboratory setting how to generate concepts,
conduct analyses to size components, construct and assemble a
prototype of a system and test its function
• To reinforce students team skills through team projects, including
problem formulation, problem solutions and written and oral reporting
of results
• To reinforce student’s visualization and hands-on skills through project
virtual prototyping and/or physical construction exercises.

UNIT-I (11 Hrs)

1. Review of Computer Graphics: Review of computer graphics, 2D
graphics.2D primitives and transformations. Algorithm to digitize the
graphic entities, cauterization.

UNIT-II (09 Hrs)

2. 3D graphics. 3D primitives and transformations, projections and viewing,
algorithms for hidden line removals, lighting. Shading and ray tracing.

UNIT-III (11 Hrs)

3. VR Devices: Input devices-track balls, 3D Mouse, data gloves, Virtual hand
and trackers, output devices graph terminal, stereo glasses, head mounting
devices, vision dome, caves.
4. Applications: Virtual prototyping, behavior simulation, digital mockup,
walk through/flythrough. Virtual training/simulation, micro electro
mechanical systems and nanotechnology.

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UNIT-IV (09 Hrs)

5. Virtual Modeling Language: History, Concepts, syntax, basic nodes-
group, transform switch, LOD etc, geometry nodes-indexed face set,
indexed line set, coordinate, coordinating, textures etc.

UNIT-V (12 Hrs)

6. Sensor nodes-time sensor touches sensor, sphere sensor, cylinder sensor
and proximity sensor, scriping- VRML Script and JAVA Script.
7. Tutorials and Samples: VRML authoring tools-3D studio MAX, cosmo
World, VRML Pad (editor) VRML Viewing tools-cosmo player, auto Vue,
SGI's open inventor, virtual collaborative tools-V collab.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Understand functional and manufacturing requirements, utilize concept
generation methods within a team setting to achieve a consensus for a
product concept
CO2. Weigh tradeoffs in concept and detail design from the perspectives of
function, manufacture, design effort and available resources.
CO3. Compile reference (catalog, handbook and textbook) resources to
formulate an analysis for a specific mechanical component addressed
within those resources.
CO4. Make decisions regarding buy or build for individual components of a
CO5. Formulate, in a team setting or independently, a test plan that
encompasses all failure modes that may be present per the analyses
conducted during the design stage.

Reference Books:

1. Computer Graphics-Principles and practice - Janes D,Foley et al., -

Second edition. in C,Addision -Wesley 1997.
2. The VRML- 2.0 Hand book - Jed Hartman and Josie wernecke -
Addison-Wesley -1997.
3. The Annocated VRML 2.0 hand book Addison - R Carey and G
Bell -Wesley 1997.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21


Sub. Code : PDM252 CIE Marks : 50

Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To understand and identify of the need for non-conventional machining
• To understand and identifying the characteristics of non-conventional
machining and basic mechanism of material removal in non-
conventional machining.
• To understand the theoretical knowledge and working principle of non-
conventional machining processes and applications and limitations of
non-conventional machining processes.
• To provide the students with a proper understanding of non traditional
machining processes.

UNIT-I (11 Hrs)

1. Introduction: Need for non-traditional machining processes. Processes
selection c1assification on – comparative study of different processes.
Mechanical Process, Ultrasonic Machining-Definition-Mechanism of metal
elements of the process- Tool feed mechanism. Theories of mechanics of
causing effect of parameter applications.
2. Abrasive Jet Machining: Principles - parameters of the process
applications-advantages and advantages.

UNIT-II (09 Hrs)

3. Thermal Metal Removal Process: Electric discharge machining Principle
of operation – mechanism of meta removal basic EDM circuitry-spark
erosion get Analysis of relaxation type of circuit material removal rate in
relaxation circuits- critical resistance parameters in Ro Circuit-Die electric
fluids- Electrodes for spare surface finish. Applications.

UNIT-III (10 Hrs)

4. Electro Chemical and Chemical Processes: Electro chemical machining
(ECM) Classification ECM process-principle of ECM Chemistry of the
ECM parameters of the processes-determination of the metal removal rate -
dynamics of ECM process-Hydrodynamics of ECM process-polarization.
Tool Design-advantages and disadvantages - applications. Electro Chemical
Grinding-Electro Chemical holding Electrochemical deburring.

