Environmental Impact of Refurbished Devices
Environmental Impact of Refurbished Devices
Environmental Impact of Refurbished Devices
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20, avenue du Grésillé
BP 90 406 | 49004 Angers Cedex 01
Study carried out on behalf of ADEME by: DDemain, Hubblo, LCIE Bureau Veritas
Technical coordination: ADEME: Erwann Fangeat
5. COMPUTER FAMILY........................................................................................................................... 81
5.1. Laptop computers ....................................................................................................................................81
The purpose of this study is to assess the multi-criteria environmental impact of the
refurbishment of digital devices destined for the general public (smartphones, tablets, desktop
computers and laptop computers) and to identify the difference between using refurbished
devices and purchasing new devices.
It seems that refurbishment can have a significant effect on indicators such as the depletion of
fossil and mineral resources, climate change and the production of WEEE (electronic waste).
Identify the main contributing factors to the impact of refurbishment (supply and
distribution logistics, practices associated with part replacements, cleaning
Identify which consumer behaviours should be encouraged (keep devices for longer,
avoid buying the latest generation of devices and having all their parts upgraded)
Refurbishment has a beneficial impact on the environment in the reference scenarios. However,
the varied nature of these practices and behaviours (lifespan) can result in an increased impact
on the environment, as highlighted by the depreciation approach and the behavioural analysis.
Consumers should: keep their devices for longer and buy, from local refurbishers,
equipment that has had a proper first life (> 2 years for smartphones, > 3 years for
laptop computers)
Refurbishers should: optimise their processes and carry out informed refurbishment
(with regard to the number and origin of the parts), prioritising the available pool of
devices that have already had a first life
LCA-C, consequential (or analysis by consequences)1: An LCA where the system being examined is
composed of basic processes connected by economic flows but also by processes indirectly affected by
the establishment or change of the life cycle for the product under study.
Method (of environmental assessment)2: a set of rules and calculation steps that can be used to generate
an assessment of the environmental impact of a system, with a view to measuring and analysing its effects
on the environment in order to prevent any harmful consequences to the environment.
Life cycle analysis (LCA) method3: compilation and assessment of the potential inflows, outflows and
environmental impacts of a system of products over its lifespan.
Reference guide: structured set of recommendations (whether normative or not) and best practices,
used for implementing a method in a given context, for a given product category, or for a specific
ICT - Information and communication technologies4: a diverse set of technological tools and resources
used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange information. These technological tools and resources
include computers (laptop or desktop, workstations, etc.), the Internet (websites, software, blogs and
emails), live broadcasting technologies (data centres, servers, etc.) and devices (radio, television and
webcasting), recorded broadcasting technologies (podcasting, audio and video players, and storage
devices) and telephony (fixed or mobile, satellite, video-conferencing, etc.).
Refurbished product: A second-hand product or spare part may be described as a ‘refurbished product’
or be described using the term ‘refurbished’ if the following conditions are met:
“1. The product or part has undergone tests covering all its functions in order to establish that it meets
legal safety requirements and performs in a way that the consumer is legitimately entitled to expect;
“2. Where applicable, the product or spare part has undergone one or more procedures designed to
restore its functions. These procedures include the deletion of any data recorded or stored and pertaining
to previous use or a previous user, before the product or part changed hands. [Decree 2022-190 of 17
February 2022 on the conditions for using the terms ‘refurbished’ and ‘refurbished product’].
European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC), ILCD handbook – The International Reference Life Cycle Data
System, 2012.
ADEME. (2020, 7 October). ). L’évaluation environnementale dans l’industrie et les services. Outils et
méthodes.(Environmental assessment in industry and services. Tools and methods.)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). (2006). ISO 14040:2006 - Environmental management — Life
cycle assessment — Principles and framework.
UNESCO. (n.d). Information and communication technologies (ICT).
1.1. Context
Now that the environmental crisis is becoming ever increasingly palpable, new models of sustainable
consumption must be found. To preserve the quality of our ecosystem, we need to conserve its resources
and save them for targeted usages that facilitate the ecological transition.
However, it would appear that we are moving from a reliance on fossil fuels to a reliance on abiotic
resources, and that an untenable competition is arising between companies in the renewable energy and
the digital sector.5The digitalisation of society is a rampant phenomenon that is contributing significantly
to this antagonism. The digital sector has permeated every aspect of our daily life, both personal and
professional. We use smartphones to communicate, computers to play/work, tablets to learn, consoles
to have fun, etc. The average number of connected devices owned by each person in France – 15 – is
considerably higher than the global average of 8. However, digital devices are among the most complex
to manufacture and the least durable.6 As an example, the average usage period for a smartphone is
between 23 and 37 months7, although it takes over 50 different materials and the extraction of over 200
kg of materials to manufacture just one phone8 (MIPS indicators - Material Input per Service Unit).
In the digital sector at a European level, user terminals generate the highest impact, at between 59% and
88% of the total impact. It is therefore time to act, and promoting refurbishment seems to be one of the
most suitable avenues.
Refurbishment, which did not have an official legal definition until 2022, is on the rise, in both homes and
in organisations. A refurbished product is a second-hand product or spare part that has been subjected
to tests covering all its functions and, where applicable, has been the subject of one or more procedures
designed to restore its functions and to remove any connection with its previous user (deletion of data)9.
The rare metals war – Guillaume Pitron
Digital Technologies in Europe: an environmental life cycle approach – 7 December 2021 – Study commissioned by
the French Green Party/EFA – sponsored by GreenIT.fr together with the NegaOctet consortium
7 Renouvellement des terminaux mobiles et pratiques commerciales de DISTRIBUTION (Renewing mobile terminals
and sales practices for DISTRIBUTION) – ARCEP – June 2021
ADEME. J. Lhotellier, E. Less, E. Bossanne, S. Pesnel. 2018. LCA modelling and assessment for consumer products and
capital goods – Report. 186 pages
Decree 2022-190 of 17 February 2022 on the conditions for using the terms ‘refurbished’ and ‘refurbished product’
All of the products and their refurbished versions will now be examined.
An additional assessment was carried out for video game consoles and servers, and is included here as an appendix.
This study will use the life cycle analysis method to:
Assess the difference between using refurbished devices and purchasing new devices;
Assess the multi-criteria environmental impact of the refurbishment of digital devices destined
for the general public (smartphones, tablets, desktop computers and laptop computers);
Identify the main contributing factors to the environmental impact of refurbishing and
distinguish the best practices that allow the environmental performance of refurbishment
procedures to be improved;
Compare the impact of refurbishment depending on the origin of the products and where the
refurbishment is carried out (France, Europe, Asia, USA, etc.).
1.3. Methodology
1.3.1. Overview
Life cycle analysis is a method used to evaluate the environmental impact of products, services or
organisations. There are other methods for evaluating environmental impact, such as the carbon
footprint or impact studies. However, some of LCA’s characteristics make its holistic approach unique.
This method, which has been in use since the late 1990s and is standardised in the ISO 14040:200611 and
ISO 14044:200612 series, uses several key concepts to determine the ecological burden imposed by a
product or service:
ISO 14040:2006 - Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework
ISO 14044:2006 - Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Requirements and guidelines
Life cycle: in order to incorporate the impacts caused at every stage in the life cycle of a device, from
the extraction of raw materials (which are often difficult to access) to the production of waste, and even
the consumption of energy in the use phase, etc., we try to ensure that we consider the device’s entire
service life as a whole.
Quantitative: each indicator is quantified numerically, so that all externalities for a given product or
service can be placed on the same scale, and decisions can be taken objectively.
Functional: the aim of the study is defined by the function it performs, so as to make it possible to
compare different technical solutions.
Attributional or consequential:
Attributional: the study describes the potential environmental impacts that can be attributed
to a system (such as a product) over the course of its life cycle, i.e. upstream from the supply
chain and downstream from the use of the system, as well as at the end of its lifespan. It aims
to quantify the direct effects connected with a system.
Thus, an environmental audit can identify and prevent pollution being transferred from one phase to
another as well as from one indicator to another.
LCA is an iterative technique whereby each stage uses the results from the other stages, thereby
contributing to the integrity and the consistency of the study and its results. It is a holistic approach and,
ISO 14040:2006 - Environmental management — Life cycle assessment — Principles and framework
N.B.: LCA addresses potential environmental aspects, and thus does not forecast the real or absolute
impact on the environment.
The scope of an LCA – including the limits of the system, the level of detail, the quality of the data, the
hypotheses formed, the limits of the study, etc. – will depend on the subject and the intended use of the
study. The depth and scope of a field of application can vary considerably depending on the specific
objective being pursued.
An LCA has a structured approach, pertaining to a functional unit and/or a declared unit. All subsequent
analyses are therefore connected to this unit. Where a comparison is required – solely between products
or services performing the same function – a functional unit must be chosen that refers to the function
performed by the products or services in question.
This stage involves collecting data and the calculation procedures for quantifying the relevant entry and
exit data for the system being studied. The data to be included in the inventory must be collected for
each unit process under consideration, within the limits of the system being studied.
In an LCI, the elementary flows must be recorded within the limits of the system, i.e., account must be
taken of the flows of materials and energy that come from the environment without prior transformation
by people (e.g. the consumption of oil, coal, etc.) and the flows targeting the environment without any
other transformation taking place (e.g. atmospheric emissions of CO2, SO214, etc.). Elementary flows
include the use of resources, atmospheric emissions and waste discharged into the water and soil
associated with the system.
The data collected, whether it is measured, calculated or estimated, is used to quantify all incoming and
outgoing materials and energies from the various processes involved.
Reality has shown that very few industrial processes have one single output. In fact, industrial processes
typically produce more than one product, and/or intermediary products for which the waste is recycled.
Where several outgoing flows are produced, criteria for attributing the environmental burden to each
individual product must be applied, as in the present study.
The LCA and LCI data associated with digital services and devices continues to be present challenges.
Most studies inspired by LCA use single-criterion data (such as energy or global warming) or sets of
heterogeneous data. This project uses the NegaOctet database. This database was still under
development and undergoing external testing during the study (early 2022), and an assessment of the
data quality was proposed for the specific data used in the study.
Sulphur dioxide
The NegaOctet database will populate Ademe’s Impact database by March 2022.
In this study, this database will be used alongside the ESR, Ecoinvent 3.6, EIME and ELCD databases, all
four of which are mutually compatible with regard to their method and the scope of their data.
During this stage, the results from the inventory and/or the assessment are summarised and discussed in
an understandable manner. This part is used by the recipients of the study as a basis for making
conclusions, recommendations and decisions, in accordance with the established objective and scope.
An outline stage common to all the product families to be studied, to define the scope of the
study and gain an understanding of the refurbishment process;
The E.F. method is defined by the European Commission based on the Commission Recommendation of 9 April
2013 on the use of common methods to measure and communicate the life cycle environmental performance of
products and organisations throughout the life cycle (2013/179/EU).
A presentation was given to the steering committee at the end of each stage.
A review was organised by the critical review committee to present the method used and the results for
each product family.
ITU L140 – Methodology for environmental life cycle assessments of information and
communication technology goods, networks and services16;
A critical review is mainly carried out where the results are to be released to the general public or where
there are comparative claims. Its aim is to verify the:
Consistency between the objective, the data collection and the results of the study;
Assure ADEME that the elements on which they will rely, taken from this study, are robust,
within the limits of the available data.
The critical review of the study performed for ADEME was realised by:
Stéphane Le Pochat, EVEA – 1st iteration
The critical review was carried out progressively in the following stages:
Market platforms;
The final study and the data generated are to be protected by Creative Commons licence (CC BY-SA) to
ensure they are widely accessible. The comparative statements will be valid solely in the context set out
in this study.
ADEME is thus the backer of the study and the party steering the project. To ensure that the work is valid,
a Steering Committee, composed of professional organisations, businesses and associations from the
refurbishment sector, was established.
For the technical aspects of the LCA, the project was steered by DDemain and carried out by DDemain,
Hubblo and LCIE.
The study focuses mainly on the direct impacts of refurbishment. Some consideration was given to
certain indirect impacts (particularly the trend towards overperformance) but there is room for further
consideration (on the impact of the development of the refurbishment sector on the end-of-life sector,
the labour market in France, the relocation of certain impacts, etc.). This is therefore an attributional LCA.
The following paragraphs give details of the scope of the study, namely:
Functional unit;
All of the impacts considered will be scaled to one year’s usage. We will therefore divide the
environmental impacts by the number years associated with the life cycle:
‐ For new devices: extracting the raw materials, upstream transport, and manufacturing
‐ For refurbished equipment: collecting devices that are out of service, sourcing of
equipment to be refurbished, the refurbishment process, producing spare parts, and
disposing of worn parts.
In our study, the following stages have been excluded for comparison or suitability reasons:
In-store presentation;
End-of-life for devices that were not refurbished: to prevent the same devices being counted
twice, the end-of-life stage for devices supplied by refurbishers but not processed was
excluded from the system, since it is associated with marketing new devices.
NOTE 1 – We are currently unable to measure consumption reliably for the various types of terminal, since
the data used to characterise the use phase is averaged out and intended to give an order of magnitude
of the relative impact of the use phase as compared with the production stage.
NOTE – As part of a study on indirect effects, it might be interesting to consider a usage scenario that
differentiates between basic (single-function) telephones, smartphones (calls, SMS, social media, etc.) and
high-end smartphones (video calls, SMS19, voice messages, HD films, etc.).
NOTE 3 – In the substitution approach, the impacts of end of life are attributed to the life cycle of new
devices. We consider that refurbishment shifts this end of life to another point in time, and it is still
attributed to the device’s first life cycle.
With regard to refurbishment, an initial data set was collected for all refurbishment processes done by all
Short Message Service
For new products, generic configurable data taken from the NegaOctet project were taken into
consideration. The reference models were selected in collaboration with the refurbishers, based on their
sales statistics for 2020.
The following flows were excluded from the study during data collection:
Lighting, heating, cleaning and tidying the plants producing the devices (in some cases, this
data could not be differentiated and was therefore incorporated);
Transport for employees deemed to fall outside the scope of the study;
The consumption of data and resources associated with the use phase;
The manufacture of protective equipment for the devices: cases, screen protectors, bags, etc.;
The manufacture of associated accessories such as controllers for video games, etc.;
Cut-off criteria
Generally, environmental modelling must cover a specific percentage (greater than or equal to 95%) of
the devices or systems;
The mass of the intermediary flows not taken into account must be less than or equal to 5% of
the mass of the elements for the reference product corresponding to the functional unit;
To ensure that the data collected was suitably representative, it was collected for a one-year period.
Figure 7 – Comparative scope between new and refurbished products under a substitution approach (example used:
This approach involves transferring and depreciating some of the impacts of manufacturing and end of
life of the new device to the refurbished product, if refurbishment takes place before the theoretical end
of the usage period in the first cycle. This approach makes it possible to:
Direct consumers towards the products and practices with the lowest possible impacts,
thereby avoiding a rebound effect and overconsumption.
Using this approach makes it possible to address an issue raised by ARCEP in its report on ‘Renewing
mobile terminals and commercial distribution practices’ of June 2021 and shown by the data collected as
part of this study, which is that:
Currently, a considerable percentage of devices are collected outside of France. The supply of
devices for refurbishment comes mainly from abroad, which restricts any local circularity;
The markets that supply the refurbishment market are the US and Asian markets, which are
characterised by an overconsumption of terminals combined with an aggressive annual
renewal policy (particularly for smartphones). At this stage, refurbishment is therefore based
on an assumption of overproduction.
The impact of refurbishment in terms of a logic of depreciating the first lifetime is calculated as follows:
𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡
𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡
𝑈𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑
𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 .
𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝐷 𝐷
= Usage period beyond which it can be considered that refurbishment automatically extends the lifespan
= Usage period in the actual first lifespan
This calculation considers that purchasing a refurbished device prevents or delays a new
device having to be manufactured. This total or partial non-manufacture of the new device is
counted so as to highlight the benefits associated with avoiding or delaying manufacture.
𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒
𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑
𝑈𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑈𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
For smartphones and tablets, we identified 6 major types of consumer and conceptualised their impacts
over a 6-year period:
For laptop and desktop computers, we modelled 6 purchasing behaviours over a 10-year period:
Regular buyers of refurbished but recent computers: purchase a 2-year-old computer once
every 3 years;
Environmentally conscious buyers of refurbished: purchase a computer over 5 years old once
every 5 years;
Data on the physical and usage characteristics of the systems under consideration (such as
the technical parameters of the reference devices: screen size, RAM, etc., and the lifespans to
be taken into account). For this project, this data was taken from the refurbishers’ own sales
Data on incoming and outgoing flows involved in the refurbishment process. This data is
collected directly in the field from several refurbishers;
Data on the impacts of the life cycle of computer equipment, or of energy flows entering the
system under consideration. This data is taken from the databases available in the EIME
software package:
‐ In its generic database;
‐ In the database from the NegaOctet20 project, where this data has been critically reviewed;
‐ In the Ecoinvent database, version 3.6, where data was missing or obsolete.
‐ In the ELCD database.
For the refurbished reference models selected: refurbishers’ sales statistics for 2020;
For the new reference models selected: the market data used in the ADEME-ARCEP study ‘The
environmental impact of the digital sector in France’, published in December 2021.
Total duration of use taken 20 months to 6 5 years19 3–12 years19 5–8 years19
from literature years19
LIFESPAN OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES), Study carried out on behalf of ADEME by BIO Intelligence
Service S.A.S. (Shailendra Mudgal – Benoît Tinetti – Thibault Faninger – Sarah Lockwood – Gina Anderson) Technical
coordination: Erwann Fangeat - EPR and Recycling Department - Sustainable Consumption and Waste Division -
ADEME Angers
3.3.1. Overview
The data to be processed for each stage in the synopsis is the following:
‐ Consumption of detergent;
‐ Consumption of cloth;
Step 0 – Upstream Logistics – This step represents the process of Secondary data – Default
Collection from users collecting the devices from the private scenario
from the previous life and transport to individuals/professionals at the first
the centralisation centre.
centralisation centres It includes individual or batch transport
from the home/workplace of the user
and centralised transport between the
collection point and the centralisation
Step 1 – Supply – This step corresponds to transport from Primary data completed and
From the centralisation centre the centralising party to the refurbisher averaged out for all
to the refurbisher and the end-of-life processing of the refurbishers
packaging in which the devices are
Step 2 – Reception/Testing/Sorting This step corresponds to receiving and Primary data completed and
testing the products on unloading by the averaged out for all
haulier, deleting the data and checking refurbishers
the products’ identity. The impacts
associated with this step are the impacts
from the refurbishment site.
Step 3 – Diagnostics/Expert Assessment This step corresponds to the detailed Primary data completed and
analysis of faults on the devices. The averaged out for all
impacts associated with this step are the refurbishers
impacts from the refurbishment site.
Step 4A – Refurbishing This step represents the repair and Primary data completed and
the devices restoration of the devices. averaged out for all
Step 4B – Refurbishing This stage corresponds to the impacts of This process is deemed
spare parts refurbishing spare parts (which may be identical to the process of
done by an external service provider). refurbishing a complete
Step 5a – Placing in stock for sale – This step represents the outgoing checks Primary data completed and
Outgoing checks before the device is placed on the averaged out for all
market. These impacts are included in refurbishers
the site’s consumption.
Step 5b – Placing in stock for sale This step covers the incorporation of Primary data averaged out for
and order preparation accessories and packaging as well as all refurbishers
transport from the refurbishment site to
the refurbisher, if the latter is a separate
Step 7 – Use of the smartphone This step corresponds to the usage of the Secondary data – Default
device. We considered several scenario
hypotheses. The aim of incorporating this
stage is to put the results into
perspective in view of the use phase
This collection synopsis enabled us to model the impacts of refurbishment thanks to the contribution
from national and international refurbishers:
Number of 11 9 7
refurbishers who
Parties involved in Agora Place, Ateliers du Ateliers du bocage; ATF bis repetita,
collection Backmarket, Bak2, Itancia, Largo, Le bocage; ATF bis ATF GAIA, Atoutek, Ingram, LM
GSM, repetita, ATF Ecoproduction, Recyclea
Recommerce, GAIA, CRS,
Sofigroupe, Riitekpro + 2 Emmaus
refurbishers (CONFIDENTIAL) Connect,
Ingram, LM
As part of this study, we carried out a complementary study on servers and consoles. These product
categories were extrapolated. They are set out in an appendix.
Data estimated by the LCA analyst based on the refurbishment location and the supply
Freight Transport
For all freight transport, we considered the hypotheses set out in the table below. Generally speaking,
intercontinental transport takes place by plane. A sensitivity analysis for supply by ship was carried out.
Asia-Plane (Shenzhen base) 10000 1000 10000 1000 10000 1000 5000 1000 6000 1000
Asia-Ship (Shenzhen) 1000 22000 1000 18000 1000 15000 1000 2500 1000 9000
US-Plane (Denver) 8000 1000 8000 1000 10000 1000 12000 1000 12000 1000
US-Ship (average between 1000 10000 1000 10000 1000 11000 1000 15000 1000 23000
and San Francisco)
Australia-Plane (Adelaide) 19000 1000 15000 1000 15000 1000 5000 1000 11000 1000
Australia-Ship (Adelaide) 1000 20000 1000 22000 1000 22000 1000 10000 1000 11500
France-Plane (Paris) - - - 1000 1000 2000 1000 10000 1000 5200 1000
Europe-Plane (Frankfurt) 2000 1000 2000 1000 2000 1000 10000 1000 4800 1000
A NOTE TO THE READER: the table is read as follows, for the data circled in red. For transport from Asia to France by ship, we reckoned on 1000 km by lorry and
22,000 km by ship.
the selected transport hypotheses according to estimations based on prior work carried out
by the service providers;
New devices were not modelled separately for this study; we adopted the hypotheses and models used
as part of the 2021 ADEME-ARCEP study23. This data has been critically reviewed and will be provided in
the Impact® database (in progress).
Details of how the data was broken down and analysed are appended to this report.
Device mass;
Associated accessories.
Source for the figures on distribution throughout the population of France:
‘The environmental impact of the digital sector in France’, published in December 2021
The CODDE-2022-01 databases were used to assess the impact of electricity consumption during
refurbishment and during the use phase.
Primary data (also known as ‘site-specific data’) – data collected from a product
manufacturing/processing plant, and data taken from an analysis of the stages involved in the
life cycle of the product and of the system in which it is incorporated.
‐ E.g.:
materials or electricity as measured by the service providers supplying them;
transport, assessed based on fuel consumption and the associated actual emissions.
In accordance with the objectives and limits of the system, no specific data was given priority. Most of
the data is taken from the databases available in the EIME software package (selected secondary data):
the NégaOctet25, CODDE26 and Ecoinvent 3.627 databases.
The DQR method was used to characterise the quality of all the data used.
1 The data’s publication date was The technology covered by the data The process covered by the data
during the validity period for the is exactly the same as the takes place in the country
study. technology necessary for the study. corresponding to the geographical
scope of the study.
2 The data’s publication date was a The technology necessary for the The process covered by the data
maximum of 2 years after the study is included in the data takes place in the geographical
validity period for the study. covered by the life cycle inventory. region corresponding to the
geographical scope of the study (e.g.
3 The data’s publication date was a The technology necessary for the The process covered by the data
maximum of 4 years after the study is partially covered by the takes place in one of the valid
validity period for the study. data included in the life cycle geographical regions for the
inventory. purposes of the geographical scope
of the study.
4 The data’s publication date was a The technology necessary for the The process covered by the data
maximum of 6 years after the study is similar to that covered by does not take place in one of the
validity period for the study. the data included in the life cycle valid geographical regions for the
inventory. purposes of the geographical scope
of the study but sufficient
similarities have been estimated
based on an expert opinion.
5 The data’s publication date wa The technology necessary for the The process covered by the data
smore than 6 years after the validity study is different from that covered does not take place in one of the
period for the study. by the data included in the life cycle valid geographical regions for the
inventory. purposes of the geographical scope
of the study.
2. supplemented by maximising data where no data was available following a check with the
Thus, a fictional reference refurbishment model was created. This model will be used as a basis for
performing all extrapolations and sensitivity analyses.
𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝐶 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡
𝑈𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑
𝑉 = Average values collected from refurbishers and supplemented where there was missing data
= Annual consumption for the process, transport distances, mass of consumables, etc.
𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 = Unit impacts taken from life cycle inventory databases for the manufacturing, distribution and
end of life stages
= Number of devices supplied (Number of devices for parts + Number of devices out of service - Number
of devices for direct resale (Brokers)
The figure below clarifies the concepts and how the different fractions were processed, as well as whether
or not they were incorporated within the limits of the system.
‐ The ‘change parts’ section is extracted and a basic cleaning model created;
‐ Variants added:
Adaptation of the model to each location, in terms of both the supply and the location of the
‐ Supply scenario adapted;
‐ Energy mixes adapted.
Second-hand parts follow the same logistical pattern as devices for refurbishment;
They are disassembled from the devices arriving at the refurbisher’s site;
Impact scaled to the number of units refurbished at the end of the process
1 𝐴 𝑅2 ∗ 𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝐸𝑜𝐿 𝐸∗ ∗
‐ A: distribution factor for the charges and credits between the supplier and the user of the
recycled materials. Under the Ecosystem approach, A=0.
‐ R2: the proportion of materials in the product that will be recycled (or reused) in a
subsequent system.
‐ ErecyclingEoL: specific emissions and resources consumed (per functional unit) and
resulting from the process of end-of-life recycling, including the collection, sorting and
transport processes.
‐ E*v: specific emissions and resources consumed (per functional unit) and generated by the
acquisition and production of the virgin materials replaced by the recycled materials.
‐ QSub: quality of the recycled material at the substitution point.
‐ Qp: quality of the raw material.
1 𝑅2 𝑅 3 ∗ 𝐸𝐷
‐ R2: the proportion of materials in the product that will be recycled (or reused) in a
subsequent system.
‐ R3: the proportion of materials in the product used as part of end-of-life energy recovery.
‐ ED: specific emissions and resources consumed (per functional unit) and resulting from
waste disposal at end of life for the product analysed, without energy recovery.
The approach considered employs the stocks/without benefits method. This method assumes that
recycling or recovering the energy from materials at the end of their lifespan does not offer any benefit
associated with substituting out virgin materials or primary energy sources, and that all the impacts from
recycling operations are attributed to the new material.
𝑅2 ∗ 𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝐸𝑜𝐿
R2: the proportion of materials in the product that will be recycled (or reused) in a subsequent
ErecyclingEoL: specific emissions and resources consumed (per functional unit) and resulting from
the process of end-of-life recycling, including the collection, sorting and transport processes.
In the present case, the impacts of recycling are attributed to the production of the recycled
material. The impact considered is from collecting the waste (100 km by lorry) and from pre-
𝑅3 ∗ 𝐸𝐸𝑅
‐ R3: the proportion of materials in the product that is incinerated at end of life.
‐ EER: specific emissions and resources consumed (per functional unit) associated with the
incineration process. Since the yields from domestic waste incineration centres were often
<65%, we considered that incineration took place without energy recovery as a matter of
‐ Impacts of dumping waste in landfill:
1 𝑅2 𝑅 3 ∗ 𝐸𝐷
‐ R2: the proportion of materials in the product that will be recycled (or reused) in a
subsequent system.
‐ R3: the proportion of materials in the product that is incinerated.
‐ ED: specific emissions and resources consumed (per functional unit) and resulting from
waste disposal at end of life for the product analysed, without energy recovery.
R2 31%+5% 8% 52%
This list was supplemented by the material footprint (MIPS), water requirements (WU) and production of
WEEE, to enable a better understanding of the environmental impacts.
I Depletion of abiotic, mineral and ADP for mineral and metal kg Sb eq III
metal resources resources, based on van Oers et al.
2002 as implemented in CML, v.
4.8 (2016)
To give a better understanding of the indicators selected, the following table sets out each indicator
together with an explanation of the environmental aspects associated with it:
General principles for the environmental labelling of consumer products - Methodological reference guide for
assessing digital services, ADEME, July 2021
Water usage
Type of indicator: Problem-orientated
impact indicator (mid-point)
Unit: m3 eq.
Assessment method: AWARE 100 (based
on Boulay et al., 2018)
Definition: The water used in an open
loop is taken into consideration.
Unit: kg
Assessment method: MIPS - Material Input per Service Unit
Definition: The MIPS indicator is used to calculate the resources used to produce one product or
service unit, taking a life cycle analysis approach (Schmidt-Bleek, 1994). Five types of resources
are considered: abiotic resources (materials, fossil energy, etc.), biomass, earth moved
mechanically or by erosion, water, and air (Rithoff et coll., 2002). These consumption figures are
then simply added together, to give a resource consumption indicator (extracted raw materials
and energy raw materials).
3.4.2. Standardisation
The numerical results from the indicators can be ordered, standardised, consolidated and weighted. This
approach makes interpretation easier, but there is no scientific consensus on a robust method for
carrying out this assessment.
In our study, we used the standardisation factors provided by JCR in the PEF/OEF method (EF 3.0)
published on 20 November 2019, as set out in the table below. No weighting is envisaged.
Ionising radiation and human health 4.22E+03 kBq U-235 eq. per person
The planetary boundaries approach has been fully incorporated into LCAs. Nonetheless, JRC provided
factors that enabled us to connect the LCA results and the planetary boundaries31.
Ionising radiation and human health 7,620 kBq U-235 eq. per person
With regard to missing or obsolete data, we used version 3.6 of the Ecoinvent database.
2019. Consumption and consumer Footprint: methodology and results – Indicators and assessment of European
consumption, JRC
4.1. Overview
Definition of a smartphone: a smartphone is a mobile telephone that performs multiple computing
functions and typically has a touchscreen, WiFi and mobile internet access, a GPS connection and an
operating system (OS) capable of running downloaded applications.
Definition of a tablet: A tablet is a type of portable computer with a touchscreen and potentially a
physical keyboard connected to it.”32
Represent the reality of the markets of the refurbishment stakeholders that participated in the
Be compatible with all the work coordinated by ADEME in early 2022 so as to provide a
harmonised view of responsible practices in the digital sector.
Reference model Average product based on refurbisher Average product based on the French
data collected market
Consumption during use phase 3.9 kWh per year 3.9 kWh per year
Definition from the ICT report: European Commission, ICT Impact study, Final report, prepared by VHK and
Electricity consumption: Electricity consumption is based on the average value for kWh per year as
determined in the ICT 2020 report, based on the endurance (tested by GSMArena33) of the 8 best-selling
smartphones in Europe in 2019, divided by the number of hours per year. The ICT report explains that
“The theoretical number of charges has then been multiplied by two to provide data for a more realistic
life scenario. The charges per year is multiplied by the battery capacity in Wh to give energy consumption
per year. The energy consumption is then divided by an efficiency of 75 % to estimate the losses in the
phone charger”.’ This gives 3.9 kWh per year.
N.B.: We cannot differentiate between consumption for new and refurbished devices. We thus opted for
an average consumption. It will nonetheless be noted that, in spite of an improvement in energy
consumption by the devices, the devices distributed are becoming ever-increasingly powerful, which
reduces the gap in energy consumption between new and refurbished devices.
Typical lifespan:
4.3.1. Refurbishment
Profile of refurbishers
Data was collected from 11 national and international refurbishers. This work highlighted the fact that
profiles varied widely between refurbishers. The variant parameters are:
Locations of refurbisher;
Refurbishment practices:
‐ Number of parts changed;
Company A
Company K
Company B
Company E
Company F
Company J
Company I
Locations France France France France France France France China Hong Germa Romani
Kong ny a
Renouvellement des terminaux mobiles et pratiques commerciales de distribution (Renewing mobile terminals and
sales practices for distribution) – ARCEP – June 2021
Australia 20%
It should be noted that the refurbishment location/supply location combination has a direct influence on
the distance covered by the devices and the spare parts, as well on the distribution of the impacts
between upstream and downstream transport. The distances set out in Table 2 were used to characterise
the upstream and downstream transport for the various fractions.
Default characteristics
In order to define the impacts associated with each piece of data collected, hypotheses were drawn up
for the constituent elements of refurbished smartphones, spare parts and accessories.
