Space Cats - The Universe's Cutest Roleplaying Game
Space Cats - The Universe's Cutest Roleplaying Game
Space Cats - The Universe's Cutest Roleplaying Game
Space Cats
This is a game where people create amazing stories about fantastic events.
Any resemblance to real life talking animals or spaceships traveling at high speed is just
a coincidence.
Fate™ is a trademark of Evil Hat Productions, LLC. The Powered by Fate logo is © Evil Hat
Productions, LLC and is used with permission.
Traveling to the edge of the universe, going
where no one ever goes, exploring new planets,
fighting vile creatures, these are the galactic
animals. Yes, you read it right! In a distant future or a
distorted past—it does not really matter—they dominate
an entire galaxy, with their eccentric craziness, and cour-
age. So board on your spaceship, invite your friends and
fasten your belts, for we will embark on a journey at warp
speed to Animalaxia, the animals’ place in the universe.
The number of players and their age will set the pace and
tone of the game. Planning a two-player adventure can be
different from planning an experience for five, or even for a
group of 10-year-olds and 20-year-olds or older. Some may
be timid while others are extroverts. It is essential to be
mindful of each other’s needs, and to encourage all players
to help, supporting and respecting their limits, through-
out the game. Some tips, when it comes to putting things
together, are:
Establish a comfortable and secure place with access to
the bathroom, water and food. Even in short games, make
sure everyone feels comfortable. It is a good idea to have a
table so everyone can place their animal sheet and their to-
kens. This may even be a blanket, in a park, during a picnic.
Each player creates their animal. Each player has their
character, which is an animal, and remember the adven-
ture is set in space! This means that the space animal
may be part of the Galactic Council, an adventurer from
the Wilderness, a member of the Star Troop,
or someone focused in maintaining the
Alliance between the Catoid, Dogoid
and Ratoid planets, amongst others,
throughout the Animalaxia.
Prepare an exciting idea for
the story that the animals, creat-
ed by the players, will live in. In
Chapter 5: Telling Space Stories,
you will find easy steps to do this.
In general, they are stories full of
space adventures, but with a place
for drama and the importance of
Reward each player. At the end of each story, each
player earns points to advance their characters. Chapter 4,
in the subheading Advancing your character, explains more
details about reward.
This section will explain how tokens work in the game. At the
beginning of the game, the player decides which approach
their character will prioritize. Distribute your tokens like so:
Space adventurers are under pressure all the time. They may
be in a pursuit, a duel, a diplomatic row, a discussion against
someone who has changed to the dark side—in short; risk is
part of their routine. How far does the union of the group allow
them to stand still? Group Determination is about that.
In addition to the character sheet that belongs to each
player, the Storyteller has the Group Determination sheet.
At the beginning of each session, the Storyteller places that
sheet in the center of the table to mark the current Group
Determination level. This sheet represents both the physical
disposition and the willpower of the players’ pets. The higher
the Determination, the more prepared they will be to deal
with the problems that cross their paths. The Determination
shows how important it is to be a friend when a problematic
situation appears.
Whenever a game of Space Cats begins, the Group Deter-
mination is equal to the number of players in the adventure
(not counting the Storyteller). This means, for example, that in
a group with three players, the Initial Group Determination will
be 3. You can use a pencil to mark the Determination on the
sheet, or you can use a token over the current Group Determi-
nation level—both ways work well. Do not record the level with
a pen as this value will increase and decrease during the game.
Whenever players face dangers or stressful situations, this
can reduce Group Determination, which is not good at all.
Someone can do a maneuver with a spaceship to lose you,
humiliate you in front of a crowd, deceive you with lies, and
so on. All of this may reduce the determination of the
If the Group Determination reaches zero, the
group will be defeated by the situation. This does
not necessarily mean that something terrible hap-
pens, but being beaten by a situation is indeed
not a positive thing. They may have been cap-
tured, allowed a villain’s plan to succeed, they
might have been left without the resources or
the energy to keep trying—in any case, they
will need to accept defeat and start over.
The Group Determination sheet is
placed in the center of the table
or in a place where all partic-
ipants can see. You can
think of it as a shared
sheet, which
belongs to the
whole group. If the
value increases or
decreases, all charac-
ters will be affected.
Igor is playing with Camila, Rafael, and Eva. As there are three
players, at the beginning of the game, Igor places the Group
Determination sheet in the center of the table and uses a token on
top of the third heart, the initial Group Determination level.
Space Cats fits all ages. If any of the players have a hard
time understanding a rule, keep the game flowing as things
go right, or change the rules to make it easier to understand
and ensure fun. Some ideas for adventures for all ages are:
4 - 6 years old — heroes need to organize a wedding par-
ty between a cat princess and a mouse prince, and unexpect-
ed and fun things happen: they need to prepare the food,
the spaceship that brought the guests doesn’t work, and
they need to solve it, the priest is a dog that does not like the
prince mouse and wants to mess up the wedding, etc.
7 - 9 years old — The Itchyfleas created a machine that
made all the animals of an entire planet sleep soundly, and
nothing can wake them up while the machine is working—
they intend to steal the planet’s treasures. The heroes must
turn off the machine and expel the Itchyfleas from the planet.
10+ years old - Chapter 6 presents a complete adven-
ture: The Crown of the Rodent King, an example of adven-
ture for all ages, including 10+ years.
Well, until now you have a villain, and the players know
they need to stop their plan. Now, let’s make things more
interesting. The best way to do this is to start the game by
describing an action scene, which can catch the attention
of the players. A chase, a meteor shower, a riot at a fair, a
big ball, a sporting event, a jailbreak - give the characters
something to do right away.
Now let’s look at some of the tasks for which the Story-
teller is responsible and how to deal with them.
Some tufts of
brown hair can
be seen near the
crown box, or in
some of the corri-
dors of the Castle.
Using Clever tokens
may allow you to
identify the hair as
being from a rat from
some distant planet.
A king’s security guard is unconscious, un-
clothed, in a closet. Reanimating the guard (a
good shaking using Forceful tokens), he says he
was attacked by a rat that stole his clothes.
Sneaky: If he can run into a dark aisle, players
receive -1 in their actions against him.
Treacherous: The rat uses dirty tricks, like
throwing water on the pets face, pulling the
rug, etc. Players get -1 to defend themselves
from their dangerous attacks.
Slight: Players get -1 if they try to chase him.
Coward: If any character manages to
corner him, the player gets +2 in the actions
against him. An action with a +4 or higher re-
sult in this situation can cause him to yield.
Panicky: Players get +1 if they try to intimidate
the rat.
Opponent Determination: 3.
When it is time for the players’ animals to act, the
amount of tokens spent to reduce the opponents determi-
nation tells you how well they did.
After the determination of all opponents is reduced to
zero, they are defeated. The Rodent King calls for their im-
mediate arrest, including the traitor.
Contact us
Cezar Capacle
[email protected]
Fábio Silva
[email protected]