Athens & UGA
UGA became the nation’s first
1 state-chartered university in 1785
and is considered the birthplace of UGA: FIRST & STILL FOREMOST
public higher education in the U.S.
Founded on Jan. 27, 1785 – four years before George
UGA has been ranked among the
Washington was inaugurated as the first President of the U.S.A.
23 nation’s top-25 public universities
by U.S. News & World Report for – the University of Georgia is the nation’s first state-chartered
23 consecutive years.
university. More than two centuries later, UGA combines its
The University of Georgia was
18th-century history with the most modern of amenities to
3 ranked as the college with the
third-best student life in the nation create one of the premier college campuses in the world.
in an annual survey by ranked UGA No. 11 ACADEMIC OFFERINGS:
11 among top public universities
based on academic, admissions, > 24 Baccalaureate degrees in more than 142 fields
financial and student life data.
UGA’s dining halls, which include > 32 Master’s degrees in 135 fields
13 24-hour options, were ranked
as the nation’s 13th-best 10 by
> Specialist in Education degree in 8 major fields
Business Insider magazine. > 4 Doctoral degrees in 87 areas
Forbes ranked UGA No. 17 among
> Professional degrees in law, pharmacy and veterinary medicine
17 colleges that “dominate” in sports
and academics based NCAA titles
> More than 130 Study Abroad & exchange programs
and Forbes’ list of Americas’ Top Colleges.
America's Consummate College Town
With more than 330,000
alumni, Georgia graduates can
be found worldwide. A UGA
“G” is guaranteed to draw a
COLLEGE “Go Dawgs!” no matter how
> No. 18 in Public Policy Analysis
> No. 24 in Public Health
> No. 25 in Printmaking
> No. 25 in Pharmacy
Georgia Athletics
UGA has captured 46 national
46 championships in 11 different
sports, with 28 of those coming in
the 2000s.
UGA registered a graduation rate
87 of 87 percent in the most recent
NCAA statistics, with five sports
posting a perfect 100 percent.
A total of 41 former Georgia
41 football players were on NFL
rosters for the opening weekend
of the 2021 season.
UGA student-athletes combined
11 to win 11 medals at the Tokyo
Olympic Games in 2021, including
three Gold Medals.
Seventeen of UGA’s 21 athletic
17 programs have posted top-
20 finishes in their national
championships during the 2000s.
Georgia have finished as one of
23 the nation’s top-25 programs in
the NACDA Director’s Cup all-
sports rankings for 23 consecutive years.
UGA IN 2020:
> UGA was the only school with a former
player on the 2020 Champions of the
NFL (Mecole Hardman), MLB (Alex
Wood) and NBA (KCP below). > In 2020, UGA became just the fifth school to have top-10 selections in the NFL
(Andrew Thomas, No. 4 by the Giants), MLB (Emerson Hancock, No. 6 by Seattle)
and NBA (Anthony Edwards, No. 1 by Minnesota) in the same draft cycle.
Excelling In Every Facet
The University of Georgia’s “Uga” has been honored as the top
mascot in college athletics by Sports Illustrated multiple times.
Ernie Johnson, Jr. Maria Taylor Quavo Samuel L. Jackson Omari Hardwick Ryan Seacrest Jason Aldean & Ludacris
Georgia Basketball
UGA transformed Stegeman Coliseum with
two major renovations costing more than
$20 million combined to give the historic
arena at 21st century face lift.
A Growing Tradition
Anthony Edwards became
39 Georgia’s 39th all-time NBA Draft
pick when he was taken No. 1
overall by Minnesota in 2020.
UGA is one of two Power 5
2 MBB programs to receive public
recognition for APR and a perfect
GSR score in the most recent NCAA data.
Georgia Bulldog basketball
97 players have combined to be earn
All-SEC 97 accolades during the
conference’s history.
Georgia has earned bids to
26 postseason play 26 times, with all
of those coming last 40 seasons.
The 1983 Final Four is UGA’s best showing.
UGA’s practice facility, which is
120 adjacent to Stegeman Coliseum,
is one of the nation’s largest with
120,000 square feet.
The SEC Network is the most
90 successful of all college sports TV
ventures and was available in 90
million homes when it launched in 2014.
Media Information
LOCATION............... Athens, Ga. The 2021-22 Georgia Bas- Stegeman Coliseum’s press facilities are out-
ENROLLMENT................ 39,147 ketball Guide was prepared lined in the diagram to the following page.
FOUNDED.......................... 1785 specifically to assist mem- The press room is located through Portal 3
bers of the media covering and is equipped with wireless and ethernet
MASCOT..........................Uga X the Bulldogs. Any specific internet access. A room with similar internet
COLORS.................. Red & Black requests beyond the infor- capabilities is available for photographers ad-
PRESIDENT mation in this publication jacent to the press room.
Jere W. Morehead – interviews, credentials, A pre-game meal is served approximately 90
(Georgia J.D. ‘80) photography, etc. – should minutes prior to tip-off. The meal will be served
FACULTY ATHLETICS REP. be directed to:
David Shipley (Oberlin ’72) in an area 20 yards to the left after exiting the
Mike Mobley, MOBLEY press room.
Josh Brooks (LSU ‘02) Associate SCD Press seating is located above Portal 2 in
SENIOR DEPUTY ADs UGA Sports Communications section K of the lower bowl. Radio broadcast
Darrice Griffin email: [email protected]
DEPUTY ADs positions are at the scorer’s table, while TV an-
Magdi El Shahawy, Will Lawler, nounce locations are at center court opposite
P.O. Box 1472 One Selig Circle
Stephanie Ransom the scorer’s table.
EXECUTIVE ASSOCIATE ADs Athens, Ga. 30603 Athens, Ga. 30605
Complete first-half and final box scores will
Ron Courson, Ford Williams OFFICE PHONE: (706) 542-1621
CELL PHONE: (706) 540-7486 be provided, as will final game books with first-
Matt Brachowski, Darlene and second-half play-by-plays, first- and sec-
Camacho, Claude Felton, CREDENTIALS ond-half shot charts and post-game notes and
Glada Horvat, Kevin Miller Credentials for UGA home games are issued quotes will be provided to all working media.
for working media only and should be requested
as early as possible. Credentials are issued on INTERNET ACCESS
Brad Bell, Tim Cearley,
Beth Dziedzic, Anna Randa,
Media wishing to obtain high-speed Internet
Alan Thomas a priority basis. All requests should be made
ASSISTANT ADs access may log on via either through wireless
via the SportsSystems online credentialing site.
John Bateman, Mike Bilbow, or hard-wired ethernet method. Both are avail-
Passes will be mailed when time allows. Other
Emily Deitz, Travis Epling, able in the media seating area and the working
single-game credentials will be left at Media Will
Steve Flippen, Courtney Gay, press room within the Coliseum. Please see a
Scott Hallberg, Matt Hibbs, Call, which is located inside Gate A on the Smith member of the UGA Sports Communications
Rhonda Kilpatrick, Cory Street side of the arena. office to obtain information on how to access
Kopaniasz, Christopher Lakos, A limited number of parking passes will also the University network.
Mike Mobley, Christie Purks, be issued. Media parking is in the Coverdell
Melvin Robinson, Amy Thomas, Lot, located off Smith Street below the Colise- IN-GAME STATISTICS
Wendy Whittington um Training Facility. In addition, parking in the Media covering Georgia home games can view
Carlton Street deck, which is acutally closer to a running statistical account on a web browser
Media Will Call than the Coverdell Lot, is free of by logging onto:
Claude Felton charge for media and fans.
Christopher Lakos, INTERVIEWS Only those accredited photographers working
Mike Mobley (MBB Contact) Interviews with coaches and players will be on assignment will be issued sideline credentials.
SR. ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS conducted before practice on pre-determined
Leland Barrow, Steve Colquitt, Flashes and strobe units are prohibited unless
Tim Hix, Tray Littlefield
dates. These opportunities will be conducted permission has been granted. Photographers
ASSISTANT DIRECTORS virtually this season via Zoom sessions. Unless should shoot from the designated endzone lo-
John Frierson, Karra Logan, the calendar necessitates a change, these avail- cations. No photographers are permitted in the
Jake Stanley, Sean Stevenson abilities will take place the day before each home bench area of either team.
GRADUATE ASSISTANTS game. As much advance notice as possible will
Abby Fletcher, Jake Golob, Photographers who wish to transmit their pho-
be given for these dates and times.
Olivia Puttin tos on-site are asked to use the room adjacent to
Please contact Mike Mobley in the Sports
STUDENT ASSISTANTS the working press room. This area is specifically
Sam Carter, Savannah Daly, Communications office for assistance.
dedicated to the transmission of photography
Sydney Gibbs, Kenzie Harms,
and provides greater work space.
Elizabeth Milstead, Caroline PRACTICES
Parlantieri, Lilly Parmer, Alex Georgia’s practice sessions are generally
Nikitin, Anna Stewart, Thomas closed to the media. Upon request, videogra-
Touchstone, Addie Grace Trejo Following home games, Georgia head coach
phers and photographers may be allowed to
PHOTOGRAPHY INTERNS Tom Crean and two Bulldog players will be
shoot a pre-determined portion at the beginning
Tony Walsh, Mackenzie Miles available for interviews via a Zoom session.
of some practices.
Media Information
SERVED John Linehan (Providence ‘02)
Coliseum Training
Brian Fish (Marshall ‘89)
(Media Parking)
UGA Lot “S16”
Coverdell Lot
Stegeman Coliseum
3-1 6,250
7-6 6,608
8-5 6,178
6-6 5,126
11-2 7,560
8-5 6,579
8-4 6,851
3-10 4,121
12-2 5,600
6-7 5,219
4-9 5,163
4-9 5,458
10-5 5,317
6-8 4,705
6-7 4,808
10-4 6,407
12-3 7,740
9-3 7,878
Christened in 1963 as the Georgia Coliseum, the venue was officially renamed and dedicated
7-3 8,670
1982-83 11-2 6,692
to the memory of Herman James Stegeman on Saturday, March 2, 1996. Stegeman made many
7-3 6,429 contributions to Georgia’s athletic program during his 20-year tenure (1919-39). He was a pioneer
12-2 7,223 in the development of college basketball in the south, originating the region’s first big basketball
8-3 6,630 tournament when he organized the Southern Conference Tournament in Atlanta from 1921-32.
10-2 6,207 Stegeman Hall on the UGA campus was named for Coach Stegeman in 1946 and for years it was
10-3 7,470 home of the University’s athletic and physical education departments. The athletic department
5-6 6,441
moved its offices to the new coliseum in 1964, and Stegeman Hall was demolished in 1995 fol-
12-0 7,376
1990-91 7-5 8,822
lowing completion of the Ramsey Student Center for Physical Activities.
9-3 6,060 The Coliseum is actually two separate structures, the roof and the building beneath it. The only
10-3 5,958 connection is an aluminum bellows which seals the joints and permits the rise and fall of the roof
8-5 6,150 with temperature change.
10-3 6,771 Stegeman has undergone thorough renovations in the last few years, receiving a 21st Century
12-1 8,056 face lift. In 2017, fans walked in to the final product following more than $20-million in renovations
12-2 7,517
over the past several years.
11-4 7,559
1998-99 10-4 6,674
During the summer of 2017, the arena received a massive center-hung scoreboard, new black
7-6 6,777 seats, an improved LED lighting system, a state-of-the-art sound system and graphics above
8-4 8,026 the horseshoe end celebrating past teams and retired jerseys. That followed work in 2017 which
11-2 9,064 provided a dramatic mural covering the Coliseum’s distinctive end wall.
12-1 9,857 In 2010, Stegeman’s concourses received a similar makeover, upgrading the graphics, enhancing
13-3 8,619 spectator access to concessions and restrooms and adding 5,000-square feet of concourse space
7-9 6,189
on each side of the arena.Those efforts won awards from both the American Institute of Architects
9-5 7,115
2006-07 14-4 7,336
and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.
11-5 7,823 In addition, Stegeman Coliseum was utilized for rhythmic gymnastics and preliminary volleyball
10-8 6,678 competition during the Centennial Olympic Games in 1996.
2009-10 12-4 6,834
11-6 7,079 Individual Georgia Opponent
12-6 6,198
Points 46 by Ronnie Hogue vs. LSU (12/20/71) 58 by Pete Maravich, LSU (3/8/69)
15-3 6,126
12-4 7,517 Rebounds 32 by Bob Lienhard vs. Sewanee (12/3/68) 27 by Clyde Lee, Vanderbilt (1/11/65)
15-4 7,517
12-6 7,219 Team Georgia Opponent
2017-18 11-4 8,214
Points 138 vs. Arkansas A&M (12/2/67) 106 by Kentucky (2/19/68)
8-9 8,747
12-5 9,651 Rebounds 78 vs. Sewanee (12/3/68) 62 by Kentucky (2/9/76)
12-5 1,638
Additional Stegeman Records can be found on Page 81.
TOTALS 548-257 (.681)
Radio Network
2021-22 Rosters
0 Jailyn Ingram 6-7 225 B Gr.-Tr. Madison, Ga. / Tr.-Florida Atlantic
1 Jabri Abdur-Rahim 6-8 210 B * So.-Tr. South Orange, N.J. / Tr.-Virginia
2 Cam McDowell 6-5 185 B Fr.-HS Powder Springs, Ga. / McEachern High School
3 Kario Oquendo 6-4 215 B * So.-Tr. Titusville, Fla. / Tr.-Florida SouthWestern State
4 Tyron McMillan 6-9 220 B * Jr.-1L. New Orleans, La. / Tr.-Kilgore (Texas) College
5 Christian Wright 6-3 185 B Fr.-HS Alpharetta, Ga. / The Skill Factory
10 Aaron Cook 6-2 185 B Gr.-Tr. St. Louis, Mo. / Tr.-Gonzaga
11 Jaxon Etter 6-4 205 B * Jr.-2L Woodstock, Ga. / Etowah High School
12 Josh Taylor 6-9 215 B * So.-1L Atlanta, Ga. / Norcross High School
13 Jonathan Ned 6-9 220 B * Sr.-1L Brentwood, Calif. / Tr.-Eastern Florida State College
15 Dalen Ridgnal 6-7 200 B * Jr.-Tr. Kansas City, Mo. / Cowley (Community) College
20 Noah Baumann 6-6 210 B * Sr.-Tr. Phoenix, Ariz / Tr.-Southern Cal
23 Braelen Bridges 6-11 240 B * Sr.-Tr. Atlanta, Ga. / Tr.-UIC
24 P.J. Horne 6-6 225 B Gr.-1L Tifton, Ga. / Tr.-Virginia Tech
35 Tyrone Baker 6-11 210 B Fr.-HS Fort Myers, Fla. / Hightower (Texas) High School
1 Jabri Abdur-Rahim 6-8 210 B * So.-Tr. South Orange, N.J. / Tr.-Virginia
35 Tyrone Baker 6-11 210 B Fr.-HS Fort Myers, Fla. / Hightower (Texas) High School
20 Noah Baumann 6-6 210 B * Sr.-Tr. Phoenix, Ariz / Tr.-Southern Cal
23 Braelen Bridges 6-11 240 B * Sr.-Tr. Atlanta, Ga. / Tr.-UIC
10 Aaron Cook 6-2 185 B Gr.-Tr. St. Louis, Mo. / Tr.-Gonzaga
11 Jaxon Etter 6-4 205 B * Jr.-2L Woodstock, Ga. / Etowah High School
24 P.J. Horne 6-6 225 B Gr.-1L Tifton, Ga. / Tr.-Virginia Tech
0 Jailyn Ingram 6-7 225 B Gr.-Tr. Madison, Ga. / Tr.-Florida Atlantic
2 Cam McDowell 6-5 185 B Fr.-HS Powder Springs, Ga. / McEachern High School
4 Tyron McMillan 6-9 220 B * Jr.-1L. New Orleans, La. / Tr.-Kilgore (Texas) College
13 Jonathan Ned 6-9 220 B * Sr.-1L Brentwood, Calif. / Tr.-Eastern Florida State College
3 Kario Oquendo 6-4 215 B * So.-Tr. Titusville, Fla. / Tr.-Florida SouthWestern State
15 Dalen Ridgnal 6-7 200 B * Jr.-Tr. Kansas City, Mo. / Cowley (Community) College
12 Josh Taylor 6-9 215 B * So.-1L Atlanta, Ga. / Norcross High School
5 Christian Wright 6-3 185 B Fr.-HS Alpharetta, Ga. / The Skill Factory
* With the NCAA awarding an extra year for eligibility due to COVID-19, these players could play one more season than their classification would traditionally indicate.
0 1 2
41-49 in 3 seasons at UGA 6-7 • 225 • Gr. 6-8 • 210 • So. 6-5 • 185 • Fr.
397-280 in 21 seasons overall Madison, Ga. South Orange, N.J. Powder Springs, Ga.
3 4 5 10
6-4 • 215 • So. 6-9 • 220 • Jr. 6-3 • 185 • Fr. 6-2 • 185 • Gr.
Titusville, Fla. New Orleans, La. Alpharetta, Ga. St. Louis, Mo.
11 12 13 15
6-4 • 205 • Jr. 6-9 • 215 • So. 6-9 • 220 • Sr. 6-7 • 200 • Jr.
Woodstock, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Brentwood, Calif. Kansas City, Mo.
20 23 24 35
6-6 • 210 • Sr. 6-11 • 240 • Sr. 6-6 • 225 • Gr. 6-11 • 210 • Fr.
Phoenix, Ariz. Atlanta, Ga. Tifton, Ga. Fort Myers, Fla.
2021-22 Schedule
Tom Crean bio.................................................................16-19
Steve McClain bio................................................................ 20
Wade Mason bio.................................................................. 21
John Linehan bio................................................................. 22
Brian Fish & J.D. Powell bios.............................................. 23
David Gale & Heather McCormick bios............................. 24
Sean Hays & Lance Schuemann bios................................ 25
Jordan Lange & Graduate Manager bios..................... 26-27
Student Support Staff......................................................... 27
Support Staff bios........................................................... 28-29
John Bateman & Darrice Griffin bios................................. 30
Josh Brooks bio & UGAA Senior Staff.............................. 31
Jere W. Morehead bio & Athletic Board............................ 32
Jabri Abdur-Rahim bio................................................... 33-34
Tyrone Baker bio................................................................. 35
Noah Baumann bio......................................................... 36-37
Braelen Bridges bio........................................................ 38-39
Aaron Cook bio............................................................... 40-42
Jaxon Etter bio................................................................ 43-44
P.J. Horne bio.................................................................. 45-47
Jailyn Ingram bio............................................................ 48-50
Cam McDowell bio.............................................................. 51
Tyron McMillan bio........................................................ 52-53
Jonathan Ned bio........................................................... 54-55
Kario Oquendo bio.............................................................. 56
Dalen Ridgnal bio................................................................ 57
Josh Taylor bio............................................................... 58-59
Christian Wright bio............................................................. 60
Bulldog Biographies
The palpable excitement Tom Crean brought to his introductory press session as Georgia
PERSONAL DATA Basketball’s 22nd head coach on March 16, 2018, has continued with his tireless effort to turn
HOMETOWN Mount Pleasant, Mich. the Bulldogs into a national power.
During his initial meeting with the media, Crean enthusiastically professed his appreciation
EDUCATION for UGA’s reputation as one of the nation’s premier public universities, which drew him to the
HIGH SCHOOL Mount Pleasant ’84 job and his affinity for the Bulldogs’ motto. He then laid out his plan to make Georgia one of
UNDERGRADUATE Central Michigan ’89 the nation’s premier programs.
(Parks & Recreation, ”We come in knowing that we’re coming into a world-class university,” Crean stated. ”I’ve
minor in Psychology) been privileged to work at some great places. This is a world-class university that is world-
known for what they do, for what they are about.”
FAMILY Wife – Joani
Children – Megan (26), Riley (22)
and Ainsley (16) Quite a First Three Seasons
Crean’s presence at Georgia has been extremely impactful, both on and off the court.
Between the lines, Crean’s offensive-minded concepts have the Bulldogs scoring a pace
CAREER PATH seldom seen in Stegeman Coliseum. Georgia has reached the 90-point plateau 15 times in
Crean’s first 90 games with the Bulldogs. You have to count back 387 games – a span of 11-
STATE Graduate Assistant 1989-90 plus seasons for the 2006-07 campaign – to equate the time it took the Bulldogs to score 90
WESTERN KENTUCKY Assistant Coach 1990-92 or more points prior to Crean’s arrival.
Assoc. Head Coach 1992-94 As would be expected, those excessive scoring tallies have increased Georgia’s overall
offensive production. Crean's metalevel offensive mind is regularly recognized and lauded
Assistant Coach 1994-95 by basketball brightest pundits. Last season, the Bulldogs put up 77.5 points per game, their
MICHIGAN STATE Assistant Coach 1995-97 highest scoring average since the 2003-04 campaign. In fact, Crean's teams have produced
Assoc. Head Coach 1997-99 two of Georgia's five highest scoring averages of the 2000s as the 2019-20 Bulldogs' 75.9 ppg
clip is fourth best in this century.
Head Coach 1999-08 A significant influx of talent has been making its way to Athens since Crean arrived. Geor-
INDIANA Head Coach 2008-17 gia has inked six consensus top-100 prospects under Crean, as many as the Bulldogs did in
the dozen prior recruiting cycles combined. Headlining that ledger was of course Anthony
Head Coach 2018- Edwards, the ballyhooed Atlanta native who lived up to his hype en route to winning SEC
Freshman of the Year honors before becoming the No. 1 overall pick in the 2020 NBA Draft.
All of the aforementioned has only strengthened the love affair between Crean and the
Bulldogs’ fan base. In his first season, Georgia broke its all-time total attendance record at
Stegeman Coliseum by more than 10,000 fans. A year later, that effort was shattered once
again, with a new mark by more than 15,000 spectators. In addition, the Bulldogs’ home
average of 9,651 fans during the 2019-20 season ranks second all-time in UGA annals.
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
79 quette secured the Conference USA outright title with 2005-06 20-11 10-6 4th Big East NCAA round of 64
191 83-65, at Assembly Hall in Tom Crean’s first game as 2018-19 11-21 2-16 13th
the first round, IU tops Georgetown, 82-72, to win the 1990-94 AT WESTERN KENTUCKY
Progressive Legends Classic at Barclays Center. ◊ On Ralph Willard’s staff for four seasons, with an 81-42 record.
Feb. 2, 2012 – In a top-5 showdown, No. 3 Indiana ◊ The Hilltoppers won two Sun Belt Conference championships –1993
265 tournament and 1994 regular season.
Bulldog Biographies
Opponent..................... MU..........IU..... UGA......Tot. Opponent..................... MU..........IU..... UGA......Tot. Opponent..................... MU..........IU..... UGA......Tot. Opponent..................... MU..........IU..... UGA......Tot.
Air Force........................ 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Florida A&M.................. 1-0........ 0-0........ 1-0....... 2-0 Memphis........................ 1-4........ 0-0........ 1-0....... 2-4 Seton Hall...................... 5-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 5-0
Alabama........................ 0-1........ 0-0........ 0-4....... 0-5 Florida Atlantic.............. 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Michigan........................ 0-0........ 8-8........ 0-0....... 8-8 SIU Edwardsville........... 2-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 2-0
Alcorn State................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Florida Gulf Coast......... 1-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 2-0 Michigan State.............. 0-1...... 4-10........ 0-1..... 4-12 SMU............................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 1-0....... 2-0
Appalachian State......... 2-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 2-0 Fordham........................ 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Minnesota...................... 0-2........ 7-8........ 0-0..... 7-10 South Alabama............. 0-1........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 0-1
Arizona........................... 0-2........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 0-2 Fort Wayne.................... 2-0........ 1-1........ 0-0....... 3-1 Mississippi..................... 0-0........ 0-1........ 3-3....... 3-4 South Carolina.............. 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-6....... 1-6
Arizona State................. 0-0........ 0-0........ 0-2....... 0-2 Gardner-Webb.............. 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Mississippi State........... 0-0........ 0-0........ 0-3....... 0-3 South Carolina State.... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Arkansas........................ 0-0........ 0-0........ 1-2....... 1-2 George Mason.............. 0-0........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 0-1 Mississippi Valley State.0-0....... 3-0........ 0-0....... 3-0 South Dakota State....... 2-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 2-0
Ark.-Pine Bluff............... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Georgetown.................. 1-3........ 1-1........ 0-0....... 2-4 Missouri......................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 1-4....... 2-4 South Florida................. 7-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 7-0
Ark.-Little Rock.............. 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Georgia.......................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Montana........................ 0-0........ 0-0........ 1-0....... 1-0 Southeast Missouri....... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Auburn........................... 0-0........ 0-0........ 2-4....... 2-4 Georgia Southern......... 0-0........ 0-0........ 1-0....... 1-0 Morehead State............ 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Southern Miss............... 3-2........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 3-2
Austin Peay................... 0-0........ 2-0........ 1-0....... 3-0 Georgia State................ 0-0........ 0-0........ 0-1....... 0-1 Morgan State................ 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 St. Joseph’s................... 0-0........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 0-1
Ball State....................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Georgia Tech................. 0-0........ 0-1........ 2-0....... 2-1 Morris Brown................ 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 St. John’s....................... 4-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 5-0
Baylor............................. 0-1........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 0-1 Gonzaga......................... 1-0........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 1-1 Mount St. Mary’s.......... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Stanford......................... 0-1........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 0-1
Boise State.................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Grambling..................... 2-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 2-0 N.C. Central................... 0-0........ 3-0........ 1-0....... 4-0 Stetson........................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Boston College.............. 0-0........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 0-1 Grand Canyon............... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 N.C. State....................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Stony Brook................... 0-0........ 2-0........ 0-0....... 2-0
Boston University......... 0-0........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 0-1 Hampton........................ 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Nebraska........................ 1-1........ 4-4........ 0-0....... 5-5 Syracuse........................ 0-2........ 0-2........ 0-0....... 0-4
Bryant............................ 0-0........ 2-0........ 0-0....... 2-0 Hillsdale......................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 New Mexico State......... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 TCU................................ 2-4........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 3-4
Butler............................. 0-0........ 2-2........ 0-0....... 2-2 Holy Cross..................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 New Orleans.................. 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Temple........................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-1....... 1-1
Cal State Northridge..... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Houston......................... 4-2........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 4-2 Nicholls State................ 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Tennessee..................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 1-2....... 2-2
Canisius......................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Houston Baptist............ 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 North Carolina............... 0-1........ 2-1........ 0-0....... 2-2 Texas.............................. 0-0........ 0-0........ 1-0....... 1-0
Centenary...................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Howard.......................... 0-0........ 2-0........ 0-0....... 2-0 North Dakota State....... 0-1........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-1 Texas A&M.................... 0-0........ 0-0........ 1-2....... 1-2
Central Connecticut...... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Idaho State.................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Northeastern................. 0-0........ 0-1........ 1-0....... 1-1 Texas-San Antonio....... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Chaminade.................... 1-0........ 1-0........ 1-0....... 3-0 Illinois............................ 0-0........ 8-8........ 0-0....... 8-8 Northern Iowa............... 0-0........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 0-1 Texas Southern............. 1-0........ 1-0........ 1-0....... 3-0
Charlotte........................ 4-6........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 4-6 Illinois State................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 1-0....... 2-0 Northern Michigan....... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Texas Tech.................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Chattanooga.................. 0-0........ 2-0........ 0-0....... 2-0 Indiana........................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 North Florida................. 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Toledo............................ 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Chicago State................ 2-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 3-0 Iowa............................... 0-0........ 8-8........ 0-0....... 8-8 North Georgia............... 0-0........ 0-0........ 1-0....... 1-0 Tulane............................ 6-1........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 6-1
Cincinnati....................... 6-7........ 0-0........ 1-0....... 7-7 Iowa State...................... 0-1........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 0-1 Northwestern................ 0-0........ 7-9........ 0-0....... 7-9 Tulsa.............................. 0-1........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 0-1
Citadel............................ 0-0........ 0-0........ 1-0....... 1-0 IUPUI.............................. 1-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 2-0 Northwestern State...... 1-0........ 3-0........ 0-0....... 4-0 UAB................................ 3-4........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 3-4
Clemson......................... 0-0........ 0-0........ 0-1....... 0-1 Jacksonville................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 1-0....... 2-0 Notre Dame................... 5-3........ 2-2........ 0-0....... 5-5 UMass Lowell................ 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Colorado........................ 0-0........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 0-1 James Madison............. 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Oakland.......................... 3-0........ 1-0........ 1-0....... 5-0 UMBC............................. 1-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 2-0
Connecticut................... 2-1........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 2-2 Kansas........................... 0-1........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-1 Ohio State...................... 0-0........ 6-9........ 0-0....... 6-9 UNC Greensboro.......... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Coppin State.................. 4-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 5-0 Kennesaw State............ 0-0........ 2-0........ 1-0....... 3-0 Oklahoma State............ 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 UNLV.............................. 0-0........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 0-1
Cornell........................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Kent State...................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Oral Roberts.................. 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 USC Upstate.................. 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Creighton....................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Kentucky........................ 2-0........ 2-4........ 1-3....... 5-7 Penn State..................... 0-0...... 10-7........ 0-0..... 10-7 Utah Valley State.......... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Dayton........................... 1-3........ 0-0........ 0-1....... 1-4 Lamar............................. 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Pittsburgh...................... 5-3........ 2-0........ 0-0....... 7-3 UWM.............................. 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Delaware State.............. 3-0........ 1-0........ 1-0....... 5-0 Lewis.............................. 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Providence..................... 3-1........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 3-1 Valparaiso...................... 3-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 3-0
Depaul.......................... 12-4........ 0-0........ 0-0..... 12-4 Liberty............................ 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Purdue........................... 0-0...... 5-10........ 0-0..... 5-10 Vanderbilt...................... 0-0........ 0-0........ 3-0....... 3-0
Detroit............................ 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Lipscomb....................... 0-0........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 0-1 Rice................................ 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 VCU................................ 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Duke............................... 1-1........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 1-2 LIU Brooklyn.................. 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Rutgers.......................... 2-1........ 4-0........ 0-0....... 6-1 Villanova........................ 3-1........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 3-1
East Carolina................. 4-2........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 4-2 Louisville..................... 8-10........ 0-2........ 0-0..... 8-12 Sacramento State......... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Wake Forest................... 1-1........ 0-2........ 0-0....... 1-3
Eastern Illinois............... 1-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 2-0 Loyola (Ill)...................... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Sacred Heart.................. 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Washington................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Eastern Michigan.......... 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Loyola (MD)................... 0-0........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 0-1 Saint Louis..................... 9-3........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 9-3 West Virginia................. 1-2........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-2
Eastern Washington..... 1-0........ 0-1........ 0-0....... 1-1 LSU................................ 0-0........ 0-0........ 1-4....... 1-4 Sam Houston State....... 2-0........ 1-0........ 1-0....... 4-0 Western Carolina.......... 2-0........ 0-0........ 1-0....... 2-0
Elon................................ 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Maryland....................... 0-0........ 2-4........ 0-0....... 2-4 Samford......................... 0-0........ 1-0........ 1-0....... 2-0 Western Michigan......... 1-1........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-1
Evansville...................... 0-0........ 3-0........ 0-0....... 3-0 Massachusetts.............. 1-0........ 0-0........ 1-0....... 2-0 San Francisco................ 1-0........ 0-0........ 0-0....... 1-0
Florida............................ 0-0........ 0-0........ 1-5....... 1-5 McNeese State.............. 0-0........ 1-0........ 0-0....... 1-0 Savannah State............. 3-0........ 3-0........ 1-0....... 7-0
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
Brian Fish joined the Georgia staff as Director of Player Development J.D. Powell was named Georgia’s director of recruiting and operations
in 2019. Fish sports a long and consistent record of winning basketball in June 2021. Powell spent the previous seven seasons on the staff at
at the highest level. He has helped seven programs reach the NCAA College of Charleston, including the last two as associate head coach.
Tournament player or a coach. All told, 18 of 36 teams he has been Powell’s 22 seasons of collegiate experience have been spent almost
associated with advanced to postseason play when contested. exclusively in Charleston. He joined Earl Grant’s staff in 2014 after serv-
Prior to arriving in Athens, Fish spent the five seasons as the head ing as an assistant coach at The Citadel from 2010-14 and at Charleston
coach at Montana State, where he led the Bobcats to numerous team Southern from 2004-10.
and individual milestones. In Feb. 2016, during Fish’s second season, College of Charleston enjoyed tremendous success with Powell. The
Montana State connected on the third-most 3-pointers ever in NCAA Cougars went from winning just nine games in 2014-15 to 92 victories
Division I history against Northern Arizona (25). In 2016-17, Fish led the over the next four seasons. Player development and retention were
Bobcats to their most wins since 2002. That same season, Montana cornerstones of the program. The Cougars produced 11 all-conference
State finished ranked among national leaders in scoring offense (No. honorees in that span, including back-to-back NBA Draft picks in 2019
35 at 80.0 ppg) and 3-pointers (No. 10 at 10.0 3pg). In 2019, Montana and 2020, while also producing 24 graduates and only six transfers.
State led the Big Sky Conference in scoring in league games (81.8 ppg), Powell served two seasons as director of basketball operations before
and the Bobcats won their first Big Sky tourney victory in a decade. becoming an assistant coach in 2016-17 and being promoted to associate
Fish is the only coach to sign and coach consecutive Big Sky Fresh- head coach after three seasons. In Powell’s first season as an assistant
man of the Year award winners (Tyler Hall in 2016, Harald Frey in 2017). coach, the Cougars finished 25-10 and reached the Colonial Athletic
Hall and Frey went on to finish ranked No. 1 and No. 3, respectively, Association Tournament championship game, resulting in an NIT bid.
among Montana State’s career scoring leaders. Hall broke the Bobcats’ The Cougars went 26-8 the following year. After finishing as CAA reg-
59-year-old career scoring record and became just the 69th Division I ular-season co-champions, Charleston won the conference tournament
player to reach 2,500 points. He finished his ranked No. 9 in NCAA D-I to earn its first NCAA Tournament bid since 1999. The Cougars followed
history in career 3-pointers made with 431. that effort with a 24-9 campaign in 2018-19.
Fish’s impact at Montana State continued after he departed when While at The Citadel, Powell was instrumental in the Bulldogs sign-
Kelgin Blevins joined the Portland Trail Blazers in 2020 to become the ing two of the highest-rated recruits in program history. At Charleston
program’s first player ever to play in an NBA regular-season game. Southern, he helped ink classes ranked No. 1 or No. 2 in the Big South
Fish’s career path includes a combined 25 seasons at Oregon, Creigh- Conference by in 2006, 2007 and 2008.
ton, San Diego, TCU, Kansas State and Marshall, helping those schools A 2001 Clemson graduate, Powell began working with the Tigers’ as
earned bids to seven NCAA Tournaments, seven NITs and one CBI. a manager but later became a walk-on and eventually earned a scholar-
From 2010-14 Fish was an assistant coach and recruiting coordinator ship. He was a member of Clemson’s 1999 NIT runner-up squad. Powell
at Oregon.The Ducks compiled 97 victories and reached postseason play spent two seasons as a graduate manager at Furman from 2002-04 while
all four seasons, highlighted by a trip to the NCAA ”Sweet 16” in 2013. also working in operations for the NBDL’s Greenville Groove.
Fish spent a combined eight seasons during two stints at Creighton. A native of Westminster, S.C., Powell received his bachelor’s in speech
The Bluejays’ earned five postseason bids with Fish, trips to the 2005 and communications from Clemson in 2001 and also earned a master’s
and 2007 NCAATournaments and bids to the 2006, 2008 and 2009 NITs. in technology and human resource development in 2003. Powell and
Fish was on the staffs at TCU and San Diego from 1996-2004. In six his wife, Kerri, have three boys – Jack (11), Tucker (9) and Hampton (6).
campaigns with the Horned Frogs, TCU reached the 1998 NCAA Tourna-
ment and the 1997 and 1999 NITs. Fish’s tenure at San Diego included
the Toreros winning the 2003 WCC title to secure an NCAA bid.
Fish was film coordinator for Kansas State teams that reached the
1993 NCAAs and 1994 NIT. He began his coaching career at Marshall,
his alma mater, where he was a graduate assistant during the 1989-90
campaign before being promoted to assistant coach for two seasons.
A native of Seymour, Ind., Fish played for two seasons (1984-86) at
Western Kentucky, helping the Hilltoppers to a 23-8 record and an NCAA
Tournament bid as a sophomore. He transferred to Marshall, and during
his time there the Thundering Herd compiled a 64-29 record, including
a pair of NCAA appearances and two Southern Conference titles.
In 2009, Fish was named to the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame Silver
Anniversary Team, a class that also included Steve Alford, Gregg Popo-
vich and Scott Skiles. He earned his bachelor’s in Sport Management
from Marshall in 1989, and he and his wife Melyssa reside in Athens.
Bulldog Biographies
David Gale joined the Georgia staff as Associate to the Head Coach / Heather McCormick, one of the greatest gymnasts in Georgia history
Director of Strategy in 2021, bringing with him an impressive wealth of as the former Heather Stepp, joined the Georgia Basketball staff as Di-
professional basketball experience both in the United States and Europe. rector of Administration in 2019. She is responsible for administrative
Prior to arriving in Athens, Gale spent the previous three seasons and logistical matters within day-to-day operations, alumni relations
coaching in Europe. He was the head coach of BC Nevezis Opibet in and liaison to other Athletic Association departments.
Lithuania’s Lietuvos krepšinio lyga (LKL) for the 2021-21 campaign. McCormick has spent much of her professional career at her alma
He was previously an assistant coach for MHP Riesen Ludwigsburg mater. She served as Director of Administration for Georgia Gymnastics
in the Basketball Bundesliga (BBL), helping the franchise improve from from 2017-19, was a Regional Director of Development and Alumni
10th during the 2018-19 season to second place in the league standings Relations for UGA from 2011-17, worked as a Career Development
in 2020 season, with an appearance in the tournament finals. From Consultant for the Athletic Association from 2007-12 and was Assistant
2018-20, Gale also was the head coach for Porsche BBA, which he led to Director of Development from 1996-98.
the German U-19 Championship in 2020 and was named NBBL Coach McCormick is one of Georgia’s most decorated student-athletes in any
of the Year and Coach of the Year by sport. She won three individual NCAA titles (vault in 1992 and 1993 and
Gale established a championship pedigree in the NBA. He spent floor exercise in 1993) and helped the Gym Dogs capture three straight
more than a decade working within three NBA franchises from 2007-18. SEC Championships and a national title as a team. McCormick became
He began his career as an assistant video coordinator for the Los Georgia’s first-ever SEC Gymnast of the Year in 1993 and all told, she
Angeles Clippers from 2007-11. He worked with the Toronto Raptors earned All-America honors nine times. At the time of her graduation,
from 2011-17, first serving as a video coordinator and player develop- McCormick held the school record on all five events.
ment bench coach for four seasons before becoming an assistant coach McCormick, a native of Mt. Clements, Mich., was inducted into UGA’s
and the offensive coordinator for Raptors 905, the franchise’s D League Circle of Honor, the Athletic Association’s highest all-sport honor, in
team, from 2015-17. The Raptors advanced to the NBA Playoffs in 2014 2006 and into the State of Georgia’s Sports Hall of Fame in 2012.
and 2015 and during Gale’s second season with Raptors 905 the team McCormick’s career is even more impressive considering she suf-
captured the 2017 D League Championship. That season, Raptors 905 fered a season-ending elbow injury while warming up on the vault at
finished with a league-best 39-11 regular-season record and went 6-1 a meet in Utah in 1991. McCormick was given just a 10 percent chance
in the Playoffs. of regaining normal use in her arm.
Gale spent the following season as an assistant coach and the de- In 1992, McCormick returned to win the vault title at the NCAAs
fensive coordinator for the Delaware 87ers, the Philadelphia 76ers D and also finish as runner-up in the all-around. She was unanimously
League squad. voted to receive the Honda Inspiration Award, which is presented to a
Throughout his professional career, Gale also has worked for theTim female athlete who shows courage, perseverance and determination
Grgurich Basketball Camp from 2014-19, Adidas Nations from 2014-16 in overcoming obstacles to compete athletically.
and Basketball Without Borders Europe in 2019. McCormick earned three degrees from UGA: a bachelor’s in Account-
A native of Sherman Oaks, Calif., Gale wrapped up his prep career ing (1994), a master’s in Sport Management (1996) and a doctorate in
playing for Brewster Academy during the 2002-03 season. Gale then Sport Management and Policy (2014). McCormick’s husband Matt was
played collegiately at Loyola University Chicago, where he was a four- a letterwinning linebacker for the Georgia football team. They have two
year letterwinner from 2003-07 under both Larry Farmer and Jim Whit- sons, Wade and Shane.
sell. The Ramblers reached the Horizon League Tournament semifinals
during Gale’s junior and senior seasons. In addition, he was selected
for the U.S. team that participated in the 2006 Maccabi International
Games in Australia.
During his collegiate career Gale began eying a career in coaching.
He served as a video coordinator during the NBA Summer League
from 2004-07.
Gale earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a
focus on Sports Management from Loyola-Chicago in 2007.
Bulldog Biographies
Sean Hayes oversees all aspects of the Bulldogs’ strength and condi- Lance Schuemann
tioning program. He has done so since joining the Athletic Association joined the UGA Athletic
staff as Assistant Strength & Conditioning Director in 2010 and has since Association’s Sports
been promoted to Associate Director. Medicine staff in July
Hayes, who sports more than two decades of experience in both the 2018 as an associate
professional and collegiate levels, also works with Georgia’s volleyball athletic trainer. His pri-
program and has previously worked with women’s golf mary responsibilities
Hayes came to Georgia after four seasons in a similar capacity with include prevention, im-
the NFL’s Buffalo Bills. Before his tenure in pro football, Hayes spent mediate care, manage-
more than a decade in intercollegiate athletics. ment, treatment and
Most recently on the collegiate level, he served as the strength and rehabilitation of athletic
conditioning coach for the Clemson basketball team from 2004-06. injuries for the Georgia
Hayes was the first full-time Director of Strength and Conditioning for Basketball program.
the entire 41-varsity sport program at Harvard University from 2002-04. Prior to joining the
He spent three years working with the Crimson’s football team, men’s Georgia staff, Schue-
and women’s basketball teams, as well as both ice hockey squads. mann spent the pre-
Hayes’ other collegiate strength and conditioning positions include vious five seasons as
stints at Tulsa, Springfield College (his alma mater), Yale and Boston the athletic trainer for
University. the men’s basketball
In May 2014, Hayes was awarded the status of Master Strength and and women’s golf pro-
Conditioning Coach by the Collegiate Strength & Conditioning Coaches grams at Wyoming. His
Association, which represents the organization’s highest individual efforts in Laramie helped translate to an extremely successful run for
honor. He is one of only two SEC men’s basketball strength and condi- the Cowboys on the hardwood. Wyoming averaged 20 wins per season
tioning coaches who has earned the MSCC recognition. and reached postseason play three times from 2013-18. Most notably,
Hayes was inducted into the Peabody (Mass.) High School Athletic the Cowboys won the 2015 Mountain West Conference Tournament
Hall of Fame. He lettered in football, hockey and lacrosse for theTanners. to secure an NCAA Tournament bid. They also won the 2017 College
Hayes excelled as goalie for Peabody's lacrosse team and went on to Basketball Invitational (CBI) title.
play for Springfield College and the Boston Blazers. Schuemann was the athletic trainer for the men’s basketball and
Hayes earned two degrees from Springfield. He received his bachelor’s women’s tennis teams at Charleston Southern for two seasons from
in health fitness in 1996 and then completed a master’s in education 2011-13 before moving on to Wyoming. He served as an intern athletic
(applied exercise science) in 1999. Hayes is married to the former trainer at Florida, his alma mater, during the 2010-11 academic year. He
Susanne Esteban, and the couple has two daughters Kaylie and Ella. worked with the men’s basketball and men’s tennis programs, which
reached the ”Elite Eight” and Round of 16 of their respective NCAA
Tournaments that year. In addition, Schuemann was an approved
clinical instructor while in Gainesville.
From 2008-10, Schuemann was a graduate assistant athletic trainer
at Valparaiso. There his responsibilities were primarily with football
and baseball. Before joining the Crusaders’ staff, he also worked as an
intern athletic trainer with the Florida Marlins during the spring of 2008.
Schuemann received his bachelor’s degree in athletic training from
Florida in Dec. 2007. He worked as a student athletic trainer for the
Gators’ men’s basketball team that won the 2007 NCAA Championship.
Schuemann earned his master’s in sports administration from Valparai-
so in May 2010. His certifications include: Corrective Exercise Specialist
from the National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM), Board Cer-
tification from the National Athletic Trainer Association (NATA), CPR/
AED from the American Red Cross and Level 1 status from the Titleist
Performance Institute.
Schuemann married the former Tracy Campbell, the former athletic
trainer for Vanderbilt Baseball, in October of 2021.
Bulldog Biographies
Jordan Lange joined the UGA Athletic Association as Director of Peter Fusilero joined the Georgia staff in the summer of 2020 as a
Creative Services and Social Media for Georgia Basketball in the sum- graduate manager after serving in a similar capacity on the staff at
mer of 2021. Illinois-Chicago during the 2019-20 season.
Lange arrived in Athens after previous successful stints at Oregon Fusilero worked with Georgia assistant coach Steve McClain at UIC
State and Wyoming. after graduating from Kansas. He worked with both the Jayhawks’ men’s
From 2019-21, Lange was the director of graphic design for Oregon and women’s basketball teams, serving as a videographer, assisting in
State’s football program. He created and maintained brand guidelines, recruiting and social media and creating edited video content.
while developing a unique and consistent brand for the Beavers. Lange During the offseason at Kansas, Fusilero helped lead skill instruction
worked with OSU’s videographers, photographers and social media for youth basketball clinics hosted by John Lucas and Jerrance Howard.
team to tell story of OSU football. Those efforts featured personalized He has assisted in player development for Enes Kanter, Jalen Brunson,
recruiting campaigns, as well as creating all other internal and external Devonte Graham and also assisted at Nick Zeisloft’s basketball camps.
materials. While in high school, Fusilero worked as video coordinator for The
Lange was director of graphic design at Wyoming from 2018-19.There Mac Irvin Fire, Chicago’s Nike elite youth basketball team that has
he coordinated and monitored projects within the design team to create produced NBA players Jabari Parker, Jahlil Okafor, Jalen Brunson and
engaging content for Wyoming’s 13 different athletic programs. Those Pat McCaw. A native of Mount Prospect, Ill., Fusilero graduated from
efforts included social media content, printed materials and recruiting Kansas in 2019 with a bachelor’s in Mass Communications and Sports
graphics. Lange also developed and managed the athletic association’s Management.
first project management system for its graphic efforts.
Prior to working in college athletics, Lange was a senior graphic
designer for Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy in Flint, Mich., from 2016-18.
In addition to creating digital, printed and video materials, he taught
classes to employees on utilizing product management methodologies
to keep projects on track, providing updates and transparency to daily
A native of Davison, Mich., Lange graduated from the University
of Michigan-Flint with a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design in 2012.
Jordan and his wife, Kayla, have two sons, Bentley and Blaine, and are
expecting a third boy in January 2022.
Bulldog Biographies
Joseph Rogers returned to his alma mater to serve as a graduate
manager with the Bulldogs in the fall of 2020. He also served as a stu-
dent manager for Georgia during Tom Crean’s first season in Athens.
Last year, Rogers was an assistant coach for the post-graduate team at
Sunrise Christian Academy in Bel Aire, Kansas. He helped the Buffaloes
compile an 18-2 record and finish the season ranked No. 6 in the national
prep coaches poll. Five players from the Sunrise Christian post-grad
roster signed Division I scholarships –Tyrin Lawrence, Vanderbilt; Collin
Moore, Georgia State; Jeremiah Oden, Wyoming; Mykell Robinson,
North Texas; and Tobias Rotegard, UAB.
A native of Rutledge, Ga.,Rogers played at Morgan County High
School, helping the Bulldogs to the school’s first-ever state champion-
ship in 2014 and a runner-up finish during his senior season in 2015.
Rogers earned his bachelor’s degree in Sport Management from
Georgia in 2019 and is currently pursuing his master’s in Consumer CHASE CRAWFORD RILEY CREAN
After spending over a year playing with the Harlem Globetrotters,
Rashaan Surles joined the Georgia staff as a graduate manager prior
to the 2021-22 season.
Surles toured with the Globetrotters throughout the United States and
Europe from October 2018 through January 2020 prior to the COVID-19
pandemic. Prior to playing professionally, he was an administrative
assistant for the Reese Law Center in Homewood, Ill.
Surles was a standout at Homewood-Floosmoor High School before
playing at Prairie View A&M during the 2013-14 season. He transferred
to McLennan Community College for the 2014-15 campaign.
Surles then played two seasons at Mississippi Valley State University
(HBCU). As a senior, he started 23 of 31 games and averaged 9.9 points,
3.0 boards, 2.4 assists and 1.4 steals per game.
Surles earned his bachelor's degree in Business Administration and CARTER RICHARDS
Management from Mississippi Valley in 2017 and is currently pursuing ROSWELL, GA.
his master's in Nonprofit Management and Leadership at Georgia. MANAGER (1ST SEASON)
Bulldog Biographies
Jana Heitmeyer was named Director
of Sports Nutrition for the UGA Ath-
letic Association in 2017 after serving DIRECTOR OF PROMOTIONS
in a similar capacity at Baylor from
Heitmeyer was on the strength
and conditioning staff at Missouri Brenton Shiver, who joined the Athletic Association staff on a full-time
from 2004-07 and then transitioned to basis in 2007, was promoted to Director of Promotions in 2015. He is in
serve as Mizzou’s Director of Sports his third season coordinating efforts surrounding Georgia Basketball
Nutrition from 2007-15. and also oversees gymnastics and golf.
Heitmeyer is a registered and li- Shiver began working in promotions as an undergraduate in 2004.
censed Dietitian, a certified strength & After receiving his bachelor’s in Marketing from UGA in Dec. 2006,
conditioning specialist and a certified served as an intern beginning in Jan. 2007 before joining the staff full-
strength & conditioning coach. time five months later in June.
Bulldog Biographies
In addition to his cur- Wallace oversees event management for basketball and is facility
rent responsibilities, Shiver manager for Stegeman Coliseum and its Training Facility.
worked with virtually every Wallace served as event op-
University of Georgia athletic erations manager at Colorado
program during his tenure State from 2015-16 where she
with the Bulldogs. oversaw gameday management
Shiver, who earned a mas- for women’s soccer, women’s
ter’s in Sport Management basketball, track & field and
from UGA in 2015, married women’s tennis. At Wake For-
his wife, Stephanie, in 2011. est from 2014-15, Wallace was
gameday manager and budget
manager for women’s soccer,
women’s tennis and track &
field. She also was a tournament
manager during the 2014 Men’s Soccer NCAA Tournament.
Wallace spent one year each at Villanova (2013-14) and Hartford
(2012-13), coordinating game management for four and five sports,
Wallace earned bachelor’s degrees from Randolph-Macon and Eastern
Connecticut State and was an Academic All-America swimmer for both
schools. She added a master’s in Sport Management from Springfield
in 2013. The former Carolyn Jenkins married Ben Wallace in July 2021.
Bulldog Biographies
John Bateman, who with combined experiences as a UGA student Darrice Griffin was named Senior Deputy Director of Athletics on
and full-time employee has been a member of the Athletic Association January 1, 2021, after serving as Deputy Director of Athletics of Admin-
staff for more than three decades, was promoted to Assistant Athletic istration at UGA since December 2017. Griffin’s responsibilities have
Director of Marketing in the summer of 2014 after serving eight years included the day-to-day oversight responsibilities for some internal
as Director of Marketing. operations including Human Resources and strategic organizational
In addition to being the sport facilitator for men’s basketball, advancement of the Athletics Association. She also serves as the Deputy
Bateman is responsible for coordinating ticket sales plans, venue con- Title IX Coordinator and Sports Facilitator for several sports programs.
cessions and merchandise contracts, marketing and promotional ac- In addition, Griffin represents the Athletics Association within various
tivities on and gameday print operations. He is also SEC and institutional leadership groups.
the liaison between the Athletic Association and the Redcoat March- Griffin previously served as a senior member of the athletic admin-
ing Band and all other athletic bands. istration at the University of Massachusetts from 2015-17. She served
Bateman joined the Georgia promotions office in 1994 and served as Deputy Director of Athletics from July 2017-December 2017, after
as Assistant Director for three years. He was promoted to Associate holding the position of Senior Associate Director of Athletics for Internal
Director in 1997 before being named the Director in 2004. Bateman Operations for two years. Additionally, Griffin was also the department’s
was promoted once again in 2014 and has served as the facilitator for Senior Woman Administrator during her entire tenure in Amherst.
men’s basketball since. As Deputy Director at UMass she oversaw day-to-day operations re-
Bateman is a ”double-dog” with two degrees from University of lating to student-athletes, facilities and competitions, while also serving
Georgia – a bachelor’s in Business Administration in 1991 and mas- on numerous campus committees and as the liaison with many campus
ter’s Sport Management in 1993. As an undergraduate, he served as constituents. Griffin had administrative oversight responsibilities for a
a manager for the men’s basketball team, including UGA’s 1990 SEC number of Minutemen sports, including football, women’s basketball,
Championship squad. The Bulldogs reached postseason play during men’s and women’s lacrosse, field hockey and softball.
three of Bateman’s four years with the team, including the 1987 and Prior to Amherst, Griffin spent the previous six years (2010-2015)
2000 NCAA Tournaments and the 1988 NIT. at Columbia University, including the last four as Associate Athletics
Bateman began his professional career by working as the champi- Director for Intercollegiate Sports Programs. She oversaw a number
onships and officiating assistant at the Southeastern Conference from of sports programs, was the University’s liaison to Barnard College —
1993-94 before returning to his alma mater in 1994. Columbia’s partner institution in New York City — and was responsible
A native of Albany, Ga., Bateman is married to the former Jill Sir- for gender and diversity initiatives within the department of athletics.
mans, a native of Valdosta, Ga. He is an avid walker/runner who has run With the Lions, Griffin had oversight for men’s and women’s bas-
the last 14 editions of the Peachtree Road Race. ketball, men’s and women’s soccer, softball and baseball. She worked
alongside the offices of admissions and financial aid, while also assisting
in fundraising and development initiatives for both the athletic depart-
ment at-large and her assigned sport programs. Griffin played a role in
several student-athlete initiatives, including Columbia’s The First-Year
Transition Program and The Leaders for Life Program.
Within the University itself, Griffin was an active member of the
President’s Advisory Committee on Sexual Assault, had a leadership
role on the University Bystander Intervention Task Force and played a
key role in the University-wide initiative Step-Up.
Griffin originally joined the Lions as Director of Women’s Basketball
Operations and Special Projects in August 2009 before moving into the
senior leadership position the following summer.
A native of Seagraves, Texas, Griffin was a standout basketball stu-
dent-athlete at Texas Tech, graduating in 2007 with cum laude honors
in psychology. She was a four-time recipient of the Texas Tech Stu-
dent-Athlete Merit Award, a two-time Academic All-Big 12 Conference
honoree and was named an Arthur Ashe Sports Scholar in 2007.
Griffin comes from an elite basketball family. Her mother, Tami
Wilson, played at Texas Tech from 1990-92 and her sister, Teddy, also
played for the Lady Raiders from 2005-08. Griffin was the 2004 Gato-
rade Player of the Year in Texas and also was an All-Texas First-Team
selection and a McDonald’s All-American.
Bulldog Biographies
Deputy AD
Deputy AD
Deputy AD
Exec. Assoc. AD
LSU ’02
Josh Brooks was named J. Reid Parker Director of Athletics Jan. 6, 2021,
after serving 11 years at UGA most recently as Senior Deputy Director of
Brooks returned to UGA in 2016 as Executive Associate Director of Athlet-
ics after serving as Deputy Athletics Director at the University of Louisiana FORD WILLIAMS MATT BRACHOWSKI DARLENE CAMACHO CLAUDE FELTON
Monroe from 2015-16 and Director of Athletics at Millsaps College from Exec. Associate AD Sr. Assoc. AD Sr. Assoc. AD Sr. Assoc. AD
2014-15. Brooks was promoted to Deputy Athletic Director at UGA in May
2018, and in January,2020, was named Senior Deputy Director of Athletics.
Brooks served as Director of Athletics at Millsaps prior to his tenure at
ULM. He had previously served in capacities at UGA as Director of Foot-
ball Operations (2008-11) and Assistant and Associate Athletic Director for
Internal Operations (2012-14).
During his tenure at UGA, Brooks worked closely with former Director of
Athletics Greg McGarity overseeing internal and external for all athletic op-
erations. He has served as the liaison with the Office of University Architects Sr. Assoc. AD Sr. Assoc. AD Associate AD Associate AD
on all athletic construction projects and with several campus departments
as well as the president’s office. His responsibilities at UGA have included
overseeing the departments of facility support, graphics and design and
turf management.
He has been involved in the scheduling of future football games as well as
overseeing bowl game operations. In addition, his responsibilities included
assisting with the development and management of facilities, new construc-
tion projects for the Athletic Association and planning the 2013 Jason Aldean
Concert in Sanford Stadium. Brooks has also served as the sport facilitator BETH DZIEDZIC ANNA RANDA ALAN THOMAS MIKE BILBOW
Associate AD Associate AD Associate AD Assistant AD
for football and men’s and women’s track and field and cross country.
During his time at Millsaps, Brooks revamped the Major game-day expe-
rience. He created the kid’s zone, specialized concessions and partnerships
with youth sports leagues. Partnerships with the Jackson Public Schools, the
Jackson Zoo, the National Guard and the Boy and Girl Scouts of America
added to game days. This enhanced experience helped Brooks solicit over
$100K in sponsorship opportunities.