Table 16 – Refurbished smartphone - Physical characteristics of the various elements considered for the reference
USB cable
Upstream packaging
Replacing screen
Changing battery
Estimated transport
Estimated transport
Estimated transport
Estimated transport
Table 17 – Refurbished smartphone - Entry data for modelling the reference model scenario
Default characteristics
To ensure that the results from this study are homogeneous with the studies already carried out on behalf
of ADEME as well as with Base Impacts® data, the reference smartphone model corresponds to a
weighted mix of three configurations (average model take from Base Impacts®), with the following
Configuration 1 2 3
RAM (GB) 6 7 11
The data associated with the modelling of this device is set out in an appendix.
4.4. Results
4.4.1. Foreword
As set out above, a reference model was created. Based on this model, several variation parameters were
identified and will be examined in this report. These parameters correspond to:
The type of refurbishment, from simple cleaning to the replacement of all used parts.
The full life cycle as broken down in the graph below by sectors and by sources of impact;
The level of refurbishment only (scope delineated in red in the graph below):
The results will themselves be presented using the lifespan of the device or functional unit as a reference
To scale the environmental impacts to the usage period, the impacts must be multiplied by the reference
usage period, i.e. 2 years.
Table 19 – Reference smartphone - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year
Figure 14 - Reference refurbished smartphone - Results broken down by life cycle impact
The refurbishment of devices represents the majority of the impacts (23%–94%). As for new devices, and
in spite of a lower impact during the manufacturing stage, the use phase shows lower impacts (excluding
ionising radiation and the depletion of fossil resources). The upstream and downstream share of logistics
represent 8–16% (for the indicators for which it has a significant impact).
Concentrating on the part incumbent on refurbishers and distributors is appropriate because the impact
of this stage is determined by the refurbishment location, the supply location and the type of
The upstream, downstream and usage impacts are independent from the impacts of refurbishment, but
do show a greater impact relative to the entire life cycle, compared with a new scenario.
Figure 15 - Reference refurbished smartphone - Impacts broken down by stage - Focus on the refurbishment process
Accessories and screen replacements are the main contributors to the impact on the depletion of natural
resources and on MIPS indicators.
Batteries and consumption on the site itself are the main contributors to water usage.
As for the other impacts, the contributions are spread evenly between the different headings.
Caution should be taken as to whether accessories need to be added and the battery needs to be
changed for every single device.
The approach adopted does allow a consistent reference model to be created, but the variations from
one company and from one scenario to another must be observed in order to identify the
environmentally optimum outcome.
It should be noted that the reference screen corresponds to a mix composed of 60% LCD screens and
40% OLED screens. We observed that changing the screen had a very major impact, in particular LCD
screens on the depletion of natural resources, and OLED screens on climate change.
The type of parts replaced has a significant impact on all indicators, especially for screens.
With the incorporation of the use phase taken into account, the difference between the reference
scenario and the other scenarios is less significant than originally imagined, owing to the presence of new
accessories and to consumption during the use phase.
Figure 17 – Refurbished smartphone - Impact of the supply and refurbishment location - Life cycle vision (100% =
reference scenario)
An increase in impacts on the depletion of fossil resources, climate change, acidification and fine particles
can be observed of up to +24% at the life cycle level, and +34% where the supply and refurbishment
locations are far away.
The first increase mentioned above is associated with the contribution made by transport to the overall
impact of refurbishment, and with the combustion of fossil fuels (since the preferred means of transport
was express delivery by plane). A sensitivity analysis for means of transport must be carried out in order
to consolidate these discrepancies.
The increase in ionising radiation is associated with the French electricity mix.
The replacement rates for parts vary from 10% (0–1 part replaced, infrequently) to 170%
(multiple parts replaced, more frequently) from one refurbisher to another.
The usage rate for second-hand parts is variable: from 0 to 50% of parts.
The estimated average distances for the total route travelled by a smartphone vary by a factor
of up to 24 from one refurbisher to another, depending on the location of the refurbisher and
its suppliers.
Depletion of natural abiotic resources – metals and 2.98E-04 1.45E-04 3.69E-04 kgeqSb per FU
semi-metals (ADPe)
Table 20 – Smartphone - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year - Variations between companies
Figure 18 - Refurbished smartphone - Variation of impacts depending on the companies - Impacts on climate change
Figure 20 - Refurbished smartphone - Variation of impacts depending on the companies - Impacts on the depletion
of abiotic fossil resources
Very significant variations in impacts can be observed from one company profile to another (from a factor
of 4 to 10 between the minimum and the maximum, depending on the indicators).
company E has the lowest impact – this is a French refurbisher with a supply coming almost
exclusively from France and a low rate of part replacement, with 50% of replaced parts coming
from refurbishment;
company G has the highest impact. It is located in Hong Kong, gets its supplies from the US
and Australia, and changes 1.7 parts per device using new spare parts.
Company D has the lowest impact: it adds the lowest amount of new cables and chargers.
Company B has the highest impact, replacing numerous screens and routinely adding chargers,
earbuds and cables.
Company D has the lowest impact. Company K has the highest impact. Impact is in direct
correlation with site’s consumption and the use of the French energy mix. However, with
regard to this parameter, the question arises of whether the variation is associated with actual
differences in consumption or with a difference in the scope of the data (in spite of
considerable consolidation work).
A very significant range of variation of impact can be observed from one refurbisher to another. This can
be explained by different locations, logistical scenarios and methods of refurbishment.
The range over the four reference indicators is relatively similar. However, the extremes do not
correspond to the same company profiles.
Refurbishers were selected based on their location so as to represent the French market: marketplace
suppliers and refurbishers retailing under their own name.
Over and above their geographic location, refurbisher profiles vary based on their supply models (more
or less selective) and their varied methods of refurbishment (from a simple cleaning model with no repairs
to a very high-security model where parts are systematically replaced), and this is reflected directly in the
analysis results . Using a reference model is appropriate, but the variation in impacts from one refurbisher
to another needs to be kept in mind. This variation is shown below:
Figure 22 - Refurbished smartphone - Variation of impacts depending on the lifespan of the refurbished smartphone
Given the relatively low impact of a smartphone’s use phase, the environmental impact of a refurbished
smartphone varies extensively based on the second lifespan (the rule of proportionality on the
manufacture, distribution and end-of-life phases).
The second lifespan is a key parameter in terms of dictating the size of the environmental impact of
refurbishment. As for new smartphones, the longer the lifespan, the lower the impact.
LCD – Screen 105% 100% 99% 97% 101% 99% 101% 102%
replacement in
the reference model
Reference smartphone 2.98E-04 102.64 2.11E-02 3.80 8.96 2.01E-07 6.79 12.64
(60% LCD 40% OLED) in
the scenario
OLED – Screen 93% 101% 102% 104% 98% 101% 99% 97%
replacement in
the reference model
Table 21 - Refurbished smartphone - Sensitivity analysis for screen type - For replacement in the reference model
LCD – Screen replaced 123% 97% 93% 86% 108% 97% 107% 108%
with an LCD screen
Reference smartphone 4.23E-04 122.49 2.88E-02 5.26 10.14 2.47E-07 5.43 18.56
(60% LCD 40% OLED)
in the screen replacement
OLED – Screen replaced 65% 104% 110% 121% 88% 105% 90% 88%
by an OLED screen
Table 22 - Refurbished smartphone - Sensitivity analysis for screen type - For full screen replacement
A limited variation was observed in the reference scenario, since the contribution represented by the
replaced screen is small. On the other hand, more significant variations in impact were observed for
screen replacements, including a strong variation in the ADP-elements indicator.
The screen type has a significant impact on all indicators when the screen is replaced. An OLED screen
will have a higher impact on the GWP indicator (associated with its complex manufacture and how recent
the technology is), but a lower impact on the ADP-elements indicator. Conversely, an LCD screen will have
a higher impact on the ADP-elements indicator (associated with the iridium contained in the display) but
a more limited impact on the GWP indicator.
The average battery mass declared by refurbishers was 35g. This mass has been increasing over
generations, and this is generating an additional impact on products (particularly for the water criterion).
However, since changing the battery typically allows the second lifespan to be extended, its impact
should be qualified.
The choice of means of transport has a significant impact (-14% to +15%) on the environmental impacts
of a refurbished smartphone over 1 year.
Refurbishment with a short supply chain has a lower environmental impact. The choice of the means of
supply is key in terms of reducing the environmental impact of refurbishment.
Urban Distribution 90.62% 95.77% 95.65% 91.96% 99.77% 94.03% 99.42% 100.00%
> Shop/Collection
Rural Distribution 173.79% 140.91% 157.74% 177.01% 102.21% 176.61% 104.88% 100.01%
> Shop/Collection
Rural Distribution 90.33% 94.24% 91.16% 89.18% 99.69% 88.39% 99.34% 100.00%
> Home delivery
The choice of means of transport to private individuals has a very significant impact (-10% to +70%) on
the impacts of a refurbished smartphone over 1 year.
The choice of the means of distribution is key in terms of limiting the environmental impact of
refurbishment. In particular, trips by private car to pick up the parcel should be avoided as much as
possible (as in the Peri-urban>Shop and Rural>Shop scenarios).
For the refurbishment phase (the priority phase for the purposes of this study):
Thus, some comparative analyses will be carried out on the ADPe, ADPf, IR and GWP indicators only.
Climate change;
Figure 24 – Reference refurbished smartphone - Results for impacts after standardisation to planetary boundaries for
the entire life cycle
Table 26 – Reference refurbished smartphone - Results for impacts after standardisation to planetary boundaries for
the entire life cycle
Thus, in order to present the results in a simpler manner, the choice was made to focus on:
Climate change.
Table 27- Reference smartphone - Environmental impact for the entire life cycle for the reference lifespans (over the
entire life cycle)
Climate change (GWP) -24.6 kgeqCO2 per year -68,878 TeqCO2 per -87%
Ecological load (MIPS) -76.9 Kg per year -215,289 T per year -86%
Depletion of natural abiotic resources - metals -5.36E-04 kgeqSb per year -2 TeqSb per year -64%
and semi-metals (ADPe)
Depletion of natural fossil resources (ADPf) -321 MJ per year -897,517,153 MJ per -76%
Water usage (WU) -22.9 m3eq per year -64,242,212 m3eq per -77%
Acidification (AP) -1.42E-01 kgeqH+ per year -397 TeqH+ per year -87%
Table 28 - Smartphone comparison - Substitution approach - Impacts avoided for the reference scenarios - 100%
corresponds to the impact of the reference device
The impact avoided varies depending on the scenario chosen, and is largely dependent on the lifespan
of the new product and the refurbished product. Avoided impacts are calculated as the impacts per FU
for refurbished smartphones minus the impacts per FU for new smartphones:
At the scale of a private individual, substituting a new smartphone with a refurbished smartphone can
the emission of 24.6 kgeqCO2 per year, or 2.50% of the sustainable annual carbon footprint
budget, or 73.65 km by car;
the emission of 68,000 TeqCO2 per year, or 0.1% of the sustainable annual carbon footprint
budget, or 206 million km by car;
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, without accessories and with basic cleaning;
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with new replacement parts, and
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with second-hand replacement parts, and
A product refurbished on a globalised market **, without accessories and with basic cleaning;
A product refurbished on a globalised market **, with new replacement parts, and accessories;
A product refurbished on a globalised market **, with second-hand replacement parts, and
* Product collected and refurbished in France ** Product collected in the USA and refurbished in China
Figure 25 - Smartphone comparison - Substitution approach - Results’ - (100% = impact of new reference device)
Despite the conservative hypotheses for new devices, we observed that refurbished smartphones have a
significantly lower impact: -95 to -48% annual impact, excluding ionising radiation. The impact on ionising
radiation is explained by the part of the industrial process carried out in France for refurbishment.
Regardless of the configuration for refurbishment, the variation in impacts between the refurbishment
scenarios does not cancel out the beneficial effect of refurbishment practices.
The following results thus illustrate the outcome of this approach. In the interests of greater readability,
the analysis was carried out on the four priority indicators, i.e. climate change (GWP), depletion of natural
mineral and metal resources (ADPe), depletion of natural fossil resources (ADPf) and ionising radiation (IR).
The first figures show the variation in impact based on the duration of the first life. It can be observed
that the later the refurbishment takes place, the more favourable the environmental impact of the
refurbished mobile phone. If refurbishment takes place before the first year has elapsed, refurbishment
will not be favourable. This reinforces the general conclusion that making your smartphone last is better
than replacing it. In addition, in order to have a lower impact, the market for refurbished devices must
not be based on a market of overconsumption (the US market in particular).
A second analysis was carried out. This analysis combines the concepts of the duration of the first life and
the type of refurbishment. The minimum refurbishment scenario involves cleaning only within the
national territory, and the maximum refurbishment scenario involves replacement of all parts. It can be
seen even more clearly that if refurbishment involves replacing a large number of parts, it can be less
favourable prior to the end of the second year of the lifespan.
The earlier the refurbishment takes place, the more its impact needs to be compensated for by a long
second life. There is therefore no excuse for keeping your refurbished smartphone for a shorter time just
because it is second-hand.
In this conceptualisation, the impact on climate change depends on the type of purchase (new or
refurbished), the frequency of purchase, the length of the 1st life of the refurbished device and the period
for which the device was kept/used.
New and refurbished devices are alternatively lower-impact and higher-impact, depending on the
The scenario that systematically minimises impacts on Global Warming Potential (GWP) is measured
purchasing: purchasing a refurbished device that had a first life of 3 years (or more), every 3 years (or
Consumption during use phase 18.6 kWh per year 18.6 kWh per year
Consumption considered annually 0.5 hrs per day (active mode), 23.5 hrs per day (stand-by) 18.6
(Wh per year)
Reference model example Huawei Mediapad M3 Samsung Galaxy Apple iPad Air
Lite 10.1 Tab S5e 4
4.5.2. Results
Table 31 – Reference tablet - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, without accessories and with basic cleaning;
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with new replacement parts, and
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with second-hand replacement parts, and
A product refurbished on a globalised market **, without accessories and with basic cleaning;
A product refurbished on a globalised market **, with new replacement parts, and accessories;
A product refurbished on a globalised market **, with second-hand replacement parts, and
* Product collected and refurbished in France
Despite the conservative hypotheses for new devices, we observed that refurbished tablets have a
significantly lower impact: -98 to -26% annual impact, excluding ionising radiation. The impact on ionising
radiation is explained by the part of the industrial process carried out in France for refurbishment.
In most cases, the variation in impacts between the refurbishment scenarios does not cancel out the
beneficial effect of refurbishment practices.
The excess impact on IR and WU is associated with the replacement of the battery and the use of the
French energy mix for full refurbishment.
Depletion of natural abiotic resources - metals and semi- -4.80E-04 kgeqSb per year -70%
metals (ADPe)
The impact avoided varies depending on the scenario chosen, and is largely dependent on the lifespan
of the new product and the refurbished product. Avoided impacts are calculated as the impacts per FU
for refurbished smartphones minus the impacts per FU for new smartphones:
5.1.1. Overview
Definition: ‘A computer designed specifically for portability and to be operated for extended periods of
time either with or without a direct connection to an AC power source. It has an integrated display.’35
Reference model Average product based on refurbisher data Average product based on the French
collected market
Consumption during 29.1 kWh per year 29.1 kWh per year
use phase (personal)
A discrepancy can be observed in this table between the technical characteristics of refurbished and new
reference models. This corresponds to the actual state of the market, as new devices are renewed based
on the latest innovations in the sector.
Definition from the ICT report: European Commission, ICT Impact study, Final report, prepared by VHK and
Viegand Maagøe for the European Commission, July 2020, p.128
N.B.: We cannot differentiate between consumption for new and refurbished devices. We thus opted for
an average consumption. It will nonetheless be noted that, in spite of an improvement in the energy
efficiency of devices, those distributed are becoming ever-increasingly powerful, which reduces the gap
in energy consumption between new and refurbished devices.
Typical lifespan:
Profile of refurbishers
Data was collected from 8 international refurbishers. This work highlighted the fact that profiles varied
considerably between refurbishers. The variant parameters are:
Location of refurbisher;
Refurbishment practices:
‐ Number of parts changed;
Location France France France France France France UAE France France
Asia 0.00% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Renouvellement des terminaux mobiles et pratiques commerciales de distribution (Renewing mobile terminals and
sales practices for distribution) – ARCEP – June 2021
It should be noted that the refurbishment location/supply location combination has a direct influence on
the distance covered by the devices and the spare parts, as well on the distribution of the impacts
between upstream and downstream transport. The distances set out in Table 4 were used to characterise
the upstream and downstream transport for the various fractions.
