Cell Signalling SVU
Cell Signalling SVU
Cell Signalling SVU
transduction and
SYBSc Biotechnology
Mechanism of cell communication
Types of Signals
Perception of signals
Receptor activation.
Adaptor proteins
Hawaiian bobtail squid
Cell Signaling
• All cells have the ability to
respond to their environment
• Cells must perceive and respond to a wide range of signals
• Once the extracellular signal is gone, the replacement of the old molecules by new ones
wipes out all traces of the signal’s action.
• The speed with which a cell responds to signal removal depends on the rate of
destruction, or turnover, of the intracellular molecules that the signal affects
• turnover rate can determine the promptness of the response when an extracellular signal
Gases as a signaling molecules
• Nitric Oxide Gas acts as a Signals by Directly Regulating the Activity of
Specific Proteins Inside the Target Cell
• Orphan Receptors
• A trimeric GTP-binding protein (G protein) mediates the interaction between the activated receptor and this target protein
• The activation of the target protein can change the concentration of one or more small intracellular mediators (if the target
protein is an enzyme), or it can change the ion permeability of the plasma membrane (if the target protein is an ion channel).
• All of the G-protein-coupled receptors belong to a large family of homologous, multipass transmembrane proteins.
Enzyme-coupled receptors
• Function directly as enzymes or associate directly with enzymes that they activate
• Single pass transmembrane proteins that have their ligand-binding site outside the cell and their
catalytic or enzyme-binding site inside.
• Majority have protein kinases activity
• Control the specialization of different cell types during development and in tissue renewal and repair
Cell-Surface Receptors Relay Signals Via
Small Molecules and a Network of
Intracellular Signaling Proteins
Intracellular signalling proteins
• Proteins form a functional network, in which each protein helps to process the signal in one or more of the
following ways as it spreads the signal’s influence through the cell:
• About 30% of human proteins contain covalently attached phosphate, and the human genome encodes about
520 protein kinases and about 150 protein phosphatases. It is thought that a typical mammalian cell makes
use of hundreds of distinct types of protein kinases at any one time
Intracellular Signaling Complexes Enhance the Speed,
Efficiency, and Specificity of the Response
3 types of intracellular complexes
• A receptor and some of the intracellular signaling proteins it activates in sequence are
preassembled into a signaling complex on the inactive receptor by a large scaffold
protein. In other cases, a preassembled complex binds to the receptor only after the
receptor is activated.
• A signaling complex assembles on a receptor only after the binding of an extracellular
signal molecule has activated the receptor; here the activated receptor phosphorylates
itself at multiple sites, which then act as docking sites for intracellular signaling proteins
• Activation of a receptor leads to the increased phosphorylation of specific phospholipids
(phosphoinositides) in the adjacent plasma membrane, which then serve as docking sites
for specific intracellular signaling proteins, which can now interact with each other
A specific signaling complex formed using
modular interaction domains
Cells Can Use Multiple Mechanisms to Respond Abruptly to a Gradually Increasing
Concentration of an Extracellular Signal
• one mechanism, more than one intracellular signaling molecule must bind to its downstream
target protein to induce a response – Eg 4 cAMP require to activate protein kinase A
• sharpening of response is seen when the activation of an intracellular signaling protein requires
phosphorylation at more than one site.
• Responses are also sharpened when an intracellular signaling molecule activates one enzyme and,
at the same time, inhibits another enzyme that catalyzes the opposite reaction
• Glycogen breakdown in skeletal muscle cells induced by the hormone adrenaline- activates an enzyme that
promotes glycogen breakdown and inhibits an enzyme that promotes glycogen synthesis.
To produce true all-or-none responses, one needs
another mechanism, positive feedback
• output of a process acts back to regulate that
same process
• It is an uncontrolled cell death that results in swelling of the cell organelles, plasma membrane
rupture and eventual lysis of the cell, and spillage of intracellular contents into the surrounding
tissue leading to tissue damage.
• necrosis can also occur as a regulated and programmed process (called necroptosis), although
much less orderly in nature
Causes of Necrosis
• Cell injury can range from external injury to internal abnormalities. The
most common causes of injurious stimulus include:
apoptosis is involved in the elimination of cells that have sustained irreparable genomic damage.
Apoptosis is also responsible for the death of cells that are no longer required, such as activated T
cells that have responded to an infectious agent that has been eliminated.
Studies of apoptosis in C.elegans
• Insight into the molecular basis of apoptosis was first revealed in
studies on the nematode worm C. elegans , whose cells can be
followed with absolute precision during embryonic development.
• Of the 1090 cells produced during the development of this worm, 131
cells are normally destined to die by apoptosis.
Cleavage of Lamins
Disassembly of the nuclear lamina and shrinkage of the nucleus
Cleavage and consequent
inactivation of intermediate
filaments, actin, tubulin,
and gelsolin. Changes in cell shape
Activation of an
endonuclease called
caspase activated DNase
(CAD) Attacks DNA, severing it into fragments.
Mechanisms of Apoptosis
Highly complex and sophisticated, involving an
energy-dependent cascade of molecular events
Apoptosis can be triggered by both internal stimuli, such as abnormalities in the DNA, and
external stimuli, such as certain cytokines (proteins secreted by cells of the immune system)
Extensive protein cross-linking is another characteristic of apoptotic cells and is achieved through the
expression and activation of tissue transglutaminase
DNA breakdown by Ca2+ and Mg2+ dependent endonucleases also occurs, resulting in DNA fragments
of 180 to 200 base pairs
Expression of cell surface markers that result in the early phagocytic recognition of apoptotic cells by
adjacent cells - Annexin I and calreticulin.
The Extrinsic Pathway of Apoptosis
• Extracellular messenger protein – TNF
• Binds to TNFR1 (death receptors).
• Death domain: protein-protein
interaction - recruitment of several
• Interaction with pro caspases
• Activation of downstream caspases-
• Necroptosis- RIPK interacts with RIP3K
that activates MLKL- oligomerize-
cytoplasmic leakage
Intrinsic Pathway:
• Internal stimuli, such as irreparable genetic
damage, lack of oxygen (hypoxia), extremely high
concentrations of cytosolic Ca 2+ , viral infection,
ER stress, or severe oxidative stress (i.e., the
production of large numbers of destructive free
radicals), trigger apoptosis by the intrinsic pathway.
• These cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) can kill target cells via the extrinsic pathway and the FasL/FasR
interaction is the predominant method of CTL-induced apoptosis
• involves secretion of the transmembrane pore-forming molecule perforin with a subsequent exophytic
release of cytoplasmic granules through the pore and into the target
• The serine proteases granzyme A and granzyme B are the most important component within the granules
• Granzyme B will cleave proteins at aspartate residues and will therefore activate pro-caspase-10 and can
cleave factors like ICAD (Inhibitor of Caspase Activated DNAse)
• Granzyme A is also important in cytotoxic T cell induced apoptosis and
activates caspase independent pathways. Once in the cell, granzyme A
activates DNA nicking via DNAse NM23-H1, a tumor suppressor gene
Although many of the key apoptotic proteins that are activated or inactivated in the
apoptotic pathways have been identified, the molecular mechanisms of action or activation
of these proteins are not fully understood and are the focus of continued research.
Understanding the mechanisms of apoptosis, and other variants of programmed cell death,
at the molecular level provides deeper insight into various disease processes and may thus
influence therapeutic strategy.