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5. Chemical Machining: Introduction-fundamental principle types of

chemical machining Maskants- Etchants- Advantages and disadvantages-

UNIT-IV (10 Hrs)

6. Plasma Arc Machining: Introduction-Plasma-Generation of Plasma and
equipment Mechanism of metals removal, PAN parameters-process
characteristics - type of torches applications. Electron Beam Machining
(EBM),-Equipment for production of Electron beam - Theory of electron
beam machining Thermal & Non thermal types characteristics -

UNIT-V (12 Hrs)

7. Laser Beam Machining (LBM): Introduction-principle of generation of
lasers Equipment and Machining procedure-Types of Lasers-Process
characteristics-advantages and limitations-applications, Ion Beam
Machining, Introduction-Mechanism of metal removal and associated
equipment-process characteristics applications
8. High Velocity Forming Process: introduction - development of specific
process selection-comparison of conventional and high velocity forming
methods - Types of high velocity forming methods- explosion forming
process-elector hydraulics forming magnetic pulse forming.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Identify of the need for non-conventional machining processes in the
CO2. Understand the working principle of non-conventional machining
processes with limitations of non-conventional machining processes.
CO3. Study the different non-conventional machining Mechanical Process
with design parameters.
CO4. Understand the different PAN, EBM and LBM, how they occur, and
how to analyse & interpret machining-related problems.
CO5. Understand and appreciate the use of an Electro Discharge Machine as
a non traditional method of machining complex and hard materials.

Reference Books:

1. Production Technology - HMT - Tata Mc Graw Hill - ISBN-10;

2. Modern Machining Process - P.C Pandey & H.S. Shan – Tata McGraw
Hill - ISBN: 0070965536 – Publishing
3. New Technology Institution of Engineers - Bhattacharya – India

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4. Metals Hand Book - ASM - Vol-3.

5. High Velocity Forming of Metals - F.M Wilson - ASTME Pretice Hall.
6. Modern Manufacturing Method - Adithan - New Age International (p)
Limited - ISBN: 8122408176, 2007.
7. Modern Machining Processes - P.K. Mishra - Narosa Publishing
House, New Delhi- 997.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

Sub. Code : PDM253 CIE Marks : 50
Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• The students to develop an understanding of total quality management
principles, frameworks, tools and techniques for effective real life
applications in both manufacturing and services.
• To gain how to determine the voice of the customer and the impact of
quality on economic performance and long-term business success of an
• To apply and evaluate best practices for the attainment of total quality.

UNIT-I (10 Hrs)

1. Basic Concepts: Quality Engineering and Management: Statistical
process control, SPC tools
2. Total Quality Management: perspective, methodologies and
procedures; Roadmap to TQM, ISO 9000

UNIT-II (10 Hrs)

3. KAIZEN, Quality Models for organizational excellence.
4. Quality Circles, Cost of Quality, Six Sigma Concepts, Steps and Tools

UNIT-III (10 Hrs)

5. DMAIC-Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control- Methodology
of Six Sigma implementation

UNIT-IV (10 Hrs)

6. DMADV-Define, Measure, Analyze, Design and Verify-the methodology
for creating high performance designs

UNIT-V (12 Hrs)

7. Quality Function Deployment, Process evaluation and Improvements by
Design of Experiments, ANOVA
8. Value Engineering- Failure-Analysis (FMEA), TQM v/s Six Sigma –the

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Develop an understanding on quality management philosophies and
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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

CO2. Develop in-depth knowledge on various tools and techniques of quality

CO3. Learn the applications of quality tools and techniques in both
manufacturing and service industry.
CO4. Develop analytical skills for investigating and analyzing quality
management issues in the industry and suggest implement able
solutions to those.

