Parasite 2nd Semester

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Acanthamoeba Trichomonas Trichomonas

Worm Naegleria fowleri Trichomonas Tanix

culbertsoni vaginalis hominis

Common name Free living amebea Free living amebea / / /

Definitive host human human human human human

Genital Tract of Large intestine Mouth

Inhabitant CNS Brain,Skin,Eye
male and female (commensal) (commensal)

Resevoir host Water,sewage,soil

water human human human
place of living dental

Cyst One nuclei One nuclei No cyst No cyst No cyst

Flagella and
amobic form

Infective stage Troph & cyst Troph Troph Troph Troph

GAE, Amoebic Trichomonas

pathogenesis PAM keratitis vaginitis None None
GAD prostitis

Diagnostic stage Troph only Troph or cyst Troph Troph Troph

X-ray,CT scan,CSF Vaginal swab

pap smear
Diagnosis exam,lumber Biobsy,CSF seminal fluid Stool examination Saline exam
puncture urine

Penetrate the
Mode of transmission olfactory tissue Sexual intercorse Ingestion Ingestion
&via wound
Worm Giardia lambilia Chilomastix mesnili Balantidium coli Entamoeba coli Entamoeba histolytica

Most common
Pathogenicity pathogenic enddo commensal pathogenic endocommensal pathogenic
not pathogenic

Human &other
Definitive host Human Pigs & Human Human Human & dogs

Upper SI
Inhabitant duodenum Cecum Large intestine Large intestine Large intestine

Resevoir host Man,dogs ,cats / Pigs ,bears,rats / /

Lemon shape
Ovoid shape,4 nuclei
single nucleus Vacuole
Cyst 4 median bodies 8 nuclei 4 nuclei
cytosome one nuclues
Pair flagella axoneme
retracted flagella
Symmetric,pear Kidney
sucking disk,median 4 flagella ,kinetostome shape,cytosome
Trophozoite Amoeboid ‫من المحاضرة‬ ‫من المحاضرة‬
body,4 pair flagella one nucleus 2 nuclei ,cytopyge
2 nuclei cilia, vacuole
Ripe stage
Mature cyst ,with 8
Infective stage cyst cyst cyst Mature cyst ,with 4
Diarrhea with blood
Watery foul smell Commensal mild
pathogenesis resemble amoebiasis commensal Amoebic dysentry
diarrhea diarrhea
invasion tissue

Cyst or Troph
Diagnostic stage Cyst or Troph Cyst & Troph cyst cyst
in feces

Stool examination GSE

Diagnosis GSE GSE GSE
Serology,biobsy ELISA
Mouth, ingestion
Fecooral ingeston Ingestion of
Mode of transmission Feco oral Feco oral sexual contact
person to person contaminated water
Agency of flies
feco orally
Worm Entamoeba gingivalis Endolimax nana Iodamoeba buetschlii Dientamoeba fragilis

Commensal disease
Pathogenicity Non pathogenic Non pathogenic Non pathogenic
in mouth

Human Human
Definitive host human
monkeys pigs

Cecum, Cecum, Cecum,

Inhabitant Mouth, teeth,gums
large intestine large intestine large intestine

Resevoir host / / / /

Round-elliptical One nucleus

Cyst No cyst No cyst
4 nuclei large glycogen mass

Like E-histolytica Large glycogen

Trophozoite binucleated
troph vacuoles

Infective stage Troph cyst cyst Troph

pathogenesis None None None Mild diarrhea

Diagnostic stage Troph cyst cyst Troph

Diagnosis Saliva exam GSE GSE GSE

Kissing, saliva Ingestion of food

Mode of transmission Ingestion Ingestion
sharing tools conatin pinworm eggs
Amastigote Promastigote Epimastigote Trypomastigote

Ovoid aflagellated form Spindle shape, Beside nuclear to the Behind nucleus to the
Morphology with kinetoplast & axoneme flagella from anterior with short anterior with undulating
anterior side undulating membrane membrane

nucleus Central Central Central Central

kinetoplast Beside nucleus In the anterior part Beside nucleus Posterior to the nucleus

Transitional stage in
Leishmanial spp.
Example Leishmanial spp. trypanosoma spp. Trypanosoma Spp.
try. cruzi
in insect

Old name Leishmania Leptomonas Crithedia Trypanosoma

Motility Non_motile motile motile motile

Intra or extracellular Intracellular form Intracellular Intracellular Intracellular

Insect & vertebrate

Exist or found in Vertebrate host Insect host Insect host
Cutaneous leishmaniasis Visceral leishmaniasis Diffuse leishmaniasis PKDL

L. Donavani L. Major
L. aethopica
Causative L. Tropica major L. infantum L. Donavani L. Tropica
L. mexicana
L. chagazi L. Maxicana
Diffuse skin skin Like visceral
Undulating fever
Symptoms Skin lesion lesion on all of body lesion on all of body leishmaniasis
without ulcer often period of time with lesser symptoms

Place of infection Skin epidermis RES skin skin RES

Epidemiology / / / / /

-Liver or spleen -Liver or spleen

-Skin biobsy
-biopsy or aspiration Skin biobsy -biopsy or aspiration
Diagnosis -aspiration Skin biopsy
-serology or aspiration -serology

Sand fly Sand fly Sand fly Sand fly Sand fly
phlebotomas phlebotomas phlebotomas phlebotomas phlebotomas
Leishmania Trypanosoma Trypanosoma Trypanosoma
Worm Leishmania aethiopica Leishmania donovani
tropica gambiense rhodesiense cruzi

Salivarian group
Common name Dry Leishmania Diffuse Leishmania Visceral African Trypanosoma African Stercorian Group
Human &
Definitive host Man Man & Rodent herex Man & maybe dog game domestic Human
dog, racon

Inhabitant Skin, Epidermis Skin, Epidermis RES Blood& CNS Blood &CNS

Intermediate Sand fly Sand fly Sand fly Tse tse Tse tse
Triatomine bugs
host Phlebotomas Phlebotomas Phlebotomas Glossina spp. Glossina spp.

Main site of
Sand fly Sand fly Sand fly Tse tse Tse tse Triatomine
development of
gut gut gut midgut midgut hindgut
infective stage

Metacyclic Metacyclic Metacyclic Metacyclic Metacyclic Metacyclic

Infective stage
promastigote promastigote promastigote trypomastigote trypomastigote trypomastigote

Early  Winter
-Romana sign
bottum sign
Fever -Chagoma
pathogenesis Skin lesion Skin lesion Late  Sleeping
hepatosplenomegaly -Heart
-intesinal infection

Diagnostic Trypomastigote&
Amastigote Amastigote Amastigote Trypomastigote Trypomastigote
stage Amastigote

-Liver or spleen
-blood film
Skin biobsy Skin biobsy -biopsy or aspiration -smear
Diagnosis -thick blood smear -muscle biopsy
or aspiration or aspiration -serology -blood exam
Cutaneous Chagosis disease
African sleeping East African
Diseases leishmanial(Baghdad Diffuse leishmaniasis Visceral leishmania (African
boil) sickness sleeping sickness
Fetal transmission
Mode of Bite of fly Bite of vector blood trandfusion
Insect bite Insect bite Insect bite ingested blood
transmission Insect bite Insect bite
bite insect

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