ADA Guidelines Radiology Prac Guide
ADA Guidelines Radiology Prac Guide
ADA Guidelines Radiology Prac Guide
The Australian Dental Association wishes to express its gratitude to the authors for their efforts in the
creation of these guidelines.
Clinical Professor Bernard Koong, BDSc (W.Aust), MSc (OMR)(Toronto), FICD, FADI,
FPFA Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist.
Published by the Australian Dental Association, PO Box 520, St Leonards, NSW 1590, Australia
© Australian Dental Association 2019
All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher, the
Australian Dental Association
This Practical Guide to Dental Radiology is a significant addition to the ADA’s series of Practical Guides to
Dental Equipment and Materials, which provide hands-on information specific to practice in the dental sector.
Radiation technology is an important diagnostic tool in dentistry, hence the need to develop an up-to-date
guide on the available technologies, their use in prescription, their interpretation, their types and application.
While radiation regulation currently varies by state and there is guidance available at the state and national
levels through the various Government Agencies, an overall view of radiology has been missing and this
inaugural edition has been developed to provide a succinct summary of the key aspects of practical radiology
as they relate to dentistry.
Optimal imaging, quality control and interpretation of images is essential in achieving the maximum
diagnostic capability in all dental radiology. This guide is developed with this in mind, and it is hoped that it
will be useful to enhance the understanding of radiation technologies (and how they apply in the surgery) of
all staff working in the clinical area of the dental sector.
Safety is also paramount and dental radiology should only be prescribed and performed by appropriately
trained and qualified dental and medical professionals (and in some states licencing is required). While safety
in radiology is not the main focus of this document, it does address the important issue of how to minimise
the risks of radiation exposure to both patients and to staff alike. To do this effectively requires an
understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the diagnostic benefits of dental radiology.
The ADA gratefully acknowledges the scientific expertise of Clinical Professor Bernard Koong, Dr May Lam and
Dr Tom Huang, who volunteered their time in developing this comprehensive evidence-based practical guide.
The ADA also acknowledges the ongoing contributions of the volunteers on the ADA Dental Instruments,
Materials and Equipment Committee, who were also involved in the creation of this guide.
Further information regarding regulation, codes and standards of radiology in Australia is available by
consulting the relevant government agency in your state and at the national level, the Australian Radiation
Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA). You may also like to refer to the ADA’s Policy 6.14
Radiation Safety.
I hope you find this practical guide a valuable resource.
Dr Carmelo Bonanno
Federal President
Foreword 3
Introduction 5
Chapter 1: Intraoral radiology – a review 6
Chapter 2: Panoramic radiographs – a review 10
Chapter 3: Multi-detector CT and cone beam CT 13
Chapter 4: Other advanced techniques: MRI, ultrasound and nuclear medicine 17
Chapter 5: Prescription and radiologic interpretation 19
Continued advances in radiology have substantially contributed to diagnosis and management. Clinicians are
continually challenged to be familiar with all available modalities in order to prescribe the optimal radiological
test for their patients.
The first four chapters discuss the various modalities, including intraoral radiography, cone beam computed
tomography, multislice computed tomography and MRI. The final chapter aims to assist the clinician in the
prescription of the appropriate test for the common conditions encountered in practice.
Film radiography Direct capture radiography Indirect capture radiography
Method of image Exposure to an X-ray beam results The X-ray beam causes silicon The surface of the PSP is ionised upon
capture in a latent image recorded on the crystals in the sensor to convert X-ray exposure. When the plate is fed into a
emulsion- coated film. Chemical photons to electrons. The signal is scanner, the latent image is transmitted to
processing generates the transmitted to the computer the computer which depicts the image.
radiographic image which depicts a real time image.
Ease of use Positioning is often more difficult Resembles film radiography and better
and uncomfortable due to sensor tolerated by patients.
bulk and rigidity of the cable.
Radiation dose levels Effective dose commonly ranges Reduced radiation dose due to Depending on exposure settings, PSP
from 5–9 μSv, although 0.1–9 μSv increased sensitivity of sensor radiation dose is less than film, but more
have been reported. compared to film. With optimal than direct capture radiography.
settings, the potential for dose
reductions of up to 40–60% have
been reported.
