Ijms 25 07935
Ijms 25 07935
Ijms 25 07935
Molecular Sciences
Comparative Proteomic Profiling of Blood Plasma Revealed
Marker Proteins Involved in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Yury E. Glazyrin 1,2, * , Dmitry V. Veprintsev 1 , Elena E. Timechko 3 , Zoran Minic 4 , Tatiana N. Zamay 1,2 ,
Diana V. Dmitrenko 3 , Maxim V. Berezovski 4 and Anna S. Kichkailo 1,2
1 Laboratory for Digital Controlled Drugs and Theranostics, Federal Research Center “Krasnoyarsk Science
Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science”, Akademgorodok 50,
660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia; [email protected] (D.V.V.); [email protected] (T.N.Z.);
[email protected] (A.S.K.)
2 Laboratory for Biomolecular and Medical Technologies, Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State
Medical University, Partizana Zheleznyaka 1, 660022 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
3 Department of Medical Genetics and Clinical Neurophysiology, Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State
Medical University, Partizana Zheleznyaka 1, 660022 Krasnoyarsk, Russia; [email protected] (E.E.T.);
[email protected] (D.V.D.)
4 Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Ottawa, 10 Marie-Curie,
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada; [email protected] (Z.M.); [email protected] (M.V.B.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Temporal lobe epilepsy has various origins, involving or not involving structural changes
in brain tissue. The mechanisms of epileptogenesis are associated with cell regulation and signaling
disruptions expressed in varied levels of proteins. The blood plasma proteomic profiling of temporal
lobe epilepsy patients (including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-positive and MRI-negative
ones) and healthy volunteers using mass spectrometry and label-free quantification revealed a list
of differently expressed proteins. Several apolipoproteins (APOA1, APOD, and APOA4), serpin
protease inhibitors (SERPINA3, SERPINF1, etc.), complement components (C9, C8, and C1R), and a
total of 42 proteins were found to be significantly upregulated in the temporal lobe epilepsy group. A
Citation: Glazyrin, Y.E.; Veprintsev,
classification analysis of these proteins according to their biological functions, as well as a review
D.V.; Timechko, E.E.; Minic, Z.; Zamay,
of the published sources, disclosed the predominant involvement of the processes mostly affected
T.N.; Dmitrenko, D.V.; Berezovski,
during epilepsy such as neuroinflammation, intracellular signaling, lipid metabolism, and oxidative
M.V.; Kichkailo, A.S. Comparative
stress. The presence of several proteins related to the corresponding compensatory mechanisms
Proteomic Profiling of Blood Plasma
Revealed Marker Proteins Involved in has been noted. After further validation, the newly identified temporal lobe epilepsy biomarker
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Int. J. Mol. candidates may be used as epilepsy diagnostic tools, in addition to other less specific methods such
Sci. 2024, 25, 7935. https://doi.org/ as electroencephalography or MRI.
Keywords: biomarkers; temporal lobe epilepsy; proteomics; mass spectrometry
Academic Editor: Henry Hing
Cheong Lee
Today, diagnostics of epilepsy mostly depend on clinical examination, history, and elec-
troencephalography (EEG) monitoring—a method that is neither specific nor sensitive [4],
and also, in some cases, leads to an erroneous diagnosis.
Accordingly, there is considerable interest in the discovering and testing of new
biomarkers for the earlier and more reliable diagnosis for timely treatment. Information
on the specific protein expression will lead to a deeper insight into the mechanism of
epileptogenesis. The proteomic profiling, characterization, and comparison of the different
types of epilepsy in terms of proteins present in the blood is extremely important for the
development of clinical diagnostic tools. A relevant model for the study of epilepsy is TLE,
as the most common form of focal epilepsy.
Several studies evaluated the levels of the selected candidate biomarker proteins
in blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) [5,6]. The whole proteomic quantitative analysis
offers an unbiased screening approach—and gives a general idea of the changes in protein
levels [7]. Plasma proteomic studies have provided information on the potential biomarkers
for several neurological disorders [8], but there are few proteomic studies of epilepsy.
