How To Become An Accredited Traffic Controller

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How to become an Accredited Traffic Controller

It is recommended that applicants attend the

A person accredited under the Traffic Controller closest centre to the person's residential address.
Accreditation Scheme is authorised to control
traffic: The applicant will be required to present evidence
of identity documentation when they attend the
• at road worksites where a road closure or part Customer Service Centre to lodge their application.
road closure is necessary, or
• at other events on the road where a road Online: (new applications only)
closure or part road closure is necessary, or Applicants who have had a digital photo image
• in other circumstances where traffic control is taken by TMR for a product such as a Queensland
required on a roadway. driver licence or another industry authority, will be
able to use the online service, however this will
Certain people who control traffic are not required depend on successfully answering authentication
to be accredited under the scheme. They include questions.
police officers, authorised officers such as
Department of Transport and Main Roads transport Applicants will be required to upload relevant
inspectors, accredited escort vehicle drivers, documentation to support their application (such as
department school crossing supervisors, state their course certificate) and pay the traffic controller
emergency service officers, people employed or accreditation fee by credit card.
volunteering as car park attendants who direct or
divert traffic within a car park. A customer will not be able to apply online for a
Traffic Controller Accreditation application if they:
The requirements for accreditation as a traffic
controller are in accordance with the Transport • Have not had a digital photo image taken by
Operations (Road Use Management - Accreditation TMR for a Queensland driver licence or
and Other Provisions) Regulation 2015. Relevant other industry authority product;
information for traffic controller applicants is • Already hold a Traffic Controller accreditation
provided by the department in this information (renewal applications cannot be accepted
sheet. via the online service);
• Already have a Traffic Controller accreditation
Accreditation as a traffic controller is granted for 3 application in the system waiting to be
years. processed / finalised;
• Have not held an open or provisional
Application Requirements Queensland, interstate or foreign license for
in the last 5 years;
• Are not an individual (organisations are not
To apply for a new Traffic Controller accreditation, eligible to apply for traffic controller
applicants have the option to lodge an application accreditation).
in person at a TMR Customer Service Centre or
online at Driver Licence
fficcontrolleraccreditation/public/Welcome.xhtml. The person must have held an open or provisional
driver licence (Australian or foreign) within the last
In person: (new applications & Renewals) 5 years. If the person is already a traffic controller
Complete the Traffic Controller Accreditation and is renewing their accreditation, this requirement
is not relevant.
Application form (F4115) and lodge the application
at a TMR customer service centre and pay the
appropriate fee.
Application Process
Offence History
In processing an application to become a traffic
The department may refuse to grant an controller, TMR undertakes relevant criminal and
accreditation to a person who has been convicted traffic history checks. While the majority of
or charged with a criminal and/or traffic offence. applications can be processed within 1 - 2 weeks,
The public put their trust in persons accredited to traffic controller applicants should be aware that
control traffic and expect these people to be safety delays can occur which are out of the control of
conscious at all times. TMR. Occasionally criminal history checking will
take several weeks or longer due to the nature of
In light of public interest and public safety the national criminal history checking process.
considerations, the department may take into
account any charges or offences committed in any Before Approval
jurisdiction in deciding whether or not to issue the
accreditation. Applicants who have a recent history Applications may be lodged prior to completion of
of offences, for example, assault or drug related the relevant training qualification to allow TMR to
offences would be unlikely to be accredited as a commence the required checks. The relevant
traffic controller. training qualifications must be lodged within 3
months from the lodgement of the application.
Medical Suitability
A decision on the application will usually be made
The applicant must satisfy certain medical fitness within 28 days of receiving all information relevant
and suitability criteria. This criteria is listed on the to the application. The applicant will be advised of
Traffic Controller Accreditation Application form the decision within 14 days of the decision being
(F4115). made.

If a disability such as poor eyesight, poor hearing or In the case of the application being refused, the
immobility is declared on the application form, the applicant will be given a notice stating the reason/s
form must be signed by an appropriate medical for refusal. If the application is unsuccessful for
professional to confirm the person's suitability to any reason the application fee will not be refunded.
undertake the role.
After Approval
Training Qualifications
After TMR has made a decision to grant the
The person must have successfully completed an application, the Customer Service Centre will issue
approved traffic controller training course. The the applicant with a traffic controller industry licence
training course must be delivered by an approved card and a notice stating the terms and conditions
Registered Training Organisation (RTO). A list of of approval.
RTO’s is located on TMR’s website at: During Period of Accreditation
Accreditation-Scheme.aspx Traffic Controller Accreditation Scheme
Approved Procedure
The training course is delivered through both theory
and practical components including a minimum of Accredited traffic controllers are required to operate
20 hours supervised on-site experience for new at the highest standard and comply with the Traffic
entry scheme entrants. Controller Accreditation Scheme Approved
For any questions about training courses, please Procedure (TCASAP). The responsibilities and
contact an RTO procedures for traffic controllers are clarified in this
Failure to comply with the TCASAP may result in
the accreditation being amended, suspended or
cancelled. A traffic controller may also be issued
with a penalty infringement for non-compliance.

The TCASAP can be accessed on the TMR

website at:

Renewal of Accreditation

Approximately 7 weeks prior to the accreditation

expiry date, a renewal notice and a renewal
application form is posted to the traffic controller.
This gives the traffic controller sufficient time to
undertake a refresher training course and to have a
medical assessment conducted (if they have a
disability that may impact on their ability to perform
the role) before lodging the application to a TMR
Customer Service Centre.

If further information or clarification is required

about your application, please contact the
nearest TMR Customer Service Centre.

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