Elb2x Oh Eng Ed01
Elb2x Oh Eng Ed01
Elb2x Oh Eng Ed01
Alcatel 1350NM
Network Management
Alcatel 1320CT
Craft Terminal
ELB Rel.2.x
Event Log Browser
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................ 7 1.2 Target audience........................................................................................................................................ 7 1.3 Document description............................................................................................................................... 8 2 EVENT LOG BROWSING ........................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Application StartUp................................................................................................................................... 9 3 ELB GRAPHIC USER INTERFACE.......................................................................................................... 11 3.1 Title Bar .................................................................................................................................................. 13 3.2 Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................ 14 3.2.1 File Menu............................................................................................................................................. 14 3.2.2 Filters Menu......................................................................................................................................... 19 3.2.3 Options Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 20 3.2.4 Windows Menu .................................................................................................................................... 21 3.2.5 Help Menu ........................................................................................................................................... 21 3.3 Status Bar............................................................................................................................................... 22 4 TABBED PANES ....................................................................................................................................... 23 4.1 Alarm Log Display .................................................................................................................................. 23 4.1.1 Alarm Log Display Columns ................................................................................................................ 26 4.1.2 Columns Width and Position ............................................................................................................... 27 4.1.3 Hide/Show Columns ............................................................................................................................ 28 4.1.4 Columns Sort....................................................................................................................................... 30 4.1.5 Full Details........................................................................................................................................... 32 4.2 Event Log Display................................................................................................................................... 33 4.2.1 Event Log Display Columns ................................................................................................................ 34 4.2.2 Columns Width and Position ............................................................................................................... 35 4.2.3 Hide/Show Columns ............................................................................................................................ 35 4.2.4 Columns Sort....................................................................................................................................... 35 4.2.5 Full Details........................................................................................................................................... 36 5 EVENTS AND ALARMS FILTERS MANAGEMENT................................................................................. 39 5.1 Filtering criteria ....................................................................................................................................... 41 5.2 Filter Selection........................................................................................................................................ 42 5.3 Filters Dialog........................................................................................................................................... 44 5.3.1 Filters Dialog Buttons .......................................................................................................................... 44 5.3.2 Event Type .......................................................................................................................................... 45 5.3.3 Event Time .......................................................................................................................................... 46 5.3.4 Perceived Severity............................................................................................................................... 49 5.3.5 Probable Causes ................................................................................................................................. 50 6 ACRONYMS.............................................................................................................................................. 51
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Figure 60 - Event Type Filter............................................................................................................................ 45 Figure 61 - Event Type Filter Greyed............................................................................................................... 45 Figure 62 - Event Time Filter............................................................................................................................ 46 Figure 63 - Invalid Date Range Error Message ............................................................................................... 46 Figure 64 - Incompatible Date and Time values .............................................................................................. 46 Figure 65 - Incompatible From Date Error Message........................................................................................ 47 Figure 66 - Last n minute Filter Selection ........................................................................................................ 47 Figure 67 Check but No Selection in Event Time Filter ................................................................................ 47 Figure 68 - No Check but Selection in Event Time Filter................................................................................. 48 Figure 69 - Perceived Severity Filter................................................................................................................ 49 Figure 70 - Perceived Severity Filter Greyed................................................................................................... 49 Figure 71 - Probable Causes Filter .................................................................................................................. 50 Figure 72 - Probable Causes Filter Greyed ..................................................................................................... 50 Figure 73 - Options Menu with JDK 1.4 ........................................................................................................... 55 Figure 74 - Time Zone with disabled DST ....................................................................................................... 56 Figure 75 ELB not in period of DST .............................................................................................................. 56 Figure 76 - Time Zone with active DST ........................................................................................................... 57 Figure 77 - ELB in period of DST ..................................................................................................................... 57 Figure 78 - Time Zone without DST ................................................................................................................. 58 Figure 79 - ELB with DST not available ........................................................................................................... 58
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For internal use only [1] M. Armanini - "1353NM R7.0 - Log Management : Commands, Events and Alarms Technical Functional Specification " Ed. 2; January 9th, 2004; 3AL 72871 0001 DSZZA
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1.1 Scope
This document contains the Operators Manual of Event Log Browsing Component release 2.x (ELB).
