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This work had the objective of studying the detailed structural properties cadmium
doped of Magnesium ferrite (MgFe2O4) obtained, which was prepared by low-cost solid-state
Method and characterized by XRD and SEM techniques. The X-ray analysis confirms the
formation of single phase cubic spinel structure. The crystallite size, Texture coefficient
[TC(hkl)], dislocation density (ρD), hopping lengths and mechanical properties are also
reported.SEM images reveals agglomerated non-uniform grains with grain size varies from
0.7031 µm to 1.1158 µm.
Keywords: Magnesium-cadmium ferrites; XRD; Texture coefficients; Dislocation density;
Strain; SEM.
1. Introduction
Ferrites are the well-known ferrimagnetic materials with chemical compound formula
of AB2O4 (where A and B represent metal cations). Ferrites are widely used in high-frequency
applications, because an alternating current (AC) field does not induce undesirable eddy
currents in an insulating material [1]. Electrical and magnetic properties of ferrites can be
used for distinct applications in information storage systems, sensors, telecommunication
devices, magnetic refrigeration, catalysis, magnetic drug delivery, antenna rods, permanent
magnets, recording heads, magnetic liquids, as a microwave absorber [1-5]. MgFe2O4 based
materials are found to be much interest due to applications in microwave devices, computer
memory chips and high density recording media [6], humidity sensor [7], an inorganic
pigment [8], as semiconductor[9]. Ferrites can be synthesized by various chemical and
physical approaches are such as high-energy ball milling [10-11], sol-gel [12], co-precipitate
[13], solid state method [14-15] and sucrose precursor [16].
The objective of work aims to synthesize the cadmium doped MgFe2O4 synthesized
by solid-state method and study structural studies characterized by XRD and SEM technique.
We report the influence of cadmium doping in lattice parameter, crystallite-size, morphology,
dislocation density (ρD), mechanical properties (strain), and Hopping length {tetrahedral site
(LA) and octahedral site (LB)} of Mg-ferrite also reported.
Corresponding author: [email protected]
218 S. L. Galagali et al. /Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 217-223
2. Experimental
To evaluate the crystal structure of Mg1-xCdxFe2O4 (with X=0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8)
analysis were carried out and the XRD images of the samples are presented in Fig. 2.
The diffraction pattern analysis by using (220), (311), (400), (422), (440), and (110) reflection
planes confirms the cubic spinel structures (JCPDC card #00-001-0114). Miller indices (HKL)
and lattice parameter (a) were calculated and tabulated in Tab. I:
Tab. I Lattice planes, Glancing angle, Interplanar spacing and Lattice constant.
X=0.2 X=0.4 X=0.6 X=0.8
Peak hkl dobs dcal hkl dobs dcal hkl dobs dcal hkl dobs dcal
no. ( Å) ( Å) ( Å) ( Å) ( Å) ( Å) ( Å) ( Å)
1 220 3.01203 3.01435 220 3.03934 3.04172 220 3.06359 3.06598 220 3.08883 3.09124
2 311 2.56381 2.56581 311 2.58829 2.59031 311 2.60855 2.61059 311 2.62934 2.63140
3 400 2.12459 2.12625 400 2.14367 2.14534 422 1.76115 1.76253 422 1.77448 1.77587
4 422 1.73063 1.73198 422 1.74669 1.74805 511 1.65986 1.66115 511 1.67189 1.67319
5 511 1.63169 1.63297 511 1.64607 1.64736 440 1.52388 1.52507 440 1.53488 1.53608
6 440 1.49801 1.49918 440 1.51153 1.51271 620 1.36233 1.36340 620 1.37225 1.37331
7 533 1.29161 1.29262 620 1.35125 1.02622 533 1.31353 1.31455 533 1.32317 1.32420
8 533 1.30327 1.30429
d= ……… (1)
(h + k + l 2 )1/ 2
2 2
The lattice parameter (a) found increases from 8.526 to 8.7499 Å with increase in cadmium
doping (x) in accordance with Vegard’s law (Shown in Fig. 3).
