Ground Speed Mini On A330 and A350
Ground Speed Mini On A330 and A350
Ground Speed Mini On A330 and A350
08/03/2024 (Joël)
• Active when:
o In managed speed
o App phase is activated
• Referenced to the runway axis as entered into the active FPLN of the FMS.
• The VAPP displayed on the PFD / HUD is the managed speed target. It is the VAPP
computed on the Perf approach page corrected by the Ground Speed Mini Function.
• The Ground Speed Mini function takes advantage of the aircraft inertia when the wind
varies during the approach in order to provide an appropriate indicated target speed
(The managed speed represented by the magenta triangle on the PFD). When the
aircraft flies this indicated airspeed target, the energy of the aircraft is maintained
above a minimum level ensuring aerodynamic margins versus stall.
• During the approach, the FMGS (for A320), FMGES (for A330) or FG (for A350)
continuously computes the managed speed target in order to take into account the
gusts or wind changes.
1. VAPP (Perf Page) computation
• A320/A330
o VAPP = Highest of
§ VLS + 1/3 of tower headwind component
§ VLS + 5
o Minimum correction 0, maximum 15
• A350
o VAPP = VLS + (5≤wind correction≤15)
o The wind correction is usually 1/3 of the tower headwind
o The VAPP minimum value is VMCL + 5
o VAPP is the maximum of
§ VMCL + 5
§ or 1.23VS1G + (5≤headwind/3 ≤15)
o at low landing weight, below 160t when VMCL limits VLS the wind correction
may be less than 1/3 of the tower headwind
• A330:
o Above 400ft
§ Managed Speed Target = VAPP + (Current Headwind Component – Tower
Headwind Component)
o Below 400ft
§ Managed Speed Target = VAPP + k*(Current Headwind Component –
Tower Headwind Component)
§ K factor reducing from 1 to 0.33 in 25s
• A350:
o Managed Speed Target = VAPP + (Computed gust)
o Managed Speed Target = VAPP + 0.3 (Current Headwind Component – Tower
Headwind Component)
• All:
o The managed speed target has the following limits
o VAPP as the minimum value
o VFE next in CONF 0, 1, 2, 3 and VFE next-5 in CONF FULL as the maximum value
• The tutorial is very helpful to explain and illustrate the Ground Speed Mini principle