Counter Movemente Jump in Performance Diagnotics. Use of The Correct Jumping Technique
Counter Movemente Jump in Performance Diagnotics. Use of The Correct Jumping Technique
Counter Movemente Jump in Performance Diagnotics. Use of The Correct Jumping Technique
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4 authors, including:
Hermann Schwameder
University of Salzburg
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To cite this article: Anne Richter, Stefan Räpple, Gunther Kurz & Hermann Schwameder (2012): Countermovement jump in
performance diagnostics: Use of the correct jumping technique, European Journal of Sport Science, 12:3, 231-237
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European Journal of Sport Science, May 2012; 12(3): 231237
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of arm-swing and sporting activity on jump height and jump height
variability of countermovement jumps in adolescent students to inform correct jumping technique in different settings.
Altogether, 324 students (grades 511) performed three countermovement jumps with bilateral arm-swings and three
countermovement jumps without arm-swings on a force platform. The participants were divided into three groups based on
sporting activity. The groups with the most (‘‘active group’’; more than 6 h formal athletics in a sport club per week) and
least active (‘‘sedentary group’’; less than 3 h formal athletics in a sport club per week) participants were compared. Jump
height was calculated for all jumps, and the best trial of three was used for further analysis. Jump height variability was
indicated by the coefficient of variation over three jumps. The reliability of jump height was determined using the intra-class
correlation coefficient (ICC) over three trials of each jumping technique. The reliability of jump height was very high for all
conditions (ICC: 0.900.96). Jump height was significantly higher for countermovement jumps with than without arm-
swings for both groups. Jump height in the active group was significantly greater than in the sedentary group for both
jumping techniques. A significant interaction between jumping technique and sporting activity indicates a greater benefit of
arm-swing in the active than in the sedentary participants. No significant differences between groups were observed for
jump height variability. Jump height can be measured reliably in active and sedentary adolescent individuals for both
jumping techniques. The relevant jumping technique should be chosen with respect to the context of its application and
based on its suitability for the individual and task of interest.
Correspondence: A. Richter, Biomotion Center, Department of Sport and Sport Science, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Engler-Bunte-
Ring 15, Geb Bldg. 40.40, D-76131 Karlsruhe, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]
ISSN 1746-1391 print/ISSN 1536-7290 online # 2012 European College of Sport Science
232 A. Richter et al.
hips is an unfamiliar movement that may also result Information on variability of jumping performance
in higher variability between repeated trials. The in countermovement jumps with arm-swing and with
primary goal of performance diagnostics is to mea- arms akimbo regarding different activity levels is
sure the current personal best of each athlete. The lacking. This information is critical, however, for
test item must be reliable with low variability to recommendations on preferred jumping technique
ensure a greater chance of measuring an individual’s for performance tests in participant groups of
actual best performance. Low variability of multiple different sporting activity. For instance, Laffaye
trials is an indication of stable, reliable, and applic- and colleagues (Laffaye, Bardy, & Taiar, 2006)
able test procedures. analysed drop jumps from 30 cm and 60 cm height
In most studies, jumping performance is measured with and without arm-swing and with respect to the
by jump height or, more specifically, by the max- participants’ sporting activity. Participants in both
imum rise of the body’s centre of gravity after take- groups jumped higher during the drop jump with
off (Arteaga, Dorado, Chavarren, & Calbert, 2000; arm-swing compared with drop jump with arms
Bencke, Damsgaard, Saekmose, Jorgensen, & akimbo, and experts jumped higher than novices.
Klausen, 2002; Frick et al., 1991; Gerodimos However, Laffaye et al. did not provide information
et al., 2008; Lees et al., 2004; Markovic, Dizdar, of test reliability and variability, and to date compar-
able studies on countermovement jumps are lacking.
Downloaded by [Karlsruher Inst fur Technologie Kit] at 23:10 15 July 2012
gymnasium. The time of testing of the participants was assessed using intra-class correlation coefficients
depended on their schedule but was between 08:00 (ICC) of jump heights over three trials for each
and 14:00 h. Each participant performed three jumping technique and for each activity group. The
countermovement jumps on a force plate while using interrelation between countermovement jump with
their self-selected arm-swing and three counter- and without arm-swings for jump height and jump
movement jumps with their hands kept on the hips. height variability was investigated using Pearson’s
Both types of jump were performed from an upright correlation coefficient. Statistical significance for all
position and the participants were asked to jump as tests was set a priori to 0.05.
high as possible. A rest period of 1 min was allowed
between jumps.
Vertical ground reaction forces were measured Results
using a force plate (Leonardo Mechanograph† The results showed high reliability for all conditions
GRFP, Novotec Medical GmbH, Pforzheim (Table II). The intra-class correlation coefficients
Germany) at 800 Hz. Maximum jump height (h) were 0.95 (jump without arm-swings) and 0.90
was calculated based on the principle that the (jump with arm-swings) for the sedentary students,
impulse (integral of force over time) equals the and 0.96 (jump without arm-swings) and 0.93 (jump
momentum (product of mass and velocity) (Harman
Downloaded by [Karlsruher Inst fur Technologie Kit] at 23:10 15 July 2012
CVh ð%Þ ¼ ½sðtrial 1 3Þ=meanðtrial 1 3Þ Group Trials h (cm) ICC CV-h (%)
100 CMJ
Active (6 h × week1) Trial 1 23.896.1 0.96 4.493.0
All statistical tests were performed using SPSS
Trial 2 24.196.2
v.17.0. A two-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) Trial 3 24.196.2
with factors jumping technique and sporting activity Sedentary (B3 h × week1) Trial 1 19.894.8 0.95 5.193.0
was used to detect significant differences in jump Trial 2 20.394.9
height and jump height variability between the two Trial 3 20.294.9
jumping techniques and the two activity groups.
