Art. Hu Et Al. 2010 China
Art. Hu Et Al. 2010 China
Art. Hu Et Al. 2010 China
HU Hao, BAI You-lu, YANG Li-ping, KONG Qing-bo, LU Yan-li, WANG Lei and WANG Zhi-yong
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition
and Nutrient Cycling, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, P.R.China
The effect of fertilizer application on biomass dry weight and element distribution of various organs of maize was investigated
from the aspect of microscopic view to disclose the internal mechanism of fertilizer effect on crop. Five fertilizer treatments:
no fertilizer (CK), nitrogen phosphorus fertilizer (NP), nitrogen potassium fertilizer (NK), phosphorus potassium (PK), and
nitrogen phosphorus potassium fertilizer (NPK) were designed. Field experiment on the response of biomass dry weight
and N, P, K, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn element distribution of stem, leaf and seed of maize (Zea mays L.) to different fertilizer
treatments application was carried out. The results showed that dry weight and element content of various organs of
maize were different. N content of various organs followed this order leaf > seed > stem; P content of various organs was
seed > leaf > stem; K content was stem > leaf > seed; and Fe content was leaf > stem > seed. Fertilizer application reduced
the differences of N, P, K, and Fe contents of various organs, and changed the size order of the dry weight and the Cu and
Zn contents of leaf, seed and stem. Except for individual treatment, the response direction of N, P and Fe elements to
fertilizer application was similar to Cu and Zn. The response of element content of various organs of maize to different
fertilizer combinations was also different. The response extent of N, P and K major elements to fertilizer application was
larger than microelement of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn; the response extent of stem and leaf was larger than seed; the response
to NPK fertilizer treatment was bigger than NP, NK and PK. In the whole, response differences of element distribution to
various fertilizer treatments were not remarkable. Besides, element distribution of various organs of maize was also
influenced by the mutual effect of fertilizer varieties. The response direction and extent of various element distributions
to different fertilizer treatments had both similarities and differences. Adjusting fertilizer application could change the
biomass dry weight and element distribution of various organs of maize, thus promote the uptake and cycle of nutrient.
This investigation could provide useful information for high production.
This paper is translated from its Chinese version in Scientia Agricultura Sinica.
HU Hao, Ph D candidate, Tel: +86-571-86404255, E-mail: [email protected]; Correspondence BAI You-lu, Professor, Ph D, Tel: +86-10-82108673, E-mail: [email protected]
of winter wheat by pot experiment. Furthermore, many 389 kg ha-1, P2O5 135 kg ha-1), NK (N and K fertilizer
papers in some extent all showed that fertilizer treat- treatments, N 389 kg ha-1, K2O 90 kg ha-1), PK (P and
ments could indeed increase the yield and improve qual- K fertilizer treatments, P2O5 135 kg ha-1, K2O 90 kg ha-1),
ity (Sanjeev et al. 2000; Hussain et al. 2002; Song et al. and NPK (N 389 kg ha-1, P2O5 135 kg ha-1, K2O 90 kg ha-1).
2004). However, many researchers focused much on The experiment was arranged in a randomized com-
the response of crop to fertilizer as a whole plant; differ- plete block design with three replicates. Phosphorus
ent organs of plant were seldom included. Based on and potassium fertilizers were applied as basal fertilizers,
good eco-physiological relation between various organs whereas nitrogen fertilizer was added as both the basal
of plant body (Odum 1959, 1997; Jiang 2004), the mecha- and supplementary fertilizer with the ratio of 7:3. All
nism of fertilizer application effect on crop will be known the basal fertilizers were evenly broadcast onto the soil
by studying the response of various organs of crop to surface by hand and immediately incorporated into the
fertilizer. So this paper selected maize as a model crop, plowed soil by tillage before sowing. Supplementary
and studied the response of element distribution of vari- fertilizer was applied in large bell stage. Planting spac-
ous organs of plant to fertilizer application. Its aim was ing was 30 cm × 70 cm and each plot measured 16 m2.
to provide theory foundation for high production and Protected area space was set around the experiment.
quality improvement from the aspect of microscopic view
and to further study the internal physi-ecological mecha- Sampling and testing method
nisms on crop effect from fertilizer.
Sampling time was collected at mature stage. Five plants
was selected and divided into leave, stem and seed parts.
Samples were killed green at 105°C for 30 min and
oven dried at 75°C for 72 h.