Reference Books:

1. An Introduction to Six Sigma and Process Improvement - Evans, J

R and W M Lindsay (2005), CENGAGE.
2. Total Quality: Management, Organization and Strategy - Evans, J
R and W M Lindsay (2005)., 4th ed, CENGAGE.
3. The Six Sigma Handbook-Revised and Expanded - Pyzdek,
Thomas (2005)., Quality America Incorporated.
4. Design and Analysis of Experiments - Montgomery, D C (2007),
5th ed., Wiley.
5. Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement - Mitra,
Amitava(2005), Pearson.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

Technical Seminar-II

Sub. Code: PDM206 CIE Marks: 50

Hrs./ Week : 02 Credits: 02

Students have to select the on recent advances in Product Design

Technology / Manufacturing in discussion with the guide. He/ She have
to register the topic along with the synopsis. There will be two seminars
and they have to submit the seminar report according to University

Product Design Laboratory

Sub. Code: PDML207 CIE Marks: 50

Hrs./ Week : 03 Credits: 02

General Guidelines:
1. Students need to generate the Solid Model and Draft the required
2. The orthographic views and solution shall be drawn.
3. If required, various manufacturing sequences shall be shown in the
model and drawing.
4. Any 3D Modeling and Drafting CAD tools are permitted.
5. Dimensions that are not defined may be assumed.
6. Results, including the calculations shall be shown along with the

Sl. Description Suggested Books and

No references
1 The shaft assembly of the intermediate Fig.1.42 and Fig.1.43
transmission unit shown in Fig.1.42 is from the book
required to have an axial freedom of “DESIGN FOR
maximum 0.18 mm and minimum 0.06 mm MANUFACTUR E”
when assembled in working condition. by Harry Peck.
Using the nominal sizes specified for the
miter bevel gear, shaft, housing, bearing
bushes and spur gear, shown in Fig. 1.43,
draw only the relevant components and
state only the appropriate limits to achieve
the required axial freedom.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

2 The partial assembly of an oil pump is Fig.1.45 and Fig.1.46

shown in Fig.1.45. A four lobe inner rotor from the book
is mounted off-set to the body bore in “DESIGN FOR
which a five lobe outer rotor rotates, driven MANUFACTUR E”
by the inner rotor. Both the specified by Harry Peck.
clearances are to be measured by a feeler
gauge when the parts are assembled.
Taking this procedure into account, and
also the fact that the outer rotor can “float”
radially, state the appropriate limits for the
relevant dimensions which will ensure that
the specified clearance limits are not
exceeded. Assume zero clearance between
inner rotor stem and body bore (20 mm
diameter). Nominal sizes are shown in
3 The shaft is to be manufactured from any Fig.2.31 from the
metal/ alloy to the sizes shown in Fig. 2.31. book “DESIGN FOR
The 30 mm and the 25 mm diameter are to MANUFACTUR E”
be ground. Prepare a production detail by Harry Peck.
drawing for the shaft.
4 The slide block shown in Fig.3.42 is to be Fig.3.42 from the
manufactured in batches of 100. book “DESIGN FOR
1. Describe a method of manufacture MANUFACTUR E”
intended to reduce machining time to a by Harry Peck.
2. Redraw the block showing the
appropriate manufacturing dimensions.
5 In the fulcrum block shown in Fig.4.39, a Fig.4.39 from the
lever, mounted on a hinge pin, oscillates book “DESIGN FOR
30° each side of the vertical centre line; MANUFACTUR E”
this lever is shown, chain dotted, in the two by Harry Peck.
extremes of the position. Comment on the
machining involved and show design
modifications to facilitate the machining.
6 Suggest a suitable operation sequence for Fig.4.40 from the
the stub carrier shown in Fig.4.40 and book “DESIGN FOR
redraw the component incorporating MANUFACTUR E”
features to facilitate manufacture. The by Harry Peck.
carrier is to be produced from a steel
casting and the symbol ‘G’ indicates a
ground surface for the 30 mm diameter f8

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

7 Indicate the parting line for any metal/ Fig.5.27 from the
alloy casting seen in Fig.5.27, and also the book “DESIGN FOR
necessary sand cores. Maintaining as MANUFACTUR E”
nearly as possible, the existing weight of by Harry Peck
the casting, offer a design modification that
will alleviate the sand core requirements.
8 For the pedestal shown in Fig.5.28 indicate Fig.5.28 from the
the probable parting line and any book “DESIGN FOR
unnecessary sand cores, accepting that the MANUFACTUR E”
probable parting line is the one involving by Harry Peck
the minimum sand cores. Show a design
modification to reduce or eliminate the
need for sand cores; maintain
approximately same weight of casting in
the modified design

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21


(A Constituent College of SSAHE, Tumkur)



