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cornea was used as a model. Not only did the expected cornea was demonstrated to occur not only in burns but also after
damage occur but also rapid subclinical injury to the ocular hypertension and cornea surgical trauma, indicating
retina16–23(Fig. 3). With TUNEL stain, substantial apoptosis the role of inflammation and TNF-a in long-term retinal
of the ganglion cells (the hallmark of glaucoma) was health.22,23
demonstrated within 24 to 72 hours. In addition, the depletion How do we know that TNF-a is a mediator in the
of the number of optic nerve axons was recorded after process of ganglion cell apoptosis? We showed that inflix-
3 months. These studies helped to understand the importance imab (antibody to TNF-a), infused over 60 minutes starting
of inflammation, and its rapid onset, in this glaucomatous 15 minutes after the burn, had a strong protective effect
neurodegeneration. against the apoptosis16–19 (Fig. 4) and ameliorated the process
Thus, insult to the cornea can result in a very rapid and of neuroglia remodeling.23 These findings may open new
widespread damage to the retina (Figs. 3 and 4). In chemical prophylactic treatment possibilities.26
burns, the retina injury does not result from a direct pH affect Thus (in animals), the TNF-a can promptly destroy
—alkali is effectively buffered at the iris–lens level, as a substantial portion of the retinal ganglion cells. Is that enough
measured with pH probes.16,19 Rather, the inflammatory to cause functional loss in patients? It likely is, because it is
cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) is generated already well-established that in humans and primates, a 20% to
in the anterior segment and rapidly (within hours) diffuses 40% ganglion cell loss results in visual field defects.24,25
posteriorly to cause the ganglion cell apoptosis16–21—pre- These results from the laboratory, combined with
sumably capable of resulting in later glaucoma. TNF-a was clinical experience, prompted a reevaluation of the treatment
shown to cause permanent changes in the immune function of of our patients with chemical burns.26 It is well known that
the retina, termed “permanent neuroglia remodeling,” which penetrating keratoplasty (PK) after severe burns have
continued to cause neuronal degeneration even long after the a virtually hopeless visual prognosis,27 whereas KPros
noxious stimuli were removed and the TNF-a production in usually do well surgically.7,28 Late glaucoma is the problem.
the anterior segment had subsided. This immunological shift Therefore, because the above-cited experience from animals
1590 | Copyright 2019 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Cornea Volume 38, Number 12, December 2019 Glaucoma After Corneal Trauma or Surgery
points to a very rapid (hours or days) destruction of ganglion when the intraocular inflammation has subsided, a KPro is
cells after a burn, it seems logical to start strong antiin- usually indicated.30
flammatory prophylaxis in patients promptly after the If a major ocular trauma such as a chemical burn to the
accident.26,30 Both corticosteroids and antibodies to TNF- cornea can have immediate dire consequences for the retinal
a show rapid and effective neuroprotection of ganglion cells ganglion cells—with expected glaucomatous optic neurop-
in animals,19 but biologics are well documented to be athy as a consequence—is there a need of prophylactic
considerably safer in long-term treatment (eg, in rheumatol- treatