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Abstract: Research in contemporary education over the past few decades has led to considering the
influence of non-cognitive factors such as learning styles in various learning behaviors. This study aims
to examine the influence of the epistemic beliefs that consist of belief in knowledge and belief in learning
on field-dependent and field-independent learning styles. The sample consisted of 129 students at the
Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program, Department of Islamic Education, at a state Islamic
institute in Kudus through the simple random sampling technique. The data collection technique was
through the use of questionnaires. There are three scales employed in this study, namely epistemological
trust scale, dependent learning style and independent learning style. Data were analyzed by using Structural
Equation Modeling. The results show that the belief in learning has a significant and positive effect on
the field-dependent and field-independent learning style. Meanwhile, the belief in learning has only a
significant and negative effect on the field-independent learning style and has no significant effect on
field-dependent learning style. The results provide some insightful considerations regarding the utilization
of epistemic beliefs for improving learners’ interaction with the surrounding context to obtain an optimal
academic performance.
Abstrak: Penelitian dalam pendidikan kontemporer selama beberapa dekade terakhir telah mendorong
mempertimbangkan pengaruh faktor non-kognitif seperti gaya belajar dalam berbagai perilaku belajar.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh kepercayaan epistemologis yang terdiri atas
kepercayaan tentang pengetahuan dan belajar pada gaya belajar dependen dan independen. Sampel
penelitian ini terdiri atas 129 siswa program studi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, Jurusan Tarbiyah
pada suatu sekolah tinggi agama Islam negeri di Kudus melalui teknik simple random sampling. Teknik
pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dalam bentuk skala yang diadopsi dari penelitian
sebelumnya. Ada tiga skala yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu skala kepercayaan epistemologis,
gaya belajar dependen dan gaya belajar independen. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan model Structural
Equation Modeling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepercayaan dalam belajar memiliki efek yang
signifikan dan positif pada gaya belajar dependen dan independen. Sementara itu, kepercayaan tentang
belajar hanya memiliki efek yang signifikan dan negatif pada gaya belajar independen, dan tidak memiliki
efek signifikan pada gaya belajar dependen. Hasilnya memberikan beberapa pertimbangan mendalam
tentang pemanfaatan kepercayaan epistemologis untuk meningkatkan interaksi peserta didik dengan
konteks sekitarnya untuk mendapatkan kinerja akademik yang optimal.
everyone has feelings, can develop his interests, the team, intensive interpersonal relationships,
and has the ability to think, everyone is different and participation in groups in the completion of
from other people’s way of feeling, the way he tasks.
develops his thoughts, the way he determines The extent to which students’
the development of his personal interests. understanding and belief in knowledge and
Likewise, their tendency to choose a learning learning and their effects on the choice of
style obtained during the learning period will be learning styles perceptions about academic
profoundly affected by the learning process and achievements are more likely to involve the
the involvement of academic environment. In environment (field-dependent), or focusing on
this context, students will relate to the external themselves (field independent) has not received
environment such as teachers, partners, and texts much attention from previous studies (e.g
as references used in learning. Campbell, Pungello, Miller-Johnson, Burchinal,
In addition, students’ needs for the & Ramey, 2001; Higgins, Peterson, Pihl, & Lee,
environment and their dependence on factors 2007; Rohde & Thompson, 2007).
outside them will be strongly related to how they In the last few decades, predictions
perceive the value of knowledge, the process of of academic success are highly emphasized
knowing, and the use of learning. This relates on cognitive factors such as intelligence and
to the fact that the way a person processes and academic ability, although recently, researchers
reacts to different needs that come from outside in the field of education and social sciences
himself is different from how other people does have realized that non-cognitive factors and
it. Here, it should be noted that learning is not skills play an important role in the success
only solely related to the process at school, and achievement of education (McKenzie &
but also related to the extent to which students Schweitzer, 2001; Bastian, Burns, & Nettelbeck,
fundamentally believe the knowledge and 2005; Nasim, Roberts, Harrell, & Young, 2005).
