Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Urban Water Supply System

4.1 Sources (surface water, underground water)

4.2 Urban water supply system
4.4 Plumbing pipelines
4.5 Water supply treatment works (3 minutes)
Drinking-water distribution systems | Veolia
Improving access to resources, while preserving and replenishing those resources, is
what we do at Veolia.
Each day, our distribution systems deliver drinking water from treatment plants to
our customers’ taps. These systems are designed to provide an uninterrupted supply
of drinking-water on-demand, compliant with regulations, in-line with customer
expectations, and with minimal environmental impact.
Here’s how and why, at a glance. Drinking water travels directly from treatment
plants to households via pressurized mains. Depending on the topology, we can also
pump water into high storage tanks so that the water flows through the system via
The distribution network branches out towards each user’s connection point. Special
devices and equipment help to regulate water pressure, according to fluctuating levels
of consumption.
Pipe diameter and material is adapted according to the local constraints, and the
characteristics of the water. The system is managed in small zones, which makes it
easier to diagnose problems, do maintenance work, and accurately measure water
distribution and consumption volumes. This is how we identify water losses. Leaks
are found thanks to acoustic detection techniques, or utilization of a tracer gas. At
the base of buildings, pumping stations boost the water pressure so that it reaches
every floor.
We sample and analyze water throughout the network on a daily basis, making water
one of the most closely monitored products made for human consumption.
Measuring instruments, sensors and probes are installed at key locations throughout
the system. Meters measure water consumption at each household. In the network,
other meters and instruments provide real-time readings on the flowrate, pressure,
vibration levels and water quality; and detect any leaks or changes in quality as soon
as they occur. These instruments transmit data via communication systems.
This is what makes drinking-water systems smart. All the data converges at a
centralized control center. These control centers combine and analyze the data to
provide insight about operations or events. This way, analysts have a global view of
the network in real-time. This is how they can monitor water quality, improve the
operation and maintenance of the system; and respond rapidly and transparently,
keeping authorities and consumers in the loop. By ensuring a continuous supply of
water, while constantly optimizing our networks’ performance, our solutions are for
cities a long-term guarantee of operational efficiency; and for customers, the
assurance of high-quality, yet affordable water.

Group Chúc Uyên

Translate the text.
Identify linking expressions.
Water supply systems
Proficient land and site planning at any scale will help solve the water-related problems and
ensure that the possibilities are fully realized. The level of performance should be continually
improved in the light of increasing public support and advancing technology.
Water As A Resource
In planning the use of land areas in relation to water ways and water bodies, a reasonable goal
would be to take full advantage of the benefits of proximity. These benefits would seem to
fall within the following categories.
Water supply, irrigation, and drainage - When these are important considerations, the area of
more intensive use will be located near the sources. Those site functions requiring the most
moisture in the soil or air will be given location priority. The efficiency of pumping and
gravity flow will have much to do with plan layouts.
Irrigated fields will be established below points of inlet where possible and be so arranged
that lines or planes of f!ow will slope.
Streams and water bodies are punctuation marks in the reading of the landscape. They
translate for us the landform and the story of their geologic formation. They introduce and
develop the regional theme. They set the mood, they articulate, they intensify. They give the
essential meaning. What is a prairie without its sloughs? A meadow without its meandering
brook? A mountainside without its cascade? A valley without its river?
Water As Landscape Feature
Most attributes of nature - the hills, the trees, the starlit sky- are usually taken for granted, but
the value of free water is not. Where it exists, as in the form of pond, stream, lake, or ocean,
the adjacent landholdings are eagerly sought. They are prized as sites for parks and parkways,
for homes, institutions, resort hotels, and other commercial ventures. It could almost be stated
as a law of land economics that “the closer a site to open water, the higher its value as real
estate”. Utilize - Since propinquity to water is so highly desirable, and since the protection of
our water edge has become so critical in our environmental planning, it would seem
reasonable that all water-oriented land areas should be planned in such a way as to reap the
maximum benefits of the water feature while protecting its integrity. This goal often resolves
itself into the simple device of expanding the actual and visual limits of water-related land to
the reasonable maximum.
Water use in Processing -When drawn from surface streams or water bodies for use in
cooling, washing, or other processes, water of equal quantity and quality is to be returned to
the source. Makeup water may be supplied from wells or public water supply systems.
Transportation - When waterways, lakes, or abutting ocean are to be used for the transport of
people or goods, the docking installations and vessels are to be so designed and operated that
the functional and visual quality of the waters is at all times assured.
Recreational use - Our streams and water bodies have long provided our most popular types
of outdoor recreation such as boating, fishing, and swimming. Along their banks and shores
it found the accretion of cottages, mobiles home parks, and campsites that attest to our love
of water. It is proposed that in long-range planning, with few exceptions, all water areas and
edge should be acquired and made part of public domain. Sheathed in green and incorporated
within the regional open-space network, such landscape features would provide a
recreational environment second to none.
New integrated systems of circulation give promise of innovative and vastly superior
concepts of land and community planning.
The approach drive - In locating a project on any site, the line of approach not only will
influence or dictate the position of structural elements but will probably also determine the
relationships of developed between an existing circulation drive or Street and a
proposed building, let us consider the design requirements.
The contemporary highway with its adjunct approaches and structures is not only the most
dominant feature of our landscape; it is also the most salient factor in our land and
community planning. Once established in any landscape, a roadway becomes a potent feature
and immediately changes the character of the land areas through which it makes its way. In
most site structure diagrams the roadway is the most dynamic line to which use areas can be
related. Without doubt, the most telling advances in our future planning will be the
diagramming of more reasonable relationships between our teeming traffic ways,
communities, cities, and the surrounding landscape. The automobile has rendered obsolete all
prior concepts of land planning.

