Gopalan - 2014 - Clinical - Inv - T3 - Brain White Matter
Gopalan - 2014 - Clinical - Inv - T3 - Brain White Matter
Gopalan - 2014 - Clinical - Inv - T3 - Brain White Matter
White Matter
Yogheswaran Gopalan, Ibrahim Lutfi Shuaib, Enrico Magosso, Mukhtar Alam Ansari, Mohd
Rizal Abu Bakar, Jia Woei Wong, Nurzalina Abdul Karim Khan, Wei Chuen Liong, Kalyana
Sundram, Bee Hong Ng, Chinna Karuthan and Kah Hay Yuen
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Background and Purpose—Previous cell-based and animal studies showed mixed tocotrienols are neuroprotective, but the
effect is yet to be proven in humans. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the protective activity of mixed tocotrienols
in humans with white matter lesions (WMLs). WMLs are regarded as manifestations of cerebral small vessel disease,
reflecting varying degrees of neurodegeneration and tissue damage with potential as a surrogate end point in clinical trials.
Methods—A total of 121 volunteers aged ≥35 years with cardiovascular risk factors and MRI-confirmed WMLs were
randomized to receive 200 mg mixed tocotrienols or placebo twice a day for 2 years. The WML volumes were measured
from MRI images taken at baseline, 1 year, and 2 years using a validated software and were compared. Fasting blood
samples were collected for full blood chemistry investigation.
Results—According to per-protocol (88 volunteers) and intention-to-treat (121 volunteers) analyses, the mean WML volume
of the placebo group increased after 2 years, whereas that of the tocotrienol-supplemented group remained essentially
unchanged. The mean WML volume change between the 2 groups was not significantly different (P=0.150) at the end
of 1 year but was significant at the end of 2 years for both per-protocol and intention-to-treat analyses (P=0.019 and
P=0.018). No significant difference was observed in the blood chemistry parameters between the 2 groups.
Conclusions—Mixed tocotrienols were found to attenuate the progression of WMLs.
Clinical Trial Registration—URL: Unique identifier: NCT00753532.
(Stroke. 2014;45:00-00.)
Key Words: magnetic resonance imaging ◼ tocotrienols
Received December 8, 2013; final revision received February 27, 2014; accepted March 4, 2014.
From the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Selangor, Malaysia (Y.G.); Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Penang, Malaysia (I.L.S.,
E.M., M.A.A., M.R.A.B.); School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia (N.A.K.K., K.H.Y.); Hovid Research Sdn
Bhd, Ipoh, Malaysia (J.W.W., B.H.N.); Malaysian Palm Oil Council (K.S.); Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (C.K.);
Buckinghamshire Healthcare, NHS Trust, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom (W.C.L.).
Correspondence to Kah Hay Yuen, PhD, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Minden, Penang, Malaysia. E-mail
[email protected]
© 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.113.004449
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2 Stroke May 2014
the tested compounds may not necessarily be protective also liver function, renal function, and fasting blood glucose. Demographic
of the white matter, which is a major component affected in data including age, weight, height, ethnicity, social history, medical
history, and blood pressure were also recorded. Those with normal re-
human stroke.6,8,9 In view of this, a suitable model focusing on
nal and liver function were invited to undergo MRI for WMLs if they
the white matter is warranted. Moreover, injury of the white fulfilled ≥1 of the following criteria: total cholesterol level between
matter has been reported to be the major cause of functional 5.2 and 6.2 mmol/L and low-density cholesterol level between 2.6 and
disability in cerebrovascular disease and hence the importance 4.2 mmol/L, body mass index of >25 kg/m2, hypertension, or diabetes
of white matter protection.10 mellitus under medical supervision and treatment. Individuals with
the above conditions were reported to be predisposed to the develop-
White matter lesions (WMLs) are abnormal hyperintense
ment of WMLs19–25 and hence were selected to increase our chances
regions observed in MRI T2-weighted sequences.11 Often of recruiting volunteers with WMLs. Exclusion criteria included cur-
detected in elderly people, these hyperintense lesions are rent use of vitamin E supplementation (tocopherols or tocotrienols)
thought to be attributed to arteriosclerosis of small blood or within the past 3 months at the time of recruitment, self-reported
vessels in the brain, leading to chronic hypoperfusion and intolerance/hypersensitivity to vitamin E, pregnant female, presence
or history of neurological impairment, psychiatric disorders, stroke,
ischemic damage in the white matter.12 Pathological findings transient ischemic attack, malignancy, and hematological disorders.
corresponding to WMLs include myelin pallor, tissue rarefac- Those taking cholesterol-lowering drugs or showing signs of alcohol
tion associated with loss of myelin and axon, mild gliosis, as and drug dependence or those who have contraindications to undergo
well as fiber degeneration.11 They reflect a spectrum of neu- MRI were also excluded.
