Mechanisms of Lung Aging
Mechanisms of Lung Aging
Mechanisms of Lung Aging
DOI 10.1007/s00441-016-2511-x
Received: 12 August 2016 / Accepted: 16 September 2016 / Published online: 14 October 2016
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
Abstract Lung aging is associated with structural remodel- and in several cell types of the lung as well as of the immune
ing, a decline of respiratory function and a higher susceptibil- system. Thereby, this survey not only aims at providing a better
ity to acute and chronic lung diseases. Individual factors that understanding of the mechanisms of pulmonary aging but also to
modulate pulmonary aging include basic genetic configura- identify gaps in knowledge that warrant further investigations.
tion, environmental exposure, life-style and biography of sys-
temic diseases. However, the actual aging of the lung takes Keywords Pulmonary aging . Cellular senescence .
place in pulmonary resident cells and is closely linked to aging Immunosenescence . Pulmonary cells . Lung function .
of the immune system (immunosenescence). Therefore, this Microbiome .
article reviews the current knowledge about the impact of
aging on pulmonary cells and the immune system, without
analyzing those factors that may accelerate the aging process Introduction
in depth. Hallmarks of aging include alterations at molecular,
cellular and cell–cell interaction levels. Because of the great With advancing age, the respiratory tract undergoes structural and
variety of cell types in the lung, the consequences of aging functional changes. These changes are mostly associated with a
display a broad spectrum of phenotypes. For example, aging is decrease in lung function, pulmonary remodeling, limited regen-
associated with more collagen and less elastin production by eration and an enhanced susceptibility to pulmonary diseases in
fibroblasts, thus increasing pulmonary stiffness and lowering the elderly (>65 years of age) (Sharma and Goodwin 2006).
compliance. Decreased sympathetic airway innervation may Even in healthy humans, lung function declines with in-
increase the constriction status of airway smooth muscle cells. creasing age. Breathing patterns were reported to show a
Aging of resident and systemic immune cells leads to a pro- smaller tidal volume and a higher respiratory rate (Janssens
inflammatory milieu and reduced capacity of fighting infec- et al. 1999) and the maximal aerobic capacity (VO2 max) is
tious diseases. The current review provides an overview of reduced with age (McClaran et al. 1995). As a consequence,
cellular changes occurring with advancing age in general the elderly show a lower pulmonary oxygenation and exercise
capacity. This age-dependent decline in pulmonary function is
directly linked to structural remodeling of the lung (Miller
* Christina Brandenberger 2010). For example, different studies in humans and rodents
[email protected] give evidence that the pulmonary elastic recoil capacity re-
gresses with age due to structural remodeling of the extracel-
Institute of Functional and Applied Anatomy, Hannover Medical
lular matrix in the lung parenchyma and lowers the pulmonary
School, Carl-Neuberg-Strasse 1, 30625 Hannover, Germany forced expiratory volume (FEV1) in the elderly (Janssens
Cluster of Excellence REBIRTH (From Regenerative Biology to
et al. 1999; Huang et al. 2007; Miller 2010). Other character-
Reconstructive Therapy), Hannover, Germany istics of age-related structural remodeling include a decrease
Biomedical Research in Endstage and Obstructive Lung Disease
in alveolar depth and an increase in acinar airway lumen, as
Hannover (BREATH), Member of the German Center for Lung measured in a recent real-time morphology study in healthy
Research (DZL), Hannover, Germany elderly (Quirk et al. 2016). These changes go along with a
470 Cell Tissue Res (2017) 367:469–480
reduction of the pulmonary gas exchange area and promote a discussed but it is often difficult to distinguish origin, cause
diminished lung function with advanced age. or effect of aging. Most likely, age-related changes originate
Pulmonary remodeling is even more pronounced in classi- from cumulative damage or stress occurring due to multiple
cal age-related pulmonary diseases, such as senescence- incidences that living beings experience over a life-time—also
related emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease called the exposome (Vrijheid 2014). The lung is in direct
(COPD) or interstitial lung disease (ILD) (Fukuchi 2009; contact with the external environment with its vast alveolar
Meyer 2012). The likelihood of developing any of these dis- surface area and faces constant challenges that promote the
eases significantly increases with age. The international com- development of a senescent phenotype. Hence, the exposome
parison study on the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease supposably plays a crucial role in the development of pulmo-
(BOLD Study) shows that individuals with an age nary senescence and is strongly influenced by the individual
of > 70 years have a much higher chance of developing genetic background and life style (Fig. 1). Nevertheless, de-
COPD (Buist et al. 2007). Another study on ILD shows that spite individual histories of aging, the pathophysiology of
227 out of 100,000 Americans older than 75 years of age pulmonary aging shows common characteristics and within
develop ILD whereas only 4 out of 100,000 did within 18 the current review we provide an overview on the mechanisms
and 34 years of age (Raghu et al. 2006). COPD or ILD show and consequences of lung aging.