This monotonic variation of lattice parameter with Cadmium content is attributed to the ionic
radii of Mg+2 ions, Cd+2 ion and Fe3+ ion. The radius of Cd (1.03 Å) ion is greater than that of
Mg (0.78 Å) and Fe (0.67 Å) ions. As Cd content increases the amount of Mg and Fe
decreases. As a result lattice parameter increases with Cd content. An increase in x results in
stretches of the cubic unit cell. Such a behavior can be described by using the 2nd order
polynomial (with R2 = 0.999, Regration coefficient)
Crystallite size (D) is a measure of the size of a coherently diffracting domain. The averaged
grain size estimation can also be estimated by measuring the peak width at half length of full
maxima. The average crystallite size for the different compositions were calculated by Debye-
220 S. L. Galagali et al. /Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 217-223
a× 3
LA = ……………… (5)
a× 2
LB = ……………… (6)
where a is lattice constant.
The lattice parameter (a=b=c), cell volume (V) ,crystallite size (D), Dislocation density (ρD)
micro strain, and Hopping lengths {tetrahedral site (LA) and octahedral site (LB)} of ferrite B
Tab. II Lattice constant, Strain, Volume, Crystallite size, Dislocation-Density and Hopping
lengths of Mg-ferrite.
Hoppling Average Dislocation
Lattice lengths (Å) Crystallite grain density
Sample constant Volume Strain Size(D) diameter Porosity (ρD)
(Å) (Å)3 (ε) LA LBB nm (µm) %
Ga x1014
x=0.2 8.526 619.78 0.04759 3.692 3.014 41.85 0.703 38 5.71
x=0.4 8.6033 636.79 0.04452 3.725 3.041 44.63 0.838 33 5.02
x=0.6 8.6719 652.13 0.04934 3.755 3.066 48.06 0.770 21 4.33
x=0.8 8.7499 669.90 0.04605 3.789 3.094 56.39 1.116 23 3.15
The variation of strain and hopping lengths with cadmium content is shown in Fig. 4.
The grain size of the sample was calculated by linear intercept method [22].The
average grain diameter (Ga) was calculated by enumerating the number of grain boundaries
intercepted by a measured length of a random straight line drawn on micrographs.
Ga = 1.5 (7)
The scanning electron microscopy studies were undertaken for the samples images
are shown in Fig. 5.
X=0.2 X=0.4
X=0.6 X=0.8
It is evident from the SEM micrographs that, sample seems to be non-uniform with somewhat
agglomeration in the synthesized samples which is unavoidable with size less than 1 μm.
Depending upon the heat treatment the grain size varies from 0.7031 μm to 1.1158 μm. The
maximum grain size is found for X = 0.8, due to unequal diffusion rates porosity develops at
the base of the neck and the neck growth is the consequence of migration of vacancies from
pore or neck to the neck boundary. The mechanism of pore growth along with grain growth
results in the characteristic microstructure of ferrites in which residual porosity appears in
intra granular space. This is closely indicated in the present samples. As cadmium content
increases average grain diameter increases and reaches maximum value at X = 0.8. The
increase in diameter is due to presence of certain amount of metal ion vacancies caused by
oxidation of suiTab. doping. Therefore it can be concluded that diameter of the grain
increases with decrease in porosity and under specific conditions exaggerated grain growth
may occur.
222 S. L. Galagali et al. /Science of Sintering, 50 (2018) 217-223
4. Conclusions
Polycrystalline Mg1-xCdxFe2O4 (with X=0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8) ferrites has been
successfully synthesized by solid-state method. The X-ray diffraction results for the samples
showed the formation of single phase cubic spinel structure. The lattice parameter (a) found
increases from 8.526 to 8.7499 Å with increase in cadmium doping (x) in accordance with
Vegard’s law. We have also discussed morphology, dislocation density (ρD), mechanical
properties (strain), Hopping length {tetrahedral site (LA) and octahedral site (LB)} of Mg-Cd
5. References
© 2016 Authors. Published by the International Institute for the Science of Sintering. This
article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons — Attribution 4.0 International license