Biomarker discovery performed on animal and human tissue models [9] revealed the
aberrant expression of markers of neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation, as well as
changes in the energy metabolism systems. Only a few studies evaluated patient plasma
biomarkers, where the authors found several differentially expressed proteins associated
with the immune response in children with Rolandic epilepsy [10]. In a recent study [11],
some proteins associated with neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration were tested in
plasma as predictive markers of the course of TLE in relation to drug resistance.
The majority of TLE patients took antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in monotherapy or
polytherapy. It is quite likely that the use of AEDs can affect protein expression. It would
certainly be important to identify potential protein markers of epilepsy without taking
into account the influence of AEDs, but epilepsy is a disease that requires the long-term
use of AEDs. Thus, the involvement in studies of large patient groups without drug
therapy seems quite difficult. In this research, we compared the proteomic profiles of the
blood plasma of AED-taking patients with TLE (including MRI-positive and MRI-negative
ones) and healthy volunteers to search for new markers of the disease. The proteins
implicated in early studies as being associated with AEDs were rejected. The proteins
involved in neuroinflammation were proposed as epileptogenesis marker candidates. The
different expression of the identified proteins indicates multiple disturbances in intracellular
signaling, lipid metabolism, inflammation, and impaired processes of neuronal excitability.
2. Results
2.1. Manifestation of Proteomic Differences in the Groups
A mass spectrometry analysis of plasma samples was performed for 27 temporal
lobe epilepsy patients and 7 volunteers. The data analysis led to obtaining quantitative
information about the distribution of 192 proteins in plasma samples of 34 participants
made in triplicates. Triple repetitions were averaged without significant loss, as described
in Section 4.
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a way to reduce the dimensionality of the
complex dataset by diminishing the least amount of information. A multi-dimensional
matrix of proteins and their quantitative indicators is reduced by projecting them onto
the new axes of the principal components. At the same time, the presence of the most
distinctive proteins affects the relative positions of the observations in the new co-ordinates,
clearly highlighting their differences.
The manifestation of differences in proteomic profiles between MRI-negative and MRI-
positive TLE groups, and also the healthy group, are illustrated in principal component
co-ordinates by 3D PCA (Figure 1). The MRI-positive group is separated from the MRI-
negative group, which allows us to justify the comparison of proteomic profiles of the
groups to identify the most distinguishing proteins.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 16
Figure 3Dprincipal
epilepsy patients,MRI-negative
Table cohort.
Freq. of Freq.
of Duration
Last of
Duration of Antiepileptic Focal Seizure
Focal Seizure Duration
Duration ofof
Age MRI MRI Antiepileptic Drug,
ID GG over4040
FBTC, per Epilepsy,Epilepsy,
FBTC, Drug, mg/per Freq., per
Freq., per Remission,
over Status Status mg/per Day
Month Month Year Year
Years Years Day Month
Month Years
LTG 200 mg +
11 A1
A1 FF No
Neg. Neg. Yes R
R Yes
7 72021 2021 29 29LTG 200 mg + TPM 100 77 No
TPM 100 mg
LCS 150 mgLCS+ 150
LEV mg +
2 A2 M Yes TLE Neg. R Yes 3 2021 11 No No
2 A2 M Yes TLE Neg. R Yes 3 2021 11 LEV 1500 mg No No
3 A3 M No TLE Neg. R Yes 12 2021 10 LTG 150 mg No No
3 A3 M No TLE Neg. R Yes 12 2021 10 LTG 150 mg No No
44 V1 FF
V1 Yes
Neg. Neg.
NR YesNR Yes
2 22021 2021 1 1 OXCOXC 600 mg
600 mg No
No No
55 V2 FF
V2 No
Neg. Neg.
R RE R RE 2015 2015 24 24 No No No
No 66
66 V3
V3 FF No
No TLE Neg.
Neg. RE NR RE 2017 2017 13 13 LCS LCS
100 mg
100 mg No
No 33
77 V4
V4 FF No
No TLE Neg.