Group Chúc Uyên

 Translate the text.
 Identify the Adverb clauses in the text.

Piping systems
By PETER SMITH, in Piping Materials Guide, 2005
2.1. Development of the Project Piping Classes
All process plants have two types of principal piping systems: process (primary and
secondary) piping systems and utility piping systems.
Process piping systems are the arteries of a process plant. They receive the feedstock,
carry the product through the various items of process equipment for treatment, and
finally deliver the refined fluid to the battery limits for transportation to the next
facility for further refinement. Process piping systems can be further divided into
primary process, which is the main process flow, and secondary process, which
applies to the various recycling systems.
Utility piping systems are also important. They are there to support the primary
process, falling into three groups:
 Support—instrument air, cooling water, steam.
 Maintenance—plant air, nitrogen.
 Protection—foam and firewater.
There are other utility services such as drinking water.
Piping Classes.
Each piping system is allocated a piping class, which lists all the components required
to construct the piping. A piping class includes the following:
 Process design conditions.
 Corrosion allowance.
 List of piping components.
 Branch table.
 Special assemblies.
 Support notes.
Both process and utility piping systems operate at various temperatures and pressures,
and the following must be analyzed:
 Fluid type—corrosivity, toxicity, viscosity.
 Temperature range.
 Pressure range.
 Size range.
 Method of joining.
 Corrosion allowance.
After analyzing these characteristics, process and utility piping systems can be
grouped into autonomous piping classes. This allows piping systems that share
fundamental characteristics (pipe size range, pressure and temperature limits, and
method of joining) to be classified together.
This standardization or optimization has benefits in the procurement, inspection, and
construction phases of the project. Too little optimization increases the number of
piping classes, making the paperwork at all stages of the project difficult to handle
and leading to confusion, resulting in mistakes. Too much optimization reduces the
number of piping classes, however, as the piping class must satisfy the characteristics
of the most severe service and use the most expensive material. This means that less-
severe services are constructed using more-expensive material, because the piping
class is “overspecified.” It is the responsibility of the piping material engineer to fine-
tune this optimization to the benefit the project.
A typical oil and gas separation process plant may have 10 process piping classes and
a similar number of utility piping classes. More-complex petrochemical facilities
require a greater number of piping classes to cover the various process streams and
their numerous temperature and pressure ranges. It is not uncommon for process
plants such as these to have in excess of 50 process and piping classes.
Plastic pipe systems
Piping systems for gas and water distribution, sewer, and drainage systems, cable
protection, communication, and industrial installations constitute the lifelines of
various industries and communities. Many thousand kilometer long existing pipelines
around the world made of metallic, concrete, polymeric, and composite materials
perform their vital function with various degrees of efficiency, but generally with high
degree of safety. A number of the existing piping networks are, however, locally or
globally aged or are prone to potential damage and failure. Some piping systems may
have even reached the limit of their service lifetime and may be at the stage of
potential failure or may need retrofitting or even replacement. Statistically, each year
a number of failures occur in the pipelines; some of which cause material damages
and even endanger life. The main question regarding an existing pipeline deals with
reliability and remaining service life of the system. This issue becomes critical when
one or more cases of malfunction or failures have happened in a certain piping
In the case of plastic pipes, the above-mentioned questions and comments find
additional material-specific dimensions. Plastics piping systems have proved quite
reliable for gas, water, and drainage systems as well as several other applications.
Plastic pipes are light, easy to connect, resistant against corrosion, flexible, and easy
to handle. The plastic materials, however, have their own salient features, which
should be taken into consideration in all issues dealing with the safety, service life,
failure event, and the retrofitting strategies.
Vibrations Induced by Internal Fluid Flow
In Flow-induced Vibrations (Second Edition), 2014
Piping systems are widely utilized for conveying fluids in many industrial fields. It is
therefore vital to understand the problems that arise from vibration due to internal flows in
pipes. In particular, the instability problem of a flexible pipe conveying fluid is now
considered a paradigm for instability mechanisms in fluid–structure interaction systems. For
this reason a significant body of research on the dynamics of flexible pipes conveying fluid
exists. In this chapter, the stability behavior of flexible pipes conveying fluid is presented.
The first section focuses on vibration of standard straight pipes excited by high speed and
oscillating or two-phase flow. For vibration of pipes excited by internal flow the research
history, the modeling methods and dynamic behavior are presented. Analysis methods for
pipes excited by oscillating flow as well as two-phase fluid flow are presented next. The
vibration of bellows and corrugated tubes, which are widely used in industry, is another
subject addressed in this chapter. The last section of the chapter introduces the dynamics of
collapsible tubes, which are important in biological engineering. For all the types of
vibrations discussed in the chapter, countermeasures are also suggested.