Default characteristics
In order to define the impacts associated with each piece of data collected, hypotheses were drawn up
for the constituent elements of refurbished laptops, spare parts and accessories.
HDD 115 G
Keyboard 200 G
Table 35 – Refurbished laptop - Physical characteristics of the various elements considered for the reference model
On-site consumption
Cleaning (if no info given, max values for alcohol and cotton)
Tempered glass
Screen replacement
Estimated transport
Battery replacement
RAM replacement
Estimated transport
Estimated transport
Estimated transport
Default characteristics
The model for laptop computers is a weighted mix of three configurations, with the following
Type of processor AMD Ryzen 5 Intel® Core™ i7, 8th Intel Core I5
As set out above, a reference model was created. Based on this model, several variation parameters were
identified and will be examined in this report. These parameters correspond to:
The type of refurbishment, from simple cleaning to the replacement of all used parts.
The full life cycle as broken down in the graph below by sector and by sources of impact;
The results will themselves be presented using the lifespan of the device or functional unit as a reference
‘Owning and using a laptop computer for personal use for one year’
To scale the environmental impacts to the usage period, the impacts must be multiplied by the reference
usage period, i.e. 3 years for refurbished devices and 5 years for new devices.
Depletion of natural abiotic resources - metals and semi-metals (ADPe) 9.57E-05 kgeqSb per FU
Table 38 – Reference laptop - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year
Figure 32 - Reference refurbished laptop - Results broken down by life cycle impact
Despite a larger share for the use phase, refurbishing devices represents the majority of impacts for 5
indicators and a significant impact for 3 others.
Concentrating on the part incumbent on refurbishers and distributors is appropriate because the impact
of this stage is determined by the refurbishment location, the supply location and the type of the
The upstream, downstream and usage impacts are independent from the impacts of refurbishment, but
do show a greater impact relative to the entire life cycle, compared with a new scenario.
Figure 33 - Reference refurbished laptop computer - Impacts broken down by stage - Focus on the refurbishment
Impacts are divided between supply, on-site consumption, packaging and part replacements (RAM and
Consumption on the refurbishment site is the main contributor for the IR indicator.
Using second-hand parts can reduce the impact generated from replacing parts.
The approach adopted does allow a consistent reference model to be created, but the variations from
one company and from one scenario to another must be observed in order to identify an environmentally
optimum outcome.
Caution should be taken when it comes to systematically adding accessories and replacing parts,
particularly with new parts.
Figure 34 – Refurbished laptop computer - Impact of replacing parts - Life cycle vision -(100% = impact of the
reference refurbished device)
Significant variations in impact were observed between the different scenarios (from a factor of 10 to 17).
Replacing the hard disk (the disk considered is an SSD, which is made of semiconductors, the
manufacture of which requires considerable energy consumption);
Replacing the screen, specifically LCD screens for the ADPe indicator and OLED screens for the
GWP indicator;
A significant impact from replacing the battery, specifically on water (associated with the
mining of lithium).
The type of parts replaced has a significant impact on all indicators, especially for screens. If parts were
replaced frequently, this would have a considerable impact on the reference model. If second-hand parts
were used, the impact of parts replacement would be drastically reduced.
Taking account of the incorporation of the use phase, the difference between the reference scenario and
the other scenarios is less significant than could be imagined, owing to the presence of new accessories
and to consumption during the use phase.
The replacement rates for parts vary from 0% (0–1 part replaced, infrequently) to 229%
(multiple parts replaced, more frequently) from one refurbisher to another.
The usage rate for second-hand parts is variable: from 0 to 100% second-hand parts.
The estimated average distances for the total route travelled by a desktop computer vary by a
factor of up to 16 from one refurbisher to another. This depends on the location of the
refurbisher and its suppliers.
Thus, the range of variation between unit data per company and per reference model was evaluated:
Figure 35 - Refurbished laptop computer - Variation of impacts depending on the companies - Impacts on climate
Figure 37 - Refurbished laptop computer - Variation of impacts depending on the companies - Impacts on the
depletion of abiotic fossil resources
Very significant variations in impacts can be observed from one company profile to another (from a factor
of 6 to 14 between the minimum and the maximum, depending on the indicators):
The refurbishments performed by Company A had the least impact on average: A is a French
company, supplied exclusively in France, that does not replace parts.
N.B.: - A part replacement may be deemed low impact if it extends the second life of the device but this
cannot be seen from these graphs.
The refurbishments performed by Company G had the highest impact on average. G carries
out its refurbishments in France, but the products are sourced from abroad, the part
replacement rate is high (more than 2 parts per device) and the parts are only rarely second-
hand (23% of parts).
With regard to the depletion of natural resources, the refurbishments performed by companies that
replace a lot of parts have a significantly larger impact than the others. However, this impact is limited
where the percentage of second-hand parts is high.
Company A is the lowest impact. Company B has the highest impact. Impact is in direct
correlation with the on-site consumption and the use of the French energy mix. However, with
regard to this parameter, the question arises of whether the variation is associated with actual
differences in consumption or with a difference in the scope of the data (in spite of
considerable consolidation work).
The sample of refurbishers who participated in this study is less varied than for smartphones. Most of
them are French refurbishers who source their devices from neighbouring regions.
A very considerable range of impact variation can however be observed from one refurbisher to another.
This can be explained by the use of very different refurbishment models, from cleaning only to parts
replacement, whether or not extensive use is made of second-hand parts, and by different logistics
However, refurbisher profiles vary based on their supply models (more or less selective) and their varied
methods of refurbishment (from a simple cleaning model with no repairs to a very high-security model
where parts are systematically replaced), which is reflected directly in the results of the analyses.
Using a reference model is appropriate, but the variation in impacts from one extreme scenario to
another needs to be kept in mind, and these impacts need to be supplemented by fictitious scenarios.
The impacts of the reference model and extreme scenarios are set out below:
Table 39 – Laptop computer - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year - Variations between companies
Figure 39 – Refurbished laptop computer - Impact of refurbishment and supply location - Life cycle vision - (100% =
impact of the reference refurbished device)
The reference scenario includes few replacement parts. The supply portion is therefore considerable. The
variation in these 4 indicators is strongly associated with the combustion of fossil fuels (it should be noted
that the preferred means of transport was express delivery by plane).
The increases are linked to the impact of transport as part of the overall impact of refurbishment. A
sensitivity analysis for means of transport must be carried out in order to consolidate these discrepancies.
For the indicators that change considerably based on energy consumption (ADPf, IR, PM, etc.), the
variation in impact is slight. For ADPe-type indicators, the variation in impact is very significant.
The second lifespan is a key parameter in terms of dictating the size of the environmental impact of
refurbishment. As for new smartphones, the longer the lifespan, the lower the impact.
LCD – substitution of 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
the screen portion in
the reference model
Reference laptop 9.57E-05 472.00 4.06E-02 8.09 53.96 6.92E-07 2.16 14.68
(15cm² replaced –
88% LCD
12% OLED)
OLED – substitution 97% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 99% 100%
of the screen portion
in the reference
Table 40 - Refurbished laptop computer - Sensitivity analysis per type of screen - For replacement in the reference
LCD – screen 112% 99% 97% 94% 101% 99% 110% 104%
replaced by
an LCD
Full screen 9.05E-04 547.88 6.97E-02 12.43 61.77 8.72E-07 3.78 43.04
(100% replaced –
88% LCD
12% OLED)
OLED – screen 11% 105% 123% 147% 89% 108% 23% 71%
replaced by an
Table 41 - Refurbished laptop computer - Sensitivity analysis per type of screen - For full screen replacement
A limited variation was observed in the reference scenario, since the contribution represented by the
replaced screen is small. On the other hand, very significant variations in impact were observed for screen
replacements, including a strong variation in the ADP-elements indicator and WU.
The type of screen has a significant impact on all indicators when the screen is replaced. An OLED screen
will have a higher impact on the GWP indicator (but a lower impact on the ADP-elements indicator owing
to its complex manufacture and how recent the technology is). Conversely, an LCD screen will have a
higher impact on the ADP-elements indicator (associated with the iridium contained in the display) but a
more limited impact on the GWP indicator.
Focus on RAM
ADP - ADP - AP (mol GWP (kg IR (kg PM WU (m3) MIPS (kg)
element fossil H+ eq) CO2 eq) U235 eq) (Disease
s (kg SB (MJ) occurren
eq) ce)
Reference scenario 9.57E-05 469.43 3.96E-02 7.90 53.96 6.86E-07 2.07 14.25
(RAM replaced
in 5% of cases – 16GB
Full RAM
t scenario 9.57E-05 472.00 4.06E-02 8.09 53.96 6.92E-07 2.16 14.68
101% 99% 98% 98% 100% 99% 109% 98%
101% 101% 105% 105% 100% 102% 122% 106%
101% 103% 115% 114% 100% 105% 140% 117%
Table 43 - Refurbished laptop computer - Sensitivity analysis for RAM capacity (full RAM replacement)
When we consider a modification in the reference scenario (RAM replaced in 5% of cases), we observe
that the choice of RAM capacity has a significant, visible impact (+1% to +22% for indicators showing a
variation). No variation is observed for the ADPe indicator.
This variation is heightened in the scenario that includes a full RAM replacement. Variations in impact of
between -44% and +245% are observed.
An increase in RAM capacity correlates to an increase in the quantity of silicon wafer and the number of
masks, and thus to a significant increase in the impacts associated with the manufacture of
semiconductors. It should be noted that there is no change to the type of encapsulation or the number
of sticks of RAM, which explains a stagnation in the impact on the depletion of natural resources. The
RAM capacity should therefore be adjusted to meet the requirements of the end user, thereby ensuring
good performance for the product and a genuine extension to its lifespan.
Reference scenario
(disk replaced in 8%
of cases –512GB 9.57E-05 472.0 4.06E-02 8.09 54.0 6.92E-07 2.16 14.68
100.5% 99% 94% 95% 100% 98% 104% 91%
100.6% 102% 110% 109% 100% 103% 131% 108%
100.6% 106% 131% 128% 100% 110% 167% 131%
Table 44 - Refurbished laptop computer - Sensitivity analysis for hard disk capacity
Full disk 3.70E-04 614.4 1.03E-01 19.0 55.8 1.03E-06 6.1 48.9
t scenario
Table 45 - Refurbished laptop computer - Sensitivity analysis for hard disk capacity (full hard disk replacement)
The manufacturing techniques for SSD hard disks are very similar to those used for manufacturing RAM.
Considerable variations can thus be seen here, as in the previous sensitivity analysis.
As with RAM, the storage capacity of the computer should be adjusted according to the end user’s needs.
The choice of means of transport has a fairly insignificant impact (-14% to +4%) on the environmental
impacts of a refurbished laptop over 1 year. However, it should be noted that, in the reference model,
few devices originated from abroad. Thus, the impact of changing the means of supply could be
heightened if that supply comes from abroad.
Urban distribution 80.64% 99.39% 98.49% 97.50% 99.97% 98.83% 98.85% 100.00%
> Shop/Collection
Rural Distribution 252.21% 105.86% 119.74% 123.69% 100.24% 114.69% 109.69% 100.00%
> Shop/Collection
Rural Distribution 80.57% 99.24% 97.27% 96.92% 99.97% 98.08% 98.79% 100.00%
> Home delivery
The choice of means of transport to private individuals has a very significant impact (-3% to +23% for the
GWP indicator and -20% to +152% for the ADPe indicator) on the impacts of a refurbished laptop
computer over 1 year.
The choice of the means of distribution is key to limiting the environmental impact of refurbishment. In
particular, trips by private car to pick up the parcel should be avoided as much as possible (the
Periurban>Shop and Rural>Shop scenarios).
It should be noted that the variation in the ADPe indicator is greater than for smartphones, mainly
because the reference model for laptops contains proportionally fewer new electronic components.
For the refurbishment phase (the priority phase for the purposes of this study):
Thus, some comparative analyses will be carried out on the ADPe, ADPf, IR and GWP indicators only.
Climate change;
Given the low rate of part replacement, the impact on depletion of mineral resources is low. However,
we chose to reinstate it, as whenever a screen or disk is replaced, this criterion becomes significant.
Thus, in order to present the results in a simpler manner, the choice was made to focus on:
Climate change.
Depletion of natural abiotic resources - metals and semi- 8.09E-03 2.87E-04 kgeqSb
metals (ADPe)
Table 48- Reference laptop - Environmental impacts for the entire life cycle for the reference lifespans (over the
entire life cycle) - Personal use
Presentation of results – Impacts avoided
For the reference scenario, purchasing a refurbished laptop (used for 3 years) instead of purchasing a new
laptop allowed the following impacts to be avoided annually:
Depletion of natural abiotic resources - metals and -1.52E-03 kgeqSb per year -94%
semi-metals (ADPe)
The impact avoided varies depending on the scenario chosen, and is largely dependent on the lifespan
of the new product and the refurbished product as well as on the refurbishment scenario. This is therefore
a reference evaluation. Avoided impacts are calculated as the impacts per FU for refurbished laptops
minus the impacts per FU for new laptops:
the emission of 25.9 kgeqCO2 per year, or 2.78% of the sustainable annual carbon footprint
82 km travelled by car;
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with new replacement parts;
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with second-hand replacement parts;
* Product collected and refurbished in France ** Product collected in the USA and refurbished in China
At the functional unit scale (considering a first lifespan of 5 years and a second lifespan of 3 years), we
can observe that:
‐ Multiple parts are replaced (screen, RAM, etc.) using new parts. Since the screen, the RAM
and the disk represent the majority of the impacts from the device (20% to 57% of the
impact of a new device), if the increase in lifespan is shorter than 5 years (the length of the
first lifespan), refurbishment has a greater impact than the manufacture of a new device
used for 5 years. In addition, replacing parts is often used as a way of increasing the capacity
of the components.
Moreover, a change in the location and logistics scenario has a relatively low impact at the level of the
device’s entire life cycle, as the use phase and the manufacture of the parts have a preponderant impact.
The following results thus illustrate the outcome of this approach. In the interests of greater readability,
the analysis was carried out on the 3 priority indicators, i.e. climate change (GWP), depletion of natural
mineral and metal resources (ADPe) and depletion of natural fossil resources (ADPf).
The first figures show the variation in impact based on the duration of the first life. It can be observed
that the later the refurbishment takes place, the more favourable the environmental impact of the
refurbished mobile phone. If refurbishment takes place before the third year has elapsed, refurbishment
will not be favourable. This reinforces the general conclusion that making your device last is better than
replacing it.
A second analysis was carried out. This analysis combines the concepts of the duration of the first life and
the type of refurbishment. The minimum refurbishment scenario involves cleaning only within the
national territory, and the maximum refurbishment scenario involves replacement of all parts. It can be
seen even more clearly that if refurbishment involves replacing a large number of parts, it is less favourable
unless the second lifespan is at least equal to the first lifespan.
If we assume a first lifespan of 3 years and if refurbishment takes place before those 3 years are up, it
generates an additional impact. In order to be beneficial, refurbishment must allow the lifespan after
refurbishment to be extended by more than 4 years.
N.B.: - The reference scenario includes few replacement parts and/or second-hand replacement parts.
The reference scenario is thus close to the minimum scenario.
If all parts are replaced, refurbishment must occur after 4 years and enable the lifespan to be extended
by over 5 years. Over 60% of the impact from a computer comes from its screen, battery, RAM and disk.
If all parts are replaced, this produces an impact similar to that of new devices, and this replacement
should be depreciated over a long lifespan.
This graph shows a simple illustration of the purchasing scenarios for refurbished laptops that have
more or less impact than buying a new phone (from a climate change perspective), based on a market
approach. This involves transferring some of the impacts of manufacturing of the new device to the
refurbished product. This market approach is connected to the theoretical usage period: 5 years for a
new laptop and 3 years for a refurbished one. We modelled 6 purchasing behaviours over a period of
10 years:
regular buyers of refurbished but recent laptop computers: purchase a 2-year-old computer
once every 3 years;
In this paragraph, the impact on climate change depends on the type of purchase (new or refurbished),
the frequency of purchase, the 1st lifespan of the refurbished device and the period for which the device
was kept/used.