very different pathologies but are both associated with chronic
structural remodeling of the extracellular matrix and impaired
pulmonary function. Intrinsic factors or inhalation exposure to Cellular aging in the lung
noxious gases, microbes or air pollutants such as cigarette
smoke, asbestos or silica can promote the development of Age-related changes of the lung mainly include pulmonary
chronic pulmonary diseases (Kipen et al. 1987; Yoshida and stem cell exhaustion and senescence of pulmonary and in-
Tuder 2007; Cohen et al. 2008); however, the underlying flammatory cells, remodeling of the extracellular matrix, al-
mechanisms are still being investigated by large scientific terations in the composition of the pulmonary surfactant sys-
communities. tem, mucociliary clearance or the pulmonary nervous system.
Besides a predisposition to develop chronic diseases, the The implications of these different aspects in pulmonary aging
aged lung has also been shown to be more susceptible to are discussed here and summarized in Table 1.
environmental exposures and infectious agents (Green and
Pinkerton 2004). Various epidemiological studies give evi- Cellular aging and senescence
dence that the elderly are less resistant to pulmonary infectious
diseases and suffer from prolonged recovery times. For exam- A main aspect of aging is the limitation in regeneration and
ple, pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome repair, associated with cell senescence. Cell senescence is rec-
(ARDS) are linked to higher morbidity and mortality rates in ognized as a state of irreversible growth cycle arrest accom-
the elderly (Suchyta et al. 1997; Meyer 2005). A survey with panied by impaired cellular function, increased production of
ARDS patients between 55 and 85 years of age showed that reactive oxygen species (ROS) and pro-inflammatory signal-
mortality in the >70 years old was twice as likely and ing and the expression of senescence-associated molecules
survivors had more difficulties in recovery than such as β-galactosidase, p16, p53 or p21 (Campisi 2013).
patients < 70 years of age (Ely et al. 2002). The elderly also Different reasons can lead to senescence-associated cell cycle
show a decreased capacity of fighting pulmonary viral infec- arrest. A well-recognized cause is telomere deficiency.
tions such as influenza or severe acute respiratory syndrome Telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences with associated pro-
(SARS) (Gross et al. 1995; Loeb 2004) and are less responsive teins, located at the chromosomal end to stabilize and protect
to vaccination (Gross et al. 1995). These findings indicate the chromosomal DNA (Blackburn et al. 2006). With each cell
a predisposition of the elderly to pulmonary infections and division, the chromosomal DNA end is shortened, since the
diseases and give evidence that the immune response is de- end of the linear DNA cannot be replicated by the DNA po-
clining with advanced age—an effect also called lymerase. Telomeres in regular somatic cells are therefore re-
immunosenescence (Weiskopf et al. 2009; Busse and duced with each replication until critical telomere shortening
Mathur 2010). is leading to cell cycle arrest (Campisi 2013). The enzyme
With increasing life expectance and demographic shifts telomerase is capable of maintaining telomere regeneration
towards aged societies, the research focus on mechanisms of but its activity is limited to embryonic and adult stem cells
aging and age-related diseases has been reinforced in the last and only a few somatic cells. The incidence of cell senescence
decade. However, despite extensive investigations, our under- is thus increasing with progressing age. Additionally, different
standing of the mechanisms of cell and tissue aging is still chronic diseases or environmental exposure to a noxious
limited. Different factors such as telomere shortening, stem agent, such as cigarette smoke, promote tissue repair and cell
cell exhaustion, oxidative stress or inflammation are being proliferation and thereby lead to telomere shortening and
Cell Tissue Res (2017) 367:469–480 471
premature cellular senescence (Tsuji et al. 2006; Chilosi et al. recognized that ROS play an important role in aging and con-
2013). tribute to a senescent phenotype. The source and action of
Cell senescence can also be stress-induced, for example, ROS, however, are manifold and often it is not clear if their
