15 Questions BA

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Business Analyst

Interview Questions

What is Requirement Analysis?

Requirements analysis is the crucial foundation for any successful
project. It involves actively uncovering and meticulously defining the
essential needs and expectations of all stakeholders before embarking
on the journey of development.

During this phase, the business analyst using interviews, workshops,

and other investigative techniques to gather information from a diverse
range of stakeholders. Stakeholders could include clients, end-users,
internal teams, and anyone else potentially impacted by the project.

The goal is to not only understand the explicitly stated needs, but also
delve deeper to uncover any underlying pain points or unspoken

Explain the SWOT analysis and how

it's relevant to business analysis.

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is a

key tool for business analysts, offering a comprehensive snapshot of a
business's internal and external landscape.

Analyzing Internal Factors:

 Strengths: Brand recognition, skilled workforce, innovative

technology. Leverage these for advantage.|

 Weaknesses: Limited resources, outdated processes,

communication gaps. Address these to improve efficiency.

Analyzing External Factors:

 Opportunities: Emerging markets, changing customer preferences,

new partnerships. Seize these to fuel growth.|

 Threats: Increased competition, regulatory changes, economic

downturns. Understand these to mitigate risks.

Benefits for Business Analysts:

 Informed Decision-Making: Guides investments, resource allocation,

and strategic direction.|

 Improvement Focus: Identifies areas for internal strengthening.|

 Opportunity Recognition: Paves the way for proactive growth

 Contingency Planning: Helps prepare for and mitigate potential


Explain Use Case, User Story, and

Acceptance Criteria?
1. Use Case: Imagine it as a detailed script, outlining how a user
interacts with a system to perform a specific action. It describes the
steps the user takes, the system's responses, and the expected
outcome, similar to a play for actors and set design.

2. User Story: Think of it as a concise wish list, written from the user's
perspective. It describes what the user wants to achieve and the value
they expect from the system, capturing the essence of their desired
experience in an easily understandable format.

3. Acceptance Criteria: These are the checkpoints that determine if a

user story is truly complete and meets the user's needs. They define the
specific functionalities, performance metrics, and other requirements
that must be fulfilled for the story to be considered "done" and ready
for user acceptance.

How do you handle managing team

conflicts in a project?
1. Clear Communication: Ensure everyone understands project goals,
roles, and expectations to minimize misunderstandings.
2. Active Listening: Listen attentively to all sides of the conflict to
uncover the root causes, not just surface disagreements.
3. Open Dialogue: Facilitate respectful discussions where everyone
feels heard and encouraged to share their perspectives.
4. Collaborative Solutions: Seek solutions that benefit all team
members while aligning with project goals. This might involve
compromise, creative problem-solving, or even revisiting project plans.
5. Documentation and Follow-up: Clearly document agreed-upon
solutions, timelines, and action items. Monitor progress and be
prepared to adapt if needed.

Describe Agile and its importance

for a Business Analyst
Imagine building a product iteratively, adapting to feedback as you
go. That's Agile in a nutshell! It emphasizes collaboration, short
development cycles (sprints), and continuous improvement.

Relevance to Business Analysts:

x Faster feedback: Get user feedback early and refine requirements
x Prioritization: Focus on high-value deliverables first, maximizing
business impact.™
x Flexible: Adapt to changing needs and market trends swiftly.›
x Collaboration: Work closely with developers and stakeholders for
better understanding.

Overall, Agile empowers Business Analysts to deliver valuable

solutions rapidly and adapt to a dynamic business landscape.

How can you Define Priorities with

the MoSCoW Method?
The MoSCoW method is a powerful tool for defining priorities for
requirements. It allows for clear communication, stakeholder alignment,
and efficient resource allocation. It follows two step process
1. Understanding the Requirements:
Start by thoroughly understanding all the requirements, their purpose,
and potential impact. This includes gathering information from various
stakeholders through interviews, workshops, and documentation
2. Categorizing Requirements:
» Categorize each requirement based on the MoSCoW criteria: 

a. Must-Haves: These are essential requirements that must be met
for the project's success. They are non-negotiable and typically
address core functionalities or business needs. 

b. Should-Haves: These are important requirements that add
significant value but can be deferred if necessary. They often
enhance functionality or user experience. 

c. Could-Haves: These are desirable requirements that would be
nice to have but can be postponed or even eliminated without
compromising the project's core objectives. 

d. Won't-Haves: These are requirements that are deemed
unnecessary or infeasible for the current project scope or budget.
They may be considered for future iterations.