Figure 46 - Comparison with reference laptop - Depreciation approach - Market results over 10 years for climate
New and refurbished devices are alternatively lower-/higher-impact depending on the scenarios.
The scenario that systematically minimises impact on global warming is measured purchasing: purchasing
a refurbished device that had a first life of 5 years (or more), every 5 years (or more).
5.2.1. Overview
Definition: A computer where the main unit is intended to be in a permanent location and is not
designed for portability. It is only operational with external equipment such as display, keyboard and
mouse.37 The model considered does not include a screen, keyboard or mouse.
Represent the reality of the markets of the refurbishment stakeholders that participated in the
Be compatible with all the work coordinated by ADEME in early 2022 so as to provide a
harmonised view of responsible practices in the digital sector.
Reference model Average product based on refurbisher data Average product based on the French
collected market
Consumption during use 100 kWh per year 100 kWh per year
phase (personal)
A discrepancy can be observed in this table between the technical characteristics of refurbished and new
reference models, which corresponds to the actual state of the market, as new devices are renewed based
on the latest innovations in the sector.
Electricity consumption: 100 kWh per device per year The energy consumption of desktop computers is
taken from the ICT 2020 report.
N.B.: We cannot differentiate between consumption for new and refurbished devices. We therefore
opted for an average consumption. It will nonetheless be noted that, in spite of an improvement in the
Definition from the ICT report: European Commission, ICT Impact study, Final report, prepared by VHK and
Viegand Maagøe for the European Commission, July 2020, p.128
Typical lifespan:
Profile of refurbishers
Data was gathered from 7 national refurbishers. The variant parameters are:
Refurbishment practices:
‐ Number of parts changed;
‐ Types of parts changed;
‐ Use of refurbished parts.
N.B.: - We did not obtain any data collected from international refurbishers. Fictitious profiles will
therefore be created for them.
Main source France 81.43% 100% 20% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100%
of products
Europe 18.57% 0% 80% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0%
Estimated transport
Energy consumption
Water 0 0 0.02 m3
Cleaning (if no info given, max values for alcohol and cotton)
Power supply
RAM replacement
Default characteristics
The model for desktop computers is a weighted mix of five configurations, with the following
Type of Intel Celeron Intel AMD Ryzen AMD Ryzen 5 AMD Ryzen 7
processor G3930 Pentium 5 1500X 1600 1700X
RAM (GB) 4 8 8 16 16 10
5.2.4. Results
As set out above, a reference model was created. Based on this model, several variation parameters were
identified and will be examined in this report. These parameters correspond to:
The type of refurbishment, from simple cleaning to the replacement of all used parts.
The full life cycle as broken down in the graph below by sectors and by sources of impact;
The level of refurbishment only (scope delineated in red in the graph below).
The results themselves will be presented using the lifespan of the device or functional unit as a reference
‘Owning and using a desktop computer for personal use for one year’
To scale the environmental impacts to the usage period, the impacts must be multiplied by the reference
usage period, i.e. 3 years for refurbished devices and 5 years for new devices.
Value unit
Table 54 – Reference desktop computer - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year
Figure 49 - Reference refurbished desktop computer - Results broken down by life cycle impact
Refurbishment of devices represents a preponderant share of the impacts for 4 indicators (38–71%)
outside the use phase (significant for 6 indicators, at 20–90% of impacts).
Upstream and downstream logistics represent 6–43% (for the indicators for which they have a significant
impact). The impact of upstream logistics on the ADPe indicator is linked to the use of planes as well as a
low rate of replacement of new parts in the reference model.
Concentrating on the part incumbent on refurbishers and distributors is appropriate because the impact
of this stage is determined by the number of parts replaced, the logistics scenario and the use of second-
hand parts.
The upstream, downstream and usage impacts are independent from the impacts of refurbishment, but
do show a greater impact relative to the entire life cycle, compared with a new scenario.
On-site consumption;
Disk replacement;
The approach adopted does allow a consistent reference model to be created, but the variations from
one company and from one scenario to another must be observed in order to consolidate the analysis
and extrapolate it to a broader reality in the field.
Significant variations in impact of between -13% and +422% can be observed, with disk and RAM
replacements having the highest impacts.
The type of parts replaced has a significant impact on all indicators, especially for disks.
Taking account of the incorporation of the use phase, the difference between the reference scenario and
the other scenarios is less significant than could be imagined, owing to consumption during the use phase.
Once the use phase has been discarded, the discrepancy between scenarios widens. The scenarios with
part replacements show higher impacts.
Parts replacement rates vary from 0% (0–1 parts replaced, infrequently) to 240% (multiple parts
replaced, more frequently) from one refurbisher to another.
The usage rate for second-hand parts is variable: from 0 to 100% second-hand parts.
The estimated average distances for the total route travelled by a telephone [sic] vary by a
factor of up to 24 from one refurbisher to another. This depends on the location of the
refurbisher and its suppliers.
Figure 52 - Refurbished desktop computer - Variation of impacts depending on the companies - Impacts on climate
Figure 53 - Refurbished desktop computer - Variation of impacts depending on the companies - Impacts on the
depletion of abiotic mineral resources
Figure 55 - Refurbished desktop computer - Variation of impacts depending on the companies - Impacts on ionising
Very significant variations in impacts can be observed from one company profile to another (from a factor
of 5 to 9 between the minimum and the maximum, depending on the indicators):
Company F has the highest impact. It has a part replacement rate higher than 2 parts per
device, uses only 60% second-hand parts and gets 50% of its supply from Europe.
Company I has the lowest impact, as it does not replace any parts and gets its supply
exclusively in France;
Company J has the highest impact, replacing numerous parts and using a lower percentage of
second-hand parts (57%).
A very significant range of variation of impact can be observed from one refurbisher to another. This can
be explained by different methods of refurbishment and a variable percentage of second-hand parts
In spite of a smaller sample of refurbishers and similar locations (France), the diversity of practices
involved causes marked variations in the impact results. Taking a reference model into account is
appropriate but must be done in a controlled manner. Fictitious refurbishment scenarios were therefore
established: from simple cleaning with a short supply chain to full parts replacement with a global supply
Depletion of natural abiotic resources - metals 1.88E-04 1.37E-04 3.12E-04 kgeqSb per FU
and semi-metals (ADPe)
Table 58 – Desktop computer - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year - Variations between companies
Figure 56 – Refurbished desktop computer - Impact of the supply and refurbishment location - Life cycle vision
A significant variation can be observed in impacts in the international scenario and a lesser variation in
the local scenario.
Given the low rate of part replacement and the local ‘supply chain’ in the reference model, the local
scenario does show a lower impact but there is less contrast in the variation than for the reference
The international scenario, on the other hand, displays a far greater variation, owing to:
For the indicators that change considerably based on energy consumption (ADPf, IR, PM, etc.), the
variation in impact is slight. For ADPe-type indicators, the variation in impact is very extensive.
The second lifespan is a key parameter in terms of dictating the size of the environmental impact of
refurbishment. As for new smartphones, the longer the lifespan, the lower the impact.
Focus on RAM
ADP - ADP - AP (mol GWP (kg IR (kg PM WU (m3) MIPS (kg)
element fossil H+ eq) CO2 eq) U235 eq) (Disease
s (kg SB (MJ) occurren
eq) ce)
Reference scenario
(RAM replaced
in 5% of cases –16GB 1.88E-04 1,426.92 7.82E-02 15.42 178.12 1.95E-06 2.11 26.52
100% 100% 99% 99% 100% 100% 96% 98%
100% 100% 102% 102% 100% 101% 107% 103%
100% 101% 107% 107% 100% 102% 122% 108%
Full RAM 2.00E-04 1,475.97 9.92E-02 19.03 177.88 2.05E-06 4.03 38.80
t scenario
Table 56 - Refurbished desktop computer - Sensitivity analysis for RAM capacity (full RAM replacement)
When we consider a modification in the reference scenario (RAM replaced in 5% of cases), we observe
that the choice of RAM capacity has a visible but fairly insignificant impact (-+1% to +8% for indicators
showing a variation). No variation is observed for the ADPe indicator.
This variation is heightened in the scenario that includes a full RAM replacement. Variations in impact of
between -25% and +219% are observed.
An increase in RAM capacity correlates to an increase in the quantity of silicon wafer and the number of
masks, and thus to a significant increase in the impacts associated with the manufacture of
semiconductors. It should be noted that there is no change to the type of encapsulation or the number
of RAM sticks, which explains a stagnation in the impact on the depletion of natural resources. The RAM
capacity should therefore be adjusted to meet the requirements of the end user, thereby ensuring good
performance for the product and a genuine extension to its lifespan.
Reference scenario
(disk replaced in 8%
of cases –512GB
capacity) 1.88E-04 1,426.92 7.82E-02 15.42 178.12 1.95E-06 2.11 26.52
100% 99% 96% 96% 100% 99% 88% 93%
100% 101% 106% 106% 100% 101% 121% 105%
100% 103% 121% 119% 100% 105% 164% 122%
Table 57 - Refurbished desktop computer - Sensitivity analysis for hard disk capacity
Full disk replacement 4.58E-04 1,562.37 1.38E-01 25.74 179.89 2.26E-06 6.73 60.09
scenario (512GB)
Table 58 - Refurbished desktop computer - Sensitivity analysis for hard disk capacity (full hard disk replacement)
The manufacturing techniques for SSD hard disks are very similar to those used for manufacturing RAM.
Considerable variations can thus be seen here, as in the previous sensitivity analysis.
As with RAM, the computer’s storage capacity should be adjusted to meet the end user’s needs.
Urban Distribution 83.68% 99.61% 98.15% 97.50% 99.99% 99.05% 98.03% 100.00%
> Shop/Collection
Rural Distribution > 170.87% 101.75% 109.19% 111.37% 100.07% 104.55% 108.61% 100.00%
Rural Distribution > 84.25% 99.62% 97.87% 97.51% 99.99% 99.05% 98.18% 100.01%
Home delivery
Table 59 - Refurbished desktop computer - Sensitivity analysis - Means of distribution to/by the private individual
The choice of means of transport to private individuals has a very significant impact (-3% to +11% for the
GWP indicator and -16% to +70% for the ADPe indicator) on the impacts of a refurbished desktop
computer over 1 year.
The choice of the means of distribution is key in terms of limiting the environmental impact of
refurbishment. In particular, trips by private car to pick up the parcel should be avoided as much as
possible (the Periurban>Shop and Rural>Shop scenarios).
Thus, some comparative analyses will be carried out for the ADPe, ADPf and GWP indicators only.
Figure 58 – Reference refurbished desktop computer - Results for impacts after standardisation for the entire life
Climate change;
Thus, in order to present the results in a simpler manner, the choice was made to focus on:
Climate change.
Table 60- Reference desktop computer - Environmental impacts for the entire life cycle for the reference lifespans
(over the entire life cycle)
Value Unit
(personal use)
Depletion of natural abiotic resources - metals and semi-metals -1.41E-03 kgeqSb per -88%
(ADPe) year
Table 61 - Desktop computer comparison - Substitution approach - Impacts avoided for the reference scenarios
The impact avoided varies depending on the scenario chosen, and is largely dependent on the lifespan
of the new product and the refurbished product, as well as on the refurbishment scenario. This is
therefore a reference evaluation. Avoided impacts are calculated as the impacts per FU for refurbished
laptops minus the impacts per FU for new laptops:
𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑟𝑏 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠
𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑠 a𝑣𝑜𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦
𝐷𝑢𝑟at𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝐷𝑢𝑟at𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑖𝑟s𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒
At the scale of a private individual, substituting a new desktop computer with a refurbished computer
can prevent:
the emission of 35.3 kgeqCO2 per year, or 4.31% of the sustainable annual carbon footprint
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with new replacement parts;
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with second-hand replacement parts (taken from
*Product collected and refurbished in France **Product collected in the USA and refurbished in China
At the functional unit scale (considering a first lifespan of 5 years and a second lifespan of 3 years), we can
observe that:
Multiple parts are replaced; RAM and disk are replaced using new parts and involving international
The table below illustrates the results of this approach. In the interests of greater readability, the analysis
was carried out on the 3 priority indicators, i.e. climate change (GWP), depletion of natural mineral and
metal resources (ADPe) and depletion of natural fossil resources (ADPf).
The first figures show the variation in impact based on the duration of the first life. It will be observed
that the later the refurbishment takes place, the more favourable the environmental impact of the
refurbished desktop computer. If refurbishment takes place before the third year has elapsed,
refurbishment will not be favourable. This reinforces the general conclusion that making your device last
is better than replacing it.
A second analysis was carried out. This analysis combines the concepts of the duration of the first life and
the type of refurbishment. The minimum refurbishment scenario involves cleaning only within the
national territory, and the maximum refurbishment scenario involves replacement of all parts. It can be
seen even more clearly that if refurbishment involves replacing a large number of parts, it is less favourable
except where the second lifespan is at least equal to the first lifespan.
If we assume a second lifespan of 3 years and if refurbishment takes place before those 3 years have
passed, it generates an additional impact. In order to be beneficial, refurbishment must allow the lifespan
after refurbishment to be extended by over 4 years.
N.B.: - in the current market for refurbished goods, operations involve few part replacements or
substitutions for second-hand equipment, which indicates that the reference model is close to the
minimum model.
If all parts are replaced, refurbishment must occur after 4 years and enable the lifespan to be extended
by over 5 years.
This graph shows a simple illustration of the purchasing scenarios for refurbished desktop computers
that are lower or higher impact than buying a new desktop computer (from a climate change
perspective), based on a market approach. This involves transferring some of the impacts of
manufacturing the new device to the refurbished product. This market approach is connected to the
theoretical usage period: 5 years for a new desktop computer and 3 years for a refurbished one. We
modelled 6 purchasing behaviours over a period of 10 years:
regular buyers of refurbished but recent desktop computers: purchase a 2-year-old computer once
every 3 years;
reasonable buyers of refurbished desktop computers: purchase a 3-year-old computer once every 4
In this paragraph, the impact on climate change depends on the type of purchase (new or refurbished),
the frequency of purchase, the length of the 1st life of the refurbished device and the period for which
the device was kept/used.
Figure 63 - Comparison with reference desktop computer - Depreciation approach - Market results over 10 years for
climate change
New and refurbished devices are alternatively lower-impact and higher-impact depending on the
N.B.: - all quantified results for desktop computers are set out in Appendix 9.
6. Limits
Determining the environmental impacts of refurbished products in a precise and exhaustive manner is a
complex task confronted with numerous limits, owing to the variability of the refurbishment process, the
types of stakeholder (from businesses in the social and solidarity-based economy to international
businesses) and the fact that the business sector is so new. The following limits in particular have been
Little information is available on the duration of use of devices. The data chosen was taken from literature
or from the experience of professionals. However, the differences in behaviour are very significant and
lead to extremely wide variations in the results. Changes in lifespans may be the origin of a radical
modification to conclusions.
Chose to conceptualise behaviours taking account of different first and second lifespans, in
order to issue recommendations.
Generally speaking, the results need to be communicated accompanied by the first and second lifespans
Limits associated with the degree to which the stakeholders represent the market
Smartphones - The stakeholders who participated in this study sold almost 990,000 units in 2020, 35% of
the French market. The results of the study, and thus the reference model, could be improved by
increasing this coverage rate.
This proportion was not evaluated for the other product categories.
So as to be able to extend the study to other situations, we conceptualised specific situations based on:
This enabled us to establish ranges of variation in the results. In addition, we incorporated both the
reference scenario and its variants in all the comparisons.
In spite of the involvement of the participants, the data collected is of variable quality levels, owing to
disparities in the way in which each participant keeps track of processes.
We thus harmonised the data and employed a homogeneous (penalising) strategy for processing missing
data and for processing distances.
Given the number of devices in users’ possession but not in use, the frequencies at which devices are
renewed is very difficult to assess. We therefore had to consider realistic but fictitious lifespans.
To extend the lifespan of new devices, parts replacements (particularly new batteries) may be useful.
These replacements were not taken into consideration, owing to a lack of data.
One might imagine that renewal including parts replacement would allow for a greater extension of a
device’s lifespan. However, this aspect was not taken into consideration, owing to a lack of data. We did
add a sensitivity analysis on the issue.