due to elevated ROS production or mitochondrial dysfunction presence is the result or the cause of senescence. For example,
(Sahin and DePinho 2010). Cellular exposure to ROS such as damaged mitochondria are a source for cellular ROS but at the
superoxide anions can lead to oxidative protein or DNA dam- same time enhanced cellular ROS itself can impair mitochon-
age and thereby accelerate cell senescence. Besides oxidative drial function. More recent theories of aging therefore suggest
DNA damage, ROS have also been suggested to promote an that the hallmarks of aging can be divided into three different
inflammatory response and thereby potentially contribute to categories: (1) cellular dysfunction including genomic insta-
the progress of inflamm-aging—an age-dependent decline of bility, epigenetic alterations, loss of proteostasis and telomere
the function of the immune system (Franceschi et al. 2000; El attrition, (2) antagonistic response to damage such as
Assar et al. 2013). The free radical theory by D. Harman was deregulated nutrient sensing, mitochondrial dysfunction and
an early established hypothesis (in 1954; Harman 2006), sug- cell senescence and (3) a changed phenotype with altered
gesting that a variety of intrinsic or extrinsic factors can con- intercellular communication and stem cell exhaustion
tribute to induced cellular ROS levels such as environmental (López-Otín et al. 2013; Meiners et al. 2015; Aunan et al.
exposure or chronic inflammatory diseases and lead to cellular 2016). The characterization of these different aspects of aging
damage and a senescent phenotype. Up until now, it has been is clearly pointing out the variety of factors involved in the
Table 1 Age-related changes in pulmonary cells and their impact on lung function variables with age
phenomena of aging and their interactions at molecular, cel- cells in lungs of old mice, resulting in a lower number of
lular and systemic levels (Fig. 2). Furthermore, it has been epithelial cells and epithelial thinning (Ortega-Martínez et al.
suggested that a critical amount of senescent cells can create 2016). It is, however, not yet fully investigated whether
a senescent environment by further promoting senescence it- bronchoepithelial cell senescence coincides with diminished
self via paracrine mediators (Acosta et al. 2013; Tasdemir and ciliary clearance.
Lowe 2013). An accumulation of impaired or senescent cells More information is available on pulmonary epithelial cell
in the lung could thereby exacerbate pulmonary senescence of senescence of AT2 cells. These cells produce surfactant to
certain compartments or the whole lung. lower the surface tension in respiration and serve as progenitor
The occurrence of cell senescence could be tissue- or cell- cells for the air–blood barrier forming AT1 cells. An acceler-
type-specific and the impact or outcome depends on the spe- ated cell senescence in AT2 cells has been observed in COPD
cific function of the affected tissue or cells. In the human lung, (Tsuji et al. 2006) as well as in different animal models of
there are about 40 different cell types (Ochs and Weibel 2008). fibrosis (Aoshiba et al. 2003; Torres-González et al. 2012).
Coarsely, the different pulmonary cell types can be catego- Alveolar stem cell exhaustion has been discussed as a key
rized into epithelial cells (such as bronchiolar and alveolar factor in age-related pulmonary diseases (Faner et al. 2012;
epithelial cells), endothelial cells, fibroblasts or immune cells. Chilosi et al. 2013). Since AT2 cells also serve as progenitors
Cell-type-specific senescence has been associated with differ- for AT1 cells, AT2 cell senescence can lead to a critical decline
ent pulmonary diseases, like, for example, senescence of al- in alveolar epithelial stem cell renewal (Alder et al. 2015;
veolar epithelial precursor cells with idiopathic pulmonary Chen et al. 2015). Murine models to study telomerase-
fibrosis (IPF) and mesenchymal stem cell exhaustion with related senescence in stem cell regeneration include TERT
COPD (see review by Chilosi et al. 2013). Current investiga- and TERC KO mice. These mice are either lacking the telo-
tions are therefore further elaborating the impact of cell-type- mere reverse transcriptase (TERT) or the telomerase RNA
specific senescence in the lung and its impact on age-related component (TERC)—hence disabled telomerase function—
pulmonary diseases. and show many signs of premature aging, also including ele-
vated apoptosis in AT2 cells (Amsellem et al. 2011; Chen et al.