Group Chí Tưởng

Translate the two texts.
Water Treatment
Community Water Treatment
Drinking water supplies in the United States are among the safest in the world. However, even in the U.S.,
drinking water sources can become contaminated, causing sickness and disease from waterborne germs,
such as Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Hepatitis A, Giardia intestinalis, and other pathogens.
Drinking water sources are subject to contamination and require appropriate treatment to remove disease-
causing agents. Public drinking water systems use various methods of water treatment to provide safe
drinking water for their communities. Today, the most common steps in water treatment used by
community water systems (mainly surface water treatment) include:

 Coagulation and Flocculation

Coagulation and flocculation are often the first steps in water treatment. Chemicals with a positive
charge are added to the water. The positive charge of these chemicals neutralizes the negative
charge of dirt and other dissolved particles in the water. When this occurs, the particles bind with
the chemicals and form larger particles, called floc.
 Sedimentation
During sedimentation, floc settles to the bottom of the water supply, due to its weight. This settling
process is called sedimentation.
 Filtration
Once the floc has settled to the bottom of the water supply, the clear water on top will pass
through filters of varying compositions (sand, gravel, and charcoal) and pore sizes, in order to
remove dissolved particles, such as dust, parasites, bacteria, viruses, and chemicals.
 Disinfection
After the water has been filtered, a disinfectant (for example, chlorine, chloramine) may be added in
order to kill any remaining parasites, bacteria, and viruses, and to protect the water from germs
when it is piped to homes and businesses.
Water may be treated differently in different communities depending on the quality of the water that enters
the treatment plant. Typically, surface water requires more treatment and filtration than ground water
because lakes, rivers, and streams contain more sediment and pollutants and are more likely to be
contaminated than ground water.
Some water supplies may also contain disinfections by-products, inorganic chemicals, organic chemicals,
and radionuclides. Specialized methods for controlling formation or removing them can also be part of
water treatment.
Water Fluoridation
Community water fluoridation prevents tooth decay safely and effectively. Water fluoridation has been
named one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century.
Consumer Confidence Reports
Every community water supplier must provide an annual report, sometimes called a Consumer Confidence
Report, or “CCR,” to its customers. The report provides information on your local drinking water quality,
including the water’s source, contaminants found in the water, and how consumers can get involved in
protecting drinking water.
Household Water Treatment
Even though EPA regulates and sets standards for public drinking water, many Americans use a home water
treatment unit to:
 Remove specific contaminants
 Take extra precautions because a household member has a compromised immune system
 Improve the taste of drinking water
Household water treatment systems are composed of two categories: point-of-use and point-of-entry
External (NSF). Point-of-entry systems are typically installed after the water meter and treat most of the
water entering a residence. Point-of-use systems are systems that treat water in batches and deliver water to
a tap, such as a kitchen or bathroom sink or an auxiliary faucet mounted next to a tap.
The most common types of household water treatment systems consist of:
 Filtration Systems
A water filter is a device which removes impurities from water by means of a physical barrier,
chemical, and/or biological process.
 Water Softeners
A water softener is a device that reduces the hardness of the water. A water softener typically uses
sodium or potassium ions to replace calcium and magnesium ions, the ions that create “hardness.”
 Distillation Systems
Distillation is a process in which impure water is boiled and the steam is collected and condensed
in a separate container, leaving many of the solid contaminants behind.
 Disinfection
Disinfection is a physical or chemical process in which pathogenic microorganisms are deactivated
or killed. Examples of chemical disinfectants are chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone. Examples of
physical disinfectants include ultraviolet light, electronic radiation, and heat.