learning (Muis, 2007; Bendixen, 2002). It is strongly believed that non-cognitive skills
Practically, understanding of knowledge factors are the same or even more important than
will determine the extent to which students the cognitive aspects of the education and work
depend on the environment, learning style, and process (Khine, 2016).
personal tendencies and orientation chosen Furthermore, previous research tends
for the success of the study. Students with an to be more interested in examining aspects
understanding that knowledge can be obtained of learning styles that are more concrete to be
by their own business are more likely to work tested empirically, compared to examining
individually and less dependent on others. the relationship between learning styles and
Conversely, students with an understanding that epistemic beliefs (Franzoni, Assar, Defude, &
knowledge can only be obtained from others Rojas, 2008; Komarraju, Karau, Schmeck, &
or experts with higher knowledge authority Avdic, 2011; Hsieh, Jang, Hwang, & Chen,
will be more likely to be dependent on others 2011; Wong & Nunan, 2011). Here, it is
and the environment. The first group is called assumed that student learning styles are the
field-independent learners which more tend reflection of students’ understanding and beliefs
to be actively involved in teams, work on regarding knowledge and learning functions.
group assignments and material discussion, This is related to the function of learning styles
and the second group is classified as field- capable of explaining how individuals learn or
dependent learners, which is is less dependent how each person concentrates on the process,
on teachers and peers, and more competitive in and masters difficult and new information
learning activities based on reading and writing through different perceptions. Style is personal
(Kienhues, 2015). In short, field-dependent characteristics for each person, and it serves to
learners are less able to separate the context distinguish one person from another. Thus, in
from the environment, while field-independent general the learning style is assumed to refer to
learners are better able to separate details from the personalities, beliefs, choices, and behaviors
the context of the environment. In this view, used by individuals to assist in their learning in a
they will have a high degree of involvement in conditioned situation.
is because these students become prospective namely the epistemological trust scale, the scale
teachers at the initial level of pre-school learning of dependent learning styles and the scale of
which forms the basis for the development o independent learning styles. Epistemic belief in
epistemological beliefs and learning styles for this research is divided into two components of
their students. The sampling technique in this belief, that are the belief in knowledge and belief
study uses Proportional Random Sampling in learning. The belief in knowledge (BK) is the
techniques by lottery. In random sampling each individual’s belief in the nature of knowledge
class in the population has the opportunity to be which includes aspects, such as; (1) knowledge
sampled. The proportion used to determine the comes from an expert/knowledge expert, (2)
number of samples in each class is 10% of the certain knowledge, and (3) orderly process.
total number of students of the PIAUD study Field-dependent learning style (FD)
program. The number of samples obtained was is a certain pattern that is stable when the
129 students. The sample distribution using individual accepts, interacts, absorbs, stores,
Proportional Random Sampling in each batch organizes, and processes information with the
can be seen in Table 1. individual’s tendency to look at something
globally, makes wide concept distinctions,
Table 1. Distribution of Samples shows social orientation and sets goals and
Semester reinforcement. This variable is expressed
Number of
(Admission Female Male Sample using the scale of the field-dependent learning
Year) style with the components as characterized by
1 (2016) 52 52 0 26 Witkin et al. (1971). Furthermore, individuals
3 (2015) 70 70 0 36 with a field-independent learning style (FI)
5 (2014) 64 62 2 33 have a tendency to look at things analytically,
7 (2013) 66 65 1 34 to make certain concepts distinct, to show an
Total 252 249 3 129 impersonal orientation and have their own
designed goals. This variable is expressed using
Research Instruments a field-independent learning style scale with
The method used to obtain data in this components as characterized by Witkin et al.
study is a questionnaire or questionnaire, a (1971). The example of item lattice for each
method based on self-report knowledge in variable can be seen in Table 2.
