Geography Optional (1-2) Pyq (2) - Flattened
Geography Optional (1-2) Pyq (2) - Flattened
Geography Optional (1-2) Pyq (2) - Flattened
Section A
Physical Geography
forces; Origin and evolution of the earth’s crusts; Fundamentals of geomagnetism; Physical
conditions of the earth’s interior; Geosynclines; Continental drift; Isostasy; Plate tectonics;
● Climatology: Temperature and pressure belts of the world; Heat budget of the earth;
Atmospheric circulation; Atmospheric stability and instability. Planetary and local winds;
Monsoons and jet streams; Air masses and fronts; Temperate and tropical cyclones; Types and
Tha’s classification of world climate; Hydrological cycle; Global climatic change, and role and
● Oceanography: Bottom topography of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans; Temperature
and salinity of the oceans; Heat and salt budgets, Ocean deposits; Waves, currents and tides;
Marine resources; biotic, mineral and energy resources; Coral reefs coral bleaching; Sea-level
● Biogeography: Genesis of soils; Classification and distribution of soils; Soil profile; Soil
erosion, Degradation and conservation; Factors influencing world distribution of plants and
man on ecology and environment; Global and regional ecological changes and imbalances;
Paper 1
Physical conditions of the earth’s interior;
1. Write short notes on Role of seismic waves in the study of earth’s interior. 10 Marks |2005|
2. Bring out the relevance of seismic study in determining the structure of the interior of the earth.
15 Marks |2010|
Fundamentals of geomagnetism;
1. Write short notes on Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. 10 Marks |2011|
Origin and evolution of the earth’s crust; Continental drift; Plate tectonics;
1. Write short notes on the Impact of the Pleistocene Ice Age on the crust of Earth. 10 Marks |2013|
2. State, in detail, and appraise fully the arguments in favour of and against the theory of
Continental Drift. 20 Marks |1980|.
3. Critically evaluate the continental drift hypothesis of A. Wegner. 20 Marks |2006|
4. Write short notes on Paleozoic glacial evidence for Continental Drift. 10 Marks |2012|
5. Critically analyse the concept of plate tectonics and bring out the evidences to support it.
20 Marks |1988|
6. Write short notes on Plate tectonics. 10 Marks |1990|
7. Discuss the limitations of the theory of Continental Drift and show how the theory of plate
tectonics is an improvement over it. 20 Marks |1995|
8. Bring out the distinctions between the ‘continental drift’ theory and the ‘plate tectonics’ theory.
20 Marks |1999|
9. Write short notes on Seafloor spreading theory. 10 Marks |2008|
10. “Offshore Acoustic study helped the development of the concept of seafloor spreading.”
Explain. 20 Marks |2013|
11. Compare and contrast different types of plate boundaries. 15 Marks |2019|
12. Write an essay on the evolution of continents and oceans using various theories and models.
20 Marks |2020|
13. The concept of Plate tectonics has been derived from the isostasy and continental drift theory.
Elaborate citing suitable examples. 20 Marks |2021|
14. Evidence from paleomagnetism and seafloor spreading have validated that continents and ocean basins have
never been stationery. Elucidate with suitable diagrams. 20 marks 2023
1. Present a critical analysis of the theory of Isostasy. 20 Marks |2001|
2. Define the concept of Isostasy and discuss the postulations of Airy and Pratt. 20 Marks |2007|
3. Explain the concept of Isostasy as postulated by Airy and Pratt. 20 Marks |2011|
1. Write short notes on Geosyncline. 10 Marks |2002|
Vulcanicity; Earthquakes and Tsunamis;
1. Discuss the concept of vulcanicity and show how the theory of Plate Tectonics explains the
mechanism of volcanism and volcanic eruptions. 20 Marks |1998|
2. Write a note on pseudo volcanic features. 10 Marks |2017|
3. Describe the phreatic eruptions and their consequences. 10 Marks |2019|
4. Discuss the methods of measuring the intensity and magnitude of earthquakes. How are seismic
zones demarcated? 20 Marks |2019|
20 Marks |1991|
21. Explain the sequential development of landforms associated with coastal areas. 20 Marks
22. Write short notes on Karst landforms. 10 Marks |1984|
23. Write short notes on Karst landforms. 10 Marks |1988|
24. Write short notes on Essential conditions for the development of karst topography.
10 Marks |2010|
25. Define ‘speleothem’. Discuss the various forms and features of speleothems. 10 Marks |2022|
26. How are sandspits and tombolos formed? 10 Marks |2019|
27. Discuss the evolution and characteristics of the landforms of the glaciated regions.
20 Marks |1987|
28. Describe the “Basket of eggs topography”. 10 Marks |2016|
29. Discuss the concept of Periglacial cycle as propounded by Peltier. 20 Marks |2017|
30. Describe the concept of ‘Altiplanation’. 10 Marks |2021|
31. Write short notes on Systems approach to landform analysis. 10 Marks |2012|
Slope development;
1. Analyse the differences in the models of slope evolution proposed by Davis and Penck. 20
Marks |1990|
2. Discuss views on slope development provided by L.C. King. 15 Marks |2009|
3. Explain how Bosche and Haldenhang lead to the Theory of Slope Replacement.
20 Marks |2012|
4. “The knowledge of slope analysis has limited field application in the slope management.”
Explain. 15 Marks |2017|
Channel morphology;
1. Explain with examples as to how channel dynamics has been responsible for the development
of alluvial fans and cones. 15 Marks |2015|
2. “Climate, slope gradient and rock structure influence the avulsion of channels.” Explain.
15 Marks |2017|
3. Stream basins and drainage divides are important components to delineate a watershed area.
Explain. 15 Marks |2021|
4. Explain how various aspects of channel morphology are used in transportation, settlement and
land use planning, flood control and flood management? 15 Marks |2022|
Temperature and pressure belts of the world; Heat budget of the earth; atmospheric
stability and instability; Atmospheric circulation
1. Discuss the complete mechanism by means of which the atmosphere is able to maintain its heat-
balance. Is the atmosphere getting progressively hotter, and if so, why? 20 Marks |1980|
2. Discuss the nature and composition of earth’s atmosphere. 20 Marks |1998|
3. Differentiate between insolation and temperature and explain anomalous temperature. 10 Marks
4. Describe how short-term variations in temperature are related to the processes of receiving
energy from the sun to the Earth’s surface and dissipating it to the atmosphere. 15 Marks
5. Write short notes on Tropical atmospheric instability. 10 Marks |2009|
6. Write short notes on Inversion of Temperature. 10 Marks |1995|
7. Write short notes on Inversion of temperature. 10 Marks |2010|
8. Discuss the forces which govern the air movement on the Earth’s surface. 20 Marks |2017|
9. Discuss the mechanism and significance of tricellular meridional circulation of atmosphere.
20 Marks |2003|
10. Explain the meridional circulation of the atmosphere and its importance in world climate.
15 Marks |2015|
11. Discuss in detail the tri-cellular model of atmospheric circulation. 20 Marks |2019|
12. How does inversion of temperature occur explain its significance on local weather with suitable examples. 15
marks 2023
Monsoons and jet streams;
1. With particular reference to India, explain the origin of the "monsoon". Describe and account
for the World distribution of monsoon climates, bringing out the significant differences between
each of them. 20 Marks |1981|
2. Discuss the mechanism and origin of monsoon winds and explain the role of El Nino on
Monsoon circulation. 20 Marks |2008|
3. Discuss the nature and origin of Indian monsoon and recent techniques of its prediction.
20 Marks |2014|
4. Explain the origin, progress and retreat of Indian monsoon and discuss its impact on the Indian
economy. 20 Marks |2018|
5. Explain how various factors influence the origin and development of the Indian monsoon
system. 20 Marks |2020|
6. Write a short note on Jet stream. 10 Marks |1983|
7. Write short notes on Rossby waves and Jet Stream. 10 Marks |2011|
3. Give an account of global distribution of precipitation. 20 Marks |2011|
4. Discuss Dew point and the various forms of condensation. 15 Marks |2013|
5. Examine major influencing factors for varied patterns of precipitations on the continents.
20 Marks |2021|
Hydrological cycle;
1. Write short notes on Hydrological Cycle. 10 Marks |1985|
2. Write short notes on Hydrological cycle. 10 Marks |1991|
3. Explain the role of evaporation in the hydrological cycle. 10 Marks |2018|
‘Cs’ type of climate. 20 Marks |2015|
6. Examine critically the drawbacks of Koppen’s classification of climates. Explain how
Thornthwaite attempted to overcome Koppen’s limitations. 20 Marks |1996|
7. Explain the basic criteria used in Thornthwaite’s 1948 classification of climates. 20 Marks
8. Discuss the criteria which Thornthwaite adopted for his 1948 classification of world climates.
20 Marks |2002|
9. Write short notes on Potential evapotranspiration. 10 Marks |2004|
10. What is potential evapotranspiration? Explain how it is used in assessing the water balance in
an area. 15 Marks |2015|
11. Explain the techniques to calculate potential evapotranspiration suggested by Thornthwaite.
10 Marks |2019|
12. Critically examine the basis and scheme of climatic classification proposed by G.T. Trewartha.
15 Marks |2018|
Weather and Climate; Global climatic change and role and response of man in climatic
1. How would the impact of global warming differ from one part of the earth to another? Give a
reasoned account. 20 Marks |2004|
2. Give a reasoned account on how the impact of Global Warming differs from one part of the
Earth to the other. 15 Marks |2016|
3. Explain the factors contributing to global climate change. 15 Marks |2009|
4. Discuss the consequences of Climate Change on agriculture and food security, and on the
Coastal Zones of the World. 15 Marks |2009|
5. “Contemporary global climate change is an anthropogenic phenomenon.” Discuss.