Brooks also established a department-wide fundraising campaign that
led to a 150 percent increase in Major-Club donations. Capping off this ef- EMILY DEITZ TRAVIS EPLING COURTNEY GAY SCOTT HALLBERG
Assistant AD Assistant AD Assistant AD Assistant AD
fort was the creation of a standalone Hall of Fame event at the Capital Club
and the Mary Ann Edge Golf Tournament held at Patrick Farms golf course.
The Majors also saw great athletic success in Brooks’ first year.The Majors
enjoyed two SAA regular-season championships, captured by the men’s
soccer team and the women’s basketball team. The Millsaps’ baseball team
also earned a trip to the West Regional tournament. The student-athletes
also shined in the classroom. Millsaps’ student-athletes had an overall
grade-point-average of 3.0 in the 2014-15 academic year. Over 130 Majors’
Brooks also served as director of football operations at the ULM beginning Assistant AD Assistant AD Assistant AD Assistant AD
in 2004, and in 2007 ULM became bowl eligible for the first time in school
history after beating Alabama. Brooks gained experience as a student at
LSU, working as an equipment manager and a student assistant coach.
During his four years, the Tigers participated in the 2000 Peach Bowl, 2002
Sugar Bowl, and won the 2001 SEC title.
A native of Hammond, La., he graduated from LSU with a degree in Kine-
siology and completed his Master’s degree in Sport Management from The
University of Georgia. He and his wife, Lillie, have twin sons, Jackson and
James, born in July of 2009 and a third son, Davis, born in March of 2012. Assistant AD Assistant AD Assistant AD
Bulldog Biographies
President Jere W. Morehead began his tenure as the 22nd University of Athletic Board
Georgia President on July 1, 2013. Under his leadership, the University has The business and affairs of the Georgia Athletic
risen in the rankings of the best public colleges and universities and has com-
pleted a series of initiatives to enhance student learning and success, including Association are managed by the Board of Directors. The
a requirement for experiential learning for all undergraduates. Board has general control of the business and affairs of
Additionally, the University completed the most successful capital campaign the Association, subject to the express limitation that
in its history, raising $1.45 billion, and launched an Innovation District initiative
to create UGA’s campus of the future, where students and faculty will partner all operations of the Association shall be subject to
with industry to generate ideas and solutions to continue the University’s role the powers vested by laws of the State of Georgia in
as a powerful driver of economic development in Georgia. During President
Morehead’s tenure, UGA has increased its research expenditures by 41% and
the Board of Regents of the University System and the
has been ranked among the top five universities in the U.S. for research-based powers delegated by the Regents to the Chancellor of
products reaching the marketplace for the past seven years. UGA was ranked the University System and the President of UGA.
No. 1 in the nation for FY2019 and FY2017.
In keeping with his focus on student success, President Morehead launched Pres. Jere W. Morehead, Chairman
the ALL Georgia Program to support students from rural areas and created the Provost Dr. Jack Hu, Vice Chairman
Double Dawgs program, which enables students to save time and money by
earning an undergraduate and graduate degree in five years or less. A UGA Professor David E. Shipley, Secretary
education is in greater demand than ever, with a record 39,500 applications Mr. Ryan A. Nesbit, Treasurer
submitted for a spot in the Class of 2025 and an admission rate under 39%.
President Morehead has served the University of Georgia since 1986 in both APPOINTED FACULTY MEMBERS
faculty and administrative roles. Before becoming President, he was Senior
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost from 2010 to 2013. Prior to
Dr. K. Paige Carmichael Dr. Annette B. Poulsen
2010, he held several key administrative assignments, including Vice President Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd
for Instruction, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Associate Provost and Direc-
tor of the Honors Program, and acting Executive Director of Legal Affairs. FACULTY ELECTED BY UNIVERSITY COUNCIL
He is the Meigs Professor of Legal Studies in the Terry College of Business,
where he has held a faculty appointment since 1986. He is a co-author of sev-
Dr. Luke Naeher Dr. Jean Martin-Williams
eral books and book chapters, including The Legal and Regulatory Environment Dr. Esra Santesso
of Business, and he has published scholarly articles on legal topics ranging
from export controls to jury selection. He has served as Editor-in-Chief of the ALUMNI
American Business Law Journal.
Mr. Chris Cummiskey Mr. Sam Holmes
President Morehead serves as Co-Chair of the University Leadership Forum,
a national initiative led by the Council on Competitiveness. He also serves as The Hon. Steve C. Jones Mr. Kessel D. Stelling, Jr.
Chair of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I Board of Mr. Jon C. Stinchcomb The Hon. Lisa G. Wood
Directors, a member of the NCAA Division I Administrative Committee, and a Mr. William D. Young, Jr.
member of the NCAA Board of Governors. He previously served on the NCAA
Presidential Forum; the Working Group on Name, Image, and Likeness; and the
Federal and State Legislation Working Group. He is President of the Southeast- PRESIDENT, ALUMNI ASSOCIATION
ern Conference (SEC) and Chair of the SEC Executive Committee. He formerly Ms. Yvette Daniels
served as Vice President of the SEC and Chair of the SEC Working Group on
Compliance, Enforcement, and Governance. Additional service includes mem- STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES
bership on the boards of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, Metro Atlanta
Chamber of Commerce, Georgia Research Alliance, University System of Geor- Mr. Brennan Cox Ms. Meg Kowalski
gia Foundation, Atlanta Regional Council for Higher Education, and Emory Uni- Mr. Josh Stinson
versity Candler School of Theology.
In 2021, he received the Chief Executive Leadership Award from the Coun-
cil for the Advancement and Support of Education District III for outstanding
leadership and service in support of education. He has received several Univer- David Shipley
sity-wide teaching awards, including the Josiah Meigs Award—UGA’s highest
honor for teaching excellence, the Richard B. Russell Award for Excellence in Faculty
Undergraduate Teaching, the Teacher of the Year Award in the Terry College of Athletics
Business, and the Lothar Tresp Outstanding Honors Professor Award. He also
earned the UGA School of Law’s premier honor for alumni, the Distinguished Representative
Service Scroll Award.
President Morehead holds a bachelor’s degree from Georgia State Universi-
ty and a law degree from the University of Georgia.
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
2020-- 21 GAME
vs. Towson 1-2 1-2 0-0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 4
vs. San Francisco
0-3 0-2 0-0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 11
vs. San Francisco DNP
SAINT FRANCIS 0-3 0-2 0-0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 11
WILLIAM & MARY 0-0 0-0 2-2 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 5
vs. Gonzaga 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 8
at Notre Dame
at Boston College
at Clemson 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 4
SYRACUSE 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
at Va. Tech
at Ga. Tech
N. CAROLINA 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
at Florida St. 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
at Duke
at Louisville
vs. Syracuse
DNP ◊ Born March 22, 2002 in Mountain View,
vs. Ohio
Calif., Jabri is the son of Shareef and
Delicia Abdur-Rahim and intends to
◊ Selected second-team All-Mid-Atlantic Prep major in Journalism.
League as a junior. ◊ Recipient of the James E. & Peggy A. Hickey
◊ Coached by Kevin Williams at Seton Hall Memorial Scholarship for 2021-22.
Prep as a freshman and sophomore. ◊ His father, Shareef, is an Atlanta native
◊ In two seasons with the Pirates, scored who starred at Wheeler High School and
660 points (14.7 ppg) and grabbed 309 played collegiately at Cal. The current
rebounds (6.9 rpg) while also compiling President of the NBA G League. Shareef
95 assists, 65 blocks and 45 steals. was the No. 3 overall selection in the
◊ As a sophomore in 2017-18, averaged 17.7 1996 NBA Draft and went on to average
points, 9.2 rebounds and 2.6 assists per 18.1 points per game in 12 seasons
game while helping Seton Hall notch a playing with Vancouver, Atlanta, Portland
24-3 record. and Sacramento. He also was Gold
◊ Selected first-team All-Essex County as a medalist in the 2000 Olympics and an
sophomore. NBA All-Star in 2002.
◊ As a freshman, averaged 11.7 points – with ◊ Five of his uncles played college
16 double-figure scoring games – and basketball: Amir (Southeastern
4.7 boards per game for the Pirates, who Louisiana), Muhammad (Detroit Mercy),
finished with a 16-10 record. Tahir (Shaw), Bilal (Southern Miss) and
◊ Tabbed the Rookie of the Year in Malik (Newman).
2017. ◊ His uncle Amir was an assistant coach on
◊ Named a finalist for the 2017 USA Men’s the Georgia staff during Tom Crean’s first
U16 National team and also took part season in Athens (2018-19) before being
in three minicamps for the 2019 USA named the head coach at Kennesaw
Basketball Men’s Junior National Team. State.
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
2018-- 19 GAME
2017-- 18 GAME
FGs 3FGs FTs OR DR RB PF PT A TO B S MP Opponent
LIFE PACIFIC 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 5
ANTELOPE VALLEY 4-6 3-4 1-2 1 2 3 0 12 4 0 0 3 21
S. UTAH 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 9
SAN DIEGO 2-7 2-5 0-0 0 0 0 0 6 4 1 0 0 20
vs. Weber St. 2-4 1-3 0-1 0 1 1 2 5 2 2 0 0 17
at S. Utah
1-5 1-2 0-0 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 0 0 20
vs. CSU Bakersfield * 3-7 3-7 0-0 0 1 1 0 9 0 2 0 0 21
SAINT MARY’S 2-2 1-1 0-0 0 3 3 1 5 1 0 1 0 17
vs. Central Michigan * 3-4 3-4 0-0 0 2 2 0 9 1 5 0 0 17
IDAHO ST. 0-1 0-0 1-2 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 14
* 4-7 3-5 0-0 1 4 5 0 11 3 0 0 0 31 at Bowling Green * 5-11 3-6 0-2 1 1 2 0 13 4 4 0 1 28
* 2-8 2-4 0-0 0 1 1 1 6 0 2 0 0 17 at S. Illinois
* 1-3 1-1 0-0 1 1 2 0 3 0 2 0 1 13
* 4-9 3-5 1-1 1 2 3 3 12 1 1 0 1 25 at Denver 3-7 2-5 0-0 0 3 3 1 8 1 0 0 1 19
N. ARIZONA 7-9 5-6 4-4 0 4 4 2 23 1 2 0 0 30
at Portland 1-4 0-3 0-0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 13
at Stanford
* 4-11 2-6 1-2 0 1 1 4 11 5 1 0 3 40 S. DAKOTA
* 0-6 0-3 0-0 1 0 1 1 0 1 4 0 3 15
at California
* 6-11 6-9 0-0 0 3 3 2 18 1 1 0 0 34 at Santa Clara
* 0-2 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 1 0 4 1 0 0 9
at Saint Mary’s
* 4-7 2-4 0-0 0 2 2 1 10 2 3 0 1 31 at Utah St.
* 3-3 3-3 0-0 0 1 1 0 9 1 3 0 0 13
* 1-6 1-3 0-0 0 2 2 0 3 1 1 0 0 26 COLORADO
ST. * 5-7 4-6 0-0 0 1 1 0 14 0 4 0 0 17
at Nevada
* 3-11 2-7 0-0 1 2 3 2 8 1 2 0 0 32 UNLV
* 4-7 4-5 0-0 0 2 2 0 12 0 1 0 0 24
* 3-5 1-2 0-0 0 5 5 2 7 1 3 0 0 28 at New Mexico
* 1-3 1-2 0-0 1 1 2 0 3 0 4 0 0 23
* 9-14 7-10 4-5 0 4 4 0 29 0 1 1 0 33 at San Diego St.
* 0-3 0-2 2-3 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 18
* 2-6 1-3 1-2 1 1 2 1 6 3 2 1 1 25 AIR FORCE
* 4-8 3-6 0-0 0 5 5 0 11 0 3 0 0 29
at Wyoming
* 3-12 2-9 0-0 2 2 4 2 8 1 3 0 1 30 NEVADA
* 2-3 2-2 0-0 0 2 2 0 6 1 1 0 0 18
* 4-16 3-9 1-1 1 4 5 0 12 3 3 0 2 38 at Boise St.
* 1-4 1-3 0-0 0 0 0 0 3 1 2 0 1 25
at Utah St.
* 4-8 2-3 5-7 0 3 3 2 15 2 2 0 1 27 WYOMING
* 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 1 1 3 0 3 3 0 0 18
* 2-9 2-6 0-0 0 4 4 1 6 2 1 0 1 29 at UNLV
* 2-9 1-6 0-0 0 4 4 2 5 5 0 0 0 31
at Boise St.
* 3-8 2-5 0-0 0 2 2 2 8 2 3 0 0 21 NEW MEXICO
* 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 1 0 1 3 0 0 10
at New Mexico
* 3-9 2-5 2-2 1 1 2 3 10 3 2 0 3 23 at Colorado St.
* 6-12 3-8 1-3 0 2 2 3 16 0 4 0 0 26
* 4-13 1-8 0-0 0 3 3 4 9 2 3 0 0 24 FRESNO ST.
* 1-2 0-1 0-0 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 0 0 16
ST. * 3-11 2-5 0-1 0 1 1 2 8 0 1 0 0 29 at Wyoming 1-2 1-1 0-0 0 3 3 1 3 0 1 0 0 7
at Air Force
* 1-7 1-4 2-2 0 3 3 1 5 2 1 0 1 32 at Nevada 2-4 1-2 0-0 0 3 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 14
* 8-13 8-12 2-2 0 5 5 1 26 5 2 0 0 37 SAN DIEGO ST. 1-2 1-2 0-0 0 4 4 2 3 0 1 0 0 16
at San Diego St.
* 2-8 1-5 4-5 1 2 3 1 9 4 2 0 0 36 UTAH ST. 0-0 0-0 2-2 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 0 0 4
* 8-17 7-14 4-4 1 4 5 4 27 2 3 0 0 38 at Air Force 2-7 2-6 0-0 1 1 2 1 6 3 0 0 1 21
at Fresno St.
* 3-8 3-8 2-3 0 1 1 3 11 2 3 0 0 28 vs. Wyoming 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 16
vs. Air Force
* 5-12 3-7 1-2 0 1 1 2 14 2 2 0 1 36
◊ Of his made field goals, 74.1 percent (40-of-
◊ Broke the school records for 3-pointers 54) were from 3-point range.
made in a game – eight against New ◊ Knocked down 40 3-pointers – second-most
Mexico on Feb. 27, 2019 – had two more on the team – while shooting a school-
games with seven 3s. record 46.0 percent from behind the arc.
◊ Finished the season No. 6 nationally in ◊ Converted an even more impressive 48.2
3-point percentage at .455 (81-of-178). percent (27-of-56) of his 3-point attempts
◊ Notched the three highest single-game in Mountain West Conference play.
scoring outputs by any Spartan during
the 2018-19 campaign – a career-most 29 HIGH SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS:
versus Utah State, 27 against Wyoming ◊ Played for Gino Crump as a senior and by
and 26 versus New Mexico. Tony Darden as a sophomore and junior PERSONAL:
at Desert Vista High School. ◊ Born January 17, 1999, in Phoenix, Noah is
2017-18-21 SEASON HIGHLIGHTS: ◊ As a senior, averaged 10.0 points, 3.5 the son of Joe and Kathy Baumann.
◊ As a freshman, started 17 of 30 games rebounds and 2.9 assists over 23 games. ◊ Earned his bachelor’s degree in Human
played and contributed 5.2 points, 1.9 ◊ Helped the Thunder reach the quarterfinals and Health Science from Southern Cal in
rebounds and 1.3 assists per contest. of the 2017 Arizona 6A state tournament. 2021 and is pursuing a second bachelor’s
◊ Posted a half-dozen double-figure scoring ◊ Played sparingly as a junior (due to a back in Sport Management at UGA.
outputs, including a season-high 16 injury) and sophomore (on a team that ◊ Recipient of the Keiser Family Scholarship
against Colorado State. finished as state runner-up). for 2021-22.
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
2020-- 21 GAME
2019-- 20 GAME
FGs 3FGs FTs OR DR RB PF PT A TO B S MP Opponent
at Northern Illinois 5-9 0-0 0-0 0 4 4 3 10 2 1 0 1 25
OLIVET NAZARENE * 2-2 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 4 4 1 1 0 1 11
C. MICHIGAN 6-11 0-0 5-5 6 7 13 0 17 1 4 0 0 33
at Memphis
* 0-6 0-0 0-2 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 17
* 5-8 0-0 2-3 2 2 4 3 12 1 1 1 0 23 BALL ST.
at Ball State
* 5-5 0-0 3-4 0 3 3 5 13 0 3 0 1 18 at Bradley
* 3-7 0-0 2-2 0 4 4 2 8 0 0 0 0 29
LOYOLA CHICAGO * 2-5 0-0 1-2 0 5 5 3 5 2 3 0 0 24
ROBERT MORRIS * 4-5 0-0 0-0 2 0 2 2 8 2 1 1 1 18
* 1-2 0-0 2-4 0 2 2 0 4 0 1 0 0 17
* 1-2 0-0 1-2 0 2 2 2 3 1 1 0 0 20
at Purdue-FW
DNP at Florida Atlantic * 1-3 0-0 0-0 0 3 3 4 2 0 2 0 0 10
at Purude-FW
DNP vs. San Diego
* 5-8 0-0 4-6 0 4 4 2 14 2 0 0 0 16
ROBERT MORRIS 4-6 0-0 3-6 0 1 1 1 11 1 1 0 1 13
* 0-1 0-0 0-0 1 1 2 3 0 5 0 0 0 23
ROBERT MORRIS 3-7 0-0 2-5 0 4 4 2 8 1 2 0 0 20
at DePaul
* 5-9 0-0 4-6 4 10 14 2 14 1 3 1 1 30
at Youngstown St. 5-8 0-0 0-0 2 2 4 0 10 1 1 0 0 13
at Illinois St.
* 3-6 0-0 0-0 0 3 3 4 6 0 2 0 1 23
at Youngstown St. 6-7 0-0 0-2 2 4 6 3 12 1 3 0 0 17
* 4-6 0-0 2-4 1 3 4 2 10 1 1 2 0 22
at N. Kentucky 1-3 0-0 1-2 4 2 6 2 3 0 2 0 0 19
* 4-5 0-0 3-4 7 6 13 4 11 1 1 1 0 29
at N. Kentucky 6-7 0-0 5-8 5 3 8 3 17 3 3 0 1 27
YOUNGSTOWN ST. * 3-5 0-0 4-4 1 4 5 0 10 0 1 3 1 20
Wright St. 4-8 0-0 1-2 1 6 7 3 9 1 3 1 0 21
at Green Bay
* 4-6 0-0 1-2 2 5 7 3 9 0 3 0 0 19
Wright St. 4-6 0-0 0-0 1 4 5 5 8 0 1 1 0 18
at Milwaukee
* 4-7 0-0 6-6 2 7 9 3 14 0 1 1 0 32
at IUPUI 1-1 0-0 0-0 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 0 0 6
* 2-7 0-0 0-0 2 3 5 1 4 0 4 0 0 20
at IUPUI 5-6 0-0 5-7 1 2 3 0 15 0 0 0 0 15
* 6-9 0-0 0-1 2 2 4 3 12 0 5 0 1 19
GREEN BAY 7-10 0-0 0-1 2 3 5 2 14 1 2 0 0 18
* 3-6 0-0 0-0 2 4 6 4 6 0 2 2 0 20
GREEN BAY 5-7 0-0 0-0 3 0 3 3 10 1 1 0 0 18
at Oakland
* 4-7 0-0 0-0 0 4 4 4 8 1 1 0 0 18
at Youngstown St. 1-1 0-0 0-0 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 0 1 15
at Detroit Mercy
* 8-14 0-0 2-2 3 6 9 2 18 3 1 0 1 28
at Youngstown St. * 9-13 0-0 2-4 0 6 6 2 20 4 2 0 0 33
◊ Wrapped up his prep career with a career-
at Cleveland St.
* 3-7 0-0 0-0 1` 1 2 4 6 2 3 1 0 21
high 24-point outburst against New
* 4-7 0-0 1-2 0 5 5 0 9 0 1 3 0 23
Hampstead in the first round of the state
* 3-7 0-0 0-0 1 1 2 3 6 2 5 1 0 21
at Wright St.
* 1-5 0-0 1-2 2 4 6 2 3 2 2 1 0 21
◊ As a junior, averaged 4.2 points, 3.8
at N. Kentucky
* 2-3 0-0 2-2 0 4 4 2 6 0 3 0 0 11
rebounds to help lead Union Grove to a
* 5-8 0-0 2-2 3 2 5 4 12 0 1 2 1 14
9-16 record.
DETROIT MERCY * 8-10 0-0 0-0 2 2 4 4 16 0 3 2 0 21
◊ Posted his first career double-figure
* 2-5 0-0 0-1 0 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 0 19
scoring outputs – 16 points – in
* 6-8 0-0 2-2 3 7 10 3 14 0 3 2 0 19
extremely efficient fashion – connecting
YOUNGSTOWN ST. * 3-8 0-0 2-3 4 3 7 3 8 0 4 3 0 25
on 8-of-9 field goals – versus Locust
vs. Wright St.
* 5-8 0-0 0-1 2 2 4 2 10 0 1 0 0 19
vs. N. Kentucky
* 3-3 0-0 0-1 0 1 1 0 6 0 1 0 0 14
◊ Born March 9, 1999, in Atlanta, Braelen is
the son of Marshall Bridges and Bebe
◊ Earned is bachelor’s degree in
Communications from UIC in 2021 and
is pursuing a master’s in Nonprofit
Management & Leadership at UGA.
◊ Recipient of the Tom & Jeannette Greeson
Scholarship for 2021-22.
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
2020-- 21 GAME
2019-- 20 GAME
FGs 3FGs FTs OR DR RB PF PT A TO B S MP Opponent
vs. Kansas 1-2 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 1 11
vs. Auburn 2-4 0-1 1-3 1 3 4 2 5 3 0 1 1 18
ILLINOIS WESLEYAN * 5-11 0-3 0-0 1 6 7 3 10 5 2 0 1 23
vs. West Virginia 0-2 0-1 0-0 0 1 1 3 0 2 0 0 0 7
vs. UTSA
* 8-11 1-1 2-4 1 3 4 3 19 3 4 0 4 35
vs. Iowa 3-5 2-4 1-2 2 1 3 0 9 2 1 0 1 19
vs. Delaware
* 6-12 1-2 3-4 0 0 0 2 16 4 4 0 2 35
ST. 1-3 0-2 0-0 2 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 0 15 vs. Oakland
* 8-13 0-2 0-2 0 4 4 2 16 4 1 0 7 36
NORTHWESTERN ST. 1-3 0-2 0-0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 15
SAN FRANCISCO * 5-9 0-1 3-4 0 2 2 1 13 1 3 0 3 25
vs. Virginia 2-3 0-0 2-2 1 1 2 4 6 1 1 0 1 13
at Murray St.
* 5-11 1-2 5-8 0 1 1 3 16 3 0 1 2 33
N. ARIZONA 3-8 1-5 0-0 0 2 2 2 7 1 2 0 1 16
DIXIE ST. 2-3 0-1 0-0 0 2 2 1 4 3 2 0 1 11
vs. San Francisco DNP
2018 GAME-- BY
2018-- 19 GAME BY-- GAME STATS
vs. BYU
at Portland 0-1 0-1 0-10 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 11
at Kentucky
* 7-12 2-3 2-4 0 0 0 2 18 2 4 0 2 37
PEPPERDINE 1-3 0-2 0-0 0 2 2 1 2 3 4 0 0 12
* 5-15 0-2 1-1 1 1 2 5 11 0 4 2 0 36
at Saint Mary’s 3-4 1-1 1-2 0 3 3 1 8 1 1 0 1 15
ARK.-PINE BLUFF * 7-12 2-3 0-0 0 2 2 2 16 4 3 0 0 34
PACIFIC 0-1 0-0 2-4 0 2 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 11
* 4-12 1-4 0-0 1 4 5 0 9 10 4 0 1 37
at San Diego 0-0 0-0 1-2 0 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 1 10
vs. Massachusetts
* 2-10 0-4 2-4 0 0 0 0 6 4 1 0 0 25
at Pepperdine 6-8 2-3 1-2 0 1 1 2 15 2 0 1 3 21
vs. Tulsa
* 3-7 2-3 5-6 0 1 1 4 13 1 3 0 2 31
at Pacific 2-4 0-1 2-2 0 1 1 1 6 2 0 0 0 19
at Colorado St.
* 6-8 3-4 0-0 0 4 4 1 15 4 1 0 2 33
at BYU 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8
ar SIU Edwardsville * 4-9 2-5 0-0 0 1 1 1 10 4 3 0 1 30
at San Francisco 4-5 1-2 3-3 0 0 0 1 12 4 1 0 3 14
* 1-8 0-3 1-4 0 3 3 1 3 4 2 0 1 30
SAINT MARY’S 1-3 1-1 1-2 0 0 0 1 4 1 1 0 2 16
at SE Missouri
* 5-10 5-7 8-8 2 1 3 2 23 4 4 0 0 35
SAN DIEGO 2-4 0-1 2-3 0 6 6 2 6 0 2 0 3 19
* 2-8 2-3 8-11 0 0 0 0 14 2 3 1 2 33
SANTA CLARA 3-5 0-1 4-5 0 1 1 1 10 2 3 0 0 12
at Buffalo
* 2-7 1-2 0-2 0 2 2 4 5 1 3 0 2 32
LOYOLA MARYMOUNT * 1-2 1-1 0-0 0 0 0 2 3 1 1 0 2 11
* 0-5 0-2 0-1 1 1 2 1 0 3 3 0 1 25
vs. Saint Mary’s 0-3 0-0 0-0 1 1 2 4 0 1 1 0 0 20
ST. * 4-11 1-3 6-8 1 4 5 1 15 7 4 0 1 39
vs. BYU 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 9
at N. Iowa
* 4-9 2-4 4-6 0 2 2 1 14 2 2 1 2 36
vs. Norfolk St. 2-3 2-2 0-0 0 1 1 2 6 7 3 0 1 21
at Drake
* 2-10 2-6 1-4 1 1 2 0 7 3 2 0 3 31
vs. Oklahoma 1-2 0-1 0-0 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 7
* 3-8 2-5 0-0 0 3 3 0 8 6 3 0 1 33
vs. Creighton 1-3 1-3 0-0 0 2 2 0 3 1 1 0 0 11
at Illinois St.
* 2-3 1-2 1-2 0 4 4 0 6 5 3 1 1 31
vs. S. California 2-2 2-2 2-2 0 2 2 0 8 0 1 1 0 10
* 4-9 0-4 4-8 0 2 2 2 12 5 2 1 0 34
vs. UCLA 1-2 0-1 0-0 0 1 1 0 2 3 1 0 0 9
* 6-10 2-5 3-4 0 0 0 1 17 4 3 0 3 30
vs. Baylor 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 10
at Loyola Chicago
* 2-8 1-5 3-4 0 3 3 2 8 2 4 2 1 34
* 6-10 0-2 2-4 0 1 1 4 14 7 2 0 2 35
◊ Posted 18 double-figure scoring outputs, 2016-17 SEASON HIGHLIGHTS: at Bradley
* 4-9 2-3 4-4 1 2 3 1 14 1 1 1 2 31
with a high 23 at Southeast Missouri. ◊ Played in 32 of SIU’s 33 games and served at Missouri St. * 5-11 1-4 0-2 0 0 0 0 11 1 2 0 1 32
as the Salukis’ back-up point guard. EVANSVILLE * 5-10 2-4 3-4 1 3 4 3 15 7 1 0 3 36
2017-18 SEASON HIGHLIGHTS: ◊ Was teammates with current Georgia DRAKE
* 4-12 0-2 0-0 0 1 1 3 8 2 1 0 2 32
◊ Logged action in all 33 games, with 32 graduate assistant Sean O’Brien, who at Indiana St. * 1-5 0-2 2-2 0 2 2 1 4 7 2 0 2 34
starts. His only non-nod was Dec. 9 was a senior at SIU that season. at Valparaiso * 1-9 1-6 4-6 2 4 6 1 7 2 2 0 3 36
against Southeast Missouri. ◊ Averaged 3.0 points, 1.0 steals, 0.9 assists LOYOLA CHICAGO * 4-7 2-5 1-2 0 2 2 2 11 4 1 0 0 32
◊ Contributed 9.8 points, 2.7 assists, 2.3 and 0.8 rebounds in 10.6 minutes of at Evansville * 4-8 0-2 4-5 1 5 6 4 12 2 2 0 0 36
boards and 1.4 steals in 30.0 minutes of action per game. ILLINOIS ST. * 1-6 0-3 0-0 2 2 4 0 2 5 2 0 0 31
playing time per outing. ◊ Finished fourth on the teams in steals, vs. UNI * 2-6 1-3 0-0 0 1 1 1 5 3 3 0 0 29
◊ Named the MVC’s Most Improved player including a career-high five against
and also featured on the second-team of Drake when he collected four in a two- ◊ As a senior, averaged 22.1 points and
the league’s Scholar-Athlete honorees. minute span of the second half. recorded 81 assists and 81 steals for the
◊ Led the Salukis in both 3-point percentage ◊ Recorded a pair of double-figure scoring Westminster’s Wildcats en route to a 19-6
(.384) and assists (90), while finishing outputs – 11 points against Drake and 11 record and the Class 4, District 4 regular-
second in steals (47). versus Evansville. season title.
◊ Produced 18 double-digit scoring ◊ Logged a season-high 26 minutes of PT at ◊ As a junior, averaged 16.5 points while
outputs, including a pair of 20-point Wichita State. helping the Wildcats to a 24-6 record.
performances against Illinois Springfield ◊ Helped Westminster capture its first district
(20) and Indiana State (career-high 25). HIGH SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS: championship in nine years and reach
◊ Connected on 8-of-12 shots from the floor, ◊ Coached by Doug Coleman at Westminster the quarterfinals of the Missouri Class 4
including 3-of-4 3-pointers, and 6-of-9 Christian Academy. state tournament in 2015.
trips to the line en route to his 25-point ◊ Voted first-team All-State for Class 4 by the
output against the Sycamores. Missouri Basketball Coaches Association PERSONAL:
◊ Knocked down the game-winning free (MBCA) in 2016. ◊ Born December 28, 1997, in St. Louis, Mo.,
throws with 4.1 seconds left in overtime ◊ Named first-team All-Metro by the St. Aaron is the son of Regina Cook and
against Missouri State. Louis Post-Dispatch as a senior. Aaron Cook, Sr.
Bulldog Biographies
2017-- 18 GAME
2016-- 17 GAME
FGs 3FGs FTs OR DR RB PF PT A TO B S MP Opponent
at Winthrop
* 1-3 1-1 2-2 1 2 3 0 5 3 4 0 0 21 WRIGHT ST. 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 4
* 6-10 3-5 5-6 0 3 3 4 20 4 4 1 0 34 at Arkansas 1-2 0-1 4-4 0 0 0 0 6 3 1 0 2 18
at Louisville
* 0-9 0-4 0-0 0 2 2 1 0 1 3 0 1 20 MISSOURI
SOUTHERN 1-4 0-0 2-2 1 1 2 4 4 1 2 0 1 17
at Murray St.
* 5-10 1-2 0-0 0 4 4 2 11 4 1 0 2 31 at SIU Edwardsville 1-2 0-1 3-4 0 2 2 0 5 5 0 1 0 14
SIU EDWARDSVILLE * 4-6 1-1 4-5 0 1 1 2 13 4 3 0 1 25
MT. SAINT MARY’S 1-4 1-2 1-2 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 0 1 17
* 5-11 2-4 0-0 1 2 3 1 12 3 2 0 0 32 at Minnesota 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
at Saint Louis
* 2-2 0-0 1-2 0 0 0 0 5 2 2 0 0 17 MURRAY ST. 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4
SE MISSOURI 6-11 4-9 2-2 1 0 1 1 18 3 2 0 0 26
TEXAS SOUTHERN 0-1 0-0 0-1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 7
* 1-5 0-2 0-0 0 5 5 3 2 2 3 1 1 30 at Louisville 0-1 0-0 2-2 0 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 12
* 6-10 1-3 0-0 0 1 1 1 13 2 1 0 1 31 SAM HOUSTON ST. 2-5 1-3 0-0 1 2 3 0 5 1 0 0 1 17
A&T * 4-5 2-3 0-1 0 2 2 3 10 2 2 0 1 30 SAINT LOUIS 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 2 2 3 1 0 3 13
vs. Nevada
* 2-9 1-4 5-5 0 1 1 0 10 3 1 0 1 31 at UNLV 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 1 7
vs. Duquesne
* 3-9 0-2 6-6 0 2 2 4 12 6 1 0 2 34 UT MARTIN 2-5 1-2 0-0 1 2 3 0 5 1 2 0 4 14
at N. Iowa
* 4-7 1-3 0-1 0 2 2 1 9 4 2 0 2 35 at Bradley 0-4 0-2 3-4 0 1 1 3 3 0 1 2 1 11
* 4-6 2-4 0-0 0 5 5 2 10 5 3 0 3 31 DRAKE 3-4 0-0 5-6 0 1 1 0 11 3 1 0 5 18
* 5-7 2-3 2-3 0 0 0 1 14 2 4 0 3 37 INDIANA ST. 1-4 0-1 3-4 0 1 1 2 5 0 0 1 2 18
at Valpariso
* 1-5 1-3 0-0 1 0 1 2 3 2 4 0 2 23 at Missouri St. 1-5 0-1 5-6 0 0 0 1 7 2 1 1 0 12
at Bradley
* 1-5 0-3 2-3 0 3 3 2 4 1 2 0 3 31 ILLINOIS ST. 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
* 1-3 1-3 1-2 0 2 2 0 4 1 0 0 1 25 at Evansville
1-3 0-0 2-2 1 0 1 1 4 1 2 0 1 15
at Loyola Chicago * 2-4 0-1 6-8 0 1 1 2 10 4 5 0 1 30
at Drake 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 8
* 3-7 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 1 6 1 3 2 2 31 N. IOWA 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9
* 8-12 3-4 6-9 0 3 3 3 25 4 1 0 2 34 at Wichita St. 2-8 0-3 1-4 1 0 1 0 5 1 2 0 1 26
at Missouri St.
* 4-7 0-1 3-4 0 3 3 2 11 3 2 0 2 29 MISSOURI
ST. 2-7 1-3 0-0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 2 8
at Drake
* 5-14 3-7 5-8 0 4 4 2 18 1 1 0 1 33 BRADLEY
1-2 0-1 3-4 0 2 2 1 5 0 3 0 1 10
* 2-7 0-2 3-4 0 3 3 1 7 1 0 0 0 32 at Loyola Chicago 0-4 0-2 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
at Illinois St.
* 4-8 1-2 0-4 2 1 3 3 9 0 2 0 4 30 at N. Iowa 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
* 4-5 3-3 1-3 0 3 3 3 12 2 1 1 2 29 EVANSVILLE
3-5 1-2 4-4 0 0 0 1 11 3 1 0 3 17
* 2-9 1-3 2-2 0 3 3 2 7 3 3 2 1 37 WICHITA ST.
at Indiana St.
* 4-10 2-4 8-11 0 4 4 3 18 2 2 0 4 37 at Indiana St. 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 4
LOYOLA CHICAGO * 2-4 0-2 1-2 0 1 1 0 5 1 5 0 2 22
at Illinois St. 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5
at Evansville
* 0-8 0-4 4-7 1 1 2 3 4 2 2 1 0 29 LOYOLA CHICAGO 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 4
vs. Missouri St.
* 4-9 2-4 0-0 0 2 2 3 10 7 2 1 2 33 vs. Loyola Chicago 1-3 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 1 7
vs. Illinois St.
* 3-9 0-3 2-2 0 2 2 3 8 5 1 0 0 39 vs. Illinois St. 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 8
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
2020-- 21 GAME
2019-- 20 GAME
FGs 3FGs FTs OR DR RB PF PT A TO B S MP Opponent
FLORIDA A&M 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
N. GEORGIA 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 6
0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 DELAWARE ST. 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
1-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 4 vs. Dayton 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
0-1 0-0 2-2 0 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 6 vs. Michigan St. DNP
0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 vs. Chaminade DNP
ST. 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 N.C. CENTRAL 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
at Arizona St. 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
at Arkansas 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
at Ole Miss DNP
AUSTIN PEAY 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
at Memphis DNP
at S. Carolina 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
at Auburn 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
OLE MISS 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
at Auburn 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 6
at Mississippi St. 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
3-3 0-0 1-2 1 0 1 1 7 0 0 0 1 15 at Kentucky DNP
at Tennessee
2-2 1-1 0-0 1 2 3 4 5 2 0 0 0 19 OLE MISS DNP
at Alabama 3-5 0-1 3-3 1 1 2 0 9 0 0 0 1 20
at Missouri DNP
2-2 1-1 4-4 0 2 2 3 9 0 0 0 2 18 TEXAS A&M DNP
at Florida 2-2 0-0 0-0 1 0 1 2 4 1 1 0 0 14
at Florida DNP
0-2 0-2 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 ALABAMA DNP
S. CAROLINA 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 2 2 0 2 0 3 13
S. CAROLINA 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
1-2 1-1 0-0 0 3 3 2 3 1 0 0 0 8 at Texas A&M DNP
vs. Missouri 0-3 0-0 0-0 1 2 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 7
at Vanderbilt DNP
at S. Carolina DNP
three rebounds, three assists and three ARKANSAS DNP
steals for the South in a 118-106 victory. FLORIDA DNP
◊ As a senior, averaged 21.3 points, 6.7 at LSU 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
rebounds, 3.5 assists, 3.2 steals and 1.8 vs. Ole Miss DNP
charges per game for the Eagles, who
finished 18-10.
◊ Scored a team-high 23 points in his final
prep outing, a loss to Pebblebrook in the
“Sweet 16” of the 7A state tourney.
◊ As a junior, contributed 14.3 points, 5.4 PERSONAL:
boards, 4.3 assists, 2.3 steals and 2.5 ◊ Born September 22, 2000, in Woodstock,
charges while leading the Eagles to a Ga., Jaxon is the son of Brad and
24-3 finish. Barbara Etter and is majoring in Real
◊ Poured in 33 points in Etowah’s 60-57, Estate.
double-overtime loss to Wheeler in the
“Sweet 16” round of the 2018 Georgia
Class 7A State Tournament. Scored 27 of
the Eagles’ 31 points in one span of the
Bulldog Biographies
24 P. J.
Bulldog Biographies
2020-- 21 GAME
2019-- 20 GAME
FGs 3FGs FTs OR DR RB PF PT A TO B S MP Opponent
* 1-3 1-3 2-2 1 1 2 2 5 1 0 0 0 20 at Clemson
* 3-7 1-4 1-1 0 7 7 1 8 2 1 0 0 36
* 5-8 2-5 1-2 0 0 0 2 13 0 1 0 1 24 COPPIN ST.
* 3-5 3-4 0-0 1 2 3 1 9 2 1 0 1 22
* 4-9 2-6 2-2 3 3 6 2 12 0 0 0 1 27 USC UPSTATE
* 4-7 1-2 0-0 0 4 4 3 9 0 1 1 0 25
* 4-6 2-3 0-0 3 2 5 3 10 2 2 0 1 21 LEHIGH
* 6-8 2-4 0-0 4 1 5 1 14 0 2 0 0 25
* 4-10 1-7 1-2 3 3 6 1 10 0 1 2 1 34 DELAWARE ST.
* 3-6 1-3 0-0 1 1 2 2 7 1 3 0 0 15
* 1-2 0-1 0-0 2 2 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 22 vs. Michigan St.
* 5-6 2-2 0-1 4 3 7 3 12 1 1 1 0 30
NORTHEASTERN * 4-9 2-5 1-2 5 2 7 1 11 1 0 1 4 26
vs. Dayton
* 3-4 1-2 0-0 1 2 3 2 7 1 1 2 1 28
ST. * 7-13 5-10 2-2 1 0 1 3 21 0 1 0 0 29 vs. BYU
* 5-6 3-4 0-0 0 4 4 1 13 1 1 1 0 32
at LSU
* 4-12 3-11 0-0 1 6 7 4 11 0 1 1 1 39 DUKE
* 6-13 3-8 0-0 0 6 6 1 15 0 1 2 0 34
at Arkansas
* 4-6 2-4 0-0 0 5 5 2 10 0 0 0 1 36 CHATTANOOGA
* 1-6 0-3 0-0 2 3 5 1 2 0 0 1 2 33
* 2-3 1-2 0-0 2 1 3 3 5 0 0 0 0 27 GARDNER-WEBB
* 1-4 1-3 0-0 0 5 5 4 3 0 2 0 1 18
at Ole Miss
* 1-3 1-3 2-2 1 2 3 2 5 1 0 0 1 30 VMI
* 3-8 0-4 0-0 1 3 4 1 6 0 1 0 2 26
* 3-6 2-4 0-0 0 1 1 3 8 0 0 0 0 25 MD.-E. SHORE
* 3-3 1-1 0-0 1 4 5 0 7 0 0 0 1 19
* 1-7 0-6 0-0 2 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 29 at Virginia
* 2-12 0-9 0-0 1 4 5 3 4 0 1 0 0 32
at S. Carolina
* 1-8 0-7 4-4 6 1 7 2 6 1 2 0 0 26 at Syracuse
* 5-8 0-3 2-2 1 1 2 3 12 0 1 0 1 23
* 3-5 2-3 0-0 1 4 5 3 8 2 0 0 2 31 N.C. STATE
* 1-3 1-2 0-0 1 5 6 4 3 0 1 0 1 32
at Auburn
* 5-8 2-4 1-2 2 0 2 3 13 0 0 0 0 30 at Wake Forest
* 3-5 1-3 0-0 0 5 5 2 7 0 2 2 0 23
* 5-6 4-5 0-0 0 1 1 3 14 1 2 1 0 31 SYRACUSE
* 3-5 1-2 2-5 0 5 5 0 9 0 0 0 1 27
at Tennessee
* 3-8 2-5 0-0 1 1 2 3 8 1 1 1 1 31 N. CAROLINA
* 1-5 1-4 3-4 0 5 5 4 6 0 2 1 1 43
at Alabama
* 0-3 0-2 0-0 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 20 at Boston College * 1-6 1-4 0-0 0 6 6 2 3 1 1 0 2 36
* 2-5 1-3 0-0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 25 at Miami
* 2-7 2-3 0-0 1 3 4 2 6 1 1 2 1 37
at Florida
* 0-5 0-3 1-2 3 2 5 2 1 0 0 0 1 35 FLORIDA ST.
* 0-6 0-6 0-0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 27
* 3-6 3-5 0-0 2 1 3 3 9 0 1 0 1 29 at Ga. Tech
* 2-4 1-2 0-2 0 3 3 3 5 0 1 1 0 27
* 5-10 4-7 3-4 0 4 4 3 17 0 1 0 0 29 BOSTON COLLEGE * 1-2 0-1 2-3 1 3 4 4 4 0 1 0 0 33
* 3-4 1-2 2-4 0 5 5 2 9 3 2 0 2 34 PITTSBURGH
* 6-9 4-6 2-2 0 1 1 2 18 1 0 1 0 26
vs. Missouri
* 3-6 2-5 0-0 0 1 1 3 8 0 0 0 0 30 MIAMI
* 1-4 0-3 0-0 0 4 4 5 2 0 1 0 0 30
at Duke
* 0-3 0-1 0-0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 18
◊ After making just three 3-pointers in
VIRGINIA 3-8 3-8 0-0 0 2 2 3 9 0 0 1 0 30
◊ Led VT offensively in four games, in boards his first two seasons with the Hokies,
at Louisville 2-9 1-7 0-0 0 2 2 3 5 0 0 1 2 23
in three contests, in blocks a team-high knocked down three or more 3-pointers
* 6-10 4-7 1-2 1 2 3 1 17 0 0 0 5 30
12 outings and in steals five times. seven times in 2019-20.
at Notre Dame
* 5-9 4-8 0-0 1 6 7 3 14 0 1 0 0 31
◊ Increased his overall production by eye- ◊ Was on the same side of the bracket
vs. N. Carolina
* 2-8 2-6 0-0 3 1 4 4 6 0 1 1 0 25
catching numbers, upping his averages as Georgia for the Maui Jim Maui
for scoring (+4.3 ppg), rebounding (+2.0 Invitational but did not face the Bulldogs ◊ Extremely efficient en route to his career-
rpg) and minutes (+15.0 mpg). Also after Tech upset No. 3 Michigan State in high 18 points versus Pittsburgh on Feb.
improved his totals tallies for blocks the Hokies’ first-round matchup. 15, connecting on 6-of-9 shots from the
(+13), steals (+18) and 3-pointers (+44). ◊ Posted his first double-figure scoring field including 4-of-6 3-pointers.
◊ Remarkably, went from making a output in ACC action with 15 points ◊ Collected five steals in a victory over
single 3-pointer (on 12 attempts) as a against Duke on Dec. 6. Clemson on March 4, the highest single-
sophomore to connecting on 44 (at a ◊ Logged a career-most 43 minutes of action game theft tally by any Virginia Tech
34.9 percent percentage) as a junior. in a 79-77, double-overtime win over player during the 2019-20 season.
◊ After making just one 3-pointer as a North Carolina on Jan. 22. ◊ Paced the Hokies offensively in the final
sophomore, opened the season with a ◊ Knocked down a pair of free throws with two regular-season games, putting up
nine-game streak with at least one make 13 seconds left in regulation to help 17 points at Clemson and following that
from behind the arc. extend the contest against the Tar Heels. with 14 at Notre Dame on March 7.
Bulldog Biographies
2018-- 19 GAME
2017-- 18 GAME
FGs 3FGs FTs OR DR RB PF PT A TO B S MP Opponent
GARDNER-WEBB 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 5 2 0 5 1 0 17
DETROIT MERCY 5-10 0-0 0-0 4 1 5 3 10 0 0 0 0 20
vs. Ball St. 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 10
THE CITADEL 2-3 0-0 0-0 2 3 5 0 4 0 2 0 0 8
vs. Northeastern 1-3 0-1 1-2 2 1 3 1 3 0 1 0 0 16
vs. Saint Louis 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6
vs. Purdue 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 1 20
vs. Washington 1-2 0-0 0-0 1 0 1 5 2 1 1 0 0 7
ST. FRANCIS (PA.) 4-6 0A-1 0-0 3 1 4 1 8 3 1 0 1 20
HOUSTON BAPTIST 2-2 1-1 2-2 0 0 0 1 7 0 2 2 0 18
at Penn State 0-1 0-0 0-0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 5
MOREHEAD ST. 3-4 0-0 3-3 1 1 2 3 9 0 2 0 0 12
CENTRAL CONN. ST. * 0-4 0-1 0-0 2 3 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 22
IOWA 6-7 0-0 4-6 2 0 2 2 16 0 0 0 0 21
* 6-6 0-0 0-0 2 3 5 2 12 2 2 1 1 26 at Ole Miss 2-2 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 2 4 1 0 0 0 11
S.C. STATE 4-7 0-0 1-1 3 1 4 2 9 0 4 2 0 12
2-5 0-0 0-1 1 1 2 1 4 0 0 1 0 7
vs. Washington 3-4 0-0 0-0 2 4 6 1 6 0 0 0 0 23
MD.-E. SHORE 3-5 0-0 3-4 2 1 3 2 9 0 0 0 0 16
N.C. A&T 5-6 0-0 3-4 3 3 6 0 13 1 0 1 0 22
* 1-1 0-0 2-2 0 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 7
* 5-5 0-0 1-1 2 4 6 3 11 2 1 1 0 29 N.C. A&T 3-4 0-1 4-4 2 2 4 1 10 0 2 1 0 15
NOTRE DAME 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 10
at Syracuse 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 12
BOSTON COLLEGE 1-2 0-0 2-2 1 2 3 1 4 0 0 0 0 14
1-2 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 5
at Ga. Tech 2-2 0-0 0-0 1 3 4 2 4 0 1 0 1 8
at Wake Forest 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
at Virginia 1-1 1-1 1-2 1 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 12
FLORIDA ST. 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+
* 1-2 0-0 0-0 1 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 11 N. CAROLINA 0-1 0-0 0-0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
GA. TECH 1-2 0-0 0-0 1 0 1 2 2 0 2 0 0 9
at Notre Dame 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
at Pittsburgh 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 12
3-5 0-1 2-7 2 5 7 1 8 0 0 0 1 23
0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 N.C. STATE 1-1 0-0 0-1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 11
at Notre Dame 1-3 0-0 0-0 3 0 3 1 2 0 1 1 0 9
at Duke 3-3 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 1 6 0 0 0 1 9
0-0 0-0 1-2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 at Ga. Tech 1-2 0-0 0-0 3 2 5 5 2 0 3 0 0 15
at Florida St. 1-3 0-2 0-0 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 0 0 22
CLEMSON 2-6 1-2 4-6 2 1 3 2 9 0 0 0 0 15
0-1 0-0 2-2 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 22 LOUISVILLE
3-4 0-0 0-0 1 3 4 2 6 0 1 1 0 16
vs. Miami 1-5 0-1 0-0 2 1 3 3 2 0 3 0 0 12
DUKE 0-1 0-0 1-2 2 2 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 17
vs. Florida St. 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 4
at Miami 2-5 0-0 2-2 1 3 4 3 6 0 2 1 0 17
vs. Saint Louis 1-3 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 7
vs. Notre Dame 1-2 0-1 0-0 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 10
vs. Liberty 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1
vs. Alabama 2-6 0-0 1-2 3 1 4 1 5 0 1 0 1 20
vs. Duke 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 6
◊ Opened his collegiate career with a
2018-19 SEASON HIGHLIGHTS: 10-point performance against Detroit
◊ Named to the ACC Academic Honor Roll, Mercy on Nov. 10.
which recognizes student-athletes who ◊ Notched 16 points versus Iowa on Nov.
registered a 3.0 grade point average or 28. That was his seventh outing with the
higher for the full academic year. Hokies and stood as his career high until
◊ Logged action in 29 games, including a the 25th game of his junior season.
quartet of starts, and averaged 3.3 points
and 2.2 rebounds in 13.3 minutes of HIGH SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS:
action per game. ◊ Coached by Eric Holland at Tift County.
◊ Converted on a team-best 57.5 percent of ◊ As a four-year starter, helped the Blue
his field goals, connecting on 42-of-73 Devils compile a combined record ◊ Selected as the Most Valuable Player of the
shots from the floor. of 110-10, including a pair of state Georgia Athletic Coaches Association
◊ Helped the Hokies reach the “Sweet 16” championships as a freshman (Class 6A (GACA) 2017 All-Star game after scoring
round of the NCAA Tournament and in 2014) and a senior (Class 7A in 2017). 28 points and grabbing 14 rebounds.
finish with a 26-9 record. ◊ All told, scored 1,671 points, grabbed 811 ◊ Was averaging 17.4 ppg as a junior when
◊ Tech was 4-0 in games he started...versus rebounds and blocked 203 shots despite he suffered the torn ACL in a Dec. 2015
Central Connecticut, VMI, Maryland- missing most of his junior season due to outing against North Mecklenburg (N.C.)
Eastern Shore and Wake Forest. a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). High in the Arby’s Classic in Bristol, Tenn.
◊ Missed six games – a span from Jan. 21 ◊ In 102 games played for the Blue Devils,
at North Carolina through Feb. 9 at notched 82 double-figure scoring PERSONAL:
Clemson – due to an undisclosed injury. outputs with 36 20-point performances, ◊ Born July 26, 1999, P.J. is the son of
five 30-point outings and a career-high Preston and Tanya Horne.
2017-18 SEASON HIGHLIGHTS: 40 points against Lake Minneola (Fla.) ◊ Earned his bachelor’s degree in Sociology
◊ Played in 28 games, with one start, and in the Florida-Georgia Challenge at from Virginia Tech and is pursuing a
contributed 4.6 points and 2.4 boards Montverde on Nov. 26, 2016. master’s in Nonprofit Management &
per game while logging an average of ◊ As a senior, averaged 25.3 points and 11.0 Leadership at UGA.
11.7 minutes per outing. rebounds per game while leading the ◊ Recipient of the Joel & Wealthy Eaves
◊ Helped the Hokies to a 21-12 record which Blue Devils to a 29-2 finish. Men’s Basketball Scholarship for 2020-21
culminated with an NCAA Tournament ◊ Named first-team all-state by the Atlanta and the Vincent J. & Barbara Dooley
bid, where they lost to Alabama. Journal-Constitution as a senior. Scholarship for 2021-22.
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
2020-- 21 GAME
2019-- 20 GAME
2018-- 19 GAME
FGs 3FGs FTs OR DR RB PF PT A TO B S MP Opponent
FGs 3FGs FTs OR DR RB PF PT A TO B S MP Opponent
South Alabama 2-9 0-4 0-0 2 4 6 4 4 0 1 0 1 22
FLAGLER 2-4 0-1 0-0 0 1 1 1 4 2 1 0 0 14
* 10-14 0-2 1-1 7 5 12 1 21 1 3 1 0 26
vs. Jacksonville St. * 4-13 0-2 0-0 2 3 5 3 8 1 2 0 1 25
at Miami 3-7 1-1 0-0 2 4 6 1 7 0 1 0 0 12
at UCF
* 5-6 2-3 0-0 1 0 1 5 12 2 1 1 1 22
vs. Mobile
* 8-13 3-4 3-4 3 5 8 0 22 1 0 1 1 22 at Alabama
1-6 0-3 0-0 0 2 2 0 2 0 3 0 0 12 vs. Ga. Southern
* 8-16 4-6 5-7 4 5 9 4 25 2 5 1 0 31
* 9-12 7-8 1-1 1 4 5 2 26 0 1 0 2 16 PALM BEACH ATL. 2-7 1-2 3-4 1 2 3 2 8 2 1 0 0 16
vs. Towson
* 9-17 2-6 0-0 3 7 10 3 20 3 2 0 1 27
at N.Florida
* 5-14 1-1 2-3 1 9 10 0 13 5 0 0 1 33 at FGCU 3-7 0-1 0-2 0 1 1 1 6 0 2 0 0 22
vs. Incarnate World * 3-7 0-2 9-9 0 4 4 4 15 0 4 0 0 21
FLA. MEMORIAL * 4-9 2-3 2-2 0 5 5 0 12 5 2 0 3 20
* 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 7 PALM BEACH ATL. * 9-15 3-3 2-3 4 7 11 1 23 3 4 1 1 34
at Stetson
* 4-11 0-5 0-0 0 4 4 3 8 0 0 0 0 27 UIC
* 3-6 2-2 2-2 1 5 6 2 10 1 4 0 1 19 FGCU
* 4-13 1-5 2-2 2 8 10 1 11 6 3 0 3 33
FLORIDA COLLEGE * 10-16 5-8 1-2 2 1 3 1 26 0 0 1 0 17
ST. BONAVENTURE * 3-11 1-6 5-7 1 5 6 4 12 0 1 0 1 26
at B. Cookman
* 11-16 4-6 2-2 1 6 7 2 28 0 5 1 1 36
at James Madison * 6-13 4-5 4-4 0 8 8 1 20 3 1 0 1 31
* 3-8 0-1 0-0 1 3 4 2 6 1 2 0 1 21 MERCER
* 8-11 1-3 5-6 3 5 8 4 22 1 8 4 1 34
at Old Dominion * 12-17 2-4 0-0 2 4 6 1 26 1 4 1 1 34
* 7-9 1-1 4-5 2 4 6 2 19 2 0 0 1 28 at Arkansas St.
* 6-16 0-4 0-0 4 6 10 1 12 2 1 0 0 32
at Old Dominion * 4-10 3-8 0-0 1 9 10 2 11 6 4 1 1 37
* 4-7 2-3 0-0 0 1 1 1 10 1 1 0 0 17
at FIU * 10-18 1-4 3-4 4 5 9 3 24 3 2 0 0 29 at Mercer * 7-14 2-6 5-6 4 4 8 1 21 5 2 1 1 30 ◊ Recorded 12 double-figure scoring games,
FIU * 2-5 1-2 1-2 2 5 7 4 6 2 1 1 0 19 at S. Florida * 4-10 1-3 0-0 2 3 5 2 9 3 2 0 1 33 producing a season-most 18 points
CHARLOTTE * 3-14 2-6 0-0 0 4 4 1 8 3 2 1 2 33 UTSA * 6-11 1-1 2-3 1 3 4 3 15 3 2 0 2 30 versus Edward Waters.
CHARLOTTE * 1-3 1-1 0-0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 7 UTEP * 3-10 0-4 1-2 1 3 4 5 7 0 2 1 1 30 ◊ Second on the team in games started (to
at UTSA * 0-5 0-2 0-0 2 0 2 2 0 1 1 1 0 14 at Rice DNP Ronald Delph) only due one non start
at UTSA DNP at North Texas DNP with a DNP at Texas Tech in December.
at Southern Miss 4-7 4-6 0-1 0 5 5 2 12 0 2 0 1 20 M. TENNESSEE * 5-15 1-6 5-7 1 7 8 5 16 4 2 1 3 33 ◊ Posted in C-USA scoring high three
at Southern Miss 4-10 1-3 3-4 0 6 6 2 12 2 2 0 2 24 UAB * 5-13 1-4 3-3 2 6 8 3 14 0 1 0 3 30 times, with 16 points in outings against
MIDDLE TENNESSEE 2-8 0-3 1-2 1 4 5 2 5 0 3 0 0 14 at Charlotte * 6-12 1-1 1-2 1 4 5 1 14 1 0 0 0 31 Louisiana Tech, Rice and UAB.