Exam Marks Total
Sub Code Name of the subject L T P C

PDM301 Internship 0 0 - 15 100 100 200

PDM302 Project Work: Phase - I 0 4 6 4 50 - 50

Total Credits 19 150 100 250


Sub. Code: PDM301 CIE Marks: 100

Credits: 15 Exam Marks: 100

Internship: Comprises the following;

1. Report Evaluation on Internship (100 Marks)
2. Viva-Voce and Evaluation on Internship (100 Marks)


Sub. Code: PDM302 CIE Marks: 50

Credits: 04
Project Phase – I: Candidate in consultation with the guide shall carryout
literature survey / visit industry to finalize the topic of project and present
the same (50 Marks)

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21


(A Constituent College of SSAHE, Tumkur)



IV Semester

Exam Marks
Name of the Total
Sub Code L T P C
subject Marks

PDM41X Elective - III 4 0 0 3 50 100 150

PDM42X Elective -IV 4 0 0 3 50 100 150
PDM403 Project Work: 17 50+50 125+75 300
Phase –II
Total Credits 23 200 400 600

Elective - III
PDM411 Advanced Manufacturing Practices
PDM412 Product Planning and Marketing
PDM413 Agile Manufacturing

Elective - IV
PDM421 Rapid Prototyping
PDM422 Product Analysis and Cost Optimization
PDM423 Optimization Techniques

Semester I II III IV Total

Credits 23 23 19 23 88

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Sub. Code: PDM411 CIE Marks: 50

Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours: 03
Total Hrs: 5 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To recognize manufacturing organizations, including job shops, flow
lines, assembly lines, work cells.
• To have a basic understanding of time and motion study, work
sampling, and process flow charting.
• Students will have a basic understanding of current manufacturing
control theories, such as lean thinking, Opt and JIT.
• Students will be able to solve basic scheduling problems for
assembly lines, job shops and conduct Process analysis as a prelude
for Value Stream Mapping.
• To see opportunities for the application of continual improvement
techniques and understand the Kanban and other 'single piece'
production methods

UNIT-I (10 Hrs)

1. JIT – Introduction – The spread of JIT Movement, some definitions
of JIT, core Japanese practices of JIT, Creating continuous Flow
Manufacture, Enabling JIT to occur, Basic elements of JIT, Benefits of
2. Just in Time Production – Primary purpose, profit through cost
reduction, Elimination of over production, Quality control, Quality
Assurance, Respect for Humanity, Flexible work Force, JIT Production
Adapting to changing production Quantities, process layout for
shortened lead Times, Standardization of operation, Automation.

UNIT-II (12 Hrs)

3. Sequence and Scheduling used by Suppliers: Monthly and daily
Information. Sequenced withdrawal system by sequenced schedule
table, problems and counter measures in applying the Kanban system to
sub contractors.
4. Just-in-Time Production with Total Quality Control just in time
concept, cutting lot sizes, cutting set-up times, cutting purchase order
costs, the JIT cause-Effect chain, Scrap/Quality Improvements,
Motivational effects, Responsibility effects, small Group improvement

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Activities, withdrawal of Buffer Inventory, the total Quality Control


UNIT-III (10 Hrs)

5. Toyota Production System-The philosophy of TPS, Basic Frame
work of TPS, Kanban, Determining the Number of Kanban in Toyota
Production System.
• Kanban Number under Constant Quantity Withdrawal System.
• Constant Cycle, Non-constant Quantity Withdrawal
• System Supplier Kanban and the Sequence Schedule for Use by
• Later Replenishment System by Kanban.
• Sequenced Withdrawal System.
• Circulation of the Supplier Kanban within Toyota.
Production Smoothing in TPS, Production Planning, Production
Smoothing Adaptability to Demand Fluctuations, Sequencing Method
for the Mixed Model Assembly Line to Realize Smoothed Production
of Goal.

UNIT-IV (10 Hrs)

6. Total Quality Control-Introduction-Total Quality Control concepts,
responsibility, learning from the west, TQC concepts categorized,
Goals, Habit of improvement, perfection, Basics, process control, Easy
to see Quality control as facilitator, small lot sizes, Housekeeping, Less
than full capacity scheduling, Daily machine checking, Techniques and
Aids, Exposure of problems, Fool proof Devices, Tools of Analysis,
QC Circles, TQC in Japanese-owned US Electronics plant, TQC in
Japanese-owned Automotive plants.