Risk of overexposure Dark film will alert the operator to Blooming artefacts (i.e. the pixels A useable image will still be produced
overexposure. are ‘burnt out’ and appear black) at high radiation doses. As a result,
will alert the operator to overexposure and increased patient
overexposure. radiation dose may occur without operator
Frequency of retakes Chemical processing of film is Higher number of retakes (up to The larger dynamic range of PSP may
and errors technique sensitive, potentially 28%) have been quoted due to a decrease retakes, but the potential of
contributing to retakes. smaller active capture area and unrecognised overexposure must be
difficulty in positioning of a thick considered. Latent image quality may be lost
and rigid sensor. due to the spontaneous release of electrons,
or exposure to ambient lighting. PSP plates
should be scanned no later than 10 minutes
after exposure. Erased plates must be kept in
light-tight containers.
Image resolution ≥ 20 lp/mm 7–15 lp/mm 5–13 lp/mm has been quoted.
(measured in linepairs Theoretically may achieve Lower than film and direct digital
per mm lp/mm) radiography. Visibility of small endodontic
≥ 20 lp/mm, but this is not often
file tips are potentially suboptimal.
possible in practice.
Cost Comparatively low cost High initial system cost is more Regular replacement of PSP is necessary.
durable than PSP, but physical The lifespans of a PSP have been quoted
damage can occur. between 50–200 uses. Damage to the
phosphor layer (e.g. scratches, folds) may
render the PSP non-useable.
Other disadvantages Associated hazardous waste and • Ease of use may potentially increase the number of exposures.
lead foil from film processing. • Infection control may be a problem as the detectors cannot be sterilised. Wiping
with an alcohol-impregnated tissue has been suggested, but it is uncertain to what
degree the sensors tolerate wiping.
Maximum brightness High luminance profile of ≥300 cd/m2 Storage and transmission:
(room brightness reduces the contrast • The image should be stored in its original, uncompressed
ratio and making small contrast format with an automatic backup function. Minimising
differences more difficult to observe) compression of the radiographic image during
transmission is necessary to avoid loss of relevant data.
Graphics card:
• Should be appropriately matched and of high quality to
avoid information loss and inferior quality images.
Method of capture Thinly collimated, fan shaped X-ray beams rotate in a A divergent cone or pyramidal shaped X-ray beam is
helical fashion around the patient to capture multiple directed through the region of interest to an area detector
image slices. A second collimator reduces the scattered on the opposite side of the rotating gantry. Multiple
photons before it contacts the multiple rows of detectors sequential projections are performed as the platform
to improve image quality. The signal is then relayed to moves through a single arc of 180 or 360 degrees. The
the computer for analysis and image construction. multiple images obtained are computed to generate the
final 3D volumetric data.
Detector type Solid state detectors Flat panel detector or image intensifier/CCD sensor
Radiation dose levels In imaging of the jaws, effective dose ranges of 280- Reported range of 5-1,073 μSv. Not all CBCT scans deliver
1,410 μSv have been quoted. While there is variation low radiation doses. It is highly dependent on the type of
between different types of scanners, imaging protocols unit and the protocols employed.
substantially alter the doses delivered. Anecdotally, doses
lower than those reported in the literature can be
The difficulty in making comparisons between CBCT units and between the different imaging modalities has been
documented. A smaller field of view (FOV) in one unit may not necessarily deliver less radiation than a larger FOV in
another unit. While ultra-low dose CBCT units, with appropriate low dose protocols, can deliver doses comparable to
some panoramic radiographs, other types of CBCT units may deliver doses greater than a well optimised low-dose
Scan times Substantially faster than CBCT in the imaging of orofacial Scan times are generally substantially longer than MDCT,
structures. with a typical range of 10-40 seconds. Scan times can be
shorter for low resolution scans.