20 Marks |2011|
6. Write about Impact of Cryosphere on global climate. 15 Marks |2012|
7. Discuss the significance of World Climate Research Programme and its core projects in the
understanding of climate change. 20 Marks |2016|
8. “Climate Change is a reality.” Explain with suitable examples. 20 Marks |2017|
9. Explaining the concept of carbon neutrality, describe the measures taken by carbon positive and
negative nations. 15 Marks |2021|
10. Rise of surface temperature brings severe consequences. Elaborate the potential changes and
threats associated with it in the world. 20 Marks |2022|
3. What is pollution dome? Discuss its formation and impacts. 10 Marks |2022|
Bottom topography of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans;
1. Give a reasoned account of the content of the Atlantic Ocean and their impact on the climatic
conditions of the coastal regions. 20 Marks |1987|
2. Write short notes on Ocean bottom relief. 10 Marks |1989|
3. Draw a hypsographic curve to represent the major physiographic units of the ocean and
comment on their permanency. 20 Marks |1991|
4. Explain and illustrate the ocean floor topography and give a detailed account of the mid-Atlantic
ridge. 20 Marks |1996|
5. Explain and illustrate the sub marine relief of the Atlantic Ocean. 20 Marks |1998|
6. Write short notes on Submarine canyons. 10 Marks |1999|
7. Discuss the mid-Atlantic ridge in terms of the origin, extent and relief. 20 Marks |2004|
8. Explain the scientifically sound methods of bathymetry and give an account of the bottom
topography of the Atlantic Ocean. 20 Marks |2010|
9. Present a concise account of bottom relief of the Indian Ocean. 20 Marks |2003|
10. Describe the configuration of the Pacific Ocean Floor. 15 Marks |2017|
11. Give a detailed account of bottom topography of the Pacific Ocean. 15 Marks |2021|
Ocean deposits;
1. Present the classification of Oceanic deposits and account for the origin, types and distribution
of Pelagic deposits in the World Oceans. 20 Marks |1981|
2. Discuss the sources and nature of various deposit found on the floor of the oceans.
20 Marks |1985|
3. Write short notes on Pelagic deposits. 10 Marks |1986|
4. Write short notes on Pelagic deposits. 10 Marks |2004|
5. Discuss the different bases for classifying the ocean deposits and give a detailed account of
pelagic deposits of the oceans. 20 Marks |2007|
6. Write short notes on Ocean deposits. 10 Marks |2010|
7. Describe the characteristics of different types of pelagic deposits. 10 Marks |2015|
9. Explain the currents of the North Atlantic Ocean and their significant role in the climate of
Western Europe. 15 Marks |2020|
10. Illustrate the origin and nature of Sargasso Sea and Lagoon. 10 Marks |2014|
11. Discuss the impacts of ocean currents on air mass behaviour. 10 Marks |2017|
12. What is the relationship between ocean currents and global surface wind systems? Explain with
examples how does the gyre in the Northern Hemisphere differ from the one in the Southern
Hemisphere. 15 Marks |2022|
13. How are ocean currents generated? Discuss their effects on coastal climates with special reference to the
Pacific Ocean. 15 marks 2023
Sea-level changes;
1. Write short notes on Eustatic changes of Sea level. 10 Marks |2007|
2. Describe the causes and consequences of sea level changes. 10 Marks |2018|
Genesis of soils; Soil profile;
1. Write short notes on Soil genesis. 10 Marks |1998|
2. Write short notes on Genesis of Soils. 10 Marks |2003|
3. Write short notes on Soil profile. 10 Marks |2000|
4. Well developed soils typically exhibit distinct layers in their soil profile. Elaborate. 10 Marks
5. How are soil acidity and soil alkalinity related to soil fertility? 15 Marks |2019|
6. Explain the natural processes of soil enrichment and its impact on food production. 10 marks 2023
7. Differentiate between the characteristics of organic horizons and mineral horizons in a generalized soil profile.
15 marks 2023
1. Write short notes on the Types of endemic plants and their degree of vulnerability to extinction.
10 Marks |2013|
2. Bring out the relationship between climate and vegetation in the mountain biome.
15 Marks |2013|
3. Give a classification of plants based on the amount of water requirement.
15 Marks |2017|
4. Describe the characteristics of biological deserts. 10 Marks |2017|
5. Amensalism is a biotic factor that determines the geographic limits of the species. Explain.
10 Marks |2019|
6. Which factors influence the growth of wild plants in India? Discuss their economic significance.
10 Marks |2020|
7. Divide the world into major biotic regions giving the basis of your division. 20 Marks |1983|
8. Write short notes on World’s biotic regions. 10 Marks |1986|
9. Write short notes on characteristics of monsoon forests. 10 Marks |1987|
10. Divide the world into major biotic regions and explain the basis of your division. 20 Marks
11. Indicate the major biotic regions of the world and discuss the ecological aspects of the Monsoon region. 20
Marks |1994|
12. Give a brief account of the principal land biomes and their latitudinal distribution.
15 Marks |2009|
13. Define the term biome. List the terrestrial biomes and describe the characteristics of Savanna
biome. 20 Marks |2011|
14. State the uniqueness of the Eurasian Steppe Biome. 10 Marks |2014|
15. Bring out the ecological significance of Tropical Rainforest Biome. 10 Marks |2016|
16. Land use/Land cover and soil types influence forage quantity and quality in semi-arid regions
of the world. Discuss with relevant examples. 15 Marks |2020|
17. Write short notes on Floristic kingdoms, based on their global distribution. 15 Marks |2010| 18. Describe
Newbigin’s scheme of Floristic regions of the world and explain the Mediterranean
Floristic Region. 15 Marks |2016|
19. Write short notes on the Uniqueness of fauna in the Notogean realm. 10 Marks |2013|
20. Write about Adaptation and distribution of animals in the Ethiopian realm. 15 Marks |2012|
21. Define zoogeographic region. Also describe the basic faunal makeup of the Neo-Arctic
zoogeographic region. 15 Marks |2014|
22. Plants and animals that exist in a particular ecosystem are those that have been successful in
adjusting to their habitat and environmental conditions. Elucidate with examples. 20 Marks
their prevention, conservation and development. 15 Marks |2018|
2. Explain the effects and causes of deforestation, and its impact on the pattern of agriculture in
India. 15 Marks |2020|
3. Write short notes on Agroforestry. 10 Marks |2001|
4. Write short notes on social forestry and environmental conservation. 10 Marks |2007|
Environmental Geography
Principle of ecology;
1. Write short notes on Ecosystem Concept. 10 Marks |1985|
2. Write short notes on Concept of Ecosystem. 10 Marks |1992|
3. Discuss the concept, components and functioning of an ecosystem. 20 Marks |2001|
4. Give an account of the structure of the ecosystem and describe its functional aspects. 20 Marks
5. Write in detail the concept of biosphere as an ecosystem. 20 Marks |2002|
6. Give an account of the nature of biosphere as an ecosystem. 10 Marks |2014|
7. Write short notes on Biotic succession. 10 Marks |1993|
8. Explain the characteristics of ecological succession. 10 Marks |2015|
9. “Human ecology is the study of mutual relationship of people and their environment both
natural and social.” Discuss in detail using ecological concepts. 15 Marks |2020|
10. How is Deep ecology as a concept different from shallow ecology explain. 10 marks 2023
Influence of man on ecology and environment; Global and regional ecological changes
and imbalances;
1. Discuss in detail man’s impact on ecosystem as a result of the modern technological
advancement. 20 Marks |1988|
2. Define ecosystem and describe briefly its various components. Also discuss how and to what
extent the modern man has affected the various types of ecosystems. 20 Marks |1993|
3. ‘Man must realize the importance of maximizing agricultural production without destroying the ecological
basis on which our entire food production system rests.’ Explain with examples.
