12th Zoology EM WWW - Tntextbooks.in
12th Zoology EM WWW - Tntextbooks.in
12th Zoology EM WWW - Tntextbooks.in
Content Creation
The wise
possess all
Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms 01
Chapter 2 Human Reproduction 11 June
Chapter 3 Reproductive Health 32
Chapter 4 Principles of Inheritance and Variation 45
Chapter 5 Molecular Genetics 61
Chapter 6 Evolution 92 August
Chapter 7 Human Health and Diseases 112
Chapter 8 Immunology 129
Chapter 9 Microbes in Human Welfare 148 September
Chapter 10 Applications of Biotechnology 157 October
Chapter 11 Organisms and Populations 176 October
Chapter 12 Biodiversity and its Conservation 197
Chapter 13 Environmental Issues 219
E-book Assessment
New life for woolly mammoth DNA-researchers can now re-create the
genes of mammoth and study the proteins they encoded
Prospects of Zoology
National and International Biology Olympiad Exam
Who can participate? : Secondary and Higher Secondary students
Five stages of Exam
Stage I : National Standard Examination in Biology
Stage II : Indian National Biology Olympiad
Stage III: Orientation cum Selection Camp in Biology
Stage IV : Pre-departure Training Camp for
International Biology Olympiad
(IBO) (for 4 members)
Stage V : Participation in IBO
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Institutes affiliated
affiliated to M.G.R.
to Dr. Dr. M.G.R. Medical
Medical University,
University, Chennai.
Occupation Therapy Colleges:
• College of Occupational Therapy, Christian Medical College, Vellore
Physiotherapy Colleges:
• Govt. College of Physiotherapy, Trichy
• Govt. Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chennai
• College of Physiotherapy, Christian Medical College, Vellore
• Tamilnadu Paramedical Institutions College of Physiotherapy, Chennai
Siddha Colleges:
• Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai
• Govt. Siddha Medical College, Tirunelveli
• National Institute of Siddha, Chennai
Prospects of Zoology
Prospects of Zoology
IFS Service
IFS (Indian Forest (IndianExamination)
Forest Service)Examination
• Conducting authority - UPSC
• Educational - B.Sc. in any one degree like Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology,
Qualification: Agriculture, Maths, Geology, or B.E or B.V.Sc.
• Age - Minimum 21, Maximum 32 Yrs
• Weblink - https://upsconline.nic.in
in Organisms
L iving organisms show a life cycle in the reproductive process involving two
involving birth, growth, development, types of gametes (ova and sperm), it is called
maturation, reproduction and death. sexual reproduction.
Reproduction is the fundamental feature of
all living organisms. It is a biological process 1.2. Asexual reproduction
by which organisms produce their young Asexual reproduction is wide spread
ones. The young ones grow and mature to among different organisms. It is common in
repeat the process. Thus reproduction results members of Protista, Bacteria, Archaea and
Simple irregular Binary Fission in Amoeba
Hyaline area
Daughter amoebae
Reproduction in Organisms 2
Longitudinal furrow
flagellates, the flagellum is retained usually by the process is complete, then this division is
one daughter cell. The basal granule is divided called repeated fission. e.g. Vorticella.
into two and the new basal granule forms a During unfavorable conditions (increase
flagellum in the other daughter individual. or decrease in temperature, scarcity of food)
e.g. Vorticella and Euglena. Amoeba withdraws its pseudopodia and
In oblique binary fission the plane of secretes a three-layered, protective, chitinous
division is oblique. It is seen in dinoflagellates. cyst wall around it and becomes inactive
e.g. Ceratium. (Fig. 1.4). This phenomenon is called
In multiple fission the parent body encystment. When conditions become
divides into many similar daughter cells favourable, the encysted Amoeba divides
simultaneously. First, the nucleus divides by multiple fission and produces many
repeatedly, later the cytoplasm divides into as minute amoebae called pseudopodiospore
many parts as that of nuclei. Each cytoplasmic or amoebulae. The cyst wall absorbs
part encircles one daughter nucleus. This water and breaks off liberating the young
results in the formation of many smaller pseudopodiospores, each with a fine
individuals from a single parent organism. pseudopodia. They feed and grow rapidly to
If multiple fission produces four or many lead an independent life.
daughter individuals by equal cell division In some metazoan animals, a special type
and the young ones do not separate until of transverse fission called strobilation occurs
Three cyst wall
cyst wall
Daughter nuclei Pseudopodiospores Young
cyst formation formation amoebae
3 Reproduction in Organisms
Ephyrae Early Ephyra
budding (side view)
Inter radial
canal Per radial
Stomach Sense
Stalk Manubrium
Stolon Marginal
lappet Bifid arm
Young Adult Early Ephyra
strobila strobila (oral view)
Fig. 1.5 Strobilation in Aurelia
(Fig. 1.5). In the process of strobilation, several Nucleus breaks into several small fragments
transverse fissions occur simultaneously or chromatin blocks. Each fragment develops
giving rise to a number of individuals which a nuclear membrane, becomes surrounded by
often do not separate immediately from cytoplasm and develops a spore-case around
each other e.g. Aurelia. Plasmotomy is the it (Fig. 1.6). When conditions become
division of multinucleated parent into many favourable, the parent body disintegrates and
multinucleate daughter individuals with the the spores are liberated, each hatching into a
division of nuclei. Nuclear division occurs young amoeba.
later to maintain normal number of nuclei. In budding, the parent body produces one
Plasmotomy occurs in Opalina and Pelomyxa or more buds and each bud grows into a young
(Giant Amoeba). one. The buds separate from the parent to lead
During unfavourable conditions Amoeba a normal life. In sponges, the buds constrict
multiplies by sporulation without encystment. and detach from the parent body and the bud
develops into a new sponge (Fig. 1.7).
Spore case
Nuclear membrane Chromatin Spores
disintegrating blocks
Nuclei Nucleus
D Cytoplasm
Spore case
parent Osculum
When buds are formed on the outer In fragmentation, the parent body
surface of the parent body, it is known as breaks into fragments (pieces) and each of the
exogenous budding e.g. Hydra. In Hydra when fragment has the potential to develop into a new
food is plenty, the ectoderm cells increase and individual. Fragmentation or pedal laceration
form a small elevation on the body surface occurs in many genera of sea anemones. Lobes
(Fig. 1.8). Ectoderm and endoderm are pushed are constricted off from the pedal disc and each
out to form the bud. The bud contains an of the lobe grows mesenteries and tentacles to
interior lumen in continuation with parent’s form a new sea anemone.
gastro-vascular cavity. The bud enlarges,
In the tapeworm, Taenia solium, the gravid
develops a mouth and a circle of tentacles at its
(ripe) proglottids are the oldest at the posterior
free end. When fully grown, the bud constricts
end of the strobila (Fig. 1.10). The gravid
at the base and finally separates from the parent
proglottids are regularly cut off either singly or
body and leads an independent life.
in groups from the posterior end by a process
In Noctiluca, hundreds of buds are called apolysis. This is very significant since it
formed inside the cytoplasm and many remain
helps in transferring the developed embryos
within the body of the parent. This is called
from the primary host (man) to find a secondary
endogenous budding. In freshwater sponges
host (pig).
and in some marine sponges a regular and
peculiar mode of asexual reproduction occurs
by internal buds called gemmules is seen
(Fig. 1.9). A completely grown gemmule is
a hard ball, consisting of an internal mass of
food-laden archaeocytes. During unfavourable
conditions, the sponge disintegrates but the Immature
gemmule can withstand adverse conditions. proglottids
When conditions become favourable, the proglottids
gemmules begin to hatch.
spicules Outer
5 Reproduction in Organisms
Reproduction in Organisms 6
7 Reproduction in Organisms
Reproduction in Organisms 8
9 Reproduction in Organisms
Concept Map
Simple irregular fission
Transverse fission
Binary fission
Longitudinal fission
Oblique fission
Exogenous budding
Asexual Endogenous budding Gemmule
Regeneration Reparative
External fertilization
Internal fertilization
Reproduction Sexual
Complete parthenogenesis
Parthenogenesis Artificial
Incomplete parthenogenesis
Reproduction in Organisms 10
2.3 Menstrual cycle very organ system in the human
2.4 Menstrual disorders and menstrual body works continuously to maintain
hygiene homeostasis for the survival of the individual.
2.5 Fertilization and implantation The human reproductive system is essential for
2.6 Maintenance of pregnancy and the survival of the species. An individual may
embryonic development live a long healthy life without producing an
2.7 Parturition and lactation offspring, but reproduction is inevitable for the
existence of a species.
The reproductive system has four
Learning Objectives main functions namely,
Human Reproduction 12
CRYPTORCHISM The failure of one or both testes to descend down into the scrotal sacs is
known as cryptorchism (crypto – hidden + orchis – testicle). It occurs in 1 – 3 percent of new
born males. A surgical correction at a young age can rectify the defect, else these individuals
may become sterile and are unable to produce viable sperms.
features of the testes of mammals. It secretes bulbourethral glands also called Cowper’s
androgens namely the testosterone hormone gland and a single prostate gland. The seminal
which initiates the process of spermatogenesis. vesicles secrete an alkaline fluid called seminal
Other immunologically competent cells are plasma containing fructose sugar, ascorbic acid,
also present. prostaglandins and a coagulating enzyme called
The accessory ducts associated
with the male reproductive system Ureter
13 Human Reproduction
vesiculase which enhances sperm motility. The region (Fig. 2.3 a). These parts along with the
bulbourethral glands are inferior to the prostate mammary glands are integrated structurally and
and their secretions also help in the lubrication of functionally to support the process of ovulation,
the penis. The prostate encircles the urethra and Fertilization, pregnancy, child birth and child
is just below the urinary bladder and secretes a care.
slightly acidic fluid that contains citrate, several Ovaries are the primary female sex organs
enzymes and prostate specific antigens. Semen that produce the female gamete, ovum. The
or seminal fluid is a milky white fluid which ovaries are located one on each side of the lower
contains sperms and the seminal plasma (secreted abdomen. The ovary is an elliptical structure
from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland and the about 2-4 cm long. Each ovary is covered by a
bulbourethal glands). The seminal fluid acts as a thin cuboidal epithelium called the germinal
transport medium, provides nutrients, contains epithelium which encloses the ovarian stroma.
chemicals that protect and activate the sperms The stroma is differentiated as the outer cortex and
and also facilitate their movement. inner medulla. Below the germinal epithelium is
The penis is the male external genitalia a dense connective tissue, the tunica albuginea.
functioning as a copulatory organ. It is made The cortex appears dense and granular due
of a special tissue that helps in the erection of to the presence of ovarian follicles in various
penis to facilitate insemination. The enlarged stages of development. The medulla is a
end of the penis called glans penis is covered loose connective tissue with abundant blood
by a loose fold of skin called foreskin or vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerve fibres.
prepuce. The ovary remains attached to the pelvic
The female reproductive system is far more wall and the uterus by an ovarian ligament
complex than the male because in addition called mesovarium.
to gamete formation, it has to nurture the The fallopian tubes (uterine tubes or
developing foetus. The female reproductive oviducts), uterus and vagina constitute the
system consists of a pair of ovaries along with female accessory organs (Fig. 2.3 b). Each
a pair of oviducts, uterus, cervix, vagina and fallopian tube extends from the periphery of
the external genitalia located in the pelvic each ovary to the uterus. The proximal part
of the fallopian tube bears a funnel shaped
infundibulum. The edges of the
infundibulum have many finger
8WHULQH like projections called fimbriae
which help in collection of the
)LPEULDH ovum after ovulation.
&OLWRULV uterus
/DELXP one of the
PDMRUD strongest muscles of the
Fig. 2.3 (a) Female pelvis showing reproductive system human body.
Human Reproduction 14
reproductive structures
,VWKPXV that lie external to the
$PSXOOD )DOORSLDQ vagina are called as the
,QIXQGLEXOXP external genitalia or
vulva comprising of labia
majora, labia minora,
&HUYL[ hymen and clitoris.
The Bartholin’s glands
(also called greater
Fig. 2.3 (b) Diagrammatic view of female reproductive system vestibular glands) are
located posterior to the
left and right of the opening of the vagina.
The infundibulum leads to a wider central
They secrete mucus to lubricate the vagina and
portion called ampulla. The last part of the
are homologous to the bulbourethral glands of
oviduct is the isthmus which is short and
the male. The Skene’s glands are located on
thick walled connecting the ampulla and
the anterior wall of the vagina and around
infundibulum to the uterus.
the lower end of the urethra. They secrete a
The uterus or womb is a hollow, thick- lubricating fluid and are homologous to the
walled, muscular, highly vascular and inverted prostate gland of the males.
pear shaped structure lying in the pelvic cavity
The external opening of the vagina is
between the urinary bladder and rectum. The
partially closed by a thin ring of tissue called
major portion of the uterus is the body and the
the hymen. The hymen is often torn during
rounded region superior to it, is the fundus.
the first coitus (physical union). However
The uterus opens into the vagina through a
in some women it remains intact. It can be
narrow cervix. The cavity of the cervix called
stretched or torn due to a sudden fall or jolt
the cervical canal communicates with the
and also during strenuous physical activities
vagina through the external orifice and with
such as cycling, horseback riding, etc., and
the uterus through the internal orifice. The
therefore cannot be considered as an indicator
cervical canal along with vagina forms the
of a woman’s virginity.
birth canal.
The mammary glands are modified sweat
The wall of the uterus has three layers of
glands present in both sexes. It is rudimentary
tissues. The outermost thin membranous
in the males and functional in the females. A
serous layer called the perimetrium,
pair of mammary glands is located in the
the middle thick muscular layer called
thoracic region. It contains glandular tissue
myometrium and the inner glandular layer
and variable quantities of fat with a median
called endometrium. The endometrium
nipple surrounded by a pigmented area called
undergoes cyclic changes during the
the areola. Several sebaceous glands called
menstrual cycle while myometrium exhibits
the areolar glands are found on the surface
strong contractions during parturition.
and they reduce cracking of the skin of the
Vagina is a large fibromuscular tube that nipple. Internally each mammary gland
extends from the cervix to the exterior. It is consists of 2-25 lobes, separated by fat and
the female organ of copulation. The female connective tissues (Fig. 2.4). Each lobe is made
15 Human Reproduction
2.2 Gametogenesis
Gametogenesis is the process of formation
of gametes i.e., sperms and ovum from the
primary sex organs in all sexually reproducing
$GLSRVHWLVVXH organisms. Meiosis plays the most significant
role in the process of gametogenesis (Fig.2.5).
Spermatogenesis is the sequence of
0DPPDU\GXFW events in the seminiferous tubules of the
/REXOHFRQWDLQLQJ testes that produce the male gametes, the
0DPPDU\WXEXOHV sperms. During development, the primordial
germ cells migrate into the testes and become
immature germ cells called sperm mother
Fig. 2.4 Mammary gland cells or spermatogonia in the inner surfaces
of the seminiferous tubules (Fig. 2.6 a). The
up of lobules which contain acini or alveoli spermatogonia begin to undergo mitotic
lined by epithelial cells. Cells of the alveoli division at puberty and continue throughout
secrete milk. The alveoli open into mammary life.
tubules. The tubules of each lobe join to form In the first stage of spermatogenesis, the
a mammary duct. Several mammary ducts spermatogonia migrate among sertoli cells
join to form a wider mammary ampulla towards the central lumen of the seminiferous
which is connected to the lactiferous duct in tubule and become modified and enlarged
the nipple. Under the nipple, each lactiferous to form primary spermatocytes which are
duct expands to form the lactiferous sinus diploid with 23 pairs i.e., 46 chromosomes.
which serves as a reservoir
of milk. Each lactiferous 6SHUPDWRJHQHVLV 2RJHQHVLV
duct opens separately
by a minute pore on the OLIH
Human Reproduction 16
Sertoli cells
Interstitial cell
17 Human Reproduction
Human Reproduction 18
IROOLFOH Fig. 2.8 (b) Diagrammatic view of the
human ovum
Fig. 2.8 (a) Sectional view of the ovary
19 Human Reproduction
Lutenizing hormone(LH)
(c) Events in the endometrium of the uterus Highly proliferated and vascularized endometrium
Days 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 17 19 21 23 25 27 28
Human Reproduction 20
21 Human Reproduction
is a biochemical event that enables the sperm cluster of 16 or more cells called the morula
to penetrate and fertilise the egg. Fertilization (Fig. 2.11).
occurs only if the ovum and sperms are Under the influence of progesterone,
transported simultaneously to the ampullary smooth muscles of the fallopian tube relax
isthmic junction of the fallopian tube. and the dividing embryo takes 4-5 days to
Before a sperm can enter the egg, move through the fallopian tube into the
it must penetrate the multiple layers of uterine cavity and finally gets implanted in
granulosa (follicular) cells which are around the uterine wall. At this point the embryo
the ovum forming the corona radiata (Fig. consists of a fluid filled hollow ball of about
2.10). The follicular cells are held together 100 cells, called the blastocyst. The blastocyst
by an adhesive cementing substance called is composed of a single layer of large flattened
hyaluronic acid. The acrosomal membrane cells called trophoblast and a small cluster
disintegrates releasing the proteolytic enzyme, of 20-30 rounded cells called the inner cell
hyaluronidase during sperm entry through mass. The inner cell mass of the blastocyst
the corona radiata and zona pellucida. This is develops into the embryo and becomes
called acrosomal reaction. Once Fertilization embedded in the endometrium of the uterus.
is accomplished, cortical granules from the This process is called implantation and it
cytoplasm of the ovum form a barrier called results in pregnancy.
the Fertilization membrane around the ovum If the fertilized ovum is implanted outside
preventing further penetration of other sperms. the uterus it results in ectopic pregnancy.
Thus polyspermy is prevented. About 95 percent of ectopic pregnancies
The first cleavage produces two identical occur in the fallopian tube. The growth of
cells called blastomeres. These produce 4 cells, the embryo may cause internal bleeding,
then 8 and so on. After 72 hours of Fertilization, infection and in some cases even death due to
a loose collection of cells forms a berry shaped rupture of the fallopian tube.
to specific tissues, organs and organ systems
during organogenesis.
The extra embryonic membranes namely
the amnion, yolk sac, allantois and chorion
2RF\WH HJJ protect the embryo from dessication, mechanical
shock and help in the absorption of nutrients
and exchange of gases (Fig. 2.12). The amnion
is a double layered translucent membrane filled
with the amniotic fluid. It provides a buoyant
environment to protect the developing embryo
Fig. 2.11 From zygote to blastocyst : passage from injury, regulates the temperature of the
of growing embryo through the foetus and provides a medium in which the
fallopian tube foetus can move. The yolk sac forms a part of
the gut and is the source of the earliest blood
Twins are two offsprings produced in the cells and blood vessels.
same pregnancy. 3ODFHQWDO
Monozygotic (Identical) twins are
produced when a single fertilized $OODQWRLV
23 Human Reproduction
uterine wall through the umbilical cord. It is hCG, hPL and relaxin are produced only during
the organ by which the nutritive, respiratory pregnancy. In addition, during pregnancy the
and excretory functions are fulfilled. The level of other hormones like oestrogen and
embryo’s heart develops during the fourth week progesterone, cortisol, prolactin, thyroxine, etc.,
of pregnancy and circulates blood through the is increased several folds in the maternal blood.
umbilical cord and placenta as well as through These hormones are essential for supporting
its own tissues. foetal growth.
The primary germ layers serve as the
primitive tissues from which all body organs A female uterus is
develop. The ectoderm gives rise to the central normally about 3 inches
nervous system (brain and spinal cord),
long and 2 inches wide
peripheral nervous system, epidermis and
but can expand 20 times
its derivatives and mammary glands. The
during pregnancy.
connective tissue, cartilage and bone, muscles,
organs of urinogenital system (kidney, ureter
and gonads) arise from the mesoderm. The 2.7 Parturition and lactation
endodermal derivatives are epithelium of Parturition is the completion of pregnancy
gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, liver, and giving birth to the baby. The series of
pancreas, thyroid and parathyroids. events that expels the infant from the uterus
Human pregnancy lasts for about 280 is collectively called “labour”. Throughout
days or 40 weeks and is called the gestation pregnancy the uterus undergoes periodic
period. It can be divided for convenience into episodes of weak and strong contractions.
three trimesters of three months each. The first These contractions called Braxton-Hick’s
trimester is the main period of organogenesis, contractions lead to false labour. As the
the body organs namely the heart, limbs, pregnancy progresses, increase in the oestrogen
lungs, liver and external genital organs are well concentration promotes uterine contractions.
developed. By the end of the second trimester, These uterine contractions facilitate moulding
the face is well formed with features, eyelids and of the foetus and downward movement of
eyelashes, eyes blink, body is covered with fine the foetus. The descent of the foetus causes
hair, muscle tissue develops and bones become dilation of cervix of the uterus and vaginal
harder. The foetus is fully developed and is canal resulting in a neurohumoral reflex called
ready for delivery by the end of nine months Foetal ejection reflex or Ferguson reflex. This
(third trimester). initiates the secretion of oxytocin from the
During pregnancy, the placenta acts as neurohypophysis which in turn brings about
a temporary endocrine gland and produces the powerful contraction of the uterine muscles
large quantities of human Chorionic and leads to the expulsion of the baby through
Gonadotropin (hCG), human Chorionic the birth canal. This sequence of events is called
Somatomammotropin (hCS) or human as parturition or childbirth.
Placental Lactogen (hPL), oestrogens and Relaxin is a hormone secreted by the
progesterone which are essential for a normal placenta and also found in the corpus luteum.
pregnancy. A hormone called relaxin is also It promotes parturition by relaxing the pelvic
secreted during the later phase of pregnancy joints and by dilatation of the cervix with
which helps in relaxation of the pelvic ligaments continued powerful contractions. The amnion
at the time of parturition. It should be noted that ruptures and the amniotic fluid flows out
Human Reproduction 24
20 Weeks
Length of foetus increases
Hair on the head and
eyebrows. Skin becomes
covered with
16 Weeks sebaceous gland 24 Weeks
Lower limbs reach final Lungs are well developed
development. Rapid eye movements
Movements are seen begin. Foetus starts
gaining weight
12 Weeks 28 Weeks
Eyes and ears are well Immune system starts
defined. Ossification of developing. Central
long bones are seen nervous system
Urine formation begins developed. Retina is
well developed
8 Weeks 32 Weeks
Limbs and digits fully formed. Body weight increases
Movements start taking rapidly. Skin is smooth
place. Neck appears between due to deposition of
head and thorax. External genitalia subcutaneous fat
show sex differences
4 Weeks 36 Weeks
Formation of foregut, midgut and Blood vessels are
hindgut. Heart starts functioning. completely developed.
Forebrain is most prominent. Baby is positioned into
Upper limbs appears as the pelvis in head
paddle-shaped buds down position
40 Weeks
Baby is fully formed.
Ready to be born
any day
25 Human Reproduction
CAESAREAN When normal vaginal delivery is not possible due to factors like position of
the baby and nature of the placenta, the baby is delivered through a surgical incision in the
woman’s abdomen and uterus. It is also termed as abdominal delivery or Caesarean Section or
‘C’ Section.
through the vagina, followed by the foetus. The Colostrum is also rich in IgA antibodies. This
placenta along with the remains of the umbilical helps to protect the infant’s digestive tract
cord called “after birth” is expelled out after against bacterial infection. Breast milk is the
delivery. ideal food for infants as it contains all the
Lactation is the production of milk by constituents in suitable concentration and is
mammary glands. The mammary glands show easily digestible. It is fully sufficient till about
changes during every menstrual cycle, during 6 months of age and all infants must be breast
pregnancy and lactation. Increased level of fed by the mother to ensure the growth of a
oestrogens, progesterone and human Placental healthy baby.
Lactogen (hPL) towards the end of pregnancy
stimulate the hypothalamus towards prolactin Summary
– releasing factors. The anterior pituitary Reproduction is a process which helps in
responds by secreting prolactin which plays a the continuity and maintenance of a species.
major role in lactogenesis. Human beings are sexually reproducing and
viviparous. The reproductive events include
Oxytocin causes the “Let-Down” reflex-
gametogenesis, insemination, Fertilization,
the actual ejection of milk from the alveoli
cleavage, implantation, placentation,
of the mammary glands. During lactation,
gastrulation, organogenesis and parturition.
oxytocin also stimulates the recently emptied
uterus to contract, helping it to return to pre - The female reproductive system consists
pregnancy size. of a pair of ovaries, a pair of oviducts, uterus,
cervix, vagina and external genitalia. The male
Colostrum reproductive system consists of a pair of testes,
Colostrum, a nutrient rich a pair of duct system, accessory glands and
fluid produced by the human female external genitalia called penis.
immediately after giving birth, is loaded The process of formation of gametes in
with immune, growth and tissue repair the male is called spermatogenesis and in the
factors. It acts as a natural antimicrobial female is called oogenesis. The reproductive
agent to actively stimulate the maturation cycle in females is called menstrual cycle and
of the infant’s immune system. No artificial it is initiated at puberty. The ovum released
feed can substitute the first milk, with all during the menstrual cycle is fertilized by the
its natural benefits and therefore should be sperm and the zygote is formed.
definitely fed to the baby after birth. Zygote undergoes repeated mitotic division
and the blastocyst is implanted on the walls of
The mammary glands secrete a yellowish the uterus. It takes about 280 days or 40 weeks
fluid called colostrum during the initial for the entire development of the human foetus
few days after parturition. It has less lactose and it is delivered out through the process of
than milk and almost no fat, but it contains child birth or parturition. The new born baby is
more proteins, vitamin A and minerals. breast fed by the mother.
Human Reproduction 26
1. Males are said to be sterile when they fail to produce viable sperms.
2. Azoospermia refers to the failure of spermatogenesis.
3. Enlargement of prostate gland is called prostatitis and can lead to difficulty in urination.
4. Castration or surgical removal of testis is known as orchidectomy
5. Spermarche is the first ejaculation of the semen.
Arunachalam Muruganantham
Inventor And Social Entrepreneur
Arunachalam Muruganantham is the man behind the world’s first low cost sanitary napkin
making machine. His mission was to provide sanitary napkins at minimal cost to poor
women across the country, especially in rural areas. The journey began when he was shocked
by the fact that women in India including his wife often used things such as old rags, leaves
and even ash during menstruation. Approximately 70 percent of all reproductive diseases
in India are caused by poor menstrual hygiene. 23 percent of girls drop out of schools once
they attain puberty. He wished to make a social impact by creating more livelihoods and
improving the menstrual hygiene of rural women.
Arunachalam initiated his research in 1999 and almost after 5 years, successfully created
a low cost machine for the production of sanitary napkins. He presented his prototype
to IIT, Madras for a national innovation competition in 2006 and out of 943 entries, his
machine stood first. Arunachalam made 250 machines in 18 months and set out to states in
Northern India namely Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
Arunachalam Muruganantham was named one of the Time Magazine’s 100 most
influential people in 2014. He was awarded the Padma Shri in 2016.
27 Human Reproduction
Evaluation c. Spermiogenesis
1. The mature sperms are d. Capacitation
stored in the 10. The milk secreted by the mammary glands
a. Seminiferous tubules soon after child birth is called
b.Vas deferens a. Mucous b. Colostrum
c. Epididymis c. Lactose d. Sucrose
d. Seminal vesicle
11. Colostrum is rich in
2. The male sex hormone testosterone is a. Ig E b. Ig A
secreted from c. Ig D d. Ig M
a. Sertoli cells b. Leydig cell
c. Epididymis d. Prostate gland 12. The Androgen Binding Protein (ABP) is
produced by
3. The glandular accessory organ which a. Leydig cells b. Hypothalamus
produces the largest proportion of semen c. Sertoli cells d. Pituitary gland
a. Seminal vesicle 13. Find the wrongly matched pair
b. Bulbourethral gland a. Bleeding phase - f all in oestrogen and
c. Prostate gland progesterone
d. Mucous gland b. Follicular phase - rise in oestrogen
4. The male homologue of the female clitoris is c. Luteal phase - rise in FSH level
a. Scrotum b. Penis d. Ovulatory phase - LH surge
c. Urethra d.Testis
Answer the following type of questions
5. The site of embryo implantation is the
a. Uterus b. Peritoneal cavity Assertion (A) and Reason (R)
c. Vagina d. Fallopian tube a. A and R are true, R is the correct
explanation of A
6. The foetal membrane that forms the basis
b. A and R are true, R is not the correct
of the umbilical cord is
explanation of A
a. Allantois b. Amnion
c. A is true, R is false
c. Chorion d. Yolk sac
d. Both A and R are false
7. The most important hormone in intiating
14. A – In human male, testes are extra
and maintaining lactation after birth is
abdominal and lie in scrotal sacs.
a. Oestrogen b. FSH
R – S crotum acts as thermoregulator and
c. Prolactin d. Oxytocin
keeps temperature lower by 2oC for
8. Mammalian egg is normal sperm production .
a. Mesolecithal and non cleidoic (a) A and R are true, R is the correct
b. Microlecithal and non cleidoic explanation of A
c. Alecithal and non cleidoic
15. A – O vulation is the release of ovum from
d. Alecithal and cleidoic
the Graafian follicle.
9. The process which the sperm undergoes R – It occurs during the follicular phase of
before penetrating the ovum is the menstrual cycle.
a. Spermiation (c) A is true, R is false
b. Cortical reaction
Human Reproduction 28
16. A –
Head of the sperm consists of 31. Describe the structure of the human ovum
acrosome and mitochondria. with a neat labelled diagram.
R– Acrosome contains spiral rows of
32. Give a schematic representation of
spermatogenesis and oogenesis in humans.
(d) Both A and R are false
17. Painful menstruation is termed as 33. Explain the various phases of the
a. Dysmenorrhoea menstrual cycle.
b. Menorrhagia
34. Explain the role of oxytocin and relaxin in
c. Amenorrhoea
parturition and lactation.
d. Oligomenorrhoea
18. Which one of the following menstrual 35. Identify the given image and label its parts
irregularities is correctly matched? marked as a, b, c and d
a. Menorrhagia - excessive
b. Amenorrhoea - absence of
menstruation a
c. Dysmenorrhoea - irregularity of b
d. Oligomenorrhoea - painful c
19. Mention the differences between
spermiogenesis and spermatogenesis.
20. At what stage of development are the 36. The following is the illustration of the
gametes formed in new born male and sequence of ovarian events (a-i) in a
female? human female.
21. Expand the acronyms
a. FSH b. LH c. hCG d. hPL
22. How is polyspermy avoided in humans?
23. What is colostrum? Write its significance. a) Identify the figure that illustrates ovulation
and mention the stage of oogenesis it
24. Placenta is an endocrine tissue. Justify.
25. Draw a labeled sketch of a spermatozoan.
b) Name the ovarian hormone and the
26. What is inhibin? State its functions.
pituitary hormone that have caused the
27. Mention the importance of the position of above-mentioned events.
the testes in humans.
c) Explain the changes that occurs in the
28. What is the composition of semen? uterus simultaneously in anticipation.
29. Explain the process of fertilization and
d) Write the difference between C and H.
implantation of the fertilized ovum.
30. Define gametogenesis. 37. List the various menstrual disorders.
29 Human Reproduction
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Step 1: Use the URL or scan the QR Code to launch the “Stages of Development before
Birth” activity page.
Step 2:On the right of the window, Click “Video” and view the development of embryo
during that particular stage.
Step 3: Click “Show Features” to know the parts. Click “Heartbeat-Symbol” to hear the
heartbeat of the embryo at that particular stage. Click “Weighing Machine” placed
below to know the weight of the offspring at that stage.
Step 4: Repeat the above steps with the different weeks by clicking the respective week tabs
placed below.
Step 4
31 Human Reproduction
Safe motherhood begins before conception
with healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
Chapter outline
3.1. Need for reproductive health Problems
and strategies
3.2. Amniocentesis and its statutory ban
3.3. Social impact of sex ratio,
R eproductive health represents a society with
people having physically and functionally
normal reproductive organs. Healthy people
female foeticide and infanticide have healthier babies and are able to care for
3.4. Population explosion and birth control their family, and contribute more to the society
3.5. Medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) and community. Hence, health is a community
3.6. Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) issue. Reproductive system is a complex system
3.7. Infertility controlled by the neuro-endocrine system,
3.8. Assisted reproductive technologyes (ART) hence, it is important to take necessary steps to
3..9. Detection of foetal disorders during early protect it from infectious diseases and injury.
3.1. N
eed for reproductive health-
Learning objectives Problems and strategies
India is amongst the first few countries
➢ Understands the importance of sex in the world to initiate the ‘Family planning
education and reproductive health. programme’ since 1951 and is periodically
➢ Learns the importance of amniocentesis as assessed every decade. These programmes are
a pre-natal diagnosis. popularly named as ‘Reproductive and Child
➢ Evaluates the effects of Health Care (RCH). Major tasks carried out
maternal and infant under these programmes are:
➢ Identifies, compares and • Creating awareness and providing medical
explains different types of assistance to build a healthy society.
contraceptive devices.
• Introducing sex education in schools to
➢ Discusses the medical necessity and social
provide information about adolescence and
consequences of MTP.
adolescence related changes.
➢ Explains the reasons of transmission and
prevention of STDs. • Educating couples and those in the
➢ Highlights the reasons of infertility. marriageable age groups about the
➢ Develops a positive and healthy attitude available birth control methods and
towards reproductive life. family planning norms.
33 Reproductive Health
35 Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health 36
37 Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health 38
• Tight clothing in men may raise the transferred into the woman’s uterus, where they
temperature in the scrotum and affect may implant in the uterine lining and develop.
sperm production. Excess embryos may be cryopreserved (frozen)
• Under developed ovaries or testes. for future use. Initially, IVF was used to treat
• Female may develop antibodies against women with blocked, damaged, or absent
her partner's sperm. fallopian tubes. Today, IVF is used to treat
• Males may develop an autoimmune
many causes of infertility. The basic steps in an
response to their own sperm.
IVF treatment cycle are ovarian stimulation,
All women are born with ovaries, but some egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo culture, and
do not have functional uterus. This condition embryo transfer.
is called Mayer-Rokitansky syndrome. Egg retrieval is done by minor
surgery under general anesthesia, using
3.8. Assisted Reproductive ultrasound guide after 34 to 37 hours of hCG
Technology (ART) (human chorionic gonadotropin) injection.
A collection of The eggs are prepared and stripped
procedures, which includes from the surrounding cells. At the same
the handling of gametes and/ time, sperm preparation is done using
or embryos outside the body a special media. After preparing the
to achieve pregnancy is known sperms, the eggs are brought together.
as Assisted Reproductive
10,000-1,00,000 motile sperms are needed for
Technology. It increases
each egg. Then the zygote is allowed to divide to
the chance of pregnancy in infertile couples.
form 8 celled blastomere and then transferred
ART includes intra-uterine insemination
into the uterus for a successful pregnancy.