Spatial resolution Sub-millimeter imaging (as small as 0.5 mm) is possible Usually higher spatial resolution than MDCT due to
to generate high-spatial resolution images. smaller voxel sizes, with a reported range of 0.076-0.4
mm. However, image resolution and quality range widely
(refer to ‘Disadvantages’ below), potentially lower than
• When indicated, volumetric imaging has been • It has been reported that volumetric imaging is more
recommended for the assessment of sinus anatomy accurate than 2D plain radiographs in the evaluation for
or pathology, and the preoperative assessment for obstruction in the upper airways and craniofacial
sinus augmentation or grafting procedures. Plain film
structures. Radiological tests, including 3D imaging,
imaging for paranasal sinus disease is insufficient.
should be prescribed only where it has the potential to
Presently, MDCT remains the most commonly used
contribute to diagnosis, prognosis, treatment planning or
modality for paranasal sinus disease, considered to
be the optimal technique by most clinicians and influences a planned procedure.
1 Rood JP, Shehab BA. The radiological prediction of inferior alveolar nerve injury during third molar surgery. The British
journal of oral & maxillofacial Surgery 1990 Feb;28(1):20-5.
* B Koong, M Lam. With contributing authors: Dr Jerry Moschilla, Radiologist & Nuclear Medicine Specialist and
C Clinical A/Prof Michael Bynevelt, Neuroradiologist.
• Chapter 4: Other advanced techniques: MRI, ultrasound and nuclear medicine * | Page 17
MRI Ultrasonography
• Ferromagnetic objects may move, overheat and therefore • Commonly used in the orofacial region for the evaluation of
injure the patient when in the vicinity of the magnetic field. salivary gland, cervical lymph nodes and neck lumps.
Therefore, this modality is contraindicated for some patients
• Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration and core biopsies.
with some implanted metallic objects or medical devices.
• Metals used in dentistry will not move but may distort the • Other applications in this region include evaluation of the
image in its vicinity. Titanium implants only cause minor thyroid glands and carotid vessels.
degradation of the image.
• Longer scan times. Nuclear medicine
• Osteoblastic metastatic neoplasms involving bone.
• May not be suitable for claustrophobic patients.
• SPECT has been used to assess mandibular growth in patients
• The use of gadolinium-based contrast media must be used
with caution in those with renal impairment as this has been with asymmetry. The limited specificity of these studies must
associated with nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. Gadolinium be considered. Correlation with CT and/or MRI is useful.
deposition within regions of the brain has recently been • The extent of medication-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw
discovered and is currently being investigated. (MRONJ).
• Gallium and radio labelled white cell radionuclide and SPECT/
CT imaging is useful in diagnosing base of skull osteomyelitis.
• Difficulty in imaging deeper structures and structures
obscured by bone. • PET/CT imaging is useful for skeletal imaging for assessment
of primary bone tumours, locating metastases in bone and
Nuclear medicine detecting osteomyelitis. It is often correlated with post
• Associated with ionising radiation. contrast CT or MRI scans.
• PET/CT is particularly useful for staging squamous cell
carcinoma and other head and neck malignancies.
• Evaluating of soft tissue anatomy and pathology,
characterisation and extent of lesions e.g. evaluating for INTERPRETATION
perineural spread of tumours. Radiologists, neuro-radiologists, maxillofacial radiologists and
• Additional characterisation of soft tissue components of nuclear medicine specialists perform the interpretation of these
bone lesions. studies.
• Considered the gold standard in the assessment of the soft
tissues of the temporomandibular joint, particularly the
articular disc position. Also demonstrates joint effusions,
synovitis, marrow oedema, and changes in the adjacent
masticatory muscles.
• Implant dentistry: Identifying the location of inferior alveolar
neurovascular bundle where multislice CT or cone beam CT is
not able to demonstrate the location of the mandibular
Page 18 | Chapter 4: Other advanced techniques: MRI, ultrasound and nuclear medicine *
Chapter 5: Prescription and radiologic interpretation
This chapter summarises the prescription of the various Other conditions affecting the jaws:
imaging techniques in relation to the more common • For example, cysts, tumours, osteomyelitis, etc.
conditions/clinical situations encountered in dentistry. An • MDCT is usually the technique of choice. CBCT may suffice for
introduction to the key responsibilities and principles some lesions.
involved in radiological interpretation is also included.
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Further reading| Page 21
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