Neg. RE R RE 2018 2018 3 3 LCS LCS
75 mg75 mg No
No 33
88 V5
V5 MM No
No TLE Neg.
Neg. RE NR RE 2015 2015 25 25 CBZ CBZ
400 mg
400 mg No
No 22
CBZ 800 mg + LEV 1000
99 V6
V6 FF No
Neg. NR
Neg. No NR No 2019 2019 27 27
CBZ 800 mg + No
No 22
mg 1000 mg
& &M
1010 VA
No Neg. Neg. No R
R No 2020 2020 18 18 CBZ CBZ 800 mg
800 mg No
No 11
LTG 150 mg +
TLE & 6LTG 150 mg
1111 V7
V7 FF No
No TLE Neg.
&S Neg. Yes R
R Yes
1 12020 2020 6 + <1
<1 No
S PMP44mg
mg + PMP mg
TLE & LTG 200 mg +
1212 VG1
VG1 FF Yes
Yes Pos.
TLE & S RPos. RE R 12
RE 2020
12 2020 48 LTG 200 mgPMP
48 + PMP 4 mg
4 mg
66 No
13 VG2 F No TLE &
TLE & S Pos. R No 12 LCS 350 mg 5 No
13 VG2 F No Pos. R No 12 LCS 350 mg 5 No
14 VG3 M No S TLE & S Pos. NRt Yes 1 2020 4 LCS 200 mg 1 No
1415 VG3
No TLE & S
Pos. Pos. Yes R
NRt No
1 2020 4 9 LCS CBZ 600 mg
200 mg 11 No
16 VG5 F No TLE & S Pos. NR Yes 2019 32 CBZ 300 mg 2 No
15 VG4 F No Pos. R No 9 CBZVPA
mgmg + 1 No
17 VG6 F No S TLE & S Pos. NR RE 2017 22 LTG 200 mg + 4 No
TLE & ZNS 300 mg
16 VG5 F No Pos. NR Yes 2019 32 CBZ 300 mg 2 No
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 7935 4 of 15
Table 1. Cont.
PCA was also used to search for proteomic differences between the groups by sex, age,
and drug resistance. No distinct clusters were found, which shows that these features do
not have a significant influence on the proteomic profiles of the samples.
The different arrangement of patient groups in the planes of the principal components
gives grounds to compare their proteomic profiles statistically for the identification of
significant protein markers of these groups. The proteomic profiles of the selected pa-
tient groups were compared in pairs, and statistically different proteins (corrected by the
Benjamini–Hochberg procedure Welch’s t-test p-value < 0.01) were noted as significantly
changed based on their label-free quantification (LFQ) values.
2.2. Proteomic Profile Comparison of the Whole Epilepsy Group (TLE) versus the Healthy Group
When comparing the whole group of TLE patients with healthy controls, 42 proteins
were identified as significantly upregulated in epilepsy (Table S1). An analysis of the tissue
protein expression using Human Protein Atlas (HPA) demonstrated the presence of mainly
liver proteins. A Gene Ontology (GO) analysis performed using ShinyGo 0.76 demonstrated
the involvement of overexpressed proteins in the regulation of the following biological
processes: lipid metabolism, immune response, catalytic activity, and coagulation (Figure 2).
The proteins upregulated in the epilepsy group (Table 2) are involved in the processes
of the response to external stimuli, stress, and the immune response, which indicates the
presence of a neuroinflammatory process that accompanies and maintains epileptogenic
activity. However, the question of their specificity is still open. Proteins that regulate
the process of intracellular signaling have also been identified, which demonstrates the
dysregulation of the cascade of intracellular events. The altered expression of proteins that
remodel the levels of plasma lipoproteins indicates a lipid metabolism disorder in patients
with epilepsy.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 16
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 7935 5 of 15
Plot of
Figure 2. Plot of biological
biological processes
processes for
for upregulated
upregulated proteins
proteins when comparing the overall epilepsy
group with the healthy group.
Figure 3.
Figure Plot of
3. Plot of biological
biological processes
processes for
for upregulation
upregulation in
in MRI-positive
MRI-positive group
group proteins.