(IUI) or Artificial insemination (AI), in vitro
The transfer of an embryo with more than
fertilization, (IVF) Embryo transfer (ET),
8 blastomeres stage into uterus is called
Zygote intra-fallopian transfer (ZIFT), Gamete
Embryo transfer technique.
intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), Intra-cytoplasmic
sperm injection (ICSI), Preimplantation Cryopreservation
genetic diagnosis, oocyte and sperm donation
and surrogacy. (or freezing) of embryos
is often used when there
Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)/ are more embryos than
Artificial insemination (AI) needed for a single IVF
This is a procedure to treat infertile men
transfer. Embryo cryopreservation can
with low sperm count. The semen is collected
provide an additional opportunity for
either from the husband or from a healthy
pregnancy, through a Frozen embryo
donor and is introduced into the uterus through
the vagina by a catheter after stimulating the transfer (FET), without undergoing
ovaries to produce more ova. The sperms swim another ovarian stimulation and retrieval.
towards the fallopian tubes to fertilize the egg,
resulting in normal pregnancy. Zygote Intra-Fallopian Transfer (ZIFT)
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or As in IVF, the zygote upto 8 blastomere
Test tube baby stage is transferred to the fallopian tube by
In this technique, sperm and eggs laparoscopy. The zygote continues its natural
are allowed to unite outside the body in a divisions and migrates towards the uterus
laboratory. One or more fertilized eggs may be where it gets implanted.
39 Reproductive Health
Male infertility
Azoospermia is defined as the absence of Ultrasound
spermatozoa in the ejaculate semen on atleast Transducer
Reproductive Health 40
41 Reproductive Health
requirements for reproductive health, one is 3. Identify the correct statements from
adviced to use them to avoid pregnancy or to the following
delay or space pregnancy. (a)Chlamydiasis is a viral disease.
Diseases or infections transmitted through
(b) Gonorrhoea is caused by a spirochaete
coitus are called Sexually transmitted infections
bacterium, Treponema palladium.
(STIs). Pelvic inflammatory diseases (PIDs), still
birth, infertility are some of the complications (c) T
he incubation period for syphilis is
of STDs. Early detection facilitates better cure of is 2 to 14 days in males and 7 to 21
these diseases. Avoiding coitus with unknown/ days in females.
multiple partners, use of condoms during coitus (d) B oth syphilis and gonorrhoea are
are some of the simple precautions to avoid easily cured with antibiotics.
contracting STIs.
Inability to conceive or produce children even 4. A contraceptive pill prevents ovulation by
after unprotected sexual cohabitation is called (a) blocking fallopian tube
infertility. Various methods are now available to (b) inhibiting release of FSH and LH
help such couples. In vitro fertilization followed by
(c) stimulating release of FSH and LH
transfer of embryo into the female genital tract is
one such method. (d) c ausing immediate degeneration of
released ovum
1. Which of the following 5. The approach which does not give the
is correct regarding defined action of contraceptive is
HIV, hepatitis B, (a) Hormonal Prevents entry of sperms,
gonorrhoea and contraceptive prevent ovulation and
(a) G onorrhoea is a STD whereas (b) Vasectomy Prevents spermatogenesis
others are not. (c) Barrier Prevents fertilization
(b) T richomoniasis is a viral disease method
whereas others are bacterial. (d) Intra uterine Increases phagocytosis of
(c) H
IV is a pathogen whereas others device sperms, suppresses sperm
motility and fertilizing capacity
are diseases. of sperms
(d) Hepatitis B is eradicated completely
whereas others are not. 6. Read the given statements and select the
correct option.
2. Which one of the following groups
includes sexually transmitted diseases Statement 1: Diaphragms, cervical caps
caused by bacteria only? and vaults are made of rubber and are
inserted into the female reproductive
(a) S yphilis, gonorrhoea and candidiasis
tract to cover the cervix before coitus.
(b) S yphilis, chlamydiasis and
gonorrhoea Statement 2: They are chemical barriers
(c) Syphilis, gonorrhoea and of conception and are reusable.
trichomoniasis (a) B oth statements 1 and 2 are correct
(d) S yphilis, trichomoniasis and and statement 2 is the correct
pediculosis explanation of statement 1.
Reproductive Health 42
(b) B oth statements 1 and 2 are correct 10. Correct the following statements
but statement 2 is not the correct a) Transfer of an ovum collected from
explanation of statement 1. donor into the fallopian tube is called
(c) Statement 1 is correct but statement ZIFT.
2 is incorrect.
b) Transfering of an embryo with more
(d) Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect. than 8 blastomeres into uterus is
7. Match column I with column II and select the called GIFT.
correct option from the codes given below.
c) Multiload 375 is a hormone releasing
Column I Column II IUD.
A. Copper releasing IUD (i) LNG-20 11. Which method do you suggest the couple
B. Hormone releasing (ii) Lippes loop IUD to have a baby, if the male partner fails to
C. Non medicated IUD (iii) Saheli inseminate the female or due to very low
D. Mini pills (iv) Multiload-375 sperm count in the ejaculate?
(a) A-(iv), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iii) 12. Expand the following
(b) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(ii) a) ZIFT b) ICSI
(c) A-(i), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(iii) 13. What are the strategies to be
implemented in India to attain total
(d) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii)
reproductive health?
8. Select the incorrect action of hormonal 14. Differentiate foeticide and infanticide.
contraceptive pills from the following
15. Describe the major STDs and their
(a) Inhibition of spermatogenesis. symptoms.
(b) Inhibition of ovulation. 16. How are STDs transmitted?
(c) Changes in cervical mucus impairing 17. Write the preventive measures of STDs.
its ability to allow passage and
18. The procedure of GIFT involves the
transport of sperms.
transfer of female gametes into the
(d) Alteration in uterine endometrium to fallopain tube, can gametes be transferred
make it unsuitable for implantation. to the uterus to achieve the same result?
9. Select the correct term from the bracket
and complete the given branching tree 19. Amniocentesis, the foetal sex
determination test, is banned in our
Periodic abstinence
Natural methods B country, Is it necessary? Comment.
Coitus interruptus
A Condoms, vaults,
Caps etc.,
20. Explain the various barrier methods to
Birth control control human population.
Oral contraceptives Pills
Vasectomy 21. Open Book Assessment
Surgical methods
‘Healthy reproduction, legally checked
birth control measures and proper family
(Barriers, Lactational amenorrhoea, CuT, planning programmes are essential for
Tubectomy) the survival of mankind’ Justify.
43 Reproductive Health
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Principles of
Inheritance and
blood antigens and antibodies were discussed for the enzyme galactose transferase
in chapter 7 of class XI. that adds galactose to the precursor
(i.e, H substances) In the case of IO/IO allele no
4.2.1 ABO blood types terminal transferase enzyme is produced and
therefore called “null” allele and hence cannot
Multiple allele inheritance of ABO blood
add NAG or galactose to the precursor.
From the phenotypic combinations it is
Blood differs chemically from person
evident that the alleles IA and IB are dominant
to person. When two different incompatible
to IO, but co-dominant to each other (IA=IB).
blood types are mixed, agglutination
Their dominance hierarchy can be given
(clumping together) of erythrocytes
as (IA=IB> IO). A child receives one of three
(RBC) occurs. The basis of these chemical
alleles from each parent, giving rise to six
differences is due to the presence of antigens
possible genotypes and four possible blood
(surface antigens) on the membrane of
types (phenotypes). The genotypes are IAIA, IA
RBC and epithelial cells. Karl Landsteiner
discovered two kinds of antigens called
antigen ‘A’ and antigen ‘B’ on the surface
of RBC’s of human blood. Based on the
presence or absence of these antigens three • Antigens similar
kinds of blood groups, type ‘A’, type ‘B’, and to those found among
type ‘O’ (universal donor)were recognized. human beings have been
The fourth and the rarest blood group ‘AB’ recognized in the blood
(universal recipient) was discovered in 1902 of other organisms.
by two of Landsteiner’s students Von De A-type antigens have been found in
Castello and Sturli. Chimpanzees and in Gibbons, A, B and
AB antigen in Orangutans.
Bernstein in 1925 discovered that the
inheritance of different blood groups in • New world monkeys (Platyrrhina) and
human beings is determined by a number Lemurs have a substance similar but
of multiple allelic series. The three not identical with B antigen in humans.
autosomal alleles located on chromosome 9 • Three blood groups have been
are concerned with the determination of distinguished in cats with a genetic
blood group in any person. The gene system similar to those in humans.
controlling blood type has been labelled as
• The secretors (antigens found in the
‘L’ (after the name of the discoverer,
body fluids) can be detected in tears,
Landsteiner) or I (from isoagglutination).
saliva, urine, semen, gastric juice and
The I gene exists in three allelic forms, IA, I B
in the milk of animals.
and IO. IA specifies A antigen. I B allele
Table 4.1 Genetic basis of the human ABO 4.3 Genetic control of Rh factor
blood groups
Fisher and Race hypothesis
Antigens Antibodies Rh factor involves three different pairs of
ABO blood
present on present
Genotype group alleles located on three different closely linked
red blood in blood
phenotype loci on the chromosome pair. This system is
cell plasma
more commonly in use today, and uses the 'Cde'
IAIA Type A A Anti -B nomenclature.
C or c C or c
IAIo Type A A Anti -B
its father. The Rh negative mother becomes organisms. The chromosomes other than the
sensitized by carrying Rh positive foetus within sex chromosomes of an individual are called
her body. Due to damage of blood vessels, autosomes. Sex chromosomes may be similar
during child birth, the mother’s immune (homomorphic) in one sex and dissimilar
system recognizes the Rh antigens and gets (heteromorphic) in the other. Individuals
sensitized. The sensitized mother produces Rh having homomorphic sex chromosomes
antibodies. The antibodies are IgG type which produce only one type of gametes
are small and can cross placenta and enter the (homogametic) whereas heteromorphic
foetal circulation. By the time the mother gets individuals produce two types of gametes
sensitized and produce anti ‘D’ antibodies, the (heterogametic).
child is delivered.
Usually no effects are associated with Y CHROMOSOME
exposure of the mother to Rh positive antigen The human Y chromosome
during the first child birth, subsequent Rh is only 60 Mb in size with
positive children carried by the same mother, 60 functional genes whereas
may be exposed to antibodies produced by X chromosomes are 165 Mb in size with
the mother against Rh antigen, which are about 1,000 genes.
carried across the placenta into the foetal
blood circulation. This causes haemolysis of Chromosomal basis of sex
foetal RBCs resulting in haemolytic jaundice determination
and anaemia. This condition is known as Heterogametic Sex
Erythoblastosis foetalis or Haemolytic Determination:
disease of the new born (HDN). In heterogametic sex
Prevention of Erythroblastosis foetalis determination one of the
If the mother is Rh negative and foetus sexes produces similar
is Rh positive, anti D antibodies should be gametes and the other
administered to the mother at 28th and 34th sex produces dissimilar gametes. The sex of
week of gestation as a prophylactic measure. the offspring is determined at the time of
If the Rh negative mother delivers Rh fertilization.
positive child then anti D antibodies should Heterogametic Males
be administered to the mother soon after In this method of sex determination the
delivery. This develops passive immunity and males are heterogametic producing dissimilar
prevents the formation of anti D antibodies in gametes while females are homogametic
the mothers blood by destroying the Rh foetal producing similar gametes. It is of two kinds
RBC before the mother’s immune system is XX-XO type (e.g. Bugs, cockroaches and
sensitized. This has to be done whenever the grasshoppers) and XX-XY type (e.g. Human
woman attains pregnancy. beings and Drosophila).
4.4 Sex Determination Heterogametic Females
Sex determination is the method by In this method of sex determination the
which the distinction between male and females are heterogametic producing dissimilar
female is established in a species. Sex gametes while males are homogametic
chromosomes determine the sex of the producing similar gametes. To avoid
individual in dioecious or unisexual confusion with the XX-XO and XX-XY types
of sex determination, the alphabets ‘Z’ and ‘W’ Y chromosome is referred as the Non -
are used here instead of X and Y respectively. combining Region of the Y (NRY). The
Heterogametic females are of two types, NRY is divided equally into functional genes
ZO-ZZ type (eg. Moths, butterflies and (euchromatic) and non functional genes
domestic chickens) and ZW-ZZ type (heterochromatic). Within the euchromatin
(eg. Gypsy moth, fishes, reptiles and birds). regions, is a gene called Sex determining
region Y (SRY). In humans, absence of
Sex determination in human beings
Y chromosome inevitably leads to female
Genes determining sex in human beings
development and this SRY gene is absent in
are located on two sex chromosomes, called
X chromosome. The gene product of SRY is
allosomes. In mammals, sex determination
the testes determining factor (TDF) present
is associated with chromosomal differences
in the adult male testis.
between the two sexes, typically XX
females and XY males. 23 pairs of human
chromosomes include 22 pairs of autosomes 4.4.1 Genic balance in Drosophila
(44AA) and one pair of sex chromosomes Genic balance mechanisms of sex
(XX or XY). Females are homogametic determination in Drosophila was first studied
producing only one type of gamete (egg), by C.B. Bridges. In Drosophila, the presence
each containing one X chromosome while of Y chromosome is essential for the fertility
the males are heterogametic producing two of male sex, but does not determine the male
types of sperms with X and Y chromosomes. sex. The gene for femaleness is located on the
An independently evolved XX: XY system of X chromosome and those for maleness are
sex chromosomes also exist in Drosophila located on the autosomes. When geneticist
(Fig. 4.2). C.B. Bridges, working with Drosophila, crossed
a triploid (3n) female with a normal male, he
Male Female
Parents (Heterogametic)
44AA + XY
44AA + XX
observed many combinations of autosomes
Gametes Sperms Ova and sex chromosomes in the offspring. From
(22A+X) (22A+Y) (22A+X) (22A+X)
his results Bridges in 1921 suggested that sex
in Drosophila is determined by the balance
between the genes for femaleness located on
(44AA+XX) (44AA+XX)
the X chromosomes and those for maleness
(44AA+XY) (44AA+XY)
Progeny (F1) (Female) (Female) (Male) (Male)
Table: 4.2 Bridges classical cross of a triploid (X/A = 0.33) and metafemales (X/A=1.50) are
(3A+XXX) female fly and a diploid (2A+XY) usually very weak and sterile.
male fly A sex–switch gene in Drosophila directs
female development. This gene, sex–lethal
Triploid Diploid (SxL) located on the X chromosome, has
Parent 3A + XXX 2A + XY two states of activity. When it is ‘on’ it directs
Gametes (2A + XX) (A + X) (A + X) (A + Y) female development and when it is ‘off ’
(2A + X) (A + XX) maleness ensures. Other genes located on the
A+X A+Y X chromosome and autosomes regulate this
2A+XX 3A + XXX 3A + XXY sex-switch gene. However, the Y- chromosome
Triploid Female Triploid Intersex of Drosophila is required for male fertility.
3A + XX 3A + XY Gynandromorphs
2A+X Triploid Intersex Super Male These individuals have parts of their
body expressing male characters and other
2A + XXX 2A + XXY
parts of the body expressing female characters.
A+XX Super female Diploid Female
The organism is made up of tissues of male
2A + XX 2A + XY
and female genotype and represents a mosaic
A+X Diploid Female Diploid Male
• X-Chromosome was discovered by
4.4.2 Dosage compensation -
Henking (1891) Barr body
• Y-Chromosome was discovered by In 1949, Barr and Bertram first observed a
Stevens (1902) condensed body in the nerve cells of female cat
which was absent in the male. This condensed
When the X : A ratio is 1.00 as in a normal body was called sex chromatin by them and
female, or greater than 1.00, the organism is a was later referred as Barr body. In the XY
female. When this ratio is 0.50 as in a normal chromosomal system of sex determination,
male or less than 0.50 the organism is a male. males have only one X chromosome, whereas
At 0.67, the organism is an intersex. metamales females have two. A question arises: how
Table: 4.3 Different doses of X chromosomes and autosome sets and
their effect on sex determination in Drosophila`
Number of X
Number of chromosome
Number of ‘X’
Phenotype Autosome sets Sex Index =
Chromosomes (X) Number of
autosome sets
Meta female / Super female 3 2 3/2 = 1.5
Tetraploid 4 4 4/4 = 1.0
Triploid 3 3 3/3 = 1.0
Diploid 2 2 2/2 = 1.0
Haploid 1 1 1/1 = 1.0
Inter sex 2 3 2/3 = 0.67
Normal male 1 2
½ = 0.50
Meta male / Super male 1 3 1/3 = 0.33
does the organism compensate for this dosage 4.5 Sex Linked Inheritance
differences between the sexes? In mammals the The inheritance of a trait that is
necessary dosage compensation is accomplished determined by a gene located on one of the sex
by the inactivation of one of the X chromosome chromosomes is called sex linked inheritance.
in females so that both males and females have Genes present on the differential region of
only one functional X chromosome per cell. X or Y chromosomes are called sex linked
Mary Lyon suggested that Barr bodies genes. The genes present in the differential
represented an inactive chromosome, which region of X chromosome are called
in females becomes tightly coiled into a X linked genes. The X–linked genes have no
heterochromatin, a condensed and visible form corresponding alleles in the Y chromosome.
of chromatin (Lyon’s hypothesis). The number The genes present in the differential region
of Barr bodies observed in cell was one less than of Y chromosome are called Y- linked or
the number of X-Chromosome. XO females holandric genes. The Y linked genes have no
have no Barr body, whereas XXY males have corresponding allele in X chromosome. The
one Barr body. Y linked genes inherit along with
Y chromosome and they phenotypically express
• The number of Barr bodies follows only in the male sex. Sex linked inherited
N-1 rule (N minus one rule), where N traits are more common in males than females
is the total number of X chromosomes because, males are hemizygous and therefore
present. express the trait when they inherit one mutant
allele. The X – linked and Y – linked genes
Haplodiploidy in Honeybees in the differential region (non–homologus
In hymenopteran insects such as region) do not undergo pairing or crossing
honeybees, ants and wasps a mechanism of sex over during meiosis. The inheritance of X or
determination called haplodiploidy mechanism Y linked genes is called sex-linked inheritance.
of sex determination is common. In this
4.5.1 Inheritance of X - linked genes
system, the sex of the offspring is determined
Red-green colour blindness or daltonism,
by the number of sets of chromosomes it
haemophilia and Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
receives. Fertilized eggs develop into females
are examples of X-linked gene inheritance in
(Queen or Worker) and unfertilized eggs
develop into males (drones) by parthenogenesis.
It means that the males have half the number of 1. Haemophilia
chromosomes (haploid) and the females have Haemophilia is commonly known as
double the number (diploid), hence the name bleeder’s disease, which is more common in
haplodiplody for this system of sex determination. men than women. This hereditary disease
This mode of sex determination facilitates was first reported by John Cotto in 1803.
the evolution of sociality in which only one Haemophilia is caused by a recessive X-linked
diploid female becomes a queen and lays the gene. A person with a recessive gene for
eggs for the colony. All other females which are haemophilia lacks a normal clotting substance
diploid having developed from fertilized eggs (thromboplastin) in blood, hence minor
help to raise the queen’s eggs and so contribute injuries cause continuous bleeding, leading to
to the queen’s reproductive success and death. The females are carriers of the disease
indirectly to their own, a phenomenon known and would transmit the disease to 50% of
as Kin Selection. The queen constructs their their sons even if the male parent is normal.
social environment by releasing a hormone that Haemophilia follows the characteristic
suppresses fertility of the workers. criss - cross pattern of inheritance.
; ; ;F < ) ;F; ;< ;F;F ;F<
is called sex linked inheritance. Haemophilia, 2. ABO blood group in man is controlled by
colourblindness, muscular dystrophy are some a) Multiple alleles
examples for X linked inheritance in human b) Lethal genes
beings. c) Sex linked genes
d) Y-linked genes
Pedigree analysis is the study of traits as
they have appeared in a given family line for 3. Three children of a family have blood
several generations. The genetic disorders are groups A, AB and B. What could be the
of two types- Mendelian and chromosomal. genotypes of their parents?
Alternations or mutation in single gene causes a) IA IB and Io Io b) IA Io and IBIo
Mendelian disorders like, thalassemia, albinism, c) IB IB and IA IA d) IA IA and Io Io
phenylketonuria, and Huntington’s chorea. 4. Which of the following is not correct?
Chromosomal abnormalities arise due to a) Three or more alleles of a trait in the
chromosomal non-disjunction, translocation, population are called multiple alleles.
deletion, duplication and inversion. Downs b) A normal gene undergoes mutations
syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Turner’s to form many alleles.
syndrome and Patau’s syndrome are some of the c) Multiple alleles map at different loci
chromosomal disorders. Downs syndrome is of a chromosome.
due to trisomy of chromosome 21. Presence of d) A diploid organism has only two
trisomic condition of chromosome 13 results in alleles out of many in the population.
Patau’s syndrome. In Turner’s syndrome the sex 5. Which of the following phenotypes in the
chromosome is XO and in Klinefelter’s syndrome progeny are possible from the parental
the condition is XXY. An idiogram refers to a combination AxB?
diagrammatic representation of chromosomes. a) A and B only
The cytoplasmic extra nuclear genes have a b) A,B and AB only
characteristic pattern of inheritance which does c) AB only
not resemble genes of nuclear chromosomes d) A,B,AB and O
and are known as Extrachromosomal/ 6. Which of the following phenotypes is not
Cytoplasmic inheritance. The betterment of possible in the progeny of the parental
genotypic combination IAIO X IAIB?
human race can be achieved by methods like
Eugenics, Euthenics and Euphenics. a) AB b) O
c) A d) B
Evaluation 7. Which of the following is true about
1. Haemophilia is more Rh factor in the offspring of a parental
common in males combination DdxDd (both Rh positive)?
because it is a a) All will be Rh-positive
a) Recessive character b) Half will be Rh positive
carried by Y-chromosome c) About ¾ will be Rh negative
b) D
ominant character carried by d) A
bout one fourth will be Rh
Y-chromosome negative
c) D
ominant trait carried by 8. What can be the blood group of offspring
X-chromosome when both parents have AB blood group?
d) R
ecessive trait carried by a) AB only b) A, B and AB
X-chromosome c) A, B, AB and O d) A and B only
9. If the childs blood group is ‘O’ and fathers 16. Females with Turners’ syndrome have
blood group is ‘A’ and mother’s blood a) Small uterus
group is ‘B’ the genotype of the parents b) Rudimentary ovaries
will be c) Underdeveloped breasts
d) All of these
a) IA IA and IB Io b) IA Io and IB Io
c) IA Io and IoIo d) IoIo and IB IB 17. Pataus’ syndrome is also referred to as
10. XO type of sex determination and XY type a) 13-Trisomy b) 18-Trisomy
of sex determination are examples of c) 21-Trisomy d) None of these
Concept Map
6H[ =2)HPDOH==0DOH
Molecular Genetics 62
to identify the nature of the transforming proteases (an enzyme which destroys protein)
substance responsible for converting a non- did not affect the transformation. Digestion
virulent strain into virulent strain. They with DNase inhibited transformation
observed that the DNA, RNA and proteins suggesting that the DNA caused the
isolated from the heat-killed S-strain transformation. These experiments
when added to R-strain changed their suggested that DNA and not proteins is
surface character from rough to smooth the genetic material. The phenomenon, by
and also made them pathogenic (Fig. 5.1). which DNA isolated from one type of cell
But when the extract was treated with (S – strain), when introduced into another
DNase (an enzyme which destroys DNA) type (R-strain), is able to retain some of the
the transforming ability was lost. RNase properties of the S - strain is referred to as
(an enzyme which destroys RNA) and transformation.
63 Molecular Genetics
5.3 DNA is the genetic material phages (virus) are added to bacteria, they
Many biologists despite the earlier adsorb to the outer surface, some material
experiments of Griffith, Avery and others, enters the bacterium, and then later each
still believed that protein, not DNA, was the bacterium lyses to release a large number of
hereditary material in a cell. As eukaryotic progeny phage. Hershey and Chase wanted to
chromosomes consist of roughly equal observe whether it was DNA or protein that
amounts of protein and DNA, it was said
entered the bacteria. All nucleic acids contain
that only a protein had sufficient chemical
phosphorus, and proteins contain sulphur
diversity and complexity to encode the
(in the amino acid cysteine and methionine).
information required for genetic material.
In 1952, however, the results of the Hershey and Chase designed an experiment
Hershey-Chase experiment finally provided using radioactive isotopes of Sulphur (35S)
convincing evidence that DNA is the genetic and phosphorus (32P) to keep separate track of
material. the viral protein and nucleic acids during the
5.3.1 Hershey and Chase experiment infection process. The phages were allowed
on T2 bacteriophage to infect bacteria in culture medium which
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase (1952) containing the radioactive isotopes 35S or 32P.
conducted experiments on bacteriophages The bacteriophage that grew in the presence of
that infect bacteria. Phage T2 is a virus that 35
S had labelled proteins and bacteriophages
infects the bacterium Escherichia coli. When grown in the presence of 32P had labelled DNA.
Molecular Genetics 64
65 Molecular Genetics
components of adjacent nucleotides are called separated RNA from the protein of TMV
phosphodiester bond (5' 3'), indicating viruses. Three molecular biologists in the early
the polarity of the strand. 1980’s (Leslie Orgel, Francis Brick and Carl
The ends of the DNA or RNA are distinct. Woese) independently proposed the ‘RNA
The two ends are designated by the symbols world’ as the first stage in the evolution of
5' and 3'. The symbol 5' refers to carbon in the life, a stage when RNA catalysed all molecules
sugar to which a phosphate (PO4) functional necessary for survival and replication. The
group is attached. The symbol 3' refers to term ‘RNA world’ first used by Walter Gilbert
carbon in the sugar to which hydroxyl (OH) in 1986, hypothesizes RNA as the first genetic
functional group is attached. In RNA, every material on earth. There is now enough
nucleotide residue has an additional –OH evidence to suggest that essential life processes
group at 2' position in the ribose. (such as metabolism, translation, splicing etc.,)
Understanding the 5' 3' direction of a evolved around RNA. RNA has the ability to act
nucleic acid is critical for understanding the as both genetic material and catalyst. There are
aspects of replication and transcription. several biochemical reactions in living systems
that are catalysed by RNA. This catalytic
Based on the X - ray diffraction analysis of
RNA is known as ribozyme. But, RNA being
Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, the
a catalyst was reactive and hence unstable.
double helix model for DNA was proposed by
This led to evolution of a more stable form of
James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. The
DNA, with certain chemical modifications.
highlight was the base pairing between the
Since DNA is a double stranded molecule
two strands of the polynucleotide chain. This
having complementary strand, it has resisted
proposition was based on the observations
changes by evolving a process of repair. Some
of Erwin Chargaff that Adenine pairs with
RNA molecules function as gene regulators by
Thymine (A = T) with two hydrogen bonds
binding to DNA and affect gene expression.
and Guanine pairs with Cytosine (G ≡ C)
Some viruses use RNA as the genetic material.
with three hydrogen bonds. The ratios
Andrew Fire and Craig Mellow (recipients of
between Adenine with Thymine and Guanine
Nobel Prize in 2006) were of the opinion that
with Cytosine are constant and equal. The
RNA is an active ingredient in the chemistry of
base pairing confers a unique property to
life. The types of RNA and their role have been
the polynucleotide chain. They are said to be
discussed in class XI.
complementary to each other, that is, if the
sequence of bases in one strand (template) is
known, then the sequence in the other strand
5.6 Properties of genetic material
can be predicted. The salient features of DNA The experiment by Hershey and Chase
structure has already been dealt in class XI. clearly indicates that it is DNA that acts
as a genetic material. However, in some
5.5 RNA world viruses like Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV),
A typical cell contains about ten times as bacteriophage θB, RNA acts as the genetic
much RNA as DNA. The high RNA content material. A molecule that can act as a genetic
is mainly due to the variety of roles played by material should have the following properties:
RNA in the cell. Fraenkel-Conrat and Singer S elf Replication: It should be able to
(1957) first demonstrated that RNA is the replicate. According to the rule of base
genetic material in RNA containing viruses pairing and complementarity, both nucleic
like TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) and they acids (DNA and RNA) have the ability to
Molecular Genetics 66
direct duplications. Proteins fail to fulfill RNA genome with shorter life span can
this criteria. mutate and evolve faster.
• Stability: It should be stable structurally and The above discussion indicates that both
chemically. The genetic material should be RNA and DNA can function as a genetic
stable enough not to change with different material. DNA is more stable, and is preferred
stages of life cycle, age or with change in for storage of genetic information.
physiology of the organism. Stability as one
of property of genetic material was clearly 5.7 Packaging of DNA helix
evident in Griffith’s transforming principle.
The distance between two consecutive
Heat which killed the bacteria did not
base pairs is 0.34nm (0.34×10-9m) of the
destroy some of the properties of genetic
DNA double helix in a typical mammalian
material. In DNA the two strands being
cell. When the total number of base pairs is
complementary, if separated (denatured) by
multiplied with the distance between two
heating can come together (renaturation)
consecutive base pairs (6.6 × 109 × 0.34 ×10-9
when appropriate condition is provided.
m/bp), the length of DNA double helix is
Further 2' OH group present at every
approximately 2.2 m. (The total length of the
nucleotide in RNA is a reactive
group that makes RNA liable and $
easily degradable. RNA is also
known to be catalytic and reactive.
Hence, DNA is chemically more
stable and chemically less reactive
when compared to RNA. Presence 1XFOHRVRPH
of thymine instead of uracil in
+$ +% + +
DNA confers additional stability
to DNA. /LQNHU'1$
% +
can directly code for protein '
synthesis and can easily express
the characters. DNA, however
depends on RNA for synthesis
of proteins. Both DNA and RNA
can act as a genetic material, but
DNA being more stable stores
the genetic information and RNA '1$
transfers the genetic information. +$+%+
• Variation through mutation: It
should be able to mutate. Both
DNA and RNA are able to mutate. Fig. 5.3 Condensation of DNA - A - DNA, B-Nucleosomes
RNA being unstable, mutates at a and Histones, C- Chromatin fiber, D- Coiled
faster rate. Thus viruses having chromatin fiber, E- Coiled coil, F- metaphase chromatid
67 Molecular Genetics
double helical DNA = total number of base off by an H1 molecule. Chromatin lacking
pairs × distance between two consecutive H1 has a beads-on-a-string appearance in
base pairs). If the length of E. coli DNA is which DNA enters and leaves the nucleosomes
1.36 mm, the number of base pairs in E. coli is at random places. H1 of one nucleosome
4 × 106 bp (1.36 × 103 m / 0.34 ×10-9). The can interact with H1 of the neighbouring
length of the DNA double helix is far greater nucleosomes resulting in the further folding
than the dimension of a typical mammalian of the fibre. The chromatin fiber in interphase
nucleus (approximately 10-6 m). How is such a nuclei have a diameter of 700 nm and
long DNA polymer packaged in a cell? represents inactive chromatin. 30 nm fibre
Chromosomes are carriers of genes which arises from the folding of nucleosome,
are responsible for various characters from chains into a solenoid structure having
generation to generation. Du Praw (1965) six nucleosomes per turn. This structure is
proposed a single stranded model (unineme), stabilized by interaction between different
as a long coiled molecule which is associated H1 molecules. DNA is a solenoid and packed
with histone proteins in eukaryotes. Plants about 40 folds. The hierarchical nature
and animals have more DNA than bacteria of chromosome structure is illustrated in
and must fold this DNA to fit into the cell (Fig. 5.3). Additional set of proteins are
nucleus. In prokaryotes such as E. coli though required for packing of chromatin at higher
they do not have defined nucleus, the DNA level and are referred to as non-histone
is not scattered throughout the cell. DNA chromosomal proteins (NHC). In a typical
(being negatively charged) is held with some nucleus, some regions of chromatin are
proteins (that have positive charges) in a loosely packed (lightly stained) and are
region called the nucleoid. The DNA as a referred to as euchromatin. The chromatin
nucleoid is organized into large loops held that is tightly packed (stained darkly) is
by protein. DNA of prokaryotes is almost called heterochromatin. Euchromatin is
circular and lacks chromatin organization, transcriptionally active and heterochromatin
hence termed genophore. is transcriptionally inactive.
In eukaryotes, this organization is much more
complex. Chromatin is formed by a series of 5.8 DNA Replication
repeating units called nucleosomes. Kornberg Replication of DNA takes place during the
proposed a model for the nucleosome, in which S phase of cell cycle. During replication, each
2 molecules of the four histone proteins H2A, DNA molecule gives rise to two DNA strands,
H2B, H3 and H4 are organized to form a unit of identical to each other as well as to the parent
eight molecules called histone octamere. The strand. Three hypotheses of DNA replication
negatively charged DNA is wrapped around have been proposed. They are conservative
the positively charged histone octamere to replication, dispersive replication, and semi-
form a structure called nucleosome. A typical conservative replication.
nucleosome contains 200 bp of DNA helix. In conservative replication, the original
The histone octameres are in close contact and double helix serves as a template. The original
DNA is coiled on the outside of nucleosome. molecule is preserved intact and an entirely
Neighbouring nucleosomes are connected by new double stranded molecule is synthesized.
linker DNA (H1) that is exposed to enzymes. In dispersive replication, the original molecule
The DNA makes two complete turns around the is broken into fragments and each fragment
histone octameres and the two turns are sealed serves as a template for the synthesis of
Molecular Genetics 68
3' 5'
mechanism of replication is based on the
DNA model. They suggested that the two
C G polynucleotide strands of DNA molecule
Parent unwind and start separating at one end.
C G During this process, covalent hydrogen bonds
G C are broken. The separated single strand then
acts as template for the synthesis of a new
C G strand. Subsequently, each daughter double
C G helix carries one polynucleotide strand from
the parent molecule that acts as a template
Parental Parental and the other strand is newly synthesised
strand A T strand and complementary to the parent strand
C 3' 5' C
(Fig. 5.4).
5.8.1 Experimental proof of
T A DNA replication
The mode of DNA replication was
T A determined in 1958 by Meselson and Stahl.
