Code: CS501 Computer Organization and Architecture
MODULE-I: Basics of Digital Electronics: Multiplexers and De multiplexers, Decoder and
Encoder, Codes, Logic gates, Flip flops, Registers. Register Transfer and Micro Operations: Bus and Memory Transfer, Logic Micro Operations, Shift Micro Operations, Register transfer and register transfer language, Design of arithmetic logic unit. MODULE II: Basic Computer Organization: Instruction codes, Computer instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction cycle, Memory reference Instruction, Complete computer description, Design of basic computer, Input output and interrupt. MODULE III: Control Unit: Hardwired controls, Micro programmed controls. Central Processing Unit : Program control, Reduced instruction set computer, Complex instruction set computer, Data Transfer, Manipulation, General register and stack organization, Addressing mode. MODULE IV: Computer Arithmetic: Addition and subtraction algorithm, Multiplication algorithm, Division algorithms. MODULE V: Input-Output Organization: Priority interrupt, Peripheral devices, Input output interface, Data transfer schemes, Program control and interrupts, Direct memory access transfer, Input/output processor. Memory Unit: High speed memories, Memory hierarchy, Processor Vs Memory speed, Cache memory, Associative memory, Inter leave, Virtual memory, Memory management. MODULE VI : Introduction to Parallel Processing: Pipelining, Characteristics of multiprocessors, Interconnection structures, Inter processor arbitration, Inter processor communication, Synchronization. Code: CS502 Compiler Design
MODULE-I: Introduction to compiler and Finite automata Compilers, Analysis of source
programs, Tokens, patterns, lexemes, Phases of compilers, Parsing, Parse trees, Ambiguity, Associativity and precedence of operators, Top-down parsing, Bottom-up parsing, Left recursion, Syntax directed translation. Classification of grammars, NFA, DFA, Conversion of NFA to DFA, RE to NFA (Thompson’s Construction), Optimization of NFA/DFA using FIRSTPOS, LASTPOS, FOLLOWPOS. MODULE-II: Context Free Grammar RE vs. CFG, Eliminating ambiguity and left recursion, Left factoring. MODULE-III: Compiler Parser Top down parsing-LL parser, LL grammars. Bottom up parsing- LR parser, SLR parser, CLR parser, LALR parser. Polishing expressions Operator precedence grammar. LR grammars. Comparison of parsing methods. Error handling. MODULE-IV: Run time environments Symbol tables, Language facilities for dynamic storage allocation, Dynamic storage allocation technique, Organization for non-block and block structured languages. MODULE-V: Intermediate code generation Intermediate languages, graphical representations, Synthesized and inherited attributes, Dependency graph, Syntax directed translation, S and L- attributed definitions, Polish notation, Three address, quadruples, triples, indirect triples Flow of control statement. MODULE-VI: Code optimization and code generation Basic blocks and flow graphs, Optimization of basic blocks, Code optimization techniques, Issues in design of code generator, Target machine code and simple code generator. Code: CS503 Computer Graphics Module – I: Introduction to computer graphics and graphics systems. Raster and vector graphics systems, video display devices, physical and logical input devices, simple color models. Module – II: Points & lines, Line drawing algorithms; DDA algorithm, Bresenham’s line algorithm, Circle generation algorithm; scan line polygon, fill algorithm, boundary fill algorithm, flood fill algorithm. Module – III: 2D Transformation : Basic transformations : translation, rotation, scaling ; Matrix representations & homogeneous coordinates, transformations between coordinate systems ; reflection shear ; Transformation of points, lines, parallel lines, intersecting lines. Module – IV: Viewing pipeline, Window to Viewport co-ordinate transformation, clipping operations, point clipping, line clipping, clipping circles, polygons & ellipse. Module – V: Hidden Surfaces: Depth comparison, Z-buffer algorithm, Back face detection, BSP tree method, the Printer’s algorithm, scan-line algorithm; Hidden line elimination, wire frame methods, fractal - geometry. Rendering of a polygonal surface; Flat, Gouraud, and Phong shading; Texture mapping, bump texture, environment map; Introduction to ray tracing; Image synthesis, sampling techniques, and anti-aliasing. Code: IT502 Web Technology
Module – I Introduction to html: Fundamentals of HTML elements, Document body, Different
tags, sections, text, hyperlink, lists, tables, color and images, frames, frameset, form. Web Pages: types and issues, tiers; comparisons of Microsoft and java technologies; WWW: Basic concept, web client and web server, HTTP protocol (frame format), universal resource locator (URL). Module – II Dynamic web pages: The need of dynamic web pages; an overview of DHTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), comparative studies of different technologies of dynamic page creation. Active web pages: Need of active web pages; java applet life cycle. Module – III JavaScript: Data types, variables, operators, conditional statements, array object, date object, string object. Java Servlet: Servlet environment and role, HTML support, Servlet API, the Servlet Life cycle, cookies and sessions. Module – IV JSP: JSP architecture, JSP servers, JSP tags, understanding the layout in JSP, Declaring Variables, methods in JSP, inserting java expressions in JSP, processing request from user and generating dynamic response for the user, inserting applets and java beans into JSP, using include and forward action, comparing JSP and CGI program, comparing JSP and ASP program; Creating ODBC data source name, introduction to JDBC, prepare statement and callable statement. Module–V J2EE:AnoverviewofJ2EEwebservices,basicsofEnterpriseJavaBeans,EJBvs.JavaBeans,basic of RMI,JNI. XML: Basics XML, elements and attributes, document type definition, xml parsers, sequential and tree approach
Code: IT504 Data Communication
Module 1: Signals and Signal Analysis: Periodic and nonperiodic signals, Composite signals, Signal analysis, Time and frequency domain representation. Introduction to Data and signal fundamentals, Analog and digital signals. Module 2: Analog Transmission: Concepts of carrier signal, noise, modulating signal and modulated signal; Amplitude modulation – double sideband suppressed carrier, double sideband transmitted carrier, single sideband; Frequency modulation – Narrowband FM and wideband FM; Digital to analog conversion – Amplitude shift keying, Frequency shift keying, Phase shift keying, Quadrature amplitude modulation, Performance. Module 3: Digital Transmission: Problems with digital transmission, Different line coding schemes, Block coding schemes, Scrambling techniques; Analog to digital conversion – Sampling techniques, Sampling theorem, Pulse amplitude modulation, Pulse code modulation, Differential pulse code modulation, Delta modulation (along with advantages and disadvantages of each technique), Transmission modes (serial and parallel). Module 4: Multiplexing and Spreading: Concept of multiplexing, Frequency division multiplexing, Time division multiplexing – Synchronous and Statistical time division multiplexing. Module 5: Introduction: Data Communications, Networks, Network Types, Internet History, Networks Models: Protocol Layering, TCP/IP Protocolsuite, The OSI model, Introduction to Physical Layer-1: Data and Signals, Digital Signals, Transmission Impairment, Data Rate limits, Performance, Digital Transmission: Digital to digital conversion (Only Line coding: Polar, Bipolar and Manchester coding).