20 Marks |1995|
4. Examine the impact of advanced agricultural technology on the environment. Support your answer
with examples. 20 Marks |1998|
5. “Food productivity with purity of the ecosystem is the need of the hour.” Elaborate. 15 Marks
6. Write short notes on Man, and Amazon rainforest. 10 Marks |1996|
7. Write a critical note on the tendency of “use and throw” in the context of economic status and
environment. 15 Marks |2016|
8. Write a short note on Ecological imbalance. 10 Marks |1983|
9. Discuss man's role in creating ecological imbalances taking examples from a geographical
region. 20 Marks |1984|
10. Examine the causes of ecological imbalances and briefly explain the measures taken to rectify
them. 20 Marks |1989|
11. Discuss the global ecological imbalances and their management. 20 Marks |2006|
12. Sequential changes in land use and land cover have brought global and regional ecological
changes and imbalances. Elucidate. 20 Marks |2022|
13. Write about Programmes initiated by the International Council of Science on Earth System
studies. 20 Marks |2012|
14. Write short notes on Major components of IGBP. 10 Marks |2012|
15. What are the factors affecting regional ecological changes? How do these affect human health ?15 marks
sustainability in Asia. 10 Marks |2021|
Section -B
Human Geography:
behavioral, human and welfare approaches; Languages, religions and secularisation; Cultural
resources and their distribution; Energy crisis; the limits to growth; World agriculture:
typology of agricultural regions; Agricultural inputs and productivity; Food and nutrition
problems; Food security; famine: causes, effects and remedies; World industries: location
optimum population; Population theories, world population problems and policies, Social
well-being and quality of life; Population as social capital. Types and patterns of rural
morphology; Concept of primate city and rank-size rule; Functional classification of towns;
Sphere of urban influence; Rural-urban fringe; Satellite towns; Problems and remedies of
Growth centres and growth poles; Regional imbalances; Regional development strategies;
● Models, Theories and Laws in Human Geography: System analysis in Human geography;
Malthusian, Marxian and demographic transition models; Central Place theories of Christaller
and Losch; Perroux and Boudeville; Von Thunen’s model of agricultural location; Weber’s
model of industrial location; Ostov’s model of stages of growth. Heartland and Rimland
1. Write short notes on Areal differentiation. 10 Marks |2005|
2. Critically examine the changing perspectives on the concept of areal differentiation.
15 Marks |2010|
3. “Areal differentiation forms the core theme in geography.” Explain. 10 Marks |2016|
4. “Areal differentiation has provided the theoretical justification for studying ‘regions’ and
‘regional geography’.” Comment. 20 Marks |2018|
5. “Regional synthesis is the crux of geographical studies.” Elaborate. 20 Marks |2015|
6. Explain the sequential development of areal differentiation as a fundamental concept in human geography. 10
marks 2023
7. Write short notes on Behavioural Geography. 10 Marks |2008|
8. Elaborate the concept of mental map. 10 Marks |2014|
9. Discuss the approaches to the study of behavioural geography. 15 Marks |2015|
10. Present a critical analysis of human and welfare approaches in human geography.
20 Marks |2003|
11. Provide a brief outline of ideas related to “sense of place” as propounded by Yi- Fu Tuan and
Relph in the humanistic geography that emerged in the 1970’s. 15 Marks |2018|
12. Distinguish between radical and welfare approaches in geographic studies. 20 Marks |2004| 13. Write short
explanatory notes on Welfare Approach in Human Geography. 10 Marks |2011| 14. “The welfare face of
geography makes it an inter-disciplinary subject.” Elaborate.
10 Marks
15. Comment upon the contributions of D.M. Smith in outlining ‘welfare’ as a key focus in the
geographies of social well-being. 15 Marks |2018|
16. “Welfare geography emphasizes spatial inequality and territorial justice”. Comment with
reference the main ideas and scope of the subfield. 20 Marks |2018|
17. Describe the sequence of major paradigm shifts in geographic thought during the twentieth
century. 20 Marks |1999|
18. Discuss the impact of positivism in paradigm shift in Geography. 15 Marks |2011|
19. Discuss the contemporary paradigms of Geography. 20 Marks |2017|
20. “Geography is a contested and multiparadigmic discipline with a strong eurocentricity that has only
recently challenged.” Comment. 10 Marks |2018|
11. “A language originates at a particular place and diffuses to other location through the migration of its
speakers.” Examine this statement in the context of language hot spots and endangered
language hot spots. 10 Marks |2019|
12. Analyse the effects of Globalisation on languages. 10 Marks |2022|
1. Write short notes on Diffusion of innovation. 10 Marks |1986|
2. Explain the concept of Time – Geography. 10 Marks |2017|
3. The interrelationships between social and spatial structure are complex. Explain in the context
of socio-spatial dialectic. 10 Marks |2021|
Economic Geography
World economic development: measurement and problems;
1. "The economic development of a country depends as much on the stage of development of the
people as on the able resources. Discuss this statement with examples.
20 Marks |1980|
2. Write short notes on Definition and Scope of Economic Geography. 10 Marks |1981|
3. How far do the patterns of economic development and those of human development correspond with each
other in the world? Illustrate your answer with examples. 20 Marks |1999|
4. To what extent do the regional patterns of economic development and human development in
the world correspond with each other? Highlight situations of departure, in particular. 20 Marks
5. Write an essay on gender equity and equality in India in the context of balanced human
development. 15 Marks |2020|
Energy crisis;
1. Write short notes on the World energy crisis. 10 Marks |1983|
2. Discuss the various sources of energy and their uses. Suggest the measures to overcome the
present-day energy crisis. 20 Marks |1988|
3. Write short notes on the World energy crisis. 10 Marks |1991|
4. Write short notes on the countries most affected in case of shutdown of Nuclear power.
10 Marks |2013|
5. “Energy mix is a step towards sustainability.” Discuss. 10 Marks |2015|
6. “The intensity of the energy crisis varies regionally.” Explain. 15 Marks |2017|
7. Identify the causes and effects of energy crisis, and suggest suitable measures to solve the
problem. 10 Marks |2020|
8. How is energy transition seen as an instrument for achieving zero carbon by 2050?
10 Marks |2021|
11. Write short notes on Dry land farming. 10 Marks |1995| 12. Write short notes on Types of farming. 10
Marks |1998|
13. Write about impact of failure of Monsoon on Gujarat Agro-climatic zone. 15 Marks |2012| 14. Protected
cultivation assists in healthier and a large produce. Justify with examples.
10 Marks |2021|
Food and nutrition problems; Food security; famine: causes, effects and remedies;
1. Assess the nature of the "food problem" of India, both qualitatively and quantitatively at the
present time. What practical suggestions can you offer towards its solutions? 20 Marks |1980|
2. Discuss the food and nutrition problems of the world. 20 Marks |1983|
3. Give an account of spatial pattern of world food production and analyse the related problems of
malnutrition and malnutrition diseases. 20 Marks |1990|
4. Provide a geographical account of global production and distribution of food. 20 Marks |2009|
5. Define stunting and wasting. Why are these more prevalent among children in developing
countries? 10 Marks |2019|
6. Write short notes on growth of population and food resources of the world. 10 Marks |1996| 7. Write short
explanatory notes on Population and Food Security. 10 Marks |2011|
8. Give an account of food security issues in developing countries. 10 Marks |2014|
9. Analyse India’s food security in the context of population growth. 10 Marks |2020|
10. Describe the role of accessibility and affordability in food security of developing world.
15 Marks |2021|
11. “Climate change is a serious problem to global food security and poverty eradication.” Critically examine.
20 Marks |2022|
12. “Famine, to considerable extent, is a man-made hazard.” Elaborate. 15 Marks |2010|
13. “Man-induced famines are becoming more common than nature induced ones.” Comment.
15 Marks |2015|
14. “Famine is a social phenomenon rooted in institutional and political economic arrangements,
which determine access to food by different classes and strata.” Comment. 20 Marks |2018|
15. Discuss critically food and nutrition problems associated with the development world. 10 marks 2023
associated problems. 20 Marks |1984| 4. Examine the world patterns of industrial development and explain the
problems of industrial
development at national levels. 20 Marks |1991|
5. “A large-scale global shift in manufacturing is the outcome of deindustrialization in the
developed world matched by industrialization in the developing world.” Analyse this statement.
15 Marks |2019|
6. Write about Locational significance of Rotterdam in European economy.
15 Marks |2012|
7. Write short notes on Problems faced by industries which developed due to inertia.
10 Marks |2012|
8. Discuss the degree of importance of transportation costs as a factor of industrial location with
respect to “footloose industries”. 10 Marks |2018|
9. Analyse the dynamics of industrial location in the metropolitan cities of India. 15 Marks |2020|
Population and Settlement Geography
Growth and distribution of world population; demographic attributes; world population
problems and policies;
1. What are the determinants of population growth? Discuss comparatively the trends in
population growth in the developed and the developing countries of the world, mentioning the
socio-economic implications of these trends in each case. 20 Marks |1980|
2. Give an account of existing distributional pattern of population in the world and give your
assessment regarding the importance of geographical factors for such a pattern.
20 Marks |1987|
3. Trace and account for the various trends of population growth in the world during the present
century. 20 Marks |1991|
13. “Huge populations of developing countries are not a curse. These may be and also are an asset,
if situations are properly managed.” Elaborate on this assertion. 20 Marks |2010|
4. Write short notes on Similarities in the population distribution of southern continents and
reasons for the same. 10 Marks |2012|
5. Write short notes on Status of infant mortality rate in the world. 10 Marks |2012|
6. Discuss the impact of changing fertility ratio on world population distribution. 15 Marks
7.What is Geriatrics? What are the problems associated with Geriatric population? 20 Marks
8. Describe the regional pattern of Life Expectancy in the world and bring out the challenges faced
by developing countries due to increasing life expectancy. 20 Marks |2016|
9.“There are considerable demographic similarities between West European nations and Japan.”