They designed an experiment to distinguish
5' 3' between semi conservative, conservative and
dispersive replications. In their experiment,
strands they grew two cultures of E.coli for many
generations in separate media. The ‘heavy’
Fig. 5.4 Semiconservative DNA replication culture was grown in a medium in which
complementary fragments. Finally two new the nitrogen source (NH4Cl) contained the
molecules are formed which consist of both heavy isotope 15N and the ‘light’ culture was
old and new fragments. grown in a medium in which the nitrogen
Semi-conservative replication was source contained light isotope 14N for many
proposed by Watson and Crick in 1953. This generations. At the end of growth, they
Generation I Generation II
15 14
N-DNA 15
20 min 40 min N-DNA
Gravitational force N-DNA
15 15 14 15 14 14 14 15
Heavy Hybrid Light Hybrid
Fig. 5.5 Meselson and Stahl experiment to support semiconservative mode of DNAreplication
69 Molecular Genetics
observed that the bacterial DNA in the heavy replication errors are corrected by repair
culture contained only 15N and in the light enzymes such as nucleases. Deoxy nucleoside
culture only 14N. The heavy DNA could be triphosphate acts as substrate and also provides
distinguished from light DNA (15N from 14N) energy for polymerization reaction.
with a technique called Cesium Chloride Replication begins at the initiation site called
(CsCl) density gradient centrifugation. In the site of ‘origin of replication’ (ori). In
this process, heavy and light DNA extracted prokaryotes, there is only one origin of
from cells in the two cultures settled into two replication, whereas in eukaryotes with giant
distinct and separate bands (hybrid DNA) DNA molecules, there can be several origins of
(Fig. 5.5). replication (replicons). Since the two strands of
The heavy culture (15N) was then transferred DNA cannot be separated throughout at a time
into a medium that had only NH4Cl, and took (due to large requirement of energy) the
samples at various definite time intervals replication occurs within a small opening of the
(20 minutes duration). After the first replication, DNA helix called as replication fork. Unwinding
they extracted DNA and subjected it to density of the DNA strand is carried out by DNA
gradient centrifugation. The DNA settled helicase. Thus, in one strand (template strand
into a band that was intermediate in position with polarity 3' 5') the replication is
between the previously determined heavy continuous and is known as the leading strand
and light bands. After the second replication while in the other strand (coding strand with
(40 minutes duration), they again extracted polarity 5' 3') replication is discontinuous,
DNA samples, and this time found the DNA known as the lagging strand (Fig. 5.6). The
settling into two bands, one at the light band discontinuously synthesized fragments of the
position and one at intermediate position. lagging strand (called the Okazaki fragments)
These results confirm Watson and Crick’s semi are joined by the enzyme DNA ligase.
conservative replication hypothesis.
Molecular Genetics 70
As they move away in both directions, newly of information is reversed. RNA synthesizes
synthesized complementary nucleotides are DNA by reverse transcription, then transcribed
paired with the existing nucleotides on the into mRNA by transcription and then into
parent strand and covalently bonded together proteins by translation.
by DNA polymerase. Formation of new strand For a cell to operate, its genes must be
requires a primer (a short stretch of RNA)for expressed. This means that the gene products,
initiation. The primer produces a 3'-OH end on whether proteins or RNA molecules must be
the sequence of ribonucleotides, to which deoxy made. The RNA that carries genetic information
ribonucleotides are added. The RNA primer is encoding a protein from genes into the cell is
ultimately removed leaving a gap in the newly known as messenger RNA (mRNA). For a gene
synthesized DNA strand. It is removed from to be transcribed, the DNA which is a double
5' end one by one by the exonuclease activity helix must be pulled apart temporarily, and
of DNA polymerase. Finally, when all the RNA is synthesized by RNA polymerase. This
nucleotides are in position, gaps are sealed by enzyme binds to DNA at the start of a gene and
the enzyme DNA ligase. opens the double helix. Finally, RNA molecule
is synthesized. The nucleotide sequence in the
At the point of origin of replication, the RNA is complementary to the DNA template
helicases and topoisomerases (DNA gyrase) strand from which it is synthesized.
unwind and pull apart the strands, forming a
Both the strands of DNA are not copied
Y-Shaped structure called the replication fork.
during transcription for two reasons. 1. If both
There are two replication forks at each origin.
the strands act as a template, they would code
The two strands of a DNA helix have an
for RNA with different sequences. This in turn
antiparallel orientation. The enzyme DNA
would code for proteins with different amino
polymerase can only catalyse the addition of a
acid sequences. This would result in one segment
nucleotide to the new strands in the 5' 3'
of DNA coding for two different proteins, hence
direction, as it can only add nucleotides to the complicate the genetic information transfer
3' carbon position. machinery. 2. If two RNA molecules were
produced simultaneously, double stranded RNA
5.9 Transcription complementary to each other would be formed.
Francis Crick proposed the Central dogma This would prevent RNA from being translated
of protein synthesis in molecular biology into proteins.
states that genetic information flows as
5.9.1 Transcription unit and gene
A transcriptional unit in DNA is defined by
three regions, a promoter, the structural gene
and a terminator. The promoter is located
towards the 5' end of the coding strand. It is a
DNA sequence that provides binding site for
RNA polymerase. The presence of promoter
in a transcription unit, defines the template
The process of copying genetic information and coding strands. The terminator region
from one strand of DNA into RNA is located towards the 3' end of the coding strand
termed transcription. This process takes contains a DNA sequence that causes the RNA
place in presence of DNA dependent RNA polymerase to stop transcribing. In eukaryotes
polymerase. In some retroviruses that contain the promoter has AT rich regions called
RNA as the genetic material (e.g, HIV), the flow TATA box (Goldberg-Hogness box) and in
71 Molecular Genetics
Molecular Genetics 72
3' 3'
5' 5'
Promoter σ RNA polymerase DNA helix
Sigma factor
In Eukaryotes, there are at
Elongation least three RNA polymerases
in the nucleus (in addition
to RNA polymerase found
5' 3' in the organelles). There is
RNA σ a clear division of labour.
The RNA polymerase I
Termination transcribes rRNAs (28S, 18S
3' 5'
and 5.8S), whereas the RNA
polymerase III is responsible
5' 3'
for transcription of tRNA,
Rho factor ρ 5S rRNA and snRNA.
RNA The RNA polymerase
RNA Polymerase II transcribes precursor
Fig. 5. 8 Process of transcription in prokaryotes of mRNA, the
hnRNA (heterogenous nuclear RNA). In
elongation and termination? The RNA eukaryotes, the monocistronic structural
polymerase is only capable of catalyzing the genes have interrupted coding sequences
process of elongation. The RNA polymerase known as exons (expressed sequences) and non-
associates transiently with initiation factor sigma coding sequences called introns (intervening
(σ) and termination factor rho (r) to initiate sequences). The introns are removed by a process
and terminate the transcription, respectively. called splicing. hnRNA undergoes additional
Association of RNA with these factors processing called capping and tailing. In capping
instructs the RNA polymerase either to initiate an unusual nucleotide, methyl guanosine
or terminate the process of transcription triphosphate is added at the 5' end, whereas
(Fig. 5.8). adenylate residues (200-300) (Poly A) are added
at the 3' end in tailing (Fig. 5.9). Thereafter,
In bacteria, since the mRNA does not
this processed hnRNA, now called mRNA is
require any processing to become active
transported out of the nucleus for translation.
and also since transcription and translation
take place simultaneously in the same The split gene feature of eukaryotic genes
compartment (since there is no separation of is almost entirely absent in prokaryotes.
cytosol and nucleus in bacteria), many times Originally each exon may have coded for
the translation can begin much before the a single polypeptide chain with a specific
mRNA is fully transcribed. This is because function. Since exon arrangement and intron
the genetic material is not separated from removal are flexible, the exon coding for
other cell organelles by a nuclear membrane these polypeptide subunits act as domains
consequently; transcription and translation combining in various ways to form new genes.
can be coupled in bacteria. Single genes can produce different functional
73 Molecular Genetics
Molecular Genetics 74
88*/HX//HXFLQH *
75 Molecular Genetics
DNA point mutation can lead to a different amino acid sequence Phenotype
Molecular Genetics 76
example of point mutation that results in the as amino acyl binding loop, anticodon loop
change of amino acid residue glutamic acid to and ribosomal binding loop at their ends.
valine (Fig. 5.10). The mutant haemoglobin In addition it also shows a small lump called
undergoes polymerisation under oxygen variable loop or extra arm. The amino acid
tension causing the change in the shape of is attached to one end (amino acid acceptor
the RBC from biconcave to a sickle shaped end) and the other end consists of three
structure. anticodon nucleotides. The anticodon pairs
with a codon in mRNA ensuring that the
The effect of point mutation can be
correct amino acid is incorporated into the
understood by the following example.
growing polypeptide chain. Four different
ABC DEF GHI JKL regions of double-stranded RNA are formed
during the folding process. Modified bases
If we insert a letter O between DEF are especially common in tRNA. Wobbling
and GHI the arrangement would be between anticodon and codon allows some
ABC DEF OGH IJK L tRNA molecules to read more than one codon.
The process of addition of amino acid
If we insert OQ at the same place the to tRNA is known as aminoacylation or
arrangement would be charging and the resultant product is called
aminoacyl- tRNA (charged tRNA). Without
aminoacylation tRNA is known as uncharged
The above information shows that insertion tRNA (Fig. 5.12). If two such tRNAs are
or deletion of one or two bases, changes the brought together peptide bond formation is
reading frame from the point of insertions or favoured energetically. Numbers of amino
deletions. Such mutations are referred to as acids are joined by peptide bonds to form a
frame shift insertion or deletion mutations. polypeptide chain. This aminoacylation is
This forms the genetic basis of proof that codon $PLQRDFLG
is a triplet and is read in a continuous manner DWWDFKHGKHUH
5.11. tRNA – the adapter molecule & HQG
8 $ 6WHP
The transfer RNA, (tRNA) molecule of a & *
* &
cell acts as a vehicle that picks up the amino & *
$ 8
acids scattered through the cytoplasm and 8 $
& * 7ORRS 7\&
also reads specific codes of mRNA molecules. 'ORRS '+8 $ 8 8
Hence it is called an adapter molecule. This ' * $ & 8 & * $8 *$ & $& & $
& *
term was postulated by Francis Crick. * & 8* 8* 7 \ &
* ' $ * $ * &8 &
The two dimensional clover leaf model of
tRNA was proposed by Robert Holley. The * & *
secondary structure of tRNA depicted in & *
Fig. 5.11 looks like a clover leaf. In actual $ \
& $
structure, the tRNA is a compact molecule 8 < $QWLFRGRQORRS
*$ $
which looks like an inverted L. The clover
leaf model of tRNA shows the presence of $QWLFRGRQ
three arms namely DHU arm, middle arm Fig. 5.11 Holley’s two-dimensional clover
and TΨC arm. These arms have loops such leaf model of transfer RNA
77 Molecular Genetics
Molecular Genetics 78
79 Molecular Genetics
Molecular Genetics 80
step 6). An additional amino acid is added to the is expressed. We now consider the most
growing polypeptide, each time mRNA advances fundamental issues in molecular genetics.
through the ribosome. Once a polypeptide chain How is genetic expression regulated? Evidence
is assembled, it emerges out from the base of the in support of the idea that genes can be turned
large subunit (Fig. 5.13 c). on and off is very convincing. Regulation of
Termination is the final phase of translation. gene expression has been extensively studied
Termination of protein synthesis occurs when in prokaryotes, especially in E. coli. Gene
one of the three stop codons appears in the expression can be controlled or regulated
‘A’ site of the ribosome. The terminal codon at transcriptional or post transcriptional or
signals the action of GTP – dependent release translational level. Here, we are going to discuss
factor, which cleaves the polypeptide chain regulation of gene expression at transcriptional
from the terminal tRNA releasing it from level. Usually, small extracellular or intracellular
the translational complex (step 1). The tRNA metabolites trigger initiation or inhibition
is then released from the ribosome, which of gene expression. The clusters of gene with
then dissociates into its subunits (step 2) related functions are called operons. They
(Fig. 5.13 d). usually transcribe single mRNA molecules.
In E.coli, nearly 260 genes are grouped into
75 different operons.
81 Molecular Genetics
operator site (o). Besides these, it Fig. 5.14 Lac Operon model
has three structural genes namely to the promotor site and transcribe the operon
lac z,y and lac a. The lac ‘z’ gene codes for to produce lac mRNA which enables formation
β-galactosidase, lac ‘y’ gene codes for permease of all the required enzymes needed for lactose
and ‘a’ gene codes for transacetylase. metabolism (Fig. 5.14). This regulation of
Jacob and Monod proposed the classical model lac operon by the repressor is an example of
of Lac operon to explain gene expression and negative control of transcription initiation. Lac
regulation in E.coli. In lac operon, a polycistronic operon is also under the control of positive
structural gene is regulated by a common regulation as well.
promoter and regulatory gene. When the cell is
using its normal energy source as glucose, the
5.14 Human Genome
‘i’ gene transcribes a repressor mRNA and after
Project (HGP)
The international human genome project
its translation, a repressor protein is produced.
was launched in the year 1990. It was a mega
It binds to the operator region of the operon and
project and took 13 years to complete. The
prevents transcription, as a result, β-galactosidase
human genome is about 25 times larger than the
is not produced. In the absence of glucose, if
genome of any organism sequenced to date and
lactose is available as an energy source for the
is the first vertebrate genome to be completed.
bacteria then lactose enters the cell as a result of
Human genome is said to have approximately
permease enzyme. Lactose acts as an inducer and
3×109 bp. HGP was closely associated with the
interacts with the repressor to inactivate it.
rapid development of a new area in biology
The repressor protein binds to the operator called bioinformatics.
of the operon and prevents RNA polymerase
from transcribing the operon. In the presence 5.14.1 Goals and methodologies of
of inducer, such as lactose or allolactose, the Human Genome Project
repressor is inactivated by interaction with the The main goals of Human Genome Project
inducer. This allows RNA polymerase to bind are as follows
Molecular Genetics 82
• Identify all the genes (approximately 30000) sequences, called microsatellites. The
in human DNA. latest method of sequencing even longer
• Determine the sequence of the three billion fragments is by a method called Shotgun
chemical base pairs that makeup the human sequencing using super computers, which
DNA. has replaced the traditional sequencing
• To store this information in databases. methods.
• Improve tools for data analysis.
5.14.2 Salient features of Human
• Transfer related technologies to other Genome Project:
sectors, such as industries.
• The human genome contains 3 billion
• Address the ethical, legal and social issues
nucleotide bases.
(ELSI) that may arise from the project.
• An average gene consists of 3000 bases,
The methodologies of the Human Genome
the largest known human gene being
Project involved two major approaches.
dystrophin with 2.4 million bases.
One approach was focused on identifying
all the genes that are expressed as RNA • The chromosomal organization of human
(EST S – Expressed Sequence Tags). The genes shows diversity.
other approach was sequence annotation.
• Approximately 30,000 genes are present
Here, sequencing the whole set of genome
in human genome and almost 99.9
was taken, that contains all the coding and
nucleotide bases are exactly the same in
non-coding sequences and later assigning
all people.
different regions in the sequences with
functions. For sequencing, the total DNA • Functions for over 50 percent of the
from a cell is isolated and converted into discovered genes are unknown.
random fragments of relatively smaller sizes
• Less than 2 percent of the genome codes
and cloned in suitable hosts using specialized
for proteins.
vectors. This cloning results in amplification
of pieces of DNA fragments so that it could • Repeated sequences make up very large
subsequently be sequenced with ease. portion of the human genome. Repetitive
Bacteria and yeast are two commonly used sequences have no direct coding functions
hosts and these vectors are called as BAC but they shed light on chromosome
(Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes) and structure, dynamics and evolution
YAC (Yeast Artificial Chromosomes). The (genetic diversity).
fragments are sequenced using automated
• Chromosome 1 has 2968 genes whereas
DNA sequencers (developed by Frederick
chromosome Y has 231 genes.
Sanger). The sequences are then arranged
based on few overlapping regions, using • Scientists have identified about
specialized computer based programs. These 1.4 million locations where single
sequences were subsequently annotated base DNA differences (SNPs – Single
and are assigned to each chromosome. nucleotidepolymorphism – pronounce as
The genetic and physical maps on the ‘snips’) occur in humans. Identification of
genome are assigned using information on ‘SNIPS’ is helpful in finding chromosomal
polymorphism of restriction endonuclease locations for disease associated sequences
recognition sites and some repetitive DNA and tracing human history.
83 Molecular Genetics
Molecular Genetics 84
2 Chromosome 7 Chromosome 7
Chromosome 2 Chromosome 2
Chromosome 16 Chromosome 16
85 Molecular Genetics
7. Using probes to identify specific DNA dark bands form a pattern of bars which
A radioactive probe (DNA labeled with constitutes a genetic fingerprint.
a radioactive substance) is added to the
DNA bands. The probe attaches by base Application of DNA finger printing
pairing to those restriction fragments • Forensic analysis - It can be used in the
that are complementary to its sequence. identification of a person involved in
The probes can also be prepared by using criminal activities, for settling paternity
either ‘fluorescent substance’ or ‘radioactive or maternity disputes, and in determining
isotopes’. relationships for immigration purposes.
• Pedigree analysis – inheritance pattern
8. Hybridization with probe of genes through generations and for
After the probe hybridizes and the excess detecting inherited diseases.
probe washed off, a photographic film is
• Conservation of wild life – protection of
placed on the membrane containing ‘DNA
endangered species. By maintaining DNA
records for identification of tissues of the
9. Exposure on film to make a genetic/DNA dead endangered organisms.
Fingerprint • Anthropological studies–It is useful
The radioactive label exposes the film to form in determining the origin and migration
an image (image of bands) corresponding of human populations and genetic
to specific DNA bands. The thick and thin diversities.
Molecular Genetics 86
87 Molecular Genetics
from these cells is ultracentrifuged in a 9. Which of the following statements is not true
cesium chloride density gradient. What about DNA replication in eukaryotes?
density distribution of DNA would you (a) Replication begins at a single origin of
expect in this experiment? replication.
(a) One high and one low density band. (b)
Replication is bidirectional from the
(b) One intermediate density band. origins.
(c) One high and one intermediate density (c) Replication occurs at about 1 million
band. base pairs per minute.
(d) One low and one intermediate density (d) There are numerous different bacterial
band. chromosomes, with replication
ocurring in each at the same time.
6. What is the basis for the difference in the
synthesis of the leading and lagging strand 10.
The first codon to be deciphered was
of DNA molecules? __________ which codes for ________.
(a) Origin of replication occurs only at the 5' (a) AAA, proline (b) GGG, alanine
end of the molecules. (c) UUU, Phenylalanine (d)TTT, arginine
(b) DNA ligase works only in the 3' → 5'
direction. 11. Meselson and Stahl’s experiment proved
DNA polymerase can join new (a)Transduction
nucleotides only to the 3' end of the (b) Transformation
growing stand. (c) DNA is the genetic material
(d) Helicases and single-strand binding (d)
Semi-conservative nature of DNA
proteins that work at the 5' end. replication
12. Ribosomes are composed of two subunits;
7. Which of the following is the correct sequence
the smaller subunit of a ribosome has a
of event with reference to the central dogma?
binding site for _________ and the larger
(a) Transcription, Translation, Replication
subunit has two binding sites for two
(b) Transcription, Replication, Translation __________. (mRNA, tRNA)
(c) Duplication, Translation, Transcription
13. An operon is a:
(d) Replication, Transcription,
(a) Protein that suppresses gene expression
(b) Protein that accelerates gene expression
8. Which of the following statements about (c) Cluster of structural genes with related
DNA replication is not correct? function
(d) Gene that switched other genes on or off
(a) Unwinding of DNA molecule occurs as
hydrogen bonds break. 14. When lactose is present in the culture
(b) Replication occurs as each base is medium:
paired with another exactly like it. (a) Transcription of lac y, lac z, lac a genes
(c) Process is known as semi conservative occurs.
replication because one old strand is (b) Repressor is unable to bind to the
conserved in the new molecule. operator.
(d) Complementary base pairs are held (c) Repressor is able to bind to the operator.
together with hydrogen bonds. (d) Both (a) and (b) are correct.
Molecular Genetics 88
15. Give reasons: Genetic code is ‘universal’. 27. Why tRNA is called an adapter molecule?
16. Name the parts marked ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the 28. What are the three structural differences
given transcription unit: between RNA and DNA?
18. D
ifferentiate - Template strand and coding
strand. 5'
19. Mention any two ways in which single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) identified 5'
in human genome can bring revolutionary
change in biological and medical science.
Write the source of energy for this
20. State any three goals of the human genome replication and name the enzyme
project. involved in this process.
21. In E.coli, three enzymes β- galactosidase, d) Mention the differences in the synthesis
permease and transacetylase are produced of protein, based on the polarity of the
in the presence of lactose. Explain why the two template strands.
enzymes are not synthesized in the absence
of lactose. 31. If the coding sequence in a transcription
unit is written as follows:
22. Distinguish between structural gene,
regulatory gene and operator gene. 5' TGCATGCATGCATGCATGCATGCATGC 3'
Write down the sequence of mRNA.
23. A low level of expression of lac operon
occurs at all the time. Justify the statement. 32. How is the two stage process of protein
synthesis advantageous?
24. HGP is the windows for treatment of various
genetic disorders. Justify the statement. 33.Why did Hershey and Chase use radioactively
labelled phosphorous and sulphur only?
25. Why the human genome project is called a
Would they have got the same result if they
mega project?
use radiolabelled carbon and nitrogen?
26. From their examination of the structure of
34. Explain the formation of a nucleosome.
DNA, What did Watson and Crick infer
about the probable mechanism of DNA 35. It is established that RNA is the first genetic
replication, coding capability and mutation? material. Justify giving reasons.
89 Molecular Genetics
Molecular Genetics
'1$LVWKH 51$
23/12/2022 16:07:21
Procedure :
Step 1: Use the URL or scan the QR Code to launch the “Gene Expression Essentials” activity
Step 2:
Click “Expression” pick the genetic material from the Biomolecule Toolbox,
understand the changes for the three different genes.
Step 3: C
lick “mRNA” and slide through the slider in Positive Transcription factors and
Negative Transcription factors such as Concentration, Affinity. Also Slide through
“Affinity” in RNA Polymerase.
Step 4: Click “Multiple Cells” and find the average protein level vs Time in the graph indicated
Step 4
91 Molecular Genetics
Chapter Outline
"Each has his own tree of ancestors, but at the top
6.1 Origin of life - Evolution of life forms of all sits probably arboreal"
6.2 Geological time scale
6.3 Biological evolution
6.4 Evidences for biological evolution he term evolution is used to describe
6.5 Theories of biological evolution heritable changes in one or more
6.6 Mechanism of evolution characteristics of a population of species
6.7 Hardy Weinberg principle from one generation to the other. The present
6.8 Origin and evolution of man state of mankind on earth is the outcome of
three kinds of evolution - chemical, organic
6.9 Isolating mechanisms
and social or cultural evolution.
6.10 Speciation
6.11 Extinction of animals Radiometric dating of meteorites yields
an estimated age for the solar system and for
earth as around 4.5 – 4.6 billion years. The
Learning Objectives new born earth remained inhospitable for
at least few hundred millions years. At first
➢ Understands the evolution of life on earth. it was too hot. This is because the collisions
➢ Gains knowledge on theories of evolution. of the planetesimals that coalesced to form
earth released much heat to melt the entire
➢ Interprets evidences
planet. Eventually outer surface of the earth
(anatomical, embryological and
cooled and solidified to form a crust. Water
geological) of evolution. vapour released from the planet’s interior
➢ Learns the principles of cooled and condensed to form oceans.
biological evolution. Hence origin of life can be reconstructed
using indirect evidences. Consequently,
➢ Understands the importance of
biologists have turned to gather disparate
gene frequencies in a population.
bits of information and filling them
➢ Studies the geological time scale. together like pieces of jig saw puzzle. Many
➢ Understands the importance of isolating theories have been proposed to explain the
mechanisms in speciation. origin of life. Few have been discussed in
this chapter.
93 Evolution
appeared. The six periods of Paleozoic era fishes), Mississippian (earliest amphibians,
in order from oldest to the youngest are Echinoderms), Pennsylvanian (earliest reptiles),
Cambrian (Age of invertebrates), Ordovician Permian (mammal like reptiles).
(fresh water fishes, Ostracoderms, various types Mesozoic era (dominance of reptiles)
of Molluscs), Silurian (origin of fishes), Devonian called the Golden age of reptiles, is
(Age of fishes, many types of fishes such as divided into three periods namely,
lung fishes, lobe finned fishes and ray finned Triassic (origin of egg laying mammals),
255 Mississippian
abundant Echinoderms
315 Devonian Age of fishes Progymnosperms
Earliest fishes and land
350 Silurian Zosterophyllum
Dominance of Appearance of
430 Ordovician
invertebrates first land plants
510 Cambrian Fossil invertebrates Origin of algae
Upper Multicellular organisms
Evolution 94
Jurassic (Dinosaurs were dominant on the viruses. Two major cell types that appeared
earth, fossil bird – Archaeopteryx) and during this time were significant. One form of the
Cretaceous (extinction of toothed birds and earliest cell contained clumps of nucleoproteins
dinosaurs, emergence of modern birds). embedded in the cell substance. Such cells were
similar to the Monera. They are considered as
Cenozoic era (Age of mammals) ancestral to the modern bacteria and blue green
is subdivided into two periods namely algae. The other form of earliest cells contained
Tertiary and Quaternary. Tertiary period is nucleoprotein clumps that condensed into a
characterized by abundant mammalian fauna. central mass surrounded by a thin membrane.
This period is subdivided into five epochs This membrane separated nucleoproteins from
namely, Paleocene (placental mammals, the cell substances. Such cells were referred
Eocene (Monotremes except duck billed to as Protista. When the natural sources of
Platypus and Echidna, hoofed mammals and food in the ocean declined in course of time
carnivores), Oligocene (higher placental the ancestors of Monera and Protista had to
mammals appeared), Miocene (origin of evolve different methods for food procurement.
first man like apes) and Pliocene (origin of These may be summarized as parasitism,
man from man like apes).Quaternary period saprophytism, predator or animalism and
chemosynthesis or photosynthesis. When the
witnessed decline of mammals and beginning
number of photosynthetic organisms increased
of human social life.
there was an increase in the free O2 in the sea
The age of fossils can be determined and atmosphere.
using two methods namely, relative dating
CH4+2O2 → CO2 +2H2O
and absolute dating. Relative dating is used to
4NH3+3O2 → 2N2+6H2O
determine a fossil by comparing it to similar
The atmospheric oxygen combined with
rocks and fossils of known age. Absolute
methane and ammonia to form CO2 and free
dating is used to determine the precise age
nitrogen. The presence of the free O2 brought
of a fossil by using radiometric dating to
about the evolution of aerobic respiration
measure the decay of isotopes.
which could yield large amounts of energy
by oxidation of food stuffs. Thus Prokaryotes
6.3 Biological evolution and Eukaryotes evolved.
Formation of protobionts
Abiotically produced molecules can Experimental approach to the origin
spontaneously self assemble into droplets of life
that enclose a watery solution and maintain
Urey and Miller (1953), paved way for
a chemical environment different from their
understanding the possible synthesis of organic
surroundings. Scientists call these spheres
as ‘protobionts’. Liposomes are lipids in a compounds that led to the appearance of living
solution that can self assemble into a lipid organisms is depicted in the Fig. 6.1. In their
bilayer. Some of the proteins inside the experiment, a mixture of gases was allowed
liposomes acquired the properties of enzymes to circulate over electric discharge from an
resulting in fast multiplication of molecules. tungsten electrode. A small flask was kept
The coacervates with nucleoprotein and boiling at 800oC and the steam emanating from
nutrients had a limiting surface membrane that it was made to mix with the mixture of gases
had the characters of a virus or free living genes. (ammonia, methane and hydrogen) in the large
Sub sequently number of genes united to form chamber that was connected to the boiling
‘proto viruses’ somewhat similar to present day water. The steam condensed to form water
95 Evolution
Evolution 96
by hard minerals and get fossilized, which are homologous structures that brings about
called casts. Hardened faecal matter termed divergent evolution (Fig 6.2).
as coprolites occur as tiny pellets. Analysis of Similarly the thorn of Bougainvillea and
the coprolites enables us to understand the the tendrils of Curcurbita and Pisum sativum
nature of diet the pre-historic animals thrived represent homology. The thorn in former is
on. used as a defence mechanism from grazing
animals and the tendrils of latter is used as a
Visit any museum nearer to your
support for climbing.
school with your teacher and identify
the bones of different animals including Analogous structures
mammals. The famous Egmore Museum Organisms having different structural
is in Chennai. patterns but similar function are termed as
analogous structures. For example, the wings
6.4.2 Evidences from of birds and insects are different structurally
comparative anatomy but perform the same function of flight that
Similarities in structure between groups
brings about convergent evolution (Fig. 6.3).
of organisms are accepted as indicators of
relationship. For example, a comparative study
of the forelimbs of different vertebrates exhibits Ulna
a fundamental plan of similarity in structure. Carpals
These relationships can be studied under
homologous organs, analogous organs, vestigial
organs, connecting links and atavistic organs.
Homologous structures
In vertebrates, comparative anatomical
studies reveal a basic plan in various structures
such as fore limbs and hind limbs. Fore limbs
of vertebrates exhibit anatomical similarity with
each other and is made of similar bones such as
humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals and
Bird Bat
Human Hindwing
Fig. 6.2 Forelimbs of terrestrial vertebrates to Fig. 6.3 Comparison of insect and bird wing
show homology to show their analogy
Structures which are similar in origin Other examples of analogous organs
but perform different functions are called include the eyes of the Octopus and of
97 Evolution
mammals and the flippers of Penguins include coccyx, wisdom teeth, ear muscles,
and Dolphins. Root modification in sweet body hair, mammae in male, nictitating
potato and stem modification in potato are membrane of the eye, etc.,
considered as analogous organs. Both of these
Connecting link
plants have a common function of storage of
The organisms which possess the
characters of two different groups (transitional
stage) are called connecting links. Example
Vestigial organs Peripatus (connecting link between Annelida
Structures that are of no use to the and Arthropoda), Archeopteryx (connecting
possessor, and are not necessary for their link between Reptiles and Aves).
existence are called vestigial organs. Vestigial Atavistic organs
organs may be considered as remnants of Sudden appearance of vestigial organs in
structures which were well developed and highly evolved organisms is called atavistic
functional in the ancestors, but disappeared organs. Example, presence of tail in a human
in course of evolution due to their non- baby is an atavistic organ.
utilization. Human appendix is the remnant 6.4.3 Embryological evidences
of caecum which is functional in the digestive Embryology deals with the study of the
tract of herbivorous animals like rabbit. development of individual from the egg to the
Cellulose digestion takes place in the caecum adult stage. A detailed study of the embryonic
of these animals. Due to change in the diet development of different forms makes us to
containing less cellulose, caecum in human think that there is a close resemblance during
became functionless and is reduced to a development.
vermiform appendix, which is vestigial. Other
The development of heart in all vertebrates
examples of vestigial organs in human beings follows the same pattern of development as a
pair of tubular structures
)LVK 6DODPDQGHU 7RUWRLVH &KLFN +XPDQ that later develop into
two chambered heart in
fishes, three chambered in
amphibians and in most
SRXFKHV WDLO reptiles and four chambered
in crocodiles, birds and
mammals; indicating a
common ancestry for all the
Hence scientists in the
19th century concluded that
higher animals during their
embryonic development
pass through stages of lower
animals (ancestors). Ernst
Von Haeckel, propounded
Fig 6.4 Embryological evidences the “biogenetic law or
Evolution 98
99 Evolution
Evolution 100
101 Evolution
selection pressure to the black coloured moths. that time, Darwin's finches have evolved into
The above proof shows that in a population, 14 recognized species differing in body size,
organisms that can adapt will survive and beak shape and feeding behavior. Changes in
produce more progenies resulting in increase in the size and form of the beak have enabled
population through natural selection. different species to utilize different food
Artificial selection is a byproduct of human resources such as insects, seeds, nectar from
exploitation of forests, oceans and fisheries or cactus flowers and blood from iguanas, all
the use of pesticides, herbicides or drugs. For driven by Natural selection. Fig. 6.5 represents
hundreds of years humans have selected various some of the finches observed by Darwin.
types of dogs, all of which are variants of the single Genetic variation in the ALX1 gene in the
species of dog. If human beings can produce new DNA of Darwin finches is associated with
varieties in short period, then “nature” with variation in the beak shape. Mild mutation in
its vast resources and long duration can easily the ALX1 gene leads to phenotypic change in
produce new species by selection. the shape of the beak of the Darwin finches.
Gras finch
Large insectivorous
Australia, just as the
tree finch
ground finch
(Camarhynchus eaters
(Geospiza fortis)
placental mammals
psittacula) Seed
Bud eater Large ground have radiated across
Vegetarian tree finch (Geospiza
finch (Platyspiza
Parrot-like bill magnirostris) North America.
Fig 6.5 Darwin’s finches
Evolution 102
aa aa If ‘X’ is eaten by aa AA Aa
aa AA
Aa birds then only
Aa survivors reproduce
aa aa Aa aa Aa
103 Evolution
Number of individuals
Phenotypes individuals
are favoured
with phenotype
by natural
Fig 6.7 Operation of natural selection on different traits (a) Stabilising (b) Directional and (c) Disruptive
sub population/species. This is a rare form 6.6.3 Genetic drift / Sewall
of selection but leads to formation of two Wright Effect
or more different species. It is also called
adaptive radiation. E.g. Darwin's finches- Genetic drift is a mechanism of evolution
beak size in relation to seed size inhabiting in which allele frequencies of a population
Galapagos islands. change over generation due to chance
Group selection and sexual selection are (sampling error). Genetic drift occurs in all
other types of selection. The two major group population sizes, but its effects are strong in a
selections are Altrusim and Kin selection.
small population (Fig. 6.9). It may result in a
6.6.2 Gene flow loss of some alleles (including beneficial ones)
Movement of genes through gametes or and fixation of other alleles. Genetic drift
movement of individuals in (immigration) and
can have major effects, when the population
out (emigration) of a population is referred to as
is reduced in size by natural disaster
gene flow. Organisms and gametes that enter the
due to bottle neck effect or when a small
population may have new alleles or may bring
in existing alleles but in different proportions group of population splits from the main
than those already in the population. Gene flow population to form a new colony due to
can be a strong agent of evolution (Fig 6.8). founder’s effect.
Migration $$ RIIVSULQJV
aa $D
aa DD DD
Evolution 104
105 Evolution
No natural selection- All alleles are fit to Australian ape man. He was about 1.5 meters
survive and reproduce. tall with bipedal locomotion, omnivorous,
If any one of these assumptions were not semi erect, and lived in caves. Low forehead,
met, the population will not be in Hardy- brow ridges over the eyes, protruding face,
Weinberg equilibrium. Only if the allele lack of chin, low brain capacity of about 350 –
frequencies changes from one generation to 450 cc, human like dentition, lumbar curve in
the other, evolution will take place. the vertebral column were his distinguishing
6.8 Origin and Evolution of Man Homo habilis lived about 2 mya. Their
Mammals evolved in the brain capacity was between 650 – 800cc, and
early Jurassic period, about was probably vegetarian. They had bipedal
210 million years ago (mya). locomotion and used tools made of chipped
Hominid evolution occurred stones.
in Asia and Africa. Hominids Homo erectus the first human like being was
proved that human beings around 1.7 mya and was much closer to human
are superior to other animals and efficient in in looks, skull was flatter and thicker than the
making tools and culture. modern man and had a large brain capacity of
The earliest fossils of the prehistoric man around 900 cc. Homo erectus probably ate meat
like Ramapithecus and Sivapithecus lived Homo ergaster and Homo erectus were the first
some 14 mya and were derived from ape like to leave Africa.