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This document is composed of the following chapters: Chapter 2: Event Log Browsing is a presentation of ELB application and his start-up. Chapter 3: ELB Graphic User Interface describes the ELB main window components. Chapter 4: Tabbed Panes explains how ELB displays retrieve Log requests in his main window. o o Alarm Log Display Event Log Display
Chapter 5: Events and Alarms Filters Management explains how to set up ELB Filters to display only interested retrieve Logs. Chapter 6: Acronyms gives the definition of the acronyms in this document. Chapter 7: Glossary of Terms gives definitions of terms used in this document. Appendix A: DST describes the use of Daylight Saving Time in ELB application (for Windows only).
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ELB (Event Log Browsing) tool provides a way to browse Event Log and Alarm Log for different types of NEs: Q3, SNMP and, in the future, TL/1 NEs. ELB displays the events in a clear form for the operator, retrieves records from NE using some filter and has the possibility to export, print and print preview Log Records.
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ELB starts with a temporary Loading Window, before showing ELB MainView.
Figure 3 Loading Dialog With this operation ELB receives a NAV Message from USM. When an incoming NAV request is detected: the Filter Dialog for log retrieval appears; the log display table is cleared; the tabbed panel display is switched to Alarm Log Display if its a Alarm Log request, to Event Log Display if its a Event Log request. the Progress Dialog appears to collect Logs the ELB MainView Title changes according to considered NE. the items are shown in the tabbed panel display.
ELB can process one request a time. If a new NAV message arrives when ELB is processing one other, a Message Dialog appears.
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The ELB GUI displays a window with the following main areas: Title bar Menu Bar StatusBar Tabbed Panes: Alarm Log Display and Event Log Display with tables containing one row per log item. The table supports sorting, column reordering and column exclusion. Alarm log items are colored according to associated severity. o o A log item detail panel; this panel displays additional information that could not fit into the basic table-based display. A filter panel. Filtering is possible on the standard fields of the table; it is not possible on the additional information fields.
The ELB window dimension is set according to the dimension of the screen where the application is running. The operator can change the dimension of ELB window with the usual mouse actions. The following pictures show the Log Browsing GUI for Alarm and Event Log display in ELB application.
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Figure 6 ELB with Event Log Display selected
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By default, the Title of ELB MainView reports the application icon and the application name, when its empty.
Figure 7 - Default Title Bar When there is a Log data table, the Title of ELB MainView reports NE information and the application name. The NE information are: userLabel, type and release of NE.
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The Menu Bar contains five menus and has a platform-dependent location - along the top of the window. Every Menu displays a popup menu when activated. A popup menu is a menu that is invisible until the user makes a platform-specific mouse action, such as pressing the right mouse button, over a popup-enabled component. The popup menu then appears under the cursor.
File Menu
The File popup menu is composed by one submenu and three menu items.
ELB provides the possibility to export log items to a file with a specific format. Export voice is a submenu composed by one item per export format: CSV: Comma Separated Value (Excel format) HTML with two different types : text file or table. PDF PS XML TXT
After you chose the format file, ELB shows you an Export Dialog with a default export file name that depends on the current Display, Alarm or Event, and on a default repository folder, which is set in a configuration file, export in the example.
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Figure 11 - Export Dialog If this operation has succeeded, ELB gives back to the operator an information dialog with the path and name of the exported file.
Figure 12 - Export Successful Information Dialog If the export operation fails, ELB gives back to operator an error message. The message depends on the kind of problem that occurred.
This error message is displayed if the inserted directory is a null or blank String.
This error message appears if ELB cant write a temporary XML file to tmp directory. Note that this may occur whatever format was selected this is because an XML intermediate file is always generated.
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This error message is displayed if the inserted directory is not accessible or write-protected.
This error message if ELB has some problem with an internal library that transform XML file with XSL style in desired format file.
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ELB provides the possibility to print log items in PDF format only. Because this is not an immediate operation, an information message is shown.
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Figure 17 - Waiting Information Message After a while, Print Dialog Box appears.
Figure 18 - Print Dialog The Print Dialog allows to choose the Printer and to set the Print range and Copies number. If for any reason print operation fails, ELB gives back to operator an error message
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Print Preview
ELB provides the possibility to preview log items in PDF format only.
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Because this is not an immediate operation, a waiting message is shown until Print Preview Dialog appears.