Epithelial cells, mucous and surfactant 2015). A study by Alder and colleagues specifically investi-
gated AT2 cell-targeted telomere dysfunction and the effects
Pulmonary epithelial cells form a tight barrier to protect the of AT2 cell senescence. They found an enhanced pro-
lung from external influences. Ciliated bronchoepithelial cells inflammatory response with increased numbers of macro-
and mucous producing goblet cells are the most abundant phages in the bronchoalveolar fluid (BALF) and an enhanced
epithelial cell types in the conducting airways, as are alveolar susceptibility to injury such as bleomycin-induced ARDS in
type 1 (AT1) and type 2 (AT2) epithelial cells in the lung the animals with induced AT2 cell senescence (Alder et al.
parenchyma. Little is known about particular effects of senes- 2015). This finding gives evidence that telomere shortening
cence on bronchoepithelial cells. Given their specific func- is not only a result of chronic diseases but also a potential
tions, it is reasonable that senescence of ciliated trigger.
bronchoepithelial cells would lead to an impaired perfor- Implications of aging on AT2 cell-mediated surfactant pro-
mance in mucociliary transport and senescence in goblet cells duction and compositions have also been investigated. A sur-
and to alterations in mucous composition and production. factant is crucial for lowering the alveolar surface tension and
Indeed, a few studies have shown that mucociliary clearance surfactant protein A and D (SP-A and SP-D) are part of the
decreases in healthy elderly (Svartengren et al. 2005; De complement system. The surfactant plays not only an essential
Oliveira-Maul et al. 2013) and ciliary beat frequency is re- role in regular breathing but also in pulmonary inflammation.
duced in old C57BL/6 mice (Bailey et al. 2014). Another For instance, in acute lung injury, the surfactant is qualitatively
recent study showed an increase in apoptotic bronchoepithelial and quantitatively reduced and injury of AT2 cells worsens the
prognosis in acute lung injury (Ingenito et al. 2001). However, and limited regeneration capacity to injury (Lu et al. 2012).
very little is still known about age-related changes in surfac- Ex-vivo experiments with pulmonary endothelial arteries of
tant composition. Early investigations on the surfactant and young and old rats have furthermore shown that pulmonary
age, including studies in rats and dogs, show varying out- arteries of old rats have impaired endothelial function with
comes (Orgeig and Daniels 2004), which might be due to higher levels of ROS and decreased catalase expression
interspecies variability and varying interpretations of the def- (Podlutsky et al. 2010). Accordingly, a review by Jane-Wit
inition Bold^. A more recent study addressed changes in the and Chun also summarized the three main features of pulmo-
ultra-structure of the pulmonary surfactant in 2- to 3-month nary endothelial senescence as the vulnerability to oxidative
and 26-month-old rats (Walski et al. 2009), showing that the stress, impaired NO signaling and deficits in repair (Jane-Wit
structures of lamellar bodies and tubular myelin in older rats and Chun 2012). These features make the elderly more sus-
resemble those of young animals that were treated with a pro- ceptible to diseases such as pulmonary sepsis or pulmonary
tein synthesis inhibitor. Another study in mice and humans hypertension.
found that levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, SP-A and
SP-D and activity of myeloid peroxidase increase with ad-
vanced age and lipid composition of surfactant changes in Fibroblasts and ECM
the alveolar lining fluid (ALF) (Moliva et al. 2014). The au-
thors suggest a more pro-inflammatory and more oxidative Pulmonary fibroblasts are involved in tissue repair and the
milieu of the ALF with advanced age, partly due to AT2 cell construction and/or remodeling of the extracellular matrix
dysfunction, which could also be a result of AT2 cell senes- (ECM). The composition of the ECM has, particularly in the
cence. However, more research addressing the composition lung parenchyma, a direct impact on lung function and most
and secretion of the surfactant is needed to understand the senescence-related lung diseases, including COPD, ILD or
impact of senescence-related surfactant dysfunction and its lung cancer, show remodeling of the ECM (reviewed in
impact in pulmonary health and disease. Meiners et al. 2015). It is therefore not surprising that fibro-
blast senescence has been associated with pulmonary remod-
Endothelial cells eling and age-related diseases such as emphysema and COPD
or fibrosis and has been addressed in various studies (Calhoun
Senescence in vascular endothelial cells has been well studied, et al. 2015; Yanai et al. 2015; Hashimoto and Sugiura 2016).