MIDDLE TENNESSEE 2-11 0-4 0-0 3 9 12 1 4 1 2 0 0 24
at Old Dominion * 6-17 2-9 2-2 3 4 7 3 16 1 0 0 0 29
vs. UTEP 3-5 2-2 0-0 1 7 8 0 8 2 2 1 0 30
* 7-18 2-5 0-0 2 4 6 1 16 2 5 0 1 29 2016-17 SEASON HIGHLIGHTS:
vs. La.Tech 5-13 3-8 2-2 1 2 3 1 15 2 0 0 3 30 MARSHALL * 7-14 1-4 1-2 2 10 12 3 16 2 1 0 1 34 ◊ Inserted in the starting lineup for the third
at FIU * 2-7 0-1 0-0 2 1 3 0 4 0 6 0 1 23 game of the season and remained there
◊ Enjoyed a strong homecoming FIU * 4-8 0-4 0-0 1 2 3 3 8 0 2 1 1 29 thereafter, eventually getting the nod for
performance at Mercer, scoring 21 at Southern Miss * 9-17 1-6 2-3 1 7 8 0 21 1 1 0 0 36 28 of the next 30 outings.
points, grabbing eight rebounds and at La. Tech * 5-13 1-4 3-4 4 8 12 1 14 1 4 0 2 37 ◊ Averaged 8.2 points and 4.2 boards per
delivering five assists in a 65-50 win over UAB 4-7 2-4 2-2 0 6 6 0 12 3 2 1 1 24 game in 24.1 minutes of action.
the Bears three days before Christmas. UTSA 4-8 2-4 3-5 1 10 11 2 13 4 2 1 0 26 ◊ After joining the starting five, enjoyed a
His hometown of Madison is about 60 at Old Dominion 8-14 2-5 1-1 0 2 2 1 19 0 1 1 3 31 five-game stretch where he averaged
miles from Mercer in Macon. at Marshall * 7-14 2-5 3-4 1 5 6 3 19 1 2 0 2 24 16.4 points while shooting 64.6 percent
◊ Became the 13th Owl to reach 1,000 career vs. Old Dominion * 7-13 4-5 4-4 2 5 7 3 22 1 1 1 2 28 (31-of-48) from the field.
points during a 13-point, 11-rebound ◊ Named C-USA Freshman of the Week after
effort versus Texas San Antonio on Feb. ◊ Reached double figures in all 10 contests, scoring 16 points against USF on Nov. 16
27. Eventually ascended to the No. 9 with six of those being 20-point ◊ Eventually recorded 11 double-figure
position on FAU’s career scoring leaders outbursts. scoring outputs, with a season high of
ledger by season’s end with 1,061 points. ◊ Recorded five double-digit rebound tallies 21 points against UT-Martin.
◊ Finished the season on a tear, averaging en route to five double-doubles. ◊ Produced his C-USA highs for 17 points
17.1 points over the last seven contests. ◊ When he was injured, ranked No. 6 in and seven boards against Charlotte.
Conference USA in scoring and No. 4 in
◊ Started all 10 games he played before a ◊ Exploded for a career-high 28 points on ◊ Coached by Jamond Sims as a junior and
season-ending knee injury. 11-of-16 shooting from the floor against senior and Charlemagne Gibbons as a
◊ Averaged 18.9 points and 8.2 rebounds Bethune Cookman. sophomore and freshman at Morgan
over those outings. County High School.
◊ Was highly efficient on all three shooting 2017-18 SEASON HIGHLIGHTS: ◊ Helped lead the Bulldogs to a pair of state
levels, connecting on 55.7 percent of his ◊ Started all 30 games played for the Owls titles in 2014 and 2016 and a runner-up
shots from the field, 42.5 percent of his while contributing 8.9 points and 4.3 finish in 2015.
3-pointers and 86.7 percent of his trips to rebounds in 26.2 minutes of action per ◊ Named the Georgia 3A Player of the Year
the line. game as a sophomore. as a senior.
Bulldog Biographies
2017-- 18 GAME
2016-- 17 GAME
FGs 3FGs FTs OR DR RB PF PT A TO B S MP Opponent
at Lynn
* 3-11 0-0 0-0 0 7 7 4 6 3 2 0 1 26 vs. Texas St. 1-8 0-1 0-0 2 2 4 0 2 1 1 0 2 23
at USF
* 1-10 0-2 1-2 1 2 3 4 3 0 2 0 0 32 vs. SIU Edwardsville 2-6 0-0 0-0 2 3 5 3 4 1 1 0 1 22
* 7-15 0-2 4-5 1 3 4 0 18 2 1 0 2 25 at Hawai’i
* 0-2 0-0 0-0 0 5 5 2 0 2 4 2 2 28
vs. Towson
* 2-9 0-1 0-1 3 3 6 2 4 1 3 0 1 23 EDWARD WATERS * 6-9 0-0 4-5 1 4 5 2 16 3 0 1 1 27
vs. N. Illinois
* 0-4 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 18 USF
* 4-6 1-1 7-9 2 6 8 3 16 1 2 0 0 25
vs. Missouri St.
* 4-12 0-2 4-4 1 1 2 2 12 0 2 0 0 31 at UT Martin
* 9-10 0-0 3-4 1 2 3 2 21 3 4 0 0 33
* 5-8 1-1 0-0 0 5 5 1 11 1 4 0 2 23 HOFSTRA
* 7-14 1-2 4-7 3 4 7 2 19 1 0 1 1 28
* 4-7 0-0 3-9 1 7 8 3 11 3 2 0 1 28 at Ohio St.
* 5-9 0-1 0-0 1 3 4 1 10 3 2 0 0 39
* 2-7 0-1 5-8 3 4 7 3 9 0 1 2 1 35 at Miami
* 2-6 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 1 16
* 4-9 1-2 0-0 1 4 5 1 9 3 1 0 1 23 WEBBER
* 1-4 0-1 1-2 1 3 4 1 3 2 0 0 0 27
ST. * 4-9 0-0 1-1 1 5 6 1 9 0 5 0 1 30 FGCU
* 3-7 0-1 0-0 1 5 6 3 6 2 1 0 0 25
at Minnesota
* 4-13 1-3 3-4 0 5 5 3 12 4 2 1 2 31 W. KENTUCKY
* 0-5 0-1 0-2 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 25
at FIU
* 5-15 1-2 1-1 1 4 5 3 12 3 7 3 0 38 MARSHALL
* 2-6 0-0 2-2 0 3 3 1 6 0 2 1 1 27
* 2-12 0-3 2-2 1 5 6 2 6 4 1 0 0 29 FIU
* 3-7 1-2 3-4 2 2 4 2 10 1 1 1 2 23
* 5-8 0-2 1-2 1 5 6 5 11 0 9 0 0 29 at UTSA
* 6-10 0-1 0-1 0 4 4 3 12 1 2 1 0 33
* 3-9 0-1 3-5 2 4 6 1 9 2 3 0 0 28 at UTEP
* 1-7 0-2 0-0 0 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 14
* 4-8 0-0 5-6 1 1 2 2 13 1 2 0 0 32 UAB
* 2-5 0-1 0-0 0 1 1 3 4 2 1 0 2 17
* 4-6 0-0 3-4 0 1 1 2 11 3 5 0 1 22 M. TENNESSEE
* 2-6 0-0 1-2 0 3 3 1 5 0 1 0 0 14
* 4-9 0-1 0-0 2 2 4 5 8 3 2 0 1 25 at FIU
* 2-5 0-0 0-0 1 5 6 3 4 1 2 1 1 20
at N. Texas
* 1-4 0-0 0-0 0 2 2 4 2 1 1 0 0 15 at Charlotte
* 7-10 0-0 3-4 2 5 7 2 17 0 2 0 1 21
at Rice
* 2-8 0-0 3-5 1 3 4 1 7 1 0 0 0 25 at Old Dominion * 5-10 1-2 0-0 0 3 3 4 11 0 1 0 1 22
* 8-12 0-1 0-0 2 1 3 3 16 0 4 1 0 29 N. TEXAS
* 1-6 0-3 2-3 2 1 3 0 4 2 1 0 0 14
SOUTHERN MISS * 3-7 1-1 1-2 1 1 2 3 8 0 1 0 0 23
* 3-8 0-0 0-0 0 3 3 1 6 1 2 0 0 18
at W. Kentucky
* 1-4 0-0 0-0 2 4 6 5 2 2 1 0 0 18 at La. Tech
* 5-13 0-1 2-3 1 4 5 2 12 1 3 0 0 27
at Marshall
* 2-6 1-1 0-0 0 4 4 0 5 3 0 0 0 22 at Southern Miss * 3-5 0-0 0-0 2 2 4 0 6 2 1 0 0 21
* 1-4 0-1 3-4 0 1 1 1 5 2 3 0 2 23 UTEP
* 5-10 1-2 1-2 0 3 3 1 12 1 1 0 1 29
* 7-9 0-0 2-2 2 6 8 4 16 1 1 1 0 29 UTSA
* 2-10 0-2 0-0 1 8 9 3 4 3 0 1 0 15
* 2-6 0-0 0-0 2 2 4 3 4 0 4 0 1 19 at UAB
* 3-9 0-1 2-2 1 4 5 3 8 1 2 0 0 31
at Old Dominion * 4-13 0-1 1-1 4 3 7 4 9 2 2 1 0 31
at M. Tennessee
* 4-10 0-1 0-1 0 1 1 2 8 3 1 0 0 29
at Charlotte
* 4-7 0-0 1-1 3 1 4 4 9 1 1 0 0 22 vs. Marshall
* 6-13 1-2 0-2 1 4 5 2 13 1 3 0 0 29
vs. UAB
* 6-9 2-3 2-2 0 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 1 16
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
◊ Coached by Brian Hoberecht at Kilgore
during the 2018-19 and 2019-20 seasons.
REBOUNDS: 0 ◊ Ranked as the No. 11 junior college
prospect in the nation by 247Sports.
com, as well as the No. 21 prospect by
◊ Named honorable mention All-Region 14.
◊ Did not play during the 2018-19 campaign ◊ Notched 15 double-figure scoring outputs,
and retained his freshman year of with a pair of 20-point outputs against
eligibility. Lone Star-Tomball (22) and Houston
◊ Started 27 of 29 games of the 2019-20 Community College (20).
season for the Rangers, who finished ◊ Was extremely efficient en route to his
21-9 overall. season-high 22 points versus Lone Star-
◊ Averaged 10.4 points and 5.7 rebounds in Tomball, connecting on 7-of-7 shots from
26.4 minutes per game for the Rangers. the field and 7-of-8 trips to the free throw
◊ In Region 14 action, started 18 of 19 line.
games and averaged 10.4 points for the ◊ Posted a double-double of 18 points and
Rangers, who finished 12-7 and tied for 10 rebounds in just 19 minutes of action
second in the East Division. against Victoria College.
Bulldog Biographies
2020-- 21 GAME
FLORIDA A&M 2-4 0-0 1-2 1 0 1 1 5 0 1 0 0 13
N. GEORGIA 1-3 0-0 4-4 1 7 8 0 6 0 1 0 1 13
1-1 0-0 2-2 1 3 4 3 4 0 1 0 0 10
0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 5
* 1-1 0-0 0-0 1 3 4 0 2 0 0 0 1 15
1-2 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 0 7
NORTHEASTERN 1-2 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 11
ST. 1-3 0-0 1-2 0 2 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 8
at LSU 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3
at Arkansas 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2
* 1-2 0-0 0-2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 10
at Ole Miss 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
at S. Carolina 2-3 0-0 0-0 2 0 2 1 4 0 1 0 0 8
at Auburn 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 6
2-3 0-0 4-5 0 1 1 1 8 0 0 0 0 7
at Tennessee
0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
at Alabama DNP
0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
at Florida 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 7
0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3
vs. Missouri DNP
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
Bulldog Biographies
2020-- 21 GAME
FLORIDA A&M 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
N. GEORGIA 1-2 0-0 0-0 3 2 5 2 2 0 3 0 1 5
0-2 0-0 0-0 0 5 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 6
0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2
0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
at Arkansas 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
at Ole Miss DNP
at S. Carolina DNP
at Auburn DNP
at Tennessee DNP
at Alabama 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
at Florida DNP
vs. Missouri DNP
Bulldog Biographies
HIGH SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS: ◊ Helped lead TSF capture the 2021 Phenom
◊ Coached by Rob Johnson at The Skill Post Graduate National Championship.
Factory each of the past three seasons, ◊ Averaged a team-best 22.0 points in three
including playing for the organization’s games at the Phenom tournament,
post-graduate team during the 2020-21 scoring 18 points in the first round
campaign. against Mt. Zion Prep, 34 in a semifinal
◊ Averaged 27.0 points, 5.0 rebounds, 4.0 victory over IMG post-grad and 14
assists and 3.0 steals per game last versus Link Year in the championship
season at TSF. matchup.
◊ Connected on 52.0 percent of his field ◊ Missed the majority of the 2019-20 season
goals, including 38.0 percent of his due to a shoulder injury.
3-pointers and 84.0 percent of his free ◊ Coached by Matt Kramer as a freshman
throws during the 2020-21 campaign. and Allen Whitehart as a sophomore at
◊ Named honorable mention All-State by the
Atlanta Journal-Constitution for Class 7A
as a sophomore in 2018.
◊ Also named to the Georgia Athletic
Coaches Association (GACA) Class 7A
North All-State team as a sophomore.
◊ Tabbed third-team All-Metro by the Atlanta
Tipoff Club in 2018.
◊ Scored 1,000 points in two seasons with
the Eagles.
◊ As a sophomore, averaged 24.0 points, 6.0
rebounds and 6.0 assists per game while
helping the Eagles to a 17-11 finish.
◊ Voted as the 2018 Region 5-7A Player of the
Year in balloting of region coaches.
◊ Starter as a freshman for Milton, which
finished 14-14 overall – while playing
a challenging early-season schedule –
including an 8-2 mark in Region play.
◊ Helped Milton capture the 2-17 Region
5-7A title, scoring 12 of his game-high
25 points in the fourth quarter of an
81-70 victory over Lambert in the region
tourney championship game.
◊ Born July 1, 2001, in Birmingham, Ala.,
Christian is the son of Alesia and
Christopher Wright and intends to major
in Business.
◊ Recipient of the Leon Farmer Athletic
Scholarship for 2021-22.
2020-21 Season Recap
Season Notebook........................................................... 62-63
Letterwinners Lost Statistics............................................... 64
Game-by-Game Results...................................................... 65
Individual Statistics & Double-Digits Dogs................... 66-67
Game-by-Game Team Statistics......................................... 68
Single-Game Superlatives.................................................. 69
SEC Standings & SEC Team Stats..................................... 70
SEC Tournament & SEC Individual Stats.......................... 71
Box Scores...................................................................... 72-76
2020-21 Season Notebook
SPECIALTY STATS Georgia averaged 77.5 points per game Camara was tabbed on Dec. 21 after he
IN PT. OFF TO 2ND CH BENCH during 2020-21, continuing the trend of big- equaled his career-best scoring output (19
Georgia 1072 454 293 626 time point production under head coach points) against Cincinnati en route to his
Opponent 908 456 297 585 Tom Crean. second double-double.
Difference +164 -2 -4 +41 The Bulldogs produced their second- Johnson was selected on Jan. 18 after he
Game-by-game breakdown on Page 8. highest scoring average of the 2000s as averaged 17.5 ppg in his first two collegiate
outlined in the next column. outings against Auburn and Ole Miss.
2020-21 Season Notebook
Dogs Win Three Straight In SEC DOUBLE
Georgia defeated Ole Miss, Auburn
and Vanderbilt to secure its first trio of
Sahvir Wheeler 22 33
consecutive SEC victories since the latter Toumani Camara 21 29
portion of the 2016-17 campaign. K.D. Johnson 12 12
More impressive than the wins over the Andrew Garcia 11 51
Rebels, Tigers and Commodores were the P.J. Horne 11 25
numbers within those outings. Tye Fagan 11 14
Justin Kier 10 61
In Georgia’s first eight SEC outings, the Christian Brown 2 3
Bulldogs were 2-6 and converted on 43.8
percent of their shots from the field, including REBOUNDS SEASON CAREER
Toumani Camara 8 8
32.0 percent from 3-point range. Andrew Garcia 1 10
In the Bulldogs’ trio of victories, they con- Tye Fagan 1 1
nected on a 53.8 percent (86-of-160) of their Sahvir Wheeler 1 1
shots from the field, including a sizzling 46.9 Justin Kier 0 10
percent (23-of-49) from behind the 3-point arc. ASSISTS SEASON CAREER
Sahvir Wheeler 8 8
Etter Betters Contributions DOUBLE-DOUBLES SEASON CAREER
The production of walk-on Jaxon Etter Toumani Camara 8 8
increased dramatically in the last month of RONNIE HOGUE Sahvir Wheeler 8 8
Andrew Garcia 1 10
the season.
Entering a Feb. 6 outing versus Vanderbilt,
REMEMBERED Tye Fagan 1 1
Ronnie Hogue, Georgia Basketball’s Justin Kier 0 8
Etter sported career averages of 0.4 points, first Black scholarship student-athlete, was
0.4 rebounds and 3.0 minutes in 20 outings TRIPLE-DOUBLES SEASON CAREER
honored with a commemorative sticker on Sahvir Wheeler 1 1
as a Bulldog.
the Stegeman Coliseum basket supports 20-POINT GAMES SEASON CAREER
In Georgia’s last 10 games, the sophomore
during the 2020-21 season. Hogue passed K.D. Johnson 4 4
from Woodstock, Ga., contributed 4.1 points
and 1.7 rebounds in 11.0 minutes per game. away in September 2020 at the age of 69. Sahvir Wheeler 3 4
A native of Washington, D.C., Hogue Justin Kier 1 10
He also drew eight charges. Andrew Garcia 1 6
Etter’s increased production didn’t arrived in Athens in the fall of 1969 and Toumani Camara 1 1
magically blossom on Feb. 6. He played a became one of the best Bulldogs ever. Tye Fagan 1 1
part in several victories during the season. Two years before freshmen became P.J. Horne 1 1
Etter logged meaningful minutes in multiple eligible under NCAA rules, Hogue 30-POINT GAMES SEASON CAREER
non-conference outings, most prominently averaged 19.1 points per game on UGA’s Justin Kier 0 1
against Samford when his layup with 1:17 freshman squad. The following year when Career numbers of Garcia, Horne & Kier include prior to UGA
left gave Georgia its first lead of the night. he averaged 16.2 ppg and was named to
the SEC’s All-Sophomore team.
Wheeler Tops UGA Assist Mark Hogue was named first-team All-SEC as LEADING THE DOGS
Sahvir Wheeler broke Georgia’s single- a junior after upping his scoring average
season assist during a Feb. 27 matchup with to 20.5 ppg. In the season’s fifth game, GAMES LEADING PT. REB. AST. BLK. STL.
South Carolina and eventually bettered the Christian Brown 0 2 0 3 1
on December 20, 1971, he poured for a Toumani Camara 5 17 1 18 4
previous mark by a wide margin as outlined career-high 46 points against LSU, the Jaxon Etter 0 0 0 0 1
below. most ever by a Bulldog in Stegeman Tye Fagan 3 4 0 3 2
Wheeler finished the season with eight Coliseum and second-highest single- Andrew Garcia 5 1 0 5 2
point-assist double-doubles, the most by game tally in school history. Perhaps more P.J. Horne 2 0 0 2 1
any SEC player since 1993. He also recorded K.D. Johnson 4 0 0 2 6
impressive than the scoring total was the Justin Kier 3 0 1 1 6
the first triple-double in UGA history with 14
fact that Hogue connected on 20-of-23 Tyron McMillan 0 1 0 0 1
points, 13 assists and 11 rebounds against
shots from the floor en route to that output. Jonathan Ned 0 0 0 2 0
LSU on Feb 23. Mikal Starks 0 0 0 0 0
TOP SINGLE-SEASON ASSISTS As a senior, Hogue averaged 16.5 ppg.
Josh Taylor 0 0 0 1 1
Rk. No. Player, Season GP Avg. Hogue finished his Georgia career with Sahvir Wheeler 6 2 24 1 10
1. 193 Sahvir Wheeler, 2020-21 26 7.42 1,367 points in just three seasons. At the * – Includes when tied for team-high
2. 169 Pertha Robinson, 1994-95 27 6.26 time, that ranked second among UGA’s
3. 154 Sundiata Gaines, 2006-07 32 4.81 all-time scoring leaders.
4. 153 Rashad Wright, 2001-02 32 4.78 Hogue was chosen by the Washington
5. 152 Donald Hartry, 1985-86 30 5.07 Bullets in the 1973 NBA Draft.
UGA Snaps Losing Streak To Cats The Bulldogs’ last win over UK prior to
Georgia outscored Kentucky 7-0 over the 2020-21 season was on March 7, 2013.
the final 109 seconds to secure a 63-62 Graduate transfer P.J. Horne scored the
victory over the Wildcats on Jan. 20. The winning layup with 1.3 seconds remaining,
victory snapped a 14-game losing streak to muscling through the lane and scoring on a
Kentucky. nifty pass from Sahvir Wheeler.
2020-21 Letterwinners lost Statistics
2020-21 Results
2020-21 Statistics
SCORING 2014 2027 Christian Brown 0 2 0 3 1 SCORING 1376 1501
Points per game 77.5 78.0 Points per game 76.4 83.4
Scoring margin
-0.5 Toumani Camara
- 5 17 1 18 4 Scoring margin -6.9 -
FIELD GOALS-ATT 734-1603 Jaxon Etter
736-1609 0 0 0 0 1 FIELD GOALS-ATT 496-1099 539-1124
Field goal pct
.458 .457 Tye Fagan 3 4 0 3 2 Field goal pct .451 .480
3 POINT FG-ATT 165-509 204-601 Andrew Garcia 5 1 0 5 2 3 POINT FG-ATT 119-362 150-411
3-point FG pct .324 .339 3-point FG pct .329 .365
FG made per game 6.3 7.8 P.J.
Horne 2 0 0 2 1 3-pt FG made per game 6.6 8.3
FREE THROWS-ATT 381-553 K.D. Johnson
351-499 4 0 0 2 6 FREE THROWS-ATT 265-388 273-382
Free throw pct .689 Justin Kier
.703 3 0 1 1 6 Free throw pct .683 .715
F-Throws made per game
14.7 13.5 F-Throws made per game 14.7 15.2
Tyron McMillan
0 1 0 0 1
REBOUNDS 967 943 REBOUNDS 626 678
Rebounds per game 37.2 Jonathan Ned
36.3 0 0 0 2 0 Rebounds per game 34.8 37.7
Rebounding margin
+0.9 Mikal Starks
- 0 0 0 0 0 Rebounding margin -2.9 -
ASSISTS 389 Josh Taylor
355 0 0 0 1 1 ASSISTS 261 267
Assists per game
15.0 13.7 Assists per game 14.5 14.8
Sahvir Wheeler
6 2 24 1 10
Turnovers per game 16.7 16.6 * – Includes when tied for team-high Turnovers per game 16.5 15.7
Turnover margin -0.1 - Turnover margin -0.8 -
Assist/turnover ratio
0.9 0.8 Assist/turnover ratio 0.9 0.9
STEALS 220 224 STEALS 146 171
Steals per game
8.5 8.6 Steals per game 8.1 9.5
BLOCKS 64 115 BLOCKS 42 93
Blocks per game
2.5 4.4 Blocks per game 2.3 5.2
2020-21 Statistics
2020-21 Game-by-game team stats
2020-21 Superlatives
27 Sahvir Wheeler vs. Florida-2 POINTS 30 Jaden Springer (Tennessee)
17 Toumani Camara vs. Montana REBOUNDS 13 Olivier Sarr (Kentucky)
9 Toumani Camara vs. LSU-2 FIELD GOALS 9 by 10 Players, most recently
9 Sahvir Wheeler vs. Florida-2 Jaden Springer (Tennessee)
9 K.D. Johnson vs. Tennessee, Auburn-1
9 Tye Fagan vs. Ole Miss-1, Florida A&M
19 K.D. Johnson vs. Auburn-1 FIELD GOAL ATTEMPTS 22 Sharife Cooper (Auburn-1)
100.0 Tye Fagan (9x9) vs. Ole Miss-1 FIELD GOAL PERCENTAGE 100.0 Isaiah Jackson (6x6) (Kentucky)
100.0 D.J. Jones (7x7) (Florida A&M)
6 Justin Kier vs. LSU-1 3-POINT GOALS 5 Javonte Smart (LSU-1)
11 P.J. Horne vs. LSU-1 3-POINT GOAL ATTEMPTS 10 Noah Locke (Florida-2 & Florida-1)
11 Justin Kier vs. LSU-1 10 Javonte Smart (LSU-1)
80.0 K.D. Johnson (4x5) vs. Ole Miss-1 3-POINT GOAL PERCENTAGE 100.0 Jahvon Quinerly (4x4) (Alabama-1)
10 K.D. Johnson vs. Alabama-1 FREE THROWS 15 Cameron Thomas (LSU-1)
10 Andrew Garcia vs. Florida A&M
15 K.D. Johnson vs. Alabama-1 FREE THROW ATTEMPTS 16 Cameron Thomas (LSU-1)
100.0 Toumani Camara vs. Missouri-1 (5x5) FREE THROW PERCENTAGE 100.0 by 6 Players, most recently
100.0 Justin Kier vs. Cincinnati (5x5) Jahvon Quinerly (6x6) (Alabama-2)
13 Sahvir Wheeler vs. Missouri-2, LSU-2 ASSISTS 12 Sharife Cooper (Auburn-1)
3 Toumani Camara vs. LSU-2 BLOCKS 5 Devan Cambridge (Auburn-1)
5 Jaylin Williams (Auburn-1)
5 Sahvir Wheeler vs. Florida-2 STEALS 6 Jarkel Joiner (Ole Miss-2)
5 Justin Kier vs. Kentucky, Northeastern 6 Javonte Smart (LSU-1)
41 Justin Kier vs. LSU-1 MINUTES 40 Trendon Watford (LSU-1)
41 Sahvir Wheeler vs. LSU-1
98 vs. Jacksonville 59 vs. S. Carolina-1 POINTS 115 by Alabama-1 50 by Montana
49 vs. Cincinnati 23 vs. Florida-2 1ST HALF POINTS 51 by Alabama-1 24 by Montana
55 vs. Tennessee 29 vs. Vanderbilt 2ND HALF POINTS 64 by Alabama-1 13 by Northeastern
49 vs. Montana 24 vs. Ole Miss-1 REBOUNDS 45 by Alabama-2, S. Carolina-1 23 by Vanderbilt
38 vs. Jacksonville 21 vs. S. Carolina-1 FGs 37 by S. Carolina-2, Florida-1 18 by Montana
74 vs. Jacksonville 46 vs. Vanderbilt, Ole Miss-1 FGAs 75 by S. Carolina-1 49 by Florida-2
.587 vs. Vanderbilt (27x46), .318 vs. S. Carolina-1 (21x66) FG Pct. .643 by Alabama-1 (35x56) .328 by N. Georgia (20x61)
Ole Miss-1 (27x46)
12 vs. LSU-1 2 vs. Alabama-1 3-FGs 18 by Alabama-1 1 by Kentucky
35 vs. LSU-1 10 vs. Auburn-1 3-FGAs 33 by N. Georgia 13 by Ole Miss-2, Kentucky,
Florida A&M
.600 vs. Ole Miss-1 (9x15) .105 vs. Alabama-1 (2x19) 3-FG PCT. .600 by Alabama-1 (18x30) .077 by Kentucky (1x13)
24 vs. Alabama-1 4 vs. Montana FTs 25 by Alabama-1, Tennessee 2 by Northeastern
34 vs. Auburn-1 9 vs. Kentucky, Montana FTAs 33 by LSU-1 4 by Northeastern
.882 vs. Ole Miss-1 (15x17) .444 vs. Montana (4x9) FT Pct. .923 by N. Georgia (12x13) .333 by Ole Miss-1 (5x15)
24 vs. Jacksonville 8 vs. Auburn-1 ASSISTS 24 by Northeastern 6 by Ole Miss-2
25 vs. N. Georgia 11 vs. LSU-2, Kentucky TURNOVERS 24 by Cincinnati 11 by LSU-2
5 vs. Missouri 0 vs. Florida-1, Arkansas BLOCKS 14 by Auburn-1 1 by LSU-2, Ole Miss-1,
Arkansas, Florida A&M,
15 vs. Jacksonville 4 vs. Miss. St. STEALS 19 by LSU-1 2 by Samford
25 vs. Alabama-1, Auburn-1 11 vs. Northeastern PERSONAL FOULS 25 by Alabama-1 11 by Kentucky
2020-21 SEC Standings & Team Stats
1. Mississippi St.
LEAGUE GAMES ALL GAMES 2. Ole Miss 36.6 31.9 +4.6
W-L Pct H A W-L Pct H A N 3. Arkansas 39.7 35.8 +4.0
4. Auburn 39.4 36.3 +3.1
16-2 .889 9-0 7-2 26-7 .788 12-1 7-3 7-3 5. Alabama 40.7 38.0 +2.7
6. Florida 35.3 33.2 +2.0
13-4 .765 8-1 5-3 25-7 .781 16-1 5-4 4-2 7. Tennessee 35.9 34.0 +1.9
8. Kentucky 38.0 36.2 +1.8
11-6 .647 7-1 4-5 19-10 .655 11-2 4-6 4-2 9. Texas A&M 33.5 32.3 +1.2
10. Georgia 37.2 36.3 +0.9
10-7 .588 6-3 4-4 18-9 .667 13-3 4-4 1-2 11. LSU 38.4 37.8 +0.6
12. Missouri 35.7 35.2 +0.5
9-7 .563 5-3 4-4 15-10 .600 6-3 5-5 4-2 13. Vanderbilt 33.8 34.7 -0.9
Ole Miss 10-8 .556 6-3 4-5 16-12 .571 10-4 5-6 1-2 14. South Carolina 36.0 37.9 -2.0
8-8 .500 3-4 5-4 16-10 .615 8-4 6-4 2-2 ASSISTS
Team G Asts Avg.
8-9 .471 4-4 4-5 9-16 .360 5-6 4-6 0-4 1. Georgia 26 389 14.96
2. Tennessee 27 401 14.85
State 8-10 .444 3-6 5-4 18-15 .546 9-6 5-4 4-5 3. Auburn 27 400 14.81
4. Arkansas 32 465 14.53
7-11 .389 5-5 2-6 14-12 .539 12-5 2-6 0-1 5. Alabama 33 462 14.00
6. South Carolina 21 280 13.33
7-11 .389 4-5 3-6 13-14 .482 8-5 3-8 2-1 7. Missouri 26 345 13.27
8. Mississippi St. 33 429 13.00
South Carolina
4-12 .250 2-6 2-6 6-15 .286 3-6 2-7 1-2 9. Vanderbilt 25 318 12.72
10. Kentucky 25 314 12.56
Texas A&M
2-8 .200 1-4 1-4 8-10 .444 6-4 2-4 0-2 11. Ole Miss 28 342 12.21
Vanderbilt 3-13 .188 2-6 1-7 9-16 .360 6-7 2-8 1-1 12. Texas A&M 18 218 12.11
13. LSU 29 351 12.10
14. Florida 25 293 11.720
2020-21 SEC Tourney & Individual Stats
2020-21 Box Scores
2020-21 Box Scores
2020-21 Box Scores
2020-21 Box Scores
2020-21 Box Scores
History & Records
Individual Records.......................................................... 78-79
Team Records...................................................................... 80
Opponent Individual & Team Records............................... 80
Stegeman Coliseum Records............................................. 81
Georgia Individual Records........................................... 82-87
Georgia Team Single-Game Top-10s................................. 88
Largest Margins of Victory & Defeat.................................. 89
Records by Class.................................................................. 89
Opponent Team Single-Game Top-10s............................. 90
Opponent Individual Single-Game Top-10s...................... 91
100-Point Games.................................................................. 92
Overtime Games.................................................................. 93
1,000-point Scorers......................................................... 94-99
Season-by-Season Records.............................................. 100
Season-by-Season Results.......................................... 101-115
All-Time Series Results...............................................116-117
Series Results vs. 2020-21 Opponents...................... 118-125
Georgia Annual Individual Stat Leaders................... 126-129
SEC Statistical Champions................................................ 130
Poll History..........................................................................131
Annual Team Stats..................................................... 132-133
Starting Lineups.......................................................... 134-135
Holiday Tournament History...................................... 136-137
SEC Tournament History........................................... 138-139
Postseason History..................................................... 140-141
Postseason Box Scores.............................................. 142-151
All-Time Jersey Numbers.......................................... 152-153
All-Time Coaches Records & Assistant Coaches............ 154
All-Time Letterwinners............................................... 155-158
All-Americans & Freshman All-Americans...................... 159
Academic Honors...............................................................160
SEC Award Winners.......................................................... 161
All-SEC......................................................................... 162-163
SEC All-Freshman, All-Defensive & Weekly Awards........164
Halls of Famers...................................................................165
Bulldogs in the NBA................................................... 166-167
USA Basketball...................................................................168
Playing Facilities History....................................................169
Endowed Scholarships.......................................................170
Individual Records
Bernard Davis, Ezra Williams and J.J. Frazier all enjoyed perfect days from
behind the arc and share the Georgia record for 3-point percentage.
Individual Records
Career 493 Rashad Wright (2000-04)
Season 193 Sahvir Wheeler (2020-21)
Game 15 Gino Gianfrancesco vs. Ga. Tech (3/12/72)
Career 302 Lavon Mercer (1977-80)
Season 94 Charles Claxton (1994-95)
Game 9 Lucius Foster vs. Ole Miss (1/26/76)
9 Terrell Bell vs. Bethune-Cookman (12/7/93)
9 Charles Claxton vs. Winthrop (12/21/94)
9 Charles Claxton vs. Florida (2/7/95)
Career 259 Sundiata Gaines (2004-08)
Season 89 Pat Hamilton (1987-88)
Game 7 Gerald Crosby vs. Ole Miss (1/10/83)
7 Gerald Crosby vs. Florida (2/21/83)
7 Pat Hamilton vs. UNC Asheville (12/12/87)
7 Pat Hamilton vs. Auburn (2/2/89)
7 Kendall Rhine vs. Mercer (11/26/91)
7 Chris Daniels vs. LSU (3/9/02)
7 Billy Humphrey vs. South Carolina (2/10/07)
Career * 133 Marcus Thornton (2011-15)
132 Charles Mann (2013-16)
* Total games from five seasons, including nine during a redshirt year in 2012-13
Season 36 Milt Blakley (1987-88)
36 Rod Cole (1987-88)
36 Toney Mack (1987-88)
Litterial Green concluded his oustanding Bulldog career with eight
individual school records and still holds or shares four – career marks for
points (2,111) and field goal attempts (1,611) and single-game standards for
free throws made (16) and free throw percentage (100.0) vs. Florida on Feb.
29, 1992.
Team & Opponent Records
Season 2,644 1987-88 MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS
Game 138 vs. Arkansas A&M (12/6/67) Margin of Victory............120 (122-2) vs. S.E. Christian (1/12/18)
Margin of Defeat....................77 (143-66) vs. Kentucky (2/27/56)
COMBINED POINTS Most Wins.................................................24 (1982-83 & 1996-97)
Game 229 vs. Arkansas A&M (138-91) (12/6/67) Consecutive Wins..................................................... 13 in 1930-31
SCORING AVERAGE Consecutive Home Wins.................. 16 from 1988-89 to 1990-91
Season 82.7 (2,399 in 29 games) in 1989-90 Most Losses.................................................................. 22 1951-52
Stegeman Coliseum Records
Points: 58 by Pete Maravich, LSU (3/8/69)
Rebounds: 27 by Clyde Lee, Vanderbilt (1/11/65)
Assists: 16 by Rodney Woods, Tennessee (2/1/75)
FGs Made: 21 by Pete Maravich, LSU (3/8/69)
FG Attempts: 48 by Pete Maravich, LSU (3/8/69)
3FGs Made: 8 by Larry Davis, S. Carolina (3/3/96)
3FG Attempts: 15 by Chris Young, S. Alabama (12/18/02)
FTs Made: 19 by Joakim Noah, Florida (3/1/06)
FT Attempts: 25 by Pete Maravich, LSU (3/8/69)
Individual Records – Points
Rk. No.
Player, Opponent, Date Rk. No. Player Season G Rk. No. Player Seasons G
1. 62Alfred Scott vs. SE Christian (1/12/1918) 1. 732 Dominique Wilkins 1981 31 1. 2111 Litterial Green 1989-92 116
2. 46Ronnie Hogue vs. LSU (12/20/71) 2. 659 Dominique Wilkins 1982 31 2. 1886 Yante Maten 2015-18 128
3. 45Bob Lienhard vs. Alabama (1/29/68) 3. 646 Jacky Dorsey 1975 25 3. 1788 Alec Kessler 1987-90 123
4. 44Bob Lienhard vs. Arkansas A&M (12/ 2/68) 4. 640 J.J. Frazier 2017 34 4. 1777 Vern Fleming 1981-84 125
Vern Fleming vs. Vanderbilt (2/27/84) 5. 636 Yante Maten 2018 33 5. 1688 Dominique Wilkins 1980-82 78
6. 43Jacky Dorsey vs. So. Miss (12/21/74) 6. 613 Walter Daniels 1979 28 6. 1679 Walter Daniels 1976-79 101
7. 41Jacky Dorsey vs. LSU (1/20/75) 7. 610 Alec Kessler 1990 29 7. 1659 Bob Lienhard 1968-70 75
8. 38Zippy Morocco vs. Tennessee (2/25/53) 610 Anthony Edwards 2020 32 8. 1628 J.J. Frazier 2014-17 130
38 Litterial Green vs. Kentucky (1/2/91) 9. 596 Alec Kessler 1989 31 9. 1517 Shandon Anderson 1993-96 118
38 Litterial Green vs. UCLA (1/4/92) 10. 594 Bob Lienhard 1969 25 10. 1492 Terry Fair 1980-83 123
11. 37Zippy Morocco vs. Alabama (1/10/53) 594 Vern Fleming 1984 30 11. 1469 Sundiata Gaines 2004-08 123
37 Dominique Wilkins vs. Florida (1/7/81) 12. 591 K. Caldwell-Pope 2013 32 12. 1451 D.A. Layne 1999-2001 91
37 J.J. Frazier vs. Miss. St. (1/24/15) 13. 590 Zippy Morocco 1953 25 13. 1430 James Banks 1981-84 125
37 Anthony Edwards vs. Mich. St. (11/26/19) 14. 588 Jacky Dorsey 1976 27 14. 1414 Carlos Strong 1993-96 118
15. 36Tim Bassett vs. Kentucky (2/19/73) 15. 583 Willie Anderson 1988 35 15. 1411 Charles Mann 2013-16 132
36 Charlie Anderson vs. Auburn (3/2/74) 16. 576 Litterial Green 1991 28 16. 1396 Trey Thompkins 2009-11 89
36 Willie Anderson vs. Florida (2/10/88) 17. 575 Vern Fleming 1983 34 17. 1383 Levi Stukes 2004-07 115
36 J.J. Frazier vs. Kentucky (2/18/17) 18. 573 J.J. Frazier 2016 34 18. 1367 Ronnie Hogue 1971-73 77
36 Anthony Edwards vs. S.C. (2/26/20) 19. 564 Litterial Green 1992 29 19. 1349 Ezra Williams 2001-03 90
20. 35Willie Anderson vs. Kansas St. (3/12/87) 564 Jumaine Jones 1999 30 20. 1348 Willie Anderson 1985-88 107
35 Litterial Green vs. Florida (2/12/91) 21. 562 Yante Maten 2016 34 21. 1324 Kenny Gaines 2013-16 126
35 Trey Thompkins vs. FAU (12/23/09) 22. 551 Toney Mack 1988 36 22. 1274 Charles Claxton 1992-95 116
35 Kenny Gaines vs. Murray St. (11/20/15) 23. 550 D.A. Layne 2000 30 23. 1261 Eric Marbury 1979-82 110
35 J.J. Frazier vs. Ga. Tech (12/19/15) 24. 549 Trey Thompkins 2010 31 24. 1259 Bob Healey 1947-50 100
25. 34Morris Dinwiddie vs. Ole Miss (2/19/55) 25. 538 Jarvis Hayes 2002 29 25. 1253 Lavon Mercer 1977-80 106
34 Ronnie Hogue vs. Miss. St. (2/28/72) 26. 533 Bob Lienhard 1968 25 26. 1240 Jimmy Pitts 1963-65 78
34 Jacky Dorsey vs. Ole Miss (1/2/75) 533 Ronnie Hogue 1972 26 27. 1234 Jacky Dorsey 1975-76 52
34 Cedric Henderson vs. Tennessee (3/2/85) 28. 1230 Ray Harrison 1996-99 126
34 Litterial Green vs. Columbus (12/11/91) SEASON AVERAGE 29. 1170 Jerry Waller 1964-66 75
34 Jumaine Jones vs. Kentucky (1/26/99) Rk. No. Player Season G 30. 1131 G.G. Smith 1996-99 129
34 Travis Leslie vs. Vanderbilt (3/12/10) 1. 25.8 Jacky Dorsey 1975 25 31. 1123 Jerry Epling 1968-70 75
32. 33Jerry Waller vs. Kentucky (2/3/64) 2. 23.8 Bob Lienhard 1969 25 1123 Nemanja Djurisic 2012-15 131
33 John Fraley vs. Auburn (1/10/72) 3. 23.6 Dominique Wilkins 1981 31 33. 1100 Michael Chadwick 1996-99 129
33 Billy Magarity vs. Vanderbilt (1/16/74) 4. 23.6 Zippy Morocco 1953 25 34. 1099 Travis Leslie 2009-11 90
33 Dominique Wilkins vs. Ole Miss (2/27/82) 5. 21.9 Walter Daniels 1979 28 35. 1089 Joe Ward 1984-86 88
33 Alec Kessler vs. Texas (3/16/90) 6. 21.8 Jacky Dorsey 1976 27 36. 1079 Jumaine Jones 1998-99 65
33 Litterial Green vs. Vanderbilt (12/11/90) 7. 21.3 Bob Lienhard 1968 25 37. 1073 Terrance Woodbury 2006-09 107
33 Yante Maten vs. Belmont (3/16/16) 21.3 Bob Lienhard 1970 25 38. 1069 Bill Ensley 1954-59 95
39. 32Allan Johnson vs. Florida St. (3/2/62) 21.3 Dominique Wilkins 1982 31 39. 1064 Rashad Wright 2000-04 119
32 Bob Lienhard vs. Davidson (1/22/69) 10. 21.0 Alec Kessler 1990 29 40. 1035 Gerald Crosby 1982-85 116
32 Bob Lienhard vs. Alabama (2/9/70) 11. 20.6 Litterial Green 1991 28 41. 1031 Jarvis Hayes 2002-03 56
32 Ronnie Hogue vs. S. Alabama (12/6/71) 12. 20.5 Ronnie Hogue 1972 26 42. 1028 Chris Daniels 2000-04 119
32 John Fraley vs. Vanderbilt (2/12/72) 13. 20.3 John Fraley 1972 26 43. 1018 Bob Schloss 1948-51 104
32 Billy Magarity vs. Ga. Tech (3/7/74) 14. 20.1 Murphy McManus 1955 24 44. 1017 Allan Johnson 1960-62 75
32 Jacky Dorsey vs. Miss. St. (1/31/76) 15. 19.8 Vern Fleming 1984 30 45. 1013 K. Caldwell-Pope 2011-13 64
32 Walter Daniels vs. Tennessee (1/21/78) 16. 19.5 Litterial Green 1992 29 46. 1012 Joe Jordan 1948-51 100
32 Walter Daniels vs. Rollins (11/28/78) 17. 19.3 Yante Maten 2018 33 1012 Fred Edmondson 1954-59 96
32 Dominique Wilkins vs. Kentucky (1/31/81) 18. 19.2 Alec Kessler 1989 31 48. 1007 Dustin Ware 2009-12 128
32 Joe Ward vs. Miami (11/30/85) 19. 19.0 Jimmy Rado 1963 26
32 Willie Anderson vs. Ole Miss (2/21/87) 20. 19.1 Anthony Edwards 2020 32 CAREER AVERAGE
32 Toney Mack vs. Oklahoma (12/25/87) 21. 18.8 Jumaine Jones 1999 30 Rk. Avg. Player Seasons G
32 Alec Kessler vs. Augusta (12/10/88) 22. 18.8 J.J. Frazier 2017 34 1. 23.7 Jacky Dorsey 1975-76 52
32 Alec Kessler vs. Kentucky (1/3/90) 23. 18.7 Jimmy Pitts 1964 26 2. 22.1 Bob Lienhard 1968-70 75
32 Jarvis Hayes vs. Ole Miss (2/26/03) 24. 18.6 Dominique Wilkins 1980 16 3. 21.6 Dominique Wilkins 1980-82 125
32 Sundiata Gaines vs. Florida (2/9/08) 18.6 Jarvis Hayes 2002 29 4. 18.4 Jarvis Hayes 2002-03 56
32 Terrance Woodbury vs. Florida (2/14/09) 26. 18.5 Jimmy Pitts 1965 26 5. 18.2 Litterial Green 1989-92 116
32 Kentavious Caldwell-Pope vs. LSU 18.5 K. Caldwell-Pope 2013 32 6. 17.8 Ronnie Hogue 1971-73 77
(3/14/13) 28. 18.3 Jarvis Hayes 2003 27 7. 16.6 Walter Daniels 1976-79 101
32 Anthony Edwards vs. Florida (2/5/20) 18.3 D.A. Layne 2000 30 16.6 Jumaine Jones 1998-99 65
30. 18.2 Yante Maten 2017 29 9. 15.9 Jimmy Pitts 1963-65 78
31. 18.0 Jerry Epling 1969 25 15.9 D.A. Layne 1999-2001 91
11. 15.8 K. Caldwell-Pope 2011-13 64
12. 15.7 Trey Thompkins 2009-11 89
13. 15.6 Jerry Waller 1964-66 75
14. 15.0 Jerry Epling 1968-70 75
15.0 Ezra Williams 2001-03 90
rebounds – Individual Records
Rk. No. Player, Opponent, Date Rk. No. Player Season G Rk. No. Player Seasons G
1. 32 Bob Lienhard vs. Sewanee (12/3/68) 1. 396 Bob Lienhard 1969 25 1. 1116 Bob Lienhard 1968-70 75
2. 29 Bob Lienhard vs. LSU (3/8/69) 2. 373 Bob Lienhard 1968 25 2. 923 Terry Fair 1980-83 123
3. 26 Bob Lienhard vs. Arkansas A&M (12/2/67) 3. 368 Tim Bassett 1973 26 3. 893 Alec Kessler 1987-90 123
26 Bob Lienhard vs. Ga. Tech (12/7/67) 4. 356 Jerry Waller 1964 26 4. 889 Yante Maten 2015-18 128
5. 25 Bill Ensley vs. Ga. Tech (2/16/56) 5. 347 Bob Lienhard 1970 25 5. 867 Jerry Waller 1964-66 75
25 Bob Lienhard vs. Furman (12/18/67) 6. 337 Tim Bassett 1972 26 6. 840 Charles Claxton 1992-95 116
25 Bob Lienhard vs. Furman (12/19/68) 7. 301 Alec Kessler 1989 31 7. 838 Lavon Mercer 1977-80 106
8. 24 Jerry Waller vs. Alabama (2/10/64) 8. 300 Alec Kessler 1990 29 8. 797 Derek Ogbeide 2016-19 128
24 Bob Lienhard vs. Kentucky (1/12/70) 9. 299 Jumaine Jones 1998 35 9. 763 Chris Daniels 2000-04 119
10. 23 Henry Cabaniss vs. Ga. Tech (2/22/58) 10. 296 Jacky Dorsey 1975 25 10. 739 Carlos Strong 1993-96 118
23 Bob Lienhard vs. N.C. State (12/29/67) 11. 284 Jumaine Jones 1999 30 11. 705 Tim Bassett 1972-73 52
23 Bob Lienhard vs. LSU (1/8/68) 12. 283 Yante Maten 2018 33 12. 693 Trey Thompkins 2009-11 89
23 Bob Lienhard vs. Alabama (1/29/68) 13. 274 Nicolas Claxton 2019 32 13. 684 John Johnson 1959-61 77
14. 22 Cort Nagle vs. LSU (3/8/69) 14. 273 Yante Maten 2016 34 14. 674 Sundiata Gaines 2004-08 123
22 Bob Lienhard vs. Ole Miss (1/24/70) 15. 271 Terry Fair 1980 27 15. 664 Marcus Thornton 2011-15 133
22 Tim Bassett vs. S. Alabama (12/6/71) 16. 261 John Johnson 1961 26 16. 654 James Banks 1981-84 125
17. 21 Bob Lienhard vs. LSU (2/12/68) 261 Anthony Evans 2000 30 17. 633 Ray Jeffords 1966-68 76
21 Bob Lienhard vs. Vanderbilt (1/3/70) 18. 260 Phillip Simpson 1961 26 18. 588 Dominique Wilkins 1980-82 78
21 Tim Bassett vs. Charleston (12/2/72) 19. 259 Derek Ogbeide 2017 34 19. 587 Shandon Anderson 1993-96 118
20. 258 Jerry Waller 1965 24 20. 583 Jumaine Jones 1998-99 65
258 Trey Thompkins 2010 31 21. 581 Nemanja Djurisic 2012-15 131
22. 256 Chris Daniels 2002 32 22. 571 Rayshaun Hammonds 2018-20 93
23. 255 Phillip Simpson 1960 25 23. 554 Michael Chadwick 1996-99 129
24. 254 Jacky Dorsey 1976 27 24. 551 Travis Leslie 2009-11 90
25. 253 Jerry Waller 1966 25 25. 550 Jacky Dorsey 1975-76 52
Individual Records – Field Goals
3-Point FGs – Individual Records
Individual Records – Free Throws
Assists, Blocks & Steals – Individual Records
Georgia Single-Game Records
Victory Margins & Records By Class
Rk. Amt. Season Opponent................. Score
1. 120 1917-18 at S.E. Christian..............122-2
2. 88 1908-09 vs. Davidson.................100-12 FRESHMAN FRESHMAN
3. 80 1912-13 vs. Auburn.......................92-12 Player Pts. Year G Avg. Player Rebs. Year G Avg.
4. 72 1916-17 vs. Auburn.......................90-18 1. Jacky Dorsey 646 1975 25 25.8 1. Jumaine Jones 299 1998 35 8.5
5. 69 1908-09 vs. Ga. Tech.......................78-9 2. Anthony Edwards 610 2020 32 19.1 2. Jacky Dorsey 296 1975 25 11.8
6. 67 1915-16 vs. Auburn....................... 81-14 3. Jumaine Jones 515 1998 35 14.7 3. Terry Fair 271 1980 27 10.0
67 1990-91 at Mercer........................117-50 4. Litterial Green 481 1989 31 15.5 4. Charlie Dorsey 223 1975 25 8.9
8. 66 1915-16 at Rome Athletic Club......75-9 5. Cedric Henderson 433 1985 28 15.5 5. Lucius Foster 220 1976 27 8.1
9. 65 1917-18 vs. Mercer......................... 74-9 6. K. Caldwell-Pope 422 2012 32 13.2 6. Trey Thompkins 206 2009 28 7.4
65 1926-27 at Ft. McPherson............80-15 7. Walter Daniels 404 1976 27 15.0 7. Lavon Mercer 204 1977 27 7.6
8. D.A. Layne 381 1999 30 12.7 8. Cedric Henderson 199 1985 28 7.1
STEGEMAN COLISEUM 9. Terry Fair 368 1980 27 13.6 9. Charles Claxton 190 1992 29 6.6
1. 60 1978-79 Baptist College.............122-62 10. Trey Thompkins 354 2009 28 12.6 10. Anthony Edwards 167 2020 32 5.2
60 1979-80 Whittier..........................122-62
3. 59 1990-91 W. Kentucky..................124-65 SOPHOMORE SOPHOMORE
4. 57 1993-94 Bethune-Cookman....... 115-58 Player Pts. Year G Avg. Player Rebs. Year G Avg.
57 1997-98 Charleston Southern ... 116-59 1. Dominique Wilkins 732 1981 31 23.6 1. Bob Lienhard 373 1968 25 14.9
6. 55 1990-91 Ole Miss.........................117-62 2. K. Caldwell-Pope 591 2013 32 18.5 2. Jerry Waller 356 1964 26 13.7
7. 49 1987-88 Baptist College............. 105-56 3. Jacky Dorsey 588 1976 27 21.8 3. Jumaine Jones 284 1999 30 9.5
49 1995-96 Central Florida.............. 103-54 4. Jumaine Jones 564 1999 30 18.8 4. Nicolas Claxton 274 2019 32 8.6
9. 48 1993-94 Winthrop....................... 103-55 5. Yante Maten 562 2016 34 16.5 5. Yante Maten 273 2016 34 8.0
10. 47 1967-68 Arkansas A&M..............138-91 6. D.A. Layne 550 2000 30 18.3 6. Derek Ogbeide 259 2017 34 7.6
11. 46 1981-82 Carson Newman........... 113-67 7. Jarvis Hayes 538 2002 29 18.6 7. Chris Daniels 256 2002 32 8.0
8. Bob Lienhard 533 1968 25 21.3 8. Jacky Dorsey 254 1976 27 9.4
MARGINS OF DEFEAT 9. Billy Rado 495 1963 26 19.0 9. Terry Fair 239 1981 31 7.7
OVERALL 10. Litterial Green 490 1990 28 17.5 10. Dominique Wilkins 234 1981 31 7.5
Rk.Amt. Season Opponent................. Score
1. 77 1955-56 vs. Kentucky (L’ville).....66-143 JUNIOR JUNIOR
2. 55 1948-49 at Kentucky.....................40-95 Player Pts. Year G Avg. Player Rebs. Year G Avg.
3. 53 1958-59 at Kentucky................... 55-108 1. Dominique Wilkins 659 1982 31 21.3 1. Bob Lienhard 396 1969 25 15.8
4. 51 1951-52 at Ole Miss.................... 52-103 2. Alec Kessler 596 1989 31 19.2 2. Tim Bassett 337 1972 26 13.0
51 1953-54 at Kentucky................... 55-106 3. Bob Lienhard 594 1969 25 23.8 3. Alec Kessler 301 1989 31 9.7
6. 47 1950-51 at Kentucky.....................41-88 4. Litterial Green 576 1991 28 20.6 4. Henry Cabaniss 298 1957 24 12.4
47 1953-54 at LSU............................53-100 5. Vern Fleming 575 1983 34 16.9 5. Anthony Evans 261 2000 30 8.7
8. 46 1954-55 at Kentucky.....................40-86 6. J.J. Frazier 573 2016 34 16.9 6. Jerry Waller 258 1965 24 10.8
46 2018-19 at Tennessee...................50-96 7. Toney Mack 551 1988 36 15.3 7. Phillip Simpson 255 1960 25 10.2
9. 41 1946-47 at Kentucky.....................40-81 8. Ronnie Hogue 533 1972 26 20.5 8. Dominique Wilkins 250 1982 31 8.1
9. Ezra Williams 529 2002 32 16.5 9. Shon Coleman 246 2000 30 8.2
HOME 10. Yante Maten 528 2017 29 18.2 10. John Johnson 244 1960 25 9.8
1. 39 1946-47 Kentucky.........................45-86
2. 37 1947-48 Kentucky.........................51-88 SENIOR SENIOR
3. 36 1961-62 Auburn............................47-83 Player Pts. Year G Avg. Player Rebs. Year G Avg.
