201 21-Ag1
201 21-Ag1
201 21-Ag1
Fundamentals of Acoustics
APPLICATION GUIDE Supercedes: Nothing Form 201.21-AG1 (804)
Table of Contents
Introduction ..............................................1
References ...............................................10
HVAC Equipment and Noise heard. While the actual pressure of a sound wave
is measured in pascals the amplitude of sound is
Noise is defined as “any sound that is undesired expressed in decibels (dB) of Sound Pressure
or interferes with one’s hearing of something.” Level.
When noise is excessive and it affects the
environment, it is called noise pollution and like
other forms of pollution it must be controlled or
“…inadequately controlled noise presents a A decibel is not a true unit of measure like a
growing danger to the health and welfare of the meter or a gallon, rather it is a unit for expressing
Nation's population, particularly in urban areas; the ratio of two power-related quantities on a
that the major sources of noise include logarithmic scale. Decibels are used to express
transportation vehicles and equipment, sound pressure levels (abbreviated Lp or SPL)
machinery, appliances, and other products in because of the huge range of sound pressures the
commerce; …and that it is the policy of the human ear can perceive.
United States to promote an environment for all
Americans free from noise that jeopardizes their
health or welfare.” Sound
Sound Pressure
Pressure, Level, dB Subjective
All heating, ventilating and air-conditioning Source Pa re 20 µPa Reaction
equipment produces noise. Because of this and
Military jet takeoff at 100 ft 200 140 Extreme Danger
the laws limiting noise pollution, designers who
specify the quietest equipment have a significant Passenger jet takeoff at 100 ft 20 120 Threshold of pain
advantage in the market today. It is the goal of Loud rock band 6.3 110 Threshold of comfort
this document to guide the design professional in Platform of a subway station 2 100
proper acoustical application of one particular Curbside of a busy street 0.2 80
HVAC system component – the air-cooled chiller.
Conversational speech at 3 ft 0.02 60
Quiet residential area 0.002 40
Octave Band Frequency (Hz) Example 2:
63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k
Lw (dB) 97 97 98 104 100 97 94 84 SPL1 = 50 dB SPL2 = 50 dB
10SPL1/10 = 100,000 10SPL2/10 = 100,000
Table 3. Typical Octave Band Sound Power Criteria
SPL1+2 = 10 · log10(200,000)
As the name implies, octave band spectra are = 53 dB
composed of bands of sound that are a full octave
wide. The numbers shown are an average of the
Combining two identical sound sources does not
sound power over the entire octave as shown in
double the amplitude or perceived loudness of the
Figure 2. When the results of the laboratory
sound. When two equivalent sound sources are
measurements that produced the octave band
added together the amplitude of the sound only
spectrum are graphed in a narrowband spectrum,
increases by 3 decibels. This is true whether the
spikes appear at certain frequencies as shown in
levels of the two sources are 20 db, or 120 db.
Figure 3. These spikes represent the underlying
Figure 4 can be used when adding two sound
tonal sounds that can sometimes be picked out of
sources of different decibel levels. Table 4. can
a broadband sound, and which may be described
be used when adding multiple sound sources of
by terms such as rumble, roar, whine or whistle.
identical decibel levels. When two sources differ
by 10dB or more, the higher source will dominate
and nothing should be added to it.
logarithmically. In the A-weighting system, low relatively small changes in position. This is
frequency octave bands are more heavily caused by the overlap of sound waves from the
weighted than high frequency bands (Table 5). various sources. In order to avoid potential
This is done to simulate the human hearing, inaccuracies caused by near field effect,
which is less sensitive to low frequency sound. measurements should be taken a minimum of one
to two “source lengths” from the equipment.
Octave Band 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k
A-Weighting Factor -26 -16 -9 -3 0 1 1 -1
LpA = 10 · log10(10SPL1/10 + 10SPL2/10 +…+ 10SPL8/10) Distance (ft) SPL Reduction (dBA)
30 27.2
= 10 · log10(3.3193 x 1010) 50 31.7
75 35.2
= 10 · 10.5 100 37.7
150 41.2
200 43.7
= 105 dBA
Table 6. Sound Pressure Level Loss in a Free Field
Sound Fields
The area close to the sound source is called the Obstruction-free sound fields rarely occur in
near field. When the sound levels of a piece of practice. Typically equipment is placed close to a
equipment with multiple sources, e.g. an air- wall of a building that reflects the sound hitting it.
cooled chiller with multiple compressors and This sound reflection can increase the sound
fans, is measured in the near field, sound pressure pressure level of the equipment relative to what it
readings may fluctuate by as much as 10 db with would be in a true free field environment. An
excellent reference source for determining the Rome prohibited nighttime chariots races because
effect of obstructions on sound pressure levels is the noise disturbed Roman citizens who were
the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute’s trying to sleep. In 1972 the United States
(ARI) Standard 275 – Application of Sound Congress passed the Noise Control Act in order to
Rating Levels of Outdoor Unitary Equipment. protect American citizens from excessive noise
levels. In 1976 the Environmental Protection
ARI Standard 275 recommends an adjustment Agency (EPA), which has primary responsibility
factor of +3 dB to account for sound reflected for enforcing the Noise Control Act, published
from a nearby wall if the equipment is mounted “The Model Community Noise Control
within 10 feet of the wall as shown in Figure 6. Ordinance” to assist municipalities in developing
laws for local noise control, but stopped short of
mandating actual noise limits, preferring to leave
that task to state and local governments.