Explain. 15 marks |2017|
10. Explain the relationship between net reproductive rate |NRR| and true replacement level of
population. 10 Marks |2019|
11. Citing examples from Asia and Europe, comment upon the contexts within which pronatalist
population policies advanced. What could be the implications of these policies on women’s
workforce participation? 15 Marks |2018|
12. Assess the challenges for countries with largest shares of aged populations. 15 Marks |2019|
13. Ageing population has adverse social and economic consequences. Explain with examples.
15 Marks |2021| .
2. Write short notes on Demographic transition. 10 Marks |1986|
3. Critically examine the concept of optimum population. 10 Marks |1982|
4. Write short notes on Concept of optimum population. 10 Marks |2001|
5. Examine the theories about population control and explain the relative merits of these theories
in limiting population growth. 20 Marks |1995|
6. Write a note on the parameters used to describe the demographic transitions in the developing
countries like India. 20 Marks |2007|
7. Discuss the social and economic theories of population growth. 20 Marks |2008|
8.Write short explanatory notes on Optimum population. 10 Marks |2010|
9. “Marx’s view on population is more humanistic.” Comment. 10 Marks |2015|
10. Compare and contrast the Malthusian and Neo-Malthusian perspectives in the context of
population growth, resource use and environmental impact. 20 Marks |2020|
11.Provide an account of world population transition in the context of fertility decline and socio-
economic development. 15 Marks |2020|
12. Has Malthusian theory been discredited in contemporary times ? justify your answer. 10 marks |2023|
13. "The stages of demographic transition are a reflection of uneven economic development across the
globe".explain with suitable examples. 15 marks |2023|
Social wellbeing and quality of life; Population as social capital.
1. Define the quality of life and explain its parameters with adequate examples. 15 Marks |2017|
2. Explain the concept of social capital in relation to India. 15 Marks |2017|
1. Write short notes on Primate city. 10 Marks |1999|
2. Write short notes on Concept of primate city. 10 Marks |2005|
3. Write short notes on Primate Cities. 10 Marks |2008|
4. Write short notes on Rank-size rule. 10 Marks |2000|
5. In Urban Geography what are the concepts of Primate city and Rank size rule? Discuss in detail.
20 Marks |2006|
6. Discuss the concept of ‘Rank-Size-Rule’ given by G.K. Zipf. Is this rule relevant in Indian
context? 15 Marks |2022|
7. Write short notes on Classification of cities. 10 Marks |1989|
8. Discuss Nelson’s method of functional classification of towns. 10 Marks |2015|
9. Elaborate the concept of Megapolis and discuss the characteristics and problems related to such
regions selecting one each from North America and Europe. 20 Marks |2009|
10. Explain the concepts of “megapolis” and “exopolis” with regard to the growth of cities
indicating whether the two can and do overlap. 10 Marks |2018|
11. “Urban Geography is nothing but city “in” area and city “as” area.” Elaborate. 20 Marks |2013|
12. Small number of mega cities are playing a key role in organisation of global economics and
culture. Explain. 15 Marks |2021|
13. Write short notes on Relevance of distance decay principle in Indian cities. 10 Marks |2012|
14. Evaluate the various models on population density distribution in urban centers.
20 Marks |2012|
Problems and remedies of urbanization; Sustainable development of cities.
1. Write short notes on Slums and Squatter settlements. 10 Marks |1994|
2. Discuss the factors responsible for counter urbanization. 10 Marks |2014|
3. Discuss the problems associated with the living environment in million plus cities in India. How
can these be managed? 10 Marks |2020|
4. “Though 70% of Indian population is rural, urban planning is crucial to the development of
India.” Discuss. 15 Marks |2012|
5. “Urban Solid Waste Management poses the greatest challenge in Metropolitan planning”.
Elaborate. 20 Marks |2013|
6. What changes in the current planning, management and governance of the human settlements
are needed to face the changing environment including climate change and disaster
vulnerabilities in cities? 20 Marks |2019|
7. Discuss the concept of urban resilience in the context of planning for sustainable development
with reference to towns and cities of India. 20 Marks |2020|
8. “Overcrowding leads to chronic problem of shortage of housing in Indian cities”. Explain citing
relevant examples. 15 Marks |2022|.
Regional Planning
Concept of a region; Types of regions and methods of regionalisation;
1. Write short notes on regional concept in Geography. 10 Marks |1985|
2. Bring out the significance of regional concept. 10 Marks |1994|
3. What is a region? Discuss the types of regions and methods of regionalization. 20 Marks |2000|
4. What is a region? Discuss the methods of regionalization. 20 Marks |2005|
5. What is the concept of a region? Discuss the types of regions. 20 Marks |2006|
6. What is a ‘region’? Describe ‘Thiessen’ polygon method of regional delimitation. 15 Marks
7. What are natural regions? How are they different from planning regions? 10 Marks |2019|
8. Suggest criteria, indicators and techniques for delimitation of formal regions. 20 Marks |2021|
9. Describe the concept of planning region. Explain the environmental and economic factors in the creation of
such religions. 15 marks 2023
12. Examine the role of small towns in the regional development process. 15 Marks |2017|
13. “Where economic growth is sustained over long time periods, its incidence works towards a
progressive integration of the space economy.” Elucidate. 10 Marks |2020|
14. Explain the processes of contagion and hierarchical diffusion in addressing regional imbalances.
10 Marks |2021|
15. Discuss the role of transportation accessibility in regional development. 10 Marks |2022|
Models, Theories and Laws in Human
Systems analysis in Human geography;
1. Write short notes on systems approach in geography. 10 Marks |1987|
2. Write short notes on System approach in Geography. 10 Marks |1993|
3. Discuss the concept and application of systems analysis in human geography. 20 Marks |2001| 4. Discuss
Systems Approach and its applicability in Geography. 20 Marks |2011|
5. Giving suitable examples, describe the importance of system analysis in geographical studies.
15 Marks |2014|
6. Write an explanatory note on geographical systems. 10 Marks |2017|
7. Write short notes on Models in Geography. 10 Marks |1994|
8. Critically analyse the application of models in Geography. 10 Marks |2014|
Perroux and Boudeville
1. Write a note on “forward and backward linkages” in Perroux’s thesis of economic growth and
regional development. 10 Marks |2018|
2. “Growth is not uniform in different places”. Critically examine this statement in the context of
growth pole theory. 15 Marks |2019|
3. Discuss the different types of polarization induced spatial inequalities and imbalances associated with growth
poles. 10 marks 2023
1. Critically examine the stages of Economic Growth Model propounded by Rostov. Illustrate your Answer
with suitable examples. 20 Marks |2003|
2. Explain the necessary conditions of takeoff and subsequent stages of development of a nation
as propounded by Rostov. 20 Marks |2014|
3. Outline briefly the “age of mass consumption” as described by Rostov in his ‘multi stage theory
of growth’. 10 Marks |2018|
7. In the modern world, most of the frontiers have been replaced by boundaries. Explain the
reasons. 15 Marks |2020|
8. Boundaries are important in geopolitics. Explain. What issues develop from the inclusionary
and exclusionary aspects of borders? 15 Marks |2021|
9. Explain the geometrical boundaries with examples. 10 Marks |2022|
10. Boundaries and frontiers have different meanings in geographical literature. Substantiate your answer in the
present context. 15 marks 2023
● Physical Setting: Space relationship of India with neighbouring countries; Structure and
monsoons and rainfall patterns; Tropical cyclones and western disturbances; Floods and
droughts; Climatic regions; Natural vegetation, Soil types and their distributions.
● Resources: Land, surface and groundwater, energy, minerals, biotic and marine resources,
holdings, land tenure and land reforms; Cropping pattern, agricultural productivity,
agricultural intensity, crop combination, land capability; Agro and social-forestry; Green
revolution and its socio-economic and ecological implications; Significance of dry farming;
Livestock resources and white revolution; Aqua-culture; Sericulture, Agriculture and poultry;
● Industry: Evolution of industries; Locational factors of cotton, jute, textile, iron and steel,
aluminium, fertiliser, paper, chemical and pharmaceutical, automobile, cottage and ago-based
industries; Industrial houses and complexes including public sector underkings; Industrial
ports on national and foreign trade; Trade balance; Trade Policy; Export processing zones;
● Cultural Setting: Historical Perspective of Indian Society; Racial linguistic and ethnic
diversities; religious minorities; Major tribes, tribal areas and their problems; Cultural regions;
intraregional and international) and associated problems; Population problems and policies;
Health indicators.
metropolitan regions; Urban sprawl; Slums and associated problems; Town planning;
● Regional Development and Planning: Experience of regional planning in India; Five Year
Plans; Integrated rural development programmes; Panchayati Raj and decentralised planning;
Command area development; Watershed management; Planning for backward area, desert,
drought-prone, hill tribal area development; Multi-level planning; Regional planning and
new states; Regional consciousness and inter-state issues; International boundary of India and
related issues; Cross-border terrorism; India’s role in world affairs; Geopolitics of South Asia
Tsunamis, floods and droughts, epidemics; Issues related to environmental pollution; Changes
Deforestation, desertification and soil erosion; Problems of agrarian and industrial unrest;
Physical Setting
Space relationship of India with neighboring countries
1. Bring out the role of terrain in determining India’s political influence over neighbouring
countries. 10 Marks |2014|
2. Mention the space relationship of India with neighbouring countries. 10 Marks |2016|
19. Explain Himalayan Orogeny and illustrate how the process has affected the geomorphic
characteristics of Macro divisions of Himalayas. 20 Marks |2010|
20. Write about Karewa Deposits and their economic significance. 10 Marks |2011|
21. Explain the structural characteristics of the Deccan plateau. 15 Marks |2012|
22. Explain the topographical and structural characteristics of the Siwalik range. 10 Marks |2013| 23. Justify the
inclusion of Meghalaya in Peninsular India and discuss its vegetation and soil types.