UNIT-V (10 Hrs)

7. Plant Configurations: Ultimate plant configuration, job shop
Fabrication, Frame Welding, Forming Frame parts from Tubing,
Dedicated production lines, overlapped production, the daily schedule,
Forward Linkage by means of Kanban, physical merger of processes,
8. Adjacency, mixed Models, Automated production Lines, Pseudo
Robots, Robots, CAD and Manufacturing, Conveyors and stacker
Cranes, Automatic Quality Monitoring.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will have:
CO1. Students who take this course will gain a basic understanding of
manufacturing systems

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

CO2. ability to manage, including work organization, work measurement,

basic scheduling mechanisms,
CO3. Ability to understanding the current theories of manufacturing
management, including lean thinking, OPT, JIT and group technology.
CO4. The concept of dependent and independent demand and Capacity
planning methodologies
CO5. The logic and applications of order release mechanisms such as MRP
and JIT based systems

Reference Books:

1. Toyota Production system – An integrated approach to just in time –by

Yasuhiro Monden - Hardcover – 1993.
2. Lean Thinking – By James Womack.- ISBN: 0-7432-4927-5.
3. The machine that changed the World – The story of Lean production –
by James P. Womack, Daniel T Jones, and Daniel Roos – Harper
Perennial edition published 1991.
4. Just in Time Manufacturing (manual) – Kargoanker.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21


Sub. Code: PDM412 CIE Marks: 50

Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours: 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
The aim is to motivate the students to proactively develop their integrative skills
for product development. Specific objectives are as follows:
• To present an understanding of the importance of product development
in the global manufacturing environment.
• To present a comprehensive understanding of major activities that are
involved in product development from market research to after-sale
customer support.
• To develop ability to make design decisions independently as well as
collectively and to develop communication and presentation skills for

UNIT-I (12 Hrs)

1. Introduction: Basic concepts of Product, Classification of Product,
Product mix and line decisions, growth strategies, organizing for
product market, market strategies for leaders, challengers and
2. Market Planning: Planning process, Demand analysis, components of
marketing plan, competition analysis, Product category, attractiveness
analysis, customer analysis and competitors analysis, Segmenting-
Targeting- Positioning (STP), basis for segmenting differentiation and
positioning, Techniques of good positioning, Pricing and Change
management strategy.

UNIT-II (12 Hrs)

3. Product Appraisal: Functional analysis, manufacturing analysis,
economical analysis, aesthetic and ergonomic considerations,
environment and safety, installation, service and maintenance. Design
theory and methodology.
4. Executing The Plan: Project Scheduling, Working with the
Development organization, Measuring Customer Loyalty,
Building the Team, The Sales Channel and CRM, Launch and Track
the Product.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

UNIT-III (10 Hrs)

5. Organisational Buying Behavior (OBB): Key characteristics of
organizational customer buying process, Personas and Customer
Insight Generation, Attributes and Perceptual Gap User Scenarios,
maps, organization and stages, concepts of buying center, Buying
motivations, purchasing, evaluations of potential suppliers,
environmental influence, Organizational buying process, Marketing
information system for organizational market
UNIT-IV (08 Hrs)
6. Managing Product Development Process And Projects: Product
development process, the role and nature of design, project brief,
project plan, types of design organization, information and literature
search, patents, standards and codes, The New Product Development
Process, Proactive new product development process.
UNIT-V (10 Hrs)
7. Market Research And Customer Requirement Analysis: The
product life cycle, product position and benchmark analysis, market
estimates, market segmentation and product diversification, lead user
analysis, customer requirement analysis.
8. Brand and Brand Management: Customer based brand equity, Brand
positioning and values, Choosing brand and elements to build brand
equity, design and implementing branding strategies, managing brand
over time.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Implement practical solutions to complex product development and
management problems
CO2. Apply analytical perspectives and decision tools, underlying new
product management decisions.
CO3. Able to execute the plan of action.
CO4. Develop the new product process in an organization.
CO5. Under the customer and build the brand image.