Figure 20 - Print Preview Dialog Print Preview Dialog allows to scroll all log items in PDF format page by page, to chose Print or Reload operation and to set the preferred View format. If print preview operation fails, ELB gives back to operator an error message.
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Select Exit to exit from ELB application. This has the same effects as clicking on window.
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A Confirm Dialog appears in order to confirm the exit request of the operator.
Filters Menu
The Filters popup menu is composed by only one menu item: Set Filters.
Figure 23 - Filters Menu It invokes the Filter Dialog for log retrieval. See Chapter 5 for details.
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Options Menu
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The Options popup menu is composed by only one check box menu item: Daylight Saving Time (DST).
Figure 24 - Options Menu If the system uses Java platform 1.3, there is the problem that ELB application cant know if Daylight Saving Time is setting or no. Not all countries and not every timezones in the world utilize Daylight Saving Time. If the system uses Java platform 1.3, the user must explicitly check or no the DST check button, so ELB can display the right time for every items. An Information Message appears to inform the operator that is necessary to retrieve Log View again.
Figure 25 - DST Information Message If the system uses Java platform 1.4 or higher, this menu voice is greyed, because ELB application can know if Daylight Saving Time is setting or no by the system.
Figure 26 - Options Menu with JDK 1.4 See Appendix A for details about the problem.
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Windows Menu
Two check box menu items compose the Windows popup menu: Alarm Log Display and Event Log Display.
Figure 27 - Windows Menu The appropriate Log Display tab will be selected, if necessary.
Help Menu
The Help popup menu is composed by one menu item: About. It shows version and runtime information about the ELB application.
Figure 28 - Help Menu The About Dialog reports information about ELB application: ELB package version and data. In general, this information may change at every ELB release. The About Dialog reports also runtime information about Eclipse release, Java version, OS, Language, Region and Prefix used by ELB application.
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This is an information box, which gives to the operator context-related information according to mouse movement or choice. The operator cannot perform any action on the Status Bar.
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Two ELB components share the same space on screen: Alarm Log Display and Event Log Display. Only one of them is visible at any given time. The user chooses which component to view by selecting the tab corresponding to the desired Display.
If an USM navigation requires a Log Browsing Alarm Log, the ELB window is activated and displayed, presenting the Filters Dialog for Alarm Log on top of the empty ELB MainView (which by default presents the empty Event Log Display). Initially the menu items are disabled: the operator must set the filters configuration to continue.
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After setting the desired filters configuration, ELB starts to upload Data Items from the Network Element. A Progress Dialog appears above of the MainView of ELB that initially is empty.
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Figure 33 - Progress Dialog above Alarm Log Display The Progress Dialog shows with a numeric index in the Title Bar and with an animation in the figure, the collection of Items by ELB.
Figure 34 - Progress Dialog When the Alarm Logs collection is completed, all Items are shown in the ELB MainView that has switched on Alarm Log Display automatically. Every item assumes a color according to his Perceived Severity, so the Alarm Log Table results to be a multicolored table. An operator can also switch to Alarm Log Display from Event Log Display by clicking on tabbed pane. Alarm Log Display reports data of last Alarm Log navigation on considered NE. Alarm Log Display is empty if no navigation required a Log Browsing Alarm Log on this NE yet. The operator can require a new Alarm Log navigation by selecting Filters Menu. ELB manages one NE a time.
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If an USM navigation requires a Log Browsing Alarm Log for a different NE, ELB clears current Alarm Log Display (as well as Event Log Display) and prepares to show new Alarm Logs (Event Log Display remains empty).
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Alarm Log Display has eight columns by default. The number of rows depends by the number of Alarm Log Items read by ELB from NE: every row is an Alarm Log Item of the NE. Event Time and Date: date and time of the alarm occurrence. The format of Data and Time is: aaaa/mm/dd hh:mm:ss. Perceived Severity: indication of the severity of the alarm occurrence. The possible severities are six and every severity is associated to a specific colour. The Perceived Severity of the alarm occurrence determines the colour of the whole row of the Alarm Log Display. Severity Number 1 2 3 4 5 0 Severity String CRITICAL MAJOR MINOR WARNING CLEARED INDETERMINATE Red Orange Yellow Cyan Green White Severity Colour
Figure 36 - Perceived Severity Table Event Type: type of the alarm event occurrence defined in the Optics-IM Model. Notification ID: a unique identifier for the alarm. Managed Object Class: is the class of the object that emitted the alarm, as defined by the OpticsIM Model. Managed Object Instance: is the instance of the managed object class. Probable Causes: is an attribute of the alarm event occurrence defined in the Optics-IM Model. Specific Problem: is an attribute of the alarm event occurrence defined in the Optics-IM Model.