Logistics scenarios were evaluated using maximising generic data so as to treat all stakeholders in the same
manner. Sensitivity analyses showed that this approach was acceptable.
The indicators for water usage and ionising radiation sometimes show extreme results that can raise
questions. These indicators, although relevant to the digital sector, will need to be improved in the future.
In addition, the indicator for water usage was removed with regard to the end of life of electrical and
electronic devices, as it showed an anomaly that will need to be corrected.
All of these limits were taken into account via sensitivity analyses and the conceptualisation of behaviours,
particularly for comparisons with new devices. We are therefore in a position to present
recommendations that are pertinent and are not confined to the reference scenario. A variability can be
observed in the conclusions and results but this does not undermine the environmental benefits of
refurbishment, as long as the latter is practised in a non-premature manner and replaces parts only where
strictly necessary.
We were thus able to determine the impacts of a reference refurbished device, compare them to the
impacts of a new device in the same category and identify the main contributors. This gives us a multi-
criteria and comparative view of the impact of this practice.
Reference 2 3 2 5 3 5 3 5
Climate change 3.80 -87% 5.63 -78% 9.52 -73% 23.65 -60%
Water usage 6.79 -77% 13.97 -62% 2.41 -94% 4.06 -88%
Fine particles 2.01E-07 -79% 4.59E-07 -60% 8.16E-07 -48% 2.40E-06 -26%
N.B.: - The percentages of impacts prevented are calculated based on the impact value (100%) of the
new device for the reference lifespan, scaled to 1 year of use.
The device’s first and second lifespan: Generally speaking, the lifespan can diminish the
impacts of manufacture, distribution and end of life. The longer the lifespan, the lower the
impact. Where refurbishment takes place before the end of the theoretical first lifespan
(according to the depreciation approach) and/or involves the replacement of several parts, the
impact of a refurbished product can be equivalent to or even greater than that of a new device
that has been kept for several years. It is therefore essential to ensure that the market for
refurbished goods is based on a principle of extending the lifespan and reducing the
consumption of devices.
Rate and type of parts replacement (screens, batteries, RAM and disk): When new, spare parts
and accessories form the main contributor to the impact of refurbishment. The manufacture of
screens, batteries, sticks of RAM and hard disks requires a large quantity of energy and water
resources, and these have strong impacts. For laptop computers, these 4 components represent
over 50% of the impact of a new device. Parts should therefore be replaced only where
necessary. Using second-hand parts (where possible) is a promising avenue in terms of
guaranteeing good-quality service.
The supply country: The country supplying the devices for refurbishment has a significant
impact. Indeed, distances and means of transport have a significant impact. This is especially
true as products as often sent by plane. In addition, some pools are favoured by some very
aggressive renewal offers (every year in the US) and the industry then relies on overconsumption
in certain markets in order to function.
Adding new accessories: In some cases, the addition of accessories is compulsory and/or
systematic. Manufacturing these accessories represents a significant impact and could be
avoided by sending accessories only on request.
The location of the refurbisher: The closer a refurbisher is to their market, the lower the impact
of final distribution.
These five topics lead to variations of up to a factor of 11 between the environmental impacts of the
lowest-impact refurbishers and those with the highest impact. So as to be able to identify beneficial and
harmful scenarios more easily, we chose to conceptualise refurbishment methods based on different
profiles, from simple cleaning with a short supply chain to the replacement of all parts carried out
internationally. For smartphones, the benefits of refurbishment are relatively obvious. However, for the
refurbishment of laptops involving parts replacement, care should be taken to ensure that the
refurbishment allows the lifespan to be extended considerably.
Substitution approach
Depreciation approach
If we focus on the substitution approach, refurbishment proves to be positive in all cases for some families
of products, such as smartphones, tablets, servers and consoles, in spite of a shorter second lifespan. For
other product families, this conclusion is not as clear-cut.
The depreciation approach can be used to complement and qualify this principle. Since the
environmental impact of mobile phones and tablets is chiefly associated with the manufacture of these
devices, the end user’s renewal behaviour has a heavy influence on the environmental impact of their
device. Ideally, refurbishment should take place at the end of the first lifespan, and the second user
should keep the device for as long as possible. It is therefore recommended that the products sourced
should be those that have had a real second life, instead of making the market for refurbished goods an
endorsement of the overconsumption associated with certain economic models (US premium offer with
a new mobile phone being provided every 6 months to 1 year).
‐ Identify the thresholds beyond which repairs no longer have any environmental benefit
(particularly for PCs and derivatives)
‐ Investigate opportunities for determining the age of devices for refurbishment and
highlight this information to customers
Distribution platforms:
‐ Organise the trade-in of replaced devices so as to increase the size of the pool
‐ Promote products with a local supply chain
‐ Work with refurbishers to set up an after-sales or product-service system to prevent parts
being replaced as a matter of course upstream, but instead to offer a service for repairing
or renewing the battery so as to make the device last as long as possible
Legislators/public authorities:
Technology & Society Lab (TSL) Empa
Lerchenfeldstrasse 5 Materials Science and Technology
CH‐9014 St. Gallen
T +41 58 765 76 72
Number of pages: 6
Version: V1.0
The critical review process in accordance with ISO 14’040ff standards, as described in this document,
took place between June 2021 and June 2022, and was commissioned by ADEME, the ordering party for
the “Assessment of the environmental impact of a set of refurbished products”, drawn up by the staff of
DDemain, EFL Consulting and LCIE Bureau Veritas.
This critical review report is based on the study’s final report, dated June 2022. The final version of this
final critical review report will be incorporated into the final version of the study.
The same procedure was applied during the fourth phase, with a provisional final report on the study
released in June 2022. A fresh individual critical review was carried out by Roland Hischier, who sent his
comments to the authors of the study. Based on an amended version of the report, Roland Hischier then
drafted this critical review report.
The entire critical review procedure – in spite of its length – took place in an open and constructive
atmosphere. The ordering party for the study (ADEME) was involved in all the discussions mentioned
above and showed particular interest in ensuring that the entire study was performed professionally and
The entire critical review procedure consists of complying with the critical review procedure set out in
the ISO 14044:2006 standard. Based on the questions set out in that standard, the critical review for this
study examined the following aspects:
The study complies with the international standards for life cycle analyses (LCA) (ISO 14040 and 14044)
and, in my capacity as a critical reviewer, I can endorse the publication of the results of this study.
R. Hischier
Head of the ‘Advancing Life Cycle Assessment’ Group
Transport Car - Passenger ecoinvent 3.6 market for transport, passenger car; RER // 2015 2022 Europe 2 1 1 1.3
transport transport, passenger car
Transport Transport bus ecoinvent 3.6 market for transport, regular bus; GLO // 2015 2022 World 2 1 3 2
transport, regular bus
Transport Lorry 17T ecoinvent 3.6 market for transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO1; ZA // 2015 2022 Europe 2 1 1 1.3
transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO1
market for transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO2; ZA //
transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO2
market for transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO3; RER //
transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO3
market for transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO4; RER //
transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO4
market for transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO5; RER //
transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO5
market for transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO6; RER //
transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO6
market for transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO2; ZA //
transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO2
market for transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO3; RER //
transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO3
market for transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO4; RER //
transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO4
market for transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO5; RER //
transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO5
market for transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO6; RER //
transport, freight, lorry 16-32 metric ton, EURO6
Transport Lorry 3.3T ecoinvent 3.6 market for transport, freight, light commercial vehicle; Europe 2015 2022 Europe 2 1 3 2
without Switzerland // transport, freight, light commercial vehicle
Transport Container ship ecoinvent 3.6 market for transport, freight, sea, container ship; GLO // transport, 2015 2022 World 2 1 1 1.3
freight, sea, container ship
Transport Plane ecoinvent 3.6 market for transport, freight, aircraft, unspecified; GLO // transport, 2015 2022 World 2 1 1 1.3
freight, aircraft, unspecified
Transport Train ecoinvent 3.6 market for transport, freight train; Europe without Switzerland // 2015 2022 Europe 2 1 1 1.3
transport, freight train
Equipment Smartphone NEGAOCTET - ADEME-ARCEP study - ‘The environmental impact of the digital sector 2021 2028 China 1 2 2 1.7
Base Impact in France’, 2021
Equipment Tablets NEGAOCTET - ADEME-ARCEP study - ‘The environmental impact of the digital sector 2021 2028 China 1 2 2 1.7
Base Impact in France’, 2021
Equipment Laptop computer NEGAOCTET - ADEME-ARCEP study - ‘The environmental impact of the digital sector 2021 2028 China 1 2 2 1.7
Base Impact in France’, 2021
Equipment Desktop NEGAOCTET - ADEME-ARCEP study - ‘The environmental impact of the digital sector 2021 2028 China 1 2 2 1.7
computer Base Impact in France’, 2021
Equipment Server NEGAOCTET - ADEME-ARCEP study - ‘The environmental impact of the digital sector 2021 2028 China 1 2 2 1.7
Base Impact in France’, 2021
Equipment Home games NEGAOCTET - ADEME-ARCEP study - ‘The environmental impact of the digital sector 2021 2028 China 1 2 2 1.7
console Base Impact in France’, 2021
Packaging Cardboard (50% EIME-2020-12 & ADEME-ARCEP study - ‘The environmental impact of the digital sector 2012 2019 Europe 5 2 2 3
recycled) ELCD in France’, 2021
Packaging Cardboard- EIME-2020-12 & Corrugated cardboard; 5 layers; production mix, at plant; primary 2012 2019 Europe 2 2 2 2
PrimaryProd ELCD production; RER
Packaging Cardboard- EIME-2020-12 & Corrugated cardboard; 5 layers; production mix, at plant; secondary 2012 2019 Europe 2 2 2 2
SecondaryProd ELCD production; RER
Packaging Polyethylene Film ecoinvent 3.6 polyethylene production, low density, granulate; RER // polyethylene, 2017 2024 Europe 2 2 2 2
low density, granulate
Packaging Polystyrene EIME-2020-12 & Polystyrene expandable granulate (EPS); production mix, at plant; RER 2011 2018 Europe 2 2 2 2
Packaging Paper (from virgin EIME-2020-12 & Paper; production mix, at plant; from virgin fibre; RER 2000 2007 Europe 5 2 2 3
fibre) ELCD
Packaging Paper (recycled) EIME-2020-12 & Paper; production mix, at plant; with deinking, 100% recycled, from 2014 2021 Europe 1 2 2 1.7
ELCD wastepaper; RER
Packaging Pallet ecoinvent 3.6 Pine wood; timber; production mix, at saw mill; 40% water content; 2011 2018 Germany 5 3 3 3.7
Cleaning Cloth EIME-2020-12 & Cotton fabric, from intensive production; production mix; RER 2008 2015 Europe 4 2 3 3
Cleaning Detergent EIME-2020-12 & Unspecified organic chemicals; average production; production mix, 2000 2007 Europe 5 3 5 4.3
ELCD at plant; RER
Spare Tempered glass EIME-2020-12 & Glass; for photovoltaic application; production mix, at plant; RER 2000 2007 Europe 5 3 4 4
parts; ELCD
Spare Smartphone LCD EIME-2020-12 & Capacitive touchscreen LCD display panel, colour, high-tech 2020 2027 China 1 1 1 1
parts; screen ELCD application
Spare Smartphone OLED NegaOctet Capacitive touchscreen OLED display panel, colour 2020 2027 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts; screen Projet
Spare Spare parts - Environmental impact of refurbishment (data collected as part of the 2021 2028 France 1 1 1 1
parts refurbished - study)
Spare Spare parts - Environmental impact of refurbishment (data collected as part of the 2021 2028 France 1 1 1 1
parts refurbished study)
Spare Battery EIME-2020-12 & Nickel cobalt manganese li-ion (NCM) battery, prismatic; production 2013 2020 GLO 2 1 2 1.7
parts ELCD mix, at plant; GLO
Spare RAM; DDR5, 2GB NegaOctet + Random-access memory, RAM; DDR5, 2GB; production mix, at plant; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts French PCR CN
Spare RAM; DDR5, 4GB NegaOctet + Random-access memory, RAM; DDR5, 4GB; production mix, at plant; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts French PCR CN
Spare RAM; DDR5, 8GB NegaOctet + Random-access memory, RAM; DDR5, 8GB; production mix, at plant; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts French PCR CN
Spare RAM; DDR5, 16GB NegaOctet + Random-access memory, RAM; DDR5, 16GB; production mix, at plant; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts French PCR CN
Spare RAM; DDR5, 32GB NegaOctet + Random-access memory, RAM; DDR5, 32GB; production mix, at plant; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts French PCR CN
Spare RAM; DDR5, 64GB NegaOctet + Random-access memory, RAM; DDR5, 64GB; production mix, at plant; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts French PCR CN
Spare RAM; DDR5, NegaOctet + Random-access memory, RAM; DDR5, 128GB; production mix, at 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts 128GB French PCR plant; CN
Spare Solid State Drive NegaOctet + Solid State Drive (SSD); 2.5", SLC, 256GB; production mix, at plant; CN 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts (SSD); 2.5", SLC, French PCR
Spare Solid State Drive NegaOctet + Solid State Drive (SSD); 2.5", SLC, 512GB; production mix, at plant; CN 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts (SSD); 2.5", SLC, French PCR
Spare Solid State Drive NegaOctet + Solid State Drive (SSD); 2.5", SLC, 1024GB; production mix, at plant; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts (SSD); 2.5", SLC, French PCR CN
Spare Solid State Drive NegaOctet + Solid State Drive (SSD); 2.5", SLC, 2048GB; production mix, at plant; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts (SSD); 2.5", SLC, French PCR CN
Spare Solid State Drive NegaOctet + Solid State Drive (SSD); 2.5", MLC, 256GB; production mix, at plant; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts (SSD); 2.5", MLC, French PCR CN
Spare Solid State Drive NegaOctet + Solid State Drive (SSD); 2.5", MLC, 1024GB; production mix, at plant; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts (SSD); 2.5", MLC, French PCR CN
Spare Solid State Drive NegaOctet + Solid State Drive (SSD); 2.5", MLC, 2048GB; production mix, at plant; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts (SSD); 2.5", MLC, French PCR CN
Spare HDD NegaOctet + Hard disk drive; mix of 2.5" and 3.5", mix of aluminium and glass disks 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts French PCR
Spare Server power NegaOctet + Power supply unit (PSU), computers, rack and mainframe servers; 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts supply French PCR input AC 100-240V, output DC 12V
Spare DVD player NegaOctet + DVD-ROM Drive 2021 2028 China 1 1 3 1.7
parts French PCR
Accessorie Power Supply NegaOctet + External power supply (EPS); production mix, at plant; for mobile 2017 2024 China 1 1 2 1.3
s French PCR device, input AC 100-240V, output DC 5V
Accessorie SIM card extractor EIME-2022-01 Steel electrogalvanised; 35% recycled; production mix, at plant; 2006 2013 Europe 5 3 3 3.7
s thickness 0,3 to 3 mm, width 600 to 2100 mm; GLO
Consumpti Water ecoinvent 3.6 Drinking water; water purification treatment; production mix, at 2012 2019 Europe 5 2 1 2.7
on plant; from surface water; RER
Consumpti Gas - France EIME-2022-01 Process steam; consumption mix, at consumer; MJ; FR 2009 2016 France 4 1 3 2.7