15 Marks |2017|
24. Distinguish the geographical aspects of North-Western lava plateau and Chotanagpur plateau
of peninsular India. 20 Marks |2018|
25. Describe the structure and relief features of Deccan Plateau. 15 Marks |2021|
26.Describe the origin, distribution and economic significance of Gondwana system
of rocks in India.10 marks|2023|
27. Discuss the geostrategic significance of Indian Islands. 15 March |2023|
28. Explain the geological characteristics and ecological significance of the eastern ghats. 10 marks 2023
Mechanism of Indian monsoons and rainfall patterns, Tropical cyclones and western
1. India's budget is a gamble with the Monsoon. Elaborate the statement. How far does the
variability of rainfall influence agriculture? What remedies have been affected? 20 Marks
2. Write short notes on Mountains as climatic barriers and their effect on the Indian Monsoons.
10 Marks |1984|
3. Analyse the mechanism of Indian Monsoon. How are the spatial temporal variations and
vicissitudes in precipitation related to this mechanism? 20 Marks |1987|
4. Explain some of the important theories of the origin of the South-West monsoon in India.
Evaluate the impact of its characteristics with occurrence of floods and droughts in different
parts of our country. 20 Marks |1990|
5. Discuss the major characteristics of the Indian monsoon with special emphasis on causative
factors. 20 Marks |1992|
6. Discuss the recent theories put forward to explain the origin and mechanism of the Indian
Monsoon. 20 Marks |1994|
7. Explain the factors responsible for uneven distribution of rainfall of in India. 15 Marks |1995| 8. Elucidate
the mechanism of Indian Monsoon. 10 Marks |1999|
9. Explain the origin, mechanism and characteristics of Summer Monsoon in India. 20 Marks
10. Give a critical account of the recent theories of origin of Indian monsoon with special reference
to Jet Stream Theory. 20 Marks |2006|
11. Give reasons as to why rainfall variability is a characteristic feature of India’s monsoons.
15 Marks |2009|
12. Discuss the mechanism of Indian Monsoon. 10 Marks |2013|
13. Explain the pattern of winter rainfall in India. 10 Marks |2015| 14. Give a reasoned account of unusual
pattern of distribution of monsoonal rainfall in India in
2017. 10 Marks |2017|
15. Why is the Indian Monsoon erratic in nature? Explain. 10 Marks |2019| 16. Climate change has unsettled
the rhythm of seasons. Comment with examples and empirical
evidences. 10 Marks |2020|
17. Describe the problems of cloud burst in India giving suitable examples. 10 Marks |2021|
18. Examine the impact of tropical cyclones and western disturbances on the climate of India.
20 Marks |2021|
19. Critically examine the factors affecting the unpredictability of South-West Monsoon system in
India. 20 Marks |2022|
2. Delineate the flood prone areas of India by drawing a sketch map in the answer book and
discuss the causes and consequences of floods in North Indian plains. 20 Marks |1993|
3. Explain the criteria used in the identification of drought-prone areas in India. 10 Marks |1996| 4. Give a
reasoned account of either flood hazards or drought hazards occurring in India and also
suggest measures for controlling them. 20 Marks |2000|
5. Explain the causes, impacts and remedial measures of flood-hazards in the Middle and Lower
Ganga plain. 20 Marks |2004|
6. Give an account of the distribution of flood-prone areas of India and the programmes and policy
of controlling the impact of floods in the country. 20 Marks |2005|
7. Giving reasons, identify the chronic drought-prone areas of India. 15 Marks |2009|
8. Explain the causes, impact and remedial measures of flood-hazards in the middle Ganga plain.
Represent the flood affected areas of middle Ganga plain on a sketch map in your answer-book.
20 Marks |2012|
9. Comment on the criteria of identifying Drought Prone Areas in India
. 10 Marks |2014|10. Account for the growing frequency and intensity of floods in India and suggest short- and
term remedial measures indicating the chronically flood-prone areas. 20 Marks |2015|
11. Describe the flood-prone areas and their management problems in the Ganga Plains. 15 Marks
12. Appraise why drought is one of the most common climatic extremes in India. 15 Marks |2021|
13. Incidence of extreme rainfall events and flash floods in recent times have led to devastating
consequences for people living in low-lying areas and flood plains of the country. Comment.
15 Marks |2022|
14. Discuss the problems of floods and their management with special reference to Indo gangetic plains 15
marks. |2023|
Climatic regions
1. Attempt a division of India into climatic regions and describe their characteristics and floral
conditions. 20 Marks |1985|
2. Evaluate the Koppen’s scheme of climatic regionalisation of India. 15 Marks |1988|
3. Draw a sketch-map in your answer book to delineate the main climatic regions of India and
discuss the important climatic characteristics of each region. 20 Marks |1996|
4. Discuss the role of spatial pattern of rainfall and temperature in the delimitation of climatic
regions of India, especially with reference to Stamp’s climatic regionalisation. 20 Marks |2004|
5. Discuss the role of spatial pattern of rainfall and temperature in the delimitation of climatic
regions of India, especially with reference to stamp’s climatic regionalization. 20 Marks |2012|
6. Describe the salient climatological characteristics of Rayalaseema region. 20 Marks |2014|
7. Discuss the role of spatial pattern of rainfall and temperature in the delimitation of climatic
regions of India especially with reference to Stamp’s climatic regionalization. 20 Marks |2016|
Natural vegetation;
