Essay Aromatherapy

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Najmuddin Muhammad Rabbani

International Medical Student Research Competition


A. Introduction
Aromatherapy consists of two words, namely aroma and therapy, which we can
interpret as aromatherapy as a therapy or treatment using aroma. The
treatment process often involves essential oils to treat the mind and body.
Essential oil comes from the Latin word essentia, which means essence. So
aroma here refers to the aroma of essential oils that can be captured by the
sense of smell, while therapy refers to the properties of essential oils both on the
body physically and psychologically [1].

Aromatherapy cannot be separated from the use of essential oils, because

aromatherapy itself is a method of using essential oils. Using aromatherapy is
not difficult, because just by inhaling it you can feel its benefits. What is unique
about the use of aroma therapy in healing is that aroma therapy is holistic or
comprehensive. In a program conducted by the Fragrance Research Fund in
collaboration with a Yale University department to find a relationship between
essential oils and behavior in two thousand people over twenty years, they found
that inhaling fragrances can overcome various complaints, such as fatigue, pain,
insomnia, depression, nervousness, migraines, and memory loss. Apart from
that, aromatherapy can treat schizophrenia and sexual dysfunction [2].

Just like physical health, mental health also has various conditions, from health
to illness to serious illness, it can also be short term to long term (chronic) or
episodic, the impact also varies, ranging from mild to severe impact on an
individual [3].

B. Olfactory Nerves and Relaxing sensation

A healthy mentality can be understood as a mentality that can work as it should,
which we can see through the results in the form of productive activities,
relationships between people that can be established, and the ability to adapt to
change. Another way that can be used to determine mental health is by looking
at how effective a person is towards themselves, interpersonal and family
relationships, and community life [4].

The sense of smell (Olfaction) is the only sense that is directly connected to the
limbic system, which is a system that greatly influences the formation of
emotional behavior. The limbic system also plays a role in controlling blood
pressure, heart rate, breathing for memory and hormone balance [5].

The sense of smell is 10,000 times more sensitive than the sense of taste or
tongue. As a sense, smell has an important role in humans, namely to detect
possible dangers, such as leaking gas, stale food, or even toxic fumes. If the
sense of smell is removed, the pleasure of food and drink will be lost, the role of
smell can also influence human sexual desire [6].

The receptors for the sense of smell or also called Olfaction depend on the
olfactory epithelium, which is located in the nasal passages and is connected to
the brain. Fine hairs (cilia) from the olfactory epithelial tissue, these cilia are very
sensitive to odors, this odor information will be converted by the cilia into nerve
signals [6].

Aromatherapy can reduce anxiety and depression, besides that it can also
improve a person's mood [7]. Some essential oils include Chamomile, Lavender,
Patchouli, Sandalwood, Jasmine, and geranium. Apart from that, there are also
several other uses for aroma therapy, such as treating insomnia, stress, trauma,
female menopause, and premenstrual syndrome [1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12].

Essential oils as aroma therapy can be used in air diffusers, massage oils, bath
soaps, room perfumes, deodorants, spray bottles, and various other specific
methods [13]. Essential Oils can be mixed to provide a more varied effect, by
using a room diffuser, it will make the reach of this essential oil mixture further
[2]. For example, using an lavender and orange odors diffuser using in a hospital
waiting room can reduce anxiety, improve the mood and increase patient calm

C. Conclusion
Aromatherapy has quite an influence on mental health, because the sense of
smell itself is the only sense that has a big influence on the formation of
emotional behavior. The benefits of aroma therapy can reduce anxiety,
depression, and overcome insomnia, stress, trauma, female menopause and
premenstrual syndrome. There are many ways to use essential oils as aroma
therapy, including: air freshener, massage oil, bath soap, and various other

[1] Fioravanti K. 2011. The Art & Science of Aromatherapy. Selah press: United
[2] Keville K. 2023. Essential Oils & Aromatherapy For Dummies. Second
edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc: New Jersey
[3] Jeanette P, et al. 2016. The Guide to Good Mental Health on the Autism
Spectrum. Jessica Kingsley: London
[4] Sperry L. 2016. Mental Health and Mental Disorders : an Encyclopedia of
Conditions, Treatments, and well-being. Greenwood: United States
[5] Anonymous. 2014. Essential Oils and Aromatherapy an Introductory Guide.
Sonoma Press: California.

[6] Bower GH, et al. 1987. Principles of Psychology Today. Random house:
United States
[7] Heydari N, et al. The effect of aromatherapy on mental, physical symptoms,
and social function of females with premenstrual syndrome: a randomized
clinical trial. 2019. Vol 8. Issue 9
[8] Lembo MA. 2016. The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy and Vibrational
Healing. Llewellyn publication: United States
[9] Robinson L. 2020. A Little Book of Self Care: Aromatherapy. Dorling
Kindersley Limited: London
[10] Worwood VA. 1991. The Complete Book of Essential Oils and
Aromatherapy. New World Library: California
[11] Kennedy A. 2018. Aromatherapy for Beginners. Althea Press: California
[12] Ke, M.-H.; Hsieh, K.-T.; Hsieh, W.-Y. Effects of Aromatherapy on the
Physical and Mental Health and Pressure of the Middle-Aged and Elderly
in the Community. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 4823.
[13] Swanberg S. 2020. Aromatherapy for Self-care. Rockridge press: California
[14] Laconic EJ. 2014. Health Professional use of Aromatherapy With Children
and Adolescent with Mental Illness. University of St. Thomas: Minnesota


Table 1. Inclusion/exclusion criteria (J.K. Das et al, 2016)

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