particularly in regard to arteriosclerosis, angiogenesis or arte- Investigations on fibroblast senescence were mostly per-
rial stiffening and remodeling. A detailed report on the current formed in vitro with cell lines. In these models, cell senes-
research on vascular endothelial senescence would be beyond cence was induced by exhaustive replication or chemical
the scope of this review, hence we summarize here only the stressors and measured by specific senescence markers such
most relevant findings, in particular in regard to pulmonary as β-galactosidase or the upregulation of cell cycle proteins
vasculature and refer to other reviews on this subject for fur- p21, p53 and p16 that control and arrest cell division (Tigges
ther information (Erusalimsky 2009; El Assar et al. 2013; et al. 2014; Maciel-Barón et al. 2016). The expression of cer-
Regina et al. 2016). In brief, senescence in endothelial cells tain microRNAs has also been attributed to senescence (Lee
has a direct impact on angiogenesis by limiting vascular et al. 2014; Holly et al. 2015). Fibroblast senescence has fur-
growth (Zaccagnini et al. 2005; Falchetti et al. 2008). thermore been investigated in regard to the development of
Furthermore, endothelial vasodilatation has been shown to fibrosis. For instance, primary fibroblasts isolated from IPF
be compromised with advanced age, as senescent endothelial patients show signs of cell senescence, i.e., decreased cell
cells show less endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) ac- growth, β-galactosidase increase after induction of oxidative
tivity and NO expression (Tschudi et al. 1996; Van der Loo stress, altered cell morphology and expression of α-smooth
et al. 2000). It is suggested that this effect is mostly governed muscle actin (α-SMA) in replicative stress-induced senes-
by increased ROS levels in senescent cells that directly com- cence (Yanai et al. 2015). Studies with murine models suggest
promise NO signaling (Bhayadia et al. 2016). Besides ROS, that pulmonary fibroblasts from old mice are more resistant to
pro-atherogenic and pro-thrombogenic effects have also been bleomycin-induced apoptosis compared to fibroblasts from
reported in senescence, including an increased expression of young mice and seem to have a greater fibrotic response to
intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and plasminogen transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) (Huang et al. 2015),
activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) (Maier et al. 1993; Comi et al. whereas investigations in the senescence-accelerated prone or
1995). Results of investigations in pulmonary endothelial cells resistant mouse model (SAM P/R mice) with bleomycin, in-
are mostly in line with these findings. For example, a study duced lung injury show more fibrotic lesions and higher levels
with primary pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells dem- of TGF-β expression in SAMP compared to SAMR animals
onstrated that cells isolated from old rats have a decreased (Xu et al. 2009). Hence, these data support the hypothesis of
migration and proliferation ability, suggesting cell senescence senescence-related mechanisms in fibrosis.
474 Cell Tissue Res (2017) 367:469–480
Alterations in the composition of the ECM with age recognition. Studies on age-related effects of alveolar
have been associated with changes in fibroblast function and pulmonary macrophages provide evidence that the
and have received increasing attention. Proteomics and phagocytic capacity declines with age (Higashimoto
microarray analysis in young and senescent human fibro- et al. 1993; Hearps et al. 2012), hence the clearance of
blasts show that transcription and expression of ECM pathogens in infection is potentially impaired or delayed
proteins is altered in senescent cells (Yang et al. 2015). in the elderly. The capability of PAMP recognition via
The impact of altered ECM composition on the lung toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling was also investigated
parenchyma with age has mostly been investigated in in this context but the results are controversial and prob-
rodents, with particular focus on elastin and collagen. ably differ with pathogen stimulus and TLR signaling
Generally, it was shown that the percentage of elastic pathways (Murciano et al. 2008; Shaw et al. 2011; Boyd
fibers is reduced with progressing age and collagen is et al. 2012). Different experimental studies furthermore
increased, with a direct impact on lung function such give evidence that macrophages from old animals have
as reduced elasticity and tissue dampening (Huang higher ROS levels or a decline in the ROS defense sys-
et al. 2007; Calhoun et al. 2015). Changes in the ECM tem. For example, BALF macrophages from old mice or
correlated with an increase in cell senescence markers blood monocytes from the elderly show a decreased anti-
(p16 and p53) in old mice along with an activation of oxidative response via the nuclear factor (erythroid-de-
mTOR signaling, suggesting that cell senescence is re- rived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) pathway, whereas oxidized glutathi-
sponsible for physiological changes with advanced age one and carboxylated albumin levels increase after ciga-
(Calhoun et al. 2015). A recent study with decellularized rette smoke exposure (Suzuki et al. 2008) compared to
murine lung scaffolds of various ages also confirmed those of young individuals. Similarly, the expression of
changes in ECM, showing that collagen increases and heme oxigenase-1 (HO-1) was reduced in BALF macro-
elastin and laminin decrease with age (Godin et al. phages from old compared to young mice after LPS ex-
2016). Interestingly, the authors also demonstrated that posure (Ito et al. 2009). The increased ROS levels are
the repopulation of the scaffolds with primary human likely a sign of cell senescence and also attributed to
bronchoepithelial cells and lung fibroblasts is affected pro-inflammatory signaling. However, reports on inflam-
by age-related changes of the ECM. These studies em- matory signaling and cytokine expression with advanced
phasize the role of the ECM in pulmonary senescence age in alveolar macrophages are controversial. Some stud-
and certainly more investigations will follow on this sub- ies report that cytokine expression by alveolar macro-
ject in the future. Furthermore, investigations addressing phages from old animals is enhanced after inflammatory
the three-dimensional organization of the pulmonary stimulation (Canan et al. 2014), whereas others show the
ECM would improve our understanding on ECM remod- contrary (Higashimoto et al. 1993; Lakshman et al. 2006).
eling with advancing age. It is furthermore not clear if alterations in macrophage
response with advanced age are related to cell senescence
Alveolar macrophages or to other age-related changes. In addition, non-tissue-
resident macrophages and monocytes are also recruited
Immune cells are also affected by senescence, a condition to the lung in inflammation and influence inflammatory
which is collectively termed immunosenescence. Different signaling. Macrophages show high plasticity and form
cells of the innate and adaptive immunity are present in heterogenic subpopulations, distinguished by different
the lung and their senescence has an impact on the pul- cellular markers (Misharin et al. 2013). Depending on
monary immunity. However, most of them, including non- the environment and stimulus, their phenotypic profile
tissue-resident macrophages and other leukocytes, are re- tends more to a pro-inflammatory, also called M1 profile
cruited from the circulation/bone marrow and transiently or to an M2 or alternative macrophage profile, which has
present in the lungs. The immune cell that is resident to been considered as anti-inflammatory but is also associat-
the lung is the alveolar macrophage. The alveolar macro- ed with the development of fibrosis or allergies (Johnston
phages belong to the tissue-resident macrophages. They et al. 2012; Lech and Anders 2013). It has been discussed
represent a population of specialized, long-lived resident how the macrophage plasticity changes with age and how
macrophages in different tissues that evolve during em- different sub-populations are affected by aging (Stout and
bryogenesis (Gomez Perdiguero et al. 2014). The alveolar Suttles 2005; Mahbub et al. 2012). However, no conclu-
macrophages act as the first immune defense of the lung sive answer to that question is available so far. Besides, a
by clearing airborne and microbial particles in the lung new nomenclature for macrophage activation and polari-
and activating the innate immune system via a pathogen- zation has recently been suggested (Murray et al. 2014).
associated molecular pattern (PAMP) and danger- Hence, proper characterizations of macrophage popula-
asso ciated molecu lar p attern (DAMP) mole cule tions in the aging lung are required in healthy and
Cell Tissue Res (2017) 367:469–480 475
diseased individuals to better understand the impact of The latter changes may be related to a higher susceptibility of
macrophage senescence in pulmonary aging. bronchoconstriction in the elderly.
