Digital Signals Processing Quiz - With Answer

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬


HUC College
Kassala Center [Engineering College]
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering (Power&Control)

Digital Signals Processing Quiz

Lecturer: Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

Answer *all* Questions


Multiple Choice Questions: Choose the correct answer

1- Digital Signal Processing systems are ________

a) Consumers more power
b) Applicable for low-frequency signals
c) Consumes less power
d) Both A and B

2- Which of the following bus is used in the Digital signal processor?

a) Data memory bus
b) Program memory bus
c) Both A & B
d) None of the above

3- Digital filters are ________

a) Programmable
Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif
b) Highly expensive
c) Consumers very less power
d) Cannot handle low-frequency signals

4- Advantages of discrete signal processing are _________

a) Time-sharing
b) High flexibility
c) Cost-effective
d) All of above

5- How many types of signal processing are there?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

6- The digital signal processing can be used in _______

a) Image and video processing
b) Speech and audio processing
c) Military and space applications
d) All of above

7- _____ are the examples of random signals

a) EEG signal
b) ECG signal
c) Speech signal
d) All of above

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

8- One-sided Z-transform is also known as:
a) Unilateral Z-transform
b) Bilateral Z-transform
c) Trilateral Z-transform
d) None of them

9- The analog signals are categorized into ______

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

10- ______ are the applications of analog filters.

a) Audio equipment
b) Sampling systems
c) Telephone systems
d) All of above

11- Which one is mainly used for periodic signals?

a) Fourier series
b) Fourier transform
c) Both A & B
d) None of them

12- The gain of the ideal pass band is ______

a) 0dB
b) 0.08dB

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

c) 0.086dB
d) 0.05dB

13- What are the limitations of digital signal processing?

a) Speed limitations
b) Bandwidth restrictions
c) Finite word length problems
d) All of above

14- The scaling operation also called as ______

a) Up-sampling
b) Down-sampling
c) sampling
d) None of them

15- Telegraph signals are examples of

a) Analog signals
b) Impulse signals
c) Digital signals
d) None of them

16- DFT is applied to

a) Infinite sequences
b) Finite discrete sequences
c) Continuous infinite signals
d) Continuous finite sequences

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

17- What do we call the manipulation of an analog signal in a digital
a) Signal filtering
b) Digital signal processing
c) Digital-to-analog conversion
d) Digital-to-analog conversion

18- What is the physical device that performs an operation on the

a) System
b) Medium
c) Signal source
d) None of them

19- Which of the following block is not required in the digital

processing of a RADAR signal?
a) DSP
b) A/D converter
c) D/A converter
d) None of them

20- The deflection voltage of an oscilloscope is a ‘deterministic’

a) True
b) False

21- One dimensional signal is a function of

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

a) Multiple independent variables
b) Single independent variable
c) Multiple dependent variables
d) Single dependent variable

22- DFT is applied to

a) Infinite sequences
b) Finite discrete sequences
c) Continuous infinite signals
d) Continuous finite sequences

23- The filtering is performed using DFT using

a) Limited size or blocks of data
b) Small memory size
c) Large memory size
d) segments of data

24- The error in the filter output that results from rounding or
truncating calculations within the filter is called
a) Coefficient quantization error
b) Adder overflow limit cycle
c) Round off noise
d) Limit cycles

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif

25- Which filters exhibit their dependency upon the system design
for the stability purpose?

a. FIR
b. IIR
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above


#*# ‫ مع التمنيات لكم بالنجاح والتوفيق‬#*#

Dr. Amir Ahmed Omer Yousif


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