1. Explain the geographical factors responsible for the growth of mangrove vegetation in India
and discuss its role in coastal ecology. 15 Marks |1993|
2. Discuss the distribution and characteristics of the evergreen forest in India. 10 Marks |1996|
3. Explain the sequence of vegetation zones of the Himalayas. 10 Marks |2001|
4. Discuss the spatial distribution of Natural Vegetation in India with the help of a sketched map.
20 Marks |2010|
5. Discuss the rainfall pattern and correlate it with special distribution of natural vegetation in
India. 15 Marks |2019|
Land resources,
1. The pattern of growing ecological foot-prints is uneven in nature. Analyse with reference to
land resources in India. 10 Marks |2020|
mineral resources
1. Assess the iron ore resources of India. 15 Marks |1982|
2. Discuss the quality distribution and utilisation of coal in India. 20 Marks |1985|
3. Discuss briefly the utilization, distribution and production of manganese in India. 15 Marks
4. Explain the distribution of the major mineral resources of the Deccan Plateau together with the
extent of their utilization. 20 Marks |1992|
5. Critically examine the metalliferous mineral resources of India with particular reference to their
present and future demands. 20 Marks |1996|
6. Bring out the present-day position of exploitation and processing of nuclear minerals in India.
15 Marks |1998|
7. Examine the pattern of distribution and mode of exploitation of bauxite in India. 20 Marks
8. Delineate the mineral belts of India and mention their distinctive features. 20 Marks |2012|
9. India is bestowed with rich mineral resources due to its geological structure. Correlate the
above statement with large mineral belts of India. 20 Marks |2022|
10. Why are critical minerals essential for the economic development and national security in India? 10 marks
2. Analyse the ecological significance of forests in different regions of India indicating the
impact of rapid deforestation. 20 Marks |1988|
3. Examine the forest resources of India and explain the principles of conservation which could
be applied to improve the forest wealth of India. 20 Marks |1994|
4. Examine the need for conservation of biotic resources in India. 15 Marks |1999|
5. Examine the National Forest Policy of India. 15 Marks |2000|
6. Identify important biotic resource regions of India. Highlight in brief the problems and
remedial measures of biotic-resource conservation in India. 20 Marks |2004|
7. How does the formation of a National Park help ecological restoration and conservation?
Explain with suitable examples. 15 Marks |2010|
8. Identify the major biosphere reserves of India and discuss their role in conservation of forest
and wildlife. 15 Marks |2011|
9. Suggest the measures for wild-life conservation with reference to extinction of rare species.
15 Marks |2014|
10. Outline the Government of India’s strategies of conservation of the Western Ghats. 15 Marks
11. Identify the important biotic resource regions of India and highlight their problems. 20 Marks
12. Discuss the problems of wildlife conservation and management in India. 10 Marks |2019|
13. Discuss the salient features of Project Tiger in India. 10 Marks |2021|
14. How do the physiography and climate of India explain the biological diversity of the country?
10 Marks |2022|
marine resources
1. Write short notes on the sea as a source of raw materials. 10 Marks |1984|
2. Assess the fish resources of India and examine the present and future prospects of their
exploitation. 15 Marks |1989|
3. Critically examine the marine resources of India and discuss the problems encountered in their
development. 20 Marks |1993|
4. Write about offshore oilfields and coastal ecology. 15 Marks |2010|
5. Give an account of potentiality and prospects of development of marine resources of India.
15 Marks |2011|
Infrastructure: irrigation, seeds, fertilizers, power;
1. Write an account of the growth and utilisation of irrigation potential in India with particular
reference to canal irrigation. 20 Marks |1985|
2. Discuss the spatial variation in the developmental levels of canal irrigation in India in relation
to the physical setting. 15 Marks |1990|
3. Explain the salient features of Sardar Sarovar Project and elucidate the controversy related to
its implementation. 15 Marks |1994|
4. Discuss the role of infrastructural, scientific and technological developments in the recent
transformation of Indian agriculture. 20 Marks |1995|
5. Discuss the importance of irrigation in Indian agriculture and describe the methods of irrigation practised in
either the Ganga Valley or the Karnataka- Maharashtra region. 20 Marks |1996|
6. Assess as to how surface water utilization affects food production and food security in the
country. 15 Marks |2010|
7. Discuss the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides in agriculture and its impact
on human health. 20 Marks |2019|
8. Elucidate the benefits of neem coated urea scheme for Indian agriculture. 10 Marks |2020|
10. Land reform is a key to modern agriculture in India. Describe various measures taken in this
direction after Independence. 15 Marks |2017|
11. Discuss the recent changes brought about in institutional frameworks of agriculture in India.
Evaluate its impact on the agrarian economy of the country. 20 Marks |2022|
18. Discuss the significance of organic farming for sustainable agricultural development in India. 15 March 2023
19. Why India lags behind many other countries in agriculture productivity? Suggest suitable measures to raise
productivity across the regions in a sustainable manner. 20 marks 2023
land capability;
1. What is the significance of land capability classification in land use planning? Explain the method
of land capability classification adopted by the All-India land use and soil survey organization.
15 Marks |1990|
6. Explain the significance of dry farming in drought prone areas of India. 10 Marks |2019|
7. Discuss the importance of ‘Dry-land’ farming in the drought prone regions of India. 15 Marks
7. Discuss the potentiality and present status of horticulture in the Western and Central Himalaya.
20 Marks |2013|
8. Correlate agro-climatic zones with agro-ecological regions of India. 20 Marks |2019|
9. How do agro-climatic and land capability indicators assist in macro-agricultural regionalization
of India? Illustrate with an appropriate map. 20 Marks |2022|
Evolution of industries
1. Write short notes on Industrial development in India during the Second and Third Plans.
10 Marks |1985|
2. Identify the important periods of industrialization in India and analyse the character of its two
most developed industrial regions. 20 Marks |1993|
5. Discuss the growth, location and distribution of Iron and Steel Industry in India. 20 Marks
6. Explain the factors promoting the rapid growth and development of the automobile industry in
India, giving suitable examples. 20 Marks |2008|
7. Examine the role of raw materials in the location of the Iron and Steel Industry in India.
Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. 20 Marks |2009|
8. Mini steel plants can act as an instrument of decentralization of iron and steel industry in India.
Explain. 10 Marks |2017|
8. Describe the problems of agro-based industries in India in general and cotton textiles in
particular. 15 Marks |2014|
9. What are the desired possible changes in our trade policy to promote the development of
cottage industry? 15 Marks |2014|
10. Why is the traditional crafts industry in India on the decline? 15 Marks |2015|
11. Identify oilseeds producing areas in India and discuss the measures to promote edible oil
industry. 15 Marks |2020|
12. Give a reasoned account of difference between sugar industry of North and Peninsular India.
10 Marks |2021|
13. Identified the jute producing areas and discuss the major causes of decline of the jute mill industry in India.
10 marks 2023
14. Identify the major industrial corridors of India and discuss the characteristics of Bengaluru-
Mumbai Corridor. 15 Marks |2021|
15. Discuss the salient characteristics of industrial complexes of Western India. Examine the
impact of SEZ policy on the region. 20 Marks |2022|
tourism in India. 15 Marks |2020|
6. Examine the significance of ecotourism in relation to socio-economic development and
biodiversity conservation in India. 15 Marks |2021|
Transport, Communication and Trade
Road, railway, waterway, airway and pipeline networks and their complementary roles
in regional development;
1. The inadequacy of transport is the major obstacle to the trade and production of India.
Comment. 15 Marks |1983|
2. Write short notes on Importance of road transport in India-Development under the Plans.
15 Marks |1985|
3. Write short notes on development of Railway transport in India during different plan periods.
15 Marks |1986|
4. Discuss the significance, traffic flow pattern, emerging trends and problems of road transport
in India. 20 Marks |1987|
5. Write short notes on Significance of inland waterways in the development of transportation
and trade. 10 Marks |1989|
6. Analyse the role of different types of transport in the commodity flows of the Delta regions of
East India. 20 Marks |1991|
7. Discuss the basis on which the current network of Airways is built in India, highlighting its
role in the overall transportation milieu. 20 Marks |1992|
8. Write short notes on competitive and complementary character of Indian rail-route and road
network. 10 Marks |1994|
9. Write short notes on geographical impediments in the development of inland waterways in
India. 10 Marks |1996|
10. Explain the role of railways as a unifying factor in Indian economy. 10 Marks |1998|
11. Critically examine the complementary and competitive character of the Indian rail-routes and
the road network. 20 Marks |1999|
12. Discuss the oil and natural gas pipeline networks in India. Highlight their complementary role
in regional development. 20 Marks |2002|
13. Give a comparative account of the development of River Water Transport in pre-colonial and
post-independence periods in India. Highlight the role of River Transport in regional
development. 20 Marks |2004|
14. What is the Golden Quadrilateral? Discuss the Progress made in its execution and impacts on
Indian Economy. 20 Marks |2005|
15. What is the role of Triplet Transport System in the regional development of India? 15 Marks
16. Assess the growing importance of air transport in India and examine its role in the regional
development of the country. 15 Marks |2011|
17. Examine the role of road transport in regional development taking suitable examples from an
area you have studied in detail. 15 Marks |2012|
18. Discuss the problems and prospects of National Waterway No.1. 15 Marks |2014|
19. Bring out the development of river water transport in India and its role in regional development. 20 Marks
20. Explain with suitable examples the role of road transport in agricultural development in India.
15 Marks |2016|
21. Critically examine the feasibility of development of a comprehensive network of airways in
India. 15 Marks |2017|
22. Integrated development of road and rail networks in a complementary is a prerequisite for
regional development. Explain with reference to North-Eastern Region of India. 20 Marks
23. Explain the pipeline network across India and its impact on regional development. 20 Marks
10. Highlight the salient features of India's foreign policy. Discuss the status of India's balance of trade with
China. 15 Marks| 2023|
Cultural setting
Historical Perspective of Indian Society; Racial, linguistic and ethnic diversities;
religious minorities; cultural regions;
1. Linguistic regions in India may have a cultural reality but no economic base. Examine this view
illustrate your answer with suitable examples. 20 Marks |1983|
2. ‘India presents an example of unity in diversity’. Elucidate this statement in this context of
India’s physical and human aspects. 20 Marks |1993|
3. Elucidate the genesis of ethnic and cultural diversities in India. 10 Marks |1996|
4. Examine the genesis of racial diversity in India. 10 Marks |1997|
5. Discuss the genesis of ethnic and racial diversities in India. 10 Marks |1999|
6. In what way the language, religion and tradition can form the basis of cultural regionalisation
of India. Elaborate. 20 Marks |2002|
7. Write about ethnic diversity of North-eastern States. 15 Marks |2010|
8. Write about linguistic diversity in North-eastern states. 10 Marks |2012|
9. Describe the impact of linguistic diversity on the development of various regions of India.
15 Marks |2013|
10. Point out the ethnic disparities in the N-E India. 15 Marks |2016|
11. “Linguistic diversity is an asset as well as a challenge in India”. Explain the statement focusing
on the distribution of languages and the major steps taken to address the related issues.
15 Marks |2017|
12. Religious minorities are largely concentrated in border States of India. Discuss its causes and
consequences. 15 Marks |2017|
13. Critically assess the vanishing ethnic linguistic plurality of India. 15 Marks |2018|
14. Explain the cultural regions of India based on their cultural attributes. 10 marks 2023
8. Present an account of tribals, tribal areas and their problems in India. 20 Marks |2006|
9. Describe the major tribal regions of India and their problems. 15 Marks |2016|
10. Discuss the impact of Forest Rights Act, 2006 on the local forest communities in India.
10 Marks |2022|
4. Discuss the causes and consequences of sex-ratio variations in India. 15 Marks |2006|
5. Describe and explain the spatial patterns of literacy in India. 15 Marks |2008|
6. Write about geographical reasons for the variation in literacy from state to state in India.
10 Marks |2012|
7. How age structure affects dependency ratio? Explain with suitable examples. 15 Marks |2012|
8. What do you understand by ‘Young India’? How can the present state of population
composition be converted into an asset for the country? 15 Marks |2013|
9. Write on demographic dividend and its implications on Indian socio-economic environment.
10 Marks |2013|
10. Highlight the implications of declining child sex ratio in India. 10 Marks |2014|
11. “Age-sex pyramid is representative of the history of a region”. Explain 10 Marks |2015|
12. Discuss the social and spatial ramifications of increasing longevity. 10 Marks |2015|
13. Discuss the factors influencing the distribution of sex ratio in India. 10 Marks |2016|
14. Explain the present status of age-structure and availability of workforce in India. 15 Marks
15. Analyse the changing nature of workforce composition vis-à-vis rural-urban divide in India.
20 Marks |2020|
16. How would decline in Total Fertility Rate |TFR| below the replacement level, in many states
of India affect the future population structure of the country? 10 Marks |2022|
17. Describe the regional variations of health indicators among the Indian states. 15 marks |2023|
4. Elucidate the current population policy of India and comment on its effectiveness. 15 Marks
5. Elucidate the measures taken to limit the growth of population in India. 15 Marks |1995|
6. Evaluate the population policy of India and examine its relevance to the nation’s population
control. 15 Marks |2004|
7. Evaluate the population policy of India and examine its relevance to the nation’s population
control. 15 Marks |2012|
8. In population planning, the thrust of the Government has been ‘planning the population’ not
‘plan for the population’. Elaborate. 15 Marks |2015|.