Consumpti Gas - China EIME-2022-01 Process steam; consumption mix, at consumer; MJ; CN 2009 2016 China 4 1 3 2.7
Consumpti Gas - US EIME-2022-01 Process steam; consumption mix, at consumer; MJ; US 2009 2016 US 4 1 3 2.7
Consumpti Gas - Europe ecoinvent 3.6 Process steam; consumption mix, at consumer; MJ; RER 2008 2015 Europe 4 1 3 2.7
End of life Paper/cardboard- ecoinvent 3.6 Waste incineration of paper fraction in municipal solid waste (MSW); 2006 2013 Europe 5 2 3 3.3
EoL-incineration average European waste-to-energy plant, without collection, transport
and pre-treatment; at plant; EU-27
End of life Paper/cardboard- EIME-2020-12 & Landfill of paper waste; landfill including landfill gas utilisation and 2005 2012 Europe 5 2 3 3.3
EoL-landfill ELCD leachate treatment and without collection, transport and pre-
dumping treatment; at landfill site; EU-27
End of life Plastic-EoL- ecoinvent 3.6 Waste incineration of plastics (PE, PP, PS, PB); average European waste- 2011 2012 Europe 5 2 3 3.3
incineration to-energy plant, without collection, transport and pre-treatment; at
plant; EU-27
End of life Plastic-EoL-landfill EIME-2020-12 & Landfill of plastic waste; landfill including landfill gas utilisation and 2011 2018 Europe 5 2 3 3.3
dumping ELCD leachate treatment and without collection, transport and pre-
treatment; at landfill site; EU-27
End of life wood-EoL- EIME-2020-12 & Waste incineration of untreated wood (10.7% water content); average 2005 2012 Europe 5 2 3 3.3
incineration ELCD European waste-to-energy plant, without collection, transport and
pre-treatment; at plant; EU-27
End of life wood-EoL-landfill EIME-2020-12 & Landfill of untreated wood; landfill including landfill gas utilisation and 2005 2012 Europe 5 2 3 3.3
dumping ELCD leachate treatment and without collection, transport and pre-
treatment; at landfill site; EU-27
End of life fabric-EoL- EIME-2020-12 & Waste incineration of textile fraction in municipal solid waste (MSW); 2005 2010 Europe 2 3 2.5
incineration ELCD average European waste-to-energy plant, without collection, transport
and pre-treatment; at plant; EU-27
End of life textile-EoL-landfill EIME-2020-12 & Landfill of textiles; landfill including landfill gas utilisation and leachate 2005 2010 Europe 5 2 3 3.3
dumping ELCD treatment and without collection, transport and pre-treatment; at
landfill site; EU-27
End of life Waste collection EIME-2020-12 & Lorry transport; Euro 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 mix; 22 t total weight, 17.3t max 2005 2010 Europe 5 2 3 3.3
ELCD payload; RER
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & EoL, Flat Screens | LCD panel, Substitution benefits included; From 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Screen - cm² ELCD collection to final destinations; In the context of French WEEE take-
back schemes; FR
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & EoL, Flat Screens | LCD panel, Substitution benefits included; From 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Screen – g ELCD collection to final destinations; In the context of French WEEE take-
back schemes; FR
End of life End of life - WEEE EIME-2020-12 & Waste treatment of Lithium-ion battery; by hydrometallurgical 2010 2017 Europe 2 2 2 2
– Battery ELCD process; technology mix, at waste treatment plant; RER
End of life End of life - WEEE EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
– Other ELCD
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Other non- ELCD
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Screen - ELCD
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Screen - Tablet ELCD
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Screen - Laptop ELCD
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Battery - ELCD
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Battery - Tablet ELCD
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Battery – Laptop ELCD
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Miscellaneous ELCD
Parts -
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Miscellaneous ELCD
Parts – Tablet
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Miscellaneous ELCD
Parts - Laptop
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
Miscellaneous ELCD
Parts - Desktop
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
2nd-hand Parts - ELCD
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
2nd-hand Parts - ELCD
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
2nd-hand Parts - ELCD
Laptop computer
End of life End of life - WEEE - EIME-2020-12 & CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
2nd-hand Parts - ELCD
End of life Motherboard WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
End of life Processor WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
End of life RAM; DDR5, 2GB WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
End of life RAM; DDR5, 4GB WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
End of life RAM; DDR5, 8GB WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
End of life RAM; DDR5, 16GB WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
End of life RAM; DDR5, 32GB WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
End of life RAM; DDR5, 64GB WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
End of life RAM; DDR5, WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
128GB calculation
End of life Solid State Drive WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
(SSD); 2.5", SLC, calculation
End of life Solid State Drive WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
(SSD); 2.5", SLC, calculation
End of life Solid State Drive WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
(SSD); 2.5", SLC, calculation
End of life Solid State Drive WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
(SSD); 2.5", SLC, calculation
End of life Solid State Drive WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
(SSD); 2.5", MLC, calculation
End of life Solid State Drive WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
(SSD); 2.5", MLC, calculation
End of life Solid State Drive WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
(SSD); 2.5", MLC, calculation
End of life Solid State Drive WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
(SSD); 2.5", MLC, calculation
End of life HDD WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
End of life Server power WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
supply calculation
End of life DVD player WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
End of life Controller WEEE mass CODDE model - based on ESR data 2015 2022 France 2 2 2 2
PRIVATE USE Cat. 1 Cat. 2 Cat. 3 Average Cat. 1 Cat. 2 Cat. 3 Average Cat. 1 Cat. 2 Cat. 3 Average Cat. 1 Cat. 2 Cat. 3 Cat. 4 Cat. 5 Average
Profile Chromebook Office Gaming Basic PC Family Gaming Power Power
PC PC Gaming User PC
Distribution 33% 33% 33% 100% 33% 33% 33% 100% 40% 49% 12% 18% 16% 31% 14% 21% 100%
Weight of 0.204 0.189 0.202 0.198 0.465 0.498 0.471 0.478 1.5 1.54 2.3 1.61 2.2 2.4 4.8 6.8 10.5 5.43
device (kg)
Weight of 0.0408 0.0378 0.0404 0.039 0.093 0.0996 0.0942 0.0956 0.3 0.308 0.46 0.323 0.44 0.48 0.96 1.36 2.1 1.09
packaging (kg)
Screen size 6.59 6.57 6.72 6.626 10.2 10.3 11.1 10.5 14.5 14.5 15.6 14.6287
technology touchscreen touchscreen touchscreen touchscreen
Type of MediaTek SnapdragonTM Exynos Huawai A10 Fusion Apple A12 AMD Ryzen 5 Intel® Intel Intel Intel AMD AMD AMD
processor Helio G85 730G 990 Kirin 659 Bionic Core™ i7, 8th Core I5 Celeron Pentium Ryzen 5 Ryzen 5 Ryzen 7
generation G3930 G4560 1500X 1600 1700X
RAM (GB) 6 7 11 8 4 4 6 4.6 16 8 16 13.3 4 8 8 16 16 10
SSD storage 128 160 341 209.6 32 256 512 266.6 427 564 512 503.801 250 250 250 500 1000 443
HDD storage 0 0 0 0 1000 1000 2000 2000 1172
Motherboard 125.16 117.94 122.36 121.8 400.84 421.35 461.14 427.7 52.93 62.03 88.22 61 289 359.1 590.49 686.25 686.25 533.24
surface area
Mass of 84 79 77 80 156.2 205.8 216.4 192.8 330 165 287 244 0
battery (g)
External 245 211 208 224 0.34 1.2 3.27 1.7 1.66 1.85
power supply
Reference Xiaomi Xiaomi Mi Note Apple Huawei Samsung Apple iPad Honor Lenovo Acer
product Redmi 10 Lite iPhone Mediapad Galaxy Tab Air 4 MagicBook ThinkPad Nitro 5
example Note9 12 Pro M3 Lite 10.1 S5e Pro (2020) X390 AN515-
Max AMD 55-51QY
Table 62–Impact over the entire lifespan of a reference refurbished and new smartphone
Refurbishment 78% 38% 72% 68% 24% 44% 98% 95% 100%
TOTAL 2.98E-04 102.64 2.11E-02 3.80 8.96 2.01E-07 6.8 12.6 1.10E-02
Table 63 - Reference refurbished smartphone - Results broken down by life cycle impact
Supply: Supply -
Centralisation to
refurbishers 3.70E-05 7.95 2.48E-03 0.56 0.04 3.11E-08 5.92E-02 0.01 0.00E+00
Consumption of the
refurbishment site 1.12E-06 5.34 2.02E-03 0.49 0.02 8.35E-09 9.81E-02 0.79 0.00E+00
Checking - Reset – 3.55E+0
Cleaning 7.06E-08 7.29 1.85E-03 0.34 0.49 1.39E-08 0 0.72 0.00E+00
Screen replacement
1.16E-08 5.07 1.91E-03 0.30 0.01 1.01E-08 9.93E-01 0.37 0.00E+00
Battery replacement
2.42E-05 5.65 2.17E-03 0.41 0.27 1.33E-08 8.20E-02 1.19 4.50E-03
Replacement of
other parts 3.83E-06 1.71 1.32E-03 0.16 0.15 5.86E-09 1.81E+00 0.64 4.48E-03
8.40E-07 1.02 3.31E-04 0.07 0.02 2.17E-09 8.29E-04 0.03 8.98E-04
1.98E-04 6.81 3.17E-03 0.37 1.16 1.56E-08 6.99E-02 7.69 1.10E-03
Figure 64 - Reference refurbished smartphone - Impacts broken down by stage - Focus on the refurbishment process
- Numbers
Reference replacement 2.98E-04 102.64 2.11E-02 3.80 8.96 2.01E-07 6.79 12.64
Reference Screen 141% 120% 137% 138% 113% 124% 80% 147%
LED Screen replacement 174% 116% 127% 119% 122% 120% 85% 159%
OLED Screen replacement 92% 125% 150% 167% 100% 130% 72% 129%
Battery replacement 95% 97% 105% 98% 102% 100% 179% 105%
Cleaning Only 90% 92% 82% 83% 95% 89% 72% 85%
Reference scenario 2.98E-04 102.64 2.11E-02 3.80 8.96 2.01E-07 6.79 12.64
International Scenario 100.05% 112.58% 124.38% 121.29% 100.89% 111.25% 48.66% 116.30%
(US-CN-FR) - Reference
Local Scenario (FR-FR-FR) - 99.35% 101.87% 91.09% 90.91% 110.00% 100.03% 48.17% 95.22%
Reference replacement
Table 66 – Refurbished smartphone - Impact of the supply and refurbishment location - Life cycle vision
Use by the user 1.94E-06 7.68E-04 2.71E-05 3.22E-05 1.60E-03 9.83E-05 1.60E-06
Table 67 – Reference refurbished smartphone - Results for impacts after standardisation (eq. world inhabitant) over
the entire life cycle
ADP - ADP - AP (mol GWP (kg IR (kg PM (Disease WU (m3) MIPS (kg)
elements fossil (MJ) H+ eq) CO2 eq) U235 eq) occurrence)
(kg SB eq)
Table 68 - Smartphone - Comparison of impacts depending on the lifespan of the smartphone - substitution
approach, all stages
Refurbished smartphone 2.98E-04 1.03E+02 2.11E-02 3.80E+00 8.96E+00 2.01E-07 6.79E+00 1.26E+01
Lifespan: 2 years
Cleaning only, without 2.65E-04 9.51E+01 1.52E-02 2.79E+00 9.41E+00 1.76E-07 1.34E+00 1.02E+01
accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 2 years
Cleaning only, without 2.66E-04 1.05E+02 2.19E-02 3.90E+00 8.59E+00 1.94E-07 1.38E+00 1.28E+01
accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 2 years
Replacement of all parts, 4.34E-04 1.30E+02 3.19E-02 5.53E+00 1.16E+01 2.68E-07 9.18E+00 2.05E+01
with accessories, supply
FR, refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 2 years
Replacement of all parts, 4.35E-04 1.40E+02 3.87E-02 6.64E+00 1.08E+01 2.86E-07 9.21E+00 2.31E+01
with accessories, supply
US, refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 2 years
Replacement of all parts 3.03E-04 1.34E+02 2.72E-02 5.30E+00 1.03E+01 2.71E-07 1.34E+00 1.02E+01
with 2nd-hand parts, with
accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 2 years
Replacement of all parts 3.04E-04 1.44E+02 3.39E-02 6.41E+00 9.45E+00 2.89E-07 1.38E+00 1.29E+01
with 2nd-hand parts, with
accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 2 years
Reference new 8.34E-04 4.23E+02 1.63E-01 2.84E+01 1.21E+01 9.71E-07 2.97E+01 8.95E+01
Lifespan: 3 years
1 year Residual 8E-04 373 2E-01 28.14 5.35 9E-07 29.71 88.90
from the 1st
2 years Residual 4E-04 187 8E-02 14.07 2.67 5E-07 14.86 44.45
from the 1st
Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Year 1 32 18 4 28 28 85
Year 2 64 22 8 57 57 169
Year 3 96 40 8 85 85 254
Table 71 - Comparison with reference smartphone - Depreciation approach - Cumulative results over 6 years for
climate change
Depletion of natural abiotic resources - metals 4.20E-03 4.19E-03 8.38E-04 8.37E-04 kgeqSb
and semi-metals (ADPe)
Table 72- Reference tablet - Environmental impact for the entire life cycle for the reference lifespans (over the entire
life cycle)
Reference refurbished tablet 4.19E-04 303.27 0.03 5.63 35.57 4.59E-07 13.97 20.25
0.21 LCD screen
0.4 OLED screen
0.26 Battery
Lifespan: 2 years
Cleaning only, without 2.65E-04 282.45 0.02 3.73 34.48 3.95E-07 1.40 11.83
accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 2 years
Cleaning only, without 2.67E-04 308.31 0.03 5.97 33.74 4.26E-07 1.45 16.87
accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 2 years
Replacement of all parts, with 1.21E-03 394.99 0.08 11.15 45.59 7.04E-07 37.77 55.37
accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 2 years
Replacement of all parts, with 1.22E-03 420.86 0.09 13.39 44.85 7.34E-07 37.82 60.40
accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 2 years
Replacement of all parts with 3.05E-04 347.88 0.05 8.53 34.61 5.22E-07 7.15 19.17
2nd-hand parts, with
accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 2 years
Replacement of all parts with 3.05E-04 347.88 0.05 8.53 34.61 5.22E-07 7.15 19.17
2nd-hand parts, with
accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 2 years
Reference new tablet 1.40E-03 563 0.16 25.93 43.55 1.14E-06 36.93 100.32
Lifespan: 3 years
Depletion of natural abiotic resources - metals 8.09E-03 8.08E-03 2.87E-04 2.84E-04 kgeqSb
and semi-metals (ADPe)
Table 74- Reference laptop - Environmental impact for the entire life cycle for the reference lifespans (over the
entire life cycle) - Personal use
Table 75 - Reference refurbished laptop - Results broken down by life cyce impact
Standard 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 1% 9% 0% 0%
France - Reset -
Disk replacement 43% 15% 22% 19% 6% 20% 19% 30% 39%
Accessories 2% 1% 1% 1% 3% 1% 0% 3% 1%
Total 3.13E-05 81.5 2.41E-02 4.9 3.5 1.79E-07 1.9 9.9 8.18E-03
Table 76 - Reference refurbished laptop computer - Impacts broken down by stage - Focus on the refurbishment
process - Numbers
LED Screen 1062% 115% 166% 143% 116% 126% 188% 305%
OLED Screen 102% 122% 211% 225% 102% 137% 44% 209%
Cleaning Only 80% 96% 79% 82% 99% 93% 42% 70%
Cleaning only, 35% 75% 63% 69% 88% 67% 34% 52%
Replacing all parts 4019% 830% 1193% 977% 538% 1036% 2996% 1624%
Table 78 – Refurbished laptop computer - Impact of the supply and refurbishment location - Refurbisher vision
Reference scenario 9.57E-05 472.00 4.06E-02 8.09 53.96 6.92E-07 2.16 14.68
Table 79 – Refurbished laptop computer - Impact of the supply and refurbishment location - Life cycle vision
Distribution from the 3.01E-04 6.08E-05 2.25E-05 3.43E-05 4.48E-06 2.57E-05 2.64E-06
distributor to the user
Use by the user 1.45E-05 5.73E-03 2.03E-04 2.40E-04 1.19E-02 7.34E-04 1.19E-05
Table 80 – Reference refurbished laptop - Results for impacts after standardisation over the entire life cycle
ADP - ADP - AP (mol GWP (kg IR (kg PM (Disease WU (m3) MIPS (kg)
elements fossil (MJ) H+ eq) CO2 eq) U235 eq) occurrence)
(kg SB eq)
Table 81 - Laptop - Comparison of impacts depending on the lifespan - substitution approach, all stages
ADP – ADP – AP (mol GWP (kg IR (kg PM (Disease WU
elements (kg fossil H+ eq) CO2 eq) U235 occurrence) (m3)
SB eq) (MJ) eq)
Table 82 – Reference refurbished laptop - Results for impacts after standardisation to planetary boundaries over the
entire life cycle
Reference refurbished 5.91% 57.30% 20.09% 23.16% 82.27% 42.98% 5.96% 10.39%
laptop computer
Cleaning only, without 5.45% 63.24% 33.65% 36.02% 78.06% 46.71% 2.89% 17.19%
accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Replacement of all parts, 81.36% 127.66% 148.08% 145.15% 106.63% 135.38% 159.79% 115.83%
with accessories, supply
FR, refurbishment FR
Replacement of all parts, 82.31% 137.14% 167.78% 164.93% 102.10% 143.15% 160.27% 126.72%
with accessories, supply
US, refurbishment Asia
Replacement of all parts 3.42% 59.70% 21.70% 28.38% 82.94% 49.74% 2.68% 6.41%
with 2nd-hand parts,
with accessories, supply
FR, refurbishment FR
Replacement of all parts 4.37% 69.18% 41.40% 48.16% 78.42% 57.52% 3.15% 17.30%
with 2nd-hand parts,
with accessories, supply
US, refurbishment Asia
Reference new laptop 1.62E-03 822 0.20 35.52 66 1.55E-06 38.49 141.35
1 Residual impact 2.16E-03 6.00E+02 2.54E-01 4.47E+01 2.03E+01 1.51E-06 5.10E+01 1.82E+02
year from the 1st life
2 Residual impact 1.62E-03 4.50E+02 1.91E-01 3.35E+01 1.52E+01 1.13E-06 3.83E+01 1.37E+02
years from the 1st life
4 Residual impact 5.39E-04 1.50E+02 6.36E- 1.12E+01 5.08E+00 3.77E-07 1.28E+01 4.55E+01
years from the 1st life 02
5 Residual impact 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
years from the 1st life
Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Year 1 40 28 6 35 35 58
Year 2 79 57 12 71 71 116
Figure 85 - Comparison with reference laptop - Depreciation approach - Cumulative impacts over 10 years for
climate change
Table 86 - Reference refurbished desktop computer - Results broken down by impact over the life cycle
Supply: 43.5% 18.5% 21.7% 27.5% 2.2% 32.5% 20.0% 10.2% 0.0%
centralisation to
Consumption of the 0.1% 33.3% 13.0% 9.6% 87.5% 18.8% 1.6% 13.5% 0.0%