Study site Plant samples were digested using concentrated sul-
furic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Nitrogen element
Field experiment was conducted at International Agri- was measured with micro-kjeldahl method. Phospho-
cultural High&New Technology Industrial Park rus content used anti-spectrophotometric method and
(IAHNTIP) of Chinese Academy of Agriculture K, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn were determined by atomic
Sciences, Wanzhuang, Hebei Province, China. Its geo- absorption spectrometry (Bao 2005).
graphical position was 116°35´19.51´´E, 39°35´51.75´´N.
The climate at this site was temperate continental Statistical analysis
monsoon. Four seasons clearly demarcated and dry-
wet season in the same time. Diurnal temperature Figures were shown using Excel 2003 and SigmaPlot
variation was high. It was suitable for crop growth. 10. Data were statistically analyzed with SPSS 13.0.
Annual mean temperature was 11.9°C. Annual frostless Differences among various treatments were compared
period was 183 d. Mean annual precipitation was 554.9 using the Fisher’s LSD 0.05 and 0.01 probability level.
mm. The soil of experimental area was an infertile Statistically significant differences among the treatments
sandy soil which belonged to Chao soil type with were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
pH 8.1, organic matter content 4.10 g kg-1, total N con- Least significant difference (LSD) calculations at 0.05
tent 0.151 g kg-1, available P content 20.40 mg kg-1, and and 0.01 probability level.
available K content 80.20 mg kg-1. Maize variety was
Nongda 108, sowed in June, 2007 and harvested in
September. RESULTS
cantly increase the dry weight of stem, leaf and seed of part in maize was higher than that in stem. Compared
maize (P < 0.05, the same as follows, Fig.1). In terms with CK, fertilizer application could increase N content
of the proportion of various organs in the whole plant, of all various organs (Fig.2). In terms of the whole
StemT (ratio of stem to whole plant) and LeafT (ratio plant (average N content of the leaf, stem and seed), N
of leaf to whole plant) of dry weight decreased. This content of all N treatments (NK, NP and NPK) were
suggested that enhancement of the fertilizer application significantly different from CK. No significant differ-
could increased the yield through promoting the trans- ence was found between PK and CK. Leaf N content
port of nutrient to the seed part. In terms of the whole of all fertilizer treatment was significantly higher than
plant (total dry weight of leaf, stem and seed), the dry CK. The influence of fertilizer application on the N
weights of various organs after fertilizer application content of seed was much greater than stem and leaf.
treated with NP and NPK treatments were higher than N content of seed of NP treatment was the highest and
those treated with NK and PK, which indicated that the had greater difference with the other treatments, in
contribution of N and P elements to the dry weight of which no significant differences were found. Fertilizer
maize were greater than that of K. With all different application also could increase the StemT. In this
fertilizer treatments, both SeedT (ratio of seed to whole experiment, NK treatment had the highest StemT, NPK
plant) and SeedS (ratio of seed to stem and leaf) were and NP were secondly, and PK treatment was the lowest.
significantly higher than CK, and the differences among The SeedT value of N content of PK and NP treat-
the various fertilizer treatments were not significant. PK ments increased, but NPK and NK decreased.
treatment was relatively more efficient for transport of P content Fertilizer application, especially P fertilizer
the nutrient to the seed part, but this was not economi- application could increase the P content of stem, leaf
cally feasible for the field application. So NP or NPK and the whole plant (Fig.3), but effect on P content of
treatment usually was chosen for high production. the seed from P fertilizer application was not obvious.
The P content of the stem with different treatment had
Effect of fertilizer application on N, P and K little differences. In terms of the whole plant, P con-
tent of different treatments were higher than CK. StemT
contents of different organs
of fertilizer application slightly increased in comparison
with CK, the difference was small and not significantly
N content Like most crops, N content of leaf and seed
between different treatments. In terms of LeafT, com-
pared with CK, all the treatments increased the LeafT;
NP treatment had the highest LeafT. NK and NPK were
the second; PK was the lowest. Fertilizer application
decreased the SeedT, but not significantly. and NP treatments had the biggest increase; PK had
K content K element mainly stored in the stem of the the smallest increase. SeedT decreased after fertil-
maize. Its content in seed part was very low. Fertilizer izer applied. PK got the highest SeedT. NP was
application increased K content of stem and leaf, the lowest, 66.01% lower than CK. SeedS of all
however, reduced the K content of seed. K content in fertilizer application decreased. NP reduced higher,
stem of NPK was the highest. NK and PK were second, PK and NPK lower.
and NP was the lowest. Significant differences among
various fertilizer treatments were not found. Effect of fertilizer application on Cu, Zn, Fe, and
K content in leaf of different fertilizer applica- Mn contents of different organs
tion were all much higher than CK, and followed
the order of NPK > NK > NPK > NP. K content of Cu content Fertilizer application reduced the Cu con-
seed of PK and NPK were a little lower than CK. tent of the stem (Fig.4). Compared with CK, NP, PK
NK and NP treatments greatly lower than CK. In and NK treatments had the bigger decrease than NPK.
