How To Become An Accredited Traffic Controller
How To Become An Accredited Traffic Controller
How To Become An Accredited Traffic Controller
If a disability such as poor eyesight, poor hearing or In the case of the application being refused, the
immobility is declared on the application form, the applicant will be given a notice stating the reason/s
form must be signed by an appropriate medical for refusal. If the application is unsuccessful for
professional to confirm the person's suitability to any reason the application fee will not be refunded.
undertake the role.
After Approval
Training Qualifications
After TMR has made a decision to grant the
The person must have successfully completed an application, the Customer Service Centre will issue
approved traffic controller training course. The the applicant with a traffic controller industry licence
training course must be delivered by an approved card and a notice stating the terms and conditions
Registered Training Organisation (RTO). A list of of approval.
RTO’s is located on TMR’s website at: During Period of Accreditation
Accreditation-Scheme.aspx Traffic Controller Accreditation Scheme
Approved Procedure
The training course is delivered through both theory
and practical components including a minimum of Accredited traffic controllers are required to operate
20 hours supervised on-site experience for new at the highest standard and comply with the Traffic
entry scheme entrants. Controller Accreditation Scheme Approved
For any questions about training courses, please Procedure (TCASAP). The responsibilities and
contact an RTO procedures for traffic controllers are clarified in this
Failure to comply with the TCASAP may result in
the accreditation being amended, suspended or
cancelled. A traffic controller may also be issued
with a penalty infringement for non-compliance.
Renewal of Accreditation