Surface and Ground Water Sources | Water Management

More than 99% of Earth’s water in its natural state is unavailable or unsuitable for
human use. Thus, the amount of freshwater for which all the people, animals and
plants on earth compete is even less than 1%.
This water which is available as fresh water comes from inland surface water sources
(such as rivers, streams, lakes & reservoirs) and ground water sources.
Surface Water Sources:
Most surface water originates directly from precipitation in the form of rainfall or
snow. Ground water from springs and seeps also contribute to flow of most of the
The various surface water sources along with their characteristics are described as
(a) Sea Water:
Though the oceans contain about 97% of the total water in the world, but as ocean
waters contain high concentration of salts (approx. 3.5%) in solution, it becomes
uneconomical to make this water potable. Still in places, where sea water is the only
source available potable water is obtained from sea water by carrying out desalting or
(b) Rivers and Streams:
Precipitation that does not evaporate or infiltrate runs off the surface towards the sea,
in the form of streams and rivers. Rivers and streams are important sources of water
supply even though the water from these sources is generally more variable in quality
as well as less satisfactory than the water from lakes and impounded reservoirs.
(c) Natural Lakes and Ponds:
Lakes are inland depressions that hold standing fresh water throughout the year.
Ponds are generally small, temporary or permanent shallow water bodies. As their
water is much more accessible than groundwater or glaciers, they are considered as an
important (though minor) source of fresh water supply. Water from these sources is
more uniform in quality than water from flowing rivers and streams.
(d) Artificial Impounding Reservoirs:
These are formed by constructing hydraulic structures (like dams) across river valleys.
The deeper and narrower the valley is, the easier it is to construct the dam. The water
quality is similar to that of natural lakes and ponds.
Inland surface water is the major source of fresh water for agricultural, domestic and
industrial use throughout the world. The major environmental issue regarding inland
surface water sources is the degradation of these sources by the disposal of sewage
and industrial effluents without treatment.
Ground Water Sources:
After glaciers, ice caps and snowfields, ground water is the next largest fresh water
reservoir. Precipitation that does not evaporate back into the air or run off over the
surface percolates through the soil and either accumulates in an underground basin or
flows underground in sub-surface streams.
The quality of ground water is generally uniform. As a result, ground water is the
major source of fresh water for agricultural and domestic use in many areas of the
world; particularly areas having insufficient surface water resources.
Over use of ground water sources can cause several kinds of problems if
groundwater is being withdrawn from aquifers faster than natural recharge can
replace it, such as:
(a) Excessive pumping of ground water causes porous formations to collapse,
resulting in subsidence or settling of the above surface.
(b) Heavy pumping can lower the local water table as a result of which shallower
wells go dry or can deplete a whole aquifer.
(c) Overuse of freshwater reservoirs along coastlines often allows salt water to intrude
into aquifers used for domestic and agricultural purposes.
Understanding home water systems (7 minutes)