36 1974-75 Tennessee.....................69-105 1. J.J. Frazier 640 2017 34 18.8 1. Tim Bassett 368 1973 26 14.2
5. 35 1942-43 Vanderbilt.......................31-66 2. Yante Maten 636 2018 33 19.3 2. Bob Lienhard 347 1970 25 13.9
6. 34 2015-16 Texas A&M.....................45-79 3. Walter Daniels 613 1979 28 21.9 3. Henry Cabaniss 320 1958 26 12.3
7. 32 1942-43 Kentucky.........................28-60 4. Alec Kessler 610 1990 29 21.0 4. Alec Kessler 300 1990 29 10.4
32 1943-44 A.S.T.P.............................39-71 5. Vern Fleming 584 1984 30 19.8 5. Yante Maten 283 2018 33 8.6
9. 30 1948-49 Tulane.............................62-92 6. Zippy Morocco 590 1953 25 23.6 6. John Johnson 261 1961 26 10.0
10. 29 1910-11 Columbus YMCA...........11-40 7. Willie Anderson 583 1988 35 16.7 7. Phillip Simpson 260 1961 26 10.0
29 1942-43 Kentucky.........................30-59 8. Litterial Green 564 1992 29 19.5 8. Jerry Waller 253 1966 25 10.1
9. Bob Lienhard 532 1970 25 21.3 9. Bill Ensley 252 1958 23 11.0
STEGEMAN COLISEUM 10. Katu Davis 489 1996 31 15.8 10. Chris Daniels 243 2004 30 8.1
1. 36 1974-75 Tennessee.....................69-105
2. 34 2015-16 Texas A&M.....................45-79
3. 25 1976-77 Florida...........................76-101
25 2018-19 Missouri..........................39-64
5. 24 1976-77 Auburn............................71-95
24 1975-76 Auburn............................70-94
24 1985-86 Ga. Tech..........................65-89
8. 23 1994-95 Kentucky.........................74-97
9. 22 1993-94 Florida...........................78-100
22 1966-67 Miss. State......................71-93
11. 21 1970-71 Auburn............................58-79 J.J. FRAZIER YANTE MATEN HENRY CABANISS CHRIS DANIELS
21 1976-77 Ga. Tech..........................43-64
21 1996-97 Kentucky.........................65-86
Opponent Single-Game Records
Opponent Single-Game Records
100-point Games
1,000-point Scorers
1,000-point Scorers
1,000-point Scorers
1,000-point Scorers
1,000-point Scorers
1,000-point Scorers
Season-by-season Records
1949-50 Ralph Jordan 4-2 .667 0-2 .000 2009-10 Mark Fox 14-17 .452 5-11 .313 -----
Jim Whatley 11-7 .611 6-5 .545 2010-11 Mark Fox 21-12 .636 9-7 .563 NCAA
Totals 15-9 .625 6-7 .462 ----- 2011-12 Mark Fox 15-17 .469 5-11 .313 -----
1950-51 Jim Whatley 13-11 .542 6-8 .429 ----- 2012-13 Mark Fox 15-17 .469 9-9 .500 -----
1951-52 Harbin Lawson 3-22 .120 2-12 .143 ----- 2013-14 Mark Fox 20-14 .588 12-6 .667 NIT
1952-53 Harbin Lawson 7-18 .280 3-10 .231 ----- 2014-15 Mark Fox 21-12 .636 11-7 .611 NCAA
1953-54 Harbin Lawson 7-18 .280 2-12 .143 ----- 2015-16 Mark Fox 20-14 .588 10-8 .556 NIT
1954-55 Harbin Lawson 9-16 .360 7-7 .500 ----- 2016-17 Mark Fox 19-15 .559 9-9 .500 NIT
1955-56 Harbin Lawson 3-21 .125 1-13 .071 ----- 2017-18 Mark Fox 18-15 .545 7-11 .389
1956-57 Harbin Lawson 8-16 .333 4-10 .286 ----- 2018-19 Tom Crean 11-21 .344 2-16 .111
1957-58 Harbin Lawson 7-19 .269 3-11 .214 -----
1958-59 Harbin Lawson 11-15 .423 5-9 .357 ----- 2019-20 Tom Crean 16-16 .500 5-13 .278
2020-21 Tom Crean 14-12 .538 7-11 .389
1959-60 Harbin Lawson 12-13 .480 6-8 .429 ----- Totals 116 Seasons 1422-1337 .515 539-813 .399
1960-61 Harbin Lawson 8-18 .308 4-10 .286 ----- On-Court Records 1453-1339 .520 561-813 .408
1962-63 Harbin Lawson 9-17 .346 4-10 .286 -----
1963-64 Harbin Lawson 12-14 .462 8-6 .571 ----- * - 1 win and 1 loss in 1985 NCAA Tournament later vacated due to NCAA sanctions.
1964-65 Harbin Lawson 8-18 .308 4-12 .250 ----- & - 30 wins and 1 loss in 2002 NCAA Tournament later vacated due to NCAA sanctions.
Season-by-season Results
3/10 Ga. Tech L 13-27 1/10 Auburn W 92-12 1/12 at SE Christian W 122-2 1/8 Furman W 69-25
3/17 at Ga. Tech (OT) L 11-12 1/17 at Tennessee W 52-22 1/19 at A.A.C. W 32-27 1/14 Auburn W 31-22
1/18 at Maryville W 69-30 1/26 Mercer W 24-15 1/15 at Mercer W 26-7
1/20 at A.A.C. L 28-67 2/1 at N. Carolina L 27-36 1/22 Mercer W 45-16
1906-07 (2-0) 1/23 at Augusta YMCA W 57-25 2/2 at Wash. & Lee W 33-32 1/28 at Macon YMCA L 22-35
Coach: W.T. Forbes 2/6 Tennessee W 38-13 2/9 Mercer W 74-9 1/29 Clemson W 45-22
Captain: C.B. Holtzendorf 2/7 Clemson W 77-15 2/16 A.A.C. (OT) W 30-23 2/4 Vanderbilt W 31-17
2/15 at Ga. Tech W 71-12 2/5 at Auburn W 29-23
1/12 Tulane W 39-21 2/17 Wake Forest W 70-28 2/7 at Camp Benning W 20-17
1/19 Mercer W 65-11 2/28 Ga. Tech W 35-20 1918-19 (5-3) 2/11 at Augusta YMCA W 74-25
3/1 at Auburn W 92-12 Coach: Kennon Mott 2/12 at Savannah YMCA W 55-19
Captain: A.H. Cox 2/19 at A.A.C. L 23-33
1907-08 (2-2) 2/22 A.A.C. L 25-37
Coach: C.O. Heidler 1913-14 (9-1) 1/17 Auburn L 20-25 1 2/25 Newberry W 47-23
Captain: Claude Derrick Coach Howell Peacock 1/25 Macon YMCA W 51-20 1 2/26 Auburn W 32-24
Captain: T.C. Brand 1/29 at Auburn L 22-35 1 2/28 Ga. Tech W 26-21
1/14 at A.A.C. W 24-22 1/31 Clemson W 31-12 1 3/1 Kentucky L 19-20
2/14 at Columbus YMCA L 28-50 1/13 Athens YMCA W 47-20 2/3 at Macon YMCA W 39-33 1–SC Tournament-Atlanta
1 2/15 Auburn L 20-34 1/17 Auburn W 80-16 2/8 Birmingham A.C. W 36-12
2/22 at Augusta YMCA W 36-15 1/24 at A.A.C. W 38-27 2/22 A.A.C. W 27-22
1–Columbus, Ga. 1/26 at Auburn W 46-15 3/1 at A.A.C. L 15-32 1921-22 (10-5)
1/30 at Savannah A.C. W 45-25 Coach: H.J. Stegeman
2/5 Vanderbilt W 41-31 Captain: Paige Bennett
1908-09 (6-2) 2/7 at Columbus YMCA W 59-50
Coach: C.O. Heidler 2/14 Ga. Tech W 58-8 1/13 at Clemson W 24-16
Captain: Frank V. Sprecken 2/26 at Ga. Tech W 29-24 1/14 at Furman W 32-22
2/27 at Columbus YMCA L 37-39 1/20 at Wofford W 43-34
1/15 Tulane W 60-36 1/21 at S. Carolina W 34-27
1/22 Ga. Tech W 78-9 1/27 Mercer L 18-27
1/28 A.A.C. L 30-32 1914-15 (4-3) 1/31 Auburn W 39-15
1/29 at Ga. Tech W 69-13 Coach: Howell Peacock 2/3 at A.A.C. L 30-42
2/4 Davidson W 100-12 Captain: Louis Lester 2/6 Alabama L 17-20
2/13 at Mercer W 60-20 2/8 at Auburn W 31-17
Auburn W 48-37 1/15 Mercer W 36-19 2/11 at Mercer W 31-24
2/19 at Columbus YMCA L 29-44 1/22 Columbus YMCA L 23-39 2/14 Trinity W 29-19
1/23 at Mercer L 25-26 2/18 A.A.C. L 19-30
2/4 at Chattanooga L 17-43 1 2/24 Oglethorpe W 43-12
1909-10 (2-1) 2/5 at Vanderbilt W 25-23 1 2/25 Vanderbilt W 27-26
Coach: C.O. Heidler 2/6 at Nashville W 52-27 1 2/26 N. Carolina L 26-34
Captain: Howell Peacock 2/15 Columbus YMCA W 34-28 HERMAN J. STEGEMAN 1–SC Tournament-Atlanta
Coliseum Namesake
2/3 Auburn W 40-35 Head Coach from 1919-31
2/16 at A.A.C. W 57-45 1915-16 (7-2) 1922-23 (11-8)
2/18 at Auburn L 21-56 Coach: Howell Peacock Coach: H.J. Stegeman
Captain: C.W. Rawson 1919-20 (9-7) Captain: Ed Gurr
Coach: H.J. Stegeman
1910-11 (2-5) 1/15 at A.A.C. L 31-51 Captain: Kennon Mott 12/31 at Savannah YMCA W 29-22
Coach: W.A. Cunningham 1/28 Auburn W 81-14 1/1 at Jax YMCA W 30-27
Captain: Tillou Forbes 2/3 at Auburn W 45-18 SE Christian W 61-30 1/2 at Albany YMCA L 21-31
2/4 at Columbus YMCA W 58-17 1/9 Auburn W 31-15 1/3 at Camp Benning L 17-25
12/27 Fifth Regiment W 43-33 2/5 at Rome A.C. W 75-9 1/13 at Furman W 43-23 1/11 at Clemson W 29-20
12/29 Columbus YMCA L 11-40 2/11 at Savannah A.C. W 67-9 1/14 at Wofford W 47-23 1/12 at Furman W 48-28
1/14 Mercer L 26-28 2/12 at Savannah A.C. W 69-11 1/19 Mercer W 30-15 1/13 at Wofford W 24-22
1/20 Auburn W 26-24 2/19 A.A.C. L 30-35 1/23 Clemson W 36-22 1/24 at Wofford W 45-28
1/28 at A.A.C. L 22-27 2/28 Columbus W 46-24 1/28 at Macon YMCA (OT) L 39-43 1/27 Auburn W 35-29
2/3 at Mercer L 24-27 2/4 at Vanderbilt L 18-40 2/1 at Vanderbilt L 16-25
2/9 Columbus YMCA L 21-47 2/11 LSU W 34-15 2/2 at Tennessee L 26-30
1916-17 (8-1) 1/31 at Clemson W 33-24 2/3 at Kentucky W 23-19
Coach: W.A. Cunningham 2/14 at A.A.C. L 22-36 2/9 at Auburn L 16-45
1911-12 (6-1) Captain: J.L. Morrison 2/18 Tulane W 47-19 2/10 at A.A.C. W 34-30
Coach: C.O. Heidler 2/19 at Auburn L 29-32 2/16 at Mercer L 11-31
Captain: Howell Peacock 1/19 Auburn W 90-18 2/21 at Mercer L 31-33 2/17 at Mercer W 29-28
1/26 Birmingham W 74-20 2/28 A.A.C. L 18-26 2/22 A.A.C. L 25-30
12/9 at A.A.C. W 36-34 2/3 A.A.C W 22-21 1 3/10 Rutgers L 33-36 1 2/27 Tennessee W 23-19
12/15 A.A.C. W 32-30 2/8 at Birmingham A.C. W 16-12 1–National Tournament-Atlanta 1 2/28 Ga. Tech L 22-27
Augusta YMCA W 2/9 at Vanderbilt W 31-11 1–SC Tournament-Atlanta
1/8 St. Louis A.C. W 47-33 2/10 at Nashville W 26-24
1/19 Auburn W 40-19 2/16 Mercer W 51-19
1/27 Mercer W 41-27 2/20 Mercer W 66-14
2/17 at Mercer L 18-30 2/24 at A.A.C. L 22-28
Season-by-season Results
2/10 Florida W 55-27 1/14 at Wash. & Lee W 44-25 2/20 at Tennessee W 31-18
1923-24 (16-4) 2/12 A.A.C. W 36-33 1/15 at V.M.I. W 34-22 2/21 A.A.C. W 40-29
Coach: H.J. Stegeman 2/15 Kentucky L 18-22 1/16 at Virginia W 40-32 1 2/27 Wash. & Lee W 32-31
Captain: Ed Gurr 2/20 at Ga. Tech W 34-19 1/24 N. Carolina L 29-31 1 2/28 Auburn W 31-27
2/22 Clemson W 44-28 1/26 at Ga. Tech L 37-38 1 3/1 Maryland L 25-26
1/1 Savannah P.C. W 32-19 1 2/26 Tennessee W 48-25 1/30 at N.C. State W 45-37 1–SC Tournament-Atlanta
1/2 Macon YMCA W 28-22 1 2/27 Kentucky L 34-39 2/2 Auburn W 39-31
1/3 at Columbus YMCA W 47-20 1–SC Tournament-Atlanta 2/5 Duke W 24-22
1/4 at Camp Benning W 36-27 2/7 Sewanee W 41-19
1/5 at Albany YMCA L 13-24 2/9 at A.A.C. L 29-43
1/9 at S. Carolina W 38-29 1926-27 (14-8) 2/12 Tennessee W 45-21
1/10 at Furman W 34-20 Coach: H.J. Stegeman 2/14 at Clemson L 23-30
1/11 at Clemson W 24-6 Captain: Walter Forbes 2/16 A.A.C. L 33-41
1/16 Clemson W 38-13 2/19 Clemson W 41-25
1/24 Furman W 50-27 12/11 Southern Bell W 52-21 2/23 Ga. Tech W 27-25
1/31 at Auburn W 32-17 12/18 at Ft. McPherson W 80-15 1 3/1 Auburn W 42-24
2/1 N.C. State W 49-24 12/23 Atlanta YMCA W 44-34 1 3/2 Kentucky W 26-24
2/6 Auburn W 33-18 1/5 Furman W 39-20 1 3/3 Duke L 37-43
2/8 Florida W 43-24 1/8 Florida L 32-33 Florida W 48-32
2/9 at A.A.C. L 29-34 1/12 Tennessee W 29-28 1–SC Tournament-Atlanta
2/16 A.A.C. W 41-18 1/13 Wofford W 65-22
2/22 at Mercer L 20-34 1/15 Ga. Tech L 35-36
2/23 at Mercer L 19-36 1/19 at N. Carolina L 27-33 1929-30 (17-6)
1 3/1 Wash. & Lee W 36-24 1/21 at Virginia W 29-20 Coach: H.J. Stegeman
1 3/2 Maryland W 29-25 1/22 at Maryland L 33-34 Captain: Henry Palmer REX ENRIGHT
1–SC Tournament-Atlanta 1/29 at Ga. Tech L 27-33 Head Coach from 1931-37
2/5 at Mercer W 37-26 12/11 J.P.C. Reds W 35-21
2/9 A.A.C. W 30-28 12/14 A.A.C. W 42-25
1924-25 (9-11) 2/12 at A.A.C. L 25-37 12/7 New Holland A.C. W 1931-32 (19-7)
Coach: H.J. Stegeman 2/14 Clemson W 34-23 1/1 at Furman L 22-24 Southern Conference
Captain: C.F. Wiehrs 2/17 Presbyterian W 51-23 1/3 Oglethorpe W 39-27 Champions
2/19 Ga. Tech L 25-36 1/4 Oglethorpe W 44-10 Coach: Rex Enright
1/3 at Atlanta YMCA L 35-41 1 2/25 V.M.I. W 36-14 1/8 at Stetson W 40-17 Captain: Vernon Smith
1/5 at Ft. McPherson W 35-30 1 2/26 Maryland W 27-22 1/11 at Stetson W 27-23
1/6 at Savannah A.C. L 33-38 1 2/27 N. Carolina W 23-20 1/11 at Florida (OT) W 35-34 12/24 Atlanta YMCA W 39-32
1/7 at Savannah Bapt. W 37-23 1 2/28 Vanderbilt L 44-46 1/18 at Ga. Tech W 26-23 12/28 T.N.T. W 43-17
1/8 at Jacksonville W 33-24 1–SC Tournament-Atlanta 1/25 at Ga. Tech W 25-23 12/30 Fort Benning W 35-19
1/10 at Albany YMCA L 31-47 1/29 Auburn W 43-35 1/1 Chattanooga W 22-16
1/11 at Columbus YMCA L 29-32 2/1 Kentucky (OT) L 21-22 1/2 Chattanooga W 26-19
1/15 at Clemson L 16-18 1927-28 (12-10) 2/4 N.C. State L 24-28 1/3 Chattanooga W 38-26
1/16 at Furman W 39-26 Coach: H.J. Stegeman 2/5 at Clemson W 39-24 1/9 at Tennessee L 17-24
1/17 at S. Carolina L 27-35 Captain: Babe Florence 2/8 A.A.C. W 42-25 1/16 N.Y. Celtics L 35-45
1/22 Vanderbilt L 34-41 2/14 at Kentucky L 23-36 1/22 Tennessee W 38-19
1/31 at Ga. Tech L 25-30 12/10 Southern Bell W 50-17 2/16 at A.A.C. L 38-51 1/27 at Mercer W 42-26
2/5 at A.A.C. L 24-27 12/18 Gulf Ref. Co. L 16-30 2/18 Clemson W 36-32 1/28 at Mercer W 31-25
2/7 Kentucky W 28-24 12/22 Augusta YMCA W 69-20 2/19 Mercer W 41-27 1/30 at Ga. Tech L 20-30
2/10 Auburn W 40-17 1/4 Furman W 46-23 2/22 at Ga. Tech W 35-31 2/2 Clemson W 41-26
2/14 A.A.C. L 26-38 1/6 at Florida W 37-35 1 2/28 N. Carolina W 26-17 2/6 Ga. Tech W 25-15
2/18 at Auburn W 37-21 1/7 at Florida W 40-30 1 3/1 Alabama L 26-29 2/9 Clemson W 40-16
2/21 Ga. Tech W 34-24 1/11 Tulane W 42-32 1–SC Tournament-Atlanta 2/11 at Stetson L 27-30
1 3/1 Kentucky W 32-31 1/12 Tulane W 28-18 2/12 at Florida W 38-33
1 3/2 N. Carolina L 19-40 1/14 at Ga. Tech W 33-30 2/13 at Florida L 27-47
1–SC Tournament-Atlanta 1/20 at N. Carolina L 29-35 1930-31 (23-2) 2/16 at Auburn L 24-26
1/21 at Duke L 44-49 Coach: H.J. Stegeman 2/18 Florida W 36-20
1/22 at N.C. State W 38-31 Captain: Sandy Sanford 2/19 Florida W 39-20
1925-26 (18-6) 1/28 Ga. Tech L 35-36 2/20 at Ga.Tech L 22-25
Coach: H.J. Stegeman 2/3 at Auburn L 25-28 12/13 Alpha S.S. Class W 1 2/26 Miss. State W 48-26
Captain: Nolen Richardson 2/4 at A.A.C. L 29-35 12/20 Atlanta J.C.C. W 1 2/27 Virginia W 40-19
2/6 Clemson W 38-25 12/22 New Holland A.C. W 1 2/28 Duke W 43-32
12/12 Macon YMCA W 47-27 2/11 A.A.C. L 28-38 12/24 Gulf Refining Co. W 1 3/1 N. Carolina W 26-24
12/19 Albany YMCA W 57-28 2/13 Ole Miss L 37-44 12/25 Atlanta YMCA W 1–SC Tournament-Atlanta
at Dahlonega W 42-11 2/14 Ole Miss W 37-33 1/3 S. Carolina W 31-16
at Westminster A.C. W 58-29 2/18 at Ga. Tech L 26-28 1/9 at Florida W 32-29
12/22 at Ft. McPherson W 61-21 1 2/24 V.M.I. W 37-26 1/11 at Florida W 47-29 1932-33 (9-10)
1/6 at Furman W 43-34 1 2/25 Kentucky L 16-31 1/13 N.C. State W 26-20 Coach: Rex Enright
1/8 at Ga. Tech L 25-30 1/16 Tennessee W 22-19 Captain: Le Roy Young
1/12 Tulane L 27-41 1/17 Ga. Tech W 39-30
1/15 at Wash. & Lee W 47-24 1928-29 (18-6) 1/20 Clemson W 34-25 12/27 at Tulane W 28-20
1/16 at V.M.I. W 30-22 Coach: H.J. Stegeman 1/23 Auburn W 30-27 12/28 at Tulane (OT) W 41-39
1/18 at Virginia L 31-41 Captain: Jimmy Harris 1/31 at Ga. Tech L 19-37 1/11 Florida W 37-34
1/21 S. Carolina W 57-32 2/3 at Clemson W 31-21 1/12 Florida L 32-33
1/23 N.C. State W 26-25 12/18 J.P.C. Reds W 42-32 2/4 at S. Carolina W 27-21 1/14 Ga.Tech W 30-25
1/30 Ga. Tech W 33-29 12/23 Southern Bell W 47-20 2/6 Florida W 38-23 1/20 at Florida L 22-25
2/3 at A.A.C. L 26-34 1/1 S. Carolina W 54-28 2/7 Florida W 33-32 1/21 at Florida L 39-40
2/4 Auburn W 49-28 1/2 S. Carolina W 46-21 2/13 Kentucky W 25-16 1/23 at Mercer L 34-40
2/6 at Mercer W 37-36 1/4 Florida W 48-26 2/14 Ga. Tech W 44-15 1/24 at Mercer W 40-38
Season-by-season Results
1/28 at Ga. Tech L 16-26 1/26 Clemson L 20-31 1/23 at Clemson W 36-35 2/8 at Clemson L 28-40
1/31 Alabama L 23-33 2/2 at Ga. Tech L 27-32 1/26 Alabama W 28-16 2/9 Sewanee W 46-22
2/4 at Maryland W 40-36 2/5 Auburn W 33-29 1/30 Ga. Tech L 20-34 2/12 at Auburn L 27-34
2/6 at William & Mary W 33-32 2/8 at Presbyterian W 38-34 2/5 Florida W 36-19 2/14 at Alabama L 26-38
2/7 at Virginia W 31-17 2/9 at Clemson (2OT) W 44-43 2/6 Florida W 28-27 2/16 Mercer W 47-38
2/11 Auburn W 22-21 2/12 Mercer W 48-20 2/12 at Mercer L 25-27 2/19 Ga. Tech L 27-29
2/14 Clemson L 25-35 2/14 at Stetson L 27-31 2/13 Clemson W 29-20 2/25 at Erskine W 39-27
2/16 at Clemson L 29-36 2/15 at Florida L 25-29 2/17 Auburn W 21-19 2/28 Mercer L 24-34
2/18 Ga.Tech L 30-32 2/16 at Florida L 45-47 2/20 at Ga. Tech L 22-42 1 3/3 Tulane L 36-47
1 2/24 Tulane L 22-46 2/20 Alabama W 26-21 1 2/26 Tennessee L 11-35 1–SEC Tournament-Baton Rouge
1–SEC Tournament-Atlanta 2/23 Ga. Tech (OT) L 39-49 1–SEC Tournament-Knoxville
2/28 Ga. Southern L 24-30
1938-39 (11-6)
1933-34 (10-9) Coach: Elmer Lampe
Coach: Rex Enright 1935-36 (9-11) Captain: Cecil Kelley
Captain: Brown Wilder Coach: Rex Enright
Captains: Frank Johnson, Harrison Anderson 1/3 S. Carolina W 39-24
12/17 Atlanta YMCA L 35-49 1/7 Clemson L 30-37
12/23 Gulf Ref. Co. W 33-22 12/20 at Tulane W 34-26 1/13 at Florida L 15-26
1/5 Chattanooga W 23-15 12/21 at Tulane L 26-34 1/14 at Florida W 25-18
1/6 Chattanooga W 32-18 12/23 at LSU L 34-46 1/20 Chattanooga W 66-41
1/10 Florida L 20-46 1/3 Chattanooga W 33-23 1/23 Alabama W 31-26
1/11 Florida W 32-24 1/5 Chattanooga L 27-38 1/28 Ga. Tech W 32-26
1/13 Ga. Tech L 25-33 1/10 at Chattanooga W 38-28 1/31 at S. Carolina W 49-34
1/15 at Presbyterian W 31-17 1/11 at Tennessee L 44-56 2/4 Auburn W 43-21
1/20 Presbyterian W 39-26 1/16 at Stetson L 21-35 2/6 at Clemson L 29-39
1/27 at Ga. Tech W 37-33 1/17 at Florida W 37-28 2/10 at Auburn L 29-34
2/2 at Florida L 35-37 1/18 at Florida W 43-32 2/14 Florida W 42-32
2/3 at Florida L 27-47 1/31 Tennessee W 30-24 2/15 Florida W 43-18
2/6 Clemson W 29-23 2/1 at Ga. Tech L 21-29 ELMER LAMPE 2/18 at Ga. Tech W 41-29
2/10 at Auburn L 21-30 2/7 Florida W 40-32 Head Coach from 1937-46 2/24 Sewanee W 63-48
2/12 at Alabama L 17-51 2/8 Florida W 27-22 2/25 at Tennessee L 29-35
2/17 at Ga. Tech W 28-27 2/12 Clemson W 33-13 1 3/2 LSU L 28-50
2/20 at Clemson L 23-29 2/15 at Auburn L 26-33 1937-38 (12-10) 1–SEC Tournament-Knoxville
1 2/23 Ga. Tech W 33-19 2/17 at Alabama L 28-42 Coaches: Vernon Smith (1-1), Frank
1 2/24 Vanderbilt L 29-46 2/19 at Clemson L 24-27 Johnson (8-5), Elmer Lampe (3-4)
1–SEC Tournament-Atlanta 2/22 Ga. Tech L 22-24 Captain: Jack Farren 1939-40 (20-5)
1 2/28 Auburn L 26-43 Coach: Elmer Lampe
1–SEC Tournament-Knoxville 1/4 S. Carolina W 26-24 Captain: Cecil Kelley
1934-35 (12-8) 1/7 N.C. State L 21-24
Coach: Rex Enright 1/11 Clemson W 26-22 12/20 Buford Semi-Pro W 50-29
Captains: Frank Johnson, Harrison Anderson 1936-37 (10-6) 1/14 at Florida W 34-31 12/22 Buford Semi-Pro W 39-19
Coach: Rex Enright 1/15 at Florida (OT) L 32-38 1/2 Mercer W 51-41
12/21 Oglethorpe W 54-30 Captain: Charles Harrold 1/21 Chattanooga W 42-18 1/3 Chattanooga W 62-28
12/22 Oglethorpe W 43-34 1/22 Chattanooga W 31-23 1/5 S. Carolina W 47-31
1/4 Chattanooga W 32-27 1/2 Atlanta Semi-Pro W 48-18 1/23 Chattanooga W 32-30 1/6 at Clemson W 32-29
1/5 Chattanooga W 28-26 1/8 Chattanooga W 34-24 1/25 at Sewanee W 24-16 1/9 Sewanee W 41-25
1/10 Florida L 27-29 1/9 Chattanooga L 28-32 1/29 at Ga. Tech L 28-51 1/10 Albany W 55-45
1/11 Florida W 34-30 1/15 at Florida W 31-30 1/31 at S. Carolina W 36-22 1/12 at Florida L 36-45
1/16 Presbyterian W 45-25 1/16 at Florida L 18-36 2/4 Florida L 36-41 1/13 at Florida L 25-36
1/19 Ga. Tech W 33-23 1/22 Mercer W 37-33 2/5 Florida W 28-27 1/16 S. Carolina W 40-33
1/19 Ole Miss W 45-41
1/27 at Ga. Tech W 46-31
2/1 at Alabama W 36-22
2/3 Auburn W 32-28
2/5 at Alabama L 21-33
2/9 at Auburn W 48-47
2/12 Florida W 46-36
2/13 Florida W 54-37
2/17 Ga. Tech W 40-31
2/25 Tennessee L 41-48
1 2/28 Auburn W 48-41
1 2/29 Ole Miss W 45-28
1 3/1 Alabama W 30-28
1 3/2 Kentucky L 43-51
1–SEC Tournament-Knoxville
1940-41 (13-11)
Coach: Elmer Lampe
Captain: Dan Kirkland
Season-by-season Results
12/13 at Clemson W 65-51 1 3/1 Miss. State W 45-44 2/12 Ga. Tech L 64-73
1/2 Clemson W 58-43 1943-44 (7-10) 1 3/2 LSU L 41-60 2/14 Florida W 56-44
1/6 S. Carolina (OT) L 44-48 Coach: Elmer Lampe 1–SEC Tournament-Louisville 2/18 Ga.Tech W 74-58
1/10 at Florida L 34-39 Captain: Edgar Bratton 2/21 Auburn W 74-36
1/11 at Florida L 42-44 2/25 at S. Carolina L 61-64
1/17 Vanderbilt W 50-44 1/7 Lawson Hospital W 44-43 1946-47 (5-14) 2/28 Clemson W 81-35
1/24 at Sewanee W 46-19 1/10 at Clemson W 44-40 Coach: Ralph Jordan 1 3/4 Ga. Tech L 57-60
1/25 at Tennessee L 23-46 1/14 at Ga. Medical W 38-30 Captain: Arnold de la Perriere 1–SEC Tournament-Louisville
1/28 Mercer W 59-47 1/19 Clemson W 52-31
2/1 Tennessee W 47-36 1/21 at Robins Field L 42-54 12/5 at St. John’s L 43-66 NOTE: The Associated Press began a weekly
1 2/4 S. Carolina W 50-43 1/24 at Mercer L 44-57 12/7 at U. of Niagara L 51-59 poll on Jan. 20, 1949. Each team’s ranking
2/7 Ga. Tech W 31-26 1/25 Mercer L 48-54 12/12 Chattanooga W 55-32 in parenthesis – UGA’s to the left of the
opponent & opponent to its left.
2/8 at Auburn L 39-43 1/29 S. Carolina L 48-64 1/6 at Ole Miss W 46-38
2/10 Florida W 46-40 1/31 A.S.T.P. L 25-37 1/7 at Alabama L 27-48
at Ole Miss
at S. Carolina L
at Lawson Hospital W
S. Carolina
at Florida
47-50 1948-49 (17-13)
Coach: Ralph Jordan
2/17 at Alabama L 37-42 2/9 Robins Field W 48-43 1/18 Alabama L 45-53
Captain: Bob Healey
2/20 at Ga. Tech L 44-52 2/12 Ga. Tech L 39-42 1/21 Kentucky L 45-84
2/26 Auburn W 36-31 2/15 Ga. Medical W 54-44 1/25 at Auburn W 44-40
12/3 Clemson W 70-48
1 2/28 Tennessee L 39-41 2/19 at Ga. Tech L 44-71 1/27 Tennessee L 33-48
12/4 Furman W 74-45
1–at Augusta; 2-SEC Tournament-Louisville 2/22 at A.S.T.P. L 39-71 2/4 Ga. Tech L 44-51
12/8 at Clemson W 60-58
1 2/24 Kentucky L 29-57 2/8 at Tennessee L 33-62
12/10 Chattanooga W 81-53
1–SEC Tournament-Louisville 2/10 at Kentucky L 40-81
1941-42 (7-10) 2/14 Florida W 59-43 12/11
Miss. State
Coach: Elmer Lampe 2/16 at S. Carolina L 40-51
Captain: Bobby Moore 1944-45 (5-16) 2/19 at Ga. Tech L 46-70 12/18
at Buffalo
at N.Y.U.
Coach: Elmer Lampe 2/22 Auburn W 60-45
1/3 at Furman L 56-71
1/5 S. Carolina L 30-37 Captain: Reid Mosley, Ross Maddox 1 2/27 Tennessee L 45-58
1/7 at Ole Miss W 63-54
1 1/6 Clemson W 38-31 1–SEC Tournament-Louisville
1/8 at Alabama L 40-46
1/9 at Florida W 42-33 1/8 Clemson W 37-30
1/14 Auburn W 55-52
1/10 at Florida L 28-29 1/10 Lawson Hospital L 45-59
1/16 Alabama L 43-49
1/16 Alabama L 29-33 1/12 at Jax N.A.S. L 41-59
1/18 at S. Carolina W 49-43
1/19 Kentucky L 26-51 1/13 at Florida L 28-46
1/21 at Florida W 59-48
1/24 at Clemson W 63-52 1/15 at S. Carolina L 25-53
1/24 Tennessee L 59-61
1/27 at Vanderbilt L 38-58 1/18 at Auburn W 59-50
1/26 at Ga. Tech (OT) W 74-60
1/31 at Kentucky L 38-55 1/19 at Alabama L 28-54
1/28 at Mercer W 63-51
2/6 Auburn L 28-32 1/23 at Clemson W 51-40
2/2 Ga. Tech L 49-56
2/9 Florida W 27-26 1/26 Mercer L 36-51
2/4 at Tennessee L 51-77
2/10 Florida W 39-27 1/29 at Kentucky L 37-73
2/5 at Chattanooga W 66-65
2/13 at Auburn L 41-53 1/30 at Tennessee L 26-42
2/9 at Erskine W 53-38
2/16 Ole Miss W 36-27 2/3 Auburn W 59-43
2/11 Florida W 63-39
2/19 at Ga. Tech L 29-49 2/5 at Lawson Hospital L 39-57
2/12 Florida L 49-55
2/21 Ga. Tech W 38-37 2/9 at Ga. Tech L 38-70
2/16 at Ga. Tech L 58-60
2 2/26 Tennessee L 50-62 2/12 Tennessee L 38-48
2/20 at Auburn L 47-53
1–at Augusta; 2-SEC Tournament-Louisville 2/15 Alabama L 59-61
2/21 at (1) Kentucky L 40-95
2/17 Florida L 36-52
2/23 Erskine W 74-33
2/19 at Mercer W 56-40
1942-43 (4-13) 2/24 Ga. Tech L 42-69 RALPH JORDAN
Head Coach from 1946-50
1 3/4
S. Carolina
(7) Tulane
Coach: Elmer Lampe 2/26 at Cherry Pt. USMC L 40-56
1–SEC Tournament-Louisville
Captain: Charles Anderson 1 2/28 Ga. Tech L 49-68
1–SEC Tournament-Louisville
1/9 at Camp Wheeler L 38-52 1947-48 (18-10) 1949-50 (15-9)
1/12 at S. Carolina L 35-43 Coach: Ralph Jordan
1/15 Vanderbilt L 35-39 1945-46 (12-9) Captain: Morgan Harvill
Coaches: Ralph Jordan (4-2),
Jim Whatley (11-7)
1/18 Kentucky L 28-60 Coach: Elmer Lampe
Captain: Bob Healey
1/22 Lawson Hospital W 47-33 Captain: Ross Maddox 12/5 Furman W 74-66
1/30 Camp Wheeler L 37-47 12/6 Erskine W 81-37
12/2 Chattanooga W 69-48
2/2 LSU L 39-54 12/8 Chattanooga W 66-46 12/8 Mercer W 80-62
12/3 Clemson W 59-40
2/5 at Auburn L 32-47 12/12 at Clemson W 41-34 12/11 at Clemson W 61-52
12/6 at Clemson W 65-57
2/6 at Ft. Benning (OT) L 31-32 1/5 Auburn W 38-37 12/12 at Erskine W 71-37
12/9 at Miss. State L 40-51
2/10 at Alabama L 25-47 1/7 Alabama W 59-37 12/18 Chattanooga W 62-34
12/10 at Alabama L 38-53
2/11 Sinkwich All-Stars W 25-21 1/12 Chattanooga W 58-36 12/19 Virginia W 62-55
12/17 S. Carolina W 77-62
2/13 Auburn W 51-31 1/14 at Vanderbilt L 41-44 1/6 at Furman W 49-44
1/7 Ole Miss W 70-52
2/18 Ga. Tech L 31-58 1/18 S. Carolina L 30-42 1/9 Alabama (OT) W 47-44
1/11 Mercer W 63-57
2/20 at Ga. Tech L 20-39 1/21 at Auburn L 37-40 1/10 Ole Miss W 74-66
1/14 at S. Carolina L 43-54
2/23 Vanderbilt L 31-66 1/22 at Alabama L 27-45 1/12 S. Carolina W 70-57
1/17 (5) Kentucky W 71-60
1 2/25 Ole Miss W 36-27 1/26 Vanderbilt W 51-39 1/16 at Auburn L 41-52
1/20 at Florida L 49-54
1 2/26 Kentucky L 30-59 1/27 Tennessee L 33-46 1/17 at Alabama L 47-48
1/21 at Florida W 57-48
1–SEC Tournament-Louisville 2/2 Florida L 57-65 1/20 Kentucky L 51-88
1/25 Ga. Tech W 67-55
2/6 at Ga. Tech W 50-40 1/23 at Florida W 55-52
1/28 at (4) Kentucky L 56-88
2/9 at S. Carolina L 36-47 1/24 at Florida L 38-46
2/1 at Ga. Tech L 51-56
2/11 at Tennessee L 28-53 1/26 Tennessee L 64-70
2/4 at Chattanooga W 64-56
2/15 Ga. Tech W 46-43 1/30 at Mercer W 55-53
2/9 at Auburn L 54-67
2/18 at Florida W 44-41 2/3 Ga. Tech L 58-68
2/11 Florida W 77-52
2/21 Clemson W 72-51 2/7 at Tennessee L 60-69
2/15 Ga. Tech (OT) W 73-72
1 2/28 Ga. Tech W 36-30 2/9 at Chattanooga W 73-55
2/20 at Mercer W 69-60
Season-by-season Results
2 12/28 Ga. Tech W 66-64 2/13 Ga. Tech L 68-72
1951-52 (3-22) 2 12/29 Florida W 84-72 2/16 at Auburn L 80-96
Coach: Harbin Lawson 2 12/30 Ga. Southern W 80-69 2/18 at Ole Miss L 65-105
Captain: Jim Umbricht 1/2 at Florida L 64-76 2/20 at Miss. State L 71-83
1/6 Tennessee W 71-69 2/25 Ga. Tech L 72-81
12/1 at Clemson L 47-57 1/8 at LSU L 62-97 2 2/27 (8) Kentucky L 66-143
12/3 at Mercer L 61-66 1/9 at LSU L 53-100 3/3 at Florida L 69-82
12/5 Clemson L 54-77 1/11 Tulane L 78-93 3/5 at Florida State L 75-80
12/8 Auburn L 48-62 1/23 Auburn L 66-81 1–Gator Bowl Classic-Jacksonville; 2–at
1 12/26 Florida State W 79-50 1/30 Alabama L 70-76 Louisville
1 12/28 Florida L 47-62 2/4 at (1) Kentucky L 55-106
1 12/29 Clemson L 60-85 3 2/6 (1) Kentucky L 68-100
1/5 at Miss. State L 55-88 2/13 at Alabama L 76-112 1956-57 (8-16)
1/7 at Ole Miss L 52-103 2/15 at Auburn L 61-80 Coach: Harbin Lawson
1/12 S. Carolina L 63-80 2/17 Ga. Tech W 69-61 Captain: Curtis Gleaton
2 1/14 (3) Kentucky L 55-95 2/20 Ole Miss L 66-80
1/16 Florida L 55-74 2/22 at Miss. State L 60-75 12/5 Mercer W 88-77
JIM WHATLEY 1/18 at LSU L 60-98 2/27 at Ga. Tech L 63-80 12/8 S. Carolina L 74-97
Head Coach from 1950-51 1/19 at Tulane L 49-82 3/1 Vanderbilt L 67-83 12/18 at Ga. Tech L 53-80
1/22 Mercer L 48-63 3/6 Florida L 76-80 12/21 at S. Carolina L 81-96
2/25 Auburn L 46-55 1/26 at Auburn L 51-65 1–at Birmingham; 2–Gator Bowl Classic- 1 12/27 Clemson L 84-76
1 3/2 Ole Miss W 59-58 1/28 Tennessee L 62-68 Jacksonville; 3–at Owensboro, Ky. 1 12/28 S. Carolina W 64-62
1 3/3 Alabama W 52-51 1/31 at S. Carolina L 61-62 12/31 at Florida W 66-62
1 3/4 (4) Kentucky L 63-79 2/6 Ga. Tech W 72-64 1/1 at Florida State W 69-68
1–SEC Tournament-Louisville 2/9 Alabama W 53-51 1954-55 (9-16) 1/6 LSU W 78-70
2/12 at Florida L 60-74 Coach: Harbin Lawson 1/7 Tulane L 54-72
2/16 Vanderbilt L 51-73 Captain: Lamar Potts 1/12 Auburn W 75-72
1950-51 (13-11) 2/19 at Alabama L 56-74 1/21 Florida State L 63-86
Coach: Jim Whatley 2/23 at Ga. Tech L 73-79 12/3 at S. Carolina L 54-74 1/23 at Mercer L 71-91
Captain: Joe Jordan, Earl Davis, 3 2/28 Vanderbilt L 49-61 12/7 Clemson L 72-74 1/26 at Auburn L 66-73
Bob Schloss 1–Gator Bowl Classic-Jacksonville; 2–at 12/11 Mercer W 95-75 1/28 at Alabama W 73-89
Louisville; 3–SEC Tournament-Louisville 1 12/27 Spring Hill L 69-78 1/30 at Kentucky L 53-84
12/9 Mercer W 64-51 1 12/28 Florida State L 87-97 2/2 at Tennessee L 53-91
12/12 S. Carolina W 60-58 1/3 at Florida L 68-81 2/9 Alabama W 64-52
12/14 Clemson W 58-45 1952-53 (7-18) 1/7 Miss. State W 90-75 2/14 Ga. Tech L 65-67
12/16 at Alabama L 39-60 Coach: Harbin Lawson 1/8 LSU W 76-70 2/16 Ole Miss L 91-99
12/18 at Clemson L 69-70 Captain: Zippy Morocco 1/10 Tulane (2OT) W 67-65 2/18 Miss. State L 73-86
1/6 Ole Miss W 59-41 1/15 at Florida State L 81-90 2/23 at Ga. Tech L 60-74
1/9 at Ga. Tech L 50-56 12/2 Clemson W 66-60 1/22 Auburn W 88-83 2/25 at (10) Vanderbilt L 51-75
1/12 Florida W 64-48 12/6 at Clemson W 57-55 1/24 at Ga. Tech W 70-66 3/2 Florida L 65-85
1/13 at Auburn (OT) L 68-69 12/9 Mercer L 63-68 1/26 at Mercer L 66-68 1–Gator Bowl Classic-Jacksonville
1/15 Tulane W 72-70 12/11 S. Carolina W 57-50 1/29 at (14) Alabama L 74-101
1 1/18 S. Carolina W 59-57 1 12/19 Auburn L 49-71 1/31 at Auburn L 76-78
1/20 Ga. Tech W 77-66 2 12/23 Columbia L 51-61 2/7 at Tennessee L 81-97 1957-58 (7-19)
1/23 at Mercer W 60-58 3 12/29 Ga. Southern L 57-85 2/9 at (2) Kentucky L 40-86 Coach: Harbin Lawson
1/27 Auburn L 49-61 3 12/30 Ga. Tech L 54-71 2/13 (13) Alabama L 77-98 Captain: Henry Cabaniss
2/3 LSU W 68-65 1/6 Ga. Tech W 70-57 2/14 Florida State L 79-88
2/6 at Ga. Tech W 54-53 1/9 Auburn L 59-64 2/17 Ga.Tech L 54-75 12/2 at S. Carolina L 87-95
2/7 at Tampa L 56-64 1/10 Alabama L 75-85 2/19 Ole Miss W 86-80 12/4 at Clemson W 72-60
2/9 at Florida W 75-58 1/13 at Furman L 74-96 2/21 at Clemson L 94-105 12/7 Florida W 66-60
2/10 Alabama L 53-56 1/17 at Vanderbilt L 66-97 2/26 at Ga. Tech (2OT) W 67-66 12/19 at Ga. Tech W 69-68
2/17 Miss. State W 57-49 1/19 (14) LSU L 50-55 2/28 at Vanderbilt L 57-78 12/21 at Vanderbilt L 64-74
2/23 at (1) Kentucky L 41-88 1/21 at Auburn L 69-78 3/4 Florida W 69-61 1 12/30 S. Carolina W 77-58
2/24 Tennessee L 62-74 1/26 Tulane L 64-66 1–Gator Bowl Classic-Jacksonville 1 12/31 Florida L 63-76
2/27 Vanderbilt L 57-69 2/2 Ole Miss L 75-77 2 1/1 Spring Hill L 67-69
2 3/1 Vanderbilt L 60-70 2/4 at Ga. Tech L 73-78 2 1/2 Florida State L 80-92
1–at Savannah; 2–SEC Tournament-Louisville 2/7 at Alabama L 63-67 1955-56 (3-21) 1/4 at LSU W 59-56
2/10 at S. Carolina L 64-72 Coach: Harbin Lawson 1/6 at Tulane L 59-67
2/16 Florida W 61-58 Captain: Horace Knight 1/11 Alabama L 58-72
2/19 at Mercer L 62-74 1/14 at Mercer L 69-76
2/21 Miss. State W 75-63 12/1 at Tennessee L 67-86 1/20 at Ga. Tech L 59-72
2/25 at Tennessee W 87-86 12/7 at Mercer W 75-72 1/25 at Auburn L 62-90
3/2 at Florida L 73-79 12/17 at Ga. Tech L 62-75 1/28 S. Carolina W 84-63
1–at Birmingham; 2–at Tampa; 3-Gator Bowl 12/19 at (9) Vanderbilt L 61-85 3 1/29 (8) Kentucky L 55-74
Classic-Jacksonville 1 12/28 S. Carolina L 68-85 2/1 Tennessee L 79-82
1 12/29 LSU L 86-91 2/8 Auburn L 73-75
1/5 at Tulane L 77-96 2/10 at Alabama L 64-68
1953-54 (7-18) 1/7 at LSU L 56-72 2/15 at Ole Miss L 63-81
Coach: Harbin Lawson 1/11 Tennessee L 59-62 2/17 at (18) Miss. State L 77-92
Captain: Marvin Satterfield 1/13 Florida State L 76-79 2/22 Ga. Tech W 62-59
1/21 Auburn L 59-60 2/24 Vanderbilt L 66-69
12/4 S. Carolina L 59-61 1/28 (12) Alabama L 75-99 3/1 at Florida L 73-90
12/5 at Clemson W 71-63 1/30 Florida W 93-73 3/3 at Florida State L 77-85
12/12 Clemson W 77-51 2/4 (3) Vanderbilt L 56-69 1–Gator Bowl Classic-Jacksonville; 2–Senior
1 12/18 Auburn L 73-75 2/8 at Mercer W 91-79 Bowl Tournament; 3–at Atlanta
HARBIN “RED” LAWSON 1 12/19 Ole Miss L 73-87 2/11 at (10) Alabama L 69-94
Head Coach from 1951-65
Season-by-season Results
12/8 S. Carolina L 71-73 1/7 LSU W 76-67 2/6 Auburn W 62-60
1958-59 (11-15) 12/19 at The Citadel L 72-82 1/9 (7) Ga. Tech L 70-72 2/9 at Ga. Tech L 62-73
Coach: Harbin Lawson 12/20 at East Tenn. State L 67-69 1/12 at Alabama L 61-67 2/13 Ole Miss W 90-68
Captain: Fred Edmonson 1 12/28 Florida State W 62-56 1/14 at Florida State L 54-88 2/15 Miss. State W 82-62
1 12/29 Ga. Tech L 51-54 1/17 Florida State W 90-76 2/20 Ga. Tech W 91-66
12/1 Clemson W 76-59 1 12/30 Florida L 58-73 1/19 at Florida L 58-90 2/22 at Vanderbilt L 72-89
12/3 at Florida W 66-63 1/4 at Mercer W 87-74 1/21 at Stetson W 99-80 2/27 Florida L 74-83
12/11 at Ga. Tech L 66-73 1/7 Tulane W 77-68 1/26 Auburn L 62-78 3/5 at Florida L 66-90
12/13 at S. Carolina W 76-72 1/9 LSU W 80-66 1/31 at Kentucky L 67-74 3/6 at Florida State L 83-85
1 12/19 at The Citadel L 52-78 1/11 Ga. Tech (OT) L 80-89 2/2 at Tennessee L 65-94 1–Gator Bowl Classic-Jacksonville
1 12/20 Florida State W 83-72 2 1/14 Alabama W 65-57 2/9 at Auburn L 67-70
2 12/29 LSU L 60-63 2 1/21 Auburn L 68-78 2/11 Alabama L 59-61
2 12/30 Florida L 55-58 1/25 Mercer W 66-46 2/16 Ole Miss L 76-86
1/3 LSU L 66-79 3 1/28 Florida L 68-90 2/23 at Ga. Tech L 58-66
1/5 Tulane W 70-63 2/4 at Tennessee L 67-75 2/25 at Vanderbilt L 64-82
1/7 Ga. Tech L 62-66 2/7 at Kentucky L 67-74 3/2 Florida W 79-77
3 1/10 Alabama W 80-79 2/11 at Auburn L 69-73 1–Savannah Invitational-Savannah
1/14 at Mercer L 62-66 2/13 at Alabama L 51-55
1/19 Florida State W 94-91 2/16 at Florida State L 68-77
3 1/24 (5) Auburn L 61-81 2/18 Ole Miss W 73-69 1963-64 (12-14)
1/29 at (1) Kentucky L 55-108 2/20 Miss. State L 77-99 Coach: Harbin Lawson
1/31 at Tennessee L 60-66 2/25 at Ga. Tech L 71-83 Captain: Charles Bagby
2/3 Mercer W 71-59 2/27 at Vanderbilt L 76-87 Jimmy Pitts (18.7 ppg),
2/7 at (4) Auburn L 69-95 3/4 Florida L 74-78 Jerry Waller (13.7 rpg)
2/9 at Alabama L 65-71 1–Gator Bowl Classic-Jacksonville; 2–at
2/14 Ole Miss W 84-61 Columbus; 3–at Jacksonville 12/2 at Ga. Tech L 65-73
2/16 (10) Miss. State L 56-76 12/5 at Clemson W 87-86
2/18 S. Carolina W 65-57 12/7 at S. Carolina L 60-77 KEN ROSEMOND
2/21 at Ga. Tech L 62-82 1961-62 (8-16) 12/17 at Virginia Tech L 75-81 Head Coach from 1965-73
2/23 at Vanderbilt L 50-78 Coach: Harbin Lawson 12/18 at N. Carolina L 71-99
2/28 Florida W 85-67 Captain: Allan Johnson 12/30 at Navy L 52-57
1-Citadel Invitational-Charleston; 2–Gator Bowl Allan Johnson (17.6 ppg), 1/1 Alabama W 49-47 1965-66 (10-15)
Classic-Jacksonville; 3–at Columbus Carlton Gill (9.5 rpg) 1/4 at LSU L 63-81 Coach: Ken Rosemond
1/6 at Tulane W 87-83 Captain: Lee Martin
12/2 at Ga. Southern L 64-74 1/17 at Florida W 59-57 Jerry Waller (14.9 ppg)
1959-60 (12-13) 12/9 at Ga. Tech W 70-67 1/18 at Florida State L 63-64 Jerry Waller (10.1 rpg)
Coach: Harbin Lawson 1 12/19 Florida W 78-72 1/21 at Ga. Tech L 55-71
Captain: Gordon Darrah 1/3 at S. Carolina L 72-97 1/25 Auburn L 77-85 12/1 at N.C. State L 76-92
1/6 at Tulane L 46-76 1/27 S. Carolina W 112-90 12/7 TCU (OT) W 76-75
12/1 Oglethorpe W 68-50 1/8 at LSU L 57-76 1/29 Virginia Tech W 96-87 12/9 at Ga. Tech W 76-65
12/2 at Ga. Southern L 73-82 1/11 at Ga. Tech L 62-68 2/1 Tennessee W 79-67 12/18 N.C. State L 71-78
12/12 Florida W 75-61 2 1/13 Alabama L 55-67 2/3 (4) Kentucky L 83-103 12/29 Jacksonville W 91-71
12/15 at Vanderbilt L 67-79 1/23 Ga. Southern W 70-58 2/6 Clemson (OT) L 81-83 1/1 LSU W 82-59
1 12/29 LSU W 79-67 2 1/27 Auburn L 47-83 2/8 Auburn W 71-67 1/3 Florida State W 63-57
1 12/30 Florida State W 69-66 3 1/31 (2) Kentucky L 59-86 2/10 at Alabama L 70-72 1/8 (3) Vanderbilt L 63-77
12/31 Ga. Tech L 65-83 2/3 Tennessee L 84-87 2/15 at Ole Miss L 72-80 1/10 (2) Kentucky (2OT) L 65-69