refurbishment site
Checking - Reset - 0.0% 0.4% 0.7% 0.4% 0.0% 0.4% 10.4% 0.5% 0.0%
RAM replacement 2.9% 6.9% 9.5% 9.2% 0.4% 8.3% 9.8% 9.3% 26.9%
Disk replacement 30.1% 16.7% 25.6% 22.0% 6.4% 18.1% 30.2% 41.1% 70.3%
Replacement of 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 1.6%
other parts
Accessories 0.6% 0.3% 0.6% 0.3% 1.4% 0.3% 0.2% 1.3% 1.2%
Packaging 1.9% 16.5% 21.3% 22.5% 1.3% 7.9% 25.7% 23.1% 0.0%
Distribution from 20.7% 7.4% 7.4% 8.2% 0.9% 13.5% 2.1% 1.0% 0.0%
the refurbisher to
the distributor
Total 7.22E-05 114.26 2.98E-02 6.51 4.96 3.08E-07 1.43 10.14 5.82E-03
Cleaning Only 87% 98% 87% 87% 100% 96% 71% 81%
Table 88 – Refurbished desktop computer - Impact of replacing parts - Life cycle vision
Reference scenario 1.88E-04 1,426.92 7.82E-02 15.42 178.12 1.95E-06 2.11 1.88E-04
Table 89 – Refurbished desktop computer - Impact of the supply and refurbishment location - Life cycle vision
Distribution from the 4.51E-04 9.06E-05 3.35E-05 5.12E-05 6.67E-06 3.81E-05 3.94E-06
distributor to the
Use by the user 1.94E-06 7.68E-04 2.71E-05 3.22E-05 1.60E-03 9.83E-05 1.60E-06
Table 90 – Reference refurbished desktop computer - Results for impacts after standardisation over the entire life
Table 91 - Desktop computer - Comparison of impacts depending on the lifespan - substitution approach, all stages
ADP - ADP - AP (mol GWP (kg IR (kg PM (Disease WU (m3)
elements fossil (MJ) H+ eq) CO2 eq) U235 eq) occurrence)
(kg SB eq)
Table 92– Reference refurbished desktop computer - Results for impacts after standardisation to planetary
boundaries for the entire life cycle
Reference refurbished 1.88E-04 1 426.92 7.82E-02 15.42 178.12 1.95E-06 2.11 26.52
desktop computer
0.18 RAM
0.2 Disk
Lifespan: 3 years
Cleaning only, without 1.33E-04 1 382.79 6.30E-02 12.19 177.69 1.79E-06 1.36 21.20
accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 3 years
Cleaning only, without 1.61E-04 1 601.75 1.58E-01 29.69 174.61 2.03E-06 1.74 58.93
accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts, 4.62E-04 1 863.13 2.69E-01 48.84 182.05 2.93E-06 17.33 129.28
with accessories, supply
FR, refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts, 4.91E-04 2 082.09 3.64E-01 66.34 178.97 3.17E-06 17.71 167.01
with accessories, supply
US, refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts 1.51E-04 1 439.90 7.95E-02 17.06 177.96 2.04E-06 1.42 21.25
with 2nd-hand parts,
with accessories, supply
FR, refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts 1.80E-04 1 658.86 1.74E-01 34.57 174.88 2.28E-06 1.80 58.99
with 2nd-hand parts,
with accessories, supply
US, refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 3 years
Reference new desktop 1.59E-03 2 227.06 3.06E-01 57.90 332.30 3.19E-06 32.46 285.80
1272GB HDD
Lifespan: 5 years
5 Residual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
year impact from
s the 1st life
Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Year 1 60 43 9 58 58 92
Table 95 - Comparison with reference desktop computer - Depreciation approach - Cumulative impacts over 10
years for climate change
N.B.: - The initial plan for the ADEME study included conducting LCAs for the box, server and console
product families. However, during the study, we were unable to gather enough primary information to
carry out a study of the same quality for the other, more mature product families. We have thus set out
below extrapolations adapted to these product families but based on the primary data collected for
laptop computers.
This extrapolation gives an idea of the orders of magnitude for these two product families.
Definition: a server is a piece of computer hardware or software (computer program) that provides
functionality for other programs or devices, called ‘clients’. This architecture is called the client–server
model. Servers can provide various functionalities, often called "services", such as sharing data or
resources among multiple clients, or performing computation for a client. A single server can serve
multiple clients, and a single client can use multiple servers. Client–server systems are most frequently
implemented by (and often identified with) the request–response model: a client sends a request to the
server, which performs some action and sends a response back to the client, typically with a result or
acknowledgment. Typical servers are database servers, file servers, mail servers, print servers, web servers,
game servers, and application servers.38
Reference data
In the absence of any field data, we considered that a server was refurbished in the same manner as a
desktop computer. We therefore extrapolated the desktop computer model for the server model.
However, no reference models were modelled here.
Type of modelling
Characteristics of the reference Average product based on refurbisher Serveur Rack with 2 processors, 4 SSD
model data collected of 2048 GB each, 4x16 GB RAM; 1 GPU
Mass 18 kg 18 kg
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with new replacement parts;
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with second-hand replacement parts;
*Product collected and refurbished in France **Product collected in the USA and refurbished in China
Cleaning only, without 5.73E-04 1.35E+05 4.12E+00 7.14E+02 1.82E+04 1.58E-04 5.11E+01 1.71E+03
accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 3 years
Cleaning only, without 6.89E-04 1.35E+05 4.34E+00 7.66E+02 1.82E+04 1.59E-04 5.21E+01 1.79E+03
accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts, 3.17E-03 1.47E+05 9.21E+00 1.64E+03 1.82E+04 1.87E-04 4.67E+02 4.00E+03
with accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts, 3.29E-03 1.47E+05 9.42E+00 1.69E+03 1.82E+04 1.87E-04 4.68E+02 4.08E+03
with accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts 5.91E-04 1.35E+05 4.14E+00 7.19E+02 1.82E+04 1.59E-04 5.12E+01 1.71E+03
with 2nd-hand parts, with
accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts 7.07E-04 1.35E+05 4.35E+00 7.71E+02 1.82E+04 1.59E-04 5.21E+01 1.79E+03
with 2nd-hand parts, with
accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 3 years
Reference new server 1.83E-02 1.56E+05 1.32E+01 2.34E+03 1.88E+04 2.08E-04 7.64E+02 6.15E+03
Lifespan: 5 years
Despite the conservative hypotheses for new devices, we observed that refurbished servers have a lower
impact than the purchase of new devices, regardless of the refurbishment scenario. The variation in
impacts between the refurbishment scenarios will never cancel out the beneficial effect of refurbishment
Definition: according to the SRI39, cited in the report on ICT, “A games consoles is a computing device
whose main function is to play video games. Games consoles share numerous functions and components
of material architecture with general personal computers (such as central processing units, system
memory, video architecture, optical readers and/or hard disks or other forms of internal memory).’
Reference data
In the absence of any field data, we considered that a home games console was refurbished in the same
manner as a desktop computer. We therefore extrapolated the desktop computer model for the console
model. However, no reference models were modelled here.
Type of modelling
Characteristics of the reference Average product based on refurbisher See table below
model data collected
In the European Union, video games consoles are governed by a Self-Regulatory Initiative (SRI) under the eco-design
directive (ENTR lot 3). The signatories are the three main manufacturers: Microsoft (Xbox), Sony (PlayStation) and
Nintendo. The most recent version is SRI 2.6.3 (2018) and the latest conformity report from an independent
inspector (Intertek) was published in October 2019 (Intertek, Independent Inspector Annual Compliance Report –
Games Consoles Self-Regulatory Initiative, Reporting Period 2018, Oct. 2019). All information on the SRI is available
from the dedicated website: www.efficientgaming.eu.
Type of processor AMD Jaguar AMD Zen 2 AMD Jaguar AMD Jaguar
Type of graphics card AMD Radeon AMD RDNA 2 AMD Radeon AMD Radeon
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with new replacement parts;
A product refurbished with a short supply chain*, with second-hand replacement parts;
*Product collected and refurbished in France **Product collected in the USA and refurbished in China
N.B.: - replacing all parts involves replacing the hard disk and the controllers
Cleaning only, without 1.11E-04 8.05E+02 4.28E-02 8.59E+00 1.01E+02 1.05E-06 1.35E+00 1.39E+01
accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 3 years
Cleaning only, without 1.38E-04 9.60E+02 1.13E-01 2.14E+01 9.79E+01 1.28E-06 1.68E+00 4.05E+01
accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts, 3.78E-04 1.04E+03 1.44E-01 2.67E+01 1.03E+02 1.62E-06 9.24E+00 7.00E+01
with accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts, 4.05E-04 1.20E+03 2.14E-01 3.95E+01 1.00E+02 1.85E-06 9.57E+00 9.66E+01
with accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts with 1.29E-04 8.62E+02 5.93E-02 1.35E+01 1.02E+02 1.30E-06 1.40E+00 1.40E+01
2nd-hand parts, with
accessories, supply FR,
refurbishment FR
Lifespan: 3 years
Replacement of all parts with 1.57E-04 1.02E+03 1.29E-01 2.63E+01 9.82E+01 1.53E-06 1.74E+00 4.06E+01
2nd-hand parts, with
accessories, supply US,
refurbishment Asia
Lifespan: 3 years
Reference new console 4.86E-03 1.47E+03 3.19E-01 5.85E+01 1.93E+02 2.68E-06 2.08E+01 3.12E+02
Lifespan: 5 years
Table 100 - Console comparison - Substitution approach - Results for one year
Despite the conservative hypotheses for new devices, we observed that refurbished consoles have a lower
impact than the purchase of new devices, regardless of the refurbishment scenario. The variation in
impacts between the refurbishment scenarios will never cancel out the beneficial effect of refurbishment
Table 1 – Lifespans identified in literature ................................................................................................ 34
Table 2 – Lifespans considered as part of the studies ............................................................................. 34
Table 3 – Description of the refurbishment synopsis considered for each product family ................ 36
Table 4 – Collection process per device family ........................................................................................ 37
Table 5 – Transport distance matrix .......................................................................................................... 38
Table 6 - Reference scenario - means of transport for acquiring the equipment. ................................ 38
Table 7 - Information on mixes .................................................................................................................. 40
Table 8 - Description of the DQR method applied during the study ..................................................... 41
Table 9 - Rates of recycling and incineration for packaging waste ......................................................... 46
Table 10 - Selection of appropriate indicators based on standardisation and weighting .................... 47
Table 11 – Description of indicators .......................................................................................................... 48
Table 12 – Standardisation factors proposed by JRC ............................................................................... 49
Table 13 – Factors for planetary boundaries ............................................................................................. 50
Table 14 - Presentation of the characteristics of reference smartphones ............................................. 51
Table 15 – Reference refurbished smartphone - Presentation of refurbisher profiles - Summary ...... 53
Table 16 – Refurbished smartphone - Physical characteristics of the various elements considered for
the reference model .......................................................................................................................... 53
Table 17 – Refurbished smartphone - Entry data for modelling the reference model scenario .......... 55
Table 18 - Characteristics of the new smartphone considered .............................................................. 56
Table 19 – Reference smartphone - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year ................. 58
Table 20 – Smartphone - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year - Variations between
companies ........................................................................................................................................... 63
Table 21 - Refurbished smartphone - Sensitivity analysis per screen type - For replacement in the
reference model ................................................................................................................................. 67
Table 22 - Refurbished smartphone - Sensitivity analysis for screen type - For full screen
replacement ........................................................................................................................................ 67
Table 23 - Refurbished smartphone - Sensitivity analysis for battery mass ........................................... 68
Table 24 - Refurbished smartphone - Sensitivity analysis - Upstream means of transport .................. 68
Table 25 - Refurbished smartphone - Sensitivity analysis - Means of distribution ................................ 69
Table 26 – Reference refurbished smartphone - Results for impacts after standardisation to
planetary boundaries for the entire life cycle ................................................................................ 71
Table 27- Reference smartphone - Environmental impact for the entire life cycle for the reference
lifespans (for the entire life cycle) .................................................................................................... 72
Table 28 - Desktop computer comparison - Substitution approach - Impacts avoided for the
reference scenarios ............................................................................................................................ 72
Table 29 – Reference characteristics for tablets ...................................................................................... 78
Table 30 – Characteristics for new tablets considered ........................................................................... 79
Table 31 – Reference tablet - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year ........................... 79
Table 32 - Desktop computer comparison - Substitution approach - Impacts avoided for the
reference scenarios ............................................................................................................................ 80
Table 33 - Presentation of the characteristics of reference laptops ...................................................... 83
Table 34 – Reference refurbished laptops - Presentation of refurbisher profiles - Summary .............. 84
Table 35 – Refurbished laptop - Physical characteristics of the various elements considered for the
reference model ................................................................................................................................. 84
Table 36 - Data collected for refurbished laptop computers ................................................................. 86
Table 37 – Reference characteristics for new computers ....................................................................... 87
Table 38 – Reference laptop - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year .......................... 89
Table 39 – Laptop computer - Environmental impacts per functional unit for 1 year - Variations
between companies ........................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 1 – Composition of smartphones and computers - The hidden side of the digital sector -
ADEME 2021 ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 2 – Product families and versions studied ...................................................................................... 15
Figure 3 - Basics of life cycle analysis ......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4 – Roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders in the study ................................................... 22
Figure 5 – Scope of the study for refurbished products .......................................................................... 25
Figure 6 – Scope of the study for new products ...................................................................................... 26
Figure 7 – Comparative scope between new and refurbished products under a substitution
approach (example used: smartphones) .......................................................................................... 29
Figure 8 – Taking account of impacts as part of a depreciation approach ........................................... 31
Figure 9 – Data collected during the modelling of the refurbishment process ..................................... 35
Figure 10 – Choice of the allocation factor ............................................................................................... 42
Figure 11 – Creating refurbishment variants .............................................................................................. 43
Figure 12 – Presentation of the variable elements in the refurbishment process ................................. 56
Assessment of the environmental impact of a set of refurbished products | 181 |