تشريح أسنان 9

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Dental Anatomy

Lecture -9-

Permanent Mandibular Premolars

Mandibular First Premolar

It is the smallest premolar in the human dentition. It resembles both the
mandibular canine and the mandibular second premolar in function and has
some of the characteristics of each of them.

A. Characteristics that resemble those of the mandibular


1. The buccal cusp is long, sharp, and is the only occluding cusp.
2. The bucco-lingual measurement is similar to that of the mandibular
3. The occlusal surface slopes sharply lingually in a cervical direction.
4. The mesio-buccal cusp ridge is shorter than the disto-buccal cusp ridge.
5. The outline form from the occlusal aspect resembles the incisal aspect of
the mandibular canine.

B. Characteristics that resemble those of the mandibular second


1. The mesial and distal contact areas are located at nearly the same level.
2. The curvature of the cervical line mesially and distally is similar.
3. The tooth has more than one cusp.
4. The length of the root of the mandibular first premolar is closer to the
length of the root of the mandibular second premolar.

Principal Identifying Features
1. Marked lingual inclination of the crown.
2. Two cusps: buccal and lingual; the buccal cusp is larger, and the lingual
cusp is like a more developed cingulum.
3. Circular occlusal outline.
4. Single rounded root.

The Buccal Aspect

1. The crown is roughly trapezoidal with a prominent
middle buccal ridge, which continues from the cusp tip
to the cervical line.
2. The mesial slope of the buccal cusp is shorter than the
distal slop.
3. The contact areas mesially and distally are broad and at
the same level.
4. The mesial and distal outlines from the cervical line to
the crest of curvature are slightly concave.
5. The tip of the buccal cusp is sharp and located mesial to
the long axis of the crown.

The Lingual Aspect

1. The cown and the root taper lingually, and the occlusal
surface inclines greatly cervically.
2. The lingual cusp is poorly developed, but is pointed.
3. There is a developmental groove named ”mesio-lingual
developmenal groove”, which divides the lingual cusp
into the mesio-buccal and lingual lobes.

The Mesial Aspect
1. The tip of the buccal cusp nearly reaches the center of
the root, and the convexity of the lingual outline of the
cusp will be lingual to the lingual outline of the root.
2. The buccal outline is very curved, and the crest of
curvature is near the middle third of the crown.
3. The lingual outline is less curved than the buccal outline,
with the crest of curvature at the center of the middle
4. The height of the lingual cusp is two-thirds the height of
the buccal cusp from the cervical line to the tip of the
5. The surface of the crown mesially is smooth except for
the presence of the mesio-lingual developmental groove.

The Distal Aspect

The distal aspect of the mandibular first premolar
differs from the mesial aspect in the following points:
1. There is no developmental groove in the distal aspect.
2. The distal marginal ridge is higher than the mesial
marginal ridge, with less inclination lingually.
3. The curvature of the cervical line distally is nill.

The Occlusal Aspect
1. The buccal ridge is prominent.
2. The mesio-buccal and disto-buccal line angles are rounded and prominent.
3. The crown converges sharply to the center of the lingual surface.
4. The marginal ridges are well developed.
5. The lingual cusp is small.
6. The triangular ridge of the buccal cusp is large, while the triangular ridge
of the lingual cusp is small.
7. There are two fossae: mesial and distal fossae.
8. The mesial contact area is smaller than the distal contact area because it is
constricted by the mesio-lingual developmental groove.

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