Dryopithecus. Dryopithecus and Ramapithecus Neanderthal human was found in Neander
were hairy and walked like gorillas and Valley, Germany with a brain size of 1400 cc
chimpanzees. Ramapithecus is regarded as and lived between 34,000 - 1,00,000 years
a possible ancester of Australopithecus and ago. They differ from the modern human in
therefore of modern humans. They were having semierect posture, flat cranium, sloping
vegetarians (Fig 6.10). forehead, thin large orbits, heavy brow ridges,
Australopithecus lived in East African protruding jaws and no chin. They used animal
grasslands about 5 mya and was called the hides to protect their bodies, knew the use of
Ramapithecus Australopithecus Homo habilis Homo erectus Neanderthal man Homo sapiens
Evolution 106
fire and buried their dead. They did not practice ii. Seasonal isolation – In this type of isolation,
agriculture and animal domestication. difference in the breeding seasons prevents
Cro-Magnon was one of the most talked interbreeding. E.g. Toad, Bufo americanus
forms of modern human found from the rocks breeds much early in the spring; whereas
of Cro-Magnon, France and is considered as Bufo fowleri breeds very late in the season.
the ancestor of modern Europeans. They were They are able to maintain their species
not only adapted to various environmental identity because of the differences in the
conditions, but were also known for their cave breeding seasons.
paintings, figures on floors and walls. iii. Sexual or ethological isolation/
Homo sapiens or modern human arose Behavioural isolation – Prevents mating
in Africa some 25,000 years ago and moved due to the difference in their sexual
to other continents and developed into behavior. The species are not separated from
distinct races. They had a brain capacity of one another either in time or in space. The
1300 – 1600 cc. They started cultivating crops mating calls of two closely related species
and domesticating animals. of frogs, Hyla versicolor (grey tree frog) and
6.9 Isolating Mechanism Hyla femoralis (pine wood tree frog) are
Isolation is the separation of the members different which prevents interbreeding.
of a single population into sub populations so iv. Morphological isolation or mechanical
that genetic integrity of the subpopulation can isolation – This type of isolation is due to
be maintained. Closely related species living in the differences in their external genitalia
the same area do not breed together; they are that is seen in two different species. The size
prevented by isolating barriers. An isolating difference between the toad species Bufo
barrier is any evolved character of the two species quercicus and Bufo valliceps, prevents their
that stops them from interbreeding. Several interbreeding.
kinds of isolating barriers are distinguished. The v. Physiological isolation –Though mating
most important distinction is Prezygotic and may occur, the gametes are prevented
post zygotic isolation. Prezygotic mechanisms from fertilization due to mechanical or
include those which prevent two species from physiological factors. E.g. The sperms of
coming into contact. This includes ecological, Drosophila virilis survive only for about
seasonal, ethological and morphological. Post a day when introduced into the sperm
zygotic mechanisms are those which act after receptacle of Drosophila americana while
fertilization that include hybrid sterility, hybrid
the sperms of Drosophila americana live for
inviability and hybrid breakdown.
a longer time.
Pre-zygotic Mechanism vi. Cytological isolation – Fertilization does
i. Ecological isolation or habitat isolation – not take place due to the differences in the
the members of the same population may be chromosome numbers between the two
separated from one another by a differences species, the bull frog Rana catesbiana and
in their habitat. For example Rana areolata gopher frog Rana areolata.
occupies burrows dug by mammals and
tortoises during the day and breeds in
Post-zygotic Mechanism
grassy shallow ponds whereas Rana grylio i. Hybrid inviability – In this type, the sperm
breeds in deep waters. Due to the difference enters the egg, fertilization occurs and the
in their habitat the two species are able to embryo develops into the adult but it dies
maintain their respective species identities. before reaching maturity. In certain fishes,
107 Evolution
frogs, beetles, even if fertilization takes domestica) that grew in the same area. This small
place between two species, due to genetic group of apple maggot flies selected a different
incompatibility they do not leave any host species from the rest of the population and its
surviving offspring. offsprings became accustomed to domesticated
ii. Hybrid sterility – In this type, hybrids are apples.
formed due to inter specific crosses but
Phenotypic plasicity is the ability of
they are sterile due to the failure of the
single genotype to produce more than
chromosomes to segregate normally during
one phenotype. When this plasticity is
meiosis, example Mule (inter specific cross
expressed seasonally in planktons, it is
between a horse and a donkey).
referred to as cyclomorphosis.
iii. Hybrid breakdown – F1 Hybrids are viable
and fertile, but F2 hybrids may be inviable
or sterile. 6.10.2 Allopatric speciation/
Geographical speciation
6.10 Speciation
It is a mode of speciation that occurs
The process by which one species evolves into
one or more different species is called speciation. when biological populations of similar species
A.E. Emerson defines species as a ‘genetically become isolated from each other that prevents
distinctive, reproductively isolated natural gene flow. One species becomes two species
population’. Speciation is a fundamental process in due to geographical barriers hence new species
evolution. Evolution of a new species in a single is evolved e.g. Darwin's finches. The barriers
lineage is called an agenesis / phyletic speciation. are land separation, migration or mountain
If one species diverges to become two or more formation. When barriers occur between species,
species it is cladogenesis or divergent evolution. change in ecological conditions and environment
leads to adaptations that produce differences. If
6.10.1 Sympatric speciation/
there are no adaptations, they will not survive.
Reproductive isolation
Sexual isolation is weakest.
It is a mode of speciation through which
new species form from a single ancestral 6.11 Extinction of Animals
species while both species continue to inhabit Extinction
the same geographical region. Two or more Extinction was common if not inevitable
species are involved. New species formed due because species could not always adapt to large
to genetic modification in the ancestor that is or rapid environmental changes. The impact of
naturally selected can no longer breed with the extinction can conveniently be considered at
parent population. Sexual isolation is strongest.
three levels.
Phenotypic plasticity has emerged as potentially
Species extinction eliminates an entire
important first step in speciation initiated
species, by an environmental event (flood
within an isolated population.
etc.,) or by biological event (disease or non
A well studied example is the adaptation availability of food resource half or more).
of Apple maggots that feed on apples in North Mass extinction eliminates half or more
America. When the apple trees were imported to species in a region or ecosystem, as might occur
North America, Apple maggot flies (Rhagoletis following a volcanic eruption. Five major mass
pomonella) a parasitic insect that normally laid extinction that occurred since the Cambrian
its eggs in the fruit of wild hawthorns until period. This mass extinction is often referred to
one subset of population began to lay its eggs as K-T extinction. Table 6.2 represents the K-T
in the fruit of domesticated apple trees (Malus extinction.
Evolution 108
Table 6.2 Details of the five major mass Human evolution states that humans
extinctions since the Cambrian period developed from primates or ape like ancestors.
Estimated The emergence of Homo sapiens as a distinct
% of Marine species from apes and placental mammals in
Extinction Period Animal brain size, eating habit and other behavior
Extinction proves that ‘Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny’.
Genera Species
Separation of a single population into its
End of the
440 61 85 subunits preserves the genetic integrity. Types
Ordovician of isolating mechanism and speciation prevent
End of the Devonian 365 55 82 interbreeding of different species. Various
End of the Permian 245 84 96 causes of extinction of animals and the levels of
End of the Triassic 208 50 76 impact are dealt with in the lesson.
End of the Cretaceous 65 50 76
K-T Extinction refers to the German
word Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. 1) Th e first life on earth
Global extinction eliminates most of the a) in air b) on land
species on a large scale or larger taxonomic c) in water d) on mountain
groups in the continent or the Earth. Snow ball 2) Who published the book “Origin of species
Earth and extinction following elevation in CO2 by Natural Selection” in 1859?
levels are example. Extinction events opens up
a) Charles Darwin b) Lamarck
new habitats and so can facilitate the radiation
of organisms that survived the mass extinction. c) Weismann d) Hugo de Vries
3) Which of the following was the contribution
Summary of Hugo de Vries?
Evolutionary Biology is the study of history a) Theory of mutation
of life forms on Earth which originated on Earth b) Theory of natural Selection
millions of years ago. How Earth originated, how c)
Theory of inheritance of acquired
life originated, what is the place of man in the characters
universe are all general questions. This chapter d) Germplasm theory
deals with several theories to explain the life 4) The wings of birds and butterflies is an
on Earth. Evidence from the fossil record and
example of
many other areas of biology like embryology,
a) Adaptive radiation
anatomy and molecular biology indicates a
b) convergent evolution
common ancestry.
c) divergent evolution
The theories advanced by Lamarck, d) variation
Darwin, Hugo de Vries explained the intricate
evolutionary process. Geological time scale 5) The phenomenon of “ Industrial Melanism”
with different eras, periods and epochs gives demonstrates
an idea about the dominant species in those a) Natural selection
days. The mathematical distribution of gene b) induced mutation
and genotype frequencies remains constant in c) reproductive isolation
a small population was contributed by Hardy d) geographical isolation
and Weinberg in 1608. Natural Selection and 6) Darwin’s finches are an excellent example of
gene pool are the important factors those affect a) connecting links b) seasonal migration
Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. c) adaptive radiation d) parasitism
109 Evolution
Evolution 110
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Human Health
and Diseases
with fishes such as Gambusia which feed on the toes. Ringworms of the feet is known
mosquito larvae. Preparations containing as Athlete’s foot caused by Tinea pedis
Bacillus thuringiensis can be sprayed to kill (Fig. 7.5). Ringworms are generally acquired
the mosquito larvae since it is not toxic to from soil or by using clothes, towels and comb
other forms of life. The best protection against used by infected persons.
malaria is to avoid being bitten by mosquito.
People are advised to use mosquito nets, wire
gauging of windows and doors to prevent
mosquito bites.
In the 1950’s the World Health
Organisation (WHO) introduced the Malaria
eradication programme. This programme
was not successful due to the resistance of
Plasmodium to the drugs used to treat it and
resistance of mosquitoes to DDT and other
insecticides. Fig. 7.4 Symptoms of ringworm
Triradiate mouth
with lips
and diarrhoea. A heavy 7.2 Maintenance of personal and
infection can cause public hygiene
Lateral line
nutritional deficiency Hygiene is a set of practices performed
and severe abdominal to conserve good health. According to the World
pain and causes stunted Health Organization (WHO), hygiene refers to
growth in children. “conditions and practices that help to maintain
Cloacal aperture
Penial setae
It may also cause health and prevent the spread of diseases."
enteritis, hepatitis and Personal hygiene refers to maintaining
bronchitis. one’s body clean by bathing, washing hands,
Filariasis is trimming fingernails, wearing clean clothes
curved tail
Fig. 7.6 caused by Wuchereria and also includes attention to keeping surfaces
male and bancrofti, commonly
Anus in the home and workplace, including toilets,
female worm called filarial worm. It bathroom facilities, clean and pathogen-free.
is found in the lymph Our public places teem with infection,
vessels and lymph nodes of man (Fig. 7.7). contamination and germs. It seems that every
Wuchereria bancrofti is sexually dimorphic, surface we touch and the air we breathe are with
viviparous and digenic. The life cycle is pollutants and microbes. It’s not just the public
completed in two hosts, man and the female places that are unclean, but we might be amazed
Culex mosquito The female filarial worm gives at the number of people who do not wash their
rise to juveniles called microfilariae larvae. hands before taking food, after visiting the
In the lymph glands, the juveniles develop into restroom, or who sneeze without covering their
adults. The accumulation of the worms block the faces. Many infectious diseases such as typhoid,
lymphatic system resulting in inflammation of amoebiasis and ascariasis are transmitted
the lymph nodes. In some cases, the obstruction through contaminated food and water.
of lymph vessels causes elephantiasis or filariasis Advancement in science and technology
of the limbs, scrotum and mammary glands provide effective controlling measures for
(Fig. 7.8). many infectious and non-infectious diseases.
The use of vaccines and adopted immunization
programmes have helped to eradicate small pox
in India. Moreover a large number of infectious
diseases like polio, diphtheria, pneumonia
and tetanus have been controlled by the use of
vaccines and by creating awareness among the
education and guidance would enable youth pain killer and is used during surgery. It is the
to say no to drugs and alcohol and to follow a most widely abused narcotic drug which acts as
healthy life style. a depressant and slows down body functions.
Alcohol is a psychoactive drug, which Cannobinoids are a group of chemicals
acts on the brain, affecting a person’s mind and obtained from Cannabis sativa, the Indian hemp
behaviour. It is a depressant, which slows down plant (Fig. 7.10). Natural cannabinoids are
the activity of the nervous system. The intake the main source of marijuana, ganja, hashish
of certain drugs for a purpose other than their and charas. It interferes in the transport of the
normal clinical use in an amount and frequency neurotransmitter, dopamine and has a potent
that impair one’s physical, physiological and stimulating action on the CNS, producing
psychological functions is called drug abuse. increased energy and a sense of euphoria.
The drugs which are commonly abused
include opioids, cannabinoids, coca-alkaloids,
barbiturates, amphetamines and LSD.
Opioids are drugs which bind to specific
opioid receptors present in the central nervous
system and intestinal tract. Heroin (smack) is
chemically diacetyl morphine, which is white,
odourless and bitter crystalline compound. It
is obtained by acetylation of morphine, which
is extracted from flowers of the poppy plant
(Fig. 7.9). Morphine is one of the strongest Fig. 7.10 Cannabis sativa (Hemp plant)
constant and excessive use. The physical and sought from close and trusted friends. Getting
mental disturbance makes the life of the user proper advice to sort out their problems would
unbearable and torturous. For example heavy help the young to vent their feelings of anxiety
drinking permanently damages the liver and guilt.
and brain.
3. Education and counselling
The use of alcohol during adolescence may
Education and counselling create
have long-term effects. Alcohol interferes with
positive attitude to deal with many problems
the ability of the liver to break down fat. Over
and to accept disappointments in life.
time fat accumulation and high levels of alcohol
destroy the liver cells and a scar tissue grows in 4. Looking for danger signs
the place of dead cells. This scarring of the liver Teachers and parents need to look
is called “Liver cirrhosis”. Alcohol irritates the for sign that indicate tendency to go in for
stomach lining due to the production of excess addiction.
acid leading to ulcers. Excessive alcohol use
weakens the heart muscle, causing scar tissue 5. Seeking professional and
to build up in the cardiac muscle fibers. As a medical assistance
result, heavy drinkers have an increased risk Assistance is available in the form of
of high blood pressure, stroke, coronary artery highly qualified psychologists, psychiatrists and
disease and heart attack. Korsakoff syndrome, de-addiction and rehabilitation programmes to
a chronic memory disorder is most commonly help individuals to overcome their problems.
caused by alcohol misuse.
7.4 Mental health – Depression
7.3.3 Prevention and control Mental health is a state of well being of
It is practically possible to prevent some the mind, with self esteem. Self esteem means
one from using drugs and alcohol. Here are liking yourself and being able to stand up for what
some ways that help to prevent drug and you believe is right. Positive mental health is an
alcohol abuse. important part of wellness. A mentally healthy
person reflects a good personality. Activities of
1. Effectively dealing with peer pressure
mentally healthy people are always appreciated
The biggest reason for teens to start
and rewarded by the society as these persons
on drugs is due to their friends / peer groups
are creative as well as cooperative with others.
imposing pressure on them. Hence, it is
Mental health improves the quality of life.
important to have a better group of friends to
avoid such harmful drugs and alcohol. Depression is a common mental disorder
that causes people to experience depressed
2. Seeking help from parents and peers mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of
Help from parents and peer group guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep poor
should be sought immediately so that they can appetite, low energy and poor concentration.
be guided appropriately. Help may even be
Alcoholic Anonymous
Alcoholic anonymous was started in 1935 by a businessman and a doctor who had been a
“hopeless drunk” for many years. After the men helped each other to stop drinking and to stay
sober, they then founded the alcoholic anonymous to help other alcoholics. Since that time
alcoholic anonymous has spread throughout the world.
Signs and symptoms of mental of thirty to sixty due to life style related
depression disorders.
y Loss of self confidence and self esteem The following facts will help in better
y Anxiety understanding of life style disorders.
y Not being able to enjoy things that are • Life style disorder causes cardiovascular
usually pleasurable or interesting diseases resulting in 31 percent of global
Lifestyle changes like exercise,
meditation, yoga and healthy food habits can • The sedentary life style also causes deficiency
help to be relieved from depression. Exercise of vitamins such as vitamin D resulting in
stimulates the body to produce serotonin and fatigue, tiredness, back pain, depression,
endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that bone loss, muscle pain, etc,
suppress depression. Practicing exercise in daily • Life style disorder also includes social
life creates a positive attitude . isolation resulting in age related problems.
Participating in an exercise programme can:
• Eating junk foods that have high caloric
y Increase self-esteem
values, rich in carbohydrates and fat can
y Boost self-confidence
lead to obesity and early health issues.
y Create a sense of empowerment
• Consumption of processed and packaged
y Enhance social connections and
food, which lacks in fiber may result in
Brain is one of the most metabolically active
• Several people today complain of irritable
part of the body and needs a steady stream
bowel syndrome with stomach discomfort
of nutrients to function. A poor diet may not
or pain and trouble with bowel movements,
provide the nutrients for a healthy body and may
causing diarrhoea. The main cause of
provoke symptoms of anxiety and depression.
irritable bowel syndrome is stress and other
7.5 Lifestyle disorders in illnesses.
human beings
The old saying that “health is wealth” Life style modifications
is truly applicable to human beings. With the • Avoid eating junk food and foods that have
changes in life style, there are many emerging preservatives and colouring agents.
medical conditions and diseases that are • Physical exercises such as brisk walking and
reducing human longevity. Life style disorder yoga can be done regularly.
result due to activities involving smoking,
• Following medical advice, if any health
alcohol and drug abuse, consuming high fat
problems in addition to life style disorders.
diet, lack of exercise or living a latent life.
The World Health Organization (WHO) • To avoid smoking drugs and drinking
in its report cautions a slow moving public alcohol.
health disaster due to life style disorders in • To follow a healthy balanced diet rich in
the form of non-communicable diseases like vitamins and proteins.
diabetes, cardiovascular and lung diseases. • 7 – 8 hours of sleep every day is required.
WHO believes that not thousands but millions
of people die every year within the age group
Summary Activities
Health is a state of complete physical
and psychological well being. Many other Activity 1: Students examine the impact
extended factors like microbes may cause of microorganisms in our daily life and
illness to human body. Protozoans like consider their applied potential. They
Entamoeba, Plasmodium and Leishmania can also conduct independent research
cause diseases such as amoebic dysentery, and communicate their findings.
malaria and kala-azar repectively. Personal Activity 2: Students prepare wet mounts
cleanliness and hygiene, proper disposal of
to observe the microbes found in curd.
waste, safe drinking water and immunization
Activity 3: The leader will blow bubbles
are very useful in preventing diseases. Drug
at the group of students to demonstrate
and alcohol abuse of young and adolescent
is another cause of concern. Addiction
how some diseases can be air borne?
to drugs and alcohol is happening due to Activity 4: Which parasite acts as a
peer pressure, examination–related and transporter host for other parasites? Discuss
competition–related stresses. The addicted Activity 5: Your friends call you a “sissy
person should receive proper counselling, boy” because you do not smoke or chew
education and professional medical help to tobacco. What answer will you give? How
liberate themselves from all forms of addiction. will you prove your strength?
1. Freezing does not kill bacteria; it in Lymphatic Filariasis and
only arrests their growth. Integrated Methods of Vector
2. Antibiotics not only kill harmful Control.
bacteria, but also kill beneficial 7. Sterile insect technique (SIT)
bacteria of our body.
3. UTI- Urinary Tract Infection is
one of the most common bacterial
infections affecting 150 million
people each year worldwide.
4. World malaria day is on 25th April .
5. Iceland and the Faroe islands are
the only countries in the world, The screw-worm fly was the
where there are “No mosquitoes” first pest successfully eliminated
(Mosquito free countries). from an area through the sterile
insect technique, by the use of an
6. VCRC- Vector Control Research
integrated area-wide approach.
Center is situated in Puduchery.
WHO is collaborating with the 8. Zika virus could become a surgical
Centre for Research and Training weapon against brain cancer.
15. Match the pathogens with respective diseases caused by them and select the correct match
using the codes given below.
A. Leishmania donavani - i. Amoebiasis
B. Wuchereria bancrofti - ii. Kala – azar
C. Trypanosoma gambiense - iii. Sleeping sickness
D. Entamoeba histolytica - iv. Filariasis
17. List the causative agent, mode of transmission and symptoms for Diphtheria and Typhoid.
18. Compare and contrast bacillary dysentery and amoebic dysentery.
19. A patient was hospitalized with fever and chills. Merozoites were observed in her blood.
What is your diagnosis?
20. (i) W
rite the scientific name of the filarial worm that causes filariasis.
(ii) Write the symptoms of filariasis.
(iii)How is this disease transmitted?
21. List the common withdrawal symptoms of drugs and alcohol abuse.
22. What is Kala-azar?
23. Why do you think it is not possible to produce vaccine against 'common cold'?
24. Tabulate the causative agent, mode of transmission and symptoms of the viral diseases in man.
25. Write a note on the Protozoan diseases.
26. Explain the life-cycle of Plasmodium in man.
27. Suggest some ways to prevent drug and alcohol abuse.
Concept Map
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2. Physiological barriers
Lysozyme acts as antibacterial agent and cleaves the bacterial cell wall.
Interferons induce antiviral state in the uninfected cells.
Chemical mediators
Complementary substances produced from leucocytes lyse the
pathogenic microbes or facilitate phagocytosis.
Immunology 130
The innate defense mechanisms are non-specific as cell mediated immune response or cell
in the sense that they are effective against a mediated immunity. This is brought about by
wide range of potentially infectious agents. It is T cells, macrophages and natural killer cells.
otherwise known as non-specific immunity or 2. Antibody mediated immunity or humoral
natural immunity. immunity
A number of innate defense mechanisms are When pathogens are destroyed by the
operative non-specifically against a large number production of antibodies, then it is known
of microorganisms as shown in the Table 8.1 and as antibody mediated or humoral immunity.
Fig. 8.2. This is brought about by B cells with the help
of antigen presenting cells and T helper cells.
Antibody production is the characteristic
Lysozyme in tears feature of vertebrates only.
Removal of airbrone
Types of acquired immunity
mucus,cilia Acquired immunity may be active
Gut immunity or passive immunity (Table 8.2).
The immunological resistance developed
Physical barrier by the organisms through the production
of antibodies in their body is called active
Rapid pH change
immunity. Active immunity is acquired through
Flushing of
the use of a person’s immune responses, which
urinary tract lead to the development of memory cells.
Active immunity results from an infection or an
Low pH
of vagina immunization.
Fig. 8.2 Various anatomical and physiological Passive immunity does not require the
barriers to microbial attack body to produce antibodies to antigens. The
antibodies are introduced from outside into the
8.3 Acquired immunity organism. Thus, passive immunity is acquired
The immunity that an individual acquires without the activation of a person’s immune
after birth is known as acquired immunity. response, and therefore there is no memory.
It is the body's resistance to a specific pathogen.
The process of production
The unique features of acquired immunity
of blood cells in the
are antigenic specificity, diversity, recognition of
bone marrow is called
self and non-self and immunological memory.
Components of acquired immunity
Acquired immunity has two components – 8.4 Immune responses
cell mediated immunity (CMI) and antibody The immune responses may be primary
mediated immunity or humoral immunity. or secondary (Table 8.3).
immune system for the first time. During Within hours after recognition of the antigen, a
this, the immune system has to learn to new army of plasma cells are generated. Within
recognize the antigen, produce antibody 2 to 3 days, the antibody concentration in the
against it and eventually produce memory blood rises steeply to reach much higher level
lymphocytes. The primary immune response than primary response. This is also called as
is slow and short-lived. “booster response”.
Immunology 132
The thymus is a flat and bilobed organ
located behind the sternun, above the heart.
Each lobe of the thymus contains numerous
lobules, separated from each other by
connective tissue called septa. Each lobule
is differentiated into two compartments,
Fig. 8.3 Lymphoid organs in human body
the outer compartment or outer cortex, is
Based on their functions, they are classified densely packed with immature T cells called
into primary or central lymphoid organs and thymocytes, whereas the inner compartment
secondary or peripheral lymphoid organs. The or medulla is sparsely populated with mature
primary lymphoid organs provide appropriate thymocytes. One of its main secretions is the
environment for lymphocytic maturation. The hormone thymosin. It stimulates the T cell to
secondary lymphoid organs trap antigens and become mature and immunocompetent. By
make it available for mature lymphocytes, which the early teens, the thymus begins to atrophy
can effectively fight against these antigens. and is replaced by adipose tissue (Fig. 8.4).
Thus thymus is most active during the
neonatal and pre-adolescent periods.
$ %
of birds. It is attached to the dorsal side of the Fig. 8.4 Primary lymphoid organ - Thymus
cloaca. B lymphocytes mature in the bursa and A) Location B) Structure
bring about humoral immunity.
133 Immunology
Bone marrow
The adenoids are glands
Bone marrow is a lymphoid tissue found
located in the roof of
within the spongy portion of the bone.
the mouth, behind the
Bone marrow contains stem cells known as
soft palate where the
haematopoietic cells. These cells have the
nose connects to the
potential to multiply through cell division
throat. The adenoids produce antibodies
and either remain as stem cells or differentiate
that help to fight infections. Typically,
and mature into different kinds of blood cells.
the adenoids shrink during adolescence
Secondary or peripheral lymphoid and may disappear by adulthood.
In secondary or peripheral lymphoid Lymph node
organs, antigen is localized so that it can be
effectively exposed to mature lymphocytes. Lymph node is a small bean-shaped
The best examples are lymph nodes, structure and is part of the body’s immune
appendix, Peyer’s patches of gastrointestinal system. It is the first one to encounter
tract, tonsils, adenoids, spleen, MALT the antigen that enters the tissue spaces.
(Mucosal-Associated Lymphoid Tissue), Lymph nodes filter and trap substances that
GALT (Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue), travel through the lymphatic fluid. They
BALT (Bronchial/Tracheal-Associated are packed tightly with white blood cells,
Lymphoid Tissue). namely lymphocytes and macrophages.
There are hundreds of lymph nodes found
Peyer’s patches are oval-shaped throughout the body. They are connected
areas of thickened tissue that are to one another by lymph vessels. Lymph is
embedded in the mucus-secreting lining a clear, transparent, colourless, mobile and
of the small intestine of humans and extracellular fluid connective tissue. As the
other vertebrate animals. Peyer’s patches lymph percolates through the lymph node,
contain a variety of immune cells, the particulate antigen brought in by the
including macrophages, dendritic cells, lymph will be trapped by the phagocytic cells,
T cells, and B cells. follicular and interdigitating dendritic cells.
Immunology 134
Lymph node has three zones (Fig. 8.5). node. Sometimes visible swelling of lymph
They are the cortex, paracortex and medulla. nodes occurs due to active immune response
The outer most layer of the lymph node is and increased concentration of lymphocytes.
called cortex, which consists of B-lymphocytes, Thus swollen lymph nodes may signal an
macrophages, and follicular dendritic cells. infection. There are several groups of lymph
The paracortex zone is beneath the cortex, nodes. The most frequently enlarged lymph
which is richly populated by T lymphocytes nodes are found in the neck, under the chin, in
and interdigitating dendritic cells. The inner the armpits and in the groin.
most zone is called the medulla which is
sparsely populated by lymphocytes, but many Cells of the immune system
of them are plasma cells, which actively The immune system is composed of many
secrete antibody molecules. As the lymph interdependent cells that protect the body from
enters, it slowly percolates through the cortex, microbial infections and the growth of tumour
paracortex and medulla, giving sufficient cells. The cellular composition of adult human
chance for the phagocytic cells and dendritic blood is given in Table 8.4.
cells to trap the antigen brought by the lymph.
Table 8.4 The cellular composition of adult
The lymph leaving a node carries enriched
human blood
antibodies secreted by the medullary plasma
cells against the antigens that enter the lymph Number of Approximate
Cell type
cells per µl percentage
135 Immunology
The only cells capable of specifically recognising B cells do not produce antibodies but become
and producing an immune response are the memory cells. These cells are responsible for
lymphocytes. The other types of white blood cells secondary immune response. T lymphocytes do
play an important role in non specific immune not produce antibodies. They recognize antigen-
response, antigen presentation and cytokine presenting cells and destroy them. The two
production. important types of T cells are Helper T cells and
Killer T cells. Helper T cells release a chemical
called cytokine which activates B cells. Killer
About 20-30% of the white blood cells are
cells move around the body and destroy cells
lymphocytes. They have a large nucleus filling
which are damaged or infected (Fig. 8.6).
most of the cell, surrounded by a little cytoplasm.
The two main types of lymphocytes are B and Apart from these cells neutrophils and
T lymphocytes. Both these are produced in the monocytes destroy foreign cells by phagocytosis.
bone marrow. B lymphocytes (B cells) stay in the Monocytes when they mature into large cells,
bone marrow until they are mature. Then they they are called macrophages which perform
circulate around the body. Some remain in the phagocytosis on any foreign organism.
blood, while others accumulate in the lymph
nodes and spleen. T lymphocytes leave the bone Dendritic cells are called so because
marrow and mature in the thymus gland. Once its covered with long, thin membrane
mature, T cells also accumulate in the same areas extensions that resemble dendrites of nerve
of the body as B cells. Lymphocytes have receptor cells. These cells present the antigen to
proteins on their surface. When receptors on a T-helper cells. Four types of dendritic cells
B cell bind with an antigen, the B cell becomes are known. They are langerhans, interstitial
activated and divides rapidly to produce plasma cells, myeloid and lymphoid cells
cells. The plasma cells produce antibodies. Some
Immunology 136
Each chain (L and H) has two terminals. They are When antigen and antibody are closely
C - terminal (Carboxyl) and amino or N-terminal. fitted, the strength of binding is great. When
Each chain (L and H) has two regions. They have they are apart binding strength is low. The
variable (V) region at one end and a much larger bonds that hold the antigen to the antibody
constant (C) region at the other end. Antibodies combining site are all non-covalent in nature.
responding to different antigens have very different These include hydrogen bonds, electrostatic
(V) regions but their (C) regions are the same bonds, Van der Waals forces and hydrophobic
in all antibodies. In each arm of the monomer bonds. Antibody affinity is the strength of the
antibody, the (V) regions of the heavy and light reaction between a single antigenic determinant
chains combines to form an antigen – binding site and a single combining site on the antibody.
shaped to ‘fit’ a specific antigenic determinant.
The chief application of antigen - antibody
Consequently each antibody monomer has two
reactions are to determine blood groups for
such antigen – binding regions. The (C) regions
transfusion, to study serological ascertainment
that forms the stem of the antibody monomer
of exposure to infectious agents, to develop
determine the antibody class and serve common
immunoassays for the quantification of various
functions in all antibodies.
substances, to detect the presence or absence
The functions of immunoglobulin are of protein in serum and to determine the
agglutination, precipitation, opsonisation, characteristics of certain immunodeficiency
neutralization etc., diseases.
8.8 A
ntigen -antibody Different types of antigen and antibody
interaction reactions
The reaction between The reaction between soluble antigen
an antigen and antibody and antibody leads to visible precipitate
is the basis for humoral formation, which is called precipitin reaction.
immunity or antibody Antibodies that bring about precipitate
mediated immunity. The formation on reacting with antigens are called
reaction between antigen as precipitins.
and antibody occurs in Whenever a particulate antigen interacts
three stages. During the first stage, the reaction with its antibody, it would result in clumping or
involves the formation of antigen - antibody agglutination of the particulate antigen, which
complex. The next stage leads to visible events is called agglutination reaction. The antibody
like precipitation, agglutination, etc., The final involved in bringing about agglutination
stage includes destruction of antigen or its reaction is called agglutinin.
neutralization (Fig. 8.8). Opsonisation or enhanced attachment
is the process by which a pathogen is marked
Binding force of antigen - antibody of ingestion and destruction by a phagocyte.
reaction Opsonisation involves the binding of an
The binding force between antigen and opsonin i.e., antibody, to a receptor on the
antibody is due to three factors. They are pathogen’s cell membrane. After opsonin
closeness between antigen and antibody, non- binds to the membrane, phagocytes are
covalent bonds or intermolecular forces and attracted to the pathogen. So, opsonisation is
affinity of antibody. a process in which pathogens are coated with
Immunology 138
Bacteria Complement
Virus molecule
Bacterium molecules
Foreign cell Hole
Leads to
a substance called an opsonin, marking the are known as antitoxins. This specific
pathogen out for destruction by the immune antibody is produced by a host cell in response
system. This results in a much more efficient to a bacterial exotoxin or corresponding
phagocytosis. toxoid (inactivated toxin).
The neutralization reactions are the
reactions of antigen-antibody that involve the 8. 9 Vaccines
elimination of harmful effects of bacterial A vaccine is a biological preparation
exotoxins or a virus by specific antibodies. that provides active acquired immunity
These neutralizing substances i.e., antibodies to a particular disease and resembles a
Live Attenuated
pathogen non-pathogenic
form (vaccine)
pathogen Killed pathogens Toxin Toxoid
(vaccine) (vaccine)
Fig. 8.9 Types of vaccines
139 Immunology
Immunology 140
Matrix protein
Immunodeficiency results from the
failure of one or more components of the Capsid protein
immune system. Primary immune deficiencies Reverse
are caused by genetic developmental defects.
Secondary immune deficiencies arise due to Two single-stranded
various reasons like radiation, use of cytolytic RNAs
141 Immunology
After getting into the body of the person, non-self and attacks its own body. Our body
the virus enters into macrophages where RNA produces antibodies (auto antibodies) and
genome of the virus replicates to form viral cytotoxic T cells that destroy our own tissues.
DNA with the help of the enzyme reverse If a disease-state results, it is referred to as
transcriptase. This viral DNA gets incorporated auto-immune disease. Thus, autoimmunity is a
into the DNA of host cells and directs the infected misdirected immune response. Autoimmunity
cells to produce viral particles. The macrophages is evidenced by the presence of auto antibodies
continue to produce virus and in this way acts like and T cells that are reactive with host antigens.
a HIV factory. Simultaneously, HIV enters into When the cells act as antigens in the same body,
helper T-lymphocytes, replicates and produces they are called autoantigens.
progeny viruses. The progeny viruses released
Autoimmune diseases in human can be
in the blood attack other helper T-lymphocytes.
divided into two broad categories, namely organ-
This is repeated, leading to a progressive decrease
specific and non-organ-specific (systemic)
in the number of helper T lymphocytes in the
autoimmune diseases. In organ-specific disease,
body of the infected person. During this period,
the autoimmune process is directed mostly
the person suffers from bouts of fever, diarrhoea
against one organ. The autoantibodies may
and weight loss. Due to decrease in the number of
block the functions performed by the organs.
helper T lymphocytes, the person starts suffering
Examples include Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,
from infections and becomes immune deficient
Graves’ disease (thyroid gland) and Addison’s
and unable to protect against any infection.
disease (adrenal glands).
A simple blood test is available that can
In non-organ specific (systemic) disorders,
determine whether the person has been infected
autoimmune activity is widely spread throughout
with HIV. The ELISA test (Enzyme Linked
the body. Rheumatoid arthritis and multiple
ImmunoSorbent Assay) detects the presence of
sclerosis are example for systemic disorder.