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In general, table columns can have different widths in Alarm Log Display. The operator can set the column width by dragging with the mouse the border of the column header cell. So you can read the contents of a column that is partially hidden by default due to the standard dimension of the Alarm Log Display Columns. The operator can change the column positions using drag and drop functionality on a header column.
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Hide/Show Columns
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By default, when items are shown, columns that are completely empty (if any) are hidden in the right of the table. When the ELB MainView is empty (Figure 33 with Progress Dialog) all columns are shown. In the example, with Alarm Log Display fully loaded, the Specific Problem column is hidden because completely empty. If even a single item has a non-null value in Specific Problem column, then the whole column will be shown.
To show hidden columns one by one the operator can click to the left arrow every times until the left arrow becomes greyed. To gain more space for the visualization, the operator can hide the rightmost columns, one at a time, by clicking the right arrow button.
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Figure 40 - Alarm Log Display Shows all Columns
Columns Sort
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By default Alarm Log table is ordered by Event Time and Date from the oldest Log to the most recent one. The operator can sort the Alarm Log table in different modes. If you click with the mouse on the header of one column, that column, and so all table, is ordered in alphabetic or numeric order, according to the type of data contained in the considered column. An arrow appears in the header column to indicate whether the order is ascending or descending. For example the Perceived Severity column is sorted in ascending or descending alphabetic order.
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Instead, the Notification Id column is sorted in ascending or descending numeric order and the null or blank values are put after the greatest values (when in ascending order).
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Full Details
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Selecting an item of the list displayed in Alarm Log panel, it is possible to view details about the item by simply double-clicking on it. This will open the Full Detail Window.
Figure 44 - Alarm Log Full Details View for Q3 NE For Q3 NEs, Full Details View brings again the eight principal fields of Alarm Log panel and some other detailed fields The set of detailed fields is not fixed; it depends on the actual contents of the corresponding item of the Alarm Log. Possible detailed fields for Alarm Log are: packages loggingTime nameBinding objectClass logRecordId: monitoredAttribute For SNMP NEs, Full Details View brings only the eight principal fields of Alarm Log panel.
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If an USM navigation requires a Log Browsing Event Log, the ELB window is activated and displayed, presenting the Filters Dialog for Event Log on top of the MainView of ELB that initially is empty. Initially the menu items are disabled: the operator must set the filters configuration to continue.
After setting the desired filters configuration, ELB starts to upload Data Items from the Network Element. The Progress Dialog (Figure 34) appears above the empty Event Log Display.
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When the Event Logs collection is completed, all Items are shown in Event Log Display.
Figure 47 - Event Log Display An operator can also switch to Event Log Display from Alarm Log Display by clicking on tabbed pane. Event Log Display reports data of last Event Log navigation on considered NE. Event Log Display is empty if no navigation requires a Log Browsing Event Log on this NE yet. The operator can require a new Event Log navigation by selecting Filters Menu. ELB manages one NE a time. If an USM navigation requires a Log Browsing Event Log for a different NE, ELB clears current Event Log Display (as well as Alarm Log Display) and prepares to show new Event Logs (Alarm Log Display remains empty).
Event Log Display has three columns by default. The number of rows depends by the number of Event Log Items read from NE: every row is an Event Log Item of the NE. Event Time and Date: date and time of the event occurrence. The format of Data and Time is: aaaa/mm/dd hh:mm:ss. Notification ID: a unique identifier for the event. Explanation: sentence built with the event log data to explain what the event represents.
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As Alarm Log Display, table columns can have different widths in order to gain more space for the visualization. You can set the column width by dragging with the mouse the border of the column header cell. The operator can change column position using drag and drop functionality on a header column.
Hide/Show Columns
By default, Event Log Display shows all columns because there are none empty. The operator can hide/show the last column by clicking to the right/left arrow every times.
