Book 22 Nov 2023
Book 22 Nov 2023
Book 22 Nov 2023
3 Optimlifil utilizati .
e optimum utilization of human and
materia~source wledge, and expepenc~ and capacity of
people, with V.U.4,.L.-
vance, what they are supposed to do, so it
. tivates employees to put h?- their best.
4 Ad r • zation works in a dynamic en~ironment, change in
t ?\n • e o ill portunity and threat, organizing helps an enterprise to adjust
er mstances ~y modifying·the organization structure, for e.g major job.
or products can be added.
Organizing provides ~tability to enterprise so that it can continue
to survive and grow in spite of
s Effective Administration: In the organizing function the similar and related jobs
are grouped
under one department which leads to unification of efforts and harm
ony in work. The helps tp
avoid confusion and duplication of wor~. Clarity in working relati
onships makes work m~re
systematic and managing becomes easy. •S
)rganizing reduce. s the. ,vork load oftop management through delegation of
. k
op 1nanagement 1s relieved •from rout·ine wor and can concentrat ,
e on adminis
• npany. •
) 01
sonnel• D 1 tton • . .
6 Devclopn1ent of. per • e ega of aut hority red uces the work load of tn
m time to concentrate on strategic i
. . t.1
j,e s to sub ord iQa tes, it giv es the
assigning rou JO
e. Delegati
~ew areas or _gr ow th, and this ma ke·s them more innovative and creativ
find m
o~u nity to sub ord ina tes to utilize their talent and develop-skills to perfor
pre:vides opp k. ·
complex and higher responsibility tas
• g helps 1n • growth and expans•ion 1n • ways
· two
7 Expansion And growth·• org an1•z1n
' 1' f • and' proper division of work, comp •
', (') Wi th optimum 1 iza ion of resources
in a systematic manner.
' me et challenges and expand their activities
.._ .
structure creates favorable condi •
• (ii) Properly designed organization
an enterpri
: diversification of enterprise; it allows
their c~tome
; product line. This helps to increase
;; and expansion of business.
' 0R©ANI
.... r\.•.._.+'"..', ~Jft•·"'' e • and operating tasks
,- Organization structure refers
to the fr
r= are per f~rmed, it specifies the
rela .
r'-' Th e need for an adequat •
te ris . henever an enterpns~ gro
ws m
•• ;
e to
- "'
• size or cdhlplexity,
ne ~ ~c tio ns or
.. .
with same structure for a lon g ·er
• it wil o 1tability of the enterprise.
• It allocat responsibility.
•it lays down pattern of communic
• It helps in maintain control over . . .
can be
NA GE ME NT : it me ans how many employees·or subordinates
SPAN OF MA r. Wh en
ed by one ma nge r or how ma ny subordinates is under one superio
effectively manag the n the mangers
respon sibility rela tion shi p are established in organizing process
authority and
trol. g5 .
must keep in mind the span of con
Types of organization structure: (a) FU
Functional structure: grouping of jobs of
similar nature as functions and organizing
functions as separate departments creates the major
a functional structure. All department's repo
coordinating head for e.g. Managing Directo rt to a
lSpecialis_ation: Since emphasis is placed
on specific
utilization of manpower as erhplqyees per
forni simil
improve perfo~ance.
2Improves efficiency: Experts are ap~oi -
,6' 1n n:~ efficiency of
workers as they get suggestions an
·cr~ase~ efficiency
incre~e~·prbfit: •
3 Minimize: Cost: It le :s to mi •
·, which results in economies ofscale
4 Effecf ..u.,LUJ.i::=.,o --
employees easier as they are trained in lim
types of ited
o ction. department are given training of pro
~ :
""J ..
product then activities related to one Drc
Ol1\l~·tti.g more than one
t(l~;tartment. Thus when
e as divisional
jobs rel ied to one product are grou ed
~] :'
• ! .• .. - siness units or divisions.
ponsible for p·erformance and he ~njoys
-.. -· • ....
•Each unit is,,..........••,.,.......... • I,.
authority o er ' ••
' I ---•--
(;,,tr .. • ch 'division has functions like produc
tion, purchase,
G-,,1 ... • •
tend to exists.
in Each division functional st'ructure
org ani zat ion is pro duc ing soa ps, tex tiles, medicines, cosmetics etc, then all
·For example if oftextile
ted to me dic ine wil l be gro upe d und er medicine department, all activities
activities rela
in textile department and so on.
ctu re is suitab le onl y to mu ltip rod uct manufacturing large or g~ tio ns
•Divisional stru
IManaging Director
Textile department Cosmetic department Medicines department Soaps dep~ment
•production .
•production .
•production •production
•purchase •purchase •purchase •purchase
•marketing •marketing •marketing •marketing
•finance •finance •finance •finance
SUITABILITY: • When more than one product line is to be followed• organ
ization which
requires product specialization •organizations which require each division to
be self con"'-4J·Ll. .__.
under divisional structure each department ~as production, sales and finance
1 Prod~ct specialization: it leads-to product specialization as all activities r
at~n e ·1d~
are grouped under one department. . V
2 Greater accountability: As each product division is
· for its own profit loss, it helps in perfonna:n.ce measure
poor perfonnance.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -. -- -- -- -- -~ -- =- -- -- -- -,
,,- -- --
-- Form al or aniz atio n Info rma l or aniz atio n
Inte ract ion amo ng peop le at wor k plac e give
;; It refers to the organization structure which is
rise to a netw ork of social relations~ip
; designed by the man agem ent to achieve
among em_ployees calle d info rma l
_ orga niza tion al goals. it clarifies the authority ••
organization. for exam ple managers and
• and responsibility relationship among superior
subordinates taki ng part in cricket match on
,.; and subordinates. The formal organization can
Sundays or mee ting in ca@tena2f moming .
