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Ph.D.Advertisement For Newspap
Ph.D.Advertisement For Newspap
i) Civil Engineering
ii) Computer Engineering
iii) Electronics & Communication Engineering
iv) Electrical Engineering,
v) Mechanical Engineering
vi) School of VLSI Design and Embedded Systems
vii) School of Renewable Energy and Efficiency
viii) School of Material Science and Nanotechnology
(B) Sciences:
i) Chemistry
ii) Physics
iii) Mathematics
(C) Humanities & Social Sciences.
(D) Deptt. of Computer Applications
(E) Deptt. of Business Administration
The Institute encourage the student to apply in full time mode however deserving
candidates may be offered Admission as Part Time basis on recommendation of the
respective DRC.
Prospectus and Application form can be downloaded from the Institute Website: The candidates are advised to go through the prospectus carefully
before submitting application. The applicant is required to attach with his application, a
bank demand draft of Rs. 200/- in favour of Director, NIT, Kurukshetra payable at
Kurukshetra. Alternatively the applicant may submit application fee of Rs. 200/-
online using SBI i-collect facility.
The deserving eligible students may be considered for Institute Scholarship if they get
admission on full time basis and the respective DRC may recommend subject to
availability of the scholarship in the Institute.
The last date for submission of Ph.D. application form in the institute for even
semester admission of Academic Session-2015-16 is Monday, 7th December,2015.
Available seats for Ph D Admission in 2015-16 (Even Semester)
No. of vacancies mentioned below are tentative and can be filled up after the
satisfaction of Departmental Research Committee (DRC) as well as the teacher
concerned, if he is interested to supervise the candidate as a Research Guide.
6. Mechanical Engineering 60
7. Electrical Engineering 12
8. Electronics & Comm. Engg. 21
9. Computer Engg. 18
10. MBA 10
11. MCA 06
12. School of VLSI Design & Embedded System 06
13. School of Material Science & Nanotechnology 04
14 School of Renewal Energy & Efficiency 02
M.Sc. (Physics)
M.Tech. Nanotechnology
M.Tech Material Science