Briefly describe about Fishbone

Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram)

Source: Internet

Imagine a fish skeleton: the head points towards the problem, and the
bones branching out represent potential causes. Each major branch
typically focuses on a specific category of causes, making it a
structured brainstorming tool for identifying the root cause(s) of an

How is it used?

}y Define the problem: Clearly state the issue you're trying to


`y Identify main categories: Brainstorm and choose relevant

categories for potential causes, like "Materials," "People,"
"Methods," etc.
,: Brainstorm causes: Under each category, list possible contributing

factors to the problem.7

1: Analyze and prioritize: Evaluate the impact and likelihood of each

cause. Drill down and investigate promising branches further.7

: Identify root cause(s): Trace back through contributing factors to

pinpoint the root cause(s) of the problem.


i Visual structure: Helps organize information and identify

relationships between causes.7

i Collaborative tool: Great for brainstorming and group discussions.7

i Root cause analysis: Helps move beyond symptoms and find the

real source of the problem.o

i Prioritization: Guides resource allocation and solution development.


What is the difference between

BRD and SRS?

Business Requirements System Requirements

Document (BRD) Specification (SRS)

Not directly a contract, but

Formalism Formal contract
may be referenced in one

High-level functional Detailed functional and

specification technical specification

Focuses on business Describes all requirements

requirements (functional & non-functional)

Business Analyst System Architect (but

sometimes Business Source : Internet

Source Client requirements and Derived from BRD and

interactions further analysis

What is Gap Analysis? What are the

types of Gaps encountered?
A gap analysis is a tool used to identify the difference between your
current state and your desired state. It's like comparing where you are
now to where you want to be, then figuring out what steps to get there.
This analysis is used across various domains, from business and project
management to personal development.
Main Stages:
ˆ‚ Define your desired state: This could be specific goals, desired
performance levels, or ideal outcomes.
[‚ Assess your current state: Measure key indicators to understand
where you stand. Gather data on resources, skills, performance,
O‚ Analyze the gap: Compare your current state to your desired state.
Identify areas where you fall short or lack necessary elements.
K‚ Develop an action plan: Based on the identified gaps, create
strategies and steps to bridge the difference. Allocate resources and
set timelines.
Types of Gaps:
¾ Knowledge gap: You lack the necessary information or skills to
achieve your goal.
¾ Process gap: Your current processes are inefficient or don't support
your desired outcome.
# Resource gap: You lack the necessary resources (e.g., time, money,
equipment) to bridge the gap.&
# Performance gap: Your current performance falls short of your
desired level (e.g., sales, quality).&
# Standards gap: Your practices or products don't meet industry
standards or regulations.

What is Gap Analysis? What are the

types of Gaps encountered?
A gap analysis is a tool used to identify the difference between your
current state and your desired state. It's like comparing where you are
now to where you want to be, then figuring out what steps to get there.
This analysis is used across various domains, from business and project
management to personal development.
Main Stages:
‰ƒ Define your desired state: This could be specific goals, desired
performance levels, or ideal outcomes.€
\ƒ Assess your current state: Measure key indicators to understand
where you stand. Gather data on resources, skills, performance,
Pƒ Analyze the gap: Compare your current state to your desired state.
Identify areas where you fall short or lack necessary elements.€
Lƒ Develop an action plan: Based on the identified gaps, create
strategies and steps to bridge the difference. Allocate resources and
set timelines.
Types of Gaps:
¿ Knowledge gap: You lack the necessary information or skills to
achieve your goal.€
¿ Process gap: Your current processes are inefficient or don't support
your desired outcome.

Explain the importance of UML

diagrams for business analysts?
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standardized visual language for
software development. It provides a set of diagrams to model different
aspects of systems, including structure, behavior, and interactions.

Why are they useful for Business Analysts?