1/2 at Tulane L 74-76 2/5 Mercer W 75-64 2/17 at Miss. State W 73-61 1/12 at Alabama L 60-68
1/4 at LSU L 77-81 2/6 Citadel W 91-86 2/22 Ga. Tech W 81-68 1/15 Tulane W 81-69
1/7 Ga. Southern W 83-75 2/10 at Auburn L 49-74 2/24 Vanderbilt W 81-69 1/19 at Ga. Tech L 56-89
2 1/9 Alabama W 70-58 2/12 at Alabama L 72-79 2/29 Florida L 64-69 1/22 Florida L 52-65
1/13 at Ga. Tech L 64-80 2/15 Florida State L 62-71 3/3 Florida State W 85-70 1/27 at Ole Miss W 91-71
1/18 Stetson W 97-72 2/17 at Ole Miss L 75-79 1/31 at Miss. State L 54-58
1/23 Auburn W 68-59 2/19 at Miss. State L 74-83 2/5 at (2) Kentucky L 50-74
2 1/27 Kentucky L 60-84 2/22 at Mercer W 85-72 1964-65 (8-18) 2/7 at Tennessee L 71-100
1/30 Tennessee W 69-62 2/24 Ga. Tech W 68-61 Coach: Harbin Lawson 2/12 Miss. State W 83-71
3 2/2 S. Carolina W 66-65 2/26 Vanderbilt W 71-69 Captain: Jimmy Pitts 2/16 Auburn W 83-74
2/6 at Auburn L 45-72 3/2 at Florida State L 69-101 Jimmy Pitts (18.7 ppg), 2/19 Tennessee L 69-83
2/8 at Alabama (OT) L 60-64 3/3 at Florida L 78-105 Jerry Waller (10.8 rpg) 2/21 at Auburn L 63-74
2/13 at Miss. State (OT) W 67-62 1–at Savannah; 2–at Columbus; 3–at Atlanta 2/23 at (5) Vanderbilt L 97-117
2/15 at Ole Miss (OT) L 63-65 12/3 (13) N. Carolina W 64-61 2/26 Ga.Tech W 67-61
2/20 Ga. Tech L 68-69 12/5 at Clemson L 60-72 3/4 at Florida L 49-59
2/22 Vanderbilt L 75-80 1962-63 (8-17) 12/19 Ga. Tech W 79-66 3/5 at Florida State L 69-87
2/27 at Florida W 75-73 Coach: Harbin Lawson 12/22 Clemson W 93-75
2/29 at Florida State L 82-95 Captain: Carlton Gill 1 12/28 Texas L 60-66
1–Gator Bowl Classic-Jacksonville; 2–at Billy Rado (19.0 ppg), 1 12/29 Wake Forest L 76-83 1966-67 (9-17)
Columbus; 3–Augusta Carlton Gill (6.6 rpg) 1/2 at LSU L 69-70 Coach: Ken Rosemond
1/4 at Tulane (OT) W 86-83 Captains: T. Duggins, F. Harscher
12/1 at N. Carolina L 65-89 1/7 Florida State (OT) L 55-64 Jim Youngblood (15.1 ppg),
1960-61 (8-18) 12/3 at The Citadel W 89-73 1/11 Vanderbilt L 62-75 Don Wix (7.1 rpg)
Coach: Harbin Lawson 12/6 S. Carolina W 85-72 1/16 at Miss. State L 74-79
Captain: Philip Simpson 12/8 Clemson L 73-93 1/18 Tennessee L 57-76 12/1 Sewanee W 92-74
Allen Johnson (14.9 ppg), 1 12/27 Florida State L 69-77 1/23 at Auburn L 65-95 12/7 Ga.Tech W 89-87
John Johnson (10.0 rpg) 1 12/28 Ga. Southern W 70-61 1/25 Kentucky L 82-102 12/10 at Jacksonville W 85-70
1 12/29 Alabama L 68-72 1/27 Alabama (2OT) L 67-72 12/20 at Brown L 68-75
12/1 at Ga. Tech L 56-74 1/3 at Clemson L 60-77 1/30 at Tennessee L 49-83 1 12/28 Florida L 64-78
12/3 at Ga. Southern W 89-64 1/5 Tulane W 77-69 2/1 at Kentucky L 64-96 1 12/29 Penn State W 90-82
Season-by-season Results
12/31 (10) Miss. State L 71-93 1/25 Ole Miss W 84-81 2/20 at Ole Miss L 72-76
1/2 Ole Miss W 85-78 1/27 Miss. State L 71-73 2/22 at Miss. State L 57-62
1/7 at Miss. State L 63-92 2/1 Florida L 69-73 2/27 at Florida W 62-61
1/9 at LSU L 85-87 2/8 at Vanderbilt W 90-83 3/4 Alabama W 84-76
1/14 Tennessee L 70-87 2/10 Alabama W 87-78 3/6 LSU L 66-69
1/16 Kentucky W 49-40 2/13 at Ga. Tech L 66-73 1–Charlotte Invitational-Charlotte
1/21 at Ga. Tech L 53-79 2/15 Tennessee L 55-57
1/23 (8) Florida L 61-63 2/17 (4) Kentucky L 77-85
1/28 at Auburn L 64-73 2/22 at Ole Miss (OT) W 85-82 1971-72 (14-12)
1/30 at Alabama W 73-66 2/24 at Miss. State W 95-80 Coach: Ken Rosemond
2/1 Auburn L 49-62 3/1 at Florida L 78-96 Captain: Dick Toth
2/4 Alabama W 68-50 3/8 LSU (2OT) L 80-90 Ronnie Hogue (20.5 ppg),
2/6 (9) Vanderbilt (OT) L 41-51 1–Gator Bowl Classic-Jacksonville Tim Bassett (13.0 rpg)
2/11 at Tennessee L 36-68
2/13 LSU W 78-65 12/1 Sewanee W 102-72
2/15 Ga.Tech L 79-87 1969-70 (13-12) 12/4 at N.C. State L 81-92
2/20 at Kentucky L 76-101 Coach: Ken Rosemond 12/6 South Alabama W 85-70
2/25 at (9) Vanderbilt L 61-81 Captain: Nick Gimpel 12/16 at Illinois L 78-84 JOHN GUTHRIE
2/27 at Ole Miss L 67-75 Bob Lienhard (21.3 ppg), 12/20 LSU W 115-95 Head Coach from 1973-78
3/4 at Florida L 63-96 Bob Lienhard (13.9 rpg) 12/23 Coll. of Charleston W 82-61
1–Gator Bowl Classic-Jacksonville 1/3 Rollins W 112-77
12/1 Sewanee W 98-67 1/8 at Vanderbilt (OT) L 76-80 1973-74 (6-20)
12/3 at Ga. Tech L 80-92 1/10 at Auburn L 93-99 Coach: John Guthrie
1967-68 (17-8) 12/6 Illinois L 70-81 1/15 Tennessee L 57-59 Captain: Charlie Anderson
Coach: Ken Rosemond 12/8 Alabama W 78-57 1/17 (15) Kentucky W 85-73 Billy Magarity (16.8 ppg),
Captain: Ray Jeffords 1 12/22 (4) Davidson L 72-74 1/22 at LSU L 68-69 Billy Magarity (6.6 rpg)
Bob Lienhard (21.3 ppg), 2 12/27 LaSalle L 66-76 1/24 Auburn W 79-72
Bob Lienhard (14.9 rpg) 2 12/29 BYU (2OT) L 82-89 1/29 at Ole Miss W 80-74 11/30 LSU-New Orleans W 94-63
1/3 at Vanderbilt W 72-68 1/31 at Miss. State (OT) L 58-62 12/15 La. College W 63-53
12/2 Arkansas A&M W 138-91 1/5 at Auburn W 68-64 2/2 at Ga. Tech L 78-82 12/18 at (2) N.C. State L 60-94
12/7 at Ga. Tech L 78-86 1/10 (12) Tennessee W 61-56 2/5 at Florida W 74-63 1 12/21 at Dayton L 55-63
12/9 Jacksonville W 84-50 1/12 (2) Kentucky L 71-72 2/12 Vanderbilt W 98-91 1 12/22 Drake L 60-66
12/18 Furman W 94-80 1/19 Auburn W 71-67 2/14 Alabama L 91-99 12/31 Vermont W 88-55
1 12/28 Yale W 79-75 1/24 at Ole Miss W 96-84 2/19 at (20) Tennessee (OT) L 68-71 1/5 Ole Miss L 70-78
1 12/29 N.C. State W 62-56 1/26 at Miss. State W 79-76 2/21 at (17) Kentucky L 63-87 1/7 at Kentucky L 74-80
1/1 at Ole Miss W 70-64 1/31 at Florida W 68-64 2/26 Ole Miss W 79-69 1/12 at Florida W 75-71
1/6 Miss. State W 72-69 2/4 Ga. Tech W 74-69 2/28 Miss. State W 87-82 1/14 (6) Vanderbilt L 71-91
1/8 LSU L 76-79 2/7 Vanderbilt W 94-90 3/4 Florida W 75-72 1/16 at Ga. Tech W 75-66
1/13 at (5) Tennessee L 72-77 2/9 at Alabama L 86-94 3/7 Ga. Tech W 93-78 1/19 Miss. State L 56-76
1/15 at (4) Kentucky L 73-104 2/14 (20) at Tennessee L 55-57 3/9 at Alabama L 73-101 1/21 at LSU L 83-90
1/17 at Miss. State W 81-77 2/16 (20) at (3) Kentucky L 86-116 1/26 (9) Alabama L 71-86
1/22 at Florida L 63-90 2/18 at LSU L 86-88 1/28 Auburn W 85-82
1/27 Auburn W 76-74 2/21 Ole Miss W 94-79 1972-73 (10-16) 2/2 at Tennessee L 70-84
1/29 Alabama W 95-73 2/23 Miss. State L 77-86 Coach: Ken Rosemond 2/4 at Ole Miss L 55-59
1/31 at Auburn L 56-62 2/28 Florida W 85-69 Captains: Gino Gianfrancesco, 2/9 Kentucky L 72-86
2/3 at Alabama W 95-83 3/7 LSU L 88-99 Ronnie Hogue 2/11 Florida L 74-87
2/5 at (7) Vanderbilt L 77-82 1–at Charlotte, N.C.; 2–Quaker City Tournament- Jerry Waller (14.9 ppg), 2/16 at (5) Vanderbilt L 78-83
2/10 (5) Tennessee W 61-43 Philadelphia Jerry Waller (10.1 rpg) 2/18 at Miss. State L 69-84
2/12 at LSU W 78-73 2/23 LSU L 79-84
2/15 Ga. Tech W 89-76 12/2 Coll. of Charleston W 82-59 2/25 at (13) Alabama L 74-99
2/19 (8) Kentucky L 87-106 1970-71 (6-19) 12/16 at LSU W 66-62 3/2 at Auburn L 84-97
2/24 Vanderbilt W 91-77 Coach: Ken Rosemond 12/23 (4) N.C. State L 83-97 3/4 Tennessee L 89-97
2/26 Ole Miss W 111-77 Captain: Barry Cohen 1 12/27 Duquesne L 66-71 3/7 Ga. Tech L 95-97
3/2 Florida W 97-83 Ronnie Hogue (16.2 ppg), 1 12/28 Rhode Island W 70-62 1–Dayton Classic-Dayton, Ohio
1–Triangle Classic-Raleigh Cauthen Westbrook (7.8 rpg) 1 12/29 Southern Cal W 77-74
1/4 Bucknell W 97-80
12/1 Rollins L 60-64 1/6 (11) Vanderbilt L 86-89 1974-75 (8-17)
1968-69 (13-12) 12/4 Ga.Tech L 88-97 1/8 Auburn W 84-72 Coach: John Guthrie
Coach: Ken Rosemond 12/7 (19) N.C. State W 87-78 1/13 at Tennessee L 64-79 Captain: Bill Magarity
Captain: Bob Lienhard 12/19 Davidson (OT) L 75-77 1/15 at Kentucky L 68-89 Jacky Dorsey (25.8 ppg),
Bob Lienhard (23.8 ppg), 12/21 at LSU L 76-97 1/20 LSU L 55-56 Jacky Dorsey (11.8 rpg)
Bob Lienhard (15.8 rpg), 1 12/29 LaSalle L 42-50 1/22 at Auburn W 68-64
1 12/30 Davidson L 55-63 1/27 Ole Miss W 71-67 11/29 Ga. Tech W 86-67
12/3 Sewanee W 107-67 1/2 Vanderbilt L 69-76 1/29 Miss. State L 84-90 12/10 Northeast La. W 87-86
12/5 Ga. Tech W 84-74 1/4 Auburn L 58-79 1/31 Ga. Tech W 87-78 12/19 Brown L 75-79
12/7 Old Dominion W 95-85 1/9 at (17) Tennessee L 47-51 2/3 Florida W 81-78 12/21 Southern Miss. W 102-76
12/9 at Alabama W 80-73 1/11 at (11) Kentucky L 66-79 2/10 at Vanderbilt L 52-87 1 12/27 (14) Marquette L 70-100
12/19 Furman W 97-71 1/18 at Auburn W 77-76 2/12 at (10) Alabama L 67-78 1 12/28 Wisconsin (OT) W 91-89
12/21 at LSU L 89-98 1/23 Ole Miss W 88-80 2/17 Tennessee L 71-85 1/2 at Ole Miss W 88-83
1 12/26 Boston College L 83-89 1/25 Miss. State (OT) L 66-67 2/19 Kentucky L 86-99 1/6 (9) Kentucky L 77-96
1 12/27 Florida L 77-82 1/30 Florida L 79-88 2/24 at Ole Miss L 62-69 1/11 Florida L 69-83
1/4 Vanderbilt W 104-80 2/3 at Ga. Tech L 77-90 2/26 at Miss. State L 68-72 1/13 at Vanderbilt L 80-102
1/6 Auburn W 74-69 2/6 at Vanderbilt L 60-74 3/3 at Florida L 72-77 1/18 at Miss. State W 67-65
1/11 at Tennessee L 67-82 2/8 at Alabama W 71-70 3/6 at Ga. Tech L 67-77 1/20 LSU L 89-90
1/13 at (7) Kentucky L 68-88 2/13 (14) Tennessee L 61-64 3/8 Alabama L 70-78 1/25 at (6) Alabama L 68-92
1/20 at Auburn W 85-84 2/15 (8) Kentucky L 95-107 1–Quaker City Tournament-Philadelphia 1/27 at Auburn L 64-65
Season-by-season Results
2/1 Tennessee L 69-105 2/12 Ole Miss W 92-76
2/3 Ole Miss L 87-93 2/14 LSU L 69-75 1980-81 (19-12)
2/8 at (5) Kentucky L 61-75 2/19 at Miss. State L 68-98 NIT Participant
2/10 at Florida L 65-66 2/21 at (4) Alabama L 68-78 Coach: Hugh Durham
2/13 Vanderbilt L 78-81 2/26 (7) Tennessee W 83-76 Captains:
2/17 Miss. State L 71-77 3/5 Vanderbilt L 71-74 Eric Marbury, Wilmore Fowler
2/22 at LSU (OT) L 90-96 3/7 (2) Kentucky L 54-72 Dominique Wilkins (23.6 ppg),
2/24 (5) Alabama L 64-73 1–Sugar Bowl Classic-New Orleans Terry Fair (7.7 rpg)
3/1 Auburn (OT) W 93-90
3/5 at Ga. Tech W 77-73 12/1 Troy State W 108-65
3/8 at Tennessee L 74-95 1977-78 (11-16) 12/6 at Ga. Tech W 55-38
1–Milwaukee Classic-Milwaukee Coach: John Guthrie 1 12/12 at Tulsa W 66-64
Captain: Walter Daniels 1 12/13 Oral Roberts W 81-65
Lucius Foster (11.9 ppg), 12/16 Carson-Newman W 96-65
1975-76 (12-15) Lavon Mercer (8.6 rpg) 2 12/19 Chattanooga W 77-68
Coach: John Guthrie 2 12/20 Florida State L 62-64
Captain: Bryan Drafts 11/25 at Ga. Tech L 58-75 12/23 Ole Miss W 70-62
Jacky Dorsey (21.8 ppg), 1 12/3 Troy State W 72-58 HUGH DURHAM 12/30 Ga. Tech W 65-51
Jacky Dorsey (9.4 rpg) 1 12/10 St. Leo W 77-55 Head Coach from 1978-95 1/3 at (5) Kentucky L 62-76
1 12/11 Georgetown L 60-66 1/7 Florida W 90-74
11/28 at Ga. Tech L 57-59 12/17 Louisiana Tech W 42-34 2/17 (19) Vanderbilt W 63-60 1/10 at Vanderbilt L 55-70
12/8 Fairleigh Dickinson L 55-59 12/20 Furman L 83-92 2/19 Kentucky L 74-90 1/14 Miss. State W 66-64
12/11 Appalachian St. W 83-67 2 12/28 Ohio State (OT) W 84-80 2/22 at Auburn L 68-73 1/17 at (6) LSU L 65-78
12/13 Southern Miss W 96-70 2 12/29 at (7) Louisville (OT) W 73-70 2/24 at Florida (OT) W 63-62 1/21 Alabama L 71-83
12/15 Furman W 97-76 1/2 Auburn L 69-76 2 2/28 Miss. State W 75-72 1/24 Auburn W 67-63
1 12/19 at (1) Indiana L 56-93 1/4 Florida W 57-54 2 3/1 Auburn (4OT) L 91-95 1/28 at (11) Tennessee L 67-72
1 12/20 Oregon L 74-87 1/7 at LSU L 78-96 1–Salt Lake City Classic-Salt Lake City; 2–SEC 1/31 (7) Kentucky (2OT) L 68-71
12/30 Delaware W 117-75 1/9 at Ole Miss L 63-75 Tournament-Birmingham 2/4 at Florida W 87-64
1/3 (12) Tennessee L 73-79 1/11 Ga. Tech W 68-64 2/7 Vanderbilt W 80-72
1/6 Ga. Tech W 69-63 1/14 Miss. State L 44-57 2/11 at Miss. State (OT) W 68-65
1/10 at Vanderbilt (OT) L 85-95 1/16 Alabama (OT) W 71-70 1979-80 (14-13) 2/14 (4) LSU L 62-64
1/12 at Kentucky L 76-92 1/21 at Tennessee W 75-74 Coach: Hugh Durham 2/18 at Alabama L 74-91
1/17 Auburn L 70-94 1/28 at Vanderbilt L 56-64 Captains: 2/21 at Auburn W 76-65
1/19 Florida W 87-79 1/30 at (1) Kentucky L 73-90 Jimmy Daughtry, Lavon Mercer 2/25 (10) Tennessee (OT) W 76-75
1/24 at LSU W 83-79 2/4 LSU L 68-89 Dominique Wilkins (18.6 ppg), 2/28 at Ole Miss L 62-64
1/26 at Ole Miss W 74-72 2/6 Ole Miss W 57-56 Terry Fair (10.0 rpg) 3 3/4 Alabama W 88-80
1/31 Miss. State W 85-73 2/11 at Miss. State L 45-68 3 3/5 (3) LSU W 68-60
2/2 (11) Alabama (OT) L 67-69 2/13 at Alabama L 66-67 11/30 Troy State W 100-77 3 3/6 Ole Miss L 62-66
2/7 Vanderbilt (2OT) L 69-71 2/18 Tennessee L 72-77 12/3 Whittier W 122-62 4 3/11 Old Dominion W 74-60
2/9 Kentucky W 86-81 2/25 Vanderbilt W 64-62 12/8 Eckerd W 87-61 4 3/16 South Alabama L 72-73
2/14 at Auburn L 79-88 2/27 (2) Kentucky L 67-78 12/12 at Ole Miss W 64-62 1–Oil Capital Classic-Tulsa; 2–Cotton States
2/16 at Florida L 84-98 3/4 at Auburn L 80-81 12/15 Ga. Tech W 66-59 Classic-Atlanta; 3–SEC Tournament-Birmingham;
2/21 LSU W 75-70 3/6 at Florida L 68-86 1 12/17 (5) Kentucky L 69-95 4–NIT
2/23 Ole Miss W 70-68 1–Georgetown Invitational–Washington, D.C.; 2– 12/19 Erskine W 94-70
2/28 at Miss. State L 79-90 Louisville Classic-Louisville, Ky. 12/22 Belmont W 73-53
3/1 at (7) Alabama L 76-87 12/29 Lenoir-Rhyne W 102-74 1981-82 (19-12)
3/6 at (12) Tennessee L 70-86 1/2 at Florida L 52-57
1978-79 (14-14)
1–IU Classic-Bloomington, Ind. 1/5 Vanderbilt W 88-66 Coach: Hugh Durham
Coach: Hugh Durham 1/9 at Miss. State L 75-88 Captains:
Captains: 1/12 (6) LSU (2OT) W 73-72 Eric Marbury, Wilmore Fowler
1976-77 (9-18) Walter Daniels, Mark Slonaker 1/16 at Alabama W 68-65 Dominique Wilkins (23.6 ppg),
Coach: John Guthrie Walter Daniels (21.9 ppg), 1/19 at Auburn L 53-58 Terry Fair (7.7 rpg)
Captain: Walter Daniels Lavon Mercer (7.7 rpg) 1/23 Tennessee W 55-54
David Reavis (14.3 ppg), 1/26 at (5) Kentucky L 49-56 11/28 at (16) San Francisco L 84-92
Lavon Mercer (7.6 rpg) 11/28 Rollins W 96-68 1/30 Florida W 76-48 12/1 at Florida State W 70-67
12/1 at Ga. Tech L 51-75 2/2 at Vanderbilt L 69-70 12/5 Ga. Tech W 62-61
11/26 Ga. Tech L 43-64 12/11 UNC-Asheville W 85-73 2/6 Miss. State L 56-62 12/12 Carson-Newman W 113-67
12/7 Troy State W 64-57 1 12/15 Idaho State L 56-66 2/9 at LSU L 77-96 12/16 at Ole Miss L 54-56
12/11 Buffalo W 108-77 1 12/16 Hofstra W 83-70 2/11 Alabama (OT) L 64-66 1 12/18 Northeastern W 79-66
12/15 at Furman W 87-83 12/27 Pan American W 74-72 2/16 Auburn (OT) L 65-69 1 12/19 (16) UAB W 76-72
12/18 Farleigh Dickinson W 58-44 12/30 Baptist College W 122-62 2/18 at Ga. Tech L 38-40 2 12/28 Ga. Tech W 53-42
12/20 Evansville (OT) W 88-86 1/3 at (7) LSU L 75-97 2/21 at Tennessee L 49-50 1/2 (4) Kentucky L 66-68
1 12/29 Indiana L 52-74 1/6 (18) Miss. State W 69-67 2/23 Ole Miss W 77-65 1/6 at Florida W 73-67
1 12/30 S. Carolina (OT) L 73-74 1/8 Alabama L 71-83 2 2/27 Auburn L 71-79 1/9 Vanderbilt W 76-53
1/3 at (6) Kentucky (OT) L 59-64 1/11 Auburn L 77-84 1–at The Omni, Atlanta; 2–SEC Tournament- 1/13 at Miss. State W 26-20
1/5 at Vanderbilt L 69-72 1/13 Tennessee W 79-75 Birmingham 1/16 LSU L 53-54
1/8 Florida L 76-101 1/20 at Vanderbilt L 76-78 1/20 at (16) Alabama L 66-81
1/10 Auburn L 71-95 1/22 at Kentucky L 64-73 1/23 at Auburn L 74-82
1/15 at Ole Miss L 62-82 1/24 at Ole Miss W 59-53 1/27 (15) Tennessee L 64-66
1/17 at LSU L 77-97 1/27 (9) LSU W 93-88 1/30 at (7) Kentucky L 73-82
1/22 Miss. State W 82-73 1/29 Ole Miss L 63-82 2/3 Florida W 87-73
1/24 (3) Alabama (OT) L 74-78 2/3 at Miss. State L 62-86 2/6 at Vanderbilt W 68-57
1/27 at Ga. Tech W 60-51 2/5 at (15) Alabama L 59-67 2/10 Miss. State W 71-49
2/1 at Tennessee L 82-106 2/7 Florida W 76-64 2/13 at LSU W 57-51
2/5 at Florida L 71-84 2/10 at Tennessee (3OT) L 81-87 3 2/14 (2) N. Carolina L 57-66
2/7 at Auburn L 74-83 2/13 Ga.Tech W 56-55 2/17 (19) Alabama L 85-99
Season-by-season Results
1985-86 (17-13)
NIT Participant
Coach: Hugh Durham
Captains: Donald Hartry,
Horace McMillan, Joe Ward
Joe Ward (15.6 ppg),
Horace McMillan (5.9 rpg)
Season-by-season Results
2/25 Kentucky W 79-71 4 12/29 Princeton W 58-54 1/24 at (16) LSU (OT) W 94-92 2/23 at Auburn W 86-77
2/28 at Tennessee L 68-89 4 12/30 LaSalle W 95-85 1/27 Tennessee W 85-77 2/27 Vanderbilt W 62-59
5 3/6 Ole Miss W 65-63 1/4 at Kentucky L 65-76 1/31 Auburn W 88-75 3/2 at Ole Miss W 72-62
5 3/7 LSU (2OT) L 88-89 1/7 Florida L 66-80 2/3 at Kentucky L 77-88 4 3/8 at Vanderbilt W 80-72
6 3/12 Kansas St. (OT) L 79-82 1/11 (20) at Alabama L 62-80 2/6 Florida W 70-65 4 3/9 Tennessee L 65-85
1–Cotton States Classic-Atlanta; 2–at The Omni, 1/14 (20) at Vanderbilt L 75-76 2/10 Alabama W 75-64 5 3/14 Pittsburgh (OT) L 68-76
Atlanta; 3–Hawaiian Tropic Classic-Daytona; 4–at 1/19 at Miss. State W 79-68 2/14 at Vanderbilt W 67-66 1– Central Fidelity Classic-Richmond, Va.; 2–at
Louisville; 5–SEC Tournament-Atlanta; 6–NCAA 1/21 Ole Miss (OT) L 70-74 2/17 at Miss. State W 82-74 The Omni, Atlanta; 3–Kuppenheimer Classic-
Tournament-Salt Lake City 1/25 LSU L 79-80 2/21 Ole Miss W 107-83 Atlanta; 4–SEC Tournament-Nashville; 5–NCAA
1/28 at Tennessee W 74-73 2/25 (12) LSU W 86-85 Tournament-Louisville
2/2 at Auburn W 75-62 2/28 (25) at Tennessee L 83-93
1987-88 (20-16) 2/5 Kentucky W 84-72 3/3 (25) at Auburn W 94-79
NIT Participant 2/8 at Florida L 60-65 4 3/9 (25) Vanderbilt (OT) L 74-78 1991-92 (15-14)
Coach: Hugh Durham 2/12 at New Mexico L 66-80 5 3/16 Texas L 88-100 Coach: Hugh Durham
Captains: 2/15 Vanderbilt L 72-85 1–WKU Invitational-Bowling Green, Ky.; 2–at The Captains: Litterial Green, Reggie Tinch
Willie Anderson, Milt Blakley 2/18 Miss. State (OT) L 85-86 Omni, Atlanta; 3–Tribune Classic-Tempe, Ariz.; 4– Litterial Green (19.5 ppg),
Willie Anderson (16.7 ppg), 2/20 at LSU L 83-97 SEC Tournament-Orlando; 5–NCAA Tournament- Charles Claxton (6.6 rpg)
Alec Kessler (5.6 rpg) 2/22 at Ole Miss L 79-88 Indianapolis
3/1 Tennessee L 68-75 11/26 Mercer W 84-64
1 11/27 Southern W 93-87 3/4 Auburn W 80-76 12/1 Bucknell W 93-90
1 11/28 at SW Louisiana L 68-86 5 3/9 Miss. State W 83-68 1990-91 (17-13) 1 12/6 Long Island W 109-69
12/2 Valdosta State W 86-47 5 3/10 Florida L 61-62 NCAA Participant 1 12/7 Colorado L 58-69
2 12/5 Ga. Tech L 77-78 1– Big Apple Preseason NIT; 2– Amana- Coach: Hugh Durham 12/11 Columbus Coll. W 86-70
12/12 UNC Asheville W 95-65 Hawkeye Classic-Iowa City; 3–at The Omni, Captains: Rod Cole, Neville Austin 12/15 at Purdue L 62-65
12/15 at Augusta College W 92-76 Atlanta; 4–Cotton States Classic-Atlanta; 5–SEC Litterial Green (20.6 ppg), 2 12/18 (13) Ga. Tech W 66-65
3 12/18 New Orleans W 81-77 Tournament-Knoxville Neville Austin (5.3 rpg) 3 12/21 Penn State W 70-54
3 12/19 UAB W 85-66 12/28 Tenn. Tech W 105-90
3 12/20 Japan All-Stars W 66-62 1 11/23 (21) Wichita State W 89-58 1/4 at (2) UCLA L 80-87
4 12/23 La Salle W 79-71 1989-90 (20-9) 1 11/24 (21) at Richmond W 90-45 1/7 at (15) Kentucky L 66-78
4 12/24 Virginia L 54-87 SEC CHAMPIONS 11/28 (17) W. Kentucky W 124-65 1/11 at Tennessee L 76-78
4 12/25 (12) Oklahoma L 90-93 NCAA Participant 11/30 (17) Armstrong State W 70-54 1/15 Florida W 71-63
12/29 Baptist College W 105-56 Coach: Hugh Durham 12/8 (13) at Mercer W 117-50 1/18 at S. Carolina L 69-71
1/2 (2) Kentucky L 77-84 Captains: Alec Kessler, Mike Harron 12/11 (13) at Vanderbilt (OT) L 74-75 1/22 Vanderbilt W 72-70
1/7 at Alabama W 59-57 Alec Kessler (21.0 ppg), 12/14 (11) at Miami W 78-60 1/25 (15) Alabama L 65-68
1/9 at (15) Florida L 70-87 Alec Kessler (10.4 rpg) 2 12/19 (17) Ga. Tech (3OT) L 105-112 2/1 at Auburn L 84-89
1/13 (19) Auburn W 87-68 3 12/22 (17) (23) Texas W 79-71 2/5 at Miss. State L 66-75
1/16 LSU W 59-50 11/27 Baptist College W 91-55 12/29 (17) Purdue L 63-64 2/9 Ole Miss W 86-66
1/20 at Vanderbilt L 77-92 1 12/1 TCU W 77-72 1/2 (16) Kentucky L 80-81 2/11 at (20) LSU W 64-62
1/23 at Miss. State L 72-80 1 12/2 at W. Kentucky W 76-70 1/5 Tennessee W 107-86 4 2/16 Texas L 93-98
1/27 Ole Miss W 86-70 12/9 at Central Florida W 92-62 1/7 at (14) LSU L 76-83 2/19 (10) Arkansas W 87-78
2/3 at Tennessee L 81-92 12/11 Mercer W 85-57 1/12 Florida W 79-54 2/22 (8) Kentucky L 73-84
2/6 Alabama W 67-54 2 12/16 (15) Ga. Tech L 89-92 1/16 at Miss. State W 81-74 2/26 at Vanderbilt L 67-86
2/10 Florida W 71-65 12/20 Jacksonville W 91-62 1/19 at Alabama L 62-67 2/29 at Florida W 69-60
2/13 at Auburn L 57-64 3 12/28 Wisconsin W 65-64 1/23 Auburn (2OT) L 58-59 3/4 Tennessee L 66-67
2/17 at LSU L 62-63 3 12/29 at Arizona State L 61-62 1/30 Ole Miss W 117-62 3/7 S. Carolina W 72-54
2/20 (16) Vanderbilt L 71-77 1/3 Kentucky W 106-91 2/3 at (10) Kentucky L 84-96 5 3/12 Ole Miss W 85-66
2/24 Miss. State W 49-35 1/6 at Florida L 69-97 2/6 at Tennessee W 87-78 5 3/13 (6) Arkansas L 60-73
2/27 at Ole Miss L 72-75 1/9 at (24) Alabama L 62-79 2/8 LSU L 86-89 1–Mile High Classic-Boulder; 2–at The Omni,
3/2 at (8) Kentucky L 72-80 1/13 Vanderbilt W 108-81 2/12 at Florida L 75-90 Atlanta; 3–Kuppenheimer Classic-Atlanta;
3/5 Tennessee W 80-69 1/17 Miss. State W 83-69 2/16 (23) Miss. State L 64-70 4–at San Antonio, Texas; 5–SEC Tournament-
5 3/10 Miss. State W 64-43 1/20 at Ole Miss L 74-84 2/20 (24) Alabama W 73-68 Birmingham
5 3/11 Auburn W 65-60
5 3/12 Florida W 72-70
5 3/13 (6) Kentucky L 57-62
6 3/17 Ga. Southern W 53-48
6 3/22 at Mid. Tenn. State L 59-69
1–Louisiana Tipoff Classic-Lafayette, La.; 2–at The
Omni, Atlanta; 3-Phenix NCAA Ball-Tokyo, Japan;
4–Chaminade Christmas Classic-Honolulu; 5–SEC
Tournament-Baton Rouge; 6–NIT
1988-89 (15-16)
Coach: Hugh Durham
Captain: Patrick Hamilton
Alec Kessler (19.2 ppg),
Alec Kessler (9.7 rpg)
Season-by-season Results
1992-93 (15-14)
NIT Participant
Coach: Hugh Durham
Captains: Arlando Bennett,
Shaun Golden, Kendall Rhine
Charles Claxton (11.5 ppg),
Charles Claxton (6.6 rpg)
Season-by-season Results
3 3/6 (24) LSU W 75-54 12/18 at Marshall L 79-89
3 3/7 (24) Arkansas W 65-63 1998-99 (15-15) 12/21 at Ark.-Little Rock W 65-63 2001-02 (11-9)*
3 3/8 (24) (4) S. Carolina W 78-63 NIT Participant 12/23 Mercer W 88-54 Coach: Jim Harrick
3 3/9 (24) (6) Kentucky L 68-95 Coach: Ron Jirsa 12/28 Minnesota L 65-66 Captain: Entire Team
4 3/14 (17) Chattanooga L 70-73 Captains: G.G. Smith, Jumaine Jones 1/5 at Miss. State L 59-71 Jarvis Hayes (18.6 ppg),
1–Delta Air Lines Holiday Classic-Atlanta; 2– Jumaine Jones (18.8 ppg), 1/8 at (4) Auburn L 52-67 Chris Daniels (8.0 rpg)
Rainbow Classic-Honolulu; 3–SEC Tournament- Jumaine Jones (9.5 rpg) 1/12 Arkansas L 54-74
Memphis; 4-NCAA Tournament-Charlotte 1/15 Alabama W 75-59 11/16 Furman W 75-62
11/13 Mercer W 96-61 1/19 at LSU L 57-61 1 11/19 (14) Georgetown W 73-59
1 11/16 Coll. of Charleston W 84-63 1/22 S. Carolina W 90-62 2 11/21 Ga. Southern W 94-73
1 11/18 at (11) N. Carolina L 58-65 1/26 (16) Kentucky L 69-75 11/26 Samford W 61-55
11/23 Marshall W 78-73 1/30 at Villanova L 75-78 12/1 Colorado W 81-73
11/29 at Texas W 78-77 2/2 (24) Vanderbilt L 58-67 3 12/4 at Ga. State L 78-83
12/2 at West Virginia W 75-63 2/5 at (12) Florida L 66-85 12/7 Minnesota W 77-55
12/4 Furman W 63-47 2/9 at (8) Tennessee L 83-110 12/9 Ga. Tech W 95-82
12/8 at Appalachian St. W 63-60 2/12 Ole Miss W 71-65 4 12/15 South Alabama W 79-70
12/13 at Ga. Tech (OT) L 79-84 2/19 at (19) Kentucky L 64-70 12/17 Pepperdine W 91-74
2 12/19 Fresno State (OT) L 82-86 2/23 (9) Florida L 68-90 5 12/20 Arkansas State W 80-68
12/22 East Carolina W 82-65 2/26 at S. Carolina L 66-82 5 12/21 Miami (Ohio) W 64-59
12/28 LIU Brooklyn W 73-59 3/1 at Vanderbilt L 89-101 5 12/22 Hawaii L 44-54
1/2 at Alabama W 59-58 3/4 (11) Tennessee L 66-83 1/5 * Vanderbilt W 82-69
1/6 Miss. State W 63-60 3 3/9 Arkansas L 64-71 1/9 * at (8) Kentucky W 88-84
1/10 at Florida L 62-72 1–Carrs/Safeway Great Alaska Shootout- 1/12 * Tennessee W 73-70
1/13 Vanderbilt W 70-63 Anchorage; 2–Delta Air Lines Holiday Classic for 1/16 (20) (16) Alabama L 72-77
1/16 at (24) Arkansas L 79-82 Kids-Atlanta; 3–SEC Tournament-Atlanta 1/19 (20) * at (2) Florida W 84-79
RON JIRSA 1/20 at Tennessee L 69-85 1/23 (15) * Arkansas W 81-67
1/23 at Ole Miss L 76-85 1/26 (16) at Vanderbilt L 84-86
Head Coach from 1997-99
1/26 (6) Kentucky (OT) L 83-91 2000-01 (16-15) 1/30 (16) at S. Carolina L 67-81
1/30 (7) Auburn L 74-85 2/2 (17) * Ole Miss W 79-72
1997-98 (20-15)
NCAA Participant
2/3 at Vanderbilt W 82-67 Coach: Jim Harrick 2/6 (17) * at Miss. State W 86-68
NIT Semifinals 2/6 S. Carolina W 80-56 Captain: Adrian Jones 2/9 (17) at Auburn L 72-75
Coach: Ron Jirsa 2/13 (23) Florida L 64-75 D.A. Layne (16.8 ppg), 2/12 (21) (6) Florida L 70-85
Captains: Ray Harrison, G.G. Smith 2/17 at (6) Kentucky L 71-92 Anthony Evans (7.5 rpg) 2/16 (21) * (10) Kentucky W 78-69
Jumaine Jones (14.7 ppg), 2/20 LSU W 59-57 2/23 (18) * at LSU W 55-54
Jumaine Jones (8.5 rpg) 2/23 Tennessee L 65-75 11/17 Ga. State L 79-91 2/27 (16) * S. Carolina (OT) W 82-75
2/27 at S. Carolina (OT) L 66-70 11/19 at Minnesota L 74-77 3/2 (16) at Tennessee (OT) L 63-71
1 11/11 (19) N.C. State L 45-47 3 3/4 Alabama L 58-65 1 11/23 Indiana State W 82-64 6 3/8 (17) LSU L 76-78
1 11/12 (19) (22) Texas W 89-87 4 3/10 at Clemson L 57-77 1 11/24 (18) Utah W 65-60 7 3/15 (23) * Murray State W 85-68
11/20 (25) Mercer W 78-58 1–Chase Pre-Season NIT; 2–Delta Air Lines 1 11/25 (5) Stanford L 58-71 7 3/17 (23) * Southern Illinois L 75-77
11/22 (25) Charleston So. W 116-59 Holiday Classic for Kids-Atlanta; 3–SEC 11/28 Coastal Carolina W 102-69 1– Tip-Off Classic - Springfield, Mass.; 2–at
11/25 (22) Ga. Southern W 96-74 Tournament-Atlanta; 4–NIT 12/6 Pepperdine W 72-61 Savannah, Ga.; 3–Georgia Dome-Atlanta; 4–
11/28 (22) Texas W 94-76 12/9 at Ga. Tech W 75-70 Coors Classic-Mobile, Ala.; 5–Rainbow Classic-
2 12/6 (22) (12) Stanford L 74-76 2 12/9 N.C. State W 69-63 Honolulu; 6–SEC Tournament-Atlanta; 7–NCAA
12/9 (23) at Colorado W 84-73 12/16 at (6) Wake Forest L 57-75 Tournament - Chicago
12/13 (23) at East Carolina W 55-54 3 12/21 California L 64-85 * All victories from January 2002 through
3 12/20 (20) West Virginia L 81-86 12/23 at Fresno State L 61-80 season’s end were later vacated because
12/23 Ga. Tech W 77-71 12/28 Villanova W 91-80 of NCAA sanctions, along with a 1-1 record
12/27 (1) N. Carolina (OT) L 80-82 1/6 at Kentucky L 63-67 in the NCAA Tournament. Actual on-court
1/3 at Auburn L 62-73 1/10 Auburn (OT) W 85-80 record was 22-10, 10-6 in SEC play.
1/6 (6) Kentucky L 62-90 1/13 at (20) Ole Miss W 70-66
1/10 at Florida L 77-82 1/17 at (7) Florida W 75-72
1/18 (14) S. Carolina L 60-68 1/21 LSU W 58-53 2002-03 (0-8)*
1/21 at Miss. State L 64-69 1/24 at Vanderbilt W 82-73 Coach: Jim Harrick
1/24 at LSU W 61-52 1/27 (6) Tennessee (2OT) W 77-75 Captain:
1/28 (12) Ole Miss W 70-68 1/31 (25) Kentucky L 70-85 Ezra Williams, Jarvis Hayes
1/31 Vanderbilt L 64-68 2/3 (25) (13) Florida L 71-82 Jarvis Hayes (18.3 ppg),
2/4 at Tennessee L 48-77 2/7 at S. Carolina L 75-77 Steve Thomas (7.3 rpg)
2/7 Florida W 87-77 2/10 at (18) Alabama L 68-76
2/10 (12) Arkansas W 86-70 JIM HARRICK 2/14 Vanderbilt W 70-68 1 11/15 (16) (4) Texas L 71-77
2/14 at Vanderbilt W 81-62 2/21 at (22) Tennessee W 88-76 11/23 (18) * Belmont W 87-71
2/18 Alabama W 78-71
Head Coach from 1999-2003 2/24 S. Carolina L 56-64 11/27 (17) at Ga. Tech L 81-83
2/22 at (8) Kentucky L 74-85 2/28 Miss. State W 94-73 11/30 (17) at (24) Minnesota L 69-72
2/24 at (14) S. Carolina L 76-78 1999-2000 (10-20) 3/3 at Arkansas L 67-82 12/3 * at Colorado W 71-70
2/28 Tennessee W 77-72 Coach: Jim Harrick 4 3/8 LSU L 62-63 2 12/7 * California (OT) W 78-73
4 3/5 Miss. State W 79-76 Captains: Adrian Jones, D.A. Layne 5 3/15 Missouri L 68-70 3 12/15 * Gonzaga W 95-83
4 3/6 (10) Ole Miss L 67-72 D.A. Layne (18.3 ppg), 1–Puerto Rico Shootout-Bayamon, P.R.; 2–Delta 12/18 * South Alabama W 94-82
5 3/11 at Iowa W 100-93 Anthony Evans (8.7 rpg) Holiday Classic for Kids-Atlanta; 3–Pete Newell 12/22 * App. State W 99-62
5 3/17 at N.C. State W 61-55 Challenge-Oakland; 4–SEC Tournament- 12/28 * Wisc.-Milwaukee W 89-69
5 3/19 Vanderbilt W 79-65 11/19 at N.C. State L 63-67 Nashville; 5–NCAA Tournament-Greensboro 12/31 * (2) Pittsburgh W 79-67
6 3/24 Penn State L 60-66 1 11/25 (10) Kansas L 78-88 1/5 * (21) LSU W 89-63
6 3/26 Fresno State W 95-79 1 11/26 Louisville L 62-85 1/11 (20) at (11) Florida L 63-66
1–Coaches vs. Cancer IKON Classic-East 1 11/27 Grambling St. W 113-74 1/18 (20) * at Arkansas W 81-64
Rutherford; 2–Wooden Classic-Anaheim; 3–Delta 12/1 Tennessee State W 84-78 1/22 (19) * Tennessee (OT) W 81-76
Air Lines Holiday Classic for Kids-Atlanta; 4–SEC 12/6 at Furman (OT) W 86-82 1/25 (19) * (24) Auburn W 85-79
Tournament-Atlanta; 5–NIT preliminary rounds; 12/8 Ga. Tech W 70-68 1/29 (15) at Vanderbilt L 91-94
6-NIT-New York 2 12/11 (18) Wake Forest W 68-67 2/1 (15) * (21) Miss. State W 67-63
Season-by-season Results
2/8 (17) at Tennessee L 72-78 12/7 Ga. Tech W 91-75 1/17 at Arkansas W 67-64
2/11 (20) at (3) Kentucky L 67-87 2004-05 (8-20) 2 12/10 Ga. State W 72-61 1/20 at (10) Alabama L 76-78
2/15 (20) * Vanderbilt W 83-70 Coach: Dennis Felton 3 12/17 Oregon State L 60-64 1/24 (25) Kentucky (OT) W 78-69
2/18 (22) * at Alabama W 74-69 Captains: Steve Newman, Levi Stukes 12/21 at (20) Nevada L 62-68 1/28 (21) LSU W 57-54
2/22 (22) * S. Carolina W 79-66 Levi Stukes (15.2 ppg), 12/28 Clemson W 72-69 1/31 at Tennessee L 71-82
2/26 (21) * at Ole Miss W 89-82 Dave Bliss (5.4 rpg) 12/31 W. Carolina W 89-65 2/3 at (24) Vanderbilt L 61-66
3/2 (21) (2) Kentucky L 66-74 1/2 Howard W 78-72 2/7 (1) Florida L 61-71
3/4 (25) * (3) Florida W 84-82 11/23 W. Kentucky L 61-71 1/7 (5) Florida L 72-90 2/10 at S. Carolina W 73-54
3/9 (25) at S. Carolina (OT) W 65-60 11/26 Nevada L 47-58 1/11 at Tennessee L 76-89 2/14 Kennesaw State W 75-66
1–Coaches vs. Cancer Classic-New York; 2– 12/1 Alabama A&M W 71-54 1/14 at S. Carolina (OT) W 64-61 2/17 Auburn W 86-79
Wooden Classic-Anaheim; 3–Chick-Fil-A Peach 12/5 at (4) Ga. Tech L 49-87 1/17 Kentucky L 55-69 2/21 at Ole Miss L 49-67
Bowl Classic-Atlanta 12/8 Gardner-Webb W 67-62 1/21 Ole Miss W 72-65 2/24 Miss. State W 86-73
* All victories during the season were later 1 12/11 Oregon State (OT) W 76-74 1/25 at LSU L 52-81 2/28 at Kentucky L 70-82
vacated because of NCAA sanctions. Actual 12/19 Wofford (OT) W 93-89 1/28 at Auburn L 65-66 3/3 Tennessee L 65-71
on-court record was 19-8, 11-5 in SEC play. 12/22 Bethune-Cookman W 78-67 2/1 Alabama W 88-79 2 3/8 Auburn W 80-65
12/28 Savannah State W 100-69 2/4 at Vanderbilt W 74-73 2 3/9 (5) Florida L 57-74
12/31 Stetson L 52-56 2/11 (11) Tennessee L 78-83 3 3/14 Fresno State W 88-78
1/5 Tennessee L 65-72 2/15 at Kentucky L 61-68 3 3/19 at Air Force L 52-83
1/8 at S. Carolina L 54-74 2/18 Vanderbilt L 55-72 1–at Gwinnett Arena-Duluth; 2–SEC Tournament-
1/12 at Ole Miss L 54-59 2/23 S. Carolina W 48-47 Atlanta; 3–NIT
1/15 (9) Kentucky L 55-76 2/25 at Miss. State L 68-83
1/22 Vanderbilt W 68-59 3/1 at (17) Florida L 66-77
1/25 at Florida L 47-70 3/5 Arkansas L 57-74 2007-08 (17-17)
1/29 at (14) Alabama L 47-75 4 3/9 Arkansas L 67-80 SEC Tournament Champions
2/2 LSU L 79-95 1–Paradise Jam-St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.; 2–at NCAA Participant
2/5 S. Carolina L 53-60 Gwinnett Arena-Duluth; 3–Rose Garden-Portland; Coach: Dennis Felton
2/9 at Arkansas L 47-62 4–SEC Tournament-Nashville Captains: Dave Bliss, Sundiata Gaines
2/12 at (5) Kentucky L 51-60 Sundiata Gaines (14.8 ppg),
2 2/16 Clemson L 42-59 Sundiata Gaines (6.0 rpg)
2/19 Auburn W 57-45 2006-07 (19-14)
2/23 Miss. State L 62-76 NIT Participant 11/9 Jacksonville State W 107-65
2/26 at Vanderbilt L 37-65 Coach: Dennis Felton 11/14 Grambling State W 83-70
DENNIS FELTON 3/2 Florida L 38-50 Captain: Kevin Brophy 11/20 Elon W 76-65
3/5 at Tennessee L 68-78 Takais Brown (14.2 ppg), 11/24 at Wisconsin L 49-68
Head Coach from 2003-09 3 3/10 Miss. State L 65-76 Sundiata Gaines (5.7 rpg) 11/28 Delaware State W 58-47
12/3 Augusta State W 81-74
2003-04 (16-14)
1–Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl Classic-Atlanta; 2–Bi-Lo
Center-Greenville, S.C.; 3–SEC Tournament-Atlanta 11/10 Southern W 97-37 12/8 Wake Forest W 72-50
NIT Participant 11/14 W. Kentucky L 67-70 1 12/20 East Tenn. State L 58-76
Coach: Dennis Felton 11/18 Valdosta State W 105-74 1 12/21 Tulane L 69-70
Captains: 2005-06 (15-15) 11/21 S.C. State W 105-60 1 12/22 Hawaii W 67-59
Damien Wilkins, Rashad Wright Coach: Dennis Felton 11/24 Alabama A&M W 80-36 12/30 Presbyterian W 68-58
Damien Wright (14.4 ppg), Captains: Dave Bliss, Jay McAuley 12/2 at Wake Forest W 87-86 1/5 at Gonzaga L 67-75
Chris Daniels (8.1 rpg) Levi Stukes (11.6 ppg), 12/5 Gardner-Webb W 96-67 1/9 Ga. Tech W 79-72
Sundiata Gaines (5.1 rpg) 1 12/16 (16) Gonzaga W 96-83 1/12 at Miss. State L 49-60
11/21 W. Carolina W 78-67 12/19 Jacksonville W 93-77 1/16 Alabama W 61-54
11/25 Florida Atlantic W 99-84 1 11/18 Old Dominion L 65-74 12/22 at Ga. Tech L 69-78 1/19 Arkansas W 82-69
11/29 at (16) Gonzaga (OT) L 76-82 1 11/20 Fordham W 79-68 12/28 at (25) Clemson L 60-75 1/26 at (3) Tennessee L 69-85
12/2 Towson W 81-51 1 11/21 E. Kentucky W 76-68 12/31 (4) Wisconsin L 54-64 1/30 at S. Carolina L 56-62
12/5 Florida A&M W 77-59 11/26 at W. Kentucky W 69-65 1/6 at (3) Florida L 51-67 2/2 Kentucky L 58-63
12/9 Winthrop L 60-80 11/29 Florida A&M W 95-74 1/10 S. Carolina W 80-56 2/6 (23) Vanderbilt L 59-67
1 12/13 Clemson W 61-56 12/3 Savannah State W 84-48 1/13 Vanderbilt W 85-73 2/9 at Florida L 67-77
12/18 South Alabama W 65-63
12/22 Charleston So. W 79-59
12/30 at (16) Pittsburgh L 55-76
1/3 (3) Ga. Tech (2OT) W 83-80
1/7 at Tennessee L 65-89
1/10 S. Carolina L 63-84
1/17 at (5) Kentucky W 65-57
1/21 Alabama L 42-45
1/24 at (19) Miss. State L 58-71
1/28 at LSU L 59-63
1/31 Arkansas W 71-50
2/4 Ole Miss W 64-51
2/7 at Auburn L 54-57
2/11 at Vanderbilt L 39-61
2/14 (8) Kentucky W 74-68
2/17 Florida W 76-62
2/21 Tennessee W 71-60
2/28 at S. Carolina L 47-63
3/3 at Florida L 55-63
3/6 Vanderbilt W 71-61
2 3/11 Auburn W 73-59 2008 SEC Tournament Champions
2 3/12 (8) Kentucky L 60-69 Seated (L-R): Corey Butler, Billy Humphrey, Jeremy Jacob, Chris Barnes, Dave Bliss, Albert Jackson, Jeremy Price, Terrance
3 3/17 at Iowa State L 74-82 Woodbury, Troy Brewer, Sundiata Gaines and Zac Swansey. Standing (L-R): Athletic trainer Colby Pohlmann, associate head
1–Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl Classic-Atlanta; 2–SEC coach Pete Herrmann, program coordinator Brion Raven, assistant coach Mike Jones, head coach Dennis Felton, assistant coach
Tournament-Atlanta; 3–NIT Desmond Oliver, director of operations Melvin Robinson, graduate manager Jay McAuley and strength & conditioning coach
Mike Schweigert.