Active (6 h × week1) Trial 1 27.197.2 0.93 5.594.8
Because of age and gender differences between the Trial 2 27.896.8
active and sedentary groups, these variables were Trial 3 27.996.8
included as covariates. Partial eta-squared (h2p) was Sedentary (B3 h × week1) Trial 1 22.296.2 0.90 7.096.3
used to provide information about effect sizes. Effect Trial 2 22.595.6
Trial 3 22.895.5
sizes were as follows: large (h2p 0.14), medium
(h2p 0.06), and small (h2p 0.01) (Bortz, 2005; Note: hmaximum jump height; CV-hjump height variability;
Cohen, 1973, 1992). Reliability of performance ICCintra-class correlation coefficient.
234 A. Richter et al.
*P B0.05.
and not statistically significant.
2000; Gerodimos et al., 2008; Harrison & Gaffney,
2001; Slinde et al., 2008; Temfemo et al., 2008;
Walsh et al., 2007), but as they were not the main
The reliability of the present data was very high for focus of this study they are only mentioned here in
all investigated conditions. The test procedure used the Discussion.
in this study is able to measure jump height reliably Countermovement jumping ability with and with-
in countermovement jumping with and without arm- out arm-swings in active and sedentary individuals
swings in active and sedentary adolescents. had not previously been compared. In this study,
Maximum jump height in this study was 21.0 active students jumped significantly higher than
24.9 cm for countermovement jumps without arm- sedentary students irrespective of technique. This
swings and 23.828.9 cm for countermovement suggests that physical activity and sporting experi-
jumps with arm-swings. Previous studies (Harman
ence influence jumping performance. The significant
et al., 1990; Hudson, 1986; Markovic et al., 2004;
interaction between jumping technique and sporting
Vanezis & Lees, 2005) reported absolute jump
activity for jump height showed that the benefit of
heights of 29.148.7 cm for countermovement
arm-swings differs between the two groups. This
jumps without arm-swings and 35.357.9 cm for
countermovement jumps with arm-swings. The low- difference may highlight a difference in effectiveness
er average jump heights in the present study can be of arm-swings between the two groups, possibly as a
explained by the differences in age of participants in result of the greater coordination of active compared
the different studies. While the average age of our with sedentary participants. This is in agreement
participants was 12.8 years, the average age of those with Gerodimos et al. (2008), who showed signifi-
in previous studies was 2028 years. In addition,
the different sporting activity of participants in the
different studies likely contributed to differences in
jumping performance. While previous studies only
assessed physically active individuals, we included
sedentary individuals as well. The greater jump
heights (13.3% and 16.1% for the sedentary
and active groups, respectively) with arm-swings is in
agreement with the results of previous studies
(Feltner et al., 2004; Gerodimos et al., 2008;
Harman et al., 1990; Lees et al., 2004; Shetty &
Etnyre, 1989). However, the interaction between
jumping technique and age (PB0.001, h2p 0.32) as
well as between jumping technique and gender
(PB0.001, h2p 0.10) showed higher effect sizes
Figure 2. Coefficient of variation of jump height of counter-
than the interaction between jumping technique movement jump without arm-swing (CMJ) and countermove-
and sporting activity. These interactions are in line ment jump with arm-swing (CMJA) in active and sedentary
with the results of previous studies (Arteaga et al., students (mean9s).
Countermovement jump in performance diagnostics 235
Table III. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between counter- terparts. Despite these differences in jump height
movement jump without arm-swing (CMJ) and countermove- and jump height variability between the two jumping
ment jump with arm-swing (CMJA) (h and CV-h)
techniques and the two participant groups, all
h CMJ CV-h CMJ measurements showed a high reliability for all
conditions. Based on these results, we conclude
All participants h CMJA 0.97*
CV-h CMJA 0.01
that the two jumping techniques can be used for
jumping performance diagnostics in both active and
Active(6 h × week ) h CMJA 0.97*
CV-h CMJA 0.08
sedentary individuals.
Correlations between countermovement jumps
Sedentary(B3 h × week ) h CMJA 0.95*
with and without arm-swings with respect to jump
CV-h CMJA 0.10
height and jump height variability could reveal a
Note: hmaximum jump height; CV-hjump height variability. potential interdependency of the two techniques.
*P B0.05. High correlation coefficients would indicate the
compatibility of the two jumping techniques and
cant differences in absolute jump height between would support the application of either technique for
three groups (children, adolescents, and adults) of performance diagnostics purposes. High correlation
basketball players when using arm-swings versus no
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