Columns Sort
By default Event Log table is ordered by Event Time and Date from the oldest Log to the most recent one. The operator can sort the Event Log table by click with the mouse on the header of one column. That column, and so all table, is ordered in alphabetic or numeric order, according to the type of data contained in the considered column. The Notification Id column is sorted in ascending or descending numeric order and the null or blank values are put after the greatest values (when in ascending order).
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Full Details
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Selecting an item of the list displayed in Event Log panel, it is possible to view details about the item by simply double-clicking on it. This will open the Full Detail Window. For Q3 NEs, Full Details View brings again the three principal fields of Event Log panel and some other detailed fields. Full Details View reports all data of considered event item returned by NE, including those that are not normally shown in the main Log Display. The set of detailed fields is not fixed; it depends on the actual contents of the corresponding item of the Event Log. Possible detailed fields for Event Log are: packages loggingTime logRecordId managedObjectClass nameBinding objectClass eventTypeId objectInstance attributeList protectionStatusParameter additionalInformation reportedProtectionUnit sourceIndicator
Full Details View reports all data of considered alarm item returned by NE, including those that are not normally shown in the main Log Display.
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For SNMP NEs, Full Details View brings the three principal fields of Event Log panel and: objectInstance managedObjectClass eventTypeId
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If a Full Details View contains a value longer the cell space, you can read all message value simply doubleclicking on the open Full Details View.
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This operation opens a window, the Long Message Value Dialog that shows all message using scroll bars, if necessary.
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The retrieval of Events and Alarms Log is managed using filters to make the analysis easier. The filter selection operation is performed every time that a NAV Message arrives, at application start-up, or by explicitly activating the Filters Menu item. For Q3 log the filter can be applied to log retrieve operation, unlike for SNMP, due to protocol restrictions. The filtering for SNMP log is performed by ELB application on the totality of log data retrieved from NE. For some fields, the user must choose a value from predefined lists, these are: For alarms: o Probable causes; o Alarm type; o Alarm severity For events: o Event type. The following figure shows the Filter Dialog for event. The dialog allows to set the filters to apply during the retrieval of event items.
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The following figure shows the Filter Dialog for alarms. The dialog allows selecting the filters to apply during the retrieval of alarm items.
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The applicable filters are displayed in the Filters Dialog. The selected filters can be zero or more of the possible filters. The global condition defining the filter is built by applying an AND operator between the elementary conditions defined by groups. When, inside a group, a list offers multiple selections for an attribute, the condition on this attribute results from an OR on different selected values. For example, Figure 55 shows the logical tree corresponding to the filter selection of Figure 56. Suppose you are on October 17th 2003 16:27:28 and you want to filter for Alarm Logs with Equipment or Quality of Service Alarms, that occurred after October 17th 2003 16:21:19 and before November 17th 2003 16:21:19, whose perceived severity is major, minor or cleared, and that have five types of probable causes, Call Set Up Failure, or Clock Data Recovery Unlock, or Commercial Power Failure, or Common Loss Alarm, or Communications Protocol Error. The filter can be expressed as follows:
Figure 55 Example of Logical Operators in Alarm Log Filters Dialog (see Figure 56) To activate or deactivate one of the groups (e.g. Event Type), you have to click the check button of the zone. If you deactivate one of the groups, his panel becomes greyed. The following paragraphs detail the operations for the different groups.
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The filter selection window should display all the filters available. The last filter selection performed is proposed; this selection can be confirmed or reset using a dedicated button on the window. The selected combination of filters is displayed in the ELB application window to be remembered consulting the list. The following figure shows the Filter Dialog with selected filters for Alarm.
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The following figure shows the Filter Dialog with selected filters for Event.
Figure 57 - Selected filters for Event Filters Dialog
Figure 58 - Filter Dialog Buttons The Filter button starts the log retrieval, activating the selected filters. The current filter configuration is saved. The No Filter button starts the log retrieval, without activating the selected filters. The current filter configuration is saved. The Clear All button resets the currently selected filters, leaving the Filters Dialog open. Log retrieval is not started.. The Cancel button closes the Filters Dialog. This button doesnt perform any log retrieval action and the current filter configuration is not saved. To save the filter set-up, the operator should first use the button Filter.