ropathological changes with tissue damage of varying sever- A total of 390 volunteers who fulfilled the above inclusion and ex-
clusion criteria underwent an MRI scan but were only recruited into
ity.13 It has been suggested that WML progression be used to the study if they had ill-defined hyperintensities ≥5 mm in diameter
complement the currently used primary outcome of cognitive on both T2 and proton density/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
impairment and dementia in neuroprotection trial. The poten- images. Lacunes were differentiated by well-defined areas with sig-
tial of WMLs as a surrogate end point in intervention trials11,14 nal characteristics similar to cerebrospinal fluid. Lesions with these
is mainly attributed to the fact that WMLs progress over characteristics of ≤2 mm in diameter were excluded because they are
perivascular spaces, including those around the anterior commissure,
time.14 Moreover, they have been shown to be associated with where perivascular spaces can be large.26 Based on the MRI scan, 177
cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension15 and diabe- volunteers were considered as having WMLs and thus were eligible
tes mellitus.16 Furthermore, WMLs can be measured quantita- for recruitment, but only 121 agreed to participate in the study. On en-
tively and noninvasively on a large population, and thus WML rollment, the volunteers were dispensed study supplementations with
progression has been advocated as a marker to evaluate the instructions to take 1 capsule in the morning and another 1 capsule
in the evening. They were also advised to maintain their habitual diet
efficacy of various pharmacological substances in research and physical activity and to report if they have been diagnosed with
and clinical settings.17,18 diseases or illnesses in between follow-up visits.
Hence, the present study was conducted to investigate
the protective effects of mixed tocotrienols in volunteers Clinical Evaluation Procedures
with WMLs. Volunteers were followed up every 3 months for a duration of 2 years.
During each visit, body mass index, blood pressure, and lifestyle hab-
Materials and Methods its (such as food intake and physical activity) and adverse events were
recorded. Fasting blood samples were obtained at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24
Study Protocol months and analyzed for serum total cholesterol, low-density lipopro-
The present study was designed as a randomized, double-blind, and tein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides,
placebo-controlled trial. The trial was investigator initiated and un- apolipoprotein B, lipoprotein A, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein,
dertaken at Universiti Sains Malaysia facilities in Hospital Kepala fasting glucose, serum creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, alanine
Batas, Penang, Malaysia. The study commenced in November 2007 transaminase, aspartate transaminase, and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase.
with the first and the last patient randomized on November 6, 2007, Brain MRI for WMLs was conducted at baseline, 1 year, and at the
and March 27, 2010, respectively. All volunteers with MRI-confirmed end of the 2-year study period. The magnetic resonance images were
WMLs were subjected to a 2-year intervention period and were given only analyzed on completion of the study by an independent radiolo-
either mixed tocotrienols (T3) 200 mg or matching placebo (edible gist who was blinded to the study medications.
palm oil) twice daily. Both placebo and T3 (Tocovid Suprabio) were Study supplementations sufficient for 3 months were dispensed to
soft gelatin capsules and were similar in terms of color, size, shape, the volunteers during the follow-up visits. Compliance to the study
and surface texture. They were purchased from Hovid Bhd (Ipoh, supplements was assessed through patient recall, returned capsule
Malaysia). count, and plasma levels of T3. Total plasma concentrations of T3
The volunteers were randomly assigned to study medications us- (α-, γ-, and δ-T3) were measured using a validated high-performance
ing a permuted block randomization. Each block of specified size liquid chromatographic method27 after completion of the study, until
contained allocation ratio of 1:1 (placebo:tocotrienols). The random then the samples were kept in frozen condition at −80°C.
allocation sequence was not made known to the researchers who were
involved in the enrollment, management, and evaluation of volun-
teers. They were blinded throughout the study. Brain MRI
The study was approved by the by the Research Ethics Committee
for Human Studies of Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (http:// MRI Parameters, and the volunteers provided Volunteers were imaged with a 1.5-T MRI machine (Model Signa
informed consent before participation in the trial. HDx, General Electric, Milwaukee, WI) using an HD 8 ch NV ar-
ray (Invivo corporation, Pewaukee, WI) radiofrequency coil. Padding
was used to immobilize the head without causing discomfort. The
Study Population scanner alignment light was used to align at the glabella. A rapid sag-
Through leaflet distribution and public talks regarding this trial, 1300 ittal localizer scan was acquired as a reference image for planning.
