Acal-Brand Guidelines
Acal-Brand Guidelines
Acal-Brand Guidelines
march 2013
about these guidelines
more information
If you have any questions relating to this document,
or the implimentation of the guidelines please contact:
Sue Milne
Head of Customer Experience
Acal BFi UK Ltd
3 The Business Centre,
Molly Millars Lane,
Wokingham, Berks. RG41 2EY
Our logo has been developed in line with the Acal Plc
brand and visual identity. We must apply the identity
consistently on marketing material, websites, stationery,
advertising and on any other forms of communication.
These guidelines have been developed to help ensure
the consistent application of our identity and to assist
brand integrity.
The logotype is designed, in most cases, to appear as
shown on a white background but in instances where this
is not possible, the following guidelines should be used.
Primary logo
Secondary logo
The secondary logo should only
be used for tall thin adverts
or banners, in order to ensure
legibility of the strapline.
Tertiary logo
use only white on the dark blue, black or other use only black when printed on light coloured
dark coloured background backgrounds
European leader in
photonic solutions
do not produce additional versions do not change the colour or weight of the vertical line
the logotype must only produced in the colour on a coloured background the logotype must appear
variations specified either all white or all black
do not change the proportions of any part of do not stretch or condense the logotype
the logotype
exclusion zone
This is the clear area around the logo in which nothing else should appear.
It helps to ensure clarity and improve the impact of the logo.
This clear space (X) is proportional and is defined as the height of the ‘L’ in the logo.
Wherever possible the logo should be positioned in the top left corner of the page,
the distance from the top and side edges of the page should be the same and at
least the size of the exclusion zone.
minimum size
To ensure clarity and impact the logo should not appear any smaller than it is shown here.
recommended size on A4
To ensure consistency throughout all printed material the recommended size when
printed on A4 sized material in 15mm.
dark blue
Pantone 541 C
C 100, M 75, Y 33, K 22
R 0, G 62, B 116
Web 00 3e 74
light blue
Pantone Process Cyan C
C 99, M 14, Y 3, K 0
R 0, G 157, B 219
Web 00 9d db
Pantone Process Black C (90% tint)
C 0, M 0, Y 0, K 90
R 63, G 63, B 64
Web 3F 3F 40
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890