HIV antibodies. It is a preliminary test. Western
blot test is more reliable and a confirmatory
test. It detects the viral core proteins. If both 8.14 Tumour immunology
tests detect the presence of the antibodies, the A tumour or neoplasm is a group of cells
person is considered to be HIV positive. whose growth has gone unchecked. When a
tumour continues to grow and invades healthy
AIDS has no cure. Prevention of AIDS
tissue, it is called cancer. They spread to other
is the best option. Advocating safe sex and
parts of the body from the tumour and give rise to
promoting regular check-up, safe blood for
transfusion, use of disposable needles, use of secondary tumour. This is known as metastasis.
condoms during sexual contact, prevention of Tumour may be benign or malignant depending
drug abuse, AIDS awareness programme by on its characteristics. Benign or non-cancerous
NACO (National AIDS Control Organisation), tissues are capable of indefinite growth and do
NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) and not invade other body parts. In the malignant
WHO are to prevent the spreading of AIDS. tumour, the cells grow indefinitely, detach and
migrate into healthy surrounding tissues.
8.13 Autoimmune diseases In normal cells, cell growth and differentiation
Autoimmunity is due to an abnormal
is highly controlled and regulated. But in cancer
immune response in which the immune system
cells, there is breakdown of this regulatory
fails to properly distinguish between self and
Immunology 142
143 Immunology
Summary Evaluation
Immunology deals with a study of the immune 1. Colostrum provides
system. The immune system recognises and a) Naturally acquired active
eliminates the invaders, and the ability of immunity
the body to overcome the pathogen is called b) Naturally acquired
immunity. Immunity is classified into innate passive immunity
immunity and acquired immunity. Acquired c) Artificially acquired active
immunity is further classified into cell mediated immunity
immunity and antibody mediated immunity as d) Artificially acquired passive immunity
its components. Acquired immunity may be
active or passive immunity. Immune response 2. Paratope is an
is the body’s response to pathogens and it may (a) Antibody binding site on variable regions
be primary or secondary. The organs involved (b) Antibody binding site on heavy regions
in the origin, maturation and proliferation (c) Antigen binding site on variable regions
of lymphocytes are called lymphoid organs. (d) Antigen binding site on heavy regions
Thymus, bone marrow are primary lymphoid 3. Allergy involves
organs. The secondary lymphoid organs are
a) IgE b) IgG
lymph node, MALT, GALT and BALT.
c) lgA d) IgM
An antigen is a substance that is specific to an
4. Anaphylactic shock is due to
antibody. An immunogen is a substance capable
of initiating an immune response. Haptens are (a) Allergic reaction
substance that are non-immunogenic but can (b) Secretion of toxins
react with the product of a specific immune (c) Secretion of histamines
response. Substances that can enhance the (d) All the above
immune response to an antigen are called 5. Spread of cancerous cells to distant sites
adjuvants. An epitope is also known as antigenic is termed as
determinant and is the active part of the antigen. (a) Metastasis
A paratope is the part of antibody. Precipitation, (b) Oncogenes
agglutination, neutralization, opsonisation etc., (c) Proto-oncogenes
are the different types of antigen and antibody (d) Malignant neoplasm
reaction. A vaccine is biological preparation 6. AIDS virus has
that provides active acquired immunity. The (a) Single stranded RNA
malfunctioning of immune system leads (b) Double stranded RNA
to hypersensitivity, immunodeficiency or (c) Single stranded DNA
autoimmune diseases. A tumour or neoplasm (d) Double stranded DNA
is a group of cells whose growth has gone 7. All are peripheral lymphoid organs except
unchecked. The best results in the treatment of
(a) Lymph nodes
cancer is achieved by an integrated approach to
(b) Spleen
therapy, surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy
(c) Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
and immunotherapy.
(d) Thymus
8. Which is a macrophage?
(a) Monocyte (b) Erythrocyte
(c) Thrombocyte (d) Lymphocyte
Immunology 144
(c) It is specific for a particular virus 17. How does immune system work?
(d) It causes infection 18. Name and explain the type of barriers
which involve macrophages.
10. Cell mediated immunity is carried out
19. What are interferons? Mention their role.
by………….. while humoral immunity is
mainly carried out by 20. List out chemical alarm signals produced
(a) B cells/T cells during inflammation.
145 Immunology
Activates Immunity
B-cells Components Primary
Memory of Acquired immune
T-cells Immunity response
Activates immunity Acquired
T-cells Antigens immunity
Killer Secondary
T-cells Immune immune
Responses response
Hypersensitivity Antibodies
Vaccination and Vaccines Autoimmune Node
lymphoid organs
Immunization disease
Antigen - Antibody
interactions Cells of the immune
23/12/2022 16:43:18
Procedure :
Step -1 : Type the URL or scan the QR code to open the activity page. Click “To enter the lab” to
start the test.
Step -2 : Follow the interactive steps guided by the virtual lab starting from centrifugation and to
Step -3 : On the right, Find the different headers such as “Diagnosis, Background, Notebook,
Glossary and Help” and click to know the virtual procedure happening aside on the left.
Step – 4 : Find “Launch Gene Body” on the right bottom of the window, and Click it to analyse
and understand about the cloning.
Step -5: Complete this ELISA to know a patient acquired the disease or not.
Step 4
147 Immunology
Microbes in
Human Welfare
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a species of yeast
used in baking and brewing industry.
Chapter outline
9.1 Microbes in household products Microbes such as bacteria, fungi,
9.2 Microbes in industrial products protozoa, certain algae, viruses, viroids and
9.3 Microbes in sewage treatment and prions are some of the major components
energy generation of the biological system on Earth. Several
microorganisms are beneficial and contribute
9.4 Microbes in the production of biogas
to human welfare. Microbes are present
9.5 Bioremediation
everywhere – in soil, water, air and within
bodies of animals and plants. Microbes like
bacteria and fungi can be grown on nutritive
media to form colonies which can be visibly
seen. Some of the microbes useful to human
welfare are discussed here.
Learning objectives
9.1 Microbes in household
➢ Differentiates probiotics from products
pathogens. In every day life, microbes and their
➢ Understands the use of microbes in products are used in the preparation of idli,
household products. dosa, cheese, curd, yogurt, dough, bread,
➢ Learns about antibiotic production and vinegar, etc., Bacteria like Lactobacillus
fermented beverages. acidophilus, L. lactis and Streptococcus lactis
➢ Realizes the commonly called lactic acid bacteria (LAB)
importance of are probiotics which check the growth of
microbes in sewage pathogenic microbes in the stomach and
treatment and energy other parts of the digestive tract.
generation. The LAB bacteria grows in milk and
➢ Realizes the applications of microbes in convert it into curd, thereby digesting the milk
bio-remediation. protein casein. A small amount of curd added
to fresh milk as a starter or inoculum contains
millions of Lactobacilli, which under suitable
temperature (≤40 C) multiply and convert di-oxide, which is responsible for leavening of
milk into curd. Curd is more nutritious than dough. When leavened dough is baked, both
milk as it contains a number of organic acids carbon-di-oxide and ethyl alcohol evaporate
and vitamins. making the bread porous and soft.
Antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria
develop the ability to defeat the drug designed
to kill or inhibit their growth. It is one of the
most acute threat to public health. Antibiotic
resistance is accelerated by the misuse and
over use of antibiotics, as well as poor infection
prevention control. Antibiotics should be used
H only when prescribed by a certified health
Penicillium N S
chrysogenum professional. When the bacteria become
N resistant, antibiotics cannot fight against them
OH and the bacteria multiply. Narrow spectrum
antibiotics are preferred over broad spectrum
antibiotics. They effectively and accurately target
Staphylococcus aureus
specific pathogenic organisms and are less likely
Fig. 9.1 Discovery of penicillin to cause resistance. "Superbug" is a term used to
Biodiesel is a fuel made from vegetable oils, fats or greases. Biodiesel fuel can be used in diesel
engines without altering the engine. Pure biodiesel is non-toxic, biodegradable and produces
lower level of air pollutants than petroleum-based diesel fuel. The Government of India
approved the National Policy on Biofuels in December 2009 and identified Jatropha curcas as
the most suitable oilseed for biodiesel production. Pongamia species is also a suitable choice
for production of biodiesel.
9.3.1 Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) Biogas is devoid of smell and burns with a blue
A Microbial Fuel Cell is a bio-electrochemical flame without smoke. The Methanogens are also
system that drives an electric current by using present in anaerobic sludge and rumen of cattle.
bacteria and mimicking bacterial interaction In rumen, these bacteria help in the breakdown
found in nature (Fig. 9.2). Microbial Fuel Cells of cellulose. The excreta of cattle called dung is
work by allowing bacteria to oxidize and reduce commonly called “Gobar”. Gobar gas is generated
organic molecules. Bacterial respiration is basically by the anaerobic decomposition of cattle dung. It
one big redox reaction in which electrons are consists of methane, CO2 with some hydrogen,
being moved around. A MFC consists of an anode nitrogen and other gases in trace amounts.
and a cathode separated by a proton exchange
membrane. Microbes at the anode oxidize the
organic fuel generating protons which pass
through the membrane to the cathode and the
electrons pass through the anode to the external
circuit to generate current.
Fig. 9.3 Biogas Unit
Substrate C
a O2 + 4H+
A In a biogas plant, anaerobic digestion is
n t
o h carried out in an air tight cylindrical tank known
d o as digester (Fig. 9.3). It is made up of concrete
Re e d 2H2O
e bricks and cement or steel. Bio-wastes are collected
CO2 H+ H+ and slurry of dung is fed into this digester. It
Anaerobic Chamber Aerobic Chamber has a side opening into which organic materials
for digestion are incorporated for microbial
Proton exchange membrane
activity. Anaerobic digestion is accomplished
Fig. 9.2 Microbial Fuel Cell in three stages: solubilisation, acidogenesis and
9.4 Microbes in the production of methanogenisis. The outlet is connected to a pipe
to supply biogas. The slurry is drained through
another outlet and is used as fertilizer. Biogas is
Biogas is a mixture of different gases
used for cooking and lighting. The technology of
produced by the breakdown of organic matter in
biogas production was developed in India mainly
the absence of oxygen. Biogas can be produced
due to the efforts of Indian Agricultural Research
from raw materials such as agricultural wastes,
Institute (IARI) and Khadi and Village Industries
manure, municipal wastes, plant material,
Commission (KVIC).
sewage, food waste, etc., Biogas is produced
under anaerobic condition, when the organic 9.5 Bioremediation
materials are converted through microbiological
The use of
reactions into gas and organic fertilizer. Biogas
naturally occurring or
primarily consists of methane (63 percent), along
genetically engineered
with CO2 and hydrogen. Methane producing
microorganisms to reduce
bacteria are called methanogens and one such
or degrade pollutants is
common bacterium is Methanobacterium.
+ H2
CO 2
oil CO 2
+ H2
eat oil or other
Microorganisms digest
oil and convert it to
give off
organic contaminants carbon dioxide (CO2) CO2 and H2O
and water (H2O) All microbes are not pathogenic, many of
them are beneficial to human beings. We
use microbes and their derived products
Fig. 9.4 The process of bioremediation
almost every day. Lactic acid bacteria convert
milk into curd. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Nitrosomonas europaea is also capable (yeast) is used in bread making. Idly and
of degrading benzene and a variety of dosa are made from dough fermented by
halogenated organic compounds including microbes. Bacteria and fungi are used in
trichloroethylene and vinyl chloride. cheese making. Industrial products like lactic
Ideonella sakaiensis is currently tried for acid, acetic acid and alcohol are produced
recycling of PET plastics (Fig. 9.6). These by microbes. Antibiotics are produced from
bacteria use PETase and MHETase enzymes useful microbes to kill the disease causing
to breakdown PET plastic into terephthalic harmful microbes. For more than a hundred
acid and ethylene glycol. years, microbes are being used to treat
sewage by the process of activated sludge
Anaerobic microbes degrade the formation. Bio-gas produced by microbes is
pollutants in the absence of oxygen. used as a source of energy in rural areas. In
Dechloromonas aromatica has the ability bio-remediation naturally occurring or
to degrade benzene anaerobically and to genetically engineered microorganisms are
oxidize toluene and xylene. Phanerochaete used to reduce or degrade pollutants.
Concept Map
Procedure :
Step -1: Type the URL or scan the QR code to open the activity page and click “START” to begin
the fermentation experiment.
Step -2: Click “next” for all the flasks combination.
Step -3: W
hen the “Matching Game” starts to know the result, “Drag and place” the combination
perfectly to their respective flasks.
Step – 4 :Go on through the other tests, explanations and the principle involved in the fermentation
Applications of
"Our world is built on biology"
Chapter outline
10.1 Applications in Medicine
B efore we start this chapter, it will be helpful
if you revise the structure of DNA, Protein
synthesis and genetic engineering. Genetic
10.2 Gene therapy engineering involves the manipulation of DNA
10.3 Stem Cell Therapy and naturally occurring processes such as protein
10.4 Molecular Diagnostics synthesis for a wide range of applications including
10.5 Transgenic Animals the production of therapeutically important
10.6 Biological products and proteins. This also involves extracting a gene from
their uses one organism and transferring it to the DNA of
10.7 Animal cloning another organism, of the same or another species.
The DNA produced in this way is referred to as
10.8 Ethical issues
recombinant DNA (rDNA) and this technique as
10.9 Regulation in biotechnology
recombinant DNA technology. All these are part of
10.10 Possible threats of Genetically the broad field biotechnology which can be defined
Modified Organisms as the applications of scientific and engineering
10.11 Biosafety guidelines principles to the processing of material by biological
agents to provide goods and services.
Biotechnology is an umbrella term that covers
Learning objectives various techniques for using the properties of
living things to make products or provide services.
➢ Understand the applications of rDNA
The term biotechnology was first used before
technology in the field of medicine.
20th century for such traditional activities as
➢ Analyse the role of making idli, dosa, dairy products, bread or
diagnostic tools in
wine, but none of these would be considered
Molecular diagnosis.
biotechnology in the modern sense.
➢ Learn animal cloning
In this chapter we will study the applications
and its applications.
of bio-technology in various fields including
➢ Create awareness on the
the field of Medicine. Recombinant DNA
ethical issues involved in biotechnology.
technology has led to the large scale
➢ Realise the need for biosafety guidelines
production of various hormones and proteins
and regulations in Biotechnology.
of therapeutic use.
Extraction &
DNA Introduction of purification of
recombinant human insulin
DNA into a C chain
bacterial cell Recombinant A chain
Bacterium COOH
Human H2N
pancreas cell Signal B chain
Human Recombinant
Pre pro insulin
insulin-producing bacteria
gene multiplying C chain
Plasmid S
B chain
Human insulin Insulin
10.1.2 Human alpha lactalbumin could be isolated from blood, but the amount
Alpha lactalbumin is a protein composed of blood required for isolation of interferons is
of 123 amino acids and 4 disulphide bridges, enormous and not practical. To overcome this
with a molecular weight of 14178 Da. In issue interferons could be produced by rDNA
human milk, α lactalbumin is the most technology. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
abundant protein comprising 25% of total is more suitable for production of recombinant
protein found in human milk. It is synthesized interferons than E.coli, since E.coli does not
by the mammary glands. α lactalbumin possess the machinery for glycosylation of
binds calcium and zinc ions and possesses proteins. Interferons are used for the treatment
bactericidal and anti tumour activities. of various diseases like cancer, AIDS, multiple
Improvement of the nutritional value sclerosis, hepatitis C and herpes zoster. In spite
of cow’s milk with transgenic expression of of the therapeutic applications interferons are
recombinant human alpha lactalbumin has not within the reach of the common man due to
been attempted. Healthy transgenic cows were high cost for its production.
produced by somatic nuclear transfer, in which
10.1.4 Recombinant Vaccines
expression of upto 1.55g/L of recombinant
Recombinant DNA technology has been
human alpha lactalbumin was achieved.
used to produce new generation vaccines. The
Similarly transgenic goats were also produced,
limitations of traditional vaccine production could
in which the expression of Human alpha
be overcome by this approach.
lactalbumin was about 0.1 to 0.9mg/mL.
The recombinant vaccines are generally of
Somatic cell nuclear transfer is a
uniform quality and produce less side effects as
technique for creating a viable embryo from
compared to the vaccines produced by conventional
a body cell and an egg cell. This technique is
methods. Different types of recombinant vaccines
discussed later in animal cloning.
include subunit recombinant vaccines, attenuated
In 1997, Rosie, the first recombinant vaccines and DNA vaccines.
transgenic cow produced Subunit recombinant vaccines
human protein enriched Vaccines that use components of a pathogenic
milk, which contained the organism rather than the whole organism are called
human alpha lactalbumin. The protein subunit vaccines; recombinant DNA technology
rich milk (2.4 gm/litre) was a nutritionally is very suited for developing new subunit vaccines.
balanced food for new born babies than It includes components like proteins, peptides and
the normal milk produced by the cows. DNAs of pathogenic organisms. The advantages of
these vaccines include their purity in preparation,
10.1.3 Interferons stability and safe use.
Interferons are proteinaceous, antiviral,
species specific substances produced by Attenuated recombinant vaccines
mammalian cells when infected with viruses. This includes genetically modified
Interferons were discovered by Alick Isaacs and pathogenic organisms (bacteria or viruses)
Jean Lindemann in 1957. Based on the structure that are made nonpathogenic and are used
of interferons they are classified as α, β and γ as vaccines. It is now possible to genetically
interferons. They stimulate the cellular DNA to engineer the organisms (bacteria or viruses) and
produce antiviral enzymes which inhibit viral use them as live vaccines and such vaccines are
replication and protect the cells. Interferons referred to as attenuated recombinant vaccines.
The recombinant vaccine for hepatitis B (HbsAg) was the first synthetic vaccine launched in 1997
which was marketed by trade names Recombivax and Engerix-B. India is the fourth country in the
world after USA, France and Belgium to develop an indigenous hepatitis B vaccine.
Recombinant vaccine
Extraction &
Hepatitis B purification of
Virus HB antigen HB vaccine
gene Recombinant yeast
Recombinant cell multiplying and
DNA producing HB antigen
in fermentation tank
Bacterial Plasmid DNA
DNA cut with restriction
enzymes Fermentation
Bacterium HB antigen
Therapeutic genes transferred into the somatic Therapeutic genes transferred into the germ
cells. cells.
Introduction of genes into bone marrow cells,
Genes introduced into eggs and sperms.
blood cells, skin cells etc.,
Will not be inherited in later generations. Heritable and passed on to later generations.
The first clinical gene therapy was given in 1990 by French Anderson to a four
year old girl with adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency. ADA deficiency or SCID
(Severe combined immunodeficiency) is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder. It is
caused by the deletion or dysfunction of the gene coding for ADA enzyme. In these patients
the nonfunctioning T-Lymphocytes cannot elicit immune responses against invading
pathogens. The right approach for SCID treatment would be to give the patient a functioning
ADA which breaks down toxic biological products.
In some children ADA deficiency could be cured by bone marrow transplantation,
where defective immune cells could be replaced with healthy immune cells from a donor. In
some patients it can be treated by enzyme replacement therapy, in which functional ADA is
injected into the patient.
During gene therapy the lymphocytes from the blood of the patient are removed and
grown in a nutrient culture medium. A healthy and functional human gene, ADA cDNA
encoding this enzyme is introduced into the lymphocytes using a retrovirus. The genetically
engineered lymphocytes are subsequently returned to the patient. Since these cells are not
immortal, the patient requires periodic infusion of such genetically engineered lymphocytes.
The disease could be cured permanently if the gene for ADA isolated from bone marrow cells
are introduced into the cells of the early embryonic stages.
Bacterium carrying
plasmid with cloned normal Genetically disabled
human ADA gene retrovirus
Retrovirus infects
T cells, transfer
ADA gene to cells
Cells are grown
in culture to
ensure ADA gene
is active
multipotent and can act as a repair system of the they may be used for treatment in the future,
body, replenishing adult tissues. The red bone when required. Amniotic cell bank is a facility
marrow is a rich source of adult stem cells. that stores stem cells derived from amniotic
The most important and potential fluid for future use. Stem cells are stored in
application of human stem cells is the generation banks specifically for use by the individual
of cells and tissues that could be used for cell from whom such cells have been collected
based therapies. Human stem cells could be used and the banking costs are paid. Cord Blood
to test new drugs. Banking is the extraction of stem cells from
the umbilical cord during childbirth. While
Totipotency (Toti-total) is the ability
of a single cell to divide and produce all of the umbilical cord and cord blood are the most
the differentiated cells in an organism. popular sources of stem cells, the placenta,
Pluripotency (Pluri-several) refers to a amniotic sac and amniotic fluid are also rich
stem cell that has the potential to differentiate sources in terms of both quantity and quality.
into any of the three germ layers-ectoderm,
endoderm and mesoderm. 10.4 Molecular Diagnostics
Multipotency (multi-Many) refers Early diagnosis of infectious diseases
to the stem cells that can differentiate into or inherent genetic defects is essential for
various types of cells that are related. For
appropriate treatment. Early detection of the
example blood stem cells can differentiate
into lymphocytes, monocytes , neutrophils disease is not possible using conventional
etc., diagnostic methods like microscopic
Oligopotency (Oligo-Few) refers to examinations, serum analysis and urine
stem cells that can differentiate into few cell analysis.These laboratory techniques are
types. For example lymphoid or myeloid indirect and not always specific. Scientists
stem cells can differentiate into B and T cells are continuously searching for specific,
but not RBC. sensitive and simple diagnostic techniques
Unipotency ( Uni- Single) refers to the for diagnosis of diseases. Recombinant DNA
ability of the stem cells to differentiate into
technology, Polymerase Chain Reactions
only one cell type.
(PCR) and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent
Assay (ELISA) are some of the techniques
More that are reliable and help in early diagnosis.
Stem cell
Stem cell Presence of pathogens like virus, bacteria,
etc., is detected only when the pathogen
produces symptoms in the patient. By the
time the symptoms appear concentration
of pathogen becomes very high in the body.
Muscle cell Neuron However very low concentration of a bacteria
or a virus, even when the symptoms of the
disease does not appear, can be detected by
Red blood corpuscles amplification of their nucleic acid.
Fig. 10.4 Embryonic stem cells ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay)
ELISA is a biochemical procedure
Stem Cell Banks
discovered by Eva Engvall and Peter
Stem cell banking is the extraction, Perlmann (1971) to detect the presence of
processing and storage of stem cells, so that specific antibodies or antigens in a sample
of serum, urine, etc., It is a very important peroxide) is added with certain reagents
diagnostic tool to determine if a person is such as 4-chloronaphthol. The activity of the
HIV positive or negative. ELISA is a tool for enzyme yields a coloured product indicating
determining serum antibody concentrations the presence of the antigen. The intensity
(such as the antibodies produced in a person of the colour is directly proportional to
infected by pathogens such as HIV) and also the amount of the antigen. ELISA is highly
for detecting the presence of specific antigens sensitive and can detect antigens in the range
and hormones such as human chorionic of a nanogram.
There are four kinds of ELISA namely,
Direct ELISA, Indirect ELISA, sandwich
ELISA and competitive ELISA. It is a
highly sensitive and specific method used
for diagnosis. ELISA possesses the added
advantages of not requiring radioisotopes or a
Antigen is adsorbed onto the wells in radiation counting apparatus.
ELISA plate in coating buffer
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
Remove buffer and wash plate
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
A buffer containing unrelated protein is
is an invitro amplification technique
used to block free sites in the wells used for synthesising multiple identical
copies (billions) of DNA of interest. The
Remove buffer and wash plate
technique was developed by Kary Mullis
Enzyme conjugated detection antibody
(Nobel laureate, 1993) in the year 1983.
binds antigen
Denaturation, renaturation or primer
Remove buffer and wash plate
annealing and synthesis or primer extension,
are the three steps involved in PCR (Fig. 10.6).
Substrate is catalyzed by the enzyme to The double stranded DNA of interest is
generate colored readout
denatured to separate into two individual
strands by high temperature . This is called
Analyte/ Directly conjugated Capture denaturation. Each strand is allowed to
Antigen primary antibody antibody
Enzyme Conjugated
hybridize with a primer (renaturation or
secondary antibody primer annealing). The primer template is
Fig. 10.5 Enzyme Linked Immuno used to synthesize DNA by using Taq – DNA
Sorbent Assay polymerase (isolated from the bacterium
Thermus aquaticus).
During diagnosis the sample suspected
to contain the antigen is immobilized on the During denaturation the reaction
surface of an ELISA plate (Fig. 10.5). The mixture is heated to 950 C for a short time to
antibody specific to this antigen is added denature the target DNA into single strands
and allowed to react with the immobilized that will act as a template for DNA synthesis.
antigen. The anti-antibody is linked to an Annealing is done by rapid cooling of the
appropriate enzyme like peroxidase. The mixture, allowing the primers to bind to the
unreacted anti-antibody is washed away sequences on each of the two strands flanking
and the substrate of the enzyme (hydrogen the target DNA. During primer extension or
synthesis the temperature of the mixture is identify them. The concept behind PCR based
increased to 750C for a sufficient period of diagnosis of infectious diseases is simple – if
time to allow Taq DNA polymerase to extend the pathogen is present in a clinical specimen
each primer by copying the single stranded its DNA will be present. Its DNA has unique
template. At the end of incubation both single sequences that can be detected by PCR, often
template strands will be made partially double using the clinical specimen (for example,
stranded. The new strand of each double blood, stool, spinal fluid, or sputum) in the
stranded DNA extends to a variable distance PCR mixture. PCR is also employed in the
downstream. These steps are repeated again prenatal diagnosis of inherited diseases by
and again to generate multiple forms of the using chorionic villi samples or cells from
desired DNA. This process is also called DNA amniocentesis. Diseases like sickle cell
amplification. anemia, β-thalassemia and phenylketonuria
The PCR technique can also be used can be detected by PCR in these samples. cDNA
for amplifications of RNA in which case from PCR is a valuable tool for diagnosis and
it is referred to as reverse transcription monitoring retroviral infections e.g., Corona
PCR (RT-PCR). In this process the RNA Virus (SARS - CoV-2).
molecules (mRNA) must be converted to Several virally induced cancers, like
complementary DNA by the enzyme reverse cervical cancer caused by Papilloma virus
transcriptase. The cDNA then serves as the can be detected by PCR. Sex of human beings
template for PCR. and live stocks, embryos fertilized invitro can
PCR In Clinical Diagnosis be determined by PCR by using primers and
The specificity and sensitivity of PCR is DNA probes specific for sex chromosomes.
useful for the diagnosis of inherited disorders PCR technique is also used to detect sex-
(genetic diseases), viral diseases, bacterial linked disorders in fertilized embryos.
diseases, etc., The diagnosis and treatment of
a particular disease often requires identifying Applications of PCR
a particular pathogen. Traditional methods The differences in the genomes of
of identification involve culturing these two different organisms can be studied by
organisms from clinical specimens and PCR. PCR is very important in the study of
performing metabolic and other tests to evolutions, more specifically phylogenetics.
5’ 3’
3’ 5’
5’ 3’
NA Sample Primers Nucleotides 5’ 3’
3’ 5’
DNA primer 3’ 5’
Thermall C
Th Cycler
l 5’ 3’
3’ 5’
• T
ransgenic animals are used to produce causing antigens and these can be produced
proteins which are important for medical using transgenic animals as bioreactors.
and pharmaceutical applications. Monoclonal antibodies, which are used to
• T
ransgenic mice are used for testing the treat cancer, heart disease and transplant
safety of vaccines. rejection are produced by this technology.
Natural protein adhesives are non toxic,
• T
ransgenic animals are used for testing
biodegradable and rarely trigger an immune
toxicity in animals that carry genes which
response, hence could be used to reattach
make them sensitive to toxic substances
tendons and tissues, fill cavities in teeth, and
than non-transgenic animals exposed
repair broken bones.
to toxic substances and their effects are
studied. 10.7 Animal Cloning
• T
ransgenesis is important for improving Cloning is the process of producing
the quality and quantity of milk, meat, genetically identical individuals of an organism
eggs and wool production in addition to either naturally or artificially. In nature many
testing drug resistance. organisms produce clones through asexual
10.6 Biological products and their
uses Cloning in biotechnology refers to the
A biological product is a substance process of creating copies of organisms or copies
derived from a living organism and used for of cells or DNA fragments (molecular cloning).
the prevention or treatment of disease. These Dolly was the first mammal (Sheep)
products include antitoxins, bacterial and clone developed by Ian Wilmut and Campbell
viral vaccines, blood products and hormone in 1997. Dolly, the transgenic clone was
extracts. These products may be produced developed by the nuclear transfer technique
through biotechnology in a living system, such and the phenomenon of totipotency.
as a microorganism, plant cell or animal cell, Totipotency refers to the potential of a cell
and are often more difficult to characterize than to develop different cells, tissues, organs and
small molecule drugs. Through recombinant finally an organism.
DNA technology it is possible to produce these The mammary gland udder cells
biological products on demand. There are (somatic cells) from a donor sheep (ewe) were
many types of biological products approved isolated and subjected to starvation for 5 days.
for use -they are, therapeutic proteins, The udder cells could not undergo normal
monoclonal antibodies and vaccines. Health growth cycle, entered a dormant stage and
care and pharmaceutical industries have been became totipotent. An ovum (egg cell) was
revolutionised by biotechnological proteins. taken from another sheep (ewe) and its nucleus
Hormones and antibodies are produced was removed to form an enucleated ovum. The
commercially, primarily for the medical dormant mammary gland cell/udder cell and
industry. Recombinant hormones like Insulin, the enucleated ovum were fused. The outer
Human growth hormone, Recombinant membrane of the mammary cell was ruptured
vaccines and recombinant proteins like human allowing the ovum to envelope the nucleus.
alpha lactalbumin are available today. The fused cell was implanted into another
Animals are used as bioreactors to ewe which served as a surrogate mother. Five
produce desirable proteins. Antibodies are months later dolly was born. Dolly was the
substances that react against the disease first animal to be cloned from a differentiated
somatic cell taken from an adult animal • It can cause animals to suffer.
without the process of fertilization (Fig. 10.8). • R
eports show that animal surrogates were
manifesting adverse outcomes and cloned
animals were affected with disease and have
high mortality rate.
Udder cell Egg from B
from A • It might compromise human health through
consumption of cloned animal meat.
Nucleus • C
loned animals age faster than normal
nucleus from animals and are less healthy than the parent
Fuse cells organism as discovered in Dolly.
• C
loning can lead to occurrence of genetic
disorders in animals.
• M
ore than 90% of cloning attempts fail to
produce a viable offspring.
Culture in
oviduct tissue
Ian Wilmut and Campbell
Implant 6 day old
removed 277 cells from
embryo in surrogate the udder of an adult
sheep and fused those
cells with 277 unfertilised
egg cells from which the nuclear material
was removed. After culturing the resulting
embryos for 6 days, they implanted 29
embryos into the surrogate mother's womb
and only one Dolly was produced.
or deliberately for the purpose of war may responsible for the local implementation of
be developed that could cause epidemics or guidelines; Review Committee on Genetic
environmental catastrophies. Although many Manipulation (RCGM) is responsible
are concerned about the possible risk of genetic for issuing permits and the GEAC is
engineering, the risks are in fact slight and the responsible for monitoring the large scale
potential benefits are substantial. and commercial use of transgenic materials.
The biotechnology industry is governed
10.9 Regulations in Biotechnology by different enactments depending on their
Regulations apply to the production, sale relevance / applicability on a case to case
and use of biotech products and genetically basis. “Recombinant DNA safety guidelines,
modified organisms. GMOs are carefully 1990” were released by the Department of
tested and documented before the products Biotechnology (DBT) which cover areas of
are available. GMOs should be labelled research involving genetically engineered
and used according to instructions. These organisms and these guidelines were
regulations are designed to protect the people, further revised in 1994.
living organisms and the environment. The
RCGM under the DBT comprises
Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India
representatives of DBT, Indian Council
(BRAI) is a proposed regulatory body in India
for Medical Research, Indian Council for
for uses of biotechnology products including
Agricultural research and Council for Scientific
GMOs. The Genetic Engineering Approval
and Industrial Research.
Committee (GEAC), a body under the
Ministry of Environment, forests and climate Industrial licensing under the Industrial
change (India) is responsible for approval of (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 is
genetically engineered products in India. If compulsory for bulk drugs produced by the
the bill is passed the responsibility will be use of recombinant DNA technology.
taken over by the Environmental Appraisal Being a signatory to the Trade Related
Panel, a subdivision of the BRAI. The bill Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
also proposes setting up an inter ministerial Agreement of WTO, India has amended its
governing body to oversee the performance legislations pertaining to intellectual property
of BRAI and a National Biotechnology through various legislations including Patents
Advisory Council of stakeholders to (Amendment) Act, 1999.
provide feedback on the use of, import and
manufacture of biotechnology products and 1. The Recombinant DNA Advisory Advisory
Committee (RDAC)
organisms in the society. The regulatory
body is an autonomous and statutory agency 2. Institutional Biosafety Committee
to regulate the research, transport, import
and manufacture of biotechnology products 3. Review Committee on Genetic Approval
Manipulation (RCGM)
and organisms.
4. Genetic Engineering Approval
Committee (GEAC)
GEAC is assisted by the State
Biotechnology Co-ordination Committee 5. State Biotechnology Coordination
Committee (SBCC) Monitoring
(SBCC) and District Level committee (DLC).
The most important committees are The 6. District Level Committee (DLC)
Biodiversity could be
negatively affected by Transferred genes GMOs do present two major
destruction of pests, could mutate and cause agricultural problems in the forms of
weeds, and even unexpected risks. pesticide- and herbicide-resistance.
competing plants.
7. ELISA is mainly used for into the individual. By this the function
a) Detection of mutations can be restored. An alternate method
b) Detection of pathogens would be to provide gene product known
c) Selecting animals having desired traits as enzyme replacement therapy, which
d) Selecting plants having desired traits would also restore the function. Which
8. Transgenic animals are those which have in your opinion is a better option? Give
a) Foreign DNA in some of their cells reasons for your answer.
b) Foreign DNA in all their cells 18. W
hat are transgenic animals? Give
c) Foreign RNA in some of their cells examples.
d) Foreign RNA in all their cells
19. I f a person thinks he is infected
9. Vaccines that use components of a with HIV, due to unprotected sex, and
pathogenic organism rather than the whole goes for a blood test. Do you think a
organism are called test such as ELISA will help? If so why?
a) Subunit recombinant vaccines If not, why?
b) attenuated recombinant vaccines 20. E
xplain how ADA deficiency can be
c) DNA vaccines corrected?
d) conventional vaccines
21. What are DNA vaccines?
10. GEAC stands for 22. D
ifferentiate between Somatic cell gene
a) Genome Engineering Action Committee therapy and germline gene therapy.
b) Ground Environment Action Committee
c) Genetic Engineering Approval Committee 23. W
hat are stem cells? Explain its role in the
d) Genetic and Environment Approval field of medicine.
Committee 24. O
ne of the applications of biotechnology is
11. M ention the number of primers required in ‘gene therapy” to treat a person born with a
each cycle of PCR. Write the role of primers hereditary disease.
and DNA polymerase in PCR. Name the i) What does “gene therapy” mean?
source organism of the DNA polymerase
ii) Name the hereditary disease for which
used in PCR.
the first clinical gene therapy was used.
