11.10.1 Packet Tracer Design and Implement A VLSM Addressing Scheme
11.10.1 Packet Tracer Design and Implement A VLSM Addressing Scheme
11.10.1 Packet Tracer Design and Implement A VLSM Addressing Scheme
Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
In this lab you will design a VLSM addressing scheme given a network address and host requirements. You will
configure addressing on routers, switches, and network hosts.
• Verify IP connectivity.
Background / Scenario
You have been asked to design, implement, and test an addressing scheme for a customer. The customer has
given you the network address that is suitable for the network, the topology, and the host requirements. You will
implement and test your design.
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Packet Tracer - Design and Implement a VLSM Addressing Scheme
You have been given the network address by your customer. The host address requirements are:
Host Requirements:
LAN Number of Addresses Required
WS 203 32
WS 234 19
WS 145 14
WS 116 21
Design Requirements
• Create the addressing design. Follow guidelines provided in the curriculum regarding the order of the
• The subnets should be contiguous. There should be no unused address space between subnets. •
Provide the most efficient subnet possible for the point-to-point link between the routers. • Document your
Configuration Requirements
Note: You will configure addressing on all devices and hosts in the network.
• Assign the first usable IP addresses in the appropriate subnets to [[R1Name]] for the two LAN links and the
WAN link.
• Assign the first usable IP addresses in the appropriate subnets to [[R2Name]] for the two LANs links. Assign
the last usable IP address for the WAN link.
• Assign the second usable IP addresses in the appropriate subnets to the switches. • The
switch management interface should be reachable from hosts on all of the LANs. • Assign the
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