Season-by-season Results
2/13 S. Carolina W 82-64 2/16 (18) Vanderbilt L 56-64 1/19 LSU W 67-58
2/16 (4) Tennessee L 71-74 2/19 at Tennessee W 69-60 1/23 (8) Florida L 47-64
2/19 at Kentucky L 55-61 2/24 at (13) Florida L 62-71 1/26 at Texas A&M W 59-52
2/23 at (20) Vanderbilt L 74-86 2/26 S. Carolina W 64-48 1/30 Auburn W 57-49
2/27 Florida L 64-77 3/2 LSU W 73-53 2/2 at S. Carolina W 67-56
3/2 at LSU L 64-71 3/5 at Alabama L 57-65 2/6 at Tennessee W 68-62
3/5 at Auburn W 59-54 2 3/10 Auburn W 69-51 2/9 Texas A&M W 52-46
3/8 Ole Miss L 62-76 2 3/11 Alabama (OT) L 59-65 2/12 Alabama L 45-52
2 3/13 Ole Miss (OT) W 97-95 3 3/18 Washington L 65-68 2/16 at Ole Miss (OT) L 74-84
3 3/15 Kentucky (OT) W 60-56 1–Old Spice Classic-Orlando; 2–SEC Tournament- 2/21 at Arkansas L 60-62
3 3/15 Miss. State W 64-60 Atlanta; 3–NCAA Tournament-Charlotte 2/23 S. Carolina (OT) W 62-54
3 3/16 Arkansas W 66-57 2/27 at Vanderbilt L 62-63
4 3/20 (12) Xavier L 61-73 3/2 Tennessee W 78-68
1–Rainbow Classic-Honolulu; 2–SEC Tournament- 2011-12 (15-17) 3/7 Kentucky W 72-62
Georgia Dome; 3–SEC Tournament-Ga. Tech; 4– Coach: Mark Fox 3/9 at Alabama L 58-61
NCAA Tournament-Washington, D.C. Gerald Robinson (14.2 ppg), 4 3/14 LSU L 63-68
MARK FOX Kentavious Caldwell-Pope (5.2 rpg) 1–Progressive Legends Classic-Athens; 2–
2008-09 (12-20) Head Coach from 2009-18 Progressive Legends Classic-Brooklyn; 3–SEC/
11/11 Wofford W 62-49 Big East Invitational-Tampa; 4–SEC Tournament-
Coaches: Dennis Felton (9-11), 2 12/19 Illinois W 70-67 1 11/13 Bowling Green W 63-54 Nashville
Pete Hermann (3-9) 12/23 Florida Atlantic W 77-60 1 11/16 South Dakota State W 72-61
Captains: Corey Butler, 12/30 Pepperdine W 64-47 2 11/21 (20) California L 46-70
Terrance Woodbury, Albert Jackson 1/2 at Missouri L 61-89 2 11/22 Notre Dame W 61-57 2013-14 (20-14)
Terrance Woodbury (14.0 ppg), 1/5 (20) Ga. Tech W 73-66 11/25 at (12) Xavier L 56-70 NIT Participant
Trey Thompkins (7.4 rpg) 1/9 at (3) Kentucky L 68-76 11/28 at Colorado L 68-70 Coach: Mark Fox
1/13 (21) Ole Miss L 76-80 3 12/2 Cincinnati L 51-57 Charles Mann (13.9 ppg),
11/14 USC Upstate W 72-48 1/16 at Miss. State L 69-72 12/7 Ga. Tech L 56-68 Marcus Thornton (6.1 rpg)
1 11/17 Loyola-Chicago L 53-74 1/23 (8) Tennessee W 78-63 12/17 at Southern Cal W 63-59
1 11/18 Eastern Michigan W 61-60 1/27 at Florida L 71-87 12/20 Mercer W 72-58 11/8 Wofford W 72-52
11/21 Presbyterian W 55-47 1/30 at S. Carolina L 77-78 12/23 Furman W 64-50 11/15 Ga. Tech L 71-80
2 11/24 Santa Clara W 54-48 2/3 Arkansas L 68-72 12/27 Winthrop (OT) W 92-86
1 11/21 Davidson L 82-94
2 11/25 Miss. Valley State W 98-57 2/6 (18) Vanderbilt W 72-58 12/30 Delaware State W 58-51
1 11/22 Temple L 81-83
12/2 W. Kentucky L 63-67 2/10 at Auburn L 63-82 1/7 Alabama L 59-74
1 11/24 Nebraska L 65-73
3 12/6 Illinois L 42-76 2/13 S. Carolina W 66-61 1/10 at (19) Florida L 48-70 11/29 App. State W 71-53
12/9 Virginia Tech W 67-66 2/17 at (20) Tennessee L 60-69 1/14 at Vanderbilt L 66-77 12/2 Chattanooga W 87-56
12/20 Wofford (OT) W 74-73 2/20 Alabama W 76-70 1/18 Tennessee (OT) W 57-53 12/14 Lipscomb W 84-75
12/22 Texas A&M-CC (OT) L 79-80 2/25 at (16) Vanderbilt (OT) L 94-96 1/21 Ole Miss L 63-66 12/19 Gardner-Webb W 58-49
12/28 N.C. A&T W 98-68 2/27 Florida W 78-76 1/24 (1) Kentucky L 44-57 12/21 W. Carolina W 65-63
12/31 Kennesaw State W 72-52 3/3 (3) Kentucky L 68-80 2/1 at Auburn L 51-59 12/28 at (21) Colorado L 70-84
1/3 Missouri L 76-83 3/6 at LSU L 48-50 2/4 at Tennessee L 62-73 1/3 at G. Washington L 55-73
1/6 at Ga. Tech L 62-67 3 3/11 Arkansas W 77-64 2/8 Arkansas W 81-59 1/8 at (21) Missouri (OT) W 70-64
1/10 (15) Tennessee L 77-86 3 3/12 (20) Vanderbilt L 66-78 2/11 at (20) Miss. State (OT) W 70-68 1/11 Alabama W 66-58
1/14 at Vanderbilt L 40-50 1–SEC/Big East Invitational-New York; 2–at 2/15 at S. Carolina L 56-57 1/14 at (7) Florida L 50-72
1/18 Kentucky L 45-68 Gwinnett Center-Duluth; 3–SEC Tournament- 2/19 Vanderbilt L 52-61 1/18 Arkansas (OT) W 66-61
1/24 Miss. State L 61-67 Nashville 2/22 at LSU L 53-61 1/22 S. Carolina W 97-76
1/28 at Florida L 57-83 2/25 (11) Florida W 76-62 1/25 at (14) Kentucky L 54-79
1/31 at Alabama L 70-75 3/1 at (1) Kentucky L 49-79 1/29 Vanderbilt L 54-59
2/4 LSU L 62-80 2010-11 (21-12) 3/3 S. Carolina W 67-55 2/1 at Auburn L 67-74
2/7 at S. Carolina L 68-79 NCAA Participant 4 3/8 Miss. State W 71-61 2/6 LSU W 91-78
2/11 at Tennessee L 48-79 Coach: Mark Fox 4 3/9 Vanderbilt L 41-63 2/8 Texas A&M W 62-50
2/14 Florida W 88-86 Trey Thompkins (16.4 ppg), 1–Progressive CBE Classic - Athens; 2– 2/12 at Miss. State W 75-55
2/18 Auburn L 59-71 Trey Thompkins (7.6 rpg) Progressive CBE Classic-Kansas City, Mo.; 2/15 Ole Miss W 61-60
2/21 at Ole Miss L 47-69 3–SEC/Big East Invitational-Athens; 4–SEC 2/18 at Tennessee L 48-67
2/25 Vanderbilt W 61-57 11/12 Miss. Valley State W 72-70 Tournament-New Orleans 2/22 at S. Carolina W 73-56
3/1 at Arkansas L 67-89 11/16 Colorado W 83-74 2/25 Missouri W 71-56
3/4 at Kentucky W 90-85 11/20 at Saint Louis W 61-59 3/1 at Arkansas L 75-87
3/7 S. Carolina L 51-68 1 11/25 Notre Dame (2OT) L 83-89 2012-13 (15-17) 3/5 Miss. State W 66-45
4 3/12 Miss. State L 60-79 1 11/26 Temple L 58-65 Coach: Mark Fox 3/8 at LSU W 69-61
1–Dick’s Sporting Goods NIT Season Tip-Off-W. 1 11/27 Manhattan W 61-58 Kentavious Caldwell-Pope (18.5ppg), 2 3/14 Ole Miss W 75-73
Lafayette, Ind.; 2–Dick’s Sporting Goods NIT 12/3 UAB W 66-64 Kentavious Caldwell-Pope (7.1 rpg) 2 3/15 Kentucky L 58-70
Season Tip-Off Consolation Bracket; 3–at United 12/7 at Ga. Tech W 73-72 3 3/19 Vermont W 63-56
Center-Chicago; 4–SEC Tournament-Tampa 12/18 Arkansas State W 68-59 11/19 Jacksonville W 68-62 3 3/22 Louisiana Tech L 71-79
12/21 High Point W 85-38 1 11/12 Youngstown State L 56-68 1–Gildan Charleston Classic-Charleston; 2–SEC
12/23 at Mercer W 56-53 1 11/15 Southern Miss (OT) L 60-62 Tournament-Atlanta; 3–NIT
2009-10 (14-17) 12/28 Charleston So. W 70-55 2 11/19 (1) Indiana L 53-66
Coach: Mark Fox 12/31 Eastern Kentucky W 64-57 2 11/20 (11) UCLA L 56-60
Trey Thompkins (17.7), 1/8 (10) Kentucky W 77-70 11/23 East Tenn. State W 54-38 2014-15 (21-12)
Trey Thompkins (8.3 rpg) 1/12 (24) at Vanderbilt L 66-73 3 11/30 at South Florida L 53-64 NCAA Participant
1/15 (24) at Ole Miss W 98-76 12/4 at Ga. Tech L 54-62 Coach: Mark Fox
11/13 New Orleans W 67-59 1/18 Tennessee L 57-59 12/15 Iona (OT) L 78-81 Marcus Thornton (12.3 ppg),
11/17 Wofford L 57-60 1/22 Miss. State W 86-64 12/18 Mercer W 58-49 Marcus Thornton (7.3 rpg)
11/21 at UAB L 56-72 1/25 (24) Florida (2OT) L 91-104 12/22 Southern Cal W 64-56
11/24 UNC Asheville W 79-58 1/29 at (14)Kentucky L 60-66 12/29 Florida A&M W 82-73 11/14 at Ga. Tech L 73-80
11/27 Jacksonville State W 67-64 2/2 at Arkansas W 60-59 1/4 G. Washington W 52-41 1 11/18 Stony Brook W 80-70
12/2 St. Louis W 64-56 2/5 Auburn (OT) W 81-72 1/9 at (11) Florida L 44-77 11/21 Troy W 82-60
12/6 at Virginia Tech L 62-74 2/8 Xavier L 57-65 1/12 Miss. State L 61-72 11/23 Florida Atlantic W 74-61
1 12/9 at St. John’s L 56-66 2/12 at S. Carolina W 60-56 1/16 at (17) Missouri L 62-79 2 11/26 (10) Gonzaga L 76-88
Season-by-season Results
2 11/28
at Chattanooga
86-55 2016-17 (19-15) 2/21
at S. Carolina
12/7 Colorado W 64-57 NIT Participant 2/28 Texas A&M L 60-61
12/21 Seton Hall W 64-47 Coach: Mark Fox 3/3 at 16 Tennessee L 61-66
12/27 Mercer (3OT) W 86-77 J.J. Frazier (18.8 ppg) 3 3/7 Vanderbilt W 78-62
12/31 at Kansas State W 50-46 Derek Ogbeide (7.6 rpg) 3 3/8 Missouri W 62-60
1/3 Norfolk State W 63-50 3 3/9 Kentucky L 49-62
1/6 (23) Arkansas L 75-79 11/11 at Clemson L 64-74 1–Wooden Legacy, Fullerton, Calif.; 2–SEC/Big
1/10 at LSU (2OT) L 84-87 1 11/14 UNC Asheville W 60-46 12 Challenge; 3–SEC Tournament, St. Louis
1/14 at Vanderbilt W 70-67 1 11/17 Furman W 84-78
1/17 Florida W 73-61 2 11/21 G. Washington W 81-73
1/20 Ole Miss W 69-64 2 11/22 (5) Kansas
11/25 Gardner-Webb
L 54-65
W 77-59
2018-19 (11-21)
1/24 at Miss. State W 72-66 Coach: Tom Crean
1/27 Vanderbilt W 70-62 11/30 Morehouse W 86-72 Nicolas Claxton (13.0 ppg),
1/31 at S. Carolina L 50-67 12/4 Marquette L 79-89 Nicolas Claxton (8.6 rpg)
2/3 at (1) Kentucky L 58-69 12/14 UL Lafayette W 73-60
2/7 Tennessee W 56-53 12/17 Charleston So. W 84-64 11/9 Savannah State W 110-76 TOM CREAN
2/11 at Texas A&M W 62-53 12/20 at Ga. Tech W 60-43 11/13 at Temple L 77-81 Head Coach from 2019-present
2/14 Auburn L 68-69 12/23 at Oakland L 79-86 1 11/16 Sam Houston St. W 75-64
2/17 S. Carolina L 58-64 12/29 at Auburn W 96-84 2 11/19 Illinois State W 80-68 1/28 at Missouri L 69-72
2/21 at Alabama (OT) W 66-65 1/4 S. Carolina L 61-67 2 11/20 (16) Clemson L 49-64 2/1 Texas A&M W 63-48
2/25 at Ole Miss W 76-72 1/7 Missouri W 71-66 2 11/21 Ga. State L 67-91 2/5 at Florida L 75-81
2/28 Missouri W 68-44 1/11 at Ole Miss W 69-47 11/27 Kennesaw State W 84-51 2/8 Alabama (OT) L 102-105
3/3 (1) Kentucky L 72-64 1/14 at (23) Florida (OT) L 76-80 12/3 Texas Southern W 92-75 2/12 S. Carolina L 59-75
3/7 at Auburn W 64-61 1/17 Vanderbilt W 76-68 12/15 (20) Arizona State L 74-76 2/15 at Texas A&M L 69-74
3 3/13 S. Carolina W 74-62 1/21 at Texas A&M L 62-63 12/18 Oakland W 81-69 2/19 (13) Auburn W 65-55
3 3/14 (21) Arkansas L 49-60 1/25 Alabama L 60-80 12/22 at Ga. Tech W 70-59 2/22 at Vanderbilt W 80-78
4 3/20 Michigan St. L 63-70 3 1/28 Texas W 59-57 12/30 Massachusetts W 91-72 2/26 at S. Carolina (OT) L 90-94
1–NIT Tip-Off, Athens; 2–NIT Tip-Off, New
1/31 at (8) Kentucky (OT) L 81-90 1/5 at (3) Tennessee L 50-96 2/29 Arkansas W 99-89
York; 3–SEC Tournament, Nashville; 4–NCAA
2/4 at (19) S. Carolina L 75-77 1/9 Vanderbilt W 82-63 3/4 Florida L 54-68
Tournament, Charlotte
2/7 (17) Florida L 60-72 1/12 at (11) Auburn L 78-93 3/7 at LSU L 64-94
2/11 at Tennessee W 76-75 1/15 (12) Kentucky L 49-69 3 3/11 Ole Miss W 81-63
2/14 Miss. State W 79-72 1/19 Florida L 52-62 1–Maui on the Mainland, Athens; 2–Maui Jim
2015-16 (20-14) 2/18
(13) Kentucky
at Alabama
L 77-82
W 60-55
1/23 at (25) LSU L 82-92 Maui Invitational, Lahaina, Maui; 3-SEC Tourna-
ment, Nashville
NIT Participant 3 1/26 Texas W 98-88
Coach: Mark Fox 2/25 LSU W 82-80 1/29 at Arkansas L 60-70
3/1 Auburn W 79-78
J.J. Frazier (16.9 ppg),
Yanta Maten (8.0 rpg) 3/4 at Arkansas L 67-85
S. Carolina
at Alabama
L 80-86
L 74-89 2020-21 (14-12)
4 3/9 Tennessee W 59-57 2/9 Ole Miss L 64-80 Coach: Tom Crean
11/13 Chattanooga (OT) L 90-92 4 3/10 (8) Kentucky L 60-71 2/12 at Texas A&M L 56-73 Sahvir Wheeler (14.0 ppg),
11/20 Murray St. W 63-52 5 3/15 Belmont L 69-78 2/16 (19) LSU L 79-83 Toumani Camara (7.7 rpg)
11/25 High Point W 49-46 1–CBE Hall of Fame Classic, Athens; 2–CBE Hall 2/20 Miss. State L 67-68
11/28 at Seton Hall L 62-69 of Fame Classic, Kansas City; 3–SEC/Big 12 Chal- 2/23 at Ole Miss L 71-72 11/29 Florida A&M W 85-75
12/1 Oakland W 86-82 lenge; 4–SEC Tournament, Nashville; 5–NIT 2/27 Auburn L 75-78 12/2 North Georgia W 84-62
12/4 Kansas St. L 66-68 3/2 at Florida W 61-55 12/4 Jacksonville W 98-65
12/8 Montana W 63-50
12/8 Winthrop
12/19 Ga. Tech
W 74-64
W 75-61 2017-18 (18-15) 3/6
at S. Carolina
L 39-64
L 46-66 12/12 Samford W 79-75
12/22 Clemson W 71-48 Coach: Mark Fox 4 3/13 Missouri L 61-71 12/19 Cincinnati W 83-68
12/29 Robert Morris W 79-67 Yante Maten (19.3 ppg), 1–Cayman Islands Classic; campus; 2-Cayman 12/22 Northeastern W 76-58
1/2 at Florida L 63-77 Yante Maten (8.6 rpg) Islands Classic, Grand Cayman; 3–SEC/Big 12 12/30 Mississippi St. L 73-83
1/6 Missouri W 77-59 Challenge; 4–SEC Tournament, Nashville 1/6 at LSU (OT) L 92-94
1/9 at Ole Miss L 71-72 11/10 Bryant W 79-54 1/9 at Arkansas L 69-99
1/13 Tennessee W 81-72 11/14 USC Upstate W 74-65 1/13 Auburn L 77-95
1/16 (15) Texas A&M L 45-79 11/19
1 11/23
Texas A&M-CC
at Cal St. Fullerton
2019-20 (16-16) 1/16
at Ole Miss
W 78-74
W 63-62
1/20 at Missouri W 60-57 Coach: Tom Crean
1/23 Arkansas (OT) W 76-73 1 11/24 San Diego State L 68-75 Anthony Edwards (19.1 ppg), 1/23 Florida L 84-92
1/26 at LSU L 85-89 1 11/26 (21) St. Mary’s (OT) W 83-81 Rayshaun Hammonds (7.4 rpg) 1/27 at S. Carolina L 59-83
1 1/30 at (17) Baylor L 73-83 12/2 at Marquette W 73-66 1/30 Ole Miss W 71-61
2/2 (25) S. Carolina W 69-56 12/5 Winthrop W 87-82 11/5 Western Carolina W 91-72 2/2 at Auburn W 91-86
2/6 Auburn W 65-55 12/16 at Massachusetts L 62-72 11/12 The Citadel W 95-86 2/6 Vanderbilt W 73-70
2/9 at (22) Kentucky L 48-82 12/19 Ga. Tech W 80-59 1 11/15 Delaware St. W 100-66 2/10 at Texas A&M Postponed
2/13 at Miss. State W 66-57 12/22 Temple W 84-66 11/20 Ga. Tech W 82-78 2/10 at (16) Tennessee L 89-81
2/16 Florida L 53-57 12/31 at (16) Kentucky L 61-66 2 11/25 Dayton L 61-80 2/13 at (11) Alabama L 82-115
2/20 at Vanderbilt L 67-80 1/3 Ole Miss W 71-60 2 11/26 (3) Michigan St. L 85-93 2/16 (20) Missouri W 80-70
2/24 at Auburn L 81-84 1/6 Alabama W 65-46 2 11/27 Chaminade W 80-77 2/20 at Florida L 63-70
2/27 Ole Miss W 80-66 1/10 at Missouri L 56-68 12/4 N.C. Central W 95-59 2/23 LSU W 91-78
3/3 at S. Carolina W 74-72 1/13 S. Carolina L 57-64 12/14 at Arizona State L 59-79 2/27 South Carolina L 70-91
3/5 Alabama W 70-63 1/16 at LSU W 61-60 12/20 SMU (2OT) W 87-85 3/6 (8) Alabama L 79-89
2 3/10 Miss. State W 79-69 1/20 at (17) Auburn L 65-79 12/23 Ga. Southern W 73-64 1 3/11 & Missouri L 70-73
2 3/11 S. Carolina W 65-64 1/23 Arkansas (2OT) L 77-80 12/30 Austin Peay W 78-48 1–SEC Tournament, Nashville
2 3/12 (16) Kentucky L 80-93 2 1/27 at Kansas State L 51-56 1/4 at No. (9) Memphis W 65-62
3 3/16 Belmont W 93-84 1/30 (23) Florida W 72-60 1/7 (14) Kentucky L 69-78
3 3/20 at Saint Mary’s L 65-77 2/3 at Miss. State L 57-72 1/11 at Auburn L 60-82
1–Big 12/SEC Challenge-Waco, Texas; 2–SEC
2/7 at Vanderbilt L 66-81 1/15 Tennessee W 80-63
Tournament-Nashville; 3–NIT
2/10 (8) Auburn L 61-78 1/18 at Miss. State L 59-91
2/14 at Florida (OT) W 72-69 1/21 at (15) Kentucky L 79-89
2/17 (18) Tennessee W 73-62 1/25 Ole Miss L 60-70
All-Time Series Results
First Last Total First Last Total
Opponent Meeting Meeting Games W L Opponent Meeting Meeting Games W L
Air Force 2006-07 2006-07 1 0 1 Fordham 2005-06 2005-06 1 1 0
Alabama 1921-22 2020-21 150 #52 98 Fort Benning 1920-21 1942-43 5 3 2
Alabama A&M 2004-05 2006-07 1 2 0 Fort McPherson 1924-25 1926-27 3 3 0
Alabama State 1993-94 1993-94 1 1 0 Fresno State ** 1997-98 2006-07 4 2 2
Albany YMCA 1922-23 1939-40 6 2 4 Furman 1919-20 2016-17 27 23 4
Alpha S.S. Class 1930-31 1930-31 1 1 0 Gardner-Webb 2004-05 2016-17 4 4 0
Appalachian State 1975-76 2013-14 5 #5 0 George Washington 2012-13 2016-17 3 2 1
Arizona State 1989-90 2019-20 3 0 3 Georgetown 1977-78 2001-02 2 1 1
Arkansas 1991-92 2020-21 40 #16 24 Georgia College 1992-93 1992-93 1 1 0
Arkansas A&M 1967-68 1967-68 1 1 0 Georgia Medical College 1943-44 1943-44 2 2 0
Arkansas State 1988-89 2010-11 3 3 0 Georgia Southern ** 1934-35 2019-20 16 12 4
Arkansas-L.R. 1999-00 1999-00 1 1 0 Georgia State 1982-83 2018-19 8 5 3
Armstrong State 1986-87 1990-91 2 2 0 Georgia Tech 1905-06 2019-20 196 91 105
ASTP 1943-44 1943-44 2 0 2 Gonzaga 2002-03 2014-15 5 #2 3
Athens YMCA 1913-14 1913-14 1 1 0 Grambling State 1999-00 2007-08 2 2 0
Atlanta AC 1907-08 1930-31 40 16 24 Gulf Refinery Co. 1927-28 1933-34 3 2 1
Atlanta JCC 1930-31 1930-31 1 1 0 Hawaii 2001-02 2007-08 2 1 1
Atlanta SemiPro 1936-37 1936-37 1 1 0 High Point 2010-11 2015-16 2 2 0
Atlanta YMCA 1924-25 1933-34 5 3 2 Hofstra 1978-79 1978-79 1 1 0
Auburn 1907-08 2020-21 193 #96 97 Howard 2005-06 2005-06 1 1 0
Augusta YMCA 1907-08 1927-28 5 5 0 Idaho State 1978-79 1978-79 1 0 1
Augusta College (State) 1982-83 2007-08 4 4 0 Illinois * 1940-41 2009-10 6 1 #5
Austin Peay 2019-20 2019-20 1 1 0 Illinois State 2018-19 2018-19 1 1 0
Baptist College 1978-79 1989-90 4 4 0 Indiana 1940-41 2012-13 4 0 4
Baylor 2015-16 2015-16 1 0 1 Indiana State 2000-01 2000-01 1 1 0
Belmont ** 1979-80 2016-17 4 #3 1 Iona 2012-13 2012-13 1 0 1
Bethune-Cookman 1993-94 2004-05 2 2 0 Iowa ** 1988-89 1997-98 2 1 1
Birmingham AC 1916-17 1918-19 3 3 0 Iowa State ** 2003-04 2003-04 1 0 1
Birmingham-Southern 1984-85 1984-85 1 1 0 Jacksonville NAS 1944-45 1944-45 1 0 1
Boston College 1968-69 1968-69 1 0 1 Jacksonville State 2007-08 2009-10 2 2 0
Bowling Green 2011-12 2011-12 1 1 0 Jacksonville University 1965-66 2020-21 10 10 0
Brigham Young 1969-70 1996-97 3 1 2 Jacksonville YMCA 1922-23 1924-25 2 2 0
Brown 1966-67 1974-75 2 0 2 JPC Reds 1928-29 1929-30 2 2 0
Bryant 2017-18 2017-18 1 1 0 Kansas 1992-93 2016-17 4 0 4
Bucknell 1972-73 1991-92 2 2 0 Kansas State * 1986-87 2017-18 4 1 3
Buffalo 1948-49 1976-77 2 2 0 Kennesaw State 2006-07 2018-19 3 3 0
Buford SemiPro 1939-40 1939-40 2 2 0 Kentucky 1920-21 2020-21 156 #27 129
California 2000-01 2011-12 3 #1 2 LaSalle 1969-70 1988-89 5 3 2
Cal State Fullerton 2017-18 2017-18 1 1 0 Lawson General Hospital 1942-43 1944-45 5 3 2
Camp Wheeler 1942-43 1942-43 2 0 2 Lenoir Rhyne 1979-80 1979-80 1 1 0
Carson-Newman 1980-81 1980-81 2 2 0 Lipscomb 2013-14 2013-14 1 1 0
Celtics 1931-32 1931-32 1 0 1 Long Beach State 1988-89 1988-89 1 1 0
Central Florida 1986-87 1995-96 4 4 0 Long Island 1991-92 1998-99 2 2 0
Central Wesleyan 1982-83 1982-83 1 1 0 Louisiana College 1973-74 1973-74 1 1 0
Chaminade 2019-20 2019-20 1 1 0 Louisiana-Lafayette 1985-86 2016-17 3 2 1
Charleston Southern 1997-98 2016-17 4 4 0 Louisiana Tech 1977-78 2013-14 2 1 1
Chattanooga ** & * 1914-15 2015-16 35 30 5 Loyola of Chicago 1986-87 2008-09 2 1 1
Cherry Point USMC 1944-45 1944-45 1 0 1 LSU 1919-20 2020-21 115 #47 68
Chicago University 1940-41 1940-41 1 1 0 Louisville 1977-78 1999-00 2 1 1
Cincinnati 2011-12 2020-21 2 1 1 Macon YMCA 1918-19 1925-26 6 4 2
Citadel 1958-59 2019-20 5 3 2 Manhattan 2010-11 2010-11 1 1 0
Clemson ** & * 1912-13 2018-19 82 56 26 Marist 1994-95 1994-95 1 1 0
Coastal Carolina 2000-01 2000-01 1 1 0 Marshall 1998-99 1999-00 2 1 1
College of Charleston 1971-72 1998-99 3 3 0 Maryland ** 1923-24 1996-97 7 5 2
Colorado 1991-92 2014-15 10 #7 3 Maryville 1912-13 1912-13 1 1 0
Columbia 1952-53 1982-83 2 1 1 Marquette 1974-75 2017-18 3 1 2
Columbus State 1986-87 1991-92 2 2 0 Massachusetts 2017-18 2018-19 2 1 1
Columbus YMCA 1907-08 1924-25 12 5 7 Memphis 1986-87 2019-20 3 2 1
Cornell 1985-86 1985-86 1 1 0 Mercer 1906-07 2014-15 78 55 23
Dahlonega 1925-26 1925-26 1 1 0 Miami (Fla.) 1985-86 1992-93 3 2 1
Davidson 1908-09 2013-14 5 1 4 Miami (Ohio) 2001-02 2001-02 1 1 0
Dayton 1973-74 2019-20 2 0 2 Michigan 1983-84 1984-85 2 0 2
Delaware 1975-76 1975-76 1 1 0 Michigan State * 2014-15 2019-20 2 0 2
Delaware State 2007-08 2019-20 3 3 0 Middle Tennessee State ** 1983-84 1987-88 2 1 1
Drake 1973-74 1983-84 2 1 1 Minnesota 1993-94 2014-15 6 1 5
Duquesne 1972-73 1972-73 1 0 1 Ole Miss 1927-28 2020-21 121 #76 45
East Carolina 1996-97 1998-99 3 3 0 Mississippi State 1931-32 2020-21 115 #58 57
East Tenn. State 1960-61 2012-13 4 2 2 Mississippi Valley State 2008-09 2010-11 2 2 0
Eastern Kentucky 2005-06 2010-11 2 2 0 Missouri * 2000-01 2019-20 17 8 9
Eastern Michigan 2008-09 2008-09 1 1 0 Montana 2020-21 2020-21 1 1 0
Eckerd 1979-80 1979-80 1 1 0 Morehouse 2016-17 2016-17 1 1 0
Elon 2007-08 2007-08 1 1 0 Murray State * 2001-02 2015-16 2 #2 0
Erskine 1937-38 1979-80 6 6 0 Nashville Ramblers 1914-15 1916-17 2 2 0
Evansville 1976-77 1976-77 1 1 0 Navy 1963-64 1963-64 1 0 1
Fairleigh Dickinson 1975-76 1976-77 2 1 1 Nebraska ** 1985-86 2013-14 3 1 2
Fifth Regiment 1910-11 1910-11 1 1 0 Nevada 2004-05 2005-06 2 0 2
Florida 1923-24 2020-21 223 #105 118 Newberry 1920-21 1920-21 1 1 0
Florida A&M 2003-04 2020-21 4 4 0 New Holland AC 1929-30 1930-31 2 2 0
Florida Atlantic 2003-04 2014-15 3 3 0 New Mexico 1988-89 1988-89 1 0 1
Florida State 1951-52 1981-82 29 10 19 New Orleans 1973-74 2009-10 3 3 0
All-Time Series Results
First Last Total First Last Total
Opponent Meeting Meeting Games W L Opponent Meeting Meeting Games W L
New York Univ. 1948-49 1948-49 1 0 1 Texas A&M 2012-13 2019-20 10 5 5
Niagara 1946-47 1946-47 1 0 1 Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 2008-09 2017-18 2 1 1
Norfolk State 2014-15 2014-15 1 1 0 Texas Christian 1965-66 1989-90 2 2 0
North Carolina * 1917-18 1998-99 18 5 13 Texas Southern 2018-19 2018-19 1 1 0
North Carolina A&T 2008-09 2008-09 1 1 0 TNT 1931-32 1931-32 1 1 0
North Carolina Central 2019-20 2019-20 1 1 0 Towson 2003-04 2003-04 1 1 0
N.C. State * & ** 1923-24 2000-01 19 10 9 Trinity 1921-22 1921-22 1 1 0
Northeastern 1981-82 2020-21 2 2 0 Troy State 1976-77 2014-15 5 5 0
Northeast Louisiana 1974-75 1974-75 1 1 0 Tulsa 1980-81 1980-81 1 1 0
North Georgia 2020-21 2020-21 1 1 0 Tulane 1906-07 2007-08 30 16 14
Notre Dame 1993-94 2011-12 3 1 2 UAB 1981-82 2010-11 4 3 1
Northern Iowa 1983-84 1983-84 1 1 0 UCLA 1991-92 2012-13 3 0 3
Oakland 2015-16 2018-19 3 2 1 UNC Asheville 1978-79 2016-17 5 5 0
Oglethorpe 1921-22 1959-60 6 6 0 USC-Upstate 2008-09 2017-18 2 2 0
Ohio State 1977-78 1977-78 1 1 0 Utah 2000-01 2000-01 1 1 0
Oklahoma 1987-88 1987-88 1 0 1 Utah State 1985-86 1985-86 1 1 0
Old Dominion ** 1968-69 2005-06 3 2 1 Valdosta State 1983-84 2006-07 3 3 0
Oral Roberts 1980-81 1980-81 1 1 0 Vanderbilt ** 1913-14 2020-21 147 #56 91
Oregon 1975-76 1975-76 1 0 1 Vermont 1973-74 2013-14 2 2 0
Oregon State 2004-05 2005-06 2 1 1 Villanova 1984-85 2000-01 4 2 2
Pacific 1993-94 1993-94 1 1 0 Virginia 1925-26 1987-88 7 5 2
Pan American 1978-79 1978-79 1 1 0 VMI 1925-26 1928-29 4 4 0
Pennsylvania 1993-94 1993-94 1 0 1 VCU * 1982-83 1982-83 1 1 0
Penn State ** 1966-67 1997-98 3 2 1 Virginia Tech ** 1963-64 2009-10 7 5 2
Pepperdine 2000-01 2009-10 3 3 0 Wake Forest 1912-13 2007-08 6 4 2
Pittsburgh * 1990-91 2003-04 5 #3 2 Washington * 2010-11 2010-11 1 0 1
Presbyterian 1926-27 2008-09 8 8 0 Washington & Lee 1917-18 1930-31 5 5 0
Princeton 1988-89 1988-89 1 1 0 Washington State 1996-97 1996-97 1 1 0
Purdue * & ** 1981-82 1995-96 4 1 3 West Virginia ** 1992-93 1998-99 3 1 2
Randolph-Macon 1982-83 1982-83 1 1 0 Western Carolina 1993-94 2019-20 7 7 0
Rhode Island 1972-73 1972-73 1 1 0 Western Kentucky 1982-83 2008-09 8 5 3
Richmond 1990-91 1990-91 1 1 0 Westminster AC 1925-26 1925-26 1 1 0
Robert Morris 1984-85 2015-16 2 2 0 Whittier 1979-80 1979-80 1 1 0
Robins Field 1943-44 1943-44 2 1 1 Wichita State * 1984-85 1990-91 2 #2 0
Rockmart SemiPro 1940-41 1940-41 1 1 0 William & Mary 1932-33 1985-86 2 2 0
Rollins 1970-71 1978-79 3 2 1 Winthrop 1993-94 2017-18 7 6 1
Rome AC 1915-16 1915-16 1 1 0 Wisconsin 1974-75 2007-08 4 2 2
Rutgers 1919-20 1919-20 1 0 1 Wisconsin-Milwaukee 2002-03 2002-03 1 #1 0
St. John’s * 1946-47 2009-10 3 1 2 Wofford 1919-20 2013-14 10 9 1
St. Leo 1977-78 1977-78 1 1 0 Xavier* 1983-84 2011-12 4 1 3
St. Louis 2009-10 2010-11 2 2 0 Yale 1967-68 1984-85 2 2 0
St. Louis AC 1911-12 1911-12 1 1 0 Youngstown State 2012-13 2012-13 1 0 1
Saint Mary’s * 2015-16 2017-18 2 1 1 * – NCAA Opponent ◊ ** – NIT Opponent
Samford 2001-02 2020-21 2 2 0 # – One or more win or loss was later vacated because of NCAA sanctions.
Sam Houston State 2018-19 2018-19 1 1 0
San Diego State
San Francisco
First Last
Santa Clara 1992-93 2008-09 2 2 0 Conference Meeting Meeting G W L
Savannah AC 1913-14 1924-25 4 3 1 America East 1973-74 2014-15 3 3 0
Savannah Baptist 1924-25 1924-25 1 1 0 American 1906-07 2020-21 52 33 19
Savannah Prot. 1923-24 1923-24 1 1 0 Atlantic 10 1908-09 2019-20 24 13 11
Savannah State 2004-05 2018-19 3 3 0 Atlantic Coast 1905-06 2019-20 378 195 183
Savannah YMCA 1920-21 1922-23 2 2 0 Atlantic Sun 1929-30 2019-20 25 22 3
Seattle 1986-87 1986-87 1 1 0 Big 12 1964-65 2018-19 29 12 17
Seton Hall 2014-15 2014-15 2 1 1 Big East 1946-47 2017-18 18 7 11
Sewanee 1928-29 1971-72 10 10 0 Big Sky 1978-79 2020-21 2 1 1
Sinkwich’s All-Stars 1942-43 1942-43 1 1 0 Big South 1926-27 2017-18 32 31 1
South Alabama ** 1971-72 2003-04 5 #4 1 Big Ten 1919-20 2010-20 45 15 30
South Carolina 1921-22 2020-21 118 #58 60 Big West 1988-89 2017-18 4 3 1
Colonial Athletic 1932-33 2020-21 11 11 0
South Carolina State 2006-07 2006-07 1 1 0
Conference USA 1968-69 2014-15 27 18 9
South Dakota State 2011-12 2011-12 1 1 0 Horizon 2002-03 2018-19 5 4 1
South Florida 2012-13 2012-13 1 0 1 Ivy League 1952-53 1993-94 9 5 4
SE Christian 1917-18 1919-20 2 2 0 MAAC 1946-47 2012-13 4 3 1
Southern 1987-88 2006-07 2 2 0 Mid-American 1948-49 2008-09 5 5 0
Southern Bell 1926-27 1928-29 3 3 0 MEAC 1993-94 2020-21 17 17 0
Southern Cal 1972-73 2012-13 3 3 0 Missouri Valley 1973-74 2018-19 7 5 2
Southern Methodist 2019-20 2019-20 1 1 0 Mountain West 1997-98 2017-18 10 3 7
Southern Mississippi 1974-75 2012-13 3 2 1 Northeast 1975-76 2017-18 7 6 1
Southern Illinois * 2001-02 2001-02 1 0 #1 Ohio Valley 1979-80 2019-20 14 13 1
Spring Hill 1954-55 1957-58 2 0 2 Pacific 12 1972-73 2019-20 30 14 16
Stanford 1997-98 2000-01 2 0 2 Patriot League 1963-64 1991-92 3 2 1
Stetson 1929-30 2004-05 10 7 3 Southeastern 1907-08 2020-21 1563 665 898
Stony Brook 2014-15 2014-15 1 1 0 Southern 1914-15 2020-21 172 135 37
Southland 1973-74 2018-19 6 6 0
Syracuse * 1995-96 1995-96 1 0 1
SWAC 1967-68 2018-19 9 9 0
Tampa 1950-51 1950-51 1 0 1
Summitt League 1980-81 2011-12 2 2 0
Temple ** 1981-82 2018-19 5 2 3
Sun Belt 1934-35 2019-20 44 36 8
Tennessee 1912-13 2020-21 158 #61 97 West Coast 1969-70 2017-18 17 10 7
Tennessee State 1999-00 1999-00 1 1 0 Western Athletic 1986-87 1986-87 1 1 0
Tennessee Tech 1991-92 1994-95 2 2 0
* Includes meetings with current conference members.
Texas * 1964-65 2018-19 13 8 5
Results vs. 2021-22 Opponents
ALABAMA 1971-72 Athens L 91-99 1993-94 Athens L 77-78 1993-94 Athens L 65-74
UA leads overall:..................98-52 * Tuscaloosa L 73-101 1994-95 Tuscaloosa W 72-58 Memphis (SEC) L 83-95
UA leads in Athens:............. 34-31 1972-73 Tuscaloosa L 67-78 Atlanta (SEC) L 57-68 1994-95 Fayetteville L 82-84
UA leads in Tuscaloosa:...... 55-14 * Athens L 70-78 1995-96 Athens W 68-55 1995-96 Athens W 71-59
UA leads at nuetral sites:..... 10-7 1973-74 Athens L 71-86 1996-97 Tuscaloosa W 83-74 1996-97 Fayetteville L 74-79
Tuscaloosa L 74-99 1997-98 Athens W 78-71 Memphis (SEC) W 65-63
1921-22 Athens L 17-20 1974-75 Tuscaloosa L 68-92 1998-99 Tuscaloosa W 59-58 1997-98 Athens W 86-70
1923-24 Atlanta (SC) L 20-37 Athens L 64-73 Atlanta (SEC) L 58-65 1998-99 Fayetteville L 79-82
1929-30 Atlanta (SC) L 26-29 1975-76 Athens L OT-67-69 1999-00 Athens W 75-59 1999-00 Athens L 54-74
1932-33 Athens L 23-33 Tuscaloosa L 76-87 2000-01 Tuscaloosa L 68-76 Atlanta (SEC) L 64-71
1933-34 Tuscaloosa L 17-51 1976-77 Athens L OT-74-78 2001-02 Athens L 72-77 2000-01 Fayetteville L 67-82
1934-35 Athens W 26-21 Tuscaloosa L 68-78 2002-03 Tuscaloosa W *74-69 2001-02 Athens W *81-67
1935-36 Tuscaloosa L 28-42 1977-78 Athens W OT-71-70 2003-04 Athens L 45-47 2002-03 Fayetteville W *81-64
1936-37 Athens W 28-16 Tuscaloosa L 66-67 2004-05 Tuscaloosa L 47-75 2003-04 Athens W 71-50
1937-38 Tuscaloosa L 26-38 1978-79 Athens L 71-83 2005-06 Athens W 88-79 2004-05 Fayetteville L 47-62
1938-39 Athens W 31-26 Tuscaloosa L 59-67 2006-07 Tuscaloosa L 76-78 2005-06 Athens L 57-74
1939-40 Tuscaloosa W 36-22 1979-80 Tuscaloosa W 68-65 2007-08 Athens W 61-54 Nashville (SEC) L 67-80
Tuscaloosa L 21-33 Athens L OT-64-66 2008-09 Tuscaloosa L 70-75 2006-07 Fayetteville W 67-64
Knoxville (SEC) W 30-28 1980-81 Athens L 71-83 2009-10 Athens W 76-70 2007-08 Athens W 82-69
1940-41 Tuscaloosa L 37-42 Tuscaloosa L 74-91 2010-11 Tuscaloosa L 57-65 Atlanta (SEC) W 66-57
1941-42 Athens L 29-33 Birmingham (SEC) W 88-80 Atlanta (SEC) L OT-59-65 2008-09 Fayetteville L 67-89
1942-43 Tuscaloosa L 25-47 1981-82 Tuscaloosa L 66-81 2011-12 Athens L 59-74 2009-10 Athens L 68-72
1944-45 Tuscaloosa L 28-54 Athens L 85-99 2012-13 Athens L 45-52 Nashville (SEC) W 77-64
Athens L OT-59-61 Lexington (SEC) L 74-85 Tuscaloosa L 58-61 2010-11 Fayetteville W 60-59
1945-46 Athens W 59-37 1982-83 Athens W 67-64 2013-14 Athens W 66-58 2011-12 Athens W 81-59
Tuscaloosa L 27-45 Tuscaloosa L 71-73 2014-15 Tuscaloosa W OT-66-65 2012-13 Fayetteville L 60-62
1946-47 Tuscaloosa L 27-48 Birmingham (SEC) W 86-71 2015-16 Athens W 70-63 2013-14 Athens W OT-66-61
Athens L 45-53 1983-84 Tuscaloosa L 60-65 2016-17 Athens L 60-80 Fayetteville L 75-87
1947-48 Athens W OT-47-44 Athens W 82-69 Tuscaloosa W 60-55 2014-15 Athens L 75-79
Tuscaloosa L 47-48 1984-85 Tuscaloosa L 74-87 2017-18 Athens W 65-46 Nashville L 49-60
1948-49 Tuscaloosa L 40-46 Athens W 74-70 2018-19 Tuscaloosa L 74-79 2015-16 Athens W OT-76-73
Athens L 43-49 Birmingham (SEC) L 53-74 2019-20 Athens L OT-102-105 2016-17 Fayetteville L 67-85
1949-50 Tuscaloosa L 38-53 1985-86 Athens W 88-80 2020-21 Tuscaloosa L 82-115 2017-18 Athens L 2OT-77-80
Louisville (SEC) W 52-51 Tuscaloosa L 54-57 Athens L 79-80 2018-19 Fayetteville L 60-70
1950-51 Tuscaloosa L 39-60 Lexington (SEC) L 59-79 * Win in 2002 later vacated. 2019-20 Athens W 99-89
Athens L 53-56 1986-87 Athens L 70-71 2020-21 Fayetteville L 69-99
1951-52 Athens W 53-51 Tuscaloosa L OT-74-83 * Wins in 2002 and 2003 later vacated.
Tuscaloosa L 56-74 1987-88 Tuscaloosa W 59-57 ARKANSAS
1952-53 Athens L 75-85 Athens W 67-54 UA leads overall:.................. 24-16 *
Tuscaloosa L 63-67 1988-89 Athens W 65-60 UGA leads in Athens:............ 10-6 *
1953-54 Athens L 70-76 Tuscaloosa L 62-80 UA leads in Fayetteville:........ 12-3 *
Tuscaloosa L 76-112 1989-90 Tuscaloosa L 62-79 UA leads at neutral sites:........ 6-3
1954-55 Athens L 74-101 Athens W 75-64
Tuscaloosa L 77-98 1990-91 Tuscaloosa L 62-67 1991-92 Athens W 87-78
1955-56 Athens L 75-99 Athens W 73-68 Birmingham (SEC) L 60-73
Tuscaloosa L 69-94 1991-92 Athens L 65-68 1992-93 Fayetteville L 79-97
1956-57 Tuscaloosa L 73-89 1992-93 Tuscaloosa W 73-70 Lexington (SEC) L 60-65
Athens W 64-52
1957-58 Athens L 58-72
Tuscaloosa L 64-68
1958-59 Columbus W 80-79
Tuscaloosa L 65-71
1959-60 Columbus W 70-58
Tuscaloosa L OT-60-64
1960-61 Columbus W 65-57
Tuscaloosa L 51-55
1961-62 Columbus L 55-67
Tuscaloosa L 72-79
1962-63 Columbus L 68-72
Tuscaloosa L 61-67
Athens W 59-61
1963-64 Athens W 49-47
Tuscaloosa L 70-72
1964-65 Athens L 2OT-67-72
1965-66 Tuscaloosa L 60-68
1966-67 Tuscaloosa W 73-66
Athens W 68-50
1967-68 Athens W 95-73
Tuscaloosa W 95-83
1968-69 Tuscaloosa W 80-73
Athens W 87-78
1969-70 Athens W 78-57
Tuscaloosa L 86-94
1970-71 Tuscaloosa W 71-70
Athens W 84-76 Trey Thompkins’ double-double of 21 points and a season and career-high 17 rebounds led the Bulldogs past
Alabama in a 76-70 victory over the Crimson Tide on Feb. 20, 2010.
Results vs. 2021-22 Opponents
Results vs. 2021-22 Opponents
Results vs. 2021-22 Opponents
Results vs. 2021-22 Opponents
Athens L 87-106 Atlanta (SEC) L 60-69 1970-71 Baton Rouge L 76-97 Baton Rouge L 2OT-90-96
1968-69 Lexington L 68-88 2004-05 Athens L 55-76 Athens L 66-69 1975-76 Baton Rouge W 83-79
Athens L 77-85 Lexington L 51-60 1971-72 Athens W 115-95 Athens W 75-70
1969-70 Athens L 71-72 2006-06 Athens L 55-69 Baton Rouge L 68-69 1976-77 Baton Rouge L 77-97
Lexington L 86-116 Lexington L 61-68 1972-73 Baton Rouge W 66-62 Athens L 69-75
1970-71 Lexington L 66-79 2006-07 Athens W OT-78-69 Athens L 55-56 1977-78 Baton Rouge L 78-96
Athens L 95-107 Lexington L 70-82 1973-74 Baton Rouge L 83-90 Athens L 68-89
1971-72 Athens W 85-73 2007-08 Athens L 58-63 Athens L 79-84 1978-79 Baton Rouge L 75-97
Lexington L 63-87 Lexington L 55-61 1974-75 Athens L 89-90 Athens W 93-88
1972-73 Lexington L 68-89 Atlanta (SEC-GT) W OT-60-56
Athens L 86-99 2008-09 Athens L 45-68
1973-74 Lexington L 74-80 Lexington W 90-85
Athens L 72-86 2009-10 Lexington L 68-76
1974-75 Athens L 77-96 Athens L 68-80
Lexington L 61-75 2010-11 Athens W 77-70
1975-76 Lexington L 76-92 Lexington L 60-66
Athens W 86-81 2011-12 Athens L 44-57
1976-77 Lexington L OT-59-64 Lexington L 49-79
Athens L 54-72 2012-13 Athens W 72-62
1977-78 Lexington L 73-90 2013-14 Lexington L 54-79
Athens L 67-78 Atlanta (SEC) L 58-70
1978-79 Lexington L 64-73 2014-15 Lexington L 58-69
Athens L 74-90 Athens L 64-72
1979-80 Atlanta (Omni) W 69-95 2015-16 Lexington L 48-82
Lexington L 49-56 Nashville (SEC) L 58-70
1980-81 Lexington L 62-76 2016-17 Lexington L OT-81-90
Athens L (2OT) 68-71 Athens L 77-82
1981-82 Athens L 66-68 Nashville (SEC) L 60-71
Lexington L 73-82 2017-18 Lexington L 61-66
1982-83 Athens W 70-63 St. Louis (SEC) L 49-62
Lexington L 72-81 2018-19 Athens L 49-69
1983-84 Lexington L 40-64 2019-20 Athens L 69-78
Athens L 64-66 Lexington L 79-89
Nashville (SEC) L 79-92 2020-21 Athens W 63-62
1984-85 Athens W 81-73 * Win in 2002 later vacated.
Lexington W 79-77
1985-86 Lexington L 69-74
1986-87 Louisville W 69-65 LSU leads overall:................68-47 *
Athens W 79-71 UGA leads in Athens:.......... 28-23 *
1987-88 Atlanta L 77-84 LSU leads in B.R.:................. 38-15 *
Lexington L 72-80 LSU leads at neutral sites:...... 7-4
Baton Rouge (SEC) L 57-62
1988-89 Lexington L 65-76 1919-20 Athens W 34-15
Athens W 84-72 1935-36 Baton Rouge L 34-46
1989-90 Athens W 106-91 1938-39 Knoxville (SEC) L 26-50
Lexington L 77-88 1942-43 Athens L 39-54
1990-91 Athens L 80-81 1945-46 Louisville (SEC) L 41-60
Lexington L 84-96 1950-51 Athens W 68-65
1991-92 Lexington L 66-78 1951-52 Baton Rouge L 60-98
Athens L 73-84 1952-53 Athens L 50-55
1992-93 Athens L 59-74 1953-54 Baton Rouge L 62-97
Lexington L 70-86 Baton Rouge L 53-100
1993-94 Athens W OT-94-90 1954-55 Athens W OT-76-70
Lexington L 59-80 1955-56 Athens L 86-91
1994-95 Lexington L 71-83 Baton Rouge L 77-96
Athens L 74-97 1956-57 Athens W 78-70
1995-96 Athens L 77-82 1957-58 Baton Rouge W 59-56
Lexington L 73-86 1958-59 Jacksonville L 60-63
1996-97 Athens L 65-86 Athens L 66-79
Lexington L 57-82 1959-60 Jacksonville W 79-67
Memphis (SEC) L 68-95 Baton Rouge L 77-81
1997-98 Athens L 79-90 1960-61 Athens W 80-66
Lexington L 74-85 1961-62 Baton Rouge L 57-76
1998-99 Athens L OT-83-91 1962-63 Athens W OT-76-67
Lexington L 71-92 1963-64 Baton Rouge L 63-81
1999-00 Athens L 69-75 1964-65 Baton Rouge L 69-70
Lexington L 64-70 1965-66 Athens W 82-59
2000-01 Lexington L 63-67 1966-67 Baton Rouge L 85-87
Athens L 70-85 Athens W 78-65
2001-02 Lexington W *88-84 1967-68 Athens L 76-79
Athens W *78-69 Baton Rouge W 78-73
2002-03 Lexington L 67- 87 1968-69 Baton Rouge L 89-98 Alec Kessler had huge home games against Kentucky and LSU during
Athens L 66-74 Athens L 2OT-80-90 Georgia’s run to the 1990 SEC Championship. Kessler had 32 points and 18
2003-04 Lexington W 65-57 1969-70 Baton Rouge L 86-88 boards in the league opener against the Wildcats and poured in 30 points
Athens W 74-68 Athens L 88-99 and grabbed 16 rebounds versus the Tigers.
Results vs. 2021-22 Opponents
1979-80 Athens W 2OT-73-72 OLE MISS Oxford W 62-61 1962-63 Athens L 75-86
Baton Rouge L 77-96 UGA leads overall:...................... 76-45 * 1986-87 Oxford L 68-82 1963-64 Starkville W 73-61
1980-81 Baton Rouge L 65-78 UGA leads in Athens:..................42-14 * Athens W 69-65 1964-65 Starkville L 74-79
Athens L 62-64 Ole Miss leads in Oxford:...........28-26 * Atlanta (SEC) W 65-63 Athens W 82-62
Birmingham (SEC) W 68-60 UGA leads at neutral sites:.............8-3 1987-88 Athens W 86-70 1965-66 Starkville L 54-58
1981-82 Athens L 53-54 Oxford L 72-75 Athens W 83-71
Baton Rouge W 57-51 1927-28 Athens L 37-44 1988-89 Athens L OT-70-74 1966-67 Athens L 71-93
1982-83 Baton Rouge L 56-60 Athens W 37-33 Oxford W 79-88 Starkville L 63-92
Athens L 59-70 1939-40 Athens W 45-41 1989-90 Oxford L 74-84 1967-68 Athens W 72-69
1983-84 Athens L 77-81 Knoxville (SEC) W 45-28 Athens W 107-83 Starkville W 81-77
Baton Rouge L OT-68-69 1940-41 Oxford W 53-46 1990-91 Oxford W 117-62 1968-69 Athens L 71-73
1984-85 Athens L 74-79 1941-42 Athens W 36-27 Oxford W 72-62 Starkville W 95-80
Baton Rouge W 59-58 1942-43 Louisville (SEC) W 36-27 1991-92 Athens W 86-66 1969-70 Starkville W 79-76
1985-86 Baton Rouge L 73-85 1946-47 Oxford W 46-38 Birmingham (SEC) W 85-66 Athens L 77-86
Athens W 92-76 1947-48 Athens W 74-66 1992-93 Oxford W7 5-61 1970-71 Athens L OT-66-77
1986-87 Baton Rouge W OT-64-63 1948-49 Oxford W 63-54 1993-94 Athens L 69-85 Starkville L 57-62
Athens W 63-57 1949-50 Athens W 70-52 1994-95 Oxford W 79-51 1971-72 Starkville L OT-58-62
Atlanta (SEC) L 2OT-88-89 Oxford W 59-58 1995-96 Athens W 74-38 Athens W 87-82
1987-88 Athens W 59-50 1950-51 Athens W 59-41 1996-97 Oxford L 66-73 1972-73 Athens L 84-90
Baton Rouge L 62-63 1951-52 Oxford L 52-103 1997-98 Athens W 70-68 Starkville L 68-72
1988-89 Athens L 79-80 1952-53 Athens L 75-77 Atlanta (SEC) L 67-72 1973-74 Athens L 56-76
Baton Rouge L 83-97 1953-54 Birmingham L 73-87 1998-99 Oxford L 76-85 Starkville L 69-84
1989-90 Baton Rouge W OT-94-92 Oxford L 66-80 1999-00 Athens W 71-65 1974-75 Starkville W 67-65
Athens W 86-85 1954-55 Athens W 86-80 2000-01 Oxford W 70-66 Athens L 71-77
1990-91 Baton Rouge L 76-83 1955-56 Oxford L 65-105 2001-02 Athens* W 79-72 1975-76 Athens W 85-73
Athens L 86-89 1956-57 Athens L 91-99 2002-03 Oxford* W 89-82 Starkville L 79-90
1991-92 Baton Rouge W 64-62 1957-58 Oxford L 63-81 2003-04 Athens W 74-61 1976-77 Athens W 82-73
1992-93 Athens W 81-78 1958-59 Athens W 84-61 2004-05 Oxford L 54-59 Starkville L 69-98
1993-94 Baton Rouge W 100-84 1959-60 Oxford L OT-63-65 2005-06 Athens W 72-65 1977-78 Athens L 44-57
Memphis (SEC) L 83-70 1960-61 Athens W 73-69 2006-07 Oxford L 49-67 Starkville L 45-68
1994-95 Athens W 98-89 1961-62 Oxford L 75-79 2007-08 Athens L 62-76 1978-79 Athens W 69-67
1995-96 Baton Rouge W 85-82 1962-63 Athens W 76-63 Atlanta (SEC-GD) W OT-97-95 Starkville L 62-86
1996-97 Athens W 82-59 1963-64 Oxford L 72-80 2008-09 Oxford L 47-69 Birmingham (SEC) W 75-72
Memphis (SEC) W 75-54 1964-65 Athens W 90-68 2009-10 Athens L 76-80 1979-80 Starkville L 75-88
1997-98 Baton Rouge W 61-52 1965-66 Oxford W 91-71 2010-11 Oxford W 98-76 Athens L 56-62
1998-99 Athens W 59-57 1966-67 Athens W 85-78 2011-12 Athens L 63-66 1980-81 Athens W 66-64
1999-00 Baton Rouge L 57-61 Oxford L 67-75 2012-13 Oxford L OT-74-84 Starkville W OT-68-65
2000-01 Athens W 68-63 1967-68 Oxford W 70-64 2013-14 Athens W 61-60 1981-82 Starkville W 26-20
Nashville (SEC) L 62-63 Athens W 111-77 Atlanta (SEC) W 75-73 Athens W 71-49
2001-02 Baton Rouge W *55-54 1968-69 Athens W 84-81 2014-15 Athens W 69-64 1982-83 Athens W 75-59
Atlanta (SEC) L 76-78 Oxford W OT-85-82 Oxford W 76-72 Starkville L 64-73
2002-03 Athens W *89-63 1969-70 Oxford W 96-84 2015-16 Oxford L 71-72 1983-84 Starkville W 54-52
2003-04 Baton Rouge L 59-63 Athens W 94-79 Athens W 80-66 Athens W 69-45
2004-05 Athens L 79-95 1970-71 Athens W 88-80 2016-17 Oxford W 69-47 Nashville (SEC) W 52-49
2005-06 Baton Rouge L 52-81 Oxford L 72-76 2017-18 Athens W 71-60 1984-85 Starkville L 64-65
2006-07 Athens W 57-54 1971-72 Oxford W 80-74 2018-19 Athens L 64-80 Athens W 79-74
2007-08 Baton Rouge L 64-71 Athens W 79-69 Oxford L 71-72 1985-86 Athens W 72-55
2008-09 Athens L 62-80 1972-73 Athens W 71-67 2019-20 Athens L 60-70 Starkville W 62-61
2009-10 Baton Rouge L 48-50 Oxford L 62-69 Nashville (SEC) W 81-63 1986-87 Athens W 48-41
2010-11 Athens W 73-53 1973-74 Athens L 70-78 2020-21 Oxford W 78-74 Starkville L 63-64
2011-12 Baton Rouge L 53-61 Oxford L 55-59 Athens W 71-61 1987-88 Starkville L 72-80
2012-13 Athens W 67-58 1974-75 Oxford W 88-83 * Wins in 2002 and 2003 later vacated. Athens W 49-35
Nashville (SEC) L 63-68 Athens L 87-93 Baton Rouge (SEC) W 64-43
2013-14 Athens W 91-78 1975-76 Oxford W 74-72 1988-89 Starkville W 79-68
Baton Rouge W 69-61 Athens W 70-68 MISSISSIPPI ST. Athens L OT-85-86
2014-15 Baton Rouge L 2OT-84-87 1976-77 Oxford L 62-82 UGA leads overall:...............58-57 * Knoxville (SEC) W 83-68
2015-16 Baton Rouge L 85-89 Athens W 92-76 UGA leads in Athens:.......... 29-21 * 1989-90 Athens W 83-69
2016-17 Athens W 82-80 1977-78 Oxford L 63-75 MSU leads in Starkville:...... 33-18 * Starkville W 82-74
2017-18 Baton Rouge W 61-60 Athens W 57-56 UGA leads at neutral sites:... 11-3 1990-91 Starkville W 83-73
Athens W 93-82 1978-79 Oxford W 59-53 Athens L 64-70
2018-19 Baton Rouge L 82-92 Athens L 63-82 1931-32 Atlanta (SC) W 48-26 1991-92 Starkville L6 6-75
Athens L 79-83 1979-80 Oxford W 64-62 1945-46 Louisville (SEC) W 45-44 1992-93 Athens W 86-73
2019-20 Baton Rouge L 64-94 Athens W 77-65 1948-49 Athens W 70-40 Lexington (SEC) W 87-56
2020-21 Baton Rouge L OT-92-94 1980-81 Athens W 70-62 1949-50 Starkville L 40-51 1993-94 Starkville L 60-67
Athens W 91-78 Oxford L 62-64 1950-51 Athens W 57-49 1994-95 Athens W 59-60
* Wins in 2002 and 2003 later vacated. Birmingham (SEC) L 62-66 1951-52 Starkville L 55-88 1995-96 Starkville L 73-76
1981-82 Oxford L 54-56 1952-53 Athens W 75-63 New Orleans (SEC) L 68-86
Athens W 64-58 1953-54 Starkville L 60-75 1996-97 Athens W 56-54
MEMPHIS 1982-83 Oxford W 68-53 1954-55 Athens W 90-75 1997-98 Starkville L6 4-69
UGA leads overall:...........................2-1 Athens L 59-76 1955-56 Starkville L 71-83 Atlanta (SEC) W 79-76
UGA leads in Memphis:..................1-0 B’ham (SEC) W 60-55 1956-57 Athens L 73-86 1998-99 Athens W 63-60
Series tied at neutral sites:.............1-1 1983-84 Athens W 70-51 1957-58 Starkville L 77-92 1999-00 Starkville L 59-71
Oxford L OT-54-56 1958-59 Athens L 56-76 2000-01 Athens W 94-73
1986-87 Atlanta L 71-82 1984-85 Oxford W 81-51 1959-60 Starkville W OT-67-62 2001-02 Starkville* W 86-68
1996-97 Honolulu W 70-68 Athens W 94-66 1960-61 Athens L 77-99 2002-03 Athens* W 67-63
2019-20 Memphis W 65-62 1985-86 Athens W 91-75 1961-62 Starkville L 74-83 2003-04 Starkville L 58-71
Results vs. 2021-22 Opponents
2004-05 Athens L 62-76 Columbia W 36-22 Athens W 48-47 1947-48 Athens L 64-70
Atlanta (SEC) L 65-76 1938-39 Athens W 39-24 2006-07 Athens W 80-56 Knoxville L 60-69
2005-06 Starkville L 68-83 Columbia W 49-34 Columbia W 73-54 1948-49 Athens L 59-61
2006-07 Athens W 86-73 1939-40 Athens W 47-31 2007-08 Columbia L 56-62 Knoxville L 51-77
2007-08 Starkville L 49-60 Columbia W 40-33 Athens W 82-64 1950-51 Knoxville L 62-74
Atlanta (SEC-GT) W 64-60 1940-41 Athens L OT-44-48 2008-09 Columbia L 68-79 1951-52 Athens L 62-68
2008-09 Athens L 61-67 Columbia W 50-43 Athens L 51-68 1952-53 Knoxville W 87-86
Tampa (SEC) L 60-79 1941-42 Athens L 30-37 2009-10 Columbia L 77-78 1953-54 Athens W 71-69
2009-10 Starkville L 69-72 1942-43 Columbia L 35-43 Athens W 66-61 1954-55 Knoxville L 81-97
2010-11 Athens W 86-64 1943-44 Athens L 48-64 2010-11 Columbia W 60-56 1955-56 Knoxville L 67-86
2011-12 Starkville W OT-70-68 Columbia L 35-67 Athens W 64-48 Athens L 59-62
New Orleans (SEC) W 71-61 1944-45 Columbia L 25-53 2011-12 Columbia L 56-57 1956-57 Knoxville L 84-91
2012-13 Athens L 61-72 1945-46 Columbia L 30-42 Athens W 67-55 1957-58 Athens L 79-82
2013-14 Starkville W 75-55 Athens L 36-37 2012-13 Columbia W 67-56 1958-59 Knoxville L 60-66
Athens W 66-45 1946-47 Athens L 50-55 Athens W OT-62-54 1959-60 Athens W 69-62
2014-15 Starkville W 72-66 Columbia L 40-51 2013-14 Athens W 97-76 1960-61 Knoxville L 67-75
2015-16 Starkville W 66-57 1947-48 Athens W 70-57 Columbia W 75-56 1961-62 Athens L 84-87
Nashville (SEC) W 79-69 Columbia L 61-64 2014-15 Columbia L 50-67 1962-63 Knoxville L 65-94
2016-17 Athens W 79-72 1948-49 Columbia W 49-43 Athens L 58-64 1963-64 Athens W 79-67
2017-18 Starkville L 57-72 Athens L 63-64 Nashville (SEC) W 74-62 1964-65 Athens L 57-76
2018-19 Athens L 67-68 1949-50 Athens W 77-62 2015-16 Athens W 69-56 Knoxville L 49-83
2019-20 Starkville L 59-91 Columbia L 43-54 Columbia W 74-72 1965-66 Knoxville L 71-100
2020-21 Athens L 73-83 1950-51 Athens W 60-58 Nashville (SEC) W 65-64 Athens L 69-83
* Wins in 2002 and 2003 later vacated. Columbia W 59-57 2016-17 Athens L 61-67 1966-67 Athens L 70-87
1951-52 Athens L 63-80 Columbia L 77-79 Knoxville L 36-68
Columbia L 61-62 2017-18 Athens L 57-64 1967-68 Knoxville L 72-77
MISSOURI 1952-53 Athens W 57-50 Columbia L 57-66 Athens W 61-43
MU leads overall:.....................9-8 Columbia L 64-72 2018-19 Athens L 60-66 1968-69 Knoxville L 67-82
UGA leads in Athens:.............. 5-2 1953-54 Athens L 59-61 Columbia L 46-66 Athens L 55-57
MU leads in Columbia:............ 4-2 1954-55 Columbia L 54-74 2019-20 Athens L 59-75 1969-70 Athens W 61-56
MU leads at neutral sites:....... 3-1 1955-56 Jacksonville L 68-85 Columbia L OT-90-94 Knoxville L 55-57
1956-57 Columbia L 74-97 2020-21 Columbia L 59-83 1970-71 Knoxville L 47-51
2000-01 Greensboro (NCAA) L 68-70 Athens L 81-96 Athens L 70-91 Athens L 61-64
2008-09 Athens L 76-83 Jacksonville W 64-62 * Wins in 2002 and 2003 later vacated. 1971-72 Athens L 57-59
2009-10 Columbia L 61-89 1957-58 Columbia L 87-95 Knoxville L OT-68-71
2012-13 Columbia L 62-79 Jacksonville W 77-58 1972-73 Knoxville L 64-79
2013-14 Columbia W OT-70-64 Athens W 84-63 S.C. STATE Athens L 71-85
Athens W 71-56 1958-59 Columbia W 76-72 UC leads overall:...................... 1-0 1973-74 Knoxville L 70-84
2014-15 Athens W 68-44 Augusta W 65-57 UC leads in Athens:................. 1-0 Athens L 89-97
2015-16 Athens W 77-59 1959-60 Columbia W 66-65 1974-75 Athens L 69-105
Columbia W 60-57 1960-61 Athens L 71-73 2006-07 Athens W 105-06 Knoxville L 74-95
2016-17 Athens W 71-66 1961-62 Columbia L 72-97 1975-76 Athens L 73-79
2017-18 Columbia L 56-68 1962-63 Athens W 85-72 Knoxville L 70-86
St. Louis (SEC) W 62-60 1963-64 Columbia L 60-77 TENNESSEE 1976-77 Knoxville L 82-106
2018-19 Athens L 39-64 Athens W 112-90 UT leads overall:.................. 97-61 * Athens W 83-76
Nashville (SEC) L 61-71 1976-77 New Orleans L OT-73-74 UGA leads in Athens:..........40-33 * 1977-78 Knoxville W 75-74
2019-20 Columbia L 69-72 1991-92 Columbia L 69-71 UT leads in Knoxville:.......... 60-15 * Athens L 72-77
2020-21 Athens W 80-70 Athens W 72-54 UGA leads at neutral sites:.....6-4 1978-79 Athens W 79-75
Nashville (SEC) L 70-73 1992-93 Columbia L 85-86 Knoxville L 3OT-81-87
Athens W 88-87 1912-13 Knoxville W 52-22 1979-80 Athens W 55-54
1993-94 Columbia W 96-85 Athens W 38-13 Knoxville L 49-50
NORTHWESTERN Athens W 72-69 1922-23 Knoxville L 26-30 1980-81 Knoxville L 67-72
First-ever meeting 1994-95 Columbia L 59-60 Atlanta (SC) W 23-19 Athens W OT-76-75
Athens W 66-56 1925-26 Atlanta (SC) W 48-25 1981-82 Athens L 64-66
1995-96 Columbia L 73-85 1926-27 Athens W 29-28 Knoxville W 64-63
Athens W 88-73 1928-29 Athens W 45-21 1982-83 Knoxville L 76-87
PROVIDENCE 1996-97 Columbia L 71-82 1930-31 Athens W 22-19 Athens W 74-59
First-ever meeting Athens W 77-74 Knoxville W 33-18 Birmingham (SEC) W 79-60
Memphis (SEC) W 78-63 1931-32 Knoxville L 17-24 1983-84 Athens W 71-57
1997-98 Athens L 60-68 Athens W 38-19 Knoxville W 82-77
Columbia L 76-79 1935-36 Knoxville L 44-56 1984-85 Athens L 2OT-79-80
SOUTH CAROLINA 1998-99 Athens W 80-56 Athens W 30-24 Knoxville L 85-86
USC leads overall:................60-58 * Columbia L OT-66-70 1936-37 Knoxville L 11-36 Birmingham (SEC) W 67-61
UGA leads in Athens:.......... 33-21 * 1999-00 Athens W 90-62 1938-39 Knoxville L 29-35 1985-86 Knoxville L 77-78
USC leads in Columbia:........37-19 * Columbia L 66-82 1939-40 Athens L 41-48 Athens W 91-70
UGA leads at neutral sites:..... 6-2 2000-01 Columbia L 75-77 1940-41 Knoxville L 23-36 1986-87 Athens W 60-55
Athens L 56-64 Athens W 47-36 Knoxville L 68-89
1921-22 Columbia W 34-27 2001-02 Columbia L 67-80 Louisville (SEC) L 39-41 1987-88 Knoxville L 81-92
1923-24 Columbia W 38-29 Athens W OT-* 82-75 1941-42 Louisville (SEC) L 52-60 Athens W 80-69
1924-25 Columbia L 27-35 2002-03 Athens W *79-66 1944-45 Knoxville L 26-42 1988-89 Knoxville W 74-73
1925-26 Athens W 57-28 Columbia W OT-* 60-55 Athens L 38-48 Athens L 68-75
1928-29 Athens W 54-28 2003-04 Athens L 63-84 1945-46 Athens L 33-46 1989-90 Athens W 85-77
Athens W 46-21 Columbia L 47-63 Knoxville L 28-53 Knoxville L 83-93
1930-31 Athens W 31-16 2004-05 Columbia L 54-74 1946-47 Athens L 33-48 1990-91 Athens W 107-86
Columbia W 27-21 Athens L 53-60 Knoxville L 33-62 Knoxville W 87-78
1937-38 Athens W 26-24 2005-06 Columbia W OT-64-61 Louisville (SEC) L 45-58 Nashville (SEC) L 65-95
Results vs. 2021-22 Opponents
Season-by-Season Leaders
Year Player G Pts. Avg. Year Player G Rebs. Avg.