personal beliefs. There are three types of scales,
Table 2. Item Grids
Variable Indicator Example Item Grids
Belief about Certain knowledge I like classes where the lecturer sets the lecture program before
knowledge teaching
Omniscient The answers in the reference book are helpful as I am not sure of
my own solutions
Simple knowledge I feel comfortable when faced with uncertain learning conditions
Belief about Innate ability Students who have moderate achievement during high school
learning will remain the same and have moderate achievements when they
become students in Higher Education
Quick learning If I can not understand something quickly, I usually have difficulty
in learning it as a whole
Field Viewing matters globally I don’t mind reading or listening without understanding each word
dependent as long as I can take the main idea
learning style Creating wide concept differences When I study, I prefer simple and general material
Showing social orientation I enjoy studying together with friends
Determine goals and improvements I need a calm atmosphere in order to concentrate well
Field Viewing matters analytically If I study, I understand the material in great detail (meticulously to
independent the small things).
learning style Creating particular concept differences I have to understand every word of what I hear and read
Showing impersonal orientation I like studying alone
Possessing self designed goals I finished my job as well as I could before I moved on to finish
another task
the grain discrimination power (total grain dependent and field-independent. The results of
correlation) of construct indicator in this research confirmatory analysis between exogenous and
is significant. The test is also done by looking indogenous variables indicate that the value of
at the convergent validity or loading factor fit criteria has been achieved well. Similarly,
value of each indicator. Confirmatory analysis the significance value of standarized loading
is performed between exogenous variables and parameter estimation is all above .05, so it can
between indogenous variables. In this model, be said fit. After several proposed conditions
there are exogenous variables that are epistemic are met, the next step is to test the hypothesis
beliefs that consist of belief in knowledge and of testing theoretical model data with the overall
belief in learning. The indogenous variables empirical data.
consist of two kinds of learning style that is field-
The results of of analysis of full model the frame of conceptual research support model.
on stage 1 the initial structural model analysis As for model modification analysis in this
showed that Chi-Square 76.527 (DF = 60. p = study is to see the output on Modification Indices
.074), CMIN/DF = 1.275, GFI = .918, AGFI (MI) on AMOS 16 analysis that has been done.
= .875, TLI = .975 and RMSEA = .046. That The output of Modification Indices recommends
the criteria of acceptance requirements of the about the error variables that must be done
model can be fulfilled. Based on the result of further to be modified is to connect, e1 with
the significance analysis p = .074 and yet it will e7, e3 with e6 and e9 with e12. After that the
try to re-estimate to get better result again. The retesting process is done, the results of this re-
re-estimation of the model in this study through analysis show an improvement for the Goodness
model modification. Of course modification of of Fit criteria (see Figure 1).
the model can still be done provided that the Based on the retesting process it was
fit model was not found in accordance with found that the criterion requirement improved as
empirical data, and as long as it does not deviate the probability result from p = .074 to .155, the
from the proposed theory. Modification of the GFI value from .918 rose to .926, the AGFI from
model can be done by modifying the direction of .875 to .886, the TLI from .975 to .983 and the
the relationship between variables that already RMSEA decreased from .046 to .038.
exist in the model, adding or reducing latent
variables or observation variables as far as still in
Statistical test results show that the belief The next hypothesis attempts to examine
in knowledge has a positive and significant the effect of the variable of belief in knowledge
effect on the field-dependence learning styles, on field-independence learning styles. The test
which is indicated by estimate (r) .252 C.R value results showed r = -.964 and C.R value of -.964
of 2.617 and a significance value (p) of .009 < with a significance value (p) .335> .05. This
.05. Accordingly, the first hypothesis is accepted. means that the variable belief in knowledge
These results reveal that the higher belief in has a negative effect on field-independence
knowledge is more likely to increase learner learning styles. Thus, the second hypotsis is
dependence on the environment. In a related rejected. In the affirmative question model, by
context, these results suggest the possibility that analyzing the influence of epistemic beliefs on
the high level of belief in knowledge will more learning styles chosen by students, negative and
likely to increase students’ interpersonal abilities insignificant results from the variables of belief
and improve the capacity of participation in in knowledge of field-independence learning
teams and involvement in problem solving. styles reinforced that students with a high degree
of belief in knowledge were more likely to have field-independence learning styles but rejected.