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Event Type
To activate Event Type group, you have to click the check button near the filter name. By default its set. Then, select the desired fields with the mouse left button. Event Type List reports all types of event or alarm that a NE can return: five basic categories of alarms end four basic categories of events are specified. It is a multi-select list, that is, more than one value of the list can be chosen. Use Ctrl + mouse or Shift + mouse to select multiple items.
Figure 59 - Event Type for Alarms and for Event s If the check button is selected but no value of the list is selected, the effect is like all values of the list panel were selected.
Figure 60 - Event Type Filter In other words, the two selections shown above yield the same result. To deactivate Event Type group, you have to uncheck the check button near the filter name. Event Type List becomes greyed with his selection if there is one.
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Event Time
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ELB application gives the possibility to select retrieve Logs according to the data and time of their raising event. To do this you must use Event Time Filter.
Figure 62 - Event Time Filter Filtering on date and time can have several variants; date and time filters are the following : o o o o From to: date interval to display the events or alarms, the date to select are the time interval starting date and the ending date; To : events or alarms happened before a certain date, the date to select is the ending interval date; From : events or alarms happened after a certain date, the date to select is the starting interval date; Last n minutes: events or alarms happened in the last n minutes interval. From to : the from date should precede the to date; To : the date inserted should precede or be equal the current date; From : the date inserted should precede the current date;
The date and time value inserted should be checked for consistency: o o o
If the date and time interval settings are invalid or inconsistent, an error message appears. For example:
Figure 63 - Invalid Date Range Error Message If the inserted date and time is incompatible, like in this example:
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Figure 65 - Incompatible From Date Error Message The filter Last n minute lets the user quickly select the last events/alarms list to see what last happened. The value n is inserted directly in the filter setting window. If the Last check button is selected, From and To fields are greyed.
Figure 66 - Last n minute Filter Selection If the Event Time check button is selected but no other value of the group is selected, the filter operation returns all items. This is equivalent to a no-filter operation. This condition
Figure 67 Check but No Selection in Event Time Filter is the same that this other one.
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Figure 68 - No Check but Selection in Event Time Filter To deactivate Event Time group, you have to uncheck the check button near the filter name. Event Time group becomes greyed with his selection if there is one.
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Perceived Severity
To activate Perceived Severity group, you have to click the check button near the filter name. By default its set. Perceived Severity group is composed by six check buttons, one for each alarm severity. It is a multi-select group, that is, more than one button of the group can be chosen. If the check button is selected but no other value of the group is selected, it is like no check buttons were selected.
Figure 69 - Perceived Severity Filter The above selection yields the same effect for filter operation. To deactivate Perceived Severity group, you have to uncheck the check button near the filter name. Perceived Severity group becomes greyed with his selection if there is one.
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Probable Causes
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To activate Probable Causes group, you have to click the check button near the filter name. By default its set. Probable Causes List reports all probable causes that Q3 or SNMP NEs could return. It is multi-select list, that is more than one value of the list can be chosen. It is a very long list, so you can use Shift button and left-button of mouse to select one or plus interval of values or Ctrl button and left-button of mouse to select separated values. The list is sorted in alphabetical order. If the check button is selected but no value of the list is selected, the effect is like all values of the list panel were selected.
Figure 71 - Probable Causes Filter The two selections shown above yield the same result. To deactivate Event Type group, you have to uncheck the check button near the filter name. Event Type List becomes greyed with his selection if there is one.
