Resource Plaan and Management of Agribusiness

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About me

B.A. (Hons.) (2006) Chinese
Centre for Chinese and South East Asian Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
PhD (2012) Marketing
Department of Business Administration
National Central University, Taiwan

Associate Professor of Marketing
Department of International Business
National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
Agribusiness Management

Agribusiness Management is making and implementing of

the decisions Involved in organizing and operating and
agribusiness for maximum production and profit.
Agribusiness Management

Introduction to agribusiness management principles and skills in the

context of the four functions of management: planning, organizing,
directing, and controlling.

Agribusiness sub- sector has four main market entities, these are:
agricultural input suppliers, farmer-producers, processor-wholesal
er-distributors, and retailers.
The Agribusiness Value Chain

Input On farm
Processing Distribution Retailer Consumer
Supplies production
The Agribusiness Value Chain
The Scope
The industry

Management of Plant
and Animal Production
International Systems
Trade and Global

Agribusiness and Food Processing,

Supply Chain
Quality and
Management Food Marketing Innovation

Agri-Food Economics,
Marketing Finance and Law
Economics, Ag & Food Systems

Does maximum output equate to maxi

mum profit?
Profit Maximisation: Crop
Is it worthwhile farming when you’re 2000
making a loss? 1500


Total cost (Px.X)
What is the profit maximising combina Total rev. (Py.Y)
tion of enterprises? 0 5 10 15

What is the least cost combination of i

• Branding • Research
• International marketing
– From concept to analysis and
• B2B & B2C
• Social Marketing
• Promotions • Product design project
• Services Marketing
• Industry specific
• New Product Development
• Marketing Research
• Sales Management
• Retailing
• Consumer behaviour
Product line
Agribusiness- Finance
Agribusiness Human Resource

Skilled labor: Managers, accountants

Semi-skilled and unskilled labor

Disguised employment

Agribusiness Human Resource
The Crisis
Resource Management

The basic resources include land, water, and natural resources and critical factors
such as climate and ecological resilience
Resource Management
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Issue of Food…
Climate Change
Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is a conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and

farming systems. It focuses on topsoil regeneration, increasing biodiversity, improving
the water cycle, enhancing ecosystem services, supporting bio-sequestration,
increasing resilience to climate change, and strengthening the health and vitality of
farm soil.

As soil health improves, input requirements may decrease, and crop yields may
increase as soils are more resilient against extreme weather and harbor fewer pests
and pathogens.
Regenerative Agriculture
• Water issues and Agriculture
• In a context of climate change and a fast-growing population, sustainable water
management represents a major issue, to protect water resources and secure their
supply in terms of quantity and quality
• Agricultural diffuse pollution significantly affects the chemical status and ecological
status of waterbodies in the EU - main pollutants from agriculture include nutrients,
pesticides, sediment (from soil erosion) and faecal microbes
• Agriculture is a significant source of water abstraction for irrigation and affects the hydro
morphology of surface waterbodies (modification of the stream flow, physical
modification of meanders)
Agricultural practices affecting water

• Adverse effects of agriculture on water status depend on the management systems implemented by
farm and forest holders
• Agricultural practices having an impact on water quality and quantity are associated with:

Crop/plot manag Livestock manag Use of specific

Land occupation
ement ement equipment

Soil incorporation Equipment for wat

Forest, nitrogen-fi Prevention of lives
of crop residuals, er collection and r
xing crops, perma tock overgrazing,
use of biological c e-use, use of prec
nent grasslands, l no trampling alon
ontrol of pests, no ision farming equi
andscape features g watercourses, a
n-ploughing of slo pment for fertilise
, crop diversificati dequate storage o
pes, reduced tillag rs and pesticides
on, etc. f manure
e, etc. or irrigation
Water Resource Utilization
Innovation and technology
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