9.With falling fertility rate and rising median age, how can India translate demographic dividend to economic
dividend. 20 marks |2023|
Types, patterns and morphology of rural settlements
1. Write short notes on Rural settlement patterns in the Ganga Valley. 10 Marks |1985|
2. Explain the basis and characteristics of Dispersed Settlements in the N.E. Region of India.
15 Marks |1991|
3. Explain, with the help of suitable examples and illustrations, the distribution of various patterns
of rural settlements in India. 20 Marks |1995|
4. Discuss the geographical control of rural settlement pattern in India. 10 Marks |1998|
5. Explain with suitable examples and sketch maps, the distribution of various patterns of rural
settlements in India. 20 Marks |1999|
6. Discuss briefly the principal types of rural settlements in India. 15 Marks |2005|
7. State the geographical factors which influence rural house types in India. 15 Marks |2009|
8. Write about morphological characteristics of villages situated in hilly regions. 10 Marks |2012| 9. Give an
account of geographical conditions responsible for the development of different types
of rural settlements in India. 15 Marks |2012|
10. Present a comparative analysis of geographical factors responsible for distribution of human
settlements in Rajasthan desert and North-Eastern regions of India. 20 Marks |2016|
11. Describe the changing regional morphology of rural settlements in India. 20 Marks |2018|
12. Give a reasoned geographical account of changing rural folk houses in India. 15 Marks |2020|
2. Write short notes on Functional and Morphological Typology of Indian cities. 10 Marks
3. Write short notes on Function, Classification and hierarchy of urban settlements. 15 Marks
4. Explain the hierarchical pattern of Indian cities and discuss their growth and distribution.
20 Marks |1991|
5. Examine the census concept of urban areas in India. 10 Marks |1997|
6. Write short notes on hierarchical pattern of Indian towns. 10 Marks |1999|
7. Provide the geographical background and characteristics of the distribution of Hill Stations in
India. 10 Marks |2001|
8. Discuss the census definition of urban areas in India. 10 Marks |2003|
9. Differentiate between conurbations and metropolitan regions. Give a reasoned account of
emerging conurbations in India. 15 Marks |2011|
10. “Mono-functional towns are economically vulnerable.” Discuss. 10 Marks |2015|
11. Mention various methods of functional classification of towns in India and explain the method applied by
Ashok Mitra. 20 Marks |2017|
12. Provide a reasoned account on emerging conurbations in India and explain with suitable
examples the problems associated with it. 15 Marks |2019|
13. Discuss Ashok Mitra’s classification method of Indian cities. 10 Marks |2021|
urban sprawl
1. Comment on factors contributing to the growth of the urban fringe of either Calcutta or
Bombay. 15 Marks |1983|
2. Write short notes on characteristics of Rural -Urban Fringe in India. 10 Marks |1988|
3. Write short notes on major characteristics of rural-urban fringe around metropolitan cities.
10 Marks |1992|
4. Write short notes on Land-use characteristics of the rural urban fringe in India.
10 Marks |1995|
5. Discuss the concept of city region and referring to Indian cities, examine critically functional
indicators used for delimiting the city region. 20 Marks |1998|
6. “There is no sharp divide where an urban settlement stops and rural area begins”. Analyse the
statement with reference to the sprawl of Indian cities. 20 Marks |2009|
7. Write on city-regions as territorial unit for regional planning and development. 10 Marks
8. Urban sprawl around planned cities evolve leading to emergence of squatter settlements.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such outgrowth. 15 Marks |2020|
9. What are the drivers of urban sprawl around the major cities of the country? How have new
investments in transportation projects supported sprawl development? 15 Marks |2022|
Slums and associated problems;
1. Write short notes on Problems of slums and urban development with particular reference to
any metropolis in India. 15 Marks |1985|
2. Write short notes on Growth of urban slums and problems associated with them. 10 Marks
3. Write short notes on distinguishing features of an urban slum and its position in metropolitan
area. 15 Marks |1993|
4. Write short notes on factors for the growth of slums in the metropolitan cities of India.
10 Marks |1996|
5. Discuss the environmental impact of the growth of slums in Indian cities. 10 Marks |2000|
6. How do Slums develop? Give concrete suggestions for their improvement. 15 Marks |2004|
7. “Slums are urban menace”. Elucidate with Indian cities as example. 20 Marks |2007|
8. How does the ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors operate for the emergence of slums in the metropolises
of India? 15 Marks |2009|
9. Define slums and explain their problems. 15 Marks |2013|
10. How do slums develop? Give concrete suggestions for their improvement. 10 Marks |2016| 11. Correlate
the price of land, vertical growth of cities and the growth of slums in large cities of
India. 10 Marks |2019|
12. Examine the role of high population concentration in Indian slums in making them more
vulnerable during pandemic conditions like the COVID-19. 15 Marks |2022|
12. How has an inappropriate urban land use policy accounted for undesirable development in and around
metropolitan cities? 15 Marks |2014|
13. Describe the causes and effects of urbanization in India and explain its impact on rural
landscape and urban ecology. 20 Marks |2016|
14. Small towns in India have problems and prospects of their own. Elaborate. 10 Marks |2017| 15.
Peri-urbanization has created enormous environment problems. Discuss their and
consequences with reference to National Capital Region |N.C.R.| of India. 15 Marks |2018|
16. Identify challenges faced by generative and parasitic towns in India and their possible
remedies. 10 Marks |2020|
17. Critically examine the importance of Smart Cities Programme for solving urban problems in
India. 15 Marks |2021|.
18. Examine the environmental challenges caused by the solid waste in metropolitan regions of India and discuss
the efforts to overcome it.20 marks |2023|
19. Poor quality of urban planning in India is a huge constraint in realizing the two economic potentials of
urbanization. Critically examine 15 marks| 2023|
20. Urban built environment in big cities of India creates key challenges in the biophysical character of the
landscape. Discuss. 10 marks 2023
Regional Development and Planning
Experience of regional planning in India; Five Year Plans;
1. Comment on "Core Areas" for successful regional planning in India. 15 Marks |1983|
2. Write short notes on Regional Planning in India. 10 Marks |1986|
3. Analyse the prevailing patterns of regional disparities in the socio-economic development of
India and evaluate the role of the five-year plans in reducing them. 20 Marks |1989|
4. Discuss the changes brought about in Indian agriculture by the successive Five-Year Plans,
mentioning their successes and failures. 20 Marks |1991|
5. Discuss the growth of regional planning in India and account for regional disparities in
development. 20 Marks |1994|
6. Examine the regional development policy of India in various Five-Year Plans. 20 Marks |2004| 7. Examine the
relationship between geography and regional planning. 20 Marks |2005|
8. Discuss the experience of regional planning in India in the context of the National Capital
Region. 20 Marks |2005|
14. The success of Panchayati Raj depends upon meaningful participation of people at grassroot
level. Examine. 10 Marks |2020|
15. Critically examine how Panchayati Raj system is a catalyst in decentralized planning in India.
20 Marks |2021|
16. Can the Panchayat Raj institutions play a role in grassroot level planning in India? If yes,
discuss how. 10 Marks |2022|
Integrated rural development programmes; Planning for backward area, hill, tribal area