12. H ow is the amplification of a gene sample of
interest carried out using PCR? iii)
Mention the steps involved in gene
therapy to treat this disease.
13. W hat is genetically engineered Insulin?
14. Explain how “Rosie” is different from a 25. P
CR is a useful tool for early diagnosis of an
normal cow. Infectious disease. Elaborate.
15. H ow was Insulin obtained before the 26. W
hat are recombinant vaccines?. Explain
advent of rDNA technology? What were the the types.
problems encountered? 27. E
xplain why cloning of Dolly, the sheep
16. ELISA is a technique based on the was such a major scientific breakthrough?
principles of antigen-antibody reactions.
28. M
ention the advantages and disadvantages
Can this technique be used in the molecular
of cloning.
diagnosis of a genetic disorder such as
Phenylketonuria? 29. E
xplain how recombinant Insulin can be
17. G ene therapy is an attempt to correct a
Genetic defect by providing a normal gene 30. What are the possible risks of GMOs?
Procedure :
Step -1: Type the URL or scan the QR code to open the activity page and click “Click to enter
the lab” to begin.
Step -2: Click wherever the cursor symbol becomes as “Hand” symbol as that would lead for
the next step.
Step -3 Follow the instructions for all the six steps “Prepare DNA to Examine Light Output”.
Step – 4 : Explore the “Use Transgenic flies” a dialog box option found below the lab area to
know uses.
Step 4
11.3. Major Abiotic Components or Factors he word ‘ecology’ is derived from the
11.4. Concept of Biome and their Greek term ‘oikos’, meaning ‘house’ and
logos, meaning ‘study’. Thus, the study of the
11.5. Responses to abiotic factors
environmental ‘house’ includes all the organisms
11.6. Adaptations
in it and all the functional processes that make
11.7. Populations
11.8. Population attributes the house habitable.
11.9. Population age distribution The study of ecology encompasses
11.10. Growth models / Curves different levels-organism, population,
11.11. Population regulation
community, ecosystem, etc., In ecology, the
11.12. Population interaction
term population, originally coined to denote
a group of people is broadened to include
Learning Objectives
groups of individuals of any one kind of
To gain knowledge / insight about: organism. Community in the ecological sense
➢ The local and geographical distribution (designated as ‘biotic community’) includes
- abundance of organisms.
all the populations occupying a given area.
➢ Temporal changes in the occurrence,
abundance and activities. The community (Biotic) and the non-living
➢ Interrelationship between environment (Abiotic) function together as
organism in population an ecological system (or) ecosystem. Biome
and communities. is a term in wide use for a large regional or
➢ Structural adaptation and sub continental system characterized by a
functional adjustment
major vegetation type. The largest and most
of organisms to their physical
environment. nearly self-sufficient biological system is often
➢ The evolutionary development of all designated as the Ecosphere, which includes all
these interrelations. the living organisms of the Earth, interacting
➢ Population growth, models, regulation. with the physical environment to regulate
➢ Animal associations – intraspecific, their distribution, abundance, production and
interspecific. evolution.
of animals are influenced by temperature. Birds
and mammals attain greater body size in colder
climates, tend to have shorter limbs, ears and
other appendages when compared to the
Fig.11.1 Types of feeders (niche) in pond ecosystem members of the same species in warmer climates
(Allen’s rule). In some aquatic environments, an
inverse relationship between water temperature
11.3 Major Abiotic Components and fish meristic characters is observed -
or Factors lower the temperature, more the vertebrae
The abiotic factors include the chemical (Jordon’s rule).
and physical factors which influence or affect
Bergman's rule
organisms and their functioning in their Bergman's rule is an eco geographic principle
environment. The common abiotic factors are: that states that within broadly distributed
taxoncmic clade, populations and
Temperature species of larger size are found in
colder and of smaller
size are in warmer
Temperature or degree of hotness and regions.
coldness is an essential and variable factor in
any environment. It influences all forms of life
by affecting many vital activities of organisms
like metabolism, behaviour, reproduction,
development and even death in the Biosphere.
environment regulates the survival of a cell. VRXWKHUO\GHVHUWMDFNUDEELW /DOOHQL KDUHVVKRZSURJUHVVLYHO\
(cat, dog, tiger, human). Eurythermy can be calories) and duration (length of day) of light
an evolutionary advantage: adaptations to cold are considered significant for organisms.
temperatures (cold-eurythemy) are seen as Light influences growth, pigmentation,
essential for the survival of species during ice migration and reproduction. The
ages. In addition, the ability to survive in a intensity and frequency of light influences
wide range of temperatures increases a species' metabolic activity, induce gene mutations
ability to inhabit other areas, an advantage (UV, X- rays). Light is essential for vision. This
for natural selection. Eurythermy is an aspect of is proved by the poorly developed or absence
thermoregulation in organisms. of eyes in cave dwelling organisms. Diapause is
Those organisms which can tolerate only a also influenced by light in animals. Gonads of
narrow range of temperature are Stenotherms birds become more active with increasing light
(Fish, Frogs, Lizards and Snakes). in summer. Light influences the locomotion
Over the course of time, by evolution, and movement of lower animals.
animals of different ecological habitats have Phototaxis: The movement of organism
developed different variations and adaptations
in response to light, either towards the source
to temperature changes. It enabled them to
of light as in Moths (positive phototaxis) or
survive in different habitats and develop niches.
away from light (Euglena, Volvox, earthworm
In case of extreme temperatures, organisms have
adapted by forming heat resistant spores, cysts (negative phototaxis).
(Entamoeba), antifreeze proteins (Arctic fishes). Phototropism: The growth or orientation
Hibernation (winter sleep) and Aestivation of an organism in response to light, either
(summer sleep) are useful adaptations to towards the source of light (positive
overcome extreme winters and summers. In phototropism) as seen in Sunflower, or a way
certain conditions, migration is an appropriate from light (negative phototropism) as in case
adaptation to overcome extreme temperatures of the root of plants.
and resultant water and food scarcity. (Fig 11.2).
Photokinesis: A change in the speed
Light of locomotion (or frequency of turning) in
It is an important and essential abiotic a motile organism or cell which is made in
factor. Ecologically, the quality (wavelength or response to a change in light intensity is called
colour), the intensity (actual energy in gram Photokinesis. It involves undirected random
movement in response to light.
Fig. 11.2 Types of Organisms based on temperature tolerance
179 Organisms and Populations
There are two types of water on Earth. Û& :DWHU
They are the Fresh water (rivers, lakes, ponds) Û&
4. Soil Temperature-Soil gets its heat energy temperature and density of oxygen decreases.
from solar radiation, decomposing organic Higher altitudes usually receive snow instead of
matter, and heat from the interior of earth. rain because of low temperature.
Soil temperature effects the germination Animals are known to modify their
of seeds, growth of roots and biological response to environmental changes (stress) in
activity of soil-inhabiting micro-and macro- reasonably short time spans. This is known as
organisms. Acclimatization. This is observed when people
5. Soil water- In soil, water is not only important who have moved from the plains to higher
as a solvent and transporting agent, but also altitudes show enhanced RBC count within a
maintains soil texture, arrangement and few days of settling in their new habitat. This
compactness of soil particles, making soil helps them cope with lower atmospheric oxygen
habitable for plants and animals. and higher oxygen demand.
Wind 11.4 Concept of biome and their
Wind is the natural movement of air of any distribution
velocity from a particular direction. The two Biomes are large regions of earth that
main causes are differential heating between have similar or common vegetation and
the equator and the poles and the rotation climatic conditions. They play a crucial role
of the planet (Coriolis effect). Wind helps to in sustaining life on Earth. They are defined
transport pollen grains, seeds, and even flight by their soil, climate, flora and fauna. Biomes
of birds. While it is the source of wind energy, have distinct biological communities that
it also causes erosion. Wind speed is measured have been formed in response to a shared
with an Anemometer. physio-chemical climate. Biomes are seen to
even spread across continents. Thus, it can be
Humidity observed that a biome is a broader term than
Moisture in the form of invisible vapor habitat. Any biome can comprise a variety of
in the atmosphere is called humidity. which habitats. Factors such as temperature, light,
is generally expressed in terms of absolute water availability determine what type of
humidity, relative humidity or specific humidity. organisms and adaptations are observed in a
Absolute humidity is the total mass of water biome (Fig. 11.4).
vapour present in a given volume or mass of air. Characters of a Biome
It does not take temperature into consideration. • Location, Geographical position (Latitude,
Relative humidity is the amount of water Longitude)
vapour present in air and is expressed as a • Climate and physiochemical environment
percentage of the amount needed for saturation • Predominant plant and animal life
at the same temperature Relative humidity is
• Boundaries between biomes are not always
expressed as a percentage; a high percentage sharply defined. Transition or transient
means that the air-water mixture is more zones are seen as in case of grassland and
humid at a given temperature. Humidity is forest biomes. (Fig. 11.5)
measured with a Hygrometer.
Aquatic Biomes
They occupy about 71% of the biosphere.
This factor is mainly the elevation or gradient The aquatic biome is home to millions of aquatic
and it affects temperature and precipitation in organisms like fishes. The climate of coastal
an ecosystem or biome. As altitude increases, zones are influenced by aquatic bodies.
respective biomes. The terrestrial biomes are a
IRUHVW JUDVVODQG 'HVHUW source of food, O2 and act as CO2 sink, apart
from the climate regulatory role.
• Dwarf willows, birches, mosses, grasses, • They have hot summers, cold winters, and
sedges are the flora here. irregular rainfall.
• Reindeer, arctic hare, musk ox, lemmings • Often they are characterized by high winds.
are important Tundra herbivores. Some • The low irregular rainfall is the factor which
important carnivores are the arctic fox, makes the difference between a temperate
arctic wolf, bobcat and snowy owl. Polar deciduous forest and a temperate grassland.
bears live along coastal areas.
• Herbivores like antelope, bison, wild horse,
• Because of the severe winters, many of the jack rabbit, ground squirrel and prairie dogs
animals are migratory. For example, the are abundant.
many shore birds and waterfowl such as • Predators include coyotes, foxes, hawks and
ducks and geese, nest in the Tundra during snakes.
the summer and migrate south for the winter.
• In India, fauna of grasslands includes
Taiga Biome Elephant, Gaur, Rhino, Antelope.
• The Taiga is 1300-1450 km wide zone south
• Flora of grasslands include purple needle
of the Tundra.
grass, wild oats, foxtail, ryegrass and buffalo
• This area has long and cold winters.
grass (Fig. 11.7).
• Summer temperature ranges from 10⁰ C to 21⁰ C.
• Precipitation ranges about 380-1000 mm
• The Taiga is a forest of coniferous trees such
as spruce, fir and pine. This is a major source
for the logging industry.
• Important migratory herbivores include
moose, elk, deer and reindeer. Moose and
reindeer migrate to the Taiga for winter and to
the Tundra for summers. The common smaller Fig. 11.7 Grassland biome
mammals are herbivorous squirrels, snowshoe
hare and predatory pine martens. Important Alpine Biome
predators include the timber wolf, grizzly bear, • The alpine zone (zone between timber line
black bear, bobcat and wolverines. (Fig. 11.6) and snow zone) includes in the descending
order, a sub-snow zone immediately below
the snow zone, a meadow zone in the centre
and a shrub zone which gradually merges
The taiga biome
is composed of conifers into the timber zone.
with needle-leaved or
scale-leaved trees. • The snow zone of Himalayas lies over
5100m above mean sea level and alpine
zone exists at a height of 3600m. From an
ecological view point, the zone above the
Fig. 11.6 Taiga biome limits of tree growth (timber line) exhibits
Grassland Biome extreme environmental conditions which
• Grasslands occur in temperate and in the greatly influence the biota of this region.
tropical regions.
Forest Biome
Forest is a broad term used to describe
areas where there are a large number of
trees (Fig. 11.8). The forest biomes include a
complex assemblage of different kinds of biotic
communities. The major forest biomes are the Fig. 11.8 Forest biome
Tropical forests and the Temperate forests.
Temperate forest
Tropical forest • These forests occur in eastern North
• They occur near the equator (between America, northeastern Asia and western
latitudes 23.5⁰ at north and 23.5⁰ at south). and central Europe.
• The major characteristic of tropical forests is • Have well-defined seasons with a distinct
their distinct seasons. Only two seasons are winter. Moderate climate and a growing
present (rainy and dry). Winter is absent. season of 140-200 days during 4-6 frost-
free months distinguish temperate forests.
• Annual temperature varies from -30° C to • Hot deserts such as the Sahara of North
30° C. Africa and the deserts of the southwestern
• Precipitation (750-1500 mm) is distributed U.S., Mexico, Australia and India
evenly throughout the year. (Thar desert) occur at low latitudes.
• Hot deserts have a considerable amount
• Soil is fertile, enriched with decaying litter.
of specialized vegetation (xerophytes),
• Canopy is moderately dense and aloe, agave, Opuntia species, Euphorbia
allows light to penetrate, resulting in royleana as well as specialized vertebrate
well-developed and richly diversified and invertebrate animals.
understorey vegetation and stratification • The dominant animals of warm deserts are
of animals. reptiles and small mammals. The Indian
• Flora is characterized by 3-4 tree species Spiny-tailed lizard, the blackbuck, the
per km2. Trees have broad leaves that are white-footed fox are the common fauna
lost annually such as oak, hickory, beech, of the Thar deserts. There are also insects,
hemlock, maple, basswood, cottonwood, arachnids and birds.
elm, willow, and spring-flowering herbs. • Cold deserts occur in Antarctic, Greenland
• Fauna consists of squirrels, rabbits, skunks, and the Nearctic realm, parts of USA and in
birds, deer, mountain lion, bobcat, timber parts of western Asia and the Ladakh region
wolf, fox, and black bear. in India.
• Widely distributed animals are jack rabbits,
Only scattered remnants of original kangaroo rats, kangaroo mice, pocket
temperate forests remain today. mice, grasshopper mice, antelope and
ground squirrels.
Desert Biome
• Deserts cover about one fifth of the earth's Rainfall is lowest in
surface and occur where rainfall is >250
the Atacama Desert of
Chile, where it averages
• Rainfall is usually very low and/or less than 15 mm. Some
concentrated in short bursts between
years are even rainless.
long rainless periods. Evaporation rates
Inland Sahara also receives less than
regularly exceed rainfall rates.
15 mm rainfall a year. Rainfall in
• Soils are course-textured, shallow, rocky
American deserts is higher — almost
or gravely with good drainage and have no
280 mm a year.
subsurface water. The finer dust and sand
particles are blown elsewhere, leaving
11.5 Responses To Abiotic Factors
heavier pieces behind. Sand dunes are
Every living organism responds to
its environment. There are various ways
• Mean annual temperatures range from by which organisms respond to abiotic
20-25° C. The extreme maximum ranges conditions. Some organisms can maintain
from 43.5 - 49° C. Minimum temperatures constant physiological and morphological
sometimes drop to -18° C. Based on the conditions or undertake steps to overcome
temperature range, deserts can be Hot the environmental condition, which in itself
deserts and Cold deserts. is a response (Fig. 11.9).
11.6 Adaptations
In biology, adaptation is a
dynamic evolutionary process
that fits organisms to their
environment and enhancing
their evolutionary fitness.
Adaptations can be a phenotypic or adaptive
Fig. 11.9 Organisms’ response to trait with a functional role in each individual
environmental stressors organism that is maintained and has
The types of responses observed are been evolved by natural selection. The adaptive
• Regulate: Some organisms are able to traits may be structural adaptation, behavioural
maintain homeostasis by physiological adaptation and physiological adaptation.
means which ensures constant body a) Structural adaptations
temperature, ionic / osmotic balance.
The external and internal structures of
Birds, mammals and a few lower vertebrate
animals can help them to adapt better to their
and invertebrate species are capable of such
environment. Some of the most common
examples are mammals growing thicker fur
• Conform: Most animals cannot maintain to survive freezing climates. Some of the
a constant internal environment. Their most attractive adaptations in nature occur
body temperature changes with the for reasons of crypsis (e.g. camouflage) and
ambient temperature. In aquatic animals mimicry. Cryptic animals are those which
like fishes, the osmotic concentration of camouflage perfectly with their environment
the body fluids changes with that of the and are almost impossible to detect. Certain
ambient water osmotic concentration. Such reptiles and insects such as chameleons and
animals are called Conformers. In case of stick insects show this type of adaptation,
extreme condition, the inhabitants relocate which helps in prey capture or to evade from
themselves as in migration. predators. Likewise, horse legs are suitable
• Migrate: Organisms tend to move away for fast running and adapted for grasslands
temporarily from a stressful habitat to a and similar terrestrial environments.
new, hospitable area and return when the
b) Behavioural adaptations
stressful period is over. Birds migrate from
Action and behaviour of animals are
Siberia to Vedanthangal in Tamilnadu to
instinctive or learned. Animals develop certain
escape from the severe winter periods.
behavioural traits or adaptations for survival.
• Suspend: In certain conditions, if the Fleeing from a predator, hiding during sleep,
organisms is unable to migrate, it may avoid seeking refuge from climate change or moving
the stress by becoming inactive. This is seen to find different food sources are all behavioral
commonly in bears going into hibernation adaptations. The two most characteristic forms
during winter. Some snails and fish go of behavioral adaptations are migration and
into aestivation to avoid summer related courtship. Migration allows the animals to find
better resources or evade threat. Courtship is 7. Integuments rich in mucous glands are
a set of behavioral patterns to find a mate to protected by scales.
reproduce. Most nocturnal animals remain 8. Maintain water and ionic balance in its
underground or inactive during daytime. This body with excretory structures.
is a modification of their feeding and activity
pattern or habit or behaviour. Adaptations of terrestrial animals
1. Earthworms and land Planarians
Ethology is the scientific study of animal
secrete a mucus coating to maintain a
behaviour, under natural conditions. moist situation for burrowing, coiling,
c) Physiological adaptations respiration, etc.,
D. Competition 4. Sea anemone on hermit c) small number of progeny with small size
crab d) small number of progeny with large size
E. Predation 5. Barnacles attached to 11. Animals that can move from fresh water
Whales to sea called as.....
a) A- 4, B-5, C-2, D –3, E-1 a) Stenothermal b) Eurythermal
b) A- 3, B-1, C-4, D – 2, E-5 c) Catadromous d) Anadromous
c) A- 2, B-3, C-1, D – 5, E-4 12. Some organisms are able to maintain
d) A- 5, B-4, C-2, D – 3, E-1 homeostasis by physical means ...
8. The figure given below is a diagrammatic a) Conform b) Regulate
representation of response of organisms c) Migrate d) Suspend
to abiotic factors. What do A, B and C 13. What is a Habitat?
represent respectively.
14. Define ecological niche.
15. What is Acclimatisation?
$ 16. What is Pedogenesis?
22. What are the ways by which organisms 29. List the adaptations seen in terrestrial
respond to abiotic factors? animals.
23. Classify the adaptive traits found in 30. Describe Population Age Distribution.
organisms. 31. Describe Growth Models/Curves.
24. Differentiate Natality and Mortality. 32. Tabulate and analysis of two species
25. Differentiate J and S shaped curve. population interaction.
26. Give an account of population regulation. 33. Explain Parasitism with an example.
27. Give an account of the properties of soil. 34. Differentiate between Amensalism and
28. Differentiate between Tundra and Taiga Commensalism.
23/12/2022 16:51:14
Biodiversity and
its Conservation
Nilgiri tahr is an endangered species in the
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
due to hunting and poaching
Chapter outline
12.1 Biodiversity
12.2 Importance of biodiversity – Global
and India
A wide variety of living organisms including
plants, animals and micro-organisms with
whom we share this planet earth makes the world
12.3 Biogeographical regions of India a beautiful place to live in. Living organisms exist
12.4 Threats to biodiversity almost everywhere from mountain peaks to the
12.5. Causes of Biodiversity Loss ocean depths; from deserts to the rainforests.
12.6 IUCN They vary in their habit and behaviour, shape,
size and colour. The remarkable diversity of
12.7 Biodiversity and its conservation
living organisms forms an inseparable and
12.8 Restoration of degraded habitats
significant part of our planet, however, the ever
12.9 Biodiversity Act (BDA)
increasing human population is posing serious
threats to bio-diversity. In this chapter, we shall
discuss biodiversity – concepts, levels, magnitude
Learning objectives
and patterns, importance of biodiversity,
biogeographical regions of India, threats to
➢ Acquire knowledge about concept, biodiversity, causes of biodiversity loss, extinction,
level and patterns of biodiversity. and biodiversity conservation.
➢ Appreciate the magnitude
of India’s biodiversity. 12.1 Biodiversity
➢ Understand The 1992 UN Earth Summit defined
biogeographical regions
Biodiversity as the variability among living
and resources of India.
organisms from all sources, including
➢ Gain insight into the
terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems
threats to biodiversity.
➢ Understand the reasons/ and the ecological complexes of which they are
causes and effects of extinction. a part. This includes diversity within species,
➢ Create awareness to restore degraded between species and ecosystems of a region.
habitats and environment. It reflects the number of different organisms
➢ To be aware of the Biodiversity Act and their relative frequencies in an ecological
and its provisions. system and constitutes the most important
functional component of a natural ecosystem.
i. Alpha diversity: It is measured by counting described. Each year about 10-15 thousand
the number of taxa (usually species) within new species are identified and published
a particular area, community or ecosystem. worldwide, of which 75% are invertebrates. The
B eta diversity: It is species diversity number of undescribed species is undoubtedly
between two adjacent ecosystems and is much higher.
obtaining by comparing the number of India is very rich in terms of biological
species unique to each of the ecosystem. diversity due to its unique bio-geographical
iii. Gamma diversity refers to the diversity location, diversified climatic conditions and
of the habitats over the total landscape or enormous eco-diversity and geo-diversity.
geographical area. According to world biogeographic classification,
iii. Gamma diversity: It refers to the diversity India represents two of the major realms
of the habitats over the total landscape or (The Palearctic and Indo-Malayan) and three
geographical area. biomes (Tropical humid forests, Tropical Dry/
Deciduous forests and Warm Deserts/Semi
deserts). With only about 2.4% of the world’s
total land surface, India is known to have over
8 % of the species of animals that the world
holds and this percentage accounts for about
92,000 known species.
India is the seventh largest country in the
world in terms of area. India has a variety of
ecosystems, biomes with its varied habitats
like, hills, valleys, plateaus, sea shores,
Fig. 12.1a Species biodiversity mangroves, estuaries, glaciers, grasslands
Community/Ecosystem diversity is the and river basins. It also reflects different
variety of habitats, biotic communities, and kinds of climates, precipitation, temperature
ecological processes in the biosphere. It is the distribution, river flow and soil. India is one
diversity at ecosystem level due to diversity of of the 17 mega biodiversity countries of the
niches, trophic levels and ecological processes world and has ten biogeographic zones with
like nutrient cycles, food webs, energy flow characteristic habitat and biota.
and several biotic interactions. India with its
alpine meadows, rain forests, mangroves,
"The world is currently undergoing a very
coral reefs, grass lands and deserts has one of
rapid loss of biodiversity comparable
the greatest ecosystem diversity on earth.
with the great mass extinction events
12.1.3 Magnitude of biodiversity that have previously occurred only
five or six times in the earth's history."
Biodiversity is often quantified as the
- World Wildlife Fund
number of species in a region at a given time.
The current estimate of different species on
earth is around 8-9 million. However, we really 12.1.4 Patterns of biodiversity
don’t know the exact magnitude of our natural distribution
wealth. This is called the ‘The Taxonomic The distribution of plants and animals
impediment’. So far about 1.5 million species of is not uniform around the world. Organisms
microorganisms, animals and plants have been require different sets of conditions for their
certain limit. The relationship between species of flora and fauna including microorganisms.
richness and area for a wide variety of taxa These organisms can inhabit different
(angiosperm plants, birds, bats, freshwater ecosystems with varying conditions like
fishes) turned out to be the rectangular the Rainforests, Coral reefs, Grasslands,
hyperbola. On a logarithmic scale, the Deserts, Tundra and the Polar ice caps. This
relationship is a straight line described by the variety (Biodiversity) is essential for the
equation. wellbeing of our planet and sustenance of
log S = log C + Z log A life as a whole.
where Ecologist Paul Ehrlich proposed
S = Species richness the 'Rivet Popper Hypothesis' for better
A = Area understanding the loss of each species in
Z = Slope of the line the ecosystem. He compared each species
(regression coefficient) of an ecosystem with rivets in the body of an
C = Y-intercept aeroplane. Thousands of rivets (species) join
all the parts of an aeroplane (ecosystem). If
every passenger travelling in the aeroplane
starts taking rivets home (loss of species),
initially it may not affect flight safety (proper
functioning of the ecosystem). However,
(S) Species richness
soil microbial diversity along with the • ecological stability – the varieties and
different trophic members richness of species contribute to ecological
• increases ecosystem productivity and stability and survival of species. Biodiverse
provide food resources regions are reservoirs of biological
resources like food resources, gene pool,
• act as water traps, filters, water flow genetic resource, medicinal resources,
regulators and water purifiers (forest bio-prospecting
cover and vegetation)
• to provide unique aesthetic value and hot
• climate stability (forests are essential for spots for Ecotourism. Along with forest
rainfall, temperature regulation, CO2 resources and wildlife it has commercial
absorption, which in turn regulate the significance
density and type of vegetation)
• an indicator of the health of the ecosystem.
• forest resource management and Endemism is a crucial indicator of
sustainable development richness.
• maintaining balance between biotic
12.3 Biogeographical regions of
• cleaning up of pollutants – microbes As per the international ‘biome’ type
are the biggest degraders of molecules of classification based upon climate, fauna
including many anthropogenic ones and flora and the soil conditions, India can
which are present in effluents, sewage, be divided into ten different biogeographic
garbage and agro-chemicals zones (Fig. 12.3 and table 12.1).
4. Semi-arid zones The zones in between the 16.6% Thorn and deciduous forest,
desert and the Deccan mangroves, Nilghai, black buck,
plateau including the four horned antelopes, sambar,
Aravalli hill range chital, spotted deer, Asiatic lion,
tiger, leopard, jackal etc.,
5. Western Ghats Mountain ranges from Sat 4% Evergreen to dry deciduous forests,
Pena in South Gujarat to Nilgiri langur, Indian elephant.
the southern most tip of Nilgiri tahr (state animal of
Kerala Tamilnadu), the grizzled squirrel
and lion tailed macaque (endemic)
6. Deccan Peninsula A large area comprising 42% Deciduous forest, thorn forests and
of raised land bound by pockets of semi ever green forests,
the Sathpura range on chital, sambar, sloth bear, barking
the north, Western Ghats deer, Nilghai, elephant , black buck
on the west and Eastern etc.,
Ghats on the east
7. Gangetic plains One of most fertile region 10.8% Mangrove forest, dry deciduous
of India which extends forest, rhinoceros, elephant, buffalo,
from eastern Rajasthan tiger, crocodile, swamp deer, hog
through Uttar Pradesh, deer etc.,
Bihar and West Bengal
8. North – East India The plains and non 5.2% Biogeographical Gateway for much
Himalayan hill ranges of of India’s fauna and flora and also
north eastern India. biodiversity hot spot.
This region represents the Semi ever green forest, monsoon
transition zone between forests, swamps and grassland,
the Indian, Indo – Malayan Indian rhinoceros, golden langur,
and Indo – Chinese leopard etc.,
bio geographical regions.
It is the meeting point of
the Himalayan mountains
and peninsular India
9. Coastal Region The coastline from Gujarat 2.5% Mangroves, sponges, corals, crabs,
to Sunderbans with sandy turtles, tunas, ornamental fishes etc.,
beaches, mud flats, coral
reefs, and mangroves
10. Andaman and Andaman and Nicobar 0.3% Evergreen forest, a wide diversity of
Nicobar Islands Islands in the Bay of corals, Narcondam hornbills, giant
Bengal robber crab, turtle, wild boar, water
monitor, south Andaman krait etc.,
Indian Desert
Western Ghats
Deccan Peninsula
Gangetic Plains
North East India
Coastal Region
destroyed rapidly for human occupancy. Loss the need becomes greed, it leads to over
of habitat results in annihilation of plants, exploitation of natural resources. Excessive
microorganisms and forcing out animals exploitation of a species, reduces the size of
from their habitats. its population to such a level that it becomes
vulnerable to extinction. Dodo, passenger
pigeon and Steller’s sea cow have become
Where are the Sparrows?
extinct in the last 200-300 years due to over
Common Sparrows are going extinct exploitation by humans. Overfishing due to
because of mindless urbanization. They population pressure leads to many marine fish
are losing not just their natural habitats (populations) declining around the world.
but also the essential human touch they
need and thrive upon. The population of Exotic species invasion:
sparrows is dwindling due to the use of Exotic species (non-native; alien) are
packed food, insecticides in farming and organisms often introduced unintentionally
changing lifestyles, and match box-styled or deliberately for commercial purpose, as
architecture resulting in an inadequate biological control agents and other uses. They
availability of food and shelter for the birds. often become invasive and drive away the local
Unlike pigeons that can make nests on species and is considered as the second major
ledges, sparrows need cavities to build their cause for extinction of species. Exotic species
nests. have proved harmful to both aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystems.
Habitat fragmentation Tilapia fish (Jilabi kendai)
Habitat fragmentation is the process (Oreochromis mosambicus) introduced from
where a large, continuous area of habitat is east coast of South Africa in 1952 for its
both, reduced in area and divided into two or high productivity into Kerala’s inland waters,
more fragments. Fragmentation of habitats became invasive, due to which the native
like forest land into crop lands, orchard lands, species such as Puntius dubius and Labeo
plantations, urban areas, industrial estates, kontius face local extinction. The illegal
transport and transit systems has resulted in the introduction of the African catfish Clarias
destruction of complex interactions amongst gariepinus for aquaculture purposes is posing
species, (food chain and webs) destruction of a threat to the indigenous cat fishes in our
species in the cleared regions, annihilation of rivers.
species restricted to these habitats (endemic) The introduction of the Nile Perch, a
and decreased biodiversity in the habitat predatory fish into Lake Victoria in East Africa
fragments. Animals requiring large territories led to the extinction of an ecologically unique
such as mammals and birds are severely assemblage of more than 200 nature species
affected. The elephant corridors and migratory of cichlid fish in the lake.
routes are highly vulnerable. The dwindling
of many well-known birds (sparrows) and
Global Climate changes
animals can be attributed to this.
Industrialization is a major contributor
to climate change and a major threat to
Over exploitation:
biodiversity. Energy drives our industries,
We depend on nature for our basic needs
which is provided by burning of fossil fuels.
such as food and shelter. However, when
climate change and human well - being by pathogens and pests. There are only few
varieties of traditional paddy strains today due
Shifting or Jhum cultivation to use to hybrid varieties in Tamil Nadu.
(Slash-and-burn agriculture)
In shifting cultivation, plots of natural 12.5.1 Loss of Biodiversity
tree vegetation are burnt away and the cleared Species have been evolving and dying out
patches are farmed for 2-3 seasons, after (extinction) ever since the origin of life. However,
which their fertility reduces to a point where species are now becoming extinct at a faster rate.
crop production is no longer profitable. The This is destabilizing the ecological stability and
farmer then abandons this patch and cuts the distribution of biological diversity on earth.
down a new patch of forest trees elsewhere Human activities greatly contribute to the loss of
for crop production. This system is practiced biodiversity. Natural resources such as land, water
in north-eastern regions of India. When vast and organisms are indiscriminately exploited by
areas are cleared and burnt, it results in loss of human beings.
forest cover, pollution and discharge of CO2
According to the Convention of
which in turn attributes to loss of habitat and
Biological Diversity, direct and indirect
climate change which has an impact on the
human activities have a detrimental effect
faunal diversity of that regions.
on biodiversity. Direct human activities like a. Himalaya (the entire Indian Himalayan
change in local land use, species introduction region)
or removal, harvesting, pollution and climate b. Western Ghats
change contribute a greater pressure on loss of c. Indo-Burma: includes entire North-eastern
biodiversity. Indirect human drivers include India, except Assam and Andaman group of
demographic, economic, technological, cultural Islands (and Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam,
and religious factors. Laos, Cambodia and Southern China)
Even though new species are being d. Sundalands: includes Nicobar group
discovered, there is little hope for adding new of Islands (and Indonesia, Malaysia,
species through speciation into the biodiversity Singapore, Brunei, Philippines)
treasure. Monsoon failure, global warming, 12.5.3 Endangered organisms
depletion in ozone layer, landslides in hilly states, A species that has been categorized as
pollution are a few indirect effects of human very likely to become extinct is an Endangered
activities which results in the loss biodiversity. species. Endangered (EN), as categorized by the
IUCN Red List (2004) documents the extinction International Union for Conservation of Nature
of 784 species in the 500 years. (IUCN) Red List, is the second most severe
It is estimated that the current rate of conservation status for wild populations in the
biodiversity loss is 100 to 1000 times higher IUCN's scheme after Critically Endangered
than the naturally occurring extinction rate and (CR).
is still expected to grow in the future. This loss In 1998 there were1102 animal and 1197
of biodiversity has a immense impact on plant plant species in the IUCN Red List. In 2012,
animal and human life. The negative effects the list features 3079 animal and 2655 plant
include dramatic influence on the food web. species as endangered (EN) worldwide.
Even reduction in one species can adversely
affect the entire food chain which further leads One more species goes extinct...
to an overall reduction in biodiversity. Reduced
biodiversity leads to immediate danger for food
security by reducing ecosystem services.
12.5.2 Hotspots
Hotspots are areas characterized with high
concentration of endemic species (the organisms
which are exclusively restricted to a given area) George the tree snail (Achatinella
experiencing unusual rapid rate of habitat apexfulva) died on January 1, 2019, at
modification loss. Norman Myers defined hot spots the age of 14. He was the last snail of his
as “regions that harbour a great diversity of endemic species, and is emblematic of the loss of
species and at the same time, have been significantly native Hawaiian molluscs.
impacted and altered by human activities.”
A hotspot is a region that supports at least 12.5.4 Extinction
1500 endemic vascular plant species (0.5% of the Species is considered extinct when none
global total) has lost more than 70% of its original of its members are alive anywhere in the
vegetation. There are 36 biodiversity hotspots world. If individuals of a species remain alive
in the world. India is home to four biodiversity only in captivity or other human controlled
hotspots (as per ENVIS). They are conditions, the species is said to be extinct in
Biodiversity and its Conservation 208
the wild. In both of these situations, the species changes, predators and diseases. A small
would be considered globally extinct. A species population can get extinct sooner than the
in considered to be locally extinct when it is no large population due to inbreeding depression
longer found in an area it once inhabited but is (less adaptivity and variation).
still found elsewhere in the wild. ii. Mass extinction: The earth has experienced
In the 450 million years of life on Earth, quite a few mass extinctions due to
there had been 5 mass extinctions, which had environmental catastrophes. A mass
eliminated at least 50% of the species of flora extinction occurred about 225 million years
and fauna on the globe. ago during the Permian, where 90% of shallow
The extinction of species is mainly water marine invertebrates disappeared.
due to drastic environmental changes and iii. Anthropogenic extinction: These are
population characteristics. abetted by human activities like hunting,
There are three types of Extinctions habitat destruction, over exploitation,
i. Natural extinction: It is a slow process urbanization and industrialization. Some
of replacement of existing species with examples of extinctions are Dodo of
better adapted species due to changes in Mauritius and Steller’s sea cow of Russia.
environmental conditions, evolutionary Amphibians seem to be at higher risk of
extinction because of habitat destruction.