‘59-60 Phillip Simpson 25 352 14.1 ‘59-60 Phillip Simpson 25 255 10.2
‘60-61 Allan Johnson 26 388 14.9 ‘60-61 John Johnson 26 261 10.0
‘61-62 Allan Johnson 24 429 17.6 ‘61-62 Carlton Gill 24 226 9.4
‘62-63 Billy Rado 26 495 19.0 ‘62-63 Chuck Adamek 25 188 7.5
‘63-64 Jimmy Pitts 26 485 18.7 ‘63-64 Jerry Waller 26 356 13.7
‘64-65 Jimmy Pitts 26 481 18.5 ‘64-65 Jerry Waller 24 258 10.8
‘65-66 Jerry Waller 25 373 14.9 ‘65-66 Jerry Waller 25 253 10.1
‘66-67 Jim Youngblood 26 393 15.1 ‘66-67 Don Wix 26 194 7.5
‘67-68 Bob Lienhard 25 533 21.3 ‘67-68 Bob Lienhard 25 373 14.9
‘68-69 Bob Lienhard 25 594 23.8 ‘68-69 Bob Lienhard 25 396 15.8
‘69-70 Bob Lienhard 25 532 21.3 ‘69-70 Bob Lienhard 25 347 13.9
‘70-71 Ronnie Hogue 25 406 16.2 ‘70-71 Cauthen Westbrook 25 194 7.8
‘71-72 Ronnie Hogue 26 533 20.5 ‘71-72 Tim Bassett 26 337 13.0
‘72-73 Tim Bassett 26 441 17.0 ‘72-73 Tim Bassett 26 368 14.2
‘73-74 Billy Magarity 24 404 16.8 ‘73-74 Billy Magarity 24 159 6.6
‘74-75 Jacky Dorsey 25 646 25.8 ‘74-75 Jacky Dorsey 25 296 11.8
‘75-76 Jacky Dorsey 27 588 21.8 ‘75-76 Jacky Dorsey 27 254 9.4
‘76-77 David Reavis 24 342 14.3 ‘76-77 Lavon Mercer 27 204 7.6
‘77-78 Walter Daniels 27 444 16.4 ‘77-78 Lavon Mercer 27 231 8.6
‘78-79 Walter Daniels 28 613 21.9 ‘78-79 Lavon Mercer 25 192 7.7
‘79-80 Dominique Wilkins 16 297 18.6 ‘79-80 Terry Fair 27 271 10.0
‘80-81 Dominique Wilkins 31 732 23.6 ‘80-81 Terry Fair 31 239 7.7
MARCUS THORNTON ‘81-82 Dominique Wilkins 31 659 21.3 ‘81-82 Dominique Wilkins 31 250 8.1
‘82-83 Vern Fleming 34 575 16.9 ‘82-83 Terry Fair 34 224 6.6
‘83-84 Vern Fleming 30 594 19.8 ‘83-84 Richard Corhen 30 188 6.3
‘84-85 Cedric Henderson 28 433 15.5 ‘84-85 Cedric Henderson 28 199 7.1
‘85-86 Joe Ward 30 467 15.6 ‘85-86 Horace McMillan 30 177 5.9
‘86-87 Willie Anderson 30 476 15.9 ‘86-87 Chad Kessler 30 179 5.7
‘87-88 Willie Anderson 35 513 16.7 ‘87-88 Alec Kessler 35 197 5.6
‘88-89 Alec Kessler 31 596 19.2 ‘88-89 Alec Kessler 31 301 9.7
‘89-90 Alec Kessler 29 610 21.0 ‘89-90 Alec Kessler 29 300 10.4
‘90-91 Litterial Green 28 576 20.6 ‘90-91 Neville Austin 30 158 5.3
‘91-92 Litterial Green 29 564 19.5 ‘91-92 Kendall Rhine 29 192 6.6
‘92-93 Charles Claxton 29 334 11.5 ‘92-93 Charles Claxton 29 192 6.6
‘93-94 Shandon Anderson 30 413 13.8 ‘93-94 Charles Claxton 30 236 7.9
‘94-95 Carlos Strong 28 397 14.2 ‘94-95 Charles Claxton 28 222 7.9
‘95-96 Katu Davis 31 489 15.8 ‘95-96 Carlos Strong 31 195 6.3
‘96-97 Michael Chadwick 33 409 12.4 ‘96-97 Michael Chadwick 33 182 5.5
‘97-98 Jumaine Jones 35 515 14.7 ‘97-98 Jumaine Jones 35 299 8.5
‘98-99 Jumaine Jones 30 564 18.8 ‘98-99 Jumaine Jones 30 284 9.5
‘99-00 D.A. Layne 30 550 18.3 ‘99-00 Anthony Evans 30 261 8.7
‘00-01 D.A. Layne 31 520 16.8 ‘00-01 Anthony Evans 31 232 7.5
‘01-02 Jarvis Hayes 29 538 18.6 ‘01-02 Chris Daniels 32 256 8.0
‘02-03 Jarvis Hayes 27 493 18.3 ‘02-03 Steve Thomas 20 146 7.3
‘03-04 Rashad Wright 29 417 14.4 ‘03-04 Chris Daniels 30 243 8.1
‘04-05 Levi Stukes 28 349 15.2 ‘04-05 Dave Bliss 28 150 5.4
‘05-06 Levi Stukes 30 349 11.6 ‘05-06 Sundiata Gaines 30 154 5.1
ALEC KESSLER ‘06-07 Takais Brown 31 439 14.2 ‘06-07 Sundiata Gaines 32 183 5.7
‘07-08 Sundiata Gaines 34 502 14.6 ‘07-08 Sundiata Gaines 34 204 6.0
‘08-09 Terrance Woodbury 28 393 14.0 ‘08-09 Trey Thompkins 28 206 7.4
‘09-10 Trey Thompkins 31 549 17.7 ‘09-10 Trey Thompkins 31 258 8.3
‘10-11 Trey Thompkins 30 493 16.4 ‘10-11 Trey Thompkins 30 229 7.6
‘11-12 Gerald Robinson, Jr. 32 454 14.2 ‘11-12 Kentavious Caldwell-Pope 32 166 5.2
‘12-13 Kentavious Caldwell-Pope 32 591 18.5 ‘12-13 Kentavious Caldwell-Pope 32 226 7.1
‘13-14 Charles Mann 32 458 13.9 ‘13-14 Marcus Thornton 34 207 6.1
‘14-15 Marcus Thornton 31 382 12.3 ‘14-15 Marcus Thornton 31 226 7.3
‘15-16 J.J. Frazier 34 573 16.9 ‘15-16 Yante Maten 34 273 8.0
‘16-17 J.J. Frazier 34 640 18.8 ‘16-17 Derek Ogbeide 34 259 7.6
‘17-18 Yante Maten 33 636 19.3 ‘17-18 Yante Maten 33 283 8.6
‘18-19 Nicolas Claxton 32 415 13.0 ‘18-19 Nicolas Claxton 32 274 8.6
‘19-20 Anthony Edwards 32 610 19.8 ‘19-20 Rayshaun Hammonds 32 238 7.4
‘20-21 Sahvir Wheeler 26 364 14.0 ‘20-21 Toumani Camara 25 193 7.7
Season-by-Season Leaders
Year Player G FG-FGA Pct Year Player G FG-FGA Pct.
‘59-60 Phillip Simpson 25 132-287 .459. ‘59-60 Gordon Darrah 23 73-100 .730
‘60-61 Phillip Simpson 26 154-321 .479 ‘60-61 Allan Johnson 26 62-92 .674
‘61-62 Allan Johnson 24 172-391 .439 ‘61-62 Allan Johnson 24 85-107 .794
‘62-63 N/A ‘62-63 N/A
‘63-64 Jimmy Pitts 26 179-373 .480 ‘63-64 Jimmy Pitts 26 127-156 .814
‘64-65 Dwayne Powell 26 161-345 .467 ‘64-65 Jimmy Pitts 26 143-179 .799
‘65-66 Dick McIntosh 24 117-213 .550 ‘65-66 Ray Jeffords 25 63-92 .685
‘66-67 Jim Youngblood 26 140-237 .591 ‘66-67 Jim Youngblood 26 113-142 .796
‘67-68 Bob Lienhard 25 213-366 .582 ‘67-68 Jim Youngblood 24 93-118 .788
‘68-69 Bob Lienhard 25 235-404 .582 ‘68-69 Jerry Epling 25 91-106 .858
‘69-70 Bob Lienhard 25 215-340 .632 ‘69-70 Lanny Taylor 25 70-81 .864
‘70-71 Cauthen Westbrook 25 141-286 .493 ‘70-71 Cauthen Westbrook 25 101-140 .721
‘71-72 Ronnie Hogue 26 217-404 .540 ‘71-72 John Fraley 26 105-123 .854
‘72-73 Tim Bassett 26 198-395 .501 ‘72-73 Ronnie Hogue 26 34-52 .654
‘73-74 Charlie Anderson 26 164-331 .495 ‘73-74 Bill Magarity 24 78-101 .772
‘74-75 Jacky Dorsey 25 267-545 .490 ‘74-75 Jacky Dorsey 25 112-145 .772
‘75-76 Jacky Dorsey 27 252-512 .492 ‘75-76 Lucius Foster 27 43-58 .741
‘76-77 Lavon Mercer 27 129-221 .584 ‘76-77 David Reavis 24 78-118 .666
‘77-78 Lavon Mercer 27 124-218 .569 ‘77-78 Walter Daniels 27 76-106 .717
‘78-79 Lavon Mercer 25 146-227 .643 ‘78-79 Eric Marbury 27 56-70 .800
‘79-80 Lavon Mercer 27 121-198 .611 ‘79-80 Terry Fair 27 74-104 .712
‘80-81 Terry Fair 31 152-275 .553 ‘80-81 Dominique Wilkins 31 112-149 .752
‘81-82 Dominique Wilkins 31 278-526 .529 ‘81-82 Eric Marbury 31 51-67 .761
‘82-83 Vern Fleming 34 227-424 .535 ‘82-83 James Banks 33 95-130 .731
‘83-84 Joe Ward 28 103-178 .579 ‘83-84 Joe Ward 28 55-61 .902
‘84-85 Horace McMillan 31 118-211 .559 ‘84-85 Donald Hartry 31 44-55 .800
‘85-86 David Dunn 30 101-178 .567 ‘85-86 Horace McMillan 30 57-69 .826
‘86-87 Chad Kessler 30 135-258 .523 ‘86-87 Willie Anderson 30 77-97 .794
‘87-88 Rod Cole 36 55-103 .533 ‘87-88 Alec Kessler 35 144-183 .787
‘88-89 Alec Kessler 31 210-431 .487 ‘88-89 Litterial Green 31 145-187 .775
‘89-90 Rod Cole 29 110-220 .500 ‘89-90 Marshall Wilson 30 90-114 .790
‘90-91 Reggie Tinch 29 59-103 .573 ‘90-91 Marshall Wilson 30 83-99 .838
‘91-92 Reggie Tinch 27 82-148 .554 ‘91-92 Litterial Green 29 136-198 .687
‘92-93 Charles Claxton 29 133-236 .564 ‘92-93 Ty Wilson 29 46-59 .780
‘93-94 Steve Jones 30 74-124 .597 ‘93-94 Cleveland Jackson 30 43-58 .741
‘94-95 Charles Claxton 28 124-226 .549 ‘94-95 Katu Davis 28 75-91 .824
‘95-96 Shandon Anderson 31 176-327 .538 ‘95-96 Katu Davis 31 75-98 .765
‘96-97 Lorenzo Hall 33 78-152 .513 ‘96-97 Ray Harrison G 73-94 .777
‘97-98 Lorenzo Hall 32 62-115 .539 ‘97-98 Jumaine Jones 35 95-121 .785
‘98-99 Badi Oliver 30 30-58 .517 ‘98-99 Ray Harrison 30 68-91 .747
‘99-00 Anthony Evans 30 176-299 .582 ‘99-00 D.A. Layne 30 107-131 .817
‘00-01 Shon Coleman 31 128-231 .554 ‘00-01 D.A. Layne 31 87-108 .806
‘01-02 Jonas Hayes 31 86-155 .555 ‘01-02 Rashad Wright 32 81-105 .771
‘02-03 Chris Daniels 26 97-173 .538 ‘02-03 Jarvis Hayes 27 69-88 .784
‘03-04 Jonas Hayes 30 132-258 .512 ‘03-04 Damien Wilkins 30 118-150 .787
‘04-05 Dave Bliss 28 78-151 .517 ‘04-05 Channing Toney 27 61-67 .910
‘05-06 Dave Bliss 30 55-108 .509 ‘05-06 Channing Toney 30 42-52 .808
‘06-07 Takais Brown 31 181-320 .566 ‘06-07 Billy Humphrey 33 33-39 .846 REGGIE TINCH
‘07-08 Dave Bliss 34 95-177 .537 ‘07-08 Billy Humphrey 30 69-83 .831
‘08-09 Chris Barnes 32 55-104 .529 ‘08-09 Terrance Woodbury 28 78-93 .839
‘09-10 Jeremy Price 30 86-152 .566 ‘09-10 Dustin Ware 31 60-73 .822
‘10-11 Travis Leslie 33 177-360 .492 ‘10-11 Dustin Ware 33 54-67 .806
‘11-12 Donte’ Williams 32 95-200 .475 ‘11-12 Dustin Ware 32 48-53 .906
‘12-13 Donte’ Williams 29 59-129 .457 ‘12-13 Kentavious Caldwell-Pope 32 135-169 .799
‘13-14 Donte’ Williams 34 64-119 .538 ‘13-14 Kenny Gaines 33 80-103 .777
‘14-15 Marcus Thornton 31 135-281 .480 ‘14-15 J.J. Frazier 32 86-104 .827
‘15-16 Yante Maten 34 212-427 .496 ‘15-16 J.J. Frazier 34 159-193 .824
‘16-17 Derek Ogbeide 34 101-178 .567 ‘16-17 J.J. Frazier 34 187-211 .886
‘17-18 Derek Ogbeide 33 101-171 .591 ‘17-18 Juwan Parker 33 73-85 .859
‘18-19 Derek Ogbeide 32 122-230 .530 ‘18-19 Jordan Harris 29 54-64 .844
‘19-20 Tye Fagan 32 56-100 .560 ’19-20 Donnell Gresham Jr. 32 43-53 .811
‘20-21 Tye Fagan 26 105-179 .587 ‘20-21 Andrew Garcia 26 54-70 .771
Season-by-Season Leaders
Season-by-Season Leaders
SEC Statistical champions
Poll History
Season-by-Season Team Stats
Season-by-Season Team Stats
Season-by-Season Starters
Season-by-Season Starters
Holiday Tournament History
1951 Gator Bowl Tournament 1967 Triangle Classic 1982 Cotton States Classic
Jacksonville, FLA. Raleigh, N.C. Atlanta, GA.
12/26/51 W Georgia 79, Florida State 50 12/28/67 W Georgia 79, Yale 75 12/29/82 W Georgia 86, Columbia 53
12/28/51 L Florida 62, Georgia 47 12/29/67 W Georgia 62, N.C. State 56 12/30/82 W Georgia 90, W. Kentucky 69
12/29/51 L Clemson 85, Georgia 60
1968 Gator Bowl Tournament 1983 Drake Classic
1952 Gator Bowl Tournament Jacksonville, FLA. Des Moines, IOWA
Jacksonville, FLA. 12/26/68 L Boston College 89, Georgia 83 12/10/83 W Georgia 80, Northern Iowa 58
12/29/52 L Ga. Teachers 85, Georgia 57 12/27/68 L Florida 82, Georgia 77 12/11/83 W Georgia 93, Drake 59
12/30/52 L Ga. Tech 71, Georgia 54
1969 Quaker City Classic 1983 Wendy’s Classic
1953 Gator Bowl Tournament Philadelphia, PA. Bowling Green, KY.
Jacksonville, FLA. 12/27/69 L LaSalle 76, Georgia 66 11/25/83 W Georgia 83, Middle Tenn. St. 67
12/28/53 W Georgia 66, Ga. Tech 64 12/29/69 L BYU 89, Georgia 82 (2OT) 11/26/83 W Georgia 85, W. Kentucky 68
12/29/53 W Georgia 84, Florida 72
12/30/53 W Georgia 80, Ga. Teachers 69 1970 Charlotte Invitational 1984 Cotton States Classic
Charlotte, N.C. Atlanta, GA.
1954 Gator Bowl Tournament 12/29/70 L LaSalle 50, Georgia 42 12/28/84 W Georgia 105, Yale 65
Jacksonville, FLA. 12/30/70 L Davidson 63, Georgia 55 12/29/84 W Georgia 75, Villanova 68 (OT)
12/27/54 L Spring Hill 78, Georgia 69
12/28/54 L Florida State 97, Georgia 87 1972 Quaker City Classic 1985 Krystal Classic
Philadelphia, PA. Chattanooga, TENN.
1955 Gator Bowl Tournament 12/27/72 L Duquesne 71, Georgia 66 12/27/85 W Georgia 77, William & Mary 44
Jacksonville, FLA. 12/28/72 W Georgia 70, Rhode Island 62 12/28/85 W Georgia 97, Chattanooga, 71
12/28/55 L South Carolina 85, Georgia 68 12/29/72 W Georgia 77, USC 74
12/29/55 L LSU 91, Georgia 86 1985 miAMI Classic
1973 UD Invitational Miami, FLA.
1956 Gator Bowl Tournament Dayton, OHIO 11/29/85 W Georgia 60, Cornell 57
Jacksonville, FLA. 12/21/73 L Dayton 63, Georgia 55 11/30/85 L Miami 81, Georgia 78
12/27/56 W Georgia 84, Clemson 76 12/22/73 L Drake 66, Georgia 60
12/28/56 W Georgia 64, South Carolina 62 1986 Cotton States Classic
1974 Milwaukee Classic Atlanta, GA.
1957 Gator Bowl Tournament Milwaukee, WIS. 12/13/86 W Georgia 81, Loyola of Chicago 69
Jacksonville, FLA. 12/27/74 L Marquette 100, Georgia 70 12/14/86 L Memphis State 82, Georgia 71
12/30/57 W Georgia 77, South Carolina 58 12/28/74 W Georgia 91, Wisconsin 89 (OT)
12/31/57 L Florida 76, Georgia 63 1986 Hawaiian Tropic Classic
1975 Indiana Classic Daytona Beach, FLA.
1958 Senior Bowl Tournament Bloomington, IND. 12/19/86 W Georgia 82, LaSalle 65
Mobile, ALA. 12/19/75 L Indiana 93, Georgia 56 12/20/86 W Georgia 94, Stetson 83
1/1/58 L Spring Hill 69, Georgia 67 12/20/75 L Oregon 87, Georgia 74
1/2/58 L Florida State 92, Georgia 80 1987 Phenix NCAA Ball
1976 Sugar Bowl Classic Tokyo, Japan
1958 Citadel Invitational New Orleans, LA. 12/18/87 W Georgia 81, New Orleans 77
Charleston, S.C. 12/29/76 L Indiana 74, Georgia 52 12/19/87 W Georgia 85, UAB 66
12/19/58 L Citadel 78, Georgia 52 12/30/76 L S. Carolina 74, Georgia 73 (OT) 12/20/87 W Georgia 66, Japan All-Stars 62
12/20/58 W Georgia 83, Florida St. 72 1977 Georgetown Invitational
Washington, D.C. 1987 Chaminade Classic
1958 Gator Bowl Tournament 12/11/77 L Georgetown 66, Georgia 60 Honolulu, HAWAII
Jacksonville, FLA. 12/17/77 W Georgia 42, Louisiana Tech 34 12/23/87 W Georgia 79, La Salle 71
12/29/58 L LSU 63, Georgia 60 1977 Louisville Classic 12/24/87 L Virginia 87, Georgia 54
12/30/58 L Florida 58, Georgia 55 Louisville, KY. 12/24/87 L Oklahoma 93, Georgia 90
12/28/77 W Georgia 84, Ohio St. 80
1959 Gator Bowl Tournament 12/29/77 W Georgia 73, Louisville 70 (OT) 1988 Cotton States Classic
Jacksonville, FLA. 1978 Salt Lake City Classic Atlanta, GA.
12/29/59 W Georgia 79, LSU 67 Salt Lake City, UTAH 12/29/88 W Georgia 58, Princeton 54
12/30/59 W Georgia 69, Florida State 66 12/15/78 L Idaho St. 66, Georgia 56 12/30/88 W Georgia 95, La Salle 85
12/16/78 W Georgia 83, Hofstra 70
1960 Gator Bowl Tournament 1980 Oil Capital Classic 1988 Chase Pre-Season NIT
Jacksonville, FLA. Tulsa, OKLA. ATHENS, GA. & CHAPEL HILL, N.C.
12/28/60 W Georgia 62, Florida State 56 12/12/80 W Georgia 66, Tulsa 64 11/18/88 W Georgia 76, Arkansas State 61
12/29/60 L Ga. Tech 54, Georgia 51 12/13/80 W Georgia 81, Oral Roberts 65 11/20/88 L North Carolina 99, Georgia 91
12/30/60 L Florida 73, Georgia 58
1980 Cotton States Classic 1988 Amana-Hawkeye Classic
1964 Gator Bowl Tournament Atlanta, GA. Iowa City, IOWA
Jacksonville, FLA. 12/19/80 W Georgia 77, Chattanooga 68 12/2/88 W Georgia 80, Long Beach State 63
12/28/64 L Texas 66, Georgia 60 12/20/80 L Florida State 64, Georgia 62 12/3/88 L Iowa 102, Georgia 76
12/29/64 L Wake Forest 83, Georgia 76
1981 Cotton States Classic 1989 WKU Invitational
1966 Gator Bowl Tournament Atlanta, GA. Bowling Green, KY.
Jacksonville, FLA. 12/18/81 W Georgia 79, Northeastern 66 12/1/89 W Georgia 77, TCU 72
12/28/66 L Florida 78, Georgia 64 12/19/81 W Georgia 76, UAB 72 12/2/89 W Georgia 76, W. Kentucky 70
12/29/66 W Georgia 90, Penn State 82
Holiday Tournament History
SEC Tournament History
1933 – Atlanta (7 SEED) 1981 – BIRMINGHAM (5 SEED) 1999 – Atlanta (E4 SEED)
2/24 1st L Tulane 46, Georgia 22 3/4 QF W Georgia 88, Alabama 80 3/4 1st L Alabama 65, Georgia 58
3/5 SF W Georgia 68, LSU 60
1934 – Atlanta (9 SEED) 3/6 F L Ole Miss 66, Georgia 62 2000 – Atlanta (E6 SEED)
2/23 1st W Georgia 33, Ga. Tech 19 3/9 1st L Arkansas 71, Georgia 64
2/24 QF L Vanderbilt 46, Georgia 29 1982 – LEXINGTON (6 SEED)
3/6 QF L Alabama 85, Georgia 74 2001 – NASHVILLE (e3 SEED)
1936 – Knoxville (10 SEED) 3/8 1st L LSU 63, Georgia 62
2/28 1st L Auburn 43, Georgia 26 1983 – BIRMINGHAM (6 SEED)
3/11 QF W Georgia 69, Ole Miss 55 2002 – Atlanta (e1 SEED)
1937 – Knoxville (6 SEED) 3/12 SF W Georgia 79, Tennessee 60 3/8 QF L LSU 78, Georgia 76
2/26 1st L Tennessee 35, Georgia 11 3/13 F W Georgia 86, Alabama 71
1938 – BATON ROUGE (9 SEED) 1984 – NASHVILLE (8 SEED) Georgia did not participate
3/3 1st L Tulane 47, Georgia 36 3/7 1st W Georgia 52, Mississippi State 49
3/8 QF L Kentucky 92, Georgia 79 2004 – Atlanta (e5 SEED)
1939 – Knoxville (2 SEED) 3/11 1st W Georgia 73, Auburn 59
3/2 QF L LSU 50, Georgia 28 1985 – BIRMINGHAM (2 SEED) 3/12 QF L Kentucky 69, Georgia 60
3/7 QF W Georgia 67, Tennessee 61
1940 – Knoxville (3 SEED) 3/8 SF L Alabama 74, Georgia 53 2005 – Atlanta (e6 SEED)
2/28 1st W Georgia 48, Auburn 41 3/10 1st L Mississippi State 76, Georgia 65
2/29 QF W Georgia 45, Ole Miss 28 1986 – LEXINGTON (6 SEED)
3/1 SF W Georgia 30, Alabama 28 3/6 QF L Alabama 79, Georgia 59 2006 – NASHVILLE (e6 SEED)
3/2 F L Kentucky 51, Georgia 43 3/9 1st L Arkansas 80, Georgia 67
1987 – Atlanta (3 SEED)
1941 – LOUISville (9 SEED) 3/6 QF W Georgia 65, Ole Miss 63 2007 – Atlanta (e5 SEED)
2/28 QF L Tennessee 41, Georgia 39 3/7 SF L LSU 89, Georgia 88 (2OT) 3/8 1st W Georgia 80, Auburn 65
3/9 QF L Florida 74, Georgia 57
1942 – LOUISville (7 SEED) 1988 – BATON ROUGE (7 SEED)
2/26 1st L Tennessee 62, Georgia 50 3/10 1st W Georgia 64, Mississippi State 43 2008 – Atlanta (e6 SEED)
3/11 QF W Georgia 65, Auburn 60 3/13 1st W Georgia 97, Ole Miss 95 (OT)
1943 – LOUISville (10 SEED) 3/12 SF W Georgia 72, Florida 70 3/15 QF W Georgia 60, Kentucky 56 (OT)
2/25 1st W Georgia 36, Ole Miss 27 3/13 F L Kentucky 62, Georgia 57 3/15 SF W Georgia 64, Mississippi State 60
2/26 QF L Kentucky 59, Georgia 30 3/16 F W Georgia 66, Arkansas 57
1944 – LOUISville (3 SEED) 3/9 1st W Georgia 83, Mississippi State 68 2009 – TAMPA (e6 SEED)
2/24 1st L Kentucky 57, Georgia 29 3/10 QF L Florida 62, Georgia 61 3/12 1st L Mississippi State 79, Georgia 60
1945 – LOUISville (11 SEED) 1990 – ORLANDO (1 SEED) 2010 – NASHVILLE (e6 SEED)
2/28 1st L Ga.Tech 68, Georgia 49 3/9 QF L Vanderbilt 78, Georgia 74 (OT) 3/11 1st W Georgia 77, Arkansas 64
3/12 QF L Vanderbilt 78, Georgia 66
1946 – LOUISville (6 SEED) 1991 – NASHVILLE (5 SEED)
2/28 1st W Georgia 36, Ga. Tech 30 3/8 QF W Georgia 80, Vanderbilt 72 2011 – Atlanta (e4 SEED)
3/1 QF W Georgia 45, Mississippi State 44 3/9 SF L Tennessee 85, Georgia 65 3/10 1st W Georgia 69, Auburn 51
3/2 SF L LSU 60, Georgia 41 3/11 QF L Alabama 65, Georgia 59 (OT)
1947 – LOUISville (10 SEED) 3/12 1st W Georgia 85, Ole Miss 66 2012 – NEW ORLEANS (11 SEED)
2/27 1st L Tennessee 58, Georgia 45 3/13 QF L Arkansas 73, Georgia 60 3/8 1st W Georgia 71, Mississippi State 61
3/9 QF L Vanderbilt 63, Georgia 41
1948 – LOUISville (6 SEED) 1993 – LEXINGTON (E4 SEED)
3/5 QF L Ga. Tech 60, Georgia 57 3/11 1st W Georgia 87, Mississippi State 56 2013 – NASHVILLE (8 SEED)
3/12 QF L Arkansas 65, Georgia 60 3/14 QF L LSU 68, Georgia 63
1949 – LOUISville (8 SEED)
3/4 QF L Tulane 92, Georgia 62 1994 – MEMPHIS (E4 SEED) 2014 – Atlanta (3 SEED)
3/10 1st W Georgia 83, LSU 70 3/14 QF W Georgia 75, Ole Miss 73
1950 – LOUISville (6 SEED) 3/11 QF L Arkansas 95, Georgia 83 3/15 SF L Kentucky 70, Georgia 58
3/2 1st W Georgia 59, Ole Miss 58
3/3 QF W Georgia 52, Alabama 51 (OT) 1995 – Atlanta (E4 SEED) 2015 – NASHVILLE (3 SEED)
3/4 SF L Kentucky 79, Georgia 63 3/10 QF L Alabama 68, Georgia 57 3/13 QF W Georgia 74, South Carolina 62
3/14 SF L Arkansas 60, Georgia 49
1951 – LOUISville (7 SEED) 1996 – NEW ORLEANS (E2 SEED)
3/1 QF L Vanderbilt 70, Georgia 60 3/8 QF W Georgia 74, Tennessee 63 2016 – NASHVILLE (6 SEED)
3/9 SF L Mississippi State 86, Georgia 68 3/10 2nd W Georgia 79, Mississippi State 69
1952 – LOUISville (11 SEED) 3/11 QF W Georgia 65, South Carolina 64
2/28 1st L Vanderbilt 61, Georgia 49 1997 – MEMPHIS (E3 SEED) 3/12 SF L Kentucky 93, Georgia 80
3/6 1st W Georgia 75, LSU 54
1979 – BIRMINGHAM (7 SEED) 3/7 QF W Georgia 65, Arkansas 63 2017 – NASHVILLE (8 SEED)
2/28 1st W Georgia 75, Mississippi State 72 3/8 SF W Georgia 78, South Carolina 63 3/9 2nd W Georgia 59, Tennessee 57
3/1 QF L Auburn 95, Georgia 91 (4OT) 3/9 F L Kentucky 95, Georgia 68 3/10 QF L Kentucky 71, Georgia 60
SEC Tournament History
Postseason History
2016 Athens 1-0 1st Defeated Belmont 93-84 against Vermont in the first round of the 2014
Moraga, Calif. 1-1 2nd Lost to Saint Mary’s 77-65 NIT included 25 second-half points.
2017 Athens
0-1 1st Lost to Belmont 78-69
Postseason History
Postseason Box Scores
Georgia 74, South Alabama 73, Georgia 73,
1981 Old Dominion 60 1981 Georgia 72 1982 Temple 60
NIT 3/11/81 • Athens, Ga. NIT 3/16/81 • Athens, Ga. NIT 3/11/82 • Athens, Ga.
Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Mann 3-11 0-0 3 2 6 1 3 1 0 32 White 6-14 4-4 10 0 16 2 1 0 1 35 Hall 2-7 2-2 8 3 6 0 3 2 0 31
McAdoo 7-19 4-4 12 4 18 0 0 0 0 40 Rains 9-15 7-8 5 3 25 3 2 1 0 40 Stansbury 5-16 1-3 4 3 11 4 2 0 3 38
May 5-9 0-0 6 3 10 1 2 1 0 26
West 8-13 0-0 10 5 16 0 2 4 0 24 Andrew 4-8 0-0 2 4 8 5 1 0 0 40 McCullough 8-19 0-0 13 1 16 0 5 0 1 37
Robinson 1-10 0-0 2 3 2 2 2 0 1 32 Williams 4-6 2-2 4 2 10 1 2 0 0 38 Coe 3-5 0-2 1 5 6 2 0 1 0 20
Vaughan 5-15 0-0 2 2 10 2 1 0 4 34 Hafley 2-4 0-0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 19 Broadnax 4-6 0-0 2 4 8 2 6 0 1 32
Kragtwijk 2-4 0-0 8 4 4 0 3 0 0 23 Bryant 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Rayne 6-8 1-1 4 2 13 0 1 1 0 21
Adams 0-1 0-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 TEAM 2 McNish 0-3 0-0 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 18
Broxton 2-4 0-0 1 0 4 1 1 0 0 11 Totals 30-56 13-14 30 13 73 12 8 2 1 200 Werfel 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
TEAM 5 GEORGIA (19-12) Forrester 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Totals 28-77 4-4 43 21 60 6 12 5 5 200 Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Kaylor 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Wilkins 9-20 1-2 5 1 19 4 1 3 3 40 TEAM 7
GEORGIA (19-11) Banks 5-8 2-2 7 0 12 2 1 0 2 40 Totals 28-65 4-8 43 19 60 8 18 4 5 200
Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Fair 9-13 0-0 9 4 18 1 0 1 1 40
Wilkins 9-20 3-5 12 3 21 3 1 2 3 36 Fleming 4-9 1-1 2 2 9 4 1 0 0 40 GEORGIA (17-11)
Marbury 6-17 2-2 4 3 14 5 3 0 0 40
Banks 4-7 4-4 9 2 12 3 1 0 2 36 TEAM 5 Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Fair 6-15 3-4 13 2 15 1 3 1 0 35 Totals 33-67 6-7 32 10 72 16 6 4 6 200 Banks 3-5 2-4 2 0 8 1 1 1 0 29
Fleming 3-8 5-5 1 1 11 4 4 0 2 38 Wilkins 8-21 8-13 12 3 24 1 0 0 2 32
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total
Marbury 4-10 0-0 5 2 8 1 4 0 1 32 South Alabama 42 31 73 Fair 2-6 2-4 6 1 6 2 0 3 2 38
Heard 0-0 0-0 3 2 0 2 0 0 1 7 Georgia 43 29 72 Marbury 6-10 2-2 2 1 14 2 2 1 1 32
Morris 0-2 1-2 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 Fleming 2-5 1-2 4 2 5 5 2 0 2 20
Fowler 1-2 0-0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 8 Officials: Gene Steratore, Jack Prettyman, Jim Rife. Heard 1-1 0-0 4 1 2 1 1 0 3 18
Wallace 1-1 0-0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 2 Technicals: None. Crosby 7-10 0-1 1 2 14 1 1 0 1 29
Truesdale 1-1 0-0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 Corhen 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Totals 29-66 16-20 47 14 74 16 15 3 9 200 Totals 29-58 15-26 34 11 73 13 8 5 11 200
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total
Old Dominion 20 40 60 Temple 32 28 60
Georgia 32 42 74 Georgia 37 36 73
Officials: McGrath, Olah, Brown. Officials: Rich Eichhorst, Ben Dunn, Bobby Ohla.
Technicals: None. Technicals: None.
Postseason Box Scores
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total
Purdue 27 34 61 VCU 27 27 54 St. John’s 29 38 68
Georgia 30 30 60 Georgia 29 27 56 Georgia 27 43 70
Officials: Jack Hannon, Dave Pollack, Joe Silvester. Officials: Jim Bain, Bob Barnett, Norm Borucki Officials: Bobby Dibler, Tom O’Neill, James Howell.
Technicals: None. Technicals: None. Technicals: None.
Postseason Box Scores
Georgia 82, N.C. State 67,
1983 North Carolina 77 1983 Georgia 60
NCAA 3/27/83 • Syracuse, N.Y. NCAA 4/2/83 • Albuquerque, N.M.
Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Banks 7-10 6-6 5 3 20 3 2 0 0 37 Bailey 9-17 2-5 10 3 20 1 0 2 0 37
Heard 4-6 0-0 9 1 8 2 0 0 1 40 Charles 2-2 1-2 6 1 5 0 1 0 0 29
Fair 5-6 1-2 6 4 11 1 0 0 1 22 McQueen 4-5 0-0 13 5 8 1 3 4 1 38
Crosby 6-12 5-8 3 3 17 2 5 0 2 33 Whittenburg 8-18 4-4 0 1 20 6 3 0 0 39
Fleming 6-16 5-8 8 3 17 5 2 0 1 39 Lowe 4-6 2-2 5 3 10 11 8 0 1 37
Hartry 1-1 0-0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 8 Battle 0-0 0-0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 7
Floyd 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 Gannon 1-4 2-2 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 13
Corhen 3-6 1-4 3 3 7 1 1 2 0 18 TEAM 0
TEAM 3 Totals 28-52 11-15 37 13 67 19 16 7 3 200
Totals 32-57 18-28 37 17 82 16 10 2 5 200
GEORGIA (24-10)
NORTH CAROLINA (28-8) Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Banks 5-19 3-5 2 3 13 0 2 0 0 35
Perkins 5-9 4-4 11 3 14 2 3 3 1 38 Heard 3-5 2-3 10 2 8 1 0 0 3 35
Doherty 3-8 4-4 2 3 10 4 1 0 1 38 Fair 2-9 1-2 6 3 5 0 4 0 6 32
Daugherty 6-10 3-3 9 4 15 0 0 1 0 29 Crosby 5-15 2-2 1 3 12 2 1 0 3 35
Jordan 11-23 4-5 6 5 26 0 2 1 1 34 Fleming 7-17 0-0 11 4 14 2 3 0 0 31
Braddock 5-9 0-1 2 2 10 7 4 0 1 36 Corhen 3-6 0-1 7 2 6 1 0 0 0 16
Hunter 1-3 0-0 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 13 Hartry 1-3 0-0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 14
Martin 0-0 0-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Floyd 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Hale 0-1 0-0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 TEAM 2
TEAM 0 Totals 26-74 8-13 39 20 60 7 10 0 12 200
Totals 31-63 15-17 32 26 77 13 10 5 4 200
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total N.C. State 33 34 67
North Carolina 35 42 77 Georgia 22 38 60
Georgia 37 45 82
Officials: Larry Lembo, Richard Weiler, Booker Turner.
Officials: Bobby Dibler, Tom O’Neill, James Howell. Technicals: None.
Technicals: None.
Postseason Box Scores
Georgia 95, Clemson 77,
1986 Chattanooga 81 1986 Georgia 65
NIT 3/13/86 • Chattanooga, Tenn. NIT 3/17/86 • Athens, Ga.
GEORGIA (17-12) CLEMSON (19-14)
Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T
B S MP Player FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
McMillan 2-3 3-5 12 1 7 2 2
0 0 34 Corbit 11-16 2-3 2 0 24 3 -- -- -- 33
Ward 4-10 4-6 3 2 12 2 1
0 0 39 Grant 12-19 0-0 13 2 24 0 -- -- -- 35
Dunn 4-6 0-0 4 2 8 2 1
2 0 31 McCants 5-8 2-2 9 1 12 3 -- -- -- 34
Williams 6-8 5-9 3 1 17 1 1
0 2 21 Michael 1-4 3-3 2 2 5 3 -- -- -- 33
Hartry 10-17 2-2 2 3 22 2 1
0 1 39 Marshall 1-2 0-1 1 1 2 9 -- -- -- 34
Hamilton 3-5 0-0 0 4 6 0 1
0 1 14 Tait 0-1 2-2 0 3 2 0 -- -- -- 6
Mack 3-3 1-1 0 0 7 1 1
0 1 6 Middleton 1-2 0-0 0 1 2 0 -- -- -- 9
Kessler 1-3 2-2 1 1 4 0 0
0 1 9 Pryor 2-2 0-1 1 1 4 1 -- -- -- 11
Anderson 6-10 0-0 1 1 12 0 1
0 0 17 Jenkins 1-3 0-0 1 1 2 0 -- -- -- 5
Totals 39-65 17-25 34 15 95 10 9 2 6 200 Totals 34-57 9-12 35 12 77 19 -- -- -- 200
Postseason Box Scores
Middle Tennessee St. 69, Texas 100,
1988 Georgia 59 1990 Georgia 88
NIT 3/22/88 • Murfreesboro, Tenn. NCAA 3/16/90 • Indianapolis, Ind.
TEXAS (22-8)
GEORGIA (20-16) Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A TB S MP Blanks 9-14 3-8 0-2 2 5 21 3 2 0 4 36
Mack 4-10 0-2 4-4 3 4 12 0 20 1 36 Collie 3-5 0-0 0-1 5 4 6 0 0 0 0 19
Cole 2-6 0-0 0-0 4 2 4 2 20 0 35 Myers 4-9 0-0 1-5 14 3 9 0 0 4 0 34
Kessler 7-14 0-0 2-3 9 2 16 1 00 0 30 Wright 5-14 0-2 2-6 4 3 12 4 6 2 4 38
Hamilton 2-6 0-1 0-0 1 2 4 4 10 1 30 Mays 10-17 1-4 23-27 6 3 44 1 5 1 0 36
Anderson 7-13 0-1 4-4 2 5 18 0 12 1 22 Williams 3-7 0-0 0-2 3 3 6 0 1 0 1 16
Blakley 0-2 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 10 0 4 Jeans 0-0 0-0 0-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6
Patton 2-5 1-3 0-0 0 3 5 3 00 0 26 Shepard 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 12
Harron 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 00 0 7 Houston 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Austin 0-3 0-0 0-0 4 0 0 0 00 1 10 Dudek 0-1 0-0 0-0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 15
TEAM 3 Fowler 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Totals 24-59 1-8 10-11 26 18 59 10 7 2 4 200 Hall 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Muller 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Totals 35-68 4-14 26-45 39 21 100 8 14 7 13 200
Baynham 11-17 1-1 1-1 4 2 24 1 2 1 1 37
Gregory 0-1 0-0 0-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 GEORGIA (20-9)
Rainey 3-8 0-0 0-3 9 3 6 3 2 0 0 32 Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Snell 3-5 2-2 2-2 5 1 10 5 0 0 0 30 Kessler 12-17 0-0 9-10 17 4 33 1 3 0 0 37
Harris 1-5 0-1 0-2 2 2 2 9 5 0 1 34 Wilson 6-16 1-2 3-3 9 4 16 1 3 2 1 31
Rainey 1-2 1-2 0-0 2 0 3 1 1 0 0 8 Austin 1-3 0-0 0-0 4 2 2 1 3 2 1 25
Ingram 1-2 0-0 0-0 7 0 2 0 0 2 0 11 Green 6-17 1-4 4-9 0 4 17 4 5 1 0 33
Rogers 1-4 0-1 2-2 1 1 4 0 1 0 1 11 Cole 5-11 1-4 0-0 5 5 11 2 4 1 1 36
Henry 8-15 0-0 2-2 12 3 18 0 1 1 0 35 Golden 0-2 0-0 2-2 2 5 2 2 4 1 1 12
TEAM 4 Patton 2-6 0-3 1-1 2 4 5 1 0 0 0 12
Totals 29-59 4-7 7-12 47 12 69 19 12 4 3 200 Rhine 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5
Harron 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total Howard 1-1 0-0 0-0 2 2 2 0 1 1 0 9
Georgia 33 26 59 TEAM 4
MTSU 36 33 69 Totals 33-73 3-13 19-25 45 31 88 12 23 8 4 200
Officials: RustyLierring, David Hodge, Ralph Pickett. Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total Alec Kessler wrapped up his stellar collegiate
Technicals: None. Texas 40 60 100 career with a 33-point ,17-rebound performance
Georgia 41 47 88 against Texas in the opening round of the 1990
NCAA Tournament, a 100-88 offensive showcase
Officials: Gerald Donaghy, Nick Gaetani, Samuel Croft. Technicals: None. in Indianapolis.
Postseason Box Scores
Georgia 81, Georgia 76,
1996 Clemson 74 1996 Purdue 69
NCAA 3/14/96 • Albuquerque, N.M. NCAA 3/16/96 • Albuquerque, N.M.
CLEMSON (18-11) GEORGIA (21-9)
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Jurkunas 7-11 5-8 0-0 7 4 19 0 3 1 0 32 Smith 1-3 1-2 3-4 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 19
Johnson 2-3 2-3 0-0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 5 Jones 0-1 0-0 0-0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 3
McIntyre 4-8 1-1 1-1 0 2 10 1 1 0 2 36 Robinson 1-5 0-2 3-4 1 1 5 3 2 0 1 30
Harder 1-3 1-2 0-0 3 1 3 0 1 0 1 15 Davis 3-8 1-2 5-6 3 5 12 4 1 0 1 22
Buckner 9-17 0-1 2-2 5 2 20 7 1 0 0 36 Harrison 1-5 0-3 2-2 4 2 4 4 1 0 0 22
Jamison 2-4 0-0 1-3 7 1 5 1 2 1 0 26 Chadwick 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Widerman 3-5 0-0 2-3 4 2 8 5 4 1 1 25 Strong 6-11 0-0 5-8 8 3 17 2 3 1 1 37
Christie 1-4 0-1 1-2 0 3 3 1 3 0 0 25 Anderson 5-7 1-1 4-6 3 4 15 3 4 0 0 29
TEAM 4 Nordin 1-2 0-0 0-1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3
Totals 29-55 9-16 7-11 30 16 74 15 15 3 4 200 Bell 5-5 0-0 5-7 8 4 15 1 1 7 0 33
GEORGIA (20-9) Totals 23-47 3-10 27-38 33 23 76 18 12 8 3 200
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Smith 3-6 3-5 3-4 1 0 12 3 1 0 0 24 PURDUE (26-6)
Jones 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Davis 5-17 2-11 1-2 5 2 13 6 3 0 1 35 Austin 6-13 1-3 2-2 1 2 15 0 3 0 0 30
Harrison 2-5 2-4 2-2 2 2 8 1 1 0 2 30 Eldridge 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 4
Chadwick 1-2 1-2 0-2 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 11 Foster 2-7 2-7 1-2 2 3 7 4 1 0 0 20
Strong 7-12 0-1 4-4 7 1 18 2 1 0 1 35 Dove 1-3 0-0 2-3 2 2 4 1 0 0 0 13
Anderson 8-14 0-3 2-2 5 2 18 3 2 0 1 36 Roberts 3-13 2-8 0-1 8 4 8 2 2 0 1 36
Nordin 1-1 0-0 0-0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 Hairston 0-2 0-0 0-0 7 2 0 1 2 0 1 27
Bell 2-3 0-0 3-4 7 2 7 0 1 0 0 18 Jennings 3-7 0-1 7-10 5 2 13 0 1 0 0 21
TEAM 3 Clay 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
Totals 29-60 8-26 15-20 32 13 81 15 9 0 5 200 Brantley 4-7 2-3 4-4 2 5 14 1 1 2 0 30
Miller 3-6 0-0 2-5 4 5 8 1 1 1 0 15
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total TEAM 5
Clemson 25 49 74 Totals 22-59 7-22 18-27 37 26 69 11 11 3 2 200
Georgia 26 55 81
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total
Officials: Donaghy, Harrinton, Welmer. Purdue 35 34 69
Technicals: None. Georgia 48 28 76
Terrell Bell’s dominance of the inside play
Officials: Donaghy, Rose, Gray. — he scored 15 points and blocked seven
Technicals: None. shots — ignited the 1996 Bulldogs to a
second-round upset of No. 1 seed Purdue,
76-69 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Postseason Box Scores
Georgia 100, Georgia 61, Georgia 79,
1998 Iowa 93 1998 N.C. State 55 1998 Vanderbilt 65
NIT 3/11/98 • Iowa City, Iowa NIT 3/17/98 • Raleigh, N.C. NIT 3/19/98 • Athens, Ga.
GEORGIA (17-14) GEORGIA (18-14) VANDERBILT (20-13)
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Brown 3-4 0-0 5-6 5 3 11 0 2 0 0 18 Brown 3-5 0-0 2-3 6 4 8 2 1 0 0 27 Ford 3-8 2-2 2-2 5 1 10 3 6 0 1 30
Jones, J. 5-14 1-3 3-5 8 2 14 0 2 1 0 30 LaPointe 3-5 0-1 0-0 1 3 6 1 0 0 0 17
Chadwick 4-5 1-1 0-0 6 3 9 1 2 0 0 23 Smith 2-6 1-4 0-0 2 2 5 0 3 0 1 29
Jones, J. 8-17 3-5 1-2 9 4 20 0 0 0 1 35 Bates 2-6 0-0 5-6 5 5 9 1 3 0 1 29
Smith 6-10 4-6 2-2 7 2 18 5 5 0 1 35 Strong 4-7 0-0 2-2 3 3 10 0 3 0 3 32
Harrison 10-17 0-2 2-3 4 0 22 9 2 0 1 39 Harrison 3-10 1-3 0-0 6 1 7 5 4 0 1 39
Maddux 6-17 5-12 2-2 7 2 19 7 2 0 1 39
Jones, A. 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 6 Chadwick 2-4 0-1 6-8 7 1 10 2 2 0 0 25
Ransom 6-8 0-1 2-4 5 1 14 2 3 1 2 24 Prater 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
Jones, A. 1-2 0-1 0-0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 10 Cugini 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Hall 2-2 0-0 0-0 6 3 4 0 1 0 0 13 Ransom 1-3 0-0 1-2 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 12
Dukes 2-3 2-3 0-2 2 2 6 0 1 2 0 7 Williams 0-2 0-0 0-0 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 9
Hall 1-1 0-0 2-2 2 3 4 0 3 0 0 13 Langhi 5-11 0-4 1-3 8 3 11 1 2 1 0 27
Dryden 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Nordin 1-1 0-0 0-0 2 3 2 1 1 0 0 4 Dukes 0-1 0-1 0-0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 7 TEAM 4 1
TEAM 1 Nordin 1-2 0-0 0-0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 Totals 23-56 7-19 12-15 37 20 65 13 17 1 6 200
Totals 39-64 8-16 14-22 47 21 100 19 21 4 4 200 TEAM 5 0
Totals 22-51 5-15 12-17 41 16 61 9 15 0 3 200 GEORGIA (19-14)
IOWA (20-11) Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP N.C. STATE (17-15) Jones, J. 9-18 2-6 0-0 12 2 20 0 2 2 1 36
Davis 9-12 2-4 5-7 8 2 25 1 2 1 3 34 Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Chadwick 2-7 0-2 2-2 5 3 6 2 4 1 2 25
Galloway 2-7 1-5 0-0 0 1 5 3 1 0 1 19 Brown 2-3 0-0 5-5 3 3 9 0 0 0 0 18
Bowen 11-15 0-0 2-6 11 4 24 1 0 2 4 30 Benjamin 5-13 2-8 1-3 4 4 13 1 2 0 2 34
Gainey 0-2 0-2 0-0 3 0 0 3 1 0 2 32 Smith 1-7 0-4 3-5 3 0 5 11 1 1 3 37
Oliver 3-6 0-0 3-4 2 4 9 4 2 0 3 24 Harrison 3-11 2-6 2-2 2 0 10 2 2 0 3 29
McCausland3-9 3-7 0-0 4 1 9 1 1 0 0 28 Inge 1-13 0-0 8-10 10 1 10 1 1 4 0 37
Bauer 0-0 0-0 2-2 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 Harrison 3-15 1-8 3-3 3 4 10 3 1 0 1 38 Jones, A. 1-2 0-1 0-0 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 4
Rucker 0-3 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Ransom 2-2 1-1 0-0 4 1 5 0 0 0 0 16
Kelley 6-6 0-0 1-1 4 4 13 0 0 0 1 21
Luehrsmann1-6 0-2 1-2 4 3 3 5 3 0 3 27 Hall 5-5 0-0 2-4 4 2 12 0 1 1 0 18
Miller 1-6 1-5 0-0 2 1 3 2 1 0 1 16 Dukes 3-9 2-7 2-3 1 1 10 1 1 0 0 16
Simmons 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 Wells 2-2 0-0 0-0 2 3 4 0 0 2 0 11
Koberg 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Dryden 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Rabenold 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Buffum 1-1 0-0 0-0 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 11 TEAM 4 0
Koch 0-1 0-0 6-6 1 0 6 0 1 1 1 10 TEAM 0 1 Totals 28-65 7-28 16-21 38 14 79 17 11 5 9 200
Moore 3-5 1-2 1-2 0 1 8 2 0 1 1 19 Totals 19-58 4-23 13-17 30 18 55 11 7 6 7 200
Haberer 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total
Terrones 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total Vanderbilt 32 33 65
TEAM 1 Georgia 26 35 61 Georgia 31 48 79
Totals 33-74 7-20 20-29 31 16 93 17 10 5 17 200 N.C. State 14 41 55
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total
Points off turnovers 12 2 Points off turnovers 8 11
Georgia 52 48 100
Iowa 50 43 93 2nd-chance points 14 15 2nd chance points 8 18
Officials: Paul Kaster, John Higgins, Terry Davis Officials: Kenneth Clark, Tom Scott, Mike DiStaola Officials: R. SanFillipo, John Sweeney, Bryan Kersey
Technicals: None. Technicals: None. Technicals: None.
Postseason Box Scores
Missouri 70, Georgia 85,
2001 Georgia 68 2002 Murray State 68
NCAA 3/15/01 • Greensboro, N.C. NCAA 3/15/02 • Chicago, Ill.
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Rush 5-17 1-4 1-2 8 0 12 5 3 3 2 34 Whelchel 1-7 0-2 0-0 5 1 2 7 1 0 2 38
Soyoye 3-6 0-0 4-5 7 4 10 0 1 0 0 27 Victor 10-20 2-5 1-4 8 3 23 1 0 0 3 39
Johnson 4-6 0-0 7-11 9 3 15 0 2 1 1 30 Singleton 5-12 0-0 1-2 12 3 11 1 4 2 1 37
Gilbert 4-11 2-7 0-2 1 0 10 5 2 0 1 33 Burdine 7-20 5-11 2-2 4 1 21 2 6 0 0 36
Grawer 3-5 3-5 0-0 5 2 9 2 1 0 0 20 Paschel 2-8 1-5 0-1 1 4 5 4 3 0 1 30
Stokes 1-2 0-0 0-1 0 0 2 3 3 0 4 20 Henderson 2-4 2-2 0-0 2 1 6 0 3 0 1 15
Bryant 1-2 0-0 0-0 1 3 2 0 2 0 2 11 Thomas 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 5
Gage 0-2 0-0 0-0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 10
Paulding 4-7 0-1 2-2 0 2 10 1 1 1 0 13 TEAM 10
Parker 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Totals 27-71 10-25 4-9 42 16 68 15 17 2 8 200
Totals 25-58 6-17 14-23 35 18 70 16 15 5 10 200 GEORGIA (22-9)
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
GEORGIA (16-15) Hayes 14-22 2-3 1-1 5 0 31 4 2 0 2 39
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Daniels 4-5 0-0 3-3 8 5 11 2 3 1 4 28
Williams 4-9 1-3 0-2 3 2 9 2 0 0 1 24 Thomas 0-2 0-0 1-2 2 3 1 1 1 0 0 16
Coleman 1-3 0-0 0-0 1 2 2 0 3 0 0 12 Williams 2-9 1-4 5-6 4 1 10 2 3 1 0 31
Evans 3-8 0-0 10-11 12 2 16 2 3 0 2 30 Wright 6-10 2-4 2-3 2 2 16 10 2 1 3 38
Wright 3-5 1-1 1-3 4 0 8 1 3 1 2 30
Layne 3-10 1-3 0-0 3 3 7 1 3 0 1 33 Dean 1-3 0-0 0-2 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 13
Jones 2-5 0-1 0-1 5 3 4 5 1 0 2 27 Gibson 0-2 0-1 0-0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4
Dryden 8-11 0-0 2-2 1 2 18 2 2 2 0 24 Hayes 5-10 0-0 4-4 14 1 14 1 1 0 0 31
Daniels 0-1 0-0 2-4 1 4 2 0 2 0 1 9 TEAM 3
Thomas 1-2 0-0 0-0 3 2 2 2 1 0 0 11 Totals 32-63 5-12 16-21 38 12 85 21 13 3 10 200
Totals 25-54 3-8 15-23 36 20 68 15 18 3 9 200 Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total Murray State 39 29 68
Missouri 32 38 70 Georgia 42 43 85
Georgia 33 35 68
Points in the paint 26 32 Points in the paint 34 38
Points off turnovers 21 16 2nd chance points 15 12
2nd chance points 7 20 Bench points 6 16
Bench Points 14 26
Officials: David Libbey, Patrick Driscoll, Andy Rios. Officials: John Hughes, William Bush, Bryan Kersey.