volunteers aged ≥35 years from the northern region of peninsular Brain MRI images were taken at an axial, sagittal, and coronal
Malaysia were screened for their full blood chemistry, lipid profile, plane of T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and a 3-dimensional volumetric
T2 fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequences with slice thick- and 3 were excluded because they started on antihyperlipid-
ness of 5 mm. The pulse sequence parameters for T1-weighted im- emic drugs (Figure 1). Among the 33 who dropped out from
ages were repetition time, 440; echo time, 14; field of view, 24×18
cm; number of excitations, 2; and matrix size, 320× 224. For the T2-
the study, 5 from the T3 group and 7 from the placebo group
weighted sequence parameters, the pulse sequence were repetition had undergone only the baseline brain MRI scan and came
time, 4440; echo time, 100.4; field of view, 24×24 cm; number of for ≥1 consecutive follow-up, whereas 11 from the T3 group
excitations, 1; and matrix size, 512×256, followed by the T2 fluid- and 10 from the placebo group had repeated their brain MRI
attenuated inversion recovery whereby the sequences were repetition scan at the 1-year follow-up period. Thus, 109 volunteers
time, 8002; echo time, 129; field of view, 24×24 cm; number of exci-
tations, 1; and matrix size 320×224. completed the first year of study and 88 volunteers completed
the entire study period of 2 years. Hence, 121 volunteers were
WML Volumetric Measurement included in the intention-to-treat analysis, whereas 88 in the
WML volumetric measurement was conducted using a validated soft- per-protocol analysis.
ware, Endeavor.28 The software provided a quantitative analysis tools
to quantify lesion loads and reconstruct brain tissue and lesions for Baseline Characteristics
3-dimensional visualization. It is a fully automated adaptive technique Baseline characteristics of the 121 volunteers are shown in
to detect and segment WMLs in cranial magnetic resonance images
without requiring any atlas or elaborated training procedures. It gen- Table 1. No statistically significant difference was observed
erates WML measurements in area (square millimeter) and volume between the baseline data of the T3 and placebo groups.
(cubic millimeter) when the axial T1 and T2 fluid-attenuated inversion Furthermore, the 2 groups have comparable baseline mean
recovery images are loaded in the software. There are 3 main stages in- WML volume of 1627±154 mm3 and 1732±197 mm3, respec-
volved: (1) the preprocessing stage, which includes skull stripping and
inhomogeneity correction; (2) the WMLs segmentation stage; and (3)
tively (P=0.67). The baseline total plasma T3 levels were
the postprocessing stage, which includes normal brain tissue classifi- below detection limit (0.04 μg/mL).
cation and morphological processing to remove false-positive WMLs.
WML Volume Changes
Outcome Measures In the per-protocol analysis, 46 were on T3 group and 42 on pla-
The primary outcome measure was changes in WML volume or cebo. The mean WML volume (±SEM) of the T3 group remained
load after 1 year and 2 years from baseline. Secondary outcomes essentially unchanged with values of 1523±182 mm3 at baseline,
included an improvement in the total lipid profile and other markers 1532±167 mm3 at 1 year, and 1494±179 mm3 at 2 years. In con-
associated with increased cardiovascular risks including apolipo-
protein B, h igh-sensitivity C-reactive protein and lipoprotein A, and trast, the mean WML volume of the placebo group showed a
total lipid profile.
Statistical Analysis
All primary and secondary outcome measures were analyzed us-
ing the per-protocol approach which encompassed all 88 volun-
teers who have completed the 2-year follow-up period. However,
intention-to-treat analysis was also performed on all randomized
volunteers for WML changes. Missing data were imputed using last
value carried forward.
The changes in WML volume at 1 year and 2 years from baseline
were calculated for each volunteer. The data obtained were analyzed
using an ANOVA procedure for a 2-factor split-plot experimental de-
sign.29 If statistically significant difference was observed, a post hoc
simple main effect test was used to locate the pair that gave rise to the
difference observed.
Effect size analysis was also conducted in the WML volume
change for the 2 groups.30 Homogeneity of the baseline characteris-
tics between the 2 groups was assessed using an independent Student
t test. A statistically significant difference was considered at P<0.05.
All the statistical analyses were conducted using Statistical Package
for Social Sciences (IBM SPSS) software version 19.
Volunteers Flow and Follow-Up
Of the 121 volunteers who participated in the study, 62
received T3 and 59 received placebo. During the study period,
16 (25.8%) volunteers from the T3 group and 17 (28.8%) from
the placebo group dropped out, with a total dropout of 27.3%.
Of the 16 who dropped out in the T3 group, 9 withdrew their
consent, 2 were noncontactable, 4 were excluded because of
protocol violation by taking antihyperlipidemic medications,
and 1 became pregnant. Of the 17 who dropped out in the pla- Figure 1. Participant flowchart. T3 indicates tocotrienol; and
cebo group, 13 withdrew their consent, 1 was noncontactable, WML white matter lesion.
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