Reference Books:

1. Product Planning and Management, William L Moore and Edger, A

2. Marketing Management, Philip Kotler, Prentice Hall, 12 th Edn.
3. Design and marketing of new products, Glen L Urban John R Hauser.
4. Marketing Management-Text & Cases, Vikas Publishing House, ISBN

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21


Sub. Code : PDM413 CIE Marks : 50

Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• It aims to provide an understanding of the characteristics of
internationally competitive manufacturing systems and knowledge
of agile manufacturing philosophy and techniques.
• To understand the practices in carrying out the redesign process
and to know the appropriate methodologies/ tools for the practical
and detailed realisation of the newly designed or redesigned agile
manufacturing system
• To understand integrated approaches to efficient manufacturing.

UNIT-I (12 Hrs)

1. Introduction: what is agile Manufacturing? -Competitive environment of
the future- the business case for agile manufacturing conceptual
framework for agile manufacturing.
2. Four Core Concepts: strategy driven approach- integrating organization,
people technology interdisciplinary design methodology.

UNIT-II (08 Hrs)

3. Agile Manufacturing and Change Management: The change
implications, post failures in advanced manufacturing, changes on the
way, traditional management accounting, paradigm, investment appraisal.

UNIT-III (08 Hrs)

4. Product costing - performance, Measurement and control systems.
Control technological and Design paradigms - traditional problems in
workplace- organizational issues -role of technology.

UNIT-IV (12 Hrs)

5. Agile Manufacturing Enterprise Design: Agile manufacturing –
enterprise design -system concepts as the basic manufacturing theory-
joint technical & organizational design as a model for the design of agile
manufacturing enterprise.
6. Enterprise design process -insights into design processes, what is
interdisciplinary design, Main issues -simple design example.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

UNIT-V (12 Hrs)

7. Skill & Knowledge Enhancing Technologies for Agile
Manufacturing: Skill and Knowledge enhancing Technologies -
scheduling –technology design strategic.
8. Design Concepts. Design & Skill of Knowledge enhancing Technologies
for machine tool systems- Historical Overview, Lessons, Problems and
Future Development.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Gain knowledge of the Agile manufacturing philosophies and the
respective tools/ enablers
CO2. Be capable of carrying out a manufacturing system design process
through the use of appropriate tools/ methodologies and simulation

Reference Books:

1. Agile Manufacturing -Forging new Frontiers - Paul T. Kidd -Addison

Wesley- Publication- 1994.
2. Agile Manufacturing -Proceeding of International Conference on Agile
Manufacturing Dr. M.P Chowdiah (Editor), TATA McGraw Hill
Publications 1996.
3. Concurrent Engg - Paul T Kidd – Addison Wesley Publication -1994
4. World Class manufacturing - Paul T Kidd – Addition Wesley Pub -

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21



Sub. Code: PDM421 CIE Marks: 50

Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours: 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To introduce students to the different additive manufacturing processes
as well as their capabilities and limitations.
• To give students hands-on experience with using and evaluating a
variety of additive manufacturing processes.
• To provide students considering research in this area with an advanced
course in which they are exposed to state of the art research that helps
them develop novel concepts of their own.

UNIT-I (10 Hrs)

1. Introduction: Need for the compression in product development, history of
RP systems, Survey of applications, Growth of RP industry, and
classification of RP systems.
2. Stereo Lithography Systems: Principle, Process parameter, Process
details, Data preparation, data files and machine details, Application.

UNIT-II (10 Hrs)

3. Selective Laser Sintering and Fusion Deposition Modeling: Type of
machine, Principle of operation, process parameters, Data preparation for
SLS, Applications, Principle of Fusion deposition modeling, Process
parameter, Path generation, Applications

UNIT-III (10 Hrs)

4. Solid Ground Curing: Principle of operation, Machine details,
5. Laminated Object Manufacturing: Principle of operation, LOM
materials. Process details, application.