Because there is no nationwide noise limitation,
and due to the wide range of ambient background
noise levels, the only way to determine the noise
level limits for a given jurisdiction is to research
the actual community noise ordinances, assuming
one has been written. Table 7 compiles the
allowable limits from the noise ordinances of a
handful of cities across the country, but even
these are subject to change and should not be used
without further research.
residences as well as special use buildings such as Sound Control Options
hospitals and schools. Several techniques can be employed to reduce the
sound pressure levels of equipment in the field.
To date, an indoor Ldn ≤ 45db is still considered Some of the more common sound attenuating
an acceptable level for hospitals and residences, practices include using low sound fans,
although special consideration must be given to compressor blankets, and acoustic barriers. Other
the location of equipment in the case of hospitals. strategies, such as off-peak load limiting, proper
When equipment is located near a building, as is unit positioning and vibration isolation, also
often the case with hospitals and schools, the provide varying levels of sound reduction. The
reduction in sound levels due to free field loss is method of sound control best suited for any
negated and the designer must rely on the particular job depends upon many factors,
structure of the building to attenuate the including the amount of reduction required and
equipment noise. the impact on the first cost of the job.
control panel or the DX cooler is between the the fan noise is loudest at the top of the unit and a
compressors and the noise-sensitive area. Doing significant portion of the compressor noise can
so can reduce the perceived sound pressure level radiate through the condenser coils. Using the
by 1 or 2 dB. While the noise reduction achieved equipment center as the intersection of L1 and D
by carefully positioning and orienting the chiller may result in greater noise levels in the field due
is relatively low, this consideration generally adds to underestimation of the required barrier height.
no first cost to the job.
L* (ft.) Attenuation
Acoustical barriers are often erected around
0.5 4 dB
equipment when adjacent properties are too close
to allow for significant free field losses. Such 1 7 dB
barriers are constructed of solid brick, sand-filled 2 10 dB
cinderblocks or special masonry material that is 3 12 dB
available commercially. Note: Acoustical 6 15 dB
barriers can affect equipment performance if
12 17 dB
located too close to the equipment. Consult * Ref: Equation 4 and Figure 10.
manufacturer’s literature to determine
minimum clearances between equipment and Table 8. Acoustical Barrier Effectiveness
obstructions to facilitate proper airflow and
maintenance. Roof parapets and the corners of buildings also
act as acoustical barriers as shown in Figure
The effectiveness of an acoustical barrier can be 11and should be taken into account in any design.
determined by using equations presented in ARI
Standard 275 – Application of Sound Rating
Levels of Outdoor Unitary Equipment. The
standard allows the designer to calculate an “L”
factor using Equation 4 and a diagram similar to
Figure 10.
Eq. 4: L = L1 + L2 –D
Compressor blankets can attenuate the sound Unit-mounted sound attenuating baffles can be
pressure levels of the compressors. Made of a added to reduce the sound transmission of the
dense material, compressor blankets encompass chillers. The type and construction of sound
the entire compressor and can reduce their sound attenuating baffles varies from manufacturer to
pressure level by 2 or 3 dB. However, both the manufacturer. Figure 12 shows one example of
compressors and the condenser fans generate compressor perimeter attenuators – heavy gauge
sound on an air-cooled chiller, and compressor steel baffles that facilitate airflow through the
blankets do nothing to attenuate the fan sound. compressor section to the condenser coils while
Therefore, the overall attenuation of the chiller blocking sound emissions. Such baffles are often
sound due to compressor blankets is typically field mounted after start-up and designed to be
only about 1 dB. Compressor blankets generally removable for ease of compressor service.
only add 2-3% to the first cost of a chiller.
Since both the compressor and fan sound levels
Low-sound and ultra-quiet fans are another must be reduced to significantly reduce chiller
option worth considering. Propeller fans such as noise, baffles are typically included to reduce the
the ones used on air-cooled chillers can be amount of sound that propagates through the
extremely loud, but measures can be taken to condenser coils as well. An example of such
reduce the amount of sound they generate. Some baffles, consisting of specially formulated, inert,
of the ways propeller fan noise can be reduced inorganic spun fiber, mounted in the
are: reducing the speed of the fan, changing the aerodynamically neutral zone of the condenser, is
pitch of the blades and increasing the number of shown in Figure 13.
blades. Low-sound fans are often standard on
newer chiller designs and many manufacturers
offer an option for ultra-quiet fans.
With the off-peak load limiting option, operators References
can even program maximum allowable nighttime
noise levels into the chillers and the control logic Beranek, L.L. (ed.) 1971. Noise and Vibration
will automatically limit the load at which the Control. New York: McGraw-Hill
chiller can operate to prevent it from exceeding
the allowable sound power level. Of course, the Ebbing, C., and Blazier, W. (eds.) 1998.
building conditions must also be satisfied, so care Application of Manufacturers’ Sound Data.
must be taken to account for off-peak cooling Atlanta, GA: American Society of Heating,
load when programming the load limiting option. Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
Summary Lord, H.W., Gatley, W.S., and Evensen, H.A.
1987. Noise Control for Engineers. Malabar, FL:
Figure 14 shows a rough comparison of the first
Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, Inc.
cost impact relative to effectiveness of the various
sound attenuation options presented above.
Actual costs vary greatly from manufacturer-to- Schaffer, M. 1991. A Practical Guide to Noise
manufacturer and size-to-size. However, to and Vibration Control for HVAC Systems. Atlanta
maximize the benefit gained from the dollars GA: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating
spent it is important to select an option with a low and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
first cost impact relative to the attenuation
achieved. Sickler-Hart, D. 1997. Analysis of Albuquerque
New Mexico’s Ambient Noise and Albuquerque
Environmental Health’s Noise Control Program,
Albuquerque, NM: City of Albuquerque.
P.O. Box 1592, York, Pennsylvania USA 17405-1592 Tele.800- 861-1001 Subject to change without notice. Printed in USA
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