Project Tiger: The Government of India The most serious aspect of the loss of
launched the ‘Project Tiger’ in 1973 to biodiversity is the extinction of species. The
protect our national animal. From 9 tiger unique information contained in its genetic
reserves since its inception, the Project material (DNA) and the niche it possesses are
Tiger coverage has increased to 50 at lost forever.
present. Project Tiger is an ongoing
Centrally Sponsored Scheme of the 12.6 IUCN
Ministry of Environment and Forests,
The International Union for Conservation
providing central assistance to the states
of Nature (IUCN) is an organization working in
for tiger conservation in designated tiger
the field of nature conservation and sustainable
reserves. Project Tiger was launched in the
use of natural resources. It was established in
Jim Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand
1948 and located at Gland VD, Switzerland. It is
in1973. The project ensures a viable
involved in data gathering and analysis research,
population of Bengal tigers in their natural
field projects and education on conservation,
habitats, protecting them from extinction
sustainable development and biodiversity.
and preserving areas of biological
IUCN’s mission is to influence, encourage
importance as a natural heritage.
and assist societies throughout the world to
The National Tiger Conservation
conserve nature and to ensure that any use of
Authority (NTCA) is a statutory body of
natural resources is equitable and ecologically
the Ministry, created under the Wildlife
sustainable. It influences governments and
(Protection) Act, 1972. India holds over
industries through partnerships by providing
half the world’s tiger population. According
information and advice. The organization
to the latest tiger census report released on
collects, compiles and publishes the IUCN red
20th January 2015 by NTCA, the current
list of threatened species and their conservation
tiger population is estimated at 2,212.
status in the world. It plays a vital role in the
extremely high and protection of these hotspots poaching, hunting, grazing and cultivation are
could reduce the ongoing mass biodiversity loss. not permitted. They are large areas of scenic
and national beauty maintained for scientific
Protected Areas
educational and recreational use. They are not
These are biogeographical areas where
used for commercial extraction of resources.
biological diversity along with natural and
Kaziranga National park is a protected area for
cultural resources is protected, maintained and the one Horned Rhinoceros in Assam.
managed through legal measures. protected
areas include national parks, wild life sanctuaries, Wild Life Sanctuaries (WLS)
community reserves and biosphere reserves. Any area other than the area comprised with
World Conservation monitoring centre has any reserve forest or the territorial waters can be
recognized 37,000 protected areas world-wide. notified by the State Government to constitute as
a sanctuary if such area is of adequate ecological,
India has about 771 protected areas covering
faunal, floral, geomorphological, natural or
162099 km2 comprising of National Parks (104),
zoological significance. This is for the purpose
Wild Life Sanctuaries (544), biosphere reserves
of protecting, endangered factual species. Some
(18) and several sacred groves. restricted human activities are allowed inside
National Parks (NP) the Sanctuary area details of which are given in
It is a natural habitat that is notified by CHAPTER IV, of the Wildlife Protection Act
the state government to be constituted as a (WPA) 1972. Ecotourism is permitted, as long as
National Park due to its ecological, faunal, floral, animal life is undisturbed.
geomorphological, or zoological association of There are 544 existing wildlife sanctuaries in
importance. No human activity is permitted India covering an area of 118,918 km2, which is
inside the national park except the activities 3.62 % of the geographical area of the country
(National Wildlife Database, 2017).
permitted by the Chief Wildlife Warden of the
state under the conditions given in CHAPTER Sanctuaries are tracts of land where wild
IV, of the Wildlife Protection Act (WPA) 1972 animals and fauna can take refuge without being
(Table 12.2). hunted or poached. Other activities like collection
of forest products, regulated harvesting of timber,
Table 12.2 National Parks in Tamil Nadu
private ownership of land are permitted. Periyar
National Parks Year of wild life sanctuary in Kerala is famous for the
in Tamil Nadu establishment Indian Tiger and Asiatic Elephant (Table 12.3).
Guindy NP 1977 Chennai
Gulf of Mannar Ramanathpuram Table 12.3 Wild Life Sanctuaries in Tamil Nadu
Marine NP and Tuticorin Prominent WLS Year of
Indira Gandhi Districts
in Tamil Nadu establishment
1976 Coimbatore
(Annamalai) NP
Mudumalai NP 1940 Nilgiris 1936 Chengalpet
Lake Birds WLS
Mukurthi NP 2001 Nilgiris
Mudumalai WLS 1942 Nilgiris
There are 104 existing national parks in Point Calimere
1967 Nagapattinam
India covering an area of 40,501 km2, which is WLS
1.23% of the geographical area of the country Indira Gandhi
(National Wildlife Database, Aug. 2018). (Annamalai) 1976 Coimbatore
National Park is an area which is strictly reserved
for the betterment of wildlife and biodiversity Mundanthurai
1988 Tirunelveli
and where activities like development, forestry, WLS
Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Vandalur of installing CCTV Cameras for both visitors
Arignar Anna Zoological Park is spread and animal management under the name
over an area of 602 hectares. of Reserve of Zoo e-Eye. 24 x 7 Animal Live Streaming
Forest at Vandalur, Chennai. It is one of the was introduced for the benefit of the visitors
largest zoo in South East Asia in terms of for the first time in the world. Vandalur Zoo
area. The Zoological Park exhibits different Mobile Application was introduced to provide
classes of animals – it has around 2500 wild services to the visitors like facility to book
animals of nearly 180 species which includes tickets, Zoo navigation, Animal information
Mammals, Birds and Reptiles. 34 years since in text and audio format. Digital payments at
its establishment, the Zoological Park has ticket counters are also available.
emerged as a successful ex-situ conservation The Zoo school has been involved
centre and a captive breeding centre for many in education and outreach programmes.
endangered species like Royal Bengal Tiger, One such successful programme is
Lion Tailed Macaque, Nilgiri Langur, Gray ‘Zoo Ambassador’ which is been conducted
Wolf, etc., for school children. In the year 2018, more
The Zoo has many attractive features like than 400 students were trained and titled as
Butterfly Park, Childrens Park, Walk Through Zoo Ambassadors. The Zoo also has a Rescue
Aviary, Lion & Deer Safari, Forest Museum, Centre which accommodates rescued wild
Interpretation centre, etc., which attracts animals and treats them to come out of stress.
more than 21 lakh visitors every year. The Source: Director, Arignar Anna Zoological
Zoo has strengthened its protection by means Park, Vandalur, Chennai
Agasthyamalai (Karnataka - Tamil Nadu - Table 12.4 Difference between Insitu and
Kerala), Nilgiri (Tamil Nadu - Kerala), Gulf of Exsitu Conservation
Mannar (Tamil Nadu) are the BRs notified in Insitu Conservation Exsitu Conservation
Tamil Nadu. It is the on-site This is a conservation
conservation or the strategy which
Sacred Groves conservation of genetic involves placing of
A sacred grove or sacred woods are any resources in natural threatened animals
grove of trees that are of special religious populations of plant or and plants in special
importance to a particular culture. Sacred animal species. care locations for
groves feature in various cultures throughout the their protection.
world. The examples of sacred groves are Alagar It is the process It helps in recovering
Hills in Tamil Nadu, Khasi and Jaintia Hills in of protecting an populations or
Meghalaya and Aravalli Hills of Rajasthan. endangered plant or preventing their
animal species in its extinction under
12.7.2 Ex-Situ Conservation natural habitat, either by simulated conditions
It is conservation of selected rare plants/ protecting or restoring that closely resemble
animals in places outside their natural homes. It the habitat itself, or by their natural habitats.
includes offsite collections and gene banks. defending the species
from predators.
Offsite Collections
National Parks, Zoological parks and
They are live collections of wild and
Biosphere Reserve, Botanical gardens
domesticated species in Botanical gardens,
Wild Life Sanctuaries are common exsitu
Zoological parks, Wildlife safari parks, Arborata form insitu conservation
(gardens with trees and shrubs). The organisms conservation strategies. programs.
are well maintained for captive breeding
programmes. As a result, many animals which 12.7.3 Role of WWF and CITES
have become extinct in the world continue to be World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) is
maintained in Zoological Parks. As the number an international non-governmental charitable
increases in captive breeding, the individuals trust founded in 1961, with headquarters at
are selectively released in the wild. In this way Gland, Vaud, Switzerland. It aims at wildness
the Indian crocodile and gangetic dolphin have preservation and the reduction of human impact
been saved from extinction. on the environment. It was formerly named the
Gene Banks World Wildlife Fund. The living planet report is
being published every two years by WWF since
Gene banks are a type of biorepository
which preserve genetic materials. Seeds of
The vision of WWF is to conserve nature and
different genetic strains of commercially
reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity
important plants can be stored in long periods
of life on Earth by conserving the world’s most
in seed banks, gametes of threatened species can
ecologically important regions, protect and
be preserved in viable and fertile condition for
restore species and their habitats, strengthen
long periods using cryopreservation techniques.
local communities’ ability to conserve the natural
However, it is not economically feasible
resources they depend upon and to ensure that
to conserve all biological wealth and all the
the value of nature is reflected in decision made
ecosystems. The number of species required
by individuals, communities, governments and
to be saved from extinction far exceeds the
conservation efforts.
Concept Map
Red data
book Offsite Gene
Protected conservation banks
conservation Govt WWF conservation
Wild life Biosphere
Sanctuaries reserves Organisations
in conservation
Biodiversity conservation
Procedure :
ype the URL or scan the QR code to open the activity page. Click “Explore the
Step -1: T
exhibition” to start the exhibition.
Step -2: Find the species name below the figure (Ex: Helmeted Hornbill). Find a grey dot right
next to the name. Click the same to know about its extinction.
Step -3: Click “<” on the left top of this page to play a video about the same species. Click “x” to
run to the homepage.
Step – 4 : On the left “ top first” option to load all the species. Middle square in a circle is for slide
show of all the species.
Step -5: On the right of the page, find ^ and down button to move on from one to the next.
Step 4
Chapter Outline
13.1 Pollution
13.2 Air Pollution Environment is my prime teacher
13.3 Water Pollution - Masanabu Fukuoka
13.4 Noise Pollution
13.5 Agrochemicals
clean environment is very necessary
13.6 Biomagnification
to live a peaceful and healthy life. But
13.7 Eutrophication our environment is getting dirty day by day
13.8 Organic Farming and its because of our negligence. Earth is currently
Implementation facing a lot of environmental concerns like air
13.9 Solid Waste Management pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution,
13.10 Ecosan Toilets global warming, acid rain, biomagnification,
eutrophication, deforestation, waste disposal,
ozone layer depletion and climate change.
Over the last few decades, the exploitation of
Learning Objectives our planet and degradation of our environment
have gone up at an alarming rate. As our
• Gain knowledge about our environment and its actions have not been in favour of protecting
• Get to know about the effects and after effects of this planet, we have seen natural disasters
human activities on climate and ecosystem. striking us more often in the form of flash
• Know about eco-friendly practices for pollution floods, tsunami and cyclones.
• Acquire insights into solutions to “Every individual should be environmentally
environmental problems. aware, regardless of whether they work with
• Understand the need for peoples’ environmental issues or not.”
participation in environmental
protection. 13.1 Pollution
• Understand the importance of
clean environment.
Pollution is any undesirable change in the
physical, chemical and biological characteristics
of the environment due to natural causes and
human activities. The agents which cause
pollution are called pollutants. Pollution is
Pollutant emissions
Lightning Fertilizer
Wildfires Volcanoes Oil & Gas Cities Industry, power plants, Airplanes, Cars, Trucks,
Sewage treatment Buses and Three & Two wheelers
on organisms and human health. Along with • Area sources – agricultural - wood /
atmospheric factors (humidity, precipitation, stubble burning, fireplaces
wind, air currents, altitude) prevailing at a place • Natural sources – wind-blown dust,
and time, its effects can be far reaching and wildfires, volcanoes.
13.2.2 Effects of Air Pollution
Air pollutants can be • Affects all organisms as they depend on the
• discharge of dusts or particulate matter atmosphere for respiration.
(PM : 2.5 µm)
• discharge of gases (SO2, NO2, CO, CO2) • Causes irritation in the throat, nose, lungs
and eyes. It causes breathing problems and
Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced mainly aggravates existing health conditions such
due to incomplete combustion of fossil fuels. as emphysema and asthma.
Automobiles are major causes of CO pollution
• Contaminated air reduces the body’s
in large cities and towns Automobile exhausts,
defense mechanism and decreases the
fumes from factories, emission from power
body’s capacity to fight other infections
plants, forest fires and burning of fire-wood
in the respiratory system.
contribute to CO pollution.
• Frequent exposure to polluted air increases
With rapid urbanization, major amount of
the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide (SO2) is
Breathing air that is filled with fine
released in the atmosphere. From automobiles,
particulate matter can induce hardening of
aeroplanes, power plants and other human
the arteries, triggering cardiac arrhythmia
activities that involving the burning of fossil
or even a heart attack.
fuels (coal, oil etc.,) CO2 is the main pollutant
that is leading to global warming. • People who exercise outdoors can
sometimes be susceptible to adverse effects
Nitrogen oxides are also major air
of air pollution because it involves deeper
pollutants. Fossil fuel combustion and
and faster breathing. Hence it is advisable to
automobiles exhausts are the source of
walk or jog in the mornings in places with
nitrogen oxides. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen
ample tree cover.
oxides are the major causes of acid rain.
• Gas leaks can be lethal or affect the quality
Particulate matters are tiny particles of
of air in the affected area.
solid matter suspended in a gas or liquid.
Combustion of fossil fuels, fly ash produced • CO in the atmosphere interferes with O2
in thermal power plants, forest fires, asbestos transport since haemoglobin has greater
mining units, cement factories are the main affinity for carbon monoxide. At low
sources of particulate matter pollution. concentration it causes headache and
blurred vision. In higher concentration, it
13.2.1 Sources can lead to coma and death.
The main sources of air pollution (Fig 13.1) are:
• Transport sources – cars, buses, airplanes, ameer, an App provides
trucks, trains
hourly updates on the
• Stationary sources – power plants, National Air Quality Index
incinerators, oil refineries, industrial (AQI) published by CPCB.
facilities, and factories
and degradation of water quality. It also clogs prohibit the pollution of a stream or well
fish gills and the feathers of aquatic birds. by disposal of polluting matter.
On January 28, 2017, two cargo ships 3. The Central/State Pollution Control
collided off the Ennore coast in Chennai Boards have the power to advise the
causing oil to spill into the sea. Due to wave central/state government on various
action and the southern current, the spill matters concerned with the prevention
spread over to 34 km down south affecting and control of pollution of water.
the coast. Beach sand also got spoiled by 4. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and
the oil sludge. It took more than a thousand Climate Change (MoEFCC) is the nodal
volunteers to clean the oil sludge. agency of the Central Government for
the planning, promotion, co-ordination
2. Humans and other organisms can get
and for overseeing the implementation
affected by diseases such as hepatitis and
of India’s environmental and forestry
typhoid by consuming contaminated
policies and programmes.
water and food. Excess of fluoride in
drinking water causes fluorosis. In many 5. National river conservation plan (NRCP)
poor nations, outbreak of water borne was enacted in 1995 to improve the water
diseases and epidemics are a result of quality of the rivers, which are the major
contaminated water and poor or absence fresh water resources in our country. This
of water treatment processes. important assignment taken up under the
NRCP includes,
3. Water pollution can cause eutrophication
due to nutrient enrichment. This causes To capture the raw sewage flowing into the
algal blooms which affect the quality river through open drains and divert them
of water bodies (Fig. 13.3). Red tides, if for treatment.
occur, can be lethal to aquatic organisms.
Setting up sewage treatment plants for
treating the diverted sewage.
• Regulate or control of pollutant(s)
discharge at the point of generation.
• Wastewater can be pretreated by scientific
Fig. 13.3 Algal bloom methods before discharge to municipal
treatment sources.
13.3.6 Control Measures • Setting up of Sewage Treatment Plants
1. Right to clean water is a fundamental (STP) and Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP).
right under the Indian Constitution • Regulate or restrict the use of synthetic
(Article 21). fertilisers and pesticides.
2. Water (Prevention and Control of • Public awareness and peoples’ involvement
Pollution) Act, 1974, sections 17 to 40 is essential.
DEET (n-n-diethylnetatoluamide)
Magnification of
and allethrin used in mosquito coils DDT concentration
Primary Secondary
sludge Anaerobic sludge
sludge digester
Production of biogas
Primary treatment till the BOD is reduced. The greater the BOD of
Primary treatment involves the physical the waste water more is its polluting potential.
removal of solid and particulate organic and Once the BOD of sewage water is reduced
inorganic materials from the sewage through significantly, the effluent is then passed into
filtration and sedimentation. Floating debris a settling tank where the bacterial “flocs” are
is removed by sequential filtration. Then the allowed to sediment. This sediment is called
grit (soil and small pebbles) are removed by activated sludge. A small part of activated
sedimentation. All solids that settle form the sludge is pumped back into the aeration tank
primary sludge and the supernatant forms the to serve as the inoculum. The remaining major
effluent. The effluent from the primary settling part of the sludge is pumped into large tanks
tank is taken for secondary treatment. called anaerobic sludge digesters. Here, the
bacteria which grow anaerobically, digest the
Secondary treatment or biological bacteria and the fungi in the sludge. During this
digestion, bacteria produce a mixture of gases
such as methane, hydrogen sulphide and CO2.
The primary effluent is passed into large
These gases form biogas and can be used as a
aeration tanks where it is constantly agitated
source of energy.
mechanically and air is pumped into it. This
allows vigorous growth of useful aerobic Tertiary treatment
microbes into floc (masses of bacteria Tertiary treatment is the final process
that improves the quality of the waste water
associated with fungal filaments to form mesh
before it is reused, recycled or released into
like structures). While growing, these microbes
natural water bodies. This treatment removes
consume the major part of the organic matter in
the remaining inorganic compounds and
the effluent. This significantly reduces the BOD substances, such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
(Biochemical oxygen demand or Biological UV is an ideal disinfectant for wastewater since
oxygen demand). BOD refers to the amount it does not alter the water quality – except for
of the oxygen that would be consumed, if all inactivating microorganisms. UV is a chemical-
the organic matter in one litre of water were free process that can completely replace
oxidized by bacteria. The sewage water is treated the existing chlorination system and also
Fig .13.7 (a) DEWATS System at Auroville (b) RZWT system at Aravind Eye Hospital
Management: The safe and sustainable are also considered e-waste. Unauthorised
management of biomedical waste is the social processing of e-waste in developing countries
and legal responsibilities of people working in can lead to adverse human health effects and
healthcare centers. environmental pollution.
Waste disposal: Involved by incineration, Recycling and disposal of e-waste may
chemical disinfection, autoclaving, encapsulation, involve significant risk to the health of workers
microwave irradiation are methods of waste and communities in developed countries
disposals. Final disposal includes landfill and and great care must be taken to avoid unsafe
burying as per norms inside premises. exposure in recycling operations and leaking
13.9.4 E-Waste of materials such as heavy metals from landfills
Electronic waste or e-waste describes and incinerator ashes.
discarded electrical electronic devices as well 13.9.5 Plastic Waste – Solutions and
as any refuse created by discarded electronic Remedies
devices and components and substances Plastics are low molecular weight organic
involved in their manufacture or use. Their
polymers that are non-degradable in the natural
disposal is a growing problem because electronic
environment. They are used in several items,
equipment frequently contains hazardous
including cars, bulletproof vests, toys, hospital
substances. In a personal computer, for example,
equipment, carry bags and food containers.
there may be lead (Pb) in the cathode ray tube
Packaging materials used in supermarkets, retail
(CRT) and soldering compound, mercury
outlets, manufacturing industries, households,
(Hg) in switches and housing, and cobalt (Co)
hotels, hospitals, restaurants and transport
in steel components, among other equally
toxic substances. E-wastes are basically PCB companies are major contributors to plastic
(Polychlorinated biphenyl) based, which are waste generation. Plastic waste constitutes a
non-degradable (Fig.13.7). major part of municipal solid waste.
8. SMOG is derived from : 14. What effect can fertilizer runoff have on an
a) Smoke b) Fog aquatic ecosystem?
c) Both A and B d) Only A
15. How can we control air pollution?
9. Excess of fluoride in drinking water
16. Discuss the role of an individual to reduce
environmental pollution.
a) Lung disease b) Intestinal infection
c) Fluorosis d) None of the above 17. How does recycling help reduce pollution?
10. Expand (i) CFC (ii) AQI (iii) PAN 18. Discuss briefly the following :
a. Catalytic converter
11. What is SMOG and how it is harmful for us?
b. Ecosan toilets
12. List all the wastes that you generate, at home,
19. What are some solutions to toxic dumping
school or during your trips to other places.
in our oceans?
Could you very easily reduce the generation
of these wastes? Which would be difficult or 20. Define BOD.
rather impossible to reduce?
21. What is referred to as biomagnification?
13. Write notes on the following:
a. Eutrophication 22. What are the effects of noise pollution?
b. Algal Bloom
Glossary 236
have bird-like and lizard-like facial appearance Galaxy – A specific arrangement of stars.
(Mesozoic). Gene bank-A facility established for the ex-situ
Distribution – The occurrence of different Conservation of individuals, seeds, tissues or
organisms in a given area and the way they are reproductive cells .
distributed in their space, specific time and Gene pool – The total gene content of a whole
utilization of their resources. species.
DO – Dissolved Oxygen is the amount of Genetic drift – An alteration in the gene
gaseous oxygen (O2) dissolved in the water. frequency.
Ecotourism - Travel undertaken to witness sites Geology – The study of origin and structure of
or regions of unique natural ecological quality Earth.
the provision of services to facilitate such travel. Glaciers– A large mass of ice that moves slowly.
El Nino– Unusual warming of surface waters in Haemophilia – A medical condition in which
the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. the ability of the blood to clot is severely
Emphysema– A serious medical condition that reduced, causing the patient to bleed severely
occurs when the lungs become larger and do not from even a slight injury.
work properly, causing difficulty in breathing. Haemozoin - Toxic malarial pigment that
Endemism-The phenomenon in which the causes malaria fever.
organisms are exclusively restricted to a given Hallucination - The sensation of seeing, hearing
area. or sensing something that does not exist.
Endometriosis – An abnormal condition in Heterochromatin – Heterochromatin is a tightly
which endometrial tissue that normally lines packed form of DNA or condensed DNA.
the uterus grows outside . Homeostasis– It is the state of steady internal
Eohippus – Ancestor of modern horse. conditions maintained by living things.
Euchromatin – Euchromatin is a tightly packed Immune reaction – The production of
form of chromatin that is enriched in genes, and antibodies in response to antigens.
is often under active transcription. Interferon - An antiviral protein produced
Eutrophication - Excessive richness of nutrients from virally infected fibroblasts and leucocytes
in a lake or other water bodies frequently due to induces antiviral state in uninfected cells.
run of fertilizers from the land causing dense Intersex – An individual showing a combination
growth of plant life. of male and female characters.
Fibroids – Fibroids are abnormal growths Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)-Processed
formed on the outside, inside or in the walls of sperm sample is infused into the uterus, by
the uterus. passing the vagina.
Foetus – Developmental stage extending
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)-
from the ninth week of development
injection of a sperm directly into the ovum.
to birth.
Intra uterine transfer (IUT)-Transfer of
Fossorial – Fossorial (from Latin fossor,
embryo with more than 8 celled blastomeres
meaning "digger") is an animal adapted
to digging which lives primarily, but not into the uterus.
solely, underground. Some examples are In vitro fertilization (IVF)- Fertilization
badgers, naked mole-rats, clams, and mole outside the body in the laboratory.
salamanders. In vivo fertilization -Fusion of gametes within
the female.
237 Glossary
Glossary 238
Precursor– A substance from which another is Single cell protein (SCP) – A protein derived from
formed, especially by metabolic reaction. a culture of single celled organisms used especially
Primer – A short oligonucleotide that hybridizes as a food supplement.
the template strand and gives a 3’ – OH end for the SOD– Sediment Oxygen Demand is the rate at
initiation of nucleic acid synthesis. which dissolved oxygen is removed from the water
Probe – The probe is a single stranded DNA column during the decomposition of organic
molecule that is ‘complementary’ to the gene of matter in streambed or lakebed sediments.
interest in a sample under study. Solubilisation – Dissolving the feed stock in water
Pseudopodia – Blunt temporary protoplasmic to make a slurry for anaerobic digestion.
projections found in Amoeba or in some amoeba- Speciation – Formation of new species from the
like cells. pre-existing ones.
Psychoactive drug - A chemical substance that Structural gene – A gene coding for the structure
acts on brain and affects the mind and behaviour of a protein.
of user. Taq DNA polymerase– A thermostable DNA
Puberty – Period of reproductive maturity. polymerase obtained from thermophilic bacterium
Pyrolysis– Decomposition brought about by high Thermus aquaticus. It helps in the synthesis of
temperatures. DNA.
Recombinant– A cell or organism whose genetic Transgene– The target gene responsible for the
complement results from recombination. development of transgenic organism.
Redia – Larva in the life cycle of most trematodes. Trophozoite stage – In Plasmodium life cycle,
Rheoreceptors – They are receptors in fish cryptomerozoites in the RBC become round and it
and some amphibians that respond to water modifies into a young trophozoite.
currents. Umbilical cord – Structure bearing arteries and
Saltation – Single step large mutation. veins connecting the placenta and the foetus.
Satellite DNA – Short highly repeated Variations – Dissimilarity between the members
eukaryotic DNA sequences, usually clustered in of the same species.
heterochromatin and generally not transcribed. Vitrification– Transformation of a substance into
Saltatorial – Saltatorial is an animal adapted to a glass.
leaping. They have large, muscular hindlimbs and Volatility– A liquid or substance is one that will
sometimes, reduced forelimbs. A few example quickly change into a gas.
for jumpers in the animal kingdom include fleas, Withdrawal symptoms - The reactions
froghoppers, grasshoppers, and frogs. experienced by an addict after he/she stops using
Schizogony - The process of multiple fission, in drugs.
which one organism divides to produce many Woolly mammoth – A hairy relative of modern
daughter cells. elephant that lived in cold climates.
Schizont – The trophozoite of Plasmodium grows Zoogeography – Study of details with the
in size to form the schizont. geographical distribution of animals.
Selection – Choosing the better adapted alleles Zygote intra fallopian transfer-(ZIFT)
from the mixed population. Transfer of zygote or embryo with 8 or
Sewage - Domestic waste water containing various less than 8 celled blastomeres into the
solid and liquid waste materials including human fallopian tube.
239 Glossary
References 240
241 References
c) hCG, hPL, progesterone, prolactin b) Out of one pair factors one is dominant and the
d) hCG, progesterone, estrogen, glucocorticoids other recessive
8. Match and select the correct option [NEET, 2018] c) Alleles do not show any blending and both the
Column I Column II characters recover as such in F2 generation
d) Factors occur in pairs
a. Proliferative phase 1. Breakdown of
3. ABO blood groups in humans are controlled by the
endometrium lining
gene I. It has three alleles – IA, IB and i. Since there
b. Secretory phase 2. Follicular phase are three different alleles, six different genotypes are
possible. How many phenotypes can occur?
c. Menstruation 3. Luteal phase
[AIPMT PRE 2010]
a b c
a) Three b) One c) Four d) Two
A) 3 2 1
4. Which one of the following symbols and its
B) 2 3 1
representation, used in human pedigree analysis is
C) 1 3 2
correct? [AIPMT PRE 2010]
D) 3 1 2
a) □ =○=Mating between relatives
b) ○ =Unaffected male
Chapter 3 - Reproductive Health c) □ =Unaffected female
1. Which of the following is a hormone releasing d) ◊=Male affected
Intrauterine Device (IUD)? [AIPMT 2014] 5. Which one of the following conditions correctly
a) Multiload 375 b) LNG-20 describes the manner of determining the sex in the
c) Cervical cap d) Vault given example? [AIPMT PRE 2011]
2. Assisted reproductive technology, IVF involves the a) XO type of sex chromosomes determine male
transfer of [AIPMT 2014] sex in grasshopper
a) Ovum into the fallopian tube b) XO condition in humans as found in Turner
b) Zygote into the fallopian tube syndrome, determines female sex
c) Zygote into the uterus c) Homozygous sex chromosomes(XX) produce
d) Embryo with 16 blastomeres into the fallopian tube male in Drosophila
3. In context of amniocentesis, which of the following d) Homozygous sex chromosomes(ZZ) determine
statements is incorrect? [NEET-I, 2016] female sex in birds
a) It is usually done when a woman is between 14-16 6. A normal-visioned man whose father was blind,
weeks pregnant marries a woman whose father was also colour
b) It is used for prenatal sex determination blind. They have their first child as a daughter. What
c) It can be used for detection of Down syndrome are the chances that this child would be colour blind?
d) It can be used for detection of Cleft palate [AIPMT PRE 2012]
4. Which of the following approach does not give the a) 100% b) 0% c) 25% d) 50%
defined action of contraceptive? [NEET-I, 2016] 7. Which of the following statements is not true of two
a) Barrier methods Prevent fertilization genes that show 50 per cent recombination frequency
[AIPMT 2013]
b) Intra uterine Increases phagocytosis of sperms,
a) The genes may be on different chromosomes
devices suppresses sperm motility and
b) The genes are tightly linked
fertilizing capacity of sperms
c) The genes show independent assortment
c) Hormonal Prevent retard entry of sperms, d) If the genes are present on the same chromosome
contraceptives prevent ovulation and fertilization 8. A pleiotropic gene: [RE-AIPMT 2015]
d) Vasectomy Prevents spermatogenesis a) Is a gene evolved during Pliocene
b) Controls a trait only in combination with another gene
Chapter 4 - Principle of Inheritance and Variation c) Controls multiple traits in an individual
1. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster was found d) Is expressed only in primitive plants
to be very suitable for experimental verification of 9. A gene showing codominance has: [RE-AIPMT 2015]
chromosomal theory of inheritance by Morgan and a) Alleles tightly linked on the same chromosome
his colleagues because [AIPMT MAINS 2010] b) Alleles that are recessive to each other
a) It reproduces parthenogenetically c) Both alleles independently expressed in the
b) A single mating produces two young flies heterozygote
c) S maller female is easily recognizable from large male d) One allele dominant on the other
d) It completes the life cycle in about two weeks 10. Pick out the correct statements: [NEET-I, 2016]
2. Which one of the following cannot be explained on a) Haemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disease
the basis of Mendel’s Law of Dominance? b) Down’s syndrome is due to aneuploidy
[AIPMT PRE 2010] c) Phenylketonuria is an autosomal recessive gene disorder
a) The discrete unit controlling a particular character d) Sickle cell anaemia is an X-linked recessive gene
is called a factor disorder
a) A and D are correct b) B and D are correct c) Prove semi- conservative nature of DNA replication
c) A,C and D are correct d) A ,B and C are correct d) Polymerises in the 5’ to 3’direction and explain 3’
to 5’ DNA replication
Chapter 5 - Molecular Genetics 8. During translation initiation in prokaryotes, a GTP
1. The association of histone H1 with a nucleosome molecules is needed in [AIPMT 2003]
indicates (NEET 2017) a) association of 30s, mRNA with formyl met tRNA
a) Transcription is occurring b) association of 50s subunit of ribosome with
b) DNA replication is occurring initiation complex
c) The DNA is condensed into chromatin fibre c) formation of formyl met tRNA
d) The DNA double helix is exposed d) binding of 30s subunit of ribosome with mRNA.
2. Which of the following is not required for any of 9. Reverse transcriptase is
the techniques of DNA fingerprinting available at a) RNA dependent RNA polymerase
present? [NEET 2016] b) DNA dependent RNA polymerase
a) Zinc finger analysis c) DNA dependent DNA polymerase
b) R estriction enzymes d) RNA dependent DNA polymerase
c) D NA-DNA hybridization 10. Escherichia coli fully labeled with N14 medium. The
d) polymerase chain reaction two strands of DNA molecules of the first generation
3. Satellite DNA is important because it [AIPMT 2015] bacteria have
a) codes for proteins needs in cell cycle a) Different density and do not resemble parent DNA
b) shows high degree of polymorphism in population b) Different density but resemble parent DNA
and also the same degree of polymorphism in c) Same density and resemble parent DNA
an individual, which is heritable from parents to d) Same density but do not resemble parents DNA
children Chapter 6 - Evolution
c) Does not code for protein and is same in all
1. The wings of a bird and of an insect are
members of the population.
a) homologous structure and represent convergent
d) Codes for enzymes needed for DNA replication.
4. The diagram shows an important concept in the
b) homologous structure and represent divergent evolution
genetic implication of DNA. Fill in the blanks A to C.
c) analogous structure and represent convergent
(NEET 2013)
d) analogous structure and represent divergent evolution
DNA ----→mRNA ---------→protein -proposed by---
2. Which one of the following statement is correct?
a) A- trancscription, B- replication C-James Watson
a) stem cells are specialized cells
b) A- trancscription, B- trancscription, C-Erwin
a) there is no evidence of the existence of gills during
c) A- trancscription, B- tranlation, C-Francis Crick
embryogenesis of mammals
d) A- trancscription, B- extension, C-Rosalind
b) all plant and animal cells are totipotent
c) Ontogeny repeats phylogeny
5. Select the two statements out of the four (I –IV) given
3. In Hardy-Weinberg equation, the frequency of
below about lac operon. [AIPMT 2010]
heterozygous individual is represented by
i. Glucose or galactose may bind with the repressor
a) p2 b) 2pq c) pq d) q2
and inactive it.
4. The correct order in Era is
ii. In the absence of lactose, the repressor binds
a) Palaeozoic---- Archaeozoic --- Coenozoic
with the operator region
b) Archaeozoic ---Palaeozoic------ Proterozoic
iii. The z-gene codes for permease.
c) Palaeozoic--- Mesozoic ----- Coenozoic
iv. This was elucidated by Francois Jacob and
d) Mesozoic ---- Archaeozoic---- Proterozoic
Jacques monod.