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Comma Separated Values Event Log Browsing Graphical User Interface
MOC: Managed Object Class MOI: NAV: NE: PDF: PS: Managed Object Instance NAVigation Network Element Portable Document Format PostScript
SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol TL/1: TXT: XML: Translation Language 1 TeXT eXtensible Markup Language
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All rights reserved. Passing on and copying of this document, use and communication of its contents, not permitted without written authorization from Alcatel
Additional Information: Optional attribute of an alarm which consist in structured information that is used to define sublists characteristics. Additional Text: This optional information allows a free form text description to be reported. Alarm: A human observable indication that draws attention to a failure (detected fault), usually giving an indication of the severity of the fault. Alarms may have an immediate or potentially negative impact on the state of a communication resource. Event: A macro-operation executed by the operator; this includes creation/deletion of boards, cross-connections, performance monitoring objects, loopback (and so on) and protection commands. It includes also operations automatically executed by the NE due to an external input, for example an automatic protection switch due to a failure. Event Time and Date: This parameter gives the local date and time when the event or alarm has been detected. Event Type: This parameter reports the type of the alarm or event occurrence defined in the Optics-IM Model. Five basic categories of alarms end four basic categories of events are specified. Filters: They are related to the alarms or events generated on a NE. They can be configurated by an operator to reject specified types of notifications and limit the processing that is applied to them. Graphical User Interface: It is the graphical user interface application through which the operators interact with the system. Managed Object Class: This attribute specifies the class of the managed object in which the event emitted by the agent occurred. Network Element (NE): Either telecommunication equipment or groups parts of a Telecommunication Network. Have characteristics compliant with ITU-T recommendations. Notification: Spontaneous data received by the system concerning a NE. Notification Identifier: This parameter provides an unique identifier for the alarm or event. Perceived Severity: This parameter defines six severity levels, which provide an indication of how it is perceived that the capability of the managed object has been affected. See paragraph 4.1 Alarm Log Display. Probable Causes: This parameter defines further qualification as to the probable cause of the alarm. Q3:
NE-level, CMIP-based management interface (and model) defined by several ITU-T international recommendations.
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Severity: See paragraph 5.3.4 Perceived Severity. This optional attribute consists of a set of possible values complementary to the Probable Causes. State Change definition: This optional attribute is used to indicate state transition associated with the alarm. Telecommunication Network: Describes the network to be managed. Provides the transmission, the transport and the switching supports to the interconnected Network Elements. Wrapping: Wrapping is the technique that enables the most recent entries in a file to replace the oldes when a file is full.
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Specific Problem:
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Daylight Saving Time is described in site: http://webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/index.html In a system there is the possibility to set the Time Zone according to the country where it is. But not every Time Zone has the possibility to check Daylight Saving Time, because not every Time Zone has adopted it. The official Time Zone map of the whole globe is shown for example in: http://www.travel.com.hk/region/timezone.htm
If the system uses Java platform 1.4 or higher, an application can know if Daylight Saving Time is being taken into account by the system. So the Event Time and Date value returned by NE is already adjusted for DST. If ELB application uses Java platform 1.4 or higher, the Option menu voice is greyed, because ELB application can know if Daylight Saving Time is setting or no by the system.
If the system uses Java platform 1.3 or lower, an application cannot know that. This is a Java bug. In this context the Event Time and Date value returned by NE is generally not in according to the real country time. The Event Time and Date value returned by NE is correct only when the country is in that period of year without Daylight Saving Time. So, with Java platform 1.3 or lower, and if the country uses the Daylight Saving Time, the operator must manually select the Daylight Saving Time (DST) check button using the Option Menu item. The check is only necessary if the country is using the Daylight Saving Time.
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For example in a country where Time Zone is set on Rome but its not period of Daylight Saving Time like in the picture below,
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ELB shows the same Event Time and Date with checked or unchecked Daylight Saving Time button.
If the Time Zone is set on Sydney and its period of Daylight Saving Time,
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ELB shows the different Event Time and Date, if the operator checks or unchecks Daylight Saving Time button on ELB menu.
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If the Time Zone is set on Darwin that is a location not to have introduced Daylight Saving Time, the operator cannot set DST in the Time Zone window. This option is not available.
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ELB doesnt let the operator check or uncheck Daylight Saving Time button on ELB menu, so it shows only one value of Event Time and Date without any ambiguity.
Figure 79 - ELB with DST not available For more information about time conversion in different Time Zone of the globe, using for example this site: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc
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1350NM - 1320CT
ELB Rel.2.x
VOL. 1/1
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1350NM - 1320CT
ELB Rel.2.x
Event Log Browser
3AL 88877 AAAA Ed.01
VOL. 1/1
1350NM - 1320CT
ELB Rel.2.x
Event Log Browser
3AL 88877 AAAA Ed.01
VOL. 1/1
1350NM - 1320CT
ELB Rel.2.x
Event Log Browser 3AL 88877 AAAA Ed.01 - OPERATORS HANDBOOK VOL. 1/1 1350NM - 1320CT
ELB Rel.2.x
Event Log Browser 3AL 88877 AAAA Ed.01 - OPERATORS HANDBOOK VOL. 1/1
1350NM - 1320CT
ELB Rel.2.x
Event Log Browser