UNIT-IV (10 Hrs)

6. Concepts Modelers: Principle, Thermal jet printer, Sander's model market,
3-D printer. Genisys Xs printer HP system 5, object Quadra systems.
7. RP Process Optimization: factors influencing accuracy. Data preparation
errors, Part building errors, Error in finishing, influence of build orientation.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

UNIT-V (12 Hrs)

8. Rapid Tooling: Indirect Rapid tooling -Silicone rubber tooling –Aluminum
filled epoxy tooling Spray metal tooling, Cast kirksite, 3Q keltool, etc
Direct Rapid Tooling Direct. AIM, Quick cast process, Copper polyamide,
Rapid Tool, DMILS, Prometal, Sand casting tooling, Laminate tooling soft
Tooling vs. hard tooling.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Use tools to explore digital manufacturing techniques and CAD
modeling software.
CO2. Produce a range of work which uses digital manufacturing techniques
and CAD modeling software to explore your professional and creative
growth and refinement of your work
CO3. Explore digital manufacturing utilizing a range of art, craft and design
based processes
CO4. Critically reflect on your own work and the work of others with an
emphasis on digital manufacturing and modeling techniques and
CO5. Identify and apply specific occupational, health and safety measures
when making works using digital manufacturing techniques and hand
making processes

Reference Books:

1. Stereo lithography and other RP & M Technologies - Paul F. Jacobs -

SME, NY 1996.
2. Rapid Manufacturing - Flham D.T & Dinjoy S.S - Verlog London 2001
3. Rapid automated - Lament wood - Indus press New York
4. Wohler's Report 2000 - Terry Wohlers - Wohler's Association - 2000.

Department of Mechanical Engineering Page | 46

M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21


Sub. Code: PDM422 CIE Marks : 50

Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To understand the basic knowledge of accounting, types of accounting
and importance of accounting.
• To understand various financial ratios and their applications in decision
• To learn about various elements and methods of costing.
• To prepare engineering students to analyze cost/revenue data.
• To carry out or make economic analyses in the decision making process.
• To justify or reject alternatives/projects on an economic basis.

UNIT-I (08 Hrs)

1. Introduction: New products, new product strategy -market definition
Idea generation introduction to the design process -forecasting sales
potential - product engineering and markets-monopoly competitive.

UNIT-II (10 Hrs)

2. Manufacturing Planning: Selection of optimum process,
standardization. Break even analysis- application and area of use –
problems, multi – product analysis.

UNIT-III (10 Hrs)

3. Value Analysis: Steps in selection, analysis and implementation,
Selection of cutting speed for optimum cost -problems.
4. Cost Accounting: Cost estimation -difference -types -steps involved in
cost estimation.

UNIT-IV (14 Hrs)

5. Types of Cost: Cost Centres, Direct –indirect, material cost -direct
indirect material cost Overhead cost, Elements in overheads:
Preparation of cost sheet, machine hour rate, apportioning methods.
6. Variance Analysis – Labour variance, Material variance and Overhead
variance, Activity based costing - Introduction to target costing.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

UNIT-V (10 Hrs)

7. Cost Calculation: Cost calculation for machined components,
welding, casting and forged components illustrations -calculation of
sales cost.
8. Cost Optimization Techniques: Analytical, Graphical and
incremental methods, Learning curves.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. To understand the concept of new products, market definition and Idea
generation introduction
CO2. To carryout and evaluate optimum cost, break even analysis on one or
more economic alternatives.
CO3. To learn value analysis and cost estimation for decision making.
CO4. Learn the different types of costs, preparation of cost sheet and
variance analysis.
CO5. Know the sales cost calculation of machine components.

Reference Books:
1. Design and Marketing of New Products - Glen L Urban - John R
Hauser- Prentice Hall. New Jersey, 1980.
2. Production and Costing - Narang CBS & Kumar V – Khanna
Publishers- 2001.
3. Cost management in the New Manufacturing Age –Yasuhiro Monden,
4. Technique for Value Analysis And Engineering – Miles Lewrence.D -
McGraw Hill, New york-1972.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21


Sub. Code: PDM423 CIE Marks: 50

Hrs./ Week : 04 (L - T– P- C) Exam Hours : 03
Total Hrs. : 52 (4 - 0 - 0 - 3) Exam Marks: 100

Course Objectives:
• To learn basic understanding of numerical optimization algorithms.
• To formulate engineering design problems as mathematical
optimization problems.
• Use mathematical software for the solution of engineering problems.
• To know the applications of numerical optimization algorithms.