‹ Clear communication: UML diagrams make complex concepts

easier to understand for both technical and non-technical

‹ Identify requirements: Use cases and activity diagrams help

uncover and document system functionality from a user

‹ Analyze interactions: Sequence and state machine diagrams

visualize how objects interact and react to events.l

‹ Collaboration: UML diagrams are a common language for

developers, designers, and business analysts to work together

Key UML Diagrams for Business Analysts:

‹ Use Case Diagram: Shows actors interacting with the system to

achieve goals.l

‹ Class Diagram: Depicts the classes (entities) in the system and their
0 Sequence Diagram: Represents the chronological order of

messages exchanged between objects.

0 Activity Diagram: Models the flow of activities within a system or


0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD): Illustrates how data enters, transforms,

and exits a system.


What is Kano Analysis?



Delighters These features have the greatest

(Excitement factor) impact on satisfaction and the

These features have the greatest

fulfilment of these requirements leeds

impact on satisfaction and the

to more than porportional satisfaction
fulfilment of these requirements leeds

to more than porportional satisfaction

Feature Requirement
Feature Requirement

not Fulfilled Fulfilled

Must be’s
(Expected factor)
If the product does not have the

specific features the customer will

be dissatisfied



Kano analysis is a customer satisfaction tool that helps you understand

how different features impact customer emotions. It classifies features
into five categories based on the emotional response they evoke:

47 Must-Haves (Basics): These are expected features, their absence

leads to dissatisfaction but their presence doesn't excite anyone.
(e.g., Power button on a phone)

7 Wants (Performance): Customers increasingly desire these features

and satisfaction grows proportionally with better performance. (e.g.,
Faster processor in a phone)
9 Exciters (Delighters): Unexpected features that create delight and
loyalty, even if customers wouldn't explicitly ask for them. (e.g.,
Wireless charging in a phone)
9 Indifferent: These features have little to no impact on customer
satisfaction, regardless of presence or absence. (e.g., Pre-installed
apps you never use)
/9 Reverse: These features can actually cause dissatisfaction if
present, even if they seem beneficial. (e.g., Annoying pop-up ads)

Which artifacts do you use for

efficient stakeholder management?
There are many different artifacts that can be used for efficient
stakeholder management, but some of the most common ones are:

1. Stakeholder List:

{ What it is: A comprehensive record of everyone impacted by or with

an interest in your project/initiative.o

{ Key elements: Name, role, organization, interests, influence level,

contact information.o

{ Benefit: Ensures you reach all relevant parties and tailor

communication accordingly.

2. RACI Matrix:

{ What it is: Clarifies roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder

(Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed).o

{ Benefit: Avoids confusion, ownership gaps, and ensures everyone

knows their part.

3. Power-Interest Matrix:

{ What it is: Visualizes stakeholders' power (ability to influence) and

interest (level of concern) in the project.o

{ Benefit: Helps you prioritize engagement strategies and manage

expectations more effectively.

Explain the difference between

waterfall and agile methodologies.

Here's a brief explanation of the key differences between Waterfall and

Agile, tailored for an interview question:
e Waterfall: This is sequential in nature. That means that before one
step can begin, the previous step needs to have been completed.
This is very similar to workflows found in the manufacturing and
construction sectors.
e Agile: This methodology uses an incremental approach. This means
that business analysts can start off with simple versions of the
project design and build the design into small modules that are
further elaborated on as the project progresses.

How can you handle a situation

where a stakeholder requests a
feature that is not within the
project's scope or budget?
As a Business Analyst:
|{ Acknowledge: Thank the stakeholder for their suggestion and
understand their motivation. 

Ask clarifying questions to fully understand the rationale behind
the feature request. 

a. What problem are they trying to solve? 

b. What value do they expect it to bring? 

c. Is it a short-term need or a long-term vision?B
U{ Explain: State scope/budget constraints and potential project
impacts of the request.B
;{ Offer options: Explore alternative solutions within scope or suggest
future implementation.A
6{ Manage expectations: Be transparent, communicate the decision,
and document the request.A
s{ Showcase skills: Highlight analytical, communication, and
negotiation skills in managing the situation.

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