Report of Learning Disorders - Autism

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Subject: Psycholinguistics (LIN4300)

Assignment: Report of learning disorders -Autism

Professor: Mrs. Irma Ruth Mendoza Rosales

Participant’s name Registration

Eleazar Isaías Carrasco Guerra 0501198412760
Santos Joel Carrasco Guerra 0501198412759

Date: Thursday, May 28th, 2022.


This report contains what autism is, it is currently considered a brain disorder the
main theme of the present work that we are making known is autism; Due to extensive
sources of information, the concept of this broad subject matter can be investigated.
The word autism comes from the Greek auto- from autós, "own, oneself"
therefore, which leads us to the questions: What is autism really? , What are your
causes? What is the origin of its discovery or the ignorance of its origin? , its study, its
characteristics, etc.
In other words, the purpose we have is to give us the opportunity to learn about
the importance and basics of the subject of Autism.
Currently, autism is defined as a permanent and profound developmental
disorder that affects communication, therefore, in the field of teaching, we as teachers
have an important role in it since it involves us because we are part of society, which
allows us to relate to this type of topic to be able to know it in depth.
There is controversy regarding the diagnosis and it is due to the lack of
knowledge of its origin, since this disorder is complex and extensive, which makes it a
subject of scientific study.
Autism is a disorder that is present from birth or very in development that affects
essential human behaviors such as social interaction, the ability to communicate ideas
and feelings, imagination, and the establishment of relationship with others. (National
Research Council. 2001, p. 11).

Most important aspects of the topic

It’s characterized as a spectrum disorders that vary severity symptoms, and is
linked with other disorders like:
 Mental retardation
 Specific language delay
 Epilepsy

However there are different types of autism, where the symptoms can vary
and can be visibly noticeable, they are:
Childhood autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder
characterized by persistent deficits in social communication, social interaction and
restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities. (Gyawali et al 2019, p.
Asperger’s syndrome it is less severe than autism, because according with
Turkington (2007)”some adults with autism, especially those with high functioning
autism or with Asperger’s syndrome, are able to work successfully in mainstream jobs”
(p. 2)
Rett syndrome: “is one of the most common causes of complex disability in girls.
It is characterized by early neurological regression that severely affects motor, cognitive
and communication skills, by autonomic dysfunction and often a seizure disorder”
(Smeets et al. 2011, p. 113).
Childhood disintegration disorder is a condition in which children develop
normally through age 3 or 4. Then, over a few months, they lose language, motor,
social, and other skills that they already learned. (Mount Sinai, 2021)

Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified according to Morris
(2008), it has been in use for many years and has been the traditionally accepted way
to group disorders such as autism and Asperger's syndrome.

Main points of the speech disorder.

In Language/communication child with autism has difficulties with:
 Problems following simple directions.
 Echolalia, or repeating what has just been said.
 Difficulty making needs and desires known by gestures, words or play.

Instances or situations where Autism is applicable, specifically on

language teaching
Autism is a neurological disorder that affects mental faculties, as teachers we
have to know that comprehension and environment are very important when we have a
student with autism, parents can handle it very well, so teachers should not be the
1. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction.
2. Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity; to reduced sharing of interests, emotions,
or affect; to failure to initiate or respond to social interactions.
3. Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction.
4. Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understand relationships. (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013).

How to differentiate the patterns of autism

Relating and emotion
 A tendency to avoid interaction
 Difficulty paying attention
 Limited eye contact with others
 Repetitive statements, play, or behaviors
 Failure to develop pretend play.

 Intense fears about ordinary objects, activities or events. (Extreme distress at
small changes)

Regulatory and sensory-motor

 Difficulty dealing with changes in environment (Neon colors and loud noises)
 Avoidance of hugs or light touch
 Does not point to show you things
 Poor coordination (Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or
 “self-stimulatory” behaviors: spinning, hand flapping, head banging

Word Dictionary Meaning Synonym Antonym
A brain condition that affects the
development of social and communication Autistic, Specific
Mental health,
skills in ways that can be severe or slight, Medical Conditions,
Autism mental soundness,
and that can make someone's behavior attention deficit
soundness of mind
and interests different from people without disorder
the condition
A combination of medical problems that
Illness, disease, Hyperkalemia,
Syndrome shows the existence of a particular
sickness, composite wellness, simple
disease or mental condition
Relating to having a brain deficiency; a
Inadequate, scant, Adequacy, ability,
Deficit brain deficit will usually be either very silly,
insufficient sufficiency
stupid, idiotic or all of the above.
Think, believe in, say, Informal, original,
Stereotyped The most obvious sign of ignorance.
conventional unconventional
Alarm, consternation,
A feeling of extreme worry, sadness, or Happy, pleasure,
Distress worry, concern,
pain untroubled, be full
Echolalia A mental and verbal deficiency wherein Echophrasia, Discontinuation,

the victim mindlessly and helplessly aphasia, repetition, termination,
parrots the erroneous and incorrect stuttering, incomplete,
information disseminated. paraphrase succeed


Your rhythm is not mine I have noise sensitivity I feel anxious and afraid.

Don't make fun of me please love me and understand me


1. Is a myth that children with autistic spectrum disorders cannot love with the same degree
of warmth and intimacy as others.

2. It is not correct to call autism a “disease”, “sickness” or child suffers schizophrenia or

craziness, it’s just a condition that affects behaviors such as social interaction, the
ability to communicate ideas, feelings and imagination, and have relationship
with others.

3. It is not correct to exclude and even more when you are a teacher.

4. Asperger autism, it is not seen physically and they are usually people more intelligent
than you.

5. Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified is a combination between

Asperger and autism.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). ABOUT AUTISM - Helping Parents

Understand Autism from the Inside Out. 04/23/2022, from The International
Council on Development and Learning, Inc. Website:
Gyawali, S., & Patra, B. N. (2019). Trends in concept and nosology of autism spectrum
disorder: A review. Asian journal of psychiatry, 40, 92-99.
Morris, Barry K.. (2008). A GUIDE TO CLASSIFICATION & DIAGNOSIS. 04/23/2022,
from Synapse reconnecting lives Website:
Mount Sinai. (2021). Childhood disintegrative disorder. 04/23/2022, from American
Psychiatric Association Website:
National Research Council. (2001). Educating children with autism. National Academies
Smeets, E. E. J., Pelc, K., & Dan, B. (2011). Rett syndrome. Molecular
syndromology, 2(3-5), 113-127.
Turkington, C., & Anan, R. (2007). The encyclopedia of autism spectrum disorders.
Infobase Publishing.

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