How Your Home Plumbing Works (From Start to

What's up guys and welcome back to another instructional video. In this video, I want to
cover how the plumbing works in a typical home. Everything we do pretty much relies on
plumbing when you think of it for a second. Whether it's washing your car or brushing your
teeth before going to bed, you're using your home's plumbing system. A home plumbing
system is composed of four things: waste drains, waste vents, potable water and rainwater
So let's go through each process one by one, and talk about what they do. Let's start off with
the drains. Most homes have either ABS, PVC or cast iron drain pipes and vents. These
pipes are connected to all the fixtures in the home such as toilets, sinks, bathtubs and
showers. When the fixture is used, the waste is carried inside these drain pipes that have a
slight slope to them, down the main drain, up until it reaches the municipal drain under the
I'll also show where this waste goes later in the video. Every here and there, you'll find
clean-outs like this. These are what give you access to the inside of the pipes in case there's a
blockage. Most homes in the US also have these outside, so it's easier for the plumber to
access it. As for pipe sizes, most toilet drains are 3 inches, kitchen and bathroom sinks are
inch and a half or 2 inch if it's wet vented and showers and bathtubs are 2 inches by code.
The main stacks are either three inches or four inches depending on what the code asks for
and your municipality. But some homes don't have municipal services, so how do they get
rid of their waste?
Simple. The main drain pipe that would normally go to the sewers goes into what's called a
septic tank.
this septic tank which is either concrete or polyethylene, separates the solids from the liquids
and flows into a leach field or drain field, which then goes into the ground to get naturally
filtered. The solids though eventually need to get pumped out by a vacuum truck to make
sure it functions properly.
Now onto the venting. For these fixtures and drains to function adequately, the system needs
to be properly vented. When a toilet is flushed for example, the water pushes the air
downstream, causing a negative pressure behind it. The vents are what equalize this change
in pressure to prevent things like gurgling and p-traps being siphoned out, which would
allow for sewer gases to find their way inside your home. These vents get their air through
the roof and need to stay clear from bird nests and debris or you're assured of having
problems. Something else this vent serves is to relieve any pressure buildup inside the actual
municipal sewer line. Some cities had their manhole covers blast up 50 feet in the air
because rats would chew on electrical wires and would in turn create a spark and ignite the
methane gas inside the sewers. So the vent minimizes the chance of this happening.
As for potable water goes, it comes from the street like the other services and typically has
between 40 to 80 psi of pressure. Every home with a water supply from this city has to have
a shut up valve outside just like this, in case the city needs to close the water. This copper
line which is normally three quarters of an inch in size, comes into the basement through the
concrete slab to another shutoff valve which is only accessible to the homeowner.
Here we see the hot water tank. Your hot water tank which is either electric or gas fed is fed
cold water to then heat it up and distribute it throughout the house thanks to the city's
pressure. Some homes still have cpvc or copper lines but new constructions use mostly pex
as it's reliable and quick to install. So back to before question. How does one get water if
there's no municipal services? In rural areas, people use wells. A well is basically a hole
that's drilled approximately 500 feet in the ground to access groundwater via pumping. This
water is pumped back up and goes through a series of apparatuses to make the water
drinkable. A downside to this is if the electricity cuts out, you'll need a generator to get a
glass of water. And the last aspect is rainwater management.
In the past rainwater and sewage was combined, meaning the rainwater went into the same
sewer as the waste from your house. Since then, they've been separated to make water
management easier.
So when it rains all of this water has to go somewhere. Right? the rain that falls on the
house's roof trickles into the gutters. Now the gutter's job is to divert the water away from
the house to prevent water and filtrations. so what most people do is install a five-foot piece
onto the downspout, so the water has somewhere to go which is
perfectly fine. Other people prefer recovering this water in barrels to use as non-potable
water to water their plants and flowers and some actually connect them to the weeping tile
or french drain. The french drain is the corrugated pipe that runs around the house's footing
to catch any excess water in the ground. The problem when doing this is that the municipal
drain could get overloaded very quickly and overflow. So it's best to invest in a rainwater
collection system or to just let the soil absorb the water if possible. So where does all of this
waste and rainwater go once it's in the municipality's hands. Both of these services head
down the road which eventually need to be lifted at a lifting station which pumps the storm
and wastewater ’s back up, so they don't go too deep. The rainwater dumps itself into a
nearby river and the waste continues to the sewage treatment plant where it passes through
multiple filters and treatment stages to then be released back into the nearest river and the
cycle continues. The water from the river is filtered and pumped back into the city's main as
potable water which is safe to drink.
And that's basically how your plumbing system works. I hope this video clarified some
things about how we use our water and I believe it's important we all know how it works as
without it we wouldn't have the same life quality as we have. Don't forget to share and give
this video a thumbs up and until the next one. Thanks for watching

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