Psychology Chapter 1 MCQs
Psychology Chapter 1 MCQs
Psychology Chapter 1 MCQs
Session 2024-2025
Class XI
Chapter-1 What is Psychology?
Q5. ………….. studies changes that occur from infancy to old age.
(a) Health Psychology
(b) Abnormal Psychology
(c) Developmental Psychology
(d) Clinical Psychology
Q6. Siddhant needs help as he cannot manage with his day to day pressure and feels less
motivated. He should visit to a …………….. for his problem related to emotional instability.
(a) Counseling psychologist
(b) Clinical psychologist
(c) Organizational psychologist
(d) Community psychologist
Q7. Name the psychologist who said study of behavior which can be measured and verified
objectively should be the subject matter of psychology.
(a) James William
(b) James Watson
(c) Sigmond Frued
(d) Welhelm Wundt
(a) Latin
(b) Spanish
(c) Greek
(d) Italian
Q9. The Greek philosopher ______ believed that knowledge is acquired through experience and
(a) Archimedes
(b) Rousseau
(c) Plato
(d) Aristotle
Q10. The school of psychology whose goal was to identify the basic elements of experience was
(a) experientialism
(b) dualism
(c) functionalism
(d) structuralism
Q11. Darwin’s theory of ______ argued that physiological characteristics evolve because they
are useful to the
(a) extreme usefulness
(b) natural endowment
(c) natural selection
(d) natural wellbeing
Q14. Which school of psychology believes that it is impossible to objectively study the mind?
(a) functionalism
(c) humanism
(d) socialism
Q15. Receiving an electric shock would be an example of a ______ whereas being frightened
would be an example of a ______.
(a) stimulus, response
(b)punishment, reward
(c) reaction, emotion
(d) reinforcement, stimulus
Q19. Assertion (A) : Nowadays , a large number of hospitals employ psychologist for
providing psychological counselling and positive support to patients who are terminally ill
/suffering from critical illness /are in post surgery care /physically challenged etc
Reason (R): Health professionals have realized that the saying that ‘healthy body requires
a healthy mind’ is actually true.
a) Both A and R are true, but R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true, R is false
d) A is false, R is true
Case Study : Dr. Dean Ornish, an Americal Physician has conducted a number of studies on
patients .In one of his studies , persons with blocked arteries were made to visualize that
blood was flowing through their blocked arteries .After practicing this over a period of time
along with lifestyle management , significant relief was experienced by the patients. The
degree of blockage became significantly less .
Q22. What conclusion can be drawn from the above mentioned research observation?
a) There exist no relationship between body and mind
b) All heart patients can be cured only through training their mind
c) If a person from any cardiac problem, he has to consult a psychologist.
d) Positive visualization /emotions can bring about significant changes in
bodily processes
Q26. Which field of psychology would be most likely to study the influence of
over-crowding on conformity?
(a) personality
(b) cognitive
(c) clinical
(d) social
Q27. Issues related to discrimination, which branch will help us the most?
(a) Educational
(b) Social
(c) Industrial
(d) Clinical
Q30. Statement I- Psychology as a science looks for patterns of behaviour that can be studied.
Statement II- Behaviour which can be predicted and not explained after the behaviour occurs.
(a) Statement I is correct but Statement II is wrong
(b) Statement I is wrong but Statement II is correct
(c) Both Statements are correct
(d) Both statements are wrong
Q31. It studies the role played by the mind in strengthening the immune system is-
(a) Neurologypsychology
(b) Psychoneuroimmunology
(c) Parapsychology
(d) Bioneuropsychology
Q32. Statement I- Use of mental imagery generated by a person in his/her mind have been found
useful in significant bodily changes.
Statement II- Using positive visualization and emotions significant relief was obtained by the
patients of blocked arteries.
Q33. Common sense is usually found opposite to the findings of psychological researches. It is
based on hindsight.
(a) It means, explain any behaviour when it has happened
(b) It means, explain any behaviour when it is happening
(c) It means, to predict on any behavior when it will happen
(d) None of them
Q34. Identify the correct sequence of the stages of evolution of Psychology. (1)
(a) Constructivism, Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism & Introspection
(b) Structuralism, Gestalt psychology, Behaviorism & Psychoanalysis
(c) Introspection, Humanistic approach, Functionalism & Cognitive perspective
(d) Constructivism, Structuralism, Behaviorism& Functionalism
Q39. Dr. Malini has a medical degree with years of specialized training in the treatment of
psychological disorders. Correctly identify her profession from the options given below.
Q40. _________ focuses on the relationship between behaviour and the physical system
including the brain, and the rest of the nervous system, the immune system and genetics.
(a) Biological psychology
(b) Clinical Psychology
(c) Neuropsychology
(d) Experimental Psychology
Q41. ____________ explore how people are affected by their social environment how people
think about and influence others.
(a) Social Psychology
(b) Applied Psychology
(c) Cultural Psychology
(d) Experimental Psychology
Q42. ____________ assume that human behaviour is not only a reflection of human biological
potential but also a product of culture.
(a) Cross cultural and Cultural Psychology
(b) Social Psychology
(c) Both of them
(d) None of them
Q43. Disposal of waste, population explosion, conservation of energy, efficient use of
community resources are associated with and are functions of human behaviour studied under-
(a) Environmental psychology
(b) Community Psychology
(c) Biological Psychology
(d) None of them
Q44. _______________ deals with causes treatment and prevention of different types of
psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders and chronic substance
(a) Clinical Psychology
(b) Biological Psychology
(c) Experimental Psychology
(d) Neuropsychology
Q45. Assertion (A) although psychology is a very old subject discipline, it is a young science
Reason ( R) Not only in other countries but in India as well , it is also a subject of study
offered in the faculty of Science both at the under graduate / post graduate
level at some universities.
Q46. ________ focuses on designing programs that promote intellectual social and emotional
development of children including those with special needs.
(a) Educational Psychology
(b) Social Psychology
(c) Applied Psychology
(d) Clinical Psychology
Q47. Who proposed the famous equation B= f(P,E); which suggests that behaviour is the product
of a person and her / his environment.
(a) Kurt Lewin
(b) James
(c) Watson
(d) Badura
Q48. _________ provides us with different context in which the theories and principles derived
from research can be meaningfully applied in real life.
(a) Applied Psychology
(b) Basic Psychology
(c) Both of them
(d) None of them