The group of MRI-negative patients is characterized by the upregulation of 35 pro-
The group of MRI-negative patients is characterized by the upregulation of 35 proteins.
teins. The GO analysis revealed the involvement of these proteins in a number of biologi-
The GO analysis revealed the involvement of these proteins in a number of biological
cal processes (Figure 4).
processes (Figure 4).
Figure Plotof
4.Plot ofbiological
MRI-negative group
group proteins.
For both groups, most of the overrepresented proteins are involved in the regulation
For both groups, most of the overrepresented proteins are involved in the regulation
of the immune response, which is typical for the neuroinflammatory process. Neuroinflam-
of the immune response, which is typical for the neuroinflammatory process. Neuroin-
mation is one of the leading mechanisms of epileptogenesis. However, the set of differently
flammation is one of the leading mechanisms of epileptogenesis. However, the set of dif-
expressed proteins for the MRI-positive and MRI-negative groups was different. Currently,
ferently expressed proteins for the MRI-positive and MRI-negative groups was different.
an additional examination for the MRI-negative group reveals the autoimmune nature of
Currently, an additional examination for the MRI-negative group reveals the autoimmune
the disease, which explains the widespread involvement of inflammatory proteins in the
nature of the disease, which explains the widespread involvement of inflammatory pro-
pathogenesis of the disease.
teins in the pathogenesis of the disease.
Plasma proteomic profiles dependent on drug response status, age, and sex of the
Plasma proteomic profiles dependent on drug response status, age, and sex of the
TLE patients were tested. No statistically significant difference was found between the
TLE patients were tested. No statistically significant difference was found between the
drug-resistant and non-drug-resistant epilepsy groups, as well as between the two age
groups (under 40 and over 40), or based on gender.
3. Discussion
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 7935 7 of 15
drug-resistant and non-drug-resistant epilepsy groups, as well as between the two age
groups (under 40 and over 40), or based on gender.
3. Discussion
3.1. Association of Plasma and Brain Proteins in Epilepsy
According to the Human Protein Atlas available online: https://www.proteinatlas.
org/ (accessed on 18 July 2024), some of the proteins we discovered in plasma are detected
VASN, IGKV4-1, ORM1, ALB, and SERPINF2. However, blood immunological inflamma-
tory substrates have been found to play a role in the pathogenesis of many neurological
disorders. In particular, some studies have demonstrated the induction of plasma inflamma-
tory and neurotrophic markers [12]. This was also observed in animal models of temporal
lobe epilepsy [13]. Moreover, a number of studies discussed the epileptogenicity of the
activation of the peripheral immune system [14]. It is known that prolonged seizures are
associated with an increase in the permeability of the blood–brain barrier (BBB), as well as
with multiple changes in the properties of the BBB [15], which was demonstrated by the
infiltration of the brain parenchyma by peripheral immune cells [16]. In addition, plasma
inflammation persists long-term after an attack [17]. These data suggest the presence
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 16 of a
systemic response involved in epileptogenic processes, indicating that the changed plasma
protein profile with epilepsy reflects changes in brain proteins.
The majority of the proteins with an altered expression found by the comparison
evidenced by the aberrations of proteins involved in various mechanisms. Epilepsy does
of epilepsy and healthy plasma proteomic profiles are involved in immune response
not cause strictly specific dysregulations. Biochemical cascades triggered by an attack lead
processes, lipid metabolism, and the regulation of peptidase activity (Figure 5). The process
to changes in various biological and molecular pathways, that are not direct factors in the
of epileptogenesis causes massive changes in cellular and molecular processes, as evidenced
development of the disease.
by the aberrations of proteins involved in various mechanisms. Epilepsy does not cause
Some of the proteins with an altered expression found in earlier studies are compiled
strictly specific dysregulations. Biochemical cascades triggered by an attack lead to changes
in Table S3.
in various biological and molecular pathways, that are not direct factors in the development
of the disease.