1. Discuss the geographical bases for rural industrialization for rural development. 15 Marks
2. Bring out the role of irrigation in rural development of India. 15 Marks |1988|
3. Write short notes on Role of rural markets in regional development. 10 Marks |1989|
4. What is meant by integrated rural development planning? What are its components? What has
been the extent of its success in relation to its objectives? 20 Marks |1990|
5. Write short notes on the role and characteristics of rural market centers in different parts of India.
15 Marks |1993|
6. Write short notes on salient features of Tribal area planning. 10 Marks |1992|
7. Explain the salient features of the tribal development programme with particular reference to
either Dandakaranya or Chhotanagpur. 20 Marks |1996|
8. Elucidate the role of Tribal Development Blocks in the development of Tribal areas. 10 Marks
9. Discuss the policies and programmes of Integrated Rural Development Programmes in India.
15 Marks |2007|
10. Elucidate the role of Tribal Development Blocks in the development of Tribal areas. 15 Marks
11. Write on planning and development of ‘Tribal Regions’ in India. 10 Marks |2013|
12. Discuss the objectives of ‘Vision 2020’ in creation of viable village complex in India for
‘Inclusive Rural Development’ programme. 15 Marks |2013|
13. Evaluate the Backward Regions Grant Fund Programme. 15 Marks |2014|
14. How can a meaningful skill development programme contribute to the economic growth of
hill areas? 20 Marks |2014|
15. Is planning for a cluster of villages a viable option, when planning for backward areas of the
country? Discuss with suitable examples. 15 Marks |2015|
16. Identify the Naxal-affected areas in India and discuss their socio-economic problems.
15 Marks |2017|
17. Explain the role of ‘Hill Transport Subsidy Scheme’ in reducing regional imbalances in areas
identified by the Government of India. 10 Marks |2017|
18. Assess the importance of foot-loose industries in the development of backward regions in
India. 10 Marks |2019|
19. Identifying areas covered under tribal-sub plan, discuss the programmes initiated to address
their problems. 20 Marks |2020|
20. What kind of skill development programmes have been initiated for job deficient regions in
India. 15 Marks |2020|
1. Examine the resources of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 15 Marks |1998|
2. Discuss the strategies of integrated development of island territories in India. 15 Marks |2018|
3. Access the eco tourism potential of Andaman and Nicobar. Lakshadweep Islands and highlight the challenges
associated with the sustainable development of island territories. 15 marks 2023
Political Aspects
Geographical basis of Indian federalism; State reorganization; Emergence of new states;
1. Unity and diversity are both inherent in Federalism. Discuss. 15 Marks |1984|
2. Give the geographical cases of unity and diversity in India. 15 Marks |1988|
3. Examine critically the geographical basis of the Indian federation. 20 Marks |1993|
4. Write short notes on geographical basis of Indian Federation. 10 Marks |1996|
5. Explain the basis and consequences of the establishment and implementation of
recommendations of the State Re-organisation Commission in India since 1950’s. 20 Marks
6. Examine the geographical basis of Indian federalism. 15 Marks |2006|
7. Critically examine the bases of state reorganization in India since independence. 20 Marks
8. Comment on the basis of creation of new States in India in 2000. 15 Marks |2013|
9. Discuss the political aspects of Himalaya. Explain how it has affected the geo-strategy, geo-
politics and regional consciousness of Indian Federalism. 20 Marks |2019|
10. How regional aspiration of the people of Jammu and Kashmir been addressed through re-
organisation of the state? Make an assessment. 10 Marks |2020|
11. Discuss the emergence of linguistic regions and states in India. 15 Marks |2022|
11. Why setting up of Water Management Boards is a controversial issue in India? 10 Marks
12. Critically examine the problems of inter-State border disputes in India. 15 Marks |2021|
13. Discuss the continuing disputes on water sharing between the riparian states of North-West
India. 15 Marks |2022|
India’s role in world affairs; Geopolitics of South Asia and Indian Ocean realm
1. How far is it true to say that the Indian Ocean is actually and potentially a major focus of
international relations and dispute? 20 Marks |1983|
2. Write short notes on Geopolitical significance of the Indian Ocean. 10 Marks |1987|
3. Write short notes on importance of India in the geopolitics of Indian Ocean realm. 10 Marks
4. Discuss the geopolitical importance of Indian Ocean area. 10 Marks |1998|
5. Analyse the role of India in the geopolitics of the Indian Ocean. 20 Marks |2000|
6. Make an appraisal of the role of India in the geopolitics of the Indian Ocean. 15 Marks |2003|
7. Assess the geopolitical significance of Indian Ocean. 15 Marks |2008|
8. Write a note on geopolitics of the Indian Ocean realm. 20 Marks |2013|
9. Discuss the implications of India’s strategic location with reference to the Indian Ocean.
15 Marks |2014|
10. How has India’s ‘Look East’ policy taken shape in the past two decades and how it may affect
India’s external trade? 15 Marks |2015|
11. Explain the role of India in the geo-politics of South Asia. 10 Marks |2016|
12. Discuss the emerging geo-political scenario of Indian Ocean Realm. 15 Marks |2018|
13. “India is emerging as global power in relation to Indian Ocean realm”. Elaborate. 15 Marks
14. Describe the economic, maritime and strategic interests of India in South China Sea. 15 Marks
15. Discuss the geo-political impact of bilateral relationship between India and Bhutan. 10 Marks
16. Discuss the geopolitical significance of Quad in the Indo-Pacific realm with reference to marine
trade in the region. 15 Marks |2022|
17. Critically examine the role of petroleum energy resources on international geopolitics with special reference
to India. 15 marks |2023|
18. Examine in the geopolitical impact of bilateral relationship between Indian Sri Lanka. 15 Marks 2023
Contemporary Issues
Ecological issues: Environmental hazards: landslides, earthquakes, Tsunamis, floods
and droughts
1. Explain the origin and consequences of earthquakes in the Himalayas with special reference to
the Uttarkashi earthquake 1991. 15 Marks |1991|
2. Evaluate the nature of ecological problems in India and suggest measures for their
management. 20 Marks |1997|
3. Explain the geographical characteristics of the regional distribution of earthquakes in India.
20 Marks |2001|
4. Explain the causes, impacts and remedial measures of earthquake disaster. 20 Marks |2002|
5. Identify Tsunami affected areas and give their management problems in India. 10 Marks |2012| 6. Identify
earthquake-prone zones and suggest strategy for their management. 20 Marks |2013|
7. Differentiate between the ‘intensity’ and ‘magnitude’ of an earthquake and explain its varying
impact in different parts of India. 15 Marks |2014|
8. Indian island territories are vulnerable to the sea level rise. Explain. 15 Marks |2015|
9. Explain the unusual intensity of dust storms and thunder storms across India in the pre-
monsoon period of year 2018. 10 Marks |2018|
10. Examine the problems of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood |GLOF| in India. 10 Marks |2019|
11. Describe the altitudinal and spatial geo-environmental hazards in the Himalayas. 15 Marks
12. Avalanche is a major hazard in the Himalayas. What are its causes and mitigation measures?
15 Marks |2020|
13. Demarcating the seismic zones of India, suggest suitable interventions required in most
sensitive seismic zones for sustainable human settlements. 20 Marks |2020|
14. Landslides are a major problem in Himalayan region. Discuss its causes and mitigation measures.
20 Marks |2021|
1. Define an ‘Epidemic’ and discuss the occurrence of Chikungunya in India. 15 Marks |2010| 2. Identify the
regions affected by Chikungunya with the help of a sketched map and bring out
the regional pattern of the disease. 15 Marks |2010|
3. Describe the socio-spatial consequences of the recent Nipah viral encephalitis in India.
10 Marks |2018|
2. Write on snags in the Food Security Policy of India. 10 Marks |2013|
3. Stunting and wasting among the children are major consequences of food insecurity. Discuss
various schemes of Government of India to address these problems and their achievements.
15 Marks |2020|
4. Evaluate the role of the National Food Security Act, 2013 in providing access of food to the
poor in India. 15 Marks |2022|
desertification and soil erosion;
1. Explain the causes of soil erosion occurring over extensive areas in certain parts of India. What
measures would you suggest for solving this problem? 15 Marks |1989|
2. Write about spatial pattern of soil erosion in India. 15 Marks |2010|
3. Identify the ravine-affected areas in India and discuss the environmental and economic impacts
of their reclamation. 15 Marks |2011|
4. Analyse the causes of desertification in India. Represent the desertified areas of the country on
a sketch map and suggest remedial measures to control it. 15 Marks |2011|
5. How does climate change affect the process of desertification of India? 15 Marks |2015|
6. The process of desertification leads to soil desiccation and soil loss. Explain. 10 Marks |2022|
11. Reduction in regional disparities has been one of the priority goals of national planning in
India. How the proposed new Smart urban centers may contribute to the process. 20 Marks
12. Examine the causes of regional disparities in economic development in India. 15 Marks |2016| 13. Goods
and Services Tax |GST| has differential impact on developed and backward states of
the country. How and why? 10 Marks |2017|
14. Analyse the incentive-oriented programmes for removing regional imbalances in socio-
economic development of India. 15 Marks |2019|
15. Why do disparities in development and incomes between regions persist in large countries like
India? How does the recent ADP plan address the issue? 20 Marks |2022|
Linkage of rivers;
1. Evaluate the feasibility of the proposed Ganga-Cauvery drainage link. 10 Marks |1998|
2. Examine the relevance of linkage of rivers in India with special reference to Ganga-Cauvery
linkage canal. 15 Marks |2012|
3. Comment on the feasibility of interlinking of rivers of India and its possible contribution to
resolution of water crisis. 20 Marks |2013|
4. Interlinking of rivers may serve as a major source of assured irrigation and all-weather inland
navigation in India. Comment on its feasibility taking into account physical, economic and
ecological implication. 20 Marks |2017|
5. “Intrabasins linkages of rivers are more feasible economically, socially and ecologically”.
Discuss with suitable examples from India. 20 Marks |2019|
6. Discuss the ecological and economic challenges of river linking in India. 15 Marks |2021|