field-dependence learning styles as shown by the Statistical test results show that belief in learning
acceptance of first hypothesis. has a positive and significant effect on the field-
The third test is to analyze the influence dependence learning style. The belief in learning
of belief in learning on field-dependence had a negative and significant influence on field-
learning styles. Statistical test results show that independence learning styles.
belief in learning has a positive and significant Each individual has its own uniqueness
effect on the field-dependence learning style, and never two people have the exact same
which is indicated by the value of C.R 2.542 life experience, it is almost certain that the
and p value .011. Then, the third hypothesis is learning style of each person is different from
accepted. These results reveal that high belief one another. Two individuals who grow up in
in learning will tend to make students have a the same conditions and environment and even
field-dependence learning style. In other words, though they receive the same treatment will
students will be more intensive in interpersonal not necessarily have the same understanding of
relationships and team involvement, compared thoughts and views of the world around them.
to solely relying on themselves which is a special Each has his own perspective on every event he
characteristic of field-independence learning saw and experienced. Learning styles have an
styles in the learning process. important role in the educational process.
The next test examined the fourth Montgomery & Groat (1998) stated that
hypothesis that belief in learning had a negative there are several reasons why learning styles
and significant influence on field-independence need to be noticed in the teaching process. It
learning styles. The test results reveal the value refers to the process to make the learning process
of C.R -2.416 and a significance value of .016. more dialogical, to understand students more
These results demonstrate that students’ belief differently by adjusting the knowledge base of the
in the importance of learning is negatively learner, the suitability of the task, the main areas,
related to the likelihood of them choosing and the careers to suit the personality functions,
the field-dependence learning style. Thus, the talents, and to make the teaching process more
fourth hypothesis is accepted. These results appreciative of what students already have.
affirmatively also confirm the third hypothesis, It is called individuals with field
expressing the tendency of students to become dependence learning styles when individuals
more actively involved in the team and other perceive themselves to be controlled by the
people, and consider environmental factors, as environment. As for individuals who have a field
they increasingly believe in the importance of independence learning style is when individuals
learning. This is because students are considered perceive themselves that most behaviors are not
to have only one rational choice of the learning influenced by the environment. Some typical
style, either field-independence or dependence characteristics possessed by individuals with
field. This entire test confirms that students’ field dependence learning styles, are that these
high belief in the importance of knowledge and individuals have extroverted traits, tend to be
intensive learning will be proportionally related motivated from the outside and much influenced
to their awareness to involve the environment, by community groups or learning and authority
peers, and groups, to support the success of their figures, experiencing more global events (Witkin
studies. et al., 1971). Individuals with field dependence
learning styles like the approach of an ‘audience
Discussion approach’ when learning. As for individuals
The study showed empirical evidence with field independence learning styles have
that the proposed model design does not differ an introverted nature, tend to be motivated
significantly from empirical data. This means the from within or self (for example, self-study)
corresponding theoretical model with empirical and are less affected by social reinforcement,
data is acceptable. The belief in knowledge has like competition, choose activities, and work
a positive and significant effect on the field- structurally and Field-independent personalities
dependence learning styles and the variable have a social orientation lower, compared to
belief in knowledge has a negative effect on field-dependent personalities. Individuals with
field independence learning styles like learning learning task. Similarly, students’ beliefs in the
that has clear goals and gives them more freedom stability of knowledge such as absolute, tentative
of learning (Witkin et al., 1971). or transient knowledge and students’ beliefs in
Hofer (2002) assert that epistemological the source of knowledge that knowledge comes
beliefs are related to personality. Likewise, from a more knowledgeable person, from the
Wood & Kardash (2002); Wood, Kitchener, & experience of an authority to convey knowledge
Jensen (2002) also say that epistemological or derive from his own thoughts followed by
beliefs are related to personality components, various evidence.