terms of the whole plant, K content of all fertilizer Cu content in leaf of all the fertilizer application
application increased. NPK treatment had the high- increased. NPK had the biggest increase. NP had the
est K content, NK and PK in the middle level, and smallest. Cu content in seed of NP increased after fer-
NP had the lowest K content. The StemT value of tilizer application, but the other three treatments
K content of all applications was lower than CK. decreased. NK treatment had the highest Cu content in
LeafT of all the fertilizer treatments increased. NK seed, and NP treatment had the lowest, and close to
Fig. 3 Response of P and K contents of various organs to fertilizer Fig. 4 Response of Cu and Zn contents of various organs to
application. fertilizer application.
CK. Cu content in the whole plant were all higher than DISCUSSION
CK, but the differences were not significant. Cu con-
tent of NPK was the highest; NK and PK were in middle
Fertilizer application could influence the dry weight and
level; and NP was the lowest. The StemT of Cu con-
the element distribution of various organs, and adjust
tent decreased after fertilizer application. NP and NPK
the proportion of the stem, leaf and seed in the whole.
treatments were higher; PK and NK were lower and
It layed a material foundation for yield promotion and
close to each other, but still a little higher than CK.
quality improvement. The process was no doubt caused
LeafT value had not changed much after fertilizer
by enviroment factors, but mainly by the extent of ele-
application. SeedT of NK, PK and NPK treatments
ment involved in the plant life cycle and its physical and
increased, but NP treatments decreased a little. The ecological characteristics. The viewpoint was agreed
change of SeedS among the fertilizer treatments was with Liao (1992). This maybe was the reason of big-
similar to SeedT. ger fertilizer effect on major element and smaller on
Zn content Zn content in stem of NK and NPK microelement. Element distribution of plant various key
increased, that of PK and NP decreased in comparison organs had the similar characteristics. Exploring the
with CK (Fig.4). Zn content in leaf of NK and PK quantitative relation of the common features of the key
increased, but NP and NPK decreased. Compared with organs could supply the theory basis of studying plant
CK, Zn content in seed of all fertilizer applications de- physiological and biochemical activities (Zeng and Chen
creased but had no significant difference. The average 2005). This was also one reason that this study com-
Zn content of the plant and its StemT value both showed pared the elements contents ratio value of different or-
the same change trend as stem part. LeafT value in- gans in whole plant.
creased after fertilizer. PK, NK and NP were higher
and NPK was smaller. Fertilizer application had little
effect on the SeedT and SeedS values. The Zn content
of SeedT and SeedS of NP increased, but the others
decreased. The change of SeedS of various treatments
was similar to SeedT.
Fe content Fe content of the stem and leaf both
decreased. PK and NP had decreased more than NPK
and NK. Fe content of the whole plant significantly
decreased in comparison with CK. Fe content in seed
of fertilizer application increased. NPK and NP had
bigger effects than NK and PK. StemT of PK decreased,
NPK, NK and NP increased. The change trend of LeafT
was just opposite to StemT. SeedT and SeedS of fer-
tilizer application both significantly increased. The dif-
ferences between various fertilizer treatments were not
Mn content Mn content of the stem reduced slightly
after fertilizer, and the order from big to small was NK,
PK, NPK, and NP (Fig.5). Different fertilizer treat-
ments had different effect on leaf Mn content of maize.
NPK, NK and PK treatments increased, NP treatment,
however decreased. The differences among all the treat-
ments were not significant. Mn content in seed was
not detected, so the value related to seed of maize was Fig. 5 Response of Fe and Mn contents of various organs to
not included. fertilizer application.
This study indicated that N element contributed much response, but the seed had smaller. Except for indi-
to the dry weight of maize. This was in accordance vidual treatment, N, P, Fe, Cu, and Zn had the same
with the previous researches on N (Yu et al. 2007). response trend to the fertilizer application. On the whole,
Except for individual treatment, different fertilizer com- the effects of NPK were bigger than NP, NK and PK.
bination form had no great influence on the differences Differences of the four fertilizer application treatments
of dry weight and N content of leaf, stem and seed. were not found.
This suggested that fertilizer application could change
the dry weight and absolute element content of some Acknowledgements
organs, the relative content distribution in different or-
gans of the maize was not changed. This proved the
physiological and ecological relativity theory of plant
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(Managing editor WANG Ning)