keratinocyte-derived chemokine (KC, CXCL1), a murine ho- (Zhao et al. 2011), antigen processing (Chougnet et al. 2015)
mologue of IL-8 (Gomez et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2014). This or T-cell activation (Zacca et al. 2015). The pool of available
goes along with increased numbers of neutrophils as, for ex- naïve T-cells was furthermore found to degenerate with age,
ample, in pneumonia or acute lung injury of old rodents whereas the number of memory T-cells increases
(Gomez et al. 2007; Linge et al. 2015). Neutrophils secrete a (Brandenberger et al. 2014), which diminishes the efficiency
variety of enzymes and radicals in order to defeat pathogens; for T-cell activation (Haynes and Swain 2006). This effect is
however, if present in excess, they can also induce tissue in- accompanied by impaired B-cell-mediated antibody produc-
jury in the host. Although it has been reported that pathogen tion and specificity (Meyer 2010) and by a reduced IL-2 re-
elimination by neutrophils declines with age (Fortin et al. lease—a cytokine that promotes the stimulation of the adap-
2008), increasing numbers of neutrophils could still lead to tive immunity (Haynes and Swain 2006). Together, these in-
greater tissue injury (Starr et al. 2012). Particularly in acute cidences lead to an enhanced susceptibility of the elderly to
lung injury, elevated neutrophil numbers can promote the de- infections and a declined response to vaccines (Toapanta and
velopment of edema and enhance the severity of the disease Ross 2009; Meyer 2010; Stout-Delgado et al. 2012) in pul-
(Zemans et al. 2009). monary infection and disease.
Another cell type of the innate immunity that has the ability In addition, a shift in T-helper cell subpopulations has been
to recognize and eliminate virally infected and damaged cells proposed with advanced age. T-helper cells are classified into
are the NK cells. It has been described that both function and T-helper type I (Th1) cells that secrete interferon γ (IFNγ) and
phenotype of NK cells are altered with advanced age (Hayhoe IL-2 and stimulate the adaptive immune response, Th2 cells
et al. 2010; Gayoso et al. 2011; Campos et al. 2014) and that that secrete IL-5 and IL-13 and are involved in parasitic de-
NK cell senescence impairs the antiviral immune response fense or allergic reaction and Th17 cells that secrete IL-17, IL-
(Beli et al. 2011). Other functions of NK cells have been 21 and IL-23 that activate neutrophilic granulocytes and are
recognized, such as resolution of inflammation and elimina- predominantly present in chronic inflammation (Lee et al.
tion of senescent or stressed cells as well as stimulating the 2012; Hirahara and Nakayama 2016). Reports on alterations
adaptive immune response (reviewed in Hazeldine and Lord of the Th-subpopulation with age are not consistent and vary
2013). With respect to the lung, it has been shown that im- with subject age and model of investigation (Lee et al. 2012).
paired NK function is leading to greater incidence in myco- In chronic pulmonary diseases such as COPD or in allergic
bacterium tuberculosis or staphylococcus aureus infection as airway disease with advanced age, Th17 cells have been
well as the development of lung cancer (Small et al. 2008; shown to play a predominant role (Doe et al. 2010;
Hazeldine and Lord 2013; Hodge et al. 2014). Hence, NK Vanaudenaerde et al. 2011; Brandenberger et al. 2014). Th17
senescence might have further implications besides declined cells were described as developing from the same lineage as
elimination of virally infected cells, which have not yet been the anti-inflammatory regulatory T-cells (T-regs) (Diller et al.
fully explored. 2016). Hence, a bias toward Th17 response may abate the T-
In summary, it has been shown that certain aspects of the reg response and possibly support a pro-inflammatory milieu
innate immune response decline with age, such as the elimi- as reported in the elderly (Schmitt et al. 2013).
nation of pathogens and infected or damaged cells. But other Most aspects of the adaptive immune response have been
aspects of pro-inflammatory signaling remain intact or are reported to decline with advancing age, with the consequence
even chronically enhanced with advanced age and potentially that pulmonary infections are prolonged and more severe in
support the development of chronic inflammatory diseases. the elderly. If or how alterations in Th-cell subpopulations
contribute to the pro-inflammatory status in the elderly, how-
Changes in adaptive immunity with impact on lung ever, still needs further investigation.
microbiome in the gut has been well investigated and a close Acknowledgments The authors’ work is supported by DFG via the
Cluster of Excellence Rebirth, BMBF via the Deutsches Zentrum
relationship between the composition of the gut microbiome,
für Lungenforschung (DZL) and by the Hochschulinterne
diet and healthy aging has been suggested (Claesson et al. Leistungsförderung (HilF) of the Hannover Medical School.
2011, 2012; Odamaki et al. 2016). The gut microbiome not
only plays an important role in maintaining intestinal homeo-
stasis by supporting colonic energy balance but also in mod- References
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