Figure 5. Network of biological processes of proteins with altered expression, registered by comparing
Figure proteomic
5. Network profiles ofprocesses
of biological epilepsy patients withwith
of proteins healthy control
altered plasma. registered by com-
paring plasma proteomic profiles of epilepsy patients with healthy control plasma.
Some of the proteins with an altered expression found in earlier studies are compiled
in Table S3.
3.2. Structural Hippocampal Changes in Epilepsy
Hippocampal sclerosis is not considered to be a distinct disease, but likely consists of
several subtypes, and the causes of this condition are currently poorly understood [2]. In
addition, according to histological studies, in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, the
loss of neuronal cells and pronounced astrocytic gliosis in the hippocampus are recorded,
in contrast to epilepsy not associated with sclerosis, when neurons are preserved and glio-
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 7935 8 of 15
During the study, overrepresented proteins with antioxidant activity were identified,
which may be a compensatory reaction for oxidative stress. Among them are CP, AFM,
PON1, PRDX2, RBP4, BCHE, HPX, SELENOP, and CFHR4. The attenuation of oxidative
damage in models of acquired epilepsy appears to protect against cognitive malfunction,
as well as provide neuroprotection [32].
3.4. Neuroinflammation
The impaired activation and regulation of inflammatory cells and molecules in dam-
aged nervous tissue is one of the factors in the development and maintenance of epilep-
togenic activity. Status epilepticus can activate micro- and astroglia, as well as cells of
the peripheral immune system, to release several pro-inflammatory mediators, thereby
initiating a cascade of inflammatory processes in brain tissue, which, in turn, can change
the excitability of neurons and affect the physiological functions of glia.
Patients with both MRI-positive and MRI-negative forms of epilepsy had clinical
and electroencephalographic manifestations of TLE, according to the International League
Against Epilepsy (ILAE) criteria. Inflammation and other immune-mediated processes are
essential in epileptogenesis [33]. Clinically, brain injury activates innate immunity, and the
disruption of the blood–brain barrier allows adaptive immunity and peripheral immune
responses, as well as specific antibody production, to influence the brain. These mechanisms
contribute to epileptogenesis in many acquired epilepsies. Processes of neuroinflammation
are equally identified in many acquired models of epilepsy (e.g., after status epilepticus,
stroke, and traumatic brain injuries) [34,35].
Several proteins that induce inflammatory processes were found to be upregulated
in epilepsy in our study. These are C9, C1R, FGG, ITIH1, ITIH2, ITIH4, ATRN, SPP24, F5,
The neuroinflammatory process is accompanied by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress
is mediated by the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which plays an important
role in the pathogenesis of epilepsy [36]. Recurrent epileptic seizures can increase the
concentration of reactive oxygen species and superoxides in the brain [37]. Free radicals
can directly induce seizure activity through the inactivation of glutamine synthase, which
leads to glutamate excitotoxicity [38], as well as the inhibition of glutamate decarboxylase.
In patients with TLE, antioxidant systems such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase
(SOD) are altered, indicating ongoing oxidative stress [39].
The complement system is involved in the epileptogenesis of TLE in the chronic
phase, both in experimental models and in humans [40]. Persistent complement activation
can promote a sustained inflammatory response and destabilize the neural networks
involved. The sequential administration of five membrane attack pathway proteins into the
hippocampus of awake and free-moving rats induced both behavioral and electrographic
seizures, as well as cytotoxicity. The onset of seizures occurred during or shortly after
the C8/C9 infusion [41]. The overexpression of C8B was found in the plasma of patients
with Rolandic epilepsy [10]. The overexpression of C9 was observed in the hippocampal
tissues of patients with TLE [40]. Our study found increased C9 expression in the epilepsy
group. Elevated levels of C8 and C8A were also found in the group of MRI-positive
patients in comparison with the MRI-negative ones, which indicates a more intensive
neuroinflammatory process in MRI-positive patients.
Angiotensin (AGT) promotes an inflammatory response causing oxidative stress.
AGT receptor activation has been demonstrated in the cortex and hippocampus of mesial
temporal sclerosis [42]. AGT mediates a predisposition to seizures [43]. It has an inhibitory
effect on K+ -induced GABA release, as demonstrated by the analysis of hippocampal
sections [44]. Our study demonstrated AGT overexpression in the epilepsy group compared
to the healthy group.