..._ have either functional or divisional structure
coffee or ches~ rou •.etc.
Fea ture s
(i) originates from with in the formal
-. (i)Specifies the relationship among various job
nization as a resu lt of pers onal
positions and makes clear who has to report orga
ll'W to whom.
(ii)it is a means to achieve organizational (ii)s tand ards of beh avio r are deve lope d by
__ goals as all the rules and procedures required grou p norm s not by offic ial rule s and
are laid down. regulations.
(iv)it is deliberately designed by top level without specified directions.
management to achieve organizational goals. (iv)it is spontaneous and is not created
(v)more emphasis on work rather than deliberately.
interpersonal relationships. (v)it has no definite structure becoz it is a
complex network of social relationships
Advantaaes among members.
(i)casier to fix responsibility as mutual A<lvanta es
relationships are clearly defined. (i)leads to faster spread of information as
(ii)claritics of roles as each member knows well as quick feedb ck because formal line of
his duties and this avoids duplication of communicatio • not llowed.
efforts. (ii) it help ft fil; ci I needs of
(iii)unity of command is maintained by a empl?ye s, , • r s s eir job satis!action
established chain of communication. an O s th~ s o be ngingness m the
(iv)it helps in achievement of goals by or a~a t .
clarifying rules and procedures and als •i itYo e ates or • a equacies in the
giving more importance to work. o al r a1 ization there y helps in
(v) it brings stability as empl a hi • ganizational goals ,for e.g
are guided throu h s ecific r le . o ees reaction towards plans and policies
Disadvanta s e tested through the informal network.
(i)because offo Disadvanta es
chain) it lead (i)according to survey 70%> of information
delays in ci~io a •n spread through informal organizational-
(ii)creativ t t m structure are rumors which may mislead the
not employees.
recognized a o~ a y follow the
laid policies. (ii)it may resist any change in the
(iii)it gives more • portance to work to be organization so the management may not be
done rather than interpersonal relationship successful in implementing changes, it may
delay or restrict growth.
among employees
(iv)it does not provide job satisfaction as it (iii)informal groups can be harmful to the
organization if the informal group are
ignores social needs of the employees.
against the organizational interests.
(iv)there is no systematic working as it does
not form a structure for smooth working of the
or anization .
General manager .J
...) f\M
90 A~ w ui U lv
Delegation: A manager no 111 tt not manage to do
wn, the volume of work ka c~ ~ow capable he is can S
0 ma es it impossibl e tO <l o aII task on h"1s own. o to
organizational goals l,c 11as to dclcgat, l115
• I • .
' e aut mn ty. He has to share his work I
The process of sharin(0J worl<wit ation or
h subordinates is done through "Deleg
Delegation refers to downwa' 1·d transfer of authority from superior to a subordin
legation helps hout it ,his activities wo
et ·icted only t mhaat nagher to. extend his area of operations wit
res 1 ow e can do.
• Delega tion is pre .
-requisite bor the efficien t functio ning of the organization. Because 1t enab
. . .
manger to use his time on priority activities.
. . . es them wit • •es to
. h opportumti
s the subord • t , provid
• It also satisfie ma e s need for recogmtton and
develop and show their init ve. iati
' '/ ~.
{f ,: / Anumdeep mctUk,
hkh ht
Relation between authority, responsibility and accountability:
Centralization: refers to concentration of power or authority in few hands i.e top level an
organization is centralized when the decision making authority is in the hands of top level
management only.
Decentralization: those organizations in which decision making power is shared with lower
level are decentralized organizations. It, means dispersal of authority It refers to delegation
of authority throughout all the levels of organization, thus when decision making powers taken
by lower levels are numerous and important an organization can be called greatly decentralized.
There should be balance between Centralization and Decentralization:
Thus both of the above situations are not possible,Because an organization can never be
centralized or decentralized completely.Important decisions should be centralized and routine
decisions should be decentralized. As an organization grows in size, it tends to move towards
decentralized decision making, because those employees who are directly or closely involved
with certain operations have more knowledge about them then top management~ Thus there
should be balance between both. Thus an organization has characteristics of both
centralization and decentralization. Amandeep Malik
Rela tion behveen delcgatio
' n anc1 0 cccntralization:
I Dece ntral izati on is the t 1011 .
with hvo whe re as in De c~ cn ~ , of delegation, in delegation we mult1p
• _ccn ra 1zat1 0,n the authority is multiplied by many.
• J d.
Because systematic dc)c oar1011 t 1<mg •
place at ever y level will resul t m even Y I
authority and responsib" 1 tt' a
dece ntral izati on.
Y at every level and resu lt in
· d t
If delegation is restricted tO certam levels only then there will be no com plete ecen
a Iso.
For ioan~r
. um
le if directors give the responsibility to production head
sd~et! annu m and auth orize
to complete the ~ge
him to hire the required workers, decide their salan es
wor mg con 1 10ns.
1:he productio~i manager shares his authothemrity and responsibility with the supervisors who
directly deal with the workers and authorise to select the workers.
In delegation the auth ority is shar ed between two persons only, i.e.,_manager ~d subodirerdinate,
le at every level are mvolved, 1.e., ctors
whereas in dece ntral isati on man y peop
production head, manager, subordinates,etc.
Amandeep Malik