Automatic Agricultural Robot
Automatic Agricultural Robot
Automatic Agricultural Robot
Agriculture is a time consuming as well as labour demanding sector nowadays. Traditional
methods of agriculture will lead to huge losses to farmers both in productivity as well as
financially. This paper focused on the development of a novel model named Automatic
Agricultural Robot – Agrobot which can execute the operations like digging the soil, planting
seeds, and watering with more precision and accuracy with the help of robotics and
automation. This will be a solution to the time constraints and labour issues and it helps to
achieve a higher rate of production. Agrobot is a four-wheeled robot integrated with Arduino
mega 2560. The ultrasonic sensor interfaced to Arduino senses the edge of the field and helps
in the automatic movement of the robot. The device can be operated by providing input
through an android application. The values like distance between the seeding, direction to
which the robot turns at first, the number of seeds to be planted in one hole, etc. are given as
the initial inputs to make the robot starts functioning. Agrobot will also help to reduce the
usage of petroleum products in the agriculture sector and thereby reducing environmental
Existing System
Agriculture is the most important sector of Indian Economy. Indian agriculture sector accounts for 18 per cent of India's gross
domestic product (GDP) and provides employment to 50% of the countries workforce. Irrigation is defined as “Artificially
supplying & systematically dividing of water for agriculture & horticulture in order to obtain higher or qualitatively better
production. In India most of the irrigation systems are not automated. These techniques are replaced with semi-automated and
automated techniques. The available techniques are like terraced irrigation, drip irrigation and sprinkler system. The global
irrigation is categorized by increased demand for higher agricultural productivity, poor performance and decreased availability of
water for agriculture.
Proposed System:
Agorot is designed to execute four mechanisms. They are watering mechanism, drilling and lifting mechanism, seed sowing
mechanism, obstacle detection, and automation respectively. The robot can only be operated by specifying the distance between
the operating points, direction to which the robot first turns, etc. This can be done with the help of the android application
installed on the smartphone . After getting the value of these variables, the subsequent robot operation does not require human
assistance. The hardware components and various sensors are interfaced with Arduino mega 2560. DC motors are driven by
using an L298N motor driver. Four DC motors are used for driving the wheels and two DC motors are used for Drilling and
Lifting mechanism. Once the robot reaching the operating point, it executes drilling operation with a spiral ground drill bit
attached to a 100-rpm dc gear motor, at the same time the submersible pump is turned on for pumping water. A low rpm dc gear
motor coupled with rack and pinion gears is used to provide up and down movement to the drilling motor. After making the
seedbed, the seeds are selected one by one by the seed sowing mechanism which is powered by a servo motor. Collected seed is
then ejected to the hole with the help of a tube having sufficient diameter . Once the robot has reached the operating point,
drilling and watering operations will be performed together. Only after that does the seed sowing process begin. The robot is then
moving to the next operating point. This operation will continue until the robot covers the entire field. The robot navigates the
field using the inputs from a magnetometer and it is interfaced with the Arduino mega 2560 . Bluetooth module is used to receive
the data which is sent from the user’s smartphone. Obstacle detection and Automation mechanism can be done with the help of
an ultrasonic sensor. Its programming algorithm is as follows, whenever the ultrasonic sensor detects an obstacle the robot will
turn 180 degrees through a sequence of steps and when the ultrasonic sensor detects obstacles twice (repeatedly by, one by one)
the robot will stop its operation. The entire mechanism is powered electrically by a 12V 7500 mAhleadacid battery.
C, C++