The inflammatory process is compensated by the overexpression of proteins, in one
way or another, inhibiting inflammatory cascades. Our study found several proteins that
compensate for the inflammatory response, including SPP24, A2M, CLU, CPN2, CPB2,
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 7935 10 of 15
AFM, and AAG.
Alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2M) is a glycoprotein that can inhibit proteases without
directly blocking their active site. It suppresses complement activation. An increased content
of A2M in the CSF was found in children with encephalitis [45]. Moderately elevated levels
of A2M were also observed in the CSF of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy [46]. In our
study, the increased expression of A2M was observed in the MRI-negative group compared
to the MRI-positive group.
Clusterin (CLU or APOJ) exhibits a protective effect against brain damage by stabiliz-
ing stress proteins and inhibiting apoptosis. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) induce massive
CLU mRNA expression and immunoreactivity in neurons and astroglia [47]. Clusterin
knockout leads to increased proapoptotic activity in neurons [48]. Induced status epilepti-
cus leads to a sharp increase in clusterin mRNA in glial cells. The increased expression of
this protein may be a compensatory response aimed at slowing down the neurodegenera-
tive cascade controlled by the complement system [49]. An increased expression of CLU
was observed in the TLE patients, where it may be a response to medication by valproic
acid [50].
Vitronectin (VTN) is a multifunctional glycoprotein of the hemopexin family, present in
the blood and extracellular matrix. It binds glycosaminoglycans, collagen, and plasminogen,
which are involved in neurodegenerative processes. It is an indicator of the reactive gliosis
of the hippocampus, which was demonstrated in kainic models of epileptogenesis [51].
An increased VTN expression was observed in MRI-positive patients compared to MRI-
negative patients, which was noted in previous studies.
Gelsolin (GSN) is associated with the reorganization of actin in microglia, which
contributes to the restoration of the processes of the nervous tissue after damage and
inflammation. Studies of GSN knockout mice [52] showed that gelsolin protects neurons
from excitotoxic Ca2+ overload in vitro and in vivo. A marked decrease in GSN levels is
observed in CSF and tissue in patients with TLE [53]. In our study, on the contrary, an
increased expression of GSN was observed in the whole group of epilepsy in comparison
with the healthy group, which may be caused by compensatory mechanisms.
motor and non-motor, with and without impaired awareness, were recorded, with an
average frequency of 2.6 months.
5. Conclusions
Epilepsy can be caused by various reasons, but, finally, they all lead to the onset and
persistence of the inflammatory process caused and maintained by several proteins found in
our study, which, in turn, triggers a molecular cascade of events that contribute to the spread
and preservation of epileptogenic activity. Neuroinflammation and the accompanying
oxidative stress can be compensated to some extent by the induction of inflammation-
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 7935 13 of 15
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.E.G., D.V.V., T.N.Z. and D.V.D.; methodology, Y.E.G. and
Z.M.; investigation, Y.E.G., D.V.V., T.N.Z. and D.V.D.; data curation, Y.E.G. and D.V.V.; writing—original
draft preparation, Y.E.G. and E.E.T.; writing—review and editing, Z.M., T.N.Z., D.V.D., M.V.B. and A.S.K.;
visualization, D.V.V.; supervision, M.V.B. and A.S.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian
Federation, project numbers: FWES-2022-0005 for Y.E.G., D.V.V., T.N.Z. and A.S.K.; and REYC-2021-
0002 for E.E.T. and D.V.D.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki, and approved by the Local Ethics Committee of Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk
State Medical University (protocol No. 85/2018, dated 27 September 2018).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The original data are available upon reasonable request from the
corresponding authors.
Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to all the patients participating in this research. Technical
and instrumental support was provided by Krasnoyarsk Regional Center for Collective Use at the
Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS, Shared Core Facilities of Molecular and Cell Technologies
at Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, and John L. Holmes Mass Spectrometry Facility at the
University of Ottawa.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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