Top Four Pro Audio Iphone Apps
Top Four Pro Audio Iphone Apps
Top Four Pro Audio Iphone Apps
09/12/11 12.14
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09/12/11 12.14
and oscilloscope. Easily measure audible frequencies in SignalScopes Spectrum tab. A few other spectrum analyzers are available but the quality and functionality isnt nearly as good. 3. SonicTorch Pro: Turn your iphone into a flashlight, or as the Brits call it, a torch. I know its not a noise generator or an impedance calculator but every sound guy should have a flashlight! 4. TuneORama: It might not be our place to help with guitar tuning but if youre on stage when there is a tuning problem, it could be a nice tool to have. There are quite a few pro audio apps available but not many with good ratings. I was extremely surprised at the number of pro audio apps with 1/3 of the ratings being negative. In fact, I didnt list any pink/white noise generators and there didnt seem one without a fair number of negative reviews. Question(s): What iPhone audio app do you use? What type of audio app would you love but currently isnt available. Related Posts
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1. Mark Vitnell November 11, 2011 at 9:42 am Reply Audio Kit is a collection of four tools for iOS which are essential for those working in audio, sound and music. A real time Spectrum Analyser, a Scope to display waveforms, an SPL (Sound Pressure Level) Meter, and a Signal Generator producing sine waves, white noise and pink noise. All of these tools are in the one app, you dont need to buy any additional options, and Audio Kit is available for a reasonable price. Suitable for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch 2nd gen.
Chris November 11, 2011 at 9:49 am Reply Ill add that with the increase in the use of iphones and especially ipads, I expect to see more sound/audio apps. For anyone considering buying any audio app, check out the market, check product reviews, and then make your decision.
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2. Nick Hampton September 13, 2011 at 9:26 pm Reply What apps on the IPad do you recommend that do these same functions? I purchased Garageband on my IPad and I seriously hate it because its not a whole lot like Garageband on a Mac computer. Id love to find a good recorder on the IPad so I can see the difference in sound quality between my IPad and my Compaq. Ideas?
Chris September 14, 2011 at 12:38 pm Reply I dont have any to pass on. maybe another reader can give a suggestion. Nick? Nick? Ooooh, hey, hows it going!?! I never caught your last name when I was out there on Monday night. (Just caught your twitter retweet of Dustins tweet.) Im looking forward to leading the training this Saturday!
3. Josh December 23, 2010 at 5:58 am Reply I use Apples Remote to control itunes a lot. Once I convince the rest of the Church Board to get the iLive system, Ill end up using the the ilive tweak (and possibly another one if/when it comes out.rumours.) Stupid Deal -> musiciansfriend deal of the day appsometimes I open it lol MediaRemote -> for BD players.well actually its for a blueray player I just bought today as a Christmas gift for my not for church.but still A/V related lightsaber -> should I really explain why we should use this app? umm.its to test the speakers if the swizzsh and the sroovvvm are panning out excercise. Ive used iTick and Beat Tapper for band rehearsals to figure out tempos and thats about it. theres always the apps that do instruments (check out v=F9XNfWNooz4 if you havent seen the iBand yet)
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I use freqgen (Frequency Generator). It produces tones and tells you exactly what hertz those tones are. So when I hear feedback, I match the tone on the app, find the exact offending frequency, then notch it out. Hard to do this during service with everything going on. Typically done during rehearsal or pre-service. And the app is free! As a guitarist I also use iStroboSoft by Peterson Tuners. Its $10 but its a supremely accurate tuner. And it sure beats buying one of their actual tuners which can run hundreds of dollars. Even their headstock clip-on is something like $70. And I know this kind of treads on the last post, but I use the Ultimate Ears app which has a bunch of stuff on it, but the most useful being the SPL. I dont think it goes past 100 dbs, but its very helpful and best of all, its free! And 90 dbs are plenty loud for the room were in. Lastly I use Sound Box which is a sound effects app at the press of a button. We use it every once in a while for skits and stuff. And once again, its free!
5. Jeffrey Miranda December 27, 2010 at 4:30 am Reply I would like to see a more comprehensive set of apps for the iPhone that will allow you to do some minor audio testing. I do have the soundmeter on my iPhone, however I have not had time to verify if its indeed showing the correct information. Has anyone verified that these programs reflect true information? Best Regards. Jeffrey Miranda President, NeoLogic Sound (818)814-6154
6. Marco Dal Lago January 31, 2011 at 7:41 am Reply Studio Six Digital has a great suite of tools for ipod touch, iphone and ipad. From sound level meters to RTA and FFT meters. speaker test tools and now with intergration with Smaart Tools. The best part is you only by the modules you need. An External reference mic and sound card solution is also availible for ipod touch 3G with a digital interface andusb interface for iphone 4 and new ipod touch and ipad on the way. check it out at Great quality tools, reliable mesurement and very easy to use.
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Check it out! Version two is in the works. Recommended Sound Systems: Design and Optimization, Second Edition: Modern Techniques and Tools for Sound System Design and Alignment Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices and Tools
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