5. The most apparent change during the evolutionary
The correct statements are
history of Homo sapiens is raced in (AIPMT 2010)
a) i and ii b) i and iii c) ii and iv d) i and ii
a) loss of body hair
6. Which one of the following pairs of codons is
b) walking upright
correctly matched with their function or the single
c) shortening of jaws
for the particular amino acid? [AIPMT 2008]
d) remarkable increase in the brain size
a) GUU, GCU – Alanine
6. The process by which organisms with different
b) UAG, UGA – Stop codon
evolutionary history evolve similar phenotypic
c) AUG, ACG - start/methionine
adaptations in response to a common environmental
d) UUA, UCA – Leucine
challenge is called (AIPMT 2013)
7. The Okazaki fragments in DNA chain growth
a) Natural selection
(AIPMT 2007)
b) Convergent evolution
a) Result in transcription
c) Non-random evolution
b) Polymerise in the 3’ to 5’ direction and forms
d) Adaptive radiation Human health and diseases
replication fork
Chapter 7 & 8 - Human Health and Diseases and Immunology a) Ancylostoma duodenale
1. Select the correct statement from the given below. b) Enterobius vermicularis
[AIPMT 2010] c) Trichimella spiralis
a) Barbiturates when given to criminals make them d) Ascaris lumbricoides
tell the truth 8. The active form of Entamoeba histolytica feeds upon:
b) Morphine is often given to persons who have [AIPMT 2015]
under gone surgery as a pain killer a) Erythrocytes, mucosa and submucosa of colon
c) Chewing tobacco lowers blood pressure and heart rate b) Mucosa and submucosa colon only
d) Cocaine is given to patients after surgery as it c) Food in intestine
stimulates recovery d) Blood only
2. Match the following [AIPMT 2008] 9. Which one of the following statements is correct with
Column I Column II respect to AIDS? [AIPMT PRE 2010]
a) The HIV can be transmitted through eating food
A) Amoebiasis i) Treptonema pallidum
together with an infected person
B) Diphtheria ii) Use only sterilized food
b) Drug addicts are least susceptible to HIV infection
and water
c) AIDS patients are being fully cured 100 percent
C) Cholera iii) DPT vaccine
with proper care and nutrition
D) Syphilis iv) Use oral rehydration d) The causative HIV retrovirus enters helper
T-lymphocytes thus reducing their numbers
10. Select the correct statement with respect to diseases
a) i ii iii iv
and immunization [AIPMT MAINS 2011]
b) ii iv i iii
a) If due to some reason B and T lymphocytes are
c) ii I iii iv
damaged, the body will not produce antibodies
d) ii iii iv i
against a pathogen
3. If a person shows production of interferons in his
Injection of dead/inactivated pathogens caused
body, the chances are that he has got an infection of
passive immunity
a) Typhoid b) Measles
c) Certain protozoans have been used in mass
c) Tetanus d) Malaria
production of hepatitis B vaccine
4. A person suffering from a disease caused by
d) Injection of snake antivenom against snake bite is
Plasmodium, experiences recurring chill and fever at
an example of active immunization
the time when? [AIPMT MAINS 2010]
11. Which one of the following statements is correct with
a) The sporozoites released from RBC’s are being
respect to immunity? [AIPMT MAINS 2012]
rapidly killed and broken down inside spleen
a) The antibodies against small pox pathogen are
b) The trophozoites reach maximum growth and give
produced by T – lymphocytes
out certain toxins.
b) Antibodies are protein molecules each of which
c) The parasite after its rapid multiplication inside
has four light chains
RBC’s reptures them, releasing the stage to enter
c) Rejection of a kidney graft is the function of
fresh RBC’s
B – lymphocytes
d) The microgametocytes and megagametocytes are
d) Preformed antibodies need to be injected to
being destroyed by the WBC’s
treat the bite by a viper snake.
5. Where will you look for the sporozoites of the
12. Which one of the following is not a property of
material parasite? [AIPMT PRE 2011]
cancerous cells whereas the remaining three are?
a) Red blood corpuscles of humans suffering from malaria
[AIPMT PRE 2012]
b) Spleen of infected humans
a) They compete with normal cells for vital nutrients
c) Salivary glands of freshy moulted female anopheles
b) They do not remain confined in the area of formation
c) They divide in an uncontrolled manner
d) Saliva of infected female anopheles mosquito
d) They show contact inhibition
6. Which one of the following organisms is scientifically
13. At which stager HIV infection does one usually show
and correctly named, correctly printed according
symptoms of AIDS? [AIPMT 2014]
to the International Rules of Nomenclature and
a) Within 15 days of sexual contact with an infected
correctly described? [AIPMT MAINS 2012]
a) Plasmodium falciparum – a protozoan causing
b) When the infected retro virus enters host cells
the most serious type of malaria.
When HIV damages large number of helper
b) Felis tigris – The Indian tiger is well protected in
T- Lymphocytes
Gir forests
d) When the viral DNA is produced by reverse
c) E. Coli – The full name is Entamoeba coli, a
commonly occurring bacterium in human intestine
14. Match each disease with its correct type of vaccine
7. Which of the following endoparasites of humans
[AIPMT 2015]
does show viviparity? [AIPMT 2015]
a)Tuberculosis i) harmless virus 5. During sewage treatment, biogas are produced which
includes [AIPMT 2015]
b)Whooping cough ii) inactivated toxin a) Methane, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide
c)Diphtheria iii) killed bacteria b) Methane, oxygen, hydrogen sulphide
d)Polio iv) harmless bacteria c) Hydrogen sulphide, methane, sulphur dioxide
a) b) c) d) d) Hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen, methane
a) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) 6. What gases are produced in anaerobic sludge
b) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) digesters? [AIPMT 2014]
c) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) a) Methane and CO2 only
d) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) b) Methane, hydrogen sulphide and CO2
15. Which of the following is correct regarding AIDS c) Methane, hydrogen sulphide and O2
causative agent HIV? [NEET-II, 2016] d) Hydrogen sulphide and CO2
HIV is enveloped virus that contains two 7. Match the following list of microbes and their
identical molecules of single-stranded RNA and importance: [RE-AIPMT 2015]
two molecules of reverse transcriptase a)Saccharomyces (i)Production of
b) HIV is unenveloped retrovirus cerevisiae immunosuppressive agents
HIV does not escape but attacks the acquired b)Monasus purpureus (ii)Ripening of Swiss cheese
immune response
c)Trichoderma (iii)Commercial
d HIV is enveloped virus containing one molecule of
polysporum production of ethanol
single – stranded RNA and one molecule of reverse
transcriptase d)Propionibacterium (iv)Production of blood-
shermanii cholesterol lowering agents.
Chapter 9 - Microbes in Human Welfare e) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
f) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
1. When domestic sewage mixes with river water
g) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
h) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
a) Small animals like rat will die after drinking river water
8. Which of the following is wrongly matched in the
b) The increased microbial activity releases
given table? [NEET – I, 2016]
micronutrients such as iron.
The increased microbial activity uses up Microbe Product Application
dissolved oxygen (a)Trichoderma Cyclosporin A Immunosuppressive
d) The river water is still suitable for drinking as polysporum drug
impurities are only about 0.1 per cent (b)Monascus Statins Lowering of blood
2. Select the correct statement from the following purpureus cholesterol
[AIPMT PRE 2010] (c) Streptococcus Streptokinase Removal of clot
a) Biogas is produced by the activity of aerobic from blood vessel
bacteria on animal waste (d)Clostridium Lipase Removal of oil
b) Methanobacterium is an aerobic bacterium found butylicum stains
in rumen of cattle 9. Match Column – I with Column – II and select the
c) Biogas, commonly called gobar gas, is pure methane correct options using the codes given below:
d) Activated sludge-sediment in settlement tank [NEET – II, 2016]
of sewage treatment plant is a right source of Column I Column II
aerobic bacteria A.Citric acid 1. Trichoderma
3. Read the following four statements (A to D): B.Cyclosporin A 2. Clostridium
[AIPMT MAINS 2012] C.Statins 3. Aspergillus
a) Colostrum is recommended for the new born
D.Butyric acid 4. Monoscus
because it is rich in antigen
a) A:3, B:1, C:4, D:2
b) Chikungunya is caused by a gram negative
bacterium b) A:1, B:4, C:2, D:3
c) Tissue culture has proved useful in obtaining c) A:3, B:4, C:1, D:2
virus-free plants. d) A:3, B:1, C:2, D:4
d) Beer is manufactured by distillation of fermented
grape juice Chapter 10 - Biotechnology and Its Application
How many of the above statements are wrong? 1. Genetic engineering has been successfully used for
a) Three b) Four c) One d) Two producing [AIPMT RE 2010]
4. Which of the following are likely to be present in a)
Transgenic mice for testing safety of polio
deep sea water? [AIPMT 2013] vaccine before used in humans
a) Archaebacteria b) Eubacteria b) Transgenic models for studying new treatments
c) Blue – green algae d) Saprophytic fungi for certain cardiac diseases
c) Transgenic cow Rosie which produces high fat c) Restrict the action of the enzyme DNA polymerase.
milk for making ghee d) Remove nucleotides from the ends of the DNA
d) Animals like bulls for farm work as they have molecule.
super power 8. Stirred – tank bioreactors have been designed for
2. Read the following four statements (A to D) about [AIPMT PRE 2010]
certain mistakes in two of them. [AIPMT MAINS 2011] a) Addition of preservatives of the product
a) The first transgenic buffalo, Rosie produced milk b) Purification of the product
which was human alpha – lactalbumin enriched. c) Ensuring anaerobic conditions in the culture vessel
b) Restriction enzymes are used in isolation of DNA d) Availability of oxygen throughout the process
from other macromolecules. 9. There is a retriction endonuclease called EcoRI. What
c) Downstream processing is one of the steps of does ‘co’ part in it stand for? [AIPMT PRE 2011]
rDNA technology a) Coelom b) Coenzyme
d) Disarmed pathogen vectors are also used in c) Coli d) Colon
transfer of rDNA into the host. 10. Which one is true state regarding DNA polymerase
Which of the two statements have mistakes? used in PCR? [AIPMT PRE 2012]
a) B and C b) C and D a) It is used to ligate introduced DNA in recipient cells.
c) A and C d) A and B b) It serves as selectable marker
3. The colonies of recombinant bacteria appear white c) It is isolated from a virus.
in contrast to blue colonies of non-recombinant d) It remains active at high temperature.
bacteria because of [AIPMT 2013] 11. For transformation, micro-particles coated with
a) Non-recombinant bacteria containing β-galactosidase. DNA to be bombarded with gene gun are made up of
b) Insertional inactivation of α-galactosidase in non- [AIPMT PRE 2012]
recombinant bacteria. a) Silver or Platinum b) Platinum or Zinc
c) Insertional inactivation of α-galactosidase in c) Silicon or Platinum d) Gold or Tungsten
recombinant bacteria.
d) Inactivation of glycosidase enzyme in recombinant Chapter 11 - Organisms and Population
1. Which one of the following is most appropriately
4. Which body of the Government of India regulates
defined? [AIPMT MAINS 2010]
GM research and safety of introducing GM organism
a) Host is an organism which provides food to
for public services? [AIPMT 2015]
another organism.
a) Bio-safety committee
b) Amensalism is a relationship in which one species
b) Indian council of agricultural research
is benefited whereas the other is unaffected.
c) Genetic engineering approval committee
c) Predator is an organism that catches and kills
d) Research committee on Genetic manipulation
other organism for food.
5. In genetic engineering, a DNS segment (gene) of d) Parasite is an organism which always lives inside
interest is transferred to the host cell through a the body of other organism and may kill it.
vector. Consider the following four agents (A to D) 2. Study the four statements (1 to 4) given below and select
in this regard and select correct option about which the two correct ones out of them. [AIPMT PRE 2010]
one or more of these can be used as vector/vectors. a) A lion eating a deer and a sparrow feeding on grain
[AIPMT MAIN 2010] are ecologically similar in being consumers.
A) A bacterium B) Plasmid b) Predator star fish Pisaster helps in maintaining
C) Plasmodium D) Bacteriophage species diversity of some invertebrates.
a) (A), (B) and (D) only b) (A) only c) Predators ultimately lead to the extinction of prey
c) (A) and (C) only d) (B) and (D) only species.
6. Which one of the following palindromic base d) Production of chemicals such as nicotine,
sequences in DNA can be easily cut at about the strychnine by the plants is metabolic disorders.
middle by some particular restriction enzyme? The two correct statements are
[AIPMT PRE 2010] a) (B) and (C) b) (C) and (D)
a) 5’ – CGTTCG – 3’ 3’ –ATGGTA -5’ c) (A) and (D) d) (A) and (B)
b) 5’-GATATG -3’ 3’ CTACTA -5’ 3. Which two of the following changes ( 1 to 4) usually
c) 5’ –GAATTC – 3’ 3’ – CTTAAG-5’ tend to occur in the plain dwellers when they move to
d) 5’ –CACGTA -3’ 3’ –CTCAGT -5’ high altitudes(3500 m or more)? [AIPMT PRE 2010]
7. Restriction endonucleases are enzymes which A) Increase in red blood cell size
[AIPMT PRE 2010] B) Increase in red blood cell production
a) Make cuts at specific positions within the DNA C) Increased breathing rate
molecule. D) Increase in thrombocyte count
b) Recognize a specific nucleotide sequence for a) (B) and (C) b) (C) and (D)
binding of DNA ligase. c) (A) and (D) d) (A) and (B)
4. Consider the following four conditions (A-D) and richness and endemism
select the correct pair of them as adaptation to c) Conservation of biodiversity is just a fad pursued
environment in desert lizards. [AIPMT PRE 2011] by the developed countries
The conditions: d) The desert areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat have a
A) Burrowing in soil to escape high temperature. very high level of desert animal species as well as
B) Losing heat rapidly from the body during high numerous rare animals
temperature 2. Sacred groves are specially useful in[AIPMT MAINS 2012]
C) Bask in sun when temperature is low a) Preventing soil erosion
D) Insulating body due to thick fatty dermis. b) Year-round flow of water in rivers
a) (A) and (C) b) (B) and (D) c) Conserving rare and threatened species
c) (A) and (B) d) (C) and (D) d) Generating environmental awareness
5. People who have migrated from the planes to an area 3. The highest number of species in the world is
adjoining Rohtang Pass about six months back represented by [AIPMT PRE 2012]
[AIPMT PRE 2012] a) Fungi b) Mosses c) Algae d) Lichens
a)Have more RBC’s and their haemoglobin has a 4. Which of the following is not used for ex situ plant
lower binding affinity to O2 conservation? [AIPMT PRE 2012]
b) Are not physically fit to play games like football a) Field gene banks b) Seed banks
c) Suffer from altitude sickness with symptoms like
c) Shifting cultivation d) Botanical gardens
nausea, fatigue, etc.,
d) Have the usual RBC count but then haemoglobin 5. In which of the following both pairs have correct
has very high binding affinity to O2 combination? [AIPMT 2015]
a) In situ conservation: National Park
6. A biologist studies the population of eats in a barn. Ex situ conservation: Botanical Garden
He found that the average natality was 250, average b) In situ conservation: Cryopreservation
mortality is 240, immigration is 20 and emigration to be
Ex situ conservation: Wildlife Sanctuary
30. The net increase in population is [AIPMT 2013]
c) In situ conservation: Seed Bank
a) 10 b) 15 c) 05 d) Zero
Ex situ conservation: National park
7. An association of individuals of different species d) In situ conservation: Tissue culture
living in the same habitat and having functional Ex situ conservation: Sacred groves
interaction is: [RE-AIMPT 2015]
6. Cryopreservation of gametes of threatened species
a) Biotic community b) Ecosystem
in viable and fertile condition can be referred to
c) Population d) Ecological niche
as [AIPMT 2015]
8. Gause’s principle of competitive exclusion states a) In situ conservation of biodiversity
that: [NEET – I, 2016] b) Advanced ex situ conservation of biodiversity
More abundant species will exclude the less c) In situ conservation by sacred groves
abundant species through competition d) In situ cryo-conservation of biodiversity
Competition for the same resources excludes
7. The species confined to a particular region and not
species having different food preferences
No two species can occupy the same niche
found elsewhere is termed as [RE-AIPMT 2015]
indefinitely for the same limiting resources a) Alien b) Endemic c) Rare d) Keystone
Larger organisms exclude smaller ones through 8. Which of the following National Parks is home to
competition the famous musk deer or hangal? [NEET-II, 2016]
a) Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh
9. When does the growth rate of a population following
the logistic model equal zero? The logistic model is b) Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh
given as dN/dt=rN(1-N/K): [NEET – I, 2016] c) Dachigam National Park, Jammu & Kashmir
a) When N/K is exactly one d) Keibul Lamjao National Park, Manipur
b) When N nears the carrying capacity of the habitat
Chapter 13 - Environmental Issues
c) When N/K equals zero
d) When dearth rate is greater than birth rate 1. DB is a standard abbreviation used for the
quantitative expression of [AIPMT PRE -2010]
Chapter 12 - Biodiversity and conservation a)The density of bacteria in a medium
1. Select the correct statement about biodiversity b) A particular pollutant
[AIPMT MAINS 2012] c) The dominant bacillus in a culture
a) Large scale planting of Bt cotton has no adverse d) A certain pesticide
effect on biodiversity. 2. Which one of the following expanded forms of the
b) Western Ghats have a very high degree of species following acronyms is correct? [AIPMT PRE-2011]
a)UNEP United Nations Environmental Policy 6. Rachel Carson’s famous book ‘Silent Spring’ is related
to [AIPMT-2015]
b)EPA Environmental Pollution Agency a) Pesticide pollution
c)IUCN International Union for Conservation b) Noise Pollution
of Nature and Natural Resources c) Population explosion
d) Ecosystem management
d)IPCC International Penal for climate Change
3. In an area where DDT had been used extensively 7. Increase in the concentration of the toxicant at
the population of birds declined significantly successive trophic levels is known as [RE AIPMT-2015]
because a) Biodeterioration
b) Biotransformation
[AIPMT PRE-2012]
c) Biogeochemical cycling
a) Birds stopped laying eggs
d) Biomagnification
b) Earthworms in the area got eradicated.
c) Cobras were feeding exclusively on birds. 8. A river with an inflow of domestic sewage rich in
d) Many of the birds eggs, laid, did not hatch. organic waste may result in: [NEET-I, 2016]
4. Measuring Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a a) Drying of the river very soon due to algal bloom
method used for [AIPMT PRE-2012] b) Increased population of aquatic food web organisms
a) Estimating the amount of organic matter in c)
An increased production of fish due to
sewage water. biodegradable nutrients
b) Working out the efficiency of oil driven automobile d) Death of fish due to lack of oxygen
c) Measuring the activity of saccharomyces cerevisiae 9. A lake which is rich in organic waste may result in
in producing curd on a commercial scales [NEET-II, 2016]
d) Working out the efficiency of RBCs about their a) Drying of the lake due to algal bloom
capacity to carry oxygen b) Increased population of fish due to lots of nutrients
c) Mortality of fish due to lack of oxygen
5. A scrubber in the exhaust of a chemical industrial d) Increases population of aquatic organisms due to
plant removes minerals
a) Gases like sulphur dioxide.
b) Particulate matter of the size 5 micrometer or 10. The highest DDT concentration in aquatic food
above. chain shall occur in [NEET-II, 2016]
c) Gases like ozone and methane a) Seagull b) Crab
d) Particulate matter of the size 2.5 micrometer or less c) Cell d) Phytoplankton
In order to get maximum benefit and good training it is necessary for the
students to follow the following instructions.
1 Fermentation by yeast 252
2 Determination of colour and pH in the given water samples 253
3 Marking of Wildlife Sanctuary and National parks in India map 254
4 Human Mendelian traits 257
5 ABO blood grouping - Demonstration Experiment 258
6 Human Sperm 259
7 Human ovum 259
8 Paramecium – conjugation 260
9 Entamoeba histolytica 260
10 Thymus – T.S 261
11 Lymph node – T.S 261
12 Mutualism – Sea anemone on hermit crab 262
13 Commensalism – Sucker fish (Echeneis) on shark 262
14 tRNA 263
15 Homologous organs 263
16 Analogous organs 264
17 Animal cloning - Dolly (Sheep) 264
18 Human insulin production - Flowchart 265
19 Normal Human karyotype 265
20 Autosomal Anomaly – Patau’s Syndrome 266
21 Sex Chromosomal Anomaly – Turner’s Syndrome 266
22 X – Linked Disease – Haemophilia 267
23 Autosomal Disease – Sickle cell anemia 268
etermine the universality of variations by studying thumb
1 269
impressions in a given population
2 Study the effect of a local industry on the environment 269
3 Study the ecological role of some insects and birds in a given locality 269
4 Visit to a zoological park/wildlife sanctuary in your locality 269
5 Visit to a nearby aquatic habitat 269
To find the variation in the process of fermentation by yeast in the given samples I, II and III.
• Glucose solution • Test tubes
• Palm sugar / Jaggery solution • Delivery tube
• Jaggery with salt / starch solution • One holed rubber cork
• Yeast solution • Lime water
Fermentation is an anaerobic metabolic process accompanied with effervescence. During
this process, sugar is converted into ethyl alcohol and CO2. Yeast has an enzyme zymase
which catalyses the fermentation process.
C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2
Yeast Ethyl alcohol
• T ake 2ml of the given samples I, II and III in three clean test tubes (labelled as 1,2 and 3)
• Add 2ml of yeast solution in all the test tubes and plug the tubes with cotton wool.
• Wait while fermentation takes place and note the time taken.
• Appearance of effervescence in the test tube indicates that fermentation has taken place.
• Remove the cotton wool and pass the gas through a delivery tube into a test tube
containing limewater.
• The lime water turns milky indicating that the gas evolved during fermentation is
carbon dioxide.
e variation in the time taken for fermentation to take place in the different sugar
solutions indicates that the simple sugars like glucose are fermented much quicker than
the complex sugars.
• pH paper and colour chart • Dropper / glass rod
• Water samples • Test tubes
The colour of water sample ranges from colourless to green and yellowish brown
depending upon the planktonic growth and suspended solids.
The pH of a solution is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions. The pH value can
vary from 0 to 14. Solutions with a pH between 0 and 7 are acidic, while those with a pH between
7 and 14 are basic. pH 7 is considered neutral.
• O bserve and tabulate the colour of the water samples I , II and III taken in test tubes
against a white background.
• Take the three different water solutions in separate test tubes and label them.
• A piece of pH paper is dipped into the sample and compared with that of the colour on the
pH chart.
• The approximate pH value of the samples is thus determined and the results tabulated.
1 I
2 II
3 II
• Th
e pH of the sample is found to be . Since it is closer to the neutral pH, it
is fit for consumption.
• Use only the standard colour chart supplied with the pH paper for assessing the pH value.
• Keep the pH strips away from chemicals.
• Either use fresh fine dropper or glass rod for each different sample, or wash the dropper or
rod well with water every time.
National Park
Mudumalai Wildlife
& National Park Point Calimere Wildlife
and bird Sanctuary
Periyar Wildlife
Mark the given Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park in the given map of India .Write its
location and significance.
LOCATION: Golaghat and Nagaon districts of Assam
SIGNIFICANCE: Kaziranga National park's 430 square kilometer area sprinkled with
elephant-grass meadows, swampy lagoons, and dense forests is home to more than 2200 Indian
one-horned rhinoceros, approximately 2/3rd of their total world population. The park is the
breeding ground of elephants, wild water buffalo, and swamp deer. Over the time, the tiger
population has also increased in Kaziranga, and that's the reason why Kaziranga was declared as
Tiger Reserve in 2006.
Finger mid
Hair No hair
digital hair
To assess the distribution of various genetic traits in a given population.
• List of traits
• Sheet of paper
• Th
e students are divided into groups and the assessment of the various genetic traits are
done , first individually and then among themselves.
• The phenotype and the possible genotypes are recorded in the tabular column.
• B
ased on the occurrence of the traits , the frequency of the dominant and recessive
characters were discussed.
Discuss and answer the following questions :
1) Did you have mostly dominant or recessive traits?
2) For which trait were most students dominant?
3) For which trait were most students recessive?
To find out the blood group of a classs / school students.
1. Human blood sample 5. Spirit (70% alcohol)
2. Antisera A and B 6. Slides / White tile
3. Antisera D 7. Cotton
4. Lancet 8. Mixing sticks
The determination of ABO blood group is based on the agglutination reaction. The A, B
and Rh antigens present on the surface of the RBC react with the corresponding antibodies
(antisera) to form visible agglutination or clumping.
1. Take a clean dry slide / white tile and divide it into three divisions.
2. Wipe the middle finger with cotton moistened with 70% alcohol and allow to dry.
3. Prick disinfected area with sterile lancet.
4. Squeeze the finger and allow a drop of blood to fall on each division of the slide/ white tile.
5. Add one drop of antiserum into the appropriately labelled drop of blood on the slide/
white tile.
6. Mix serum and blood drops with the applicator stick.
7. Observe the mixtures for agglutination and record the blood groups.
8. Record the findings in a tabular form.
Group O Group A
Agglutination with….
Group B Group AB
The given blood is found to be group
WARNING: Use only sterilized lancets. Avoid using bell pins or other sharp objects for pricking.
The given slide is identified as Human Sperm. Head
1. The human sperm is microscopic, flagellated and a motile male Neck
gamete. Mitochondria
2. The sperm is composed of a head, neck, middle piece and a tail. piece
The given slide is identified as human ovum.
Human ovum is microscopic,
non-cleidoic and a alecithal
female gamete. =RQD3HOOXFLGD
The ovum is surrounded by 9LWHOOLQH
three coverings namely vitelline
membrane, zona pellucida and *HUPLQDOYHVLFOH
corona radiata.
The cytoplasm of the egg is
called ooplasm and contains a
large nucleus called the germinal
The narrow space between the
vitelline membrane and zona
pellucida is known as perivitelline space.
The given slide is identified as Paramecium – Conjugation.
1. Conjugation is a form of sexual reproduction,
wherein two individuals called conjugants
mutually exchange nuclear material and then vacuole
get separated. Conjugation
The pellicle and cytoplasm at the point of Micronucleus
contact is broken and a protoplasmic bridge is Macronucleus
The male pronucleus moves through the
protoplasmic bridge and fuses with the female
pronucleus to form the diploid nucleus.
9. Entamoeba histolytica
The given slide is identified as Entamoeba histolytica.
Entamoeba is an endoparasitic
protozoan which causes
amoebiasis or amoebic dysentery. membrane
It lives in the lumen of the Endoplasm
large intestine and feeds on the
epithelial cells.
3. The infective stage of this parasite
is the trophozoite.
4. The symptoms of amoebiasis are
ulceration, bleeding, abdominal
pain and stools with excess
The given slide is identified as thymus gland – T.S.
Thymus is a primary lymphoid
bilobed organ located behind the Capsule
sternum and above the heart.
It has many lobules separated
from each other by connective
tissue called septa.
3. Each lobule is differentiated into
an outer cortex and inner medulla.
4. Thymus gland is mainly involved Septa
The given slide is identified as lymph node – T.S.
Lymph node is a small bean shaped
structure found along the course of Afferent
lymphatic duct.
2. Lymph node has three zones: cortex, Cortex
paracortex and medulla.
The cortex contains B lymphocytes,
macrophages and follicular dendritic Capsule
cells. vessel Paracortex
The medulla consists of sparsely
populated B-lymphocytes, which
secrete antibody molecules.
5. The paracortex zone lies between the
cortex and medulla and consists of richly populated T cells and dendritic cell.
The specimen is identified as Sea anemone on hermit crab.
1. Mutualism is an association of animals
where both species are benefited from Sea
the interaction.
2. The hermit crab takes shelter on an empty
molluscan shell, while the sea anemone
(a sedentary coelenterate) grows on the crab
3. The crab is protected from its enemies by
the stinging cells found in the tentacles
of sea anemone, whereas the anemone is
transported to procure its food.
The specimen is identified as sucker fish (ECHENEIS) on shark.
1. Commensalism is an association of two
or more species in which one derives
benefit, while other is neither benefited
nor harmed.
2. The dorsal fin of suckerfish is modified
into a sucker – a sticky gripping structure
used to attach to the body of a larger fish
such as shark.
In this association the fish gets free
transport and food while the shark is
neither benefited nor harmed in the
association. Modified Dorsal
Fin (Sucker)
14. tRNA
3’ OH
The given model is identified as t RNA (transfer RNA). C
the physical link between the mRNA and the amino acid
sequence of proteins. Anticodon
5. It transports activated amino acids from the cellular amino
acid pool to the site of protein synthesis. Anticodon
The given picture is identified as homologous organs.
1. Structures which are similar in origin but perform different functions are called homologous
structure.E.g. Fore limbs of terrestrial vertebrates bird, bat, whale, horse, and human.
The forelimbs of these 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
organisms perform
different functions, and
have similar anatomical 6
structures such as humerus, Bird
structures develop along
different directions due 4
Whale 5 Cat Horse Human
to adaptations to different 6
divergent evolution.
The given picture is identified as analogous organs.
1. Organism having different structural patterns but similar function is termed as analogous
structure. E.g. Wings of bird and insects (Butterfly, dragon fly).
The structures of
these animals are not Ulna
similar functions.
3. The analogous structures
are developed due to Hindwing
convergent evolution
– different structures
evolving for the same
The given picture is identified as cloning of animal –
Dolly (Sheep)
1. Cloning is the process to produce genetically identical
individuals of an organism either naturally or artificially.
2. Dolly was the first mammal (sheep) clone developed by
Ian Wilmut and Campbell in 1997.
3. Dolly was cloned from a differentiated somatic cell taken
from an adult animal without the process of fertilization.
In this process, the udder cells (somatic cells) of
mammary gland from a donor sheep were isolated. An
ovum (egg cell, germ cell) was taken from the ovary of
another sheep and enucleated.
5. The udder cell and enucleated ovum were fused and
implanted into a surrogate mother. Five months later,
dolly was born.
The given picture is identified as the flow chart of Human Insulin Production.
COMMENTS DNA Introduction of
Extraction &
purification of
recombinant human insulin
DNA into a
1. Production of insulin
C chain
bacterial cell Recombinant A chain
Bacterium COOH
B chain
the insertion of human cut with restriction Pro insulin
Tank A chain
plasmids of E.coli.
B chain
Human insulin Insulin
3. The inserted gene synthesizes the polypeptide chains A and B segments linked by a third
chain(C) as a precursor called Pre-Pro insulin.
4. The linking C chain is excised, leaving, A and B polypeptide chains.
5. Insulin was the first ever pharmaceutical product of rDNA technology, administered to
The given photograph is identified as normal karyotype of human beings.
Karyotyping is a technique
through which a complete set of A B
idiogram. D E
16 17 18
3. There are 22 pairs of autosomes 13 14 15
The given photograph is identified as Patau’s Syndrome.
1. It is one of the autosomal aneuploids
formed due to trisomic condition of
chromosome 13.
1 2 3 4 5
2. It is caused by meiotic non-disjunction
of chromosomes.
3. The symptoms are multiple and severe
body malformation with profound 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
mental deficiency.
The individuals have small head
with small eyes, cleft palate and 13 14 15 16 17 18
malformation of brain.
19 20 21 22 x y
The given photograph is identified as
Turner’s syndrome.
1. This genetic disorder is due to the loss of 1 2 3 4 5 6
an X chromosome resulting in a karyotype
of 44A+XO = 45.
2. It is caused due to meiotic non-disjunction
7 8 9 10 11 12
of allosomes.
3. These individuals are sterile female with
short stature and webbed neck.
13 14 15 16 17 18
4. They also have under developed breasts
and gonads with lack of menstrual cycle
during puberty. 19 20 21 22
x y
The given pedigree chart is identified as the genetic disease Haemophilia.
1. Haemophilia or bleeder’s disease (Royal disease) is the most notorious of all sex-linked
diseases. The person suffering from this disease bleeds for a long period (30 minutes to 24
hours) during injury due to the failure of blood coagulation.
2. It is caused by a recessive X – linked gene more common in men than women.
3. The females are carriers of the disease and would transmit the disease to 50% of their sons
even if the male parent is normal.
4. It follows criss – cross or zig – zag pattern of inheritance (i.e., grandfather transmits his X
linked character to his grandson through carrier daughter).
Normal female
1. Observe the given pedigree chart and identify the affected individuals and carriers in the II
2. Why are men affected often in X linked inheritance?
3. What is the pattern of inheritance in the given pedigree chart?
4. Why are women said to be carriers in X linked inheritance?
5. How is haemophilia caused?
The given pedigree chart is identified as the genetic disease sickle cell anaemia,.
1. It is an autosome linked recessive trait that can be transmitted from parents to the offspring,
if both the parents are carriers for the gene (heterozygous).
2. The genotype HbS HbS causes sickle cell anemia, while the genotype HbA and HbS individuals
appear apparently unaffected but they are carrier of the disease.
3. Sickle cell anemia is a classical example of point mutation.
4. The defect is caused by the substitution of Glutamic acid by valine at the sixth position of the
beta chain of the haemoglobin molecules.
1. Observe the given pedigree chart and give reasons for the occurrence of the disease in the
second generation.
2. Will males and females be equally affected in this type of inheritance? Give reasons.
3. What is the genotype of the diseased and carrier sickle sell individual?
1. D
etermine the universality of variations by studying thumb impressions in a given
a. Collect around 15 – 25 thumb impressions from within the families of your area or
among classes of your school.
b. Identify and compare the occurrence of the general patterns like circular (whorls),
loops and arches. Record your results in the form of 'Bar diagram' using frequencies
of the pattern collected in a graph sheet.
c. Eventhough many of them shared the same pattern of imprints, no two imprints were
the same.
Pattern No. of imprints
1 Whorls
2 Loops
3 Arches
Loops Arches
1. Analyse the given samples I, II and III for fermentation process. Write the aim, principle,
procedure and inference of the experiment.
2. Analyse the given water samples (I,II and III) for colour and pH . Tabulate your results and find
out which water is suitable for consumption. (2)
3. Mark the location of the given Wildlife Sanctuary and National parks in India map Add a note
on its location and significance.
Mention any 4 Mendelian traits in your body and write their phenotype and genotype. (2)
4 .a. Identify the reproductive cell in slide ‘A’. Give any 2 structural details with diagram
(½ +½+½=1 ½)
b. Identify the given slide ‘B’. Write any 2 diagnostic features with diagram (½ +½+½=1 ½)
5. Identify the type of animal association in the given specimen ‘C’ and comment
on its interaction. (½+ 1=1 ½)
6. Identify the given picture ‘D’. Write any 2 comments. (½+ 1=1 ½)
7. Identify the chromosomal abnormality in ‘E’. Write any 2 characteristic features. (1)
8. Analyse and identify the genetic disease in the pedigree chart given in ‘F’. Answer the given
questions. (1)
NOTE: Any relevant points and comments apart from those provided in the practical manual must
also be considered for evaluation.
1. Human Sperm
2. Human ovum
3. Paramecium – conjugation
1. ABO blood grouping
2. Analysing Mendelian traits in a given population
3. tRNA - Structure
4. Homologous organs
5. Analogous organs
6. Normal Human karyotype
7. Autosomal Anomaly – Patau’s Syndrome
8. Sex Chromosomal Anomaly – Turner’s Syndrome
9. Autosomal Disease –Sickle cell anemia
10. X – Linked Disease - Haemophilia
1. Animal cloning - Dolly (Sheep)
1. Marking of Wildlife Sanctuary and National parks in India map
2. Determination of colour and pH in the given water samples
3. Mutualism - Sea anemone on hermit crab
4. Commensalism - Sucker fish (Echeneis) on shark
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