UNIT-I (12 Hrs)

1. Introduction: Engineering application of optimization, multivariable
optimization Statement of optimization problem. Design Vector, Design
constraints, objective function, and classification of optimization problems.
2. Classical Optimization Technique: Single variable optimization, with
equality Constraints solution by direct substitution, solution by the method
of constrained Variation. Solution by the method of Lagrange multipliers,
multivariable optimization with inequality constraints Kuhn – Tucker

UNIT-II (08 Hrs)

3. Non-linear Programming: (One Dimensional minimization method)
Numerical method, Unimodal function, Unrestricted search, Exhaustive
search. Dichotomous search, Fibonacci and Golden section method.

UNIT-III (08 Hrs)

4. Interpolation Method: Quadratic and Cubic Nonlinear programming
(Unrestricted Optimization Technique) Random search methods, Univariate
method, powels method, Simplex method.

UNIT-IV (12 Hrs)

5. Descent Methods: Steepest descent, conjugate gradient, variable metric
6. Non Linear Programming: (Constrained Optimization problem)
Characteristic of a constrained problem.

UNIT-V (12 Hrs)

7. Direct Methods: The complex method, cutting plane method, methods of
Feasible directions.

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

8. Indirect Methods: Transformation technique, change variables and

elimination of variables, penalty function methods- interior and exterior
penalty function.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CO1. Have a basic understanding of numerical optimization algorithms.
CO2. Formulate engineering design problems as mathematical optimization
CO3. Use mathematical software for the solution of engineering problems.
CO4. Several homework assignments delving on core concepts and
reinforcing analytical skills learned in class.

Reference Books:

1. Optimization, “Theory and Application” - S.S. Rao – Willey Eastern -

2. Optimization methods for Engg. Design - R.L Fox - Addison – Wesley
– ISBN 0201020785 -1971
3. Optimisation Theory and Practice - GSG Beveridge and R.S.
Schechter - McGraw Hill, New York – 1970.
4. Optimisation and Probability in System Engg.- Ram – Van Nostrand –

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21


Sub. Code: PDM403 CIE Marks: 50+50

Exam Hours: 03 Exam Marks: 125+75

Project Phase – II: comprises the following;

1. Project work Seminar –I: Presentation of the Project work carried for
the first six weeks (Evaluate for 50 Marks)
2. Project work Seminar –II: Presentation of the Project work carried
for the next eight weeks (Evaluate for 50 Marks)
3. Project Work Evaluation – Taken up at the end of fourth Semester.

• Report evaluation: Average of Marks evaluated by internal and

external examiners (125 Marks)

• Viva-Voce: Conducted and evaluated jointly by internal and

external examiners (75 Marks).


1. Cover title page -Format enclosed
2. Inner title page – Same as cover title page
3. Certificate from guide and head with declaration by the student
4. Certificate from Company / Firm whether the project work is carried out.
(Not required if done themselves)
5. Acknowledge
6. List of tables and figures
7. Abbreviations / operational definitions used
8. Introduction should include the following:
a. Problem definition / statement. This will cover company profile to the
topic chosen pertain to the company – 5 pages
b. Research Objectives (maximum 5) – 1 page
c. Research Methodology – state the basic and secondary research
design. If it a simple survey, explain sampling design and
questionnaire design, sources of data and techniques of data analysis –
3, 4 pages
d. Limitations of Project study – 1 page

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M.Tech. – Product Design and Manufacturing: 2020-21

9. Chapter – 1: Literature review

Discuss the theory, concepts, hypotheses, models, etc., underpinning the
project work (Project report is an application of the theoretical knowledge
in analyzing a real life problem/issue faced by an organization) – 15
10. Chapter – II, III & IV: Findings
This is the longest section of the project report. In this chapter, data
collected will be presented and analysed without drawing any inference.
Depending on the volume of the data presented, there could be 3 to 4
chapters in this section. – at least 40 pages

11. Chapter V: Summary of Findings

This chapter be a brief statement of analysis already stated in the findings
section – 3 pages

12. Chapter VI: Conclusions and suggestions – 3 pages

Total number of pages must be at least 80 but not more than 100.

13. Bibliography: References like articles, books, websites, etc., used in the
project work must be included in this section strictly following the
citation style prescribed by the University.

14. Appendix: This will include printed secondary data (only if it is very
critical) and any questionnaire used for the study.

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