Technicals: None. Technicals: None. Jarvis Hayes established the Georgia NCAA Tour-
nament single-game records for field goals made
and attempted against Murray State in 2002 when
he connected on 14-of-22 shots from the floor.
Officials: Duke Edsall, Mike Wood, Will Bush. Officials: Curtis Blair, Bill Laubenstein, Kevin Ferguson.
Technicals: None. Technicals: None.
Postseason Box Scores
Air Force 83, Xavier 73,
2007 Georgia 52 2008 Georgia 61
NIT 3/19/07 • Colorado Springs, Colo. NIT 3/20/08 • Washington, D.C.
GEORGIA (1-1) GEORGIA (17-17)
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Brown 4-9 0-0 1-4 3 3 9 1 2 0 0 30 Gaines 6-14 1-3 0-0 4 4 13 6 5 1 2 38
Bliss 0-0 0-0 1-4 5 2 1 0 1 1 0 8 Woodbury 6-12 3-8 1-2 7 3 16 1 1 0 0 38
Gaines 2-4 1-3 4-4 3 3 9 5 4 0 1 29 Humphrey 5-9 2-5 0-0 1 2 12 2 3 1 1 36
Stukes 2-9 1-6 0-1 1 2 5 1 2 1 0 38 Jackson 1-6 0-0 2-2 6 3 4 0 0 0 0 23
Humphrey 1-6 1-3 1-2 5 3 4 1 0 1 1 31 Bliss 3-4 0-0 0-0 4 5 6 0 2 0 0 19
Ndiaye 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+
Brizendine 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+ Swansey 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5
Newman 1-4 0-0 2-3 0 2 4 0 3 0 2 19 Brewer 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1
Butler 0-1 0-0 4-4 1 3 4 0 0 0 0 13 Butler 0-2 0-1 0-1 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 17
Woodbury 6-11 3-6 1-2 8 1 16 1 3 1 0 28 Price 5-7 0-0 0-0 5 1 10 0 0 0 0 23
Singleton 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 TEAM 4
TEAM 1 Totals 26-56 6-18 3-5 31 22 61 10 13 2 4 200
Totals 16-44 6-18 14-24 28 19 52 9 16 4 4 200
XAVIER (28-6)
AIR FORCE (25-8) Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A TB S MP
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Duncan 4-9 1-5 11-14 8 0 20 1 11 0 27
Burtschi 7-11 3-5 4-4 10 2 21 3 0 0 1 31 Brown 7-9 1-1 4-5 11 1 19 0 21 2 29
Nwaelele 6-14 3-9 4-4 6 0 19 3 1 0 2 34 Anderson 0-3 0-0 6-6 2 3 6 2 10 0 23
Welch 4-5 1-1 0-0 2 3 9 1 3 0 0 27 Lavender 5-12 1-3 2-2 1 2 13 2 20 1 34
McCraw 3-7 1-2 2-2 1 2 9 6 3 0 0 35 Burrell 0-3 0-2 3-4 1 2 3 5 10 3 37
Anderson 4-7 1-4 0-0 2 2 9 3 0 2 3 34
Henke 2-3 0-1 1-1 2 2 5 1 1 0 0 13 Raymond 3-9 2-6 0-0 0 2 8 0 00 1 25
Hood 0-1 0-1 0-0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 Jackson 1-1 1-1 0-0 1 1 3 0 00 0 8
Merriex 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Love 0-1 0-0 1-2 4 1 1 1 00 1 17
Teets 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 TEAM 1
Holland 0-0 0-0 0-0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Totals 20-47 6-18 27-33 29 12 73 11 7 2 8 200
Kenzik 1-1 1-1 0-0 0 2 3 0 1 0 0 1
Johnson 0-0 0-0 3-4 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 4 Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total
Maren 1-1 1-1 0-0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 Georgia 35 26 61
Parker 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Xavier 26 47 73
Frye 0-0 0-0 2-2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 5
Totals 28-50 11-25 16-17 29 17 83 20 10 2 6 200 Points in the paint 24 24
Points off turnovers 14 11
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total
2nd chance points 8 6
Georgia 24 28 52 Sundiata Gaines led Georgia’s miraculous run
Air Force 43 40 83 Bench points 11 8
through the 2008 SEC Tournament that put the
Officials: Kelly Self, Bruce Hicks, Shawn Lehigh. Officials: Ed Hightower, Mike Reed, Lamar Simpson. Bulldogs back in “March Madness” for the first
Technicals: None. Technicals: None. time in six years.
Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total Score by Periods 1st 2nd Total
Georgia 28 40 68 Vermont 20 36 56 Louisiana Tech 46 33 79
Washington 28 37 65 Georgia 29 34 63 Georgia 27 44 71
UW UGA Points in the paint 28 28 Points in the paint 32 42
Points in the paint 34 34 Points off turnovers 24 20 Points off turnovers 17 12
Points off turnovers 17 3 2nd chance points 6 9 2nd chance points 10 18
2nd chance points 14 17 Bench points 22 5 Bench points 30 28
Bench points 28 0
Officials: Brian Shey, Matthew Potter, A.J. Desai. Officials: Rick Crawford, James Barker, Jeb Hartness.
Officials: Steve Olson, Don Daily, Hal Lusk. Technicals: None. Technicals: None. Technicals: None.
Postseason Box Scores
Michigan State 70, Georgia 93,
2015 Georgia 63 2016 Belmont 84
NCAA 3/20/15 • Charlotte, N.C. NIT 3/16/16 • Athens, Ga.
GEORGIA (21-12) BELMONT (20-12)
Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP Player FGs 3FGs FTs Rb Pf Pt A T B S MP
Thornton 2-8 0-1 8-8 10 4 12 3 2 0 1 33 Bradshaw 6-13 2-8 5-5 0 0 19 1 2 2 0 35
Djurisic 2-9 1-4 2-4 12 2 7 2 1 0 0 34 Bradds 2-5 0-0 9-10 3 4 13 4 2 0 0 28
Mann 6-14 1-1 6-9 3 4 19 1 2 0 1 32 Egekeze 0-4 0-4 1-2 5 4 1 0 0 1 1 23
Gaines 5-10 2-4 3-3 0 5 15 0 1 0 1 20 Barnette 4-7 2-5 1-2 7 2 11 0 0 0 0 30
Frazier 0-7 0-3 0-0 5 0 0 2 2 1 0 37 Windler 1-1 0-0 0-0 2 4 2 0 0 1 0 13
Maten 1-3 0-0 0-0 3 0 2 0 0 1 0 13 Luke 6-11 4-9 0-0 3 3 16 5 5 0 2 26
Echols 0-1 0-1 0-0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Smith 4-7 4-7 2-2 3 3 14 1 1 0 1 23
Forte 3-5 0-0 2-2 5 1 8 0 3 0 1 19 Laidig 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0+
Young 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+ Mercer 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Kessler 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0+ McClain 3-7 2-4 0-0 2 3 8 0 1 0 1 17
Geno 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0+ Hadden 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2
Totals 19-57 4-14 21-26 43 19 63 8 12 2 4 200 Totals 26-55 14-37 18-21 28 24 84 12 12 4 5 200
All-Time Jersey Numbers
0 6 13
Younes Idrissi............................2005-06 Bob Healey................................1947-50 Joe Jordan................................1948-51
William “Turtle” Jackson II...............2016-19 Gordon Darrah (R)....................1959-61
Donnell Gresham, Jr............................. 2020 7 Tim Bassett................................1972-73
K.D. Johnson......................................... 2021 Dick Thomas..............................1948-50 Bryan Drafts..............................1974-76
Joe Childers..............................1978-80
1 8 Katu Davis.................................1995-96
Brian Watts............................... 2001-02 Lonnie O’Quinn.........................1949-50 Badi Oliver............................ 1996-2000
Julian Williams......................... 2004-05 Zippy Morocco..........................1950-51 Mike Bucklin............................. 2003-04
Kendrick Johnson......................... 2006 E’Torrion Wilridge.....................2016-19
Jeremy Jacob........................... 2007-08 9 Jonathan Ned................................ 2021
Travis Leslie............................... 2010-11 Minton Williams........................1949-51
Kentavious Caldwell-Pope.......2012-13 14
Yante Maten..............................2015-18 10 Sonny Dykes.............................1949-50
Teshaun Hightower........................2019 Sonny Dykes.............................1951-52 John Marshall...........................1951-52
Jaykwon Walton....................... 2020-21 Ray Allen....................................1956-58 Bill Shain...................................1952-53
YANTE MATEN Don Keiser (R)...........................1958-60 Henry Cabaniss.........................1956-58
2 Allan Johnson (H).....................1960-62 Pat Casey (R).............................1959-61
Louis Christo.............................1949-50 Lee Martin.................................1964-66 Dwayne Powell.........................1964-67
Mike Dean................................ 2002-03 Nick Gimpel...............................1968-70 Jerry Epling...............................1968-70
Sundiata Gaines....................... 2004-08 Steve Zilko.................................1971-73 Gary Adler.................................1972-73
DeMario Mayfield.................... 2009-10 Vern Fleming.............................1981-84 Mark Slonaker...........................1976-79
Marcus Thornton....................... 2011-15 Eric DeYoung.............................1997-99 Pat Hamilton..............................1986-89
Jordan Harris............................2017-20 Scott Hamilton......................... 2000-01 Jamil Hardwick..................... 1999-2000
Sahvir Wheeler.............................. 2021 Jay McAuley............................. 2003-06 Ryan Pevey............................... 2000-02
Ricky McPhee........................... 2009-10 Levi Stukes............................... 2004-07
3 Taylor Echols.............................2013-15 Brandon Young..........................2014-17
Charles Bryant...........................1950-51 Teshaun Hightower........................2018 Tye Fagan..................................2019-21
Louis McGee.............................1952-54 Toumani Camara...................... 2020-21
Eric Marbury..............................1979-82 15
David Taylor...............................1996-97 11 Walter Daniels...........................1976-79
Moses White............................. 1999-00 Bob Schloss...............................1948-51 Devin Baker...............................1996-97
Rashad Wright.......................... 2000-04 Zippy Morocco..........................1951-53 Mike Patrick.............................. 2000-02
Kevin Brophy............................ 2005-06 Allen Parrish..............................1952-55 Steve Newman......................... 2004-07
Dustin Ware.............................. 2009-12 Don Hartsfield...........................1956-57 Donte’ Williams......................... 2011-14
KEVIN BROPHY Juwan Parker................2014-15, ‘17-18 Dick McIntosh............................1966-68 Osahen Iduwe...........................2015-16
Christian Brown....................... 2020-21 Litterial Green...........................1989-92 Sahvir Wheeler.............................. 2020
Pertha Robinson........................1993-96
4 Adrian Jones.........................1996-2001 16
Marvin Satterfield.....................1952-54 Mike Brittain............................. 2001-02 Ryle Tatum.................................1949-50
Bill Penland...............................1949-50 Vincent Williams...................... 2009-13 George Bell................................1954-56
Jack Turner.................................1951-52 Cameron Forte..........................2014-15
Gerald Crosby...........................1982-85 Christian Harrison.....................2018-19 17
Ty Wilson...................................1992-95 Jaxon Etter............................... 2020-21 Jim Umbricht............................1950-52
G.G. Smith.................................1995-96
Larry Brown...............................1996-98 12 18
Sean Faulkner...........................1998-99 Earl Davis...................................1948-51 Johnny Carson..........................1951-53
Anthony Evans......................... 2000-01 Morris Dinwiddie......................1955-56 Virgil Mills.................................1955-57
Scott Prah................................. 2003-04 Barry Cohen..............................1970-71
Chris Barnes..............................2007-11 Dennis Williams........................1984-87 20
Charles Mann............................ 2013-16 Jody Patton...............................1988-91 W.C. Jones.................................1954-56
Tyree Crump..............................2017-20 Brian Peterson...........................1993-96 Peter Marsh (R).........................1959-60
Andrew Garcia.............................. 2021 G.G. Smith.................................1996-99 Jimmy Pitts...............................1963-65
Jay Crowell............................... 1999-00 Tom Brennan.............................1969-71
VINCENT WILLIAMS 5 Damien Wilkins........................ 2002-04 Dave Lucey................................1974-76
E.L. Rainey.................................1947-49 Blake Davenport....................... 2004-05 John Wimberly..........................1978-79
Kermith Hall..............................1951-53 Matt Bucklin.............................. 2009-12 Derrick Floyd.............................1980-83
Steve Jones...............................1993-96 Kenny Gaines............................ 2013-16 Melvin Howard..........................1984-85
Ezra Williams............................ 2001-03 Josh Taylor......................................2021 Jumaine Jones..........................1998-99
Buzz Wehunt............................. 2004-05 Troy Brewer.............................. 2008-09
Zac Swansey............................ 2008-09 Connor Nolte............................. 2011-12
Ebuka Anyaorah....................... 2009-10 Dusan Langura...............................2015
Tim Dixon..................................2012-14 Rayshaun Hammonds..............2018-20
Pape Diatta................................2017-18
JoJo Toppin....................................2019 21 (RETIRED)
Anthony Edwards......................... 2020 Sonny Poss................................1957-59
Justin Kier..................................... 2021 Tony Flanagan...........................1975-78
Dominique Wilkins (retired).....1980-82
Toney Mack................................1986-88
All-Time Jersey Numbers
22 31 42
John Johnson (R).....................1959-62 Lamar Potts...............................1952-55 Gordon Darrah (H)....................1959-61
Billy Rado..................................1963-64 Don Hartsfield...........................1957-58 Chuck Adamek..........................1961-63
Frank Harscher..........................1966-67 Charles Bagby...........................1961-62 Mike Bracewell..........................1966-68
Lanny Taylor..............................1969-71 Tom Duggins.............................1965-67 Chip Vaughan............................1972-74
Horace McMillan.......................1983-86 Mark Shufelt..............................1968-69 Lucius Foster.............................1976-79
Rod Cole....................................1988-91 Charlie Dorsey..........................1975-77 Jon Nordin................................1996-99
Bernard Davis............................1991-94 Richard Corhen.........................1982-85 Marcus Sikes............................ 2003-04
Phenizee Ransom.....................1996-98 Kris Nordholz............................1993-96 Takais Brown............................ 2006-07
Terrence Edwards.....................1998-99 Billy Humphrey........................ 2005-08 Nemanja Djurisic......................2012-15
P.J. Bullock................................ 2005-06 Brandon Morris.........................2013-14
Travis Leslie................................... 2009 43
Gerald Robinson, Jr.................. 2011-12 32 Lucius Foster.............................1978-79
Fred Edmondson......................1957-59 Ignas Sargiunas.............................2019
23 Charles Bagby...........................1963-64
Bill Ensley..................................1954-57 Ray Jeffords..............................1965-68 44
Ray Harrison..............................1996-99 Charlie Anderson......................1972-74 John Barnard (H)......................1959-60 ALBERT JACKSON
Fred Gibson.............................. 2002-03 Lamar Heard..............................1980-83 Carlton Gill................................1962-63
Corey Butler............................. 2006-09 Joe Ward....................................1984-86 Jerry Waller...............................1964-66
Sherrard Brantley.....................2010-13 Larry Brown...............................1995-96 Dick Toth.....................................1971-73
Mikal Starks................................... 2021 Lorenzo Hall..............................1996-98 Jacky Dorsey.............................1975-76
D.A. Layne.............................1999-2001 Jimmy Daughtry.......................1978-80
24 Alex Evans................................ 2004-05 David Dunn................................1985-87
Bill Ensley..................................1957-58 John Florveus...........................2012-13 Marshall Wilson........................1989-91
John Barnard (R).......................1959-60 Mike Edwards............................2016-19 Terrell Bell..................................1993-96
Don Keiser (H)...........................1959-61 Stan Turnier................................... 2020 Ryan Lewis............................... 1999-00
Herb White.................................1968-70 Quentin Moses......................... 2002-03
John Fraley................................1972-73 33 Dave Bliss................................. 2005-08
Chad Kessler.............................1984-87 Cort Nagle.................................1968-70
Reggie Tinch..............................1991-92 Billy Magarity............................1973-75 45
Michael Chadwick.....................1996-99 Lavon Mercer............................1977-80 Steve Waxman..........................1973-75
Jarvis Hayes............................. 2001-03 Alec Kessler...............................1987-90 Rashaad Singleton................... 2005-08
Houston Kessler........................2014-17 Charles Claxton.........................1992-95
Connor O’Neill..........................2018-19 Derrick Dukes............................1996-98 50
Rodney Howard............................ 2020 Shawn Fields........................ 1998-2000 Phillip Simpson.........................1959-61
P.J. Horne....................................... 2021 Jonas Hayes............................. 2001-04 Carl Ackermann.........................1963-65 JONAS HAYES
Matt Womack............................ 2004-05 Don Wix.....................................1965-66
25 Mike Mercer............................. 2005-07 Randy Mateling.........................1970-72
Harold Krafchik.........................1957-58 Trey Thompkins.........................2009-11 Chris Daniels............................ 2000-04
Allan Johnson (R).....................1960-62 Connor O’Neill..........................2016-17 Jeremy Price..............................2008-11
James Banks.............................1981-84 Nicolas Claxton.........................2018-19
Carlos Strong............................1993-96 51
Nick Temen................................ 1999-00 34 Shon Coleman......................1999-2001
Daniel Szymanek..................... 2002-03 Ken Taylor..................................1959-61
Channing Toney........................ 2005-06 Robb Dryden.........................1997-2001 53
Ebuka Anyaorah............................ 2009 Wayne Arnold............................... 2003 Peter Marsh (H).........................1959-60
Tyler Whatley..................................2010 Corey Gibbs.............................. 2004-05 Mack Crenshaw.........................1963-65
Kenny Paul Geno......................2014-17 Albert Jackson...........................2007-10 Don Wix.....................................1967-68
Amanze Ngumezi...........................2019 Derek Ogbeide.................2016-present Cauthen Westbrook..................1969-71
Tyron McMillan............................. 2021 Ken Boatwright.........................1975-76
30 Terry Fair....................................1980-83 54
Bob Chaney...............................1957-59 Cedric Henderson.....................1984-85 John Johnson (H).....................1959-61
Pat Casey (H).............................1959-61 Neville Austin............................1988-91 Mike Taylor.................................1963-66
Donald Hartry............................1983-86 Bob Lienhard.............................1968-70 STEVE THOMAS
Tommy Wainscott.................... 2004-05 40 Joey Waldrop........................... 2004-05
Terrance Woodbury.................. 2006-09 Jim Youngblood........................1966-68
J.J. Frazier.................................2014-17 Barry Cohen..............................1969-70 55
Isaac Kante.....................................2018 Ronnie Hogue...........................1971-73 Steve Thomas........................... 2000-03
Mike Peake.................................... 2020 Willie Anderson........................1985-88
Shandon Anderson...................1993-96
Richard Wehunt........................ 2002-03
Sam Greavu............................. 2005-06
Rick Mill.....................................1964-65
Tom Superka.............................1968-70
Gino Gianfrancesco..................1971-73
Drazen Zlovaric........................ 2009-10
John Cannon.............................2012-14
All-Time Coaches
All-Time Letterwinners
A Brophy, Kevin – 2005-06 Cook, Dudley – 1926-27-28
Abrahamson, Tom – 1971 Brown, Andy – 1996-97-98-99-00 Corhen, Richard – 1982-83-84-85 (Co-
Acker, Jon – 1966 (Mgr.) Capt.)Corley, O.H. – 1915
Ackermann, Carl – 1963-64-65 Brown, Christian – 2020-21 Costa, Flip – 1932-33-34
Adamek, Chuck – 1961-62-63 Brown, Dathon – 1992-94 Courts, Malon – 1929
Adler, Gary – 1972 Brown, H.W. – 1914-15-16 Couvillon, Sam – 1990-91-92-93 (Mgr.)
Aguilar, Ron – 2006 Brown, Julius – 1974 Covington, Brandon – 2009-10 (Mgr.)
Allen, Ray – 1956-57-58 Brown, Larry – 1995-96-97-98 Cox, Arthur – 1917-18-19 (Capt.)
Anders, Carl – 1943 Brown, Takais – 2007 Crawford, Chase – 2018-19-20-21
Anderson, Alf – 1943 Brown, Wedford – 1906-07-08-12 (Mgr.)
Anderson, Billy – 1921 (Mgr.) Crean, Riley – 2020-21 (Mgr.)
Anderson, Buck – 1928-29-30-31 Bryant, Charles – 1950-51 Creekmore, Ross – 1911-12
Anderson, Charles – 1941-43 (Capt.) Bryant, Joe – 1940-41-42 Crenshaw, Ander – 1964
Anderson, Charlie – 1972-73-74 (Capt.) Bryant, Whitey – 1930-31 Crenshaw, Mack – 1963-64-65
Anderson, Cody – 2012-13-14 (Mgr.) Bucklin, Matt – 2009-10-11-12 Crenshaw, McCarthy – 1931
Anderson, Harrison – 1934-35 (Co- Bucklin, Mike – 2003-04 Crosby, Gerald – 1982-83-84-85 (Co-
Capt.), -36 (Co-Capt.) Bullock, P.J. – 2006 Capt.)
Anderson, W.D. – 1918-19-20 Burch, Charles – 1945 Crowder, Daniel – 1938 DAVE BLISS
Anderson, Willie – 1985-86-87-88 Burdette, Eric – 1987 Crump, Steve – 1913-14
(Capt.) Burdette, P.B. – 1953 Crump, Tyree – 2017-18-19-20
Anderson, Scott – 1997 (Mgr.) Butler, Corey – 2007-08-09 (Co-Capt.) Cummings, John – 1955
Anderson, Shandon – 1993-94-95-96 Butler, Jake – 1922-23-25
Anyaorah, Ebuka – 2010 Buttolph, L.F. – 1911 D
Arnold, Wayne – 2003 Buttolph, Lyman – 1909 (Mgr.) Daniels, Chris – 2001-02-03-04
Arrendale, J. Lester – 1908 Buttolph, Lymon – 1944 (Mgr.) Daniels, Greg – 1985 (Mgr.)
Asher, Curtis – 1937 (Mgr.) Daniels, Walter – 1976-77-78-79 (Capt.)
Austin, Neville – 1988-89-90-91 (Co.- C Danner, Ray – 1963
Capt) Cabiness, Henry – 1956-57-58 (Capt.) Darrah, Gordon – 1959-60 (Capt.), -61
Aycock, Chad – 2012-13-14-15 (Mgr.) Caldwell-Pope, Kentavious – 2012-13 Daughtry, Jimmy – 1977-78-79-80
Camara, Toumani – 2020-21 (Co-Capt.)
B Campbell, W.H. – 1920 Davenport, Blake – 2005
Bagby, Charles – 1962-63-64 (Capt.) Cannon, John – 2012-13 Davidson, John – 1928-1929
Bailey, Sam – 1944 Canter, Armand – 1935 Davis, Bernard – 1991-92-93-94 (Co-
Baker, Devin – 1997 Carrington, Curtis – 1995 Capt.)
Ball, Tommy – 1967-68 Carson, John – 1952-53 Davis, Earl – 1948-49-51 (Tri-Capt.)
Davis, John – 1949
Banks, James – 1981-82-83-84 (Co- Carter, Charles – 1978
Davis, Katu – 1995-96
Capt.) Carter, Ed – 1910-11
Barnard, John – 1960 Carter, Frank – 1911-12-13-14 De Foor, Joe – 1957-58-59
Barner, Mack – 1927 (Mgr.) Case, Brooks (Mgr.) – 2007-08-09 Dean, James-John – 1944
Barnes, Chris – 2008-09-10-11 Casey, Pat – 1959-60-61 Dean, Mike – 2002-03
Barr, J.B. – 1944 Cason, Cory (Mgr.) – 2004-05-06-07-08 Deane, Haywood – 1906 (Capt.)
Bartel, Matt – 2020-21 (Mgr.) Cassimus, Chris (Mgr.) – 2004-05 Dearing, Palmer – 1953
Bassett, Tim – 1972-73 Caswell, Dick – 1963 Deavers, Clayton – 1945
Bateman, John – 1987-88-89-90-91 Chadwick,. Michael – 1996-97-98-99 Delser, D.C. – 1909
(Mgr.) Chandler, Joe – 1932,33 Denny, James – 1952
Bell, George – 1953-54-55-56 Chaney, Bob – 1957-58-59 Derrick, Claude – 1907-08 (Capt.), -09
Bell, Reece – 2021 (Mgr.) Chapman, Buck – 1933 DeWitt, David – 1990
Bell, Terrell – 1993-94-95-96 Chastain, Hoyt – 1934 DeYoung, Eric – 1997-99
Benfield, George – 1986 Chatham, Roy – 1939-40-41 Dezzendorf, P.B. – 1916
Bennett, Arlando – 1989-91-92-93 Cheatham, E.E. – 1907 Diatta, Pape – 2017-18
(Co-Capt.) Cheek, Benny – 1962-63 Dinwiddie, Morris – 1955-56
Bennett, Joe – 1922-23-24 Cheeves, Buck – 1919-20-21 (Capt.) Dixon, Tim – 2012-13-14
Bennett, Paige – 1921-22 (Capt.) Childers, Joe – 1977-78-79 Djurisic, Nemanja – 2012-13-14-15
Benson, Buster – 1929 Christie, Frank – 1943 Dorsey, Charlie – 1975-77
Bickerstaff, Charles – 1926 (Mgr.) Christo, Louis – 1950 Dorsey, Jacky – 1975-76 TYREE CRUMP
Bielak, Brandon – 2018 (Mgr.) Chufelt, Mark – 1969 Dowdy, Derrell – 1944
Bishop, Chase – 1942-43 Clark, Frank – 1960-61-62 Drafts, Bryan – 1974-75-76 (Capt.)
Blakley, Milt – 1987-88 (Capt.) Clark, George – 1922-23 Drew, Roy – 1927-28
Bliss, Dave – 2005-06 (Co-Capt.)-07-08 Clark, Logan – 2021 (Mgr.) Dryden, Robb – 1998-99-00-01
Boney, Sam – 1922 Claxton, Charles – 1992-93-94-95 Duggins, Tom – 1965-66-67 (Co-Capt.)
Booth, Bill – 1961 Claxton, Nicolas – 2018-19 Dukes, Derrick – 1997-98
Boston, William – 1941 Clements, Emory – 1952-54 Dunn, David – 1985-86-87
Bowden, Dan – 1934-35-36 Clifton, Butch – 1973-78 (honorary) Dunson, Joe – 1908
Bracewell, Mike – 1967-69 Cobb, Lanier – 1945 Dykes, Sonny – 1950-52
Bradley, Ronald – 1954-55-56 Cobb, Rick – 1975-76 (Mgr.)
Brand, Tom – 1910-11-13-14 (Capt.) Cocke, Emory – 1916 E
Brantley, Sherrard – 2011-12-13 Cohen, Barry – 1969-70-71 (Capt.) Echols, Taylor – 2013-14-15
Bratton, Edgar – 1944 Cole, Rod – 1988-89-90-91 (Co.-Capt.) Edmondson, Fred – 1954-57-58-59
Brennan, Tom – 1969-70-71 Cole, Tony – 2002 (Capt.)
Brewer, Ken – 1967 Coleman, Shon – 2000-01 Edwards, Don – 1945
Brewer, Troy – 2008-09 Collins, Joe – 1928 (Mgr.) Edwards, Anthony – 2020
Bringe, Robert – 1976 Conway, Charlie – 2009-10 (Mgr.) Edwards, Mike – 2016-17-18-19
Brizendine, Brad – 2007 Conneen, Sean – 1991-92-93-94-95 Eldredge, Knox – 1938-39 CHRIS DANIELS
All-Time Letterwinners
Ensley, Bill – 1954-55-56-58 Goza, Lee – 1979 Holder, Bob – 1959
Epling, Jerry – 1968-69-70 Greavu, Sam – 2005-06 Holmes, Brad – 2015-16-17 (Mgr.)
Erwin, Julian – 1912 Green, Litterial – 1989-90-91-92 Holland, Roy – 1974-75-76
Etienne, McCoy – 2019-20 (Mgr.) (Co-Capt.) Holt, Bob – 1944
Etter, Bob – 1966 Green, Maurice – 1935 Holtzendorf, C.B. – 1906 (Mgr.) -07
Etter, Jaxon – 2020-21 Green, Mike – 1992 (Capt.), -16
Evans, Alex – 2005 Gresham Jr., Donnell – 2020 Hopper, Thurmon – 1948
Evans, Anthony – 2000-01 Griffeth, James – 1943 Horne, P.J. – 2021
Ewaldsen, Gregg – 1975-76-77 Griffith, Jim – 1947 Howard, Bill – 1955
Griffith, Walton – 1906-07 (Mgr) -08 Howard, Rodney – 2020
F (Mgr), -09-10 Howard, Lem – 1989-90-91 (Co.-Capt.)
Fabian, Al – 1946-47-48-49 Groover, Bill – 1955 Howard, Melvin – 1984-85
Fagan, Tye – 2019-20-21 Gurr, Ed – 1921-22-23 (Capt.), -24 Huguley, Harrell – 1926
Fair, Terry – 1980-81-82-83 (Co-Capt.) (Capt.) Humphrey, Billy – 2006-07-08
Fales, Earl E. – 1961
Farnsworth, Will – 2016-17-18 (Mgr.) H I
Farr, J.B. – 1947-49 Hagan, Terry – 1956-57 Idrissi, Younes – 2005-06
ANTHONY EVANS Farren, Jack – 1936-37-38 (Capt.) Haley, Bill – 1945 Iduwe, Osahen – 2015-16
Faulkner, Sean – 1999 Hall, Kermith – 1951-52-53
Fields, Shawn – 1999-00 Hall, Lorenzo – 1997-98 J
Flanagan, Tony – 1975-76-77-78 Hamby, Fred – 1945-47 Jackson, Albert – 2007-08-09
Fleming, Vern – 1981-82-83-84 (Co- Hamilton, Pat – 1986-87-88-89 (Capt.) (Co-Capt.)-10
Capt.) Hamilton, Scott – 2000-01 Jackson, Cleve. – 1993-94 (Co-Capt.)
Florence, George – 1926-28 (Capt.) Hammonds, Rayshaun – 2018-19-20 Jackson, Curtis – 1976-77
Florveus, John – 2012-13 Harley, James – 1925 (Mgr.) Jackson, Elfrem – 1985
Flourney, Walker – 1914 Harmon, Harry – 1935-36-37 Jackson, Reggie – 1988
Floyd, Derrick – 1980-81-82-83 Harold, Charlie – 1935 Jackson, “Turtle” – 2016-17-18-19
Forbes, Tillou – 1908-09-10-11 (Capt.) Harris, Hoss – 1924 Jacobs, Rod – 1970
Forbes, Walter – 1925-27 (Capt.) Harris, Jim – 1927-28-29 (Capt.) Jeffords, Ray – 1965-66-67 -68 (Capt.)
Fort, John – 1910 Harris, Jordan – 2017-18-19-20 Jernegin, George – 1945 (Mgr.)
Forte, Cameron – 2014-15 Harris, Melvin – 1978 Johnson, Allan – 1960-61-62 (Capt.)
Foster, Douglas – 1953-54 Harris, William – 1926-28 Johnson, Billups – 1932-33
Foster, Lucius – 1976-78 Harrison, Andy – 1969-70 Johnson, Frank – 1934-35
Fowler, Robert – 1926 Harrison, Ray – 1996-97-98-99 (Co-Capt.) -36 (Co-Capt.)
Fowler, Wilmore – 1981-82 (Co-Capt.) Harrold, Charles – 1936-37 (Capt.) Johnson, James – 1974
MIKE HARRON Fox, Jesse – 1949 Harrison, Christian – 2018-19 Johnson, John – 1959-60-61
Fox, Lawrence – 1917 Harron, Mike – 1987-88-89-90 (Capt.) Johnson, Kendrick – 2006
Frain, Mickey – 1925-26-27 Harscher, Frank – 1966-67 (Co-Capt.) Johnson, K.D. – 2021
Fraley, John – 1972-73 Hart, John – 1958 Johnson, Skeet – 1926
Franks, Fred – 1957-58 Hartley, Todd – 2006 (Mgr.) Johnston, David – 1911-12-13 (Capt.)
Frazier, J.J. – 2014-15-16-17 Hartry, Donald – 1983-84-85-86 Jones, Adrian – 1997-98-00-01
Frey, Steve – 1978 (Co-Capt.) Jones, Jumaine – 1998-99
Frost, Jack – 1921 Hartsfield, Don – 1956-57-58 Jones, Monroe – 1982-83-84
Frye, Porter – 1929 Harvey, Antonio – 1991 Jones, Steve – 1993-94-95-96
Fusi, Pete – 1975 Harvill, Morgan – 1945-47-48 (Capt.) Jones, W.C. – 1954-55
Harvill, William – 1968 Jordan, Joe – 1948-49-50-51 (Tri-Capt.)
G Hatcher, Hal – 1934-35 Jordan, Josh – 2001 (Mgr.)
Gaines, Kenny – 2013-14-15-16 Hatcher, J.M. – 1918 Jugely, Harold – 1925
Gaines, Sundiata – 2005-06-07-08 Hayes, Jarvis – 2002-03
(Co-Capt.) Hayes, Jonas – 2002-03-04 K
Gallagher, Gary – 1964 Head, Ralph – 1937 Kammers, Chuck – 1957
Ganote, Mike – 1988 Healey, Bob – 1947-48-49 (Capt.) Kante, Isaac – 2018
Garcia, Andrew – 2021 Heard, Lamar – 1980-81-82-83 Keen, George – 1928
Gascho, Harrison – 2018-19-20 (Mgr.) (Co-Capt.) Keiser, Don – 1959-60-61
JORDAN HARRIS Geno, Kenny Paul – 2014-15-16-17 Hearn, Bill – 1956 Keith, Greg – 1975
Geri, Joe – 1943 Helton, Jason – 2002 Kelley, Cecil – 1938-39 (Capt.), -40
Gianfrancesco, Gino – 1971-72-73 Hemrick, Paul (Mgr.) – 2006-08-09 Kenn, George – 1926-27
(Co-Capt.) Henderson, Cedric – 1985 Keith, Greg – 1975
Gibbs, Corey – 2005 Henry, Waymond – 1964-65-66 Kier, Justin – 2021
Gibson, Fred – 2002-03 Herring, Jon – 2006 (Mgr.) Kelley, Cecil – 1938-39 (Capt.), -40
Gibson, Hal – 1934-35 Hewing, Gary – 1981 Kenn, George – 1926-27
Gill, Carlton – 1962-63 (Capt.) Hicks, Jo Jo – 1975-76 Kennedy, Tom – 1936-37-38
Gillespie, James – 1939 Hightower, Teshaun – 2018-19 Kenner, Steve – 2001-02 (Mgr.)
Gimpel, Nick – 1968-69-70 (Capt.) Hill, Bunker – 1931 Kessler, Alec – 1987-88-89-90 (Capt.)
Glass, Jeff – 2009-10-11-12-13 (Mgr.) Hill, Hoke – 1929 Kessler, Chad – 1984-85-86-87
Gleaton, Curtis – 1956-57 (Capt.) Hilliard, Thomas – 1944 Kessler, Houston – 2014-15-16-17
Gold, Harold – 1952 Hirsimaki, Fred – 1947 Keuper, Kenneth – 1941-42
Golden, Gullie – 1910-11-12 Hitchcock, Lawrence – 1941 Killian, Joe – 1939-40-41
Golden, Shaun – 1990-91-92-93 Hitchcock, Troy – 1983 Kilpatrick, Buster – 1925
(Co-Capt.) Hodges, Glenn – 1937-38 King, Lafayette – 1943
Goscinski, Jan – 1994 Hodgson, Morton – 1910 King, Lenny – 1974
Goski, Tim – 1974-75 Hogue, Ronnie – 1971-72-73 Kirce, Derrick – 1987
CHAD KESSLER Gould, Pete – 1944 (Co-Capt.) Kirk, Bob – 1948
All-Time Letterwinners
Kirkland, Dan – 1939-40-41 McCaskill, Alex – 1938-39-40 Norris, Ulysses – 1976
Klimp, Dalton – 2009-10-11 (Mgr.) McDonald, Morris – 1939-40 Norton, Jack – 1953
Knight, Ed – 1948 McEver, Heyward – 1942
Knight, Horace – 1955-56 (Capt.) McGarity, Billy – 1973-74-75 (Capt.) O
Knox, Kennon – 1918-19 (Plr-Coach) McGee, Louis – 1952-53-54 O’Kane, Tony – 2000-01-02 (Mgr.)
Kon, Marcel – 1992 McGruder, Jordan – 2019-20 (Mgr.) O’Kelley, R.L. – 1933-34
Kostel, Cooper – 2014-15-16-17 (Mgr.) McIntosh, Dick – 1966-67-68 O’Neill, Connor – 2016-17-18-19
Krafchick, Harold – 1957-58 McKenney, George – 1943 (Mgr.) O’Quinn, Lonnie – 1950
McLin, Larry – 1948 Ogbeide, Derek – 2016-17-18-19
L McManus, Murphy – 1954-55 Oliver, Badi – 1997-98-99-00
Laird, Daniel – 2003 McMillan, Horace – 1983-84-85-86 Oliver, Tom – 1977-78 (Mgr.)
Lamar, Lucius – 1923 (Co-Capt.) Orr, Dan – 1953
Land, Jerry – 1947 McMillan, Tyron – 2021 Owen, Glen – 1990
Langura, Dusan – 2015 McMutry, Trey – 2016-17-18 (Mgr.) Owens, J.S. ‘‘Red’’ – 1919-20-21
Las, Kevin – 1971 McPhee, Dick – 1943
Lawson, J.L. – 1915 McPhee, Ricky – 2009-10 P
Lautzenhizer, Glenn – 1928 McWhorter, Hamilton – 1933 (Mgr.) Palmer, Henry – 1928-29-30 (Capt.)
Layne, D.A. – 1999-00-01 Meeks, Howards – 1944 Parker, Jimmy – 1953-54 D.A. LAYNE
Lenard, Darryl – 1982 Mell, Carlton – 1925 Parker, Juwan – 2014-15, 2017-18
Leslie, Travis – 2009-10-11 Mercer, George – 1918 Parrish, Allen – 1952-53-54-55
Lester, Louis – 1913-14-15 (Capt.) Mercer, Lavon – 1977-78-79-80 Patrick, Mike – 2000-01-02
Lewis, Ryan – 2000 (Co-Capt.) Patton, Jody – 1988-89-90-91
Lewis, T.J. – 1909 Mercer, Mike – 2006-07 (Co.-Capt.)
Lewites, Adam (Mgr.) – 2011-12 Meropol, David – 2004-05-06-07 Payor, Spencer – 1942 (Mgr.)
Liddell, Julian – 1912-13 (Mgr.) Peacock, Albert – 1913-14
Lienhard, Bob – 1968-69 (Capt.), -70 Middlebrook, Walker – 2011 (Mgr.) Peacock, Howell – 1909-10
Lilly, John – 1992 Miles, Bobby – 1980 (Capt./Mgr.), -12 (Capt.)
Lindsey, Donald – 1977 Mill, Rick – 1965 Peake, Mike – 2020
Link, Ben – 1908 Miller, C.O. – 1924 Pennland, Bill – 1950
Linton, Don – 1961 Miller, Doug – 1974 Perrier, Arnold Dela – 1943-46-47
Long, Elliott – 2012 Miller, Joey – 1960-61-62 (Capt.)
Lorendo, Gene – 1947-48-49 Miller, Lee – 1999-00-01 (Mgr.) Perry, Marvin – 1911
Lovell, Taylor – 1973-74-75 Mills, Virgil – 1955-57 Pesetsky, Ralph – 1940-41
Lucey, Dave – 1974-75-76 Miss, Stephen – 1999-00 (Mgr.) Peterson, Brian – 1993-94-95
Ludwig, Paul – 1933 Mitchell, Vic – 1982-83 (Mgr.) Peterson, Ed – 1974
Luke, Delacey – 1959 Mohr, Sigo – 1941 (Mgr.) Pevey, Ryan – 2001-02 TONEY MACK
Molitoris, Drew – 2001-02-03 (Mgr.) Pew, Arthur – 1918-21
M Moore, Bobby – 1940-41-42 (Capt.) Phelps, Morris – 1942
MacEwen, Will – 2010-11 (Mgr.) Moore, Don – 1959 Pina, F.S. – 1911-12
Mack, Toney – 1986-87-88 Moore, Jimmy – 1935-36 Pitts, Jerry – 1965
Maddox, Ross – 1944-45 (Co-Capt.)-46 Moore, Virlyn – 1934 Pitts, Jimmy – 1963-64-65 (Capt.)
(Capt.) Moran, Tommy – 1930-31-32 Pitts, Paul – 1942
Maddox, William – 1933 Moreland, John – 1986-87-88-89-90 Pope, Edwin – 1946 (Mgr.)
Maffett, Herbert – 1929 (Mgr.) Poschner, George – 1941-42
Maffett, Jimmy – 1945 Morocco, Zippy – 1951-52-53 (Capt.) Poss, Sonny – 1957-58-59
Main, Greg – 1969-70-71 Morris, Brandon – 2013-14 Potts, Lamar – 1952-53-54-55 (Capt.)
Mann, Charles – 2013-14-15-16 Morris, Harold – 1962-63 Pound, Merritt – 1918-19-20-24
Mapp, Armand – 1925 Morris, Hollis – 1927 Pound, Stokely – 1932-33
Maracich, Eli – 1946-47 Morris, Mike – 1980-81 Powell, Dwayne – 1965-66-67
Marbury, Eric – 1979-80-81 (Co-Capt.), Morrison, Louis – 1916-17 Power, Steve – 1987-88-89-90 (Mgr.)
-82 (Co-Capt.) Morton, George – 1925 Prah, Scott – 2004
Marsh, Peter – 1960 Moseley, Reid – 1944-45 (Co-Capt.), Pressman, William – 1935
Marshall, John – 1951-52 -46 Price, Jeremy – 2008-09-10-11
Martin, Bill – 1939 Moses, Quentin – 2003 Putman, Jeff – 1982
Martin, Joe – 1929-30 Mott, Kenneth – 1920 (Capt.) STEVE NEWMAN
Martin, Lee – 1964-65-66 (Capt.) Muia, Dave – 1971-72-73-74 (Mgr.) R
Martin, Steve – 1977-78-79-80 (Mgr.) Musgrove, Marty – 1924 (Mgr.) Rainey, Dwayne – 1984
Martin, William – 1938 Myrick, Dave – 1960 Rainey, E.L. – 1947-48-49
Martin, Wilson – 1962-63-64 Raker, Bryan (Mgr.) – 2006-07-08
Massey, Jim – 1967-68-69 (Trainer) N Ransom, Eugene – 1906
Masterson, Matt – 2004-05 (Mgr.) Nagle, Cort – 1968-69-70 Ransom, Phenizee – 1997-98
Mateling, Randy – 1970-71-72 Nalley, Clarence – 1936 (Mgr.) Ratliff, Chaz (Mgr.) – 2004-05
Maten, Yante – 2015-16-17-18 Nash, Matt (Mgr.) – 2008 Rawson, C.W. – 1912-13-14-15
Mathis, Bob – 1946 Ndiaye, Suleiman – 2007 Rawson, Eddie – 1920-21-22
Matthews, John – 1962-63-64 Neal, Sebastian – 1989 Raylor, Lanny – 1969
Matthews, Michael – 2014-15 (Mgr.) Ned, Jonathan – 2021 Reavis, David – 1977
Mayfield, Demario – 2010 Nevin, M.A. – 1908 Reeder, Tommy – 1929-30-31
Mazo, Al – 1934-35 Nevinger, Gary – 1972 Reid, Ike – 1910-11
McAuley, Jay – 2003-04-05-06 Newman, Steve – 2004-05-06-07 Rentz, Frankie – 1939-41
(Co-Capt.) Ngumezi, Amanze – 2019 Reubenstein, Douglas – 1912
McAuley, Nick – 2003 Nolte, Connor – 2011-12 Rhine, Kendall – 1990-91-92-93
McCall, H.H. – 1915-16-17 Nordholz, Kris – 1993-94-95-96 (Co-Capt.)
McCard, Michael (Mgr.) – 2008-09 Nordin, Jon – 1996-97-98-99 Richards, Lee – 1936-37-38 DEREK OGBEIDE
All-Time Letterwinners
Richardson, Bob – 1922-23 Stephenson, Wilson – 1945-47 Watson, Josh – 1923
Richardson, Nolen – 1924-25-26 Stewart, Jimmy – 1940 (Mgr.) Waxman, Steve – 1973-74-75
(Capt.) Stewart, John – 1966 (Mgr.) Webb, Lee – 1933
Richardson, Zack – 1978-79-80 Stith, Allan – 1962-63-64 Webb, Ron – 1978-79
Roberts, Scott – 1986-87 Storey, Sam – 1990-91-92-93 (Mgr.) Wehunt, Buzz – 2004
Robinson, Gerald Jr. – 2011-12 Stovall, James – 1944 Wehunt, Richard – 2002-03
Robinson, Pertha – 1993-94-95-96 Stratemeyer, Matt (Mgr.) – 2008 Wells, Leo F. – 1966
Roger, William H. – 1959 Strickland, Bill – 1930-31-32-33 Wells, Ronald – 1945
Rogers, Joe – 2019 (Mgr.) Strong, Carlos – 1993-94-95-96 Westbrook, Cauthen – 1969-70-71
Rogers, Lee – 1934 Stukes, Levi – 2004-05-06-07 Whatley, Tyler – 2010
Roland, Bud – 1941 Sullivan, Jack – 1964-65 Wheeler, Sahvir – 2020-21
Rose, Bobby – 1963 Superka, Tom – 1968-69-70 White, Herb – 1968-69-70
Rose, Graham – 1930 (Mgr.) Swansey, Zac – 2008-09 White, Moses – 2000
Rothchilds, M.O. – 1914-15 Szymanek, Daniel – 2002-03 Wiedower, Marcus – 1996-97-98-99
Rowland, Robert – 1942 (Mgr.)
Roy, Chris – (Mgr.)1997-98 T Weekley, Jimmy – 2002-03 (Mgr.)
Royer, Clark – 1959-60 Tatum, Ryle – 1949-50 Wiehrs, Charles – 1922-24-25 (Capt.)
PERTHA ROBINSON Russell, Bob – 1946-47 Taylor, David – 1996-97 Wier, J.B. – 1906
Taylor, Josh – 2021 Wilder, Brown – 1933-34 (Capt.)
S Taylor, Ken – 1959-60-61 Wiles, Mickey – 1967
Sanford, Sandford – 1929-30-31 Taylor, Lanny – 1971 Wilensky, Brett – 1992-93-94-95 (Mgr.)
(Capt.) Taylor, Mike – 1964-65 Wilkins, Damien – 2003-04 (Co-Capt.)
Sargiunas, Ignas – 2019 Taylor, Tom – 1970 Wilkins, Dominique – 1980-81-82
Satlof, John – 1924-25 Temen, Nick – 2000 Wilkins, Wallace – 1946
Satterfield, Claude – 1919-20 Terrell, Frank – 1932 Williams, Andy – 1994-95-96-97 (Mgr.)
Satterfield, Marvin – 1952-53-54 Terrell, Frank ‘‘Pap’’ – 1930 Williams, Dennis – 1984-85-86-87
(Capt.) Thomas, Allen – 1992-93-94 (Mgr.) Williams, Donte’ – 2011-12-13-14
Saunders, Homer S. – 1989 Thomas, David B. – 1974 Williams, Ezra – 2001-02-03
Savich, Frank – 1944 Thomas, Dick – 1948-49-50-51 Williams, Julian – 2005
Schloss, Bob – 1948-49-50-51 (Tri- Thomas, Jeff – 1979-80 Williams, Minton – 1949-50-51
Capt.) Thomas, Steve – 2001-02-03 Williams, Nathan – 1952
Scott, Alfred – 1916-17 Thompkins, Trey – 2009-10-11 Williams, Percy – 1981
Searcy, Bill – 1946 Thompson, Jimmy – 1965 (Mgr.) Williams, Porky – 1923
Shackelford, Scott – 1982 Thompson, Olin – 1936-38 Williams, R.W. – 1924
Shain, Bill – 1951-52-53 Thorne, Mike – 1976-77-78 Williams, Vincent – 2010-11-12-13
CARLOS STRONG Sheffield, Cliff – 1934 (Mgr.) Thornton, Marcus – 2011-12-13-14-15 Wilridge, E’Torrion – 2016-17-18-19
Shields, Kevin – 1996-97 (Mgr.) Tidwell, Earl – 1958 Wilson, Marshall – 1989-90-91
Shain, Bill – 1951-52-53 Tiger, Chris – 1994 (Co.-Capt.)
Sheffield, Cliff – 1934 (Mgr.) Tinch, Reggie – 1991-92 (Co-Capt.) Wilson, Ty – 1992-93-94-95
Shields, Kevin – 1996-97 (Mgr.) Tippin, J.N. – 1924 Wilson, – 1941 (Mgr.)
Short, R.W. – 1918 Todd, Peyton – 1929 (Mgr.) Wilson, Lainn (Mgr.) – 2011-12-13
Shufelt, Mark – 1968 Toney, Channing – 2005-06 Wimberly, John – 1977-78-79
Sikes, Marcus – 2004 Toppin, JoJo – 2019 Wingate, Harry – 1946
Simmons, Herschel – 1932 Toth, Dick – 1971-72 (Capt.), -73 Wix, Don – 1966-67-68-69
Simpson, Phillip – 1960-61 (Capt.) Truesdale, Sid – 1981-82 Wolek, Steve – 2004
Simpson, Robert – 1966 Truloch, Paul – 1938 (Mgr.) Womack, Matt – 2005
Singleton, Rashaad – 2006-07 Turner, G.P. – 1930 Woodbury, Terrance – 2006-07-08-09
Skipworth, George – 1945 Turner, Hoyt – 1926-27 (Co-Capt.)
Slaughter, Nat – 1933 Turner, Jack – 1951-52 Woods, J.I. – 1912
Slonaker, Mark – 1976-77-78-79 (Co- Turnier, Stan – 2020 Wough, Armin – 1929
Capt.) Wright, Rashad – 2001-02-03-04
Small, Eddie – 1980-81 U-V (Co-Capt.)
Smith, Charles ‘‘Rabbit’’ – 1944-45 Umbricht, Jim – 1950-51-52 (Capt.) Wynn, Alex – 1989
Smith, G.G. – 1996-97-98-99 Usina, Gary – 1985-86-87-88 (Mgr.)
JOE WARD Smith, Morton – 1948 Vandiver, Sanford – 1937-39 Y-Z
Smith, T.N. – 1918 Van Hooser, Michael – 2019-20 (Mgr.) Young, Brandon – 2014-15-16-17
Smith, Vernon – 1930-31-32 (Capt.) Vaughan, Chip – 1972-73 Young, Leroy – 1931-32-33 (Capt.)
Solms, Billy – 1941 Vaughan, Robert – 2004-06 (Mgr.) Youngblood, Jim – 1966-67-68
Solms, Tony – 1937 Vickers, Philip – 1995 Yow, Ben – 1935
Solms, William – 1942 Von Sprecken, Frank – 1906-07-08-09 Yuhas, Allen – 1968
Southern, Lee – 1978 (Capt.) Yundt, George – 1939 (Mgr.)
Spann, Carl – 1924 Zlko, Steve – 1971-72-73
Speck, Bill – 1961 W Zlovaric, Drazen – 2009-10
Spencer, Elmore – 1989 Wainscott, Tommy – 2004-05
Sproull, Cecil – 1942 Waldrop, Joey – 2004-05
Sproull, Ralph – 1947 Wallace, Jay – 1987 (Mgr.)
Stallings, Lawrence – 1911 Waller, Jerry – 1964-65-66
Stanaland, Luke – 2015-16 (Mgr.) Walton, Jaykwon – 2020
Stark, Ben (Mgr.) – 2008-09 Ward, Joe – 1984-85-86 (Co-Capt.)
Starks, Ben – 2019-20 (Mgr.) Ware, Dustin – 2009-10-11-12
Starks, Mikal – 2021 Warren, Mark – 2019 (Mgr.)
Stegeman, John – 1939 Waters, Jason – 1994-95-96-97-98
SAHVIR WHEELER Stephens, Josh – 2007 (Mgr.)
Honor Roll
Honor Roll
Cosida Academic
All-America Selections
NCAA Postgraduate
Scholarship recipients
Honor Roll
1981 – AP, UPI 2013 – COACHES, AP 2018 – AP 1990 – COACHES, AP
Honor Roll
1936-Tourney (2) 1940-Tourney (1) 1940-Tourney (2) 1940-Tourney (2) 1941-Tourney (2) 1942-Tourney (2) 1946-Tourney (2)
1949-A(3); 1949-A(3); 1950-A(2); 1953-A(1) 1955-A(3) 1960-A(3); 1962-C(1),A(2)
1951-A(2) 1950-A(3) 1951-A(3) 1961-A(2)
1964-A(2); 1964-A(3); 1966-A(HM); 1967-U(3),A(HM) 1967-A(HM) 1968-Con.(2); 1969-Con.(2);
1965-U(3); 1965-C(2),U(2),A(3) 1968-U(3),A(2),C(2) 1969-U(1), A(2),C(2); 1970-U(2)
1966-U(3),A(HM) 1970-Con.(1)
1970-A(2),C(2),U(3) 1972-C(1),A(2),U(2) 1972-C(1),A(2),U(3) 1973-C(1),A(2),U(2) 1975-A(1),C(1),U(2); 1976-A(3); 1979-A(3);
1976-Con.(1) 1978-A(2); 1980-A(3)
1980-U(3); 1983-C(1),A(2),U(3); 1983-Con.(3) 1985-C(1),A(2),U(2) 1986-C(1),A(2),U(3) 1986-Con.(3) 1987-A(1),C(1),U(2);
1981-Con.(1); 1984-Con.(1) 1988-C(1),A(2),U(2)
Honor Roll
1989-C(1),A(2),U(2); 1990-C(1),A(2),U(2); 1990-A(3) 1992-A(3) 1993-C(2) 1995-A(3) 1995-C(3)
1990-Con.(1) 1991-C(1), A(1),U(2); 1996-A(3)
1996-Con.(3) 1997-C(2),A(3) 1997-A(3) 1998-Con.(3); 1998-C(3) 2000-A(2); 2000-A(2),C(3);
1999-Con.(1) 2001-A(1),C(2) 2001-A(3)
2002-Con.(1); 2002-A(2),C(3); 2004-Con.(2) 2007-C(2); 2010-Con.(1); 2011-C(2) 2013-Con.(1)
2003-Con.(1) 2003-A(2),C(3) 2008-C(2) 2011-C(1),A(2)
2014-C(2) 2014-AP(HM) 2015-C(2),A(HM) 2016-C(2), A(3); 2016-C(2),A(3); 2019-C(2) 2020-Con.(2)
2017-Con.(1) 2017-C(1),A(2);
Prior to 1949, members of the All-SEC Tournament team also served as the All-SEC team.
Number in parenthesis represents 1st team, 2nd team, 3rd team or honorable mention selection.
A = The Associated Press, which began selecting an All-SEC team in 1948-49.
C = Coaches, who began selecting an All-SEC team in 1955-56.
2021-Con. (2) U = United Press International, which selected a team from 1964-65 through 1990-91.
Con. = Consensus selection to the team in parenthesis by all organizations naming an All-SEC team that season.
Honor Roll
1987 1989 1992 1993 1998 2004
2006 2008 2009 2012 2013 2020
SEC Legend
1999 Vern Fleming 2010 Tom Brennan
2000 Alec Kessler 2011 Walter Daniels
ROD COLE REGGIE TINCH 2001 Zippy Morocco 2012 Willie Anderson
1991 1992 2002 Dominique Wilkins 2013 Tim Bassett
2003 James Banks 2014 D.A. Layne
2004 Lavon Mercer 2016 Jarvis Hayes
2005 Ronnie Hogue 2015 Jacky Dorsey
2006 Joe Ward 2017 Jimmy Pitts
2007 Litterial Green 2018 Chad Kessler
2008 Hugh Durham 2019 Jumaine Jones
2009 Shandon Anderson 2020 Rod Cole
Hall of Fame Bulldogs
Bulldogs In The NBA
Dominique Wilkins was the highest Georgia pick in the NBA Draft. In 1982, Wilkins Kentavious Caldwell-Pope was the No. 8 overall pick and selected by the Detriot
was the No. 3 overal selection by the Utah Jazz but was traded to Atlanta soon Pistons during the 2008 NBA Draft. Caldwell-Pope was Georgia’s sixth, first-round
thereafter. Wilkins scored 21,369 of his 26,668 career points with the Hawks. draft pick and third since 1999.
Bulldogs In The NBA
USA Basketball
Previous Playing Facilities
Endowed scholarships