while learning styles are part of personality. From the results, this study highlights
According to Garland (1993), the position of some noticeable findings regarding knowledge,
epistemological belief determines differences learning style and epistemic beliefs. Knowledge
in learning styles such as analytical/serial/field is attributed as certain, absolute, unchanged, and
independent/left brained vs. global/holistic/field not tentative. Students who have epistemic beliefs
dependent/right brained learning styles. with field-dependent learning style tend to believe
Hashim et al. (2009) who conducted that knowledge is tentative and unpredictable,
research on the relationship between personal and does not believe that knowledge is fixed
epistemology and learning styles mediated and immutable (Jehng, Johnson, & Anderson,
by self-efficacy which the results showed that 1993). Furthermore, knowledge is believed to
personal belief has a positive and direct effect on come from more knowledgeable or authority or
learning style. An empirical examination from expert with superior knowledge such as lecturers
Günes et al. (2017) on epistemic views with or reference books, compared to individual
learning styles in the preparatory program shows logic and thought. In this dimension, the student
that pre-service teachers adopt philosophical does not have a knowledge perspective, thus
skepticism and tends to favor an active learning believing that the information from the reference
style, and there is a significant relationship book is true, and that the teacher must convey
between learning styles and the pre-service the material in the learning process (Jehng et al.,
teacher’s epistemic outlook. The results of this 1993; Schommer, 1990; 1994).
study are also in accordance with Tümkaya This is different for students who have
(2012) conducted to 246 women and 242 men, more sophisticated epistemic beliefs with field-
a total of 488 students with the results showing independent learning style, which emphasize
that most students have learning styles of more on the notion that knowledge comes from
assimilation and converging. Moreover, there is the constructs of their own thinking. According
no meaningful difference in the sub-dimension to Marchant (1992), students are inclined to
of beliefs about learning depends on effort in accept what is delivered by the lecturer. Thus,
determining individual learning styles. On the this condition causes the individual to be very
other hand, it shows that in the sub-dimension dependent on the environment and in learning to
of belief about learning depends on ability there show field-independence. In terms of the orderly
is one unchanging assumption that is determined process as a contruct for epistemic belief, Jehng
by diverging learning style. et al. (1993) explained that the dimensions of a
Understanding the role of belief in regular process, or so-called rigid learning is the
knowledge is important in assisting learners in belief dimension of whether learning is a process
using effective learning strategies to achieve that the individual passively receives the finished
academic goals. Bråten & Strømsø (2005) find knowledge, or the process of formulating facts
in students, who believe that knowledge is stable in which individuals independently build their
and can only be obtained through the teacher’s ideas. In this dimension, the students’ perspective
authority, will be less goal-oriented and more prefers learning by taking the material exactly or
oriented to memorizing. Students with low in the same way as what they read in reference
belief or even doubt in knowledge structures books and tend to follow what is written there
such as simple structured knowledge. They will from beginning to end (Jehng et al., 1993).
have little or no intrinsic learning orientation, no Theoretically, the results of this study
respect for learning activities, no control over are insightful in understanding the influence of
learning and feeling that they can carry out a epistemic beliefs on knowledge and learning on
learning styles that are very likely to be chosen epistemological beliefs in students in order to
by students. A high level of belief in learning open opportunities for them to reflect not only
and learning has a significant relationship with on their learning style tendencies, but also about
field-dependent learning styles. This implies that how and why certain learning styles are formed,
students are more likely to involve themselves and more specifically helps them to ‘learn how
in the team, discuss learning problems and to learn’.
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