Ingles Sss

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Ca rn p\ eh'. -\-D t srn\ me('.:> \.IJ l\YI co tt\' ca.(\!\;_ Tb rn l"ffi.\-nlil

+ne 3enhx1ce0 \JJ\ ~h -\-fl-e ~1c lu,o.
~-) Ke co0 fl\O\'(t bl)cu1\s .
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class 4 video 1 lmperatives Copy Machine


005 - • -1 07

_ 1 _ Toke out the poper _ , _ Clase the top

Put the poper on the gloss 6 Push the "Stort" button

9 Remove the paper from the gloss 7 Copy the poper

...1Q_ Toke the copy ..L lnsert the money in the machina
_ a _ Woit fer the copy Uft the top of the mochine

l. Organlze lhe lnslnicllons on "How to make a sandwich".

2. Next. 1put mustord on the b<eod 1

~ - l
4. Alter thot. odd your veg,0e::;to
es,.,I_ _ __

. g
. .

2. Next. 1pul mustard on the bread l...---

~- Alter that. l.9<Jd your veg,.,e.,_,

",;s:,, _ _ __

5. Finalty. ( put it togd 1 -- - - - - - ª " d ~ I

-- .. L~ ·:..-

C. Wñte lhe lnslrucHons on how to do somelhlng. Wrffe mlnlmum 5 lmperallve sentences.

" How to moke a smothie

Ff'St, take a cup of milk

Next. take a banana

Then , put the milk and the banana in a blender

put two teaspoons of sugor and odd the milk


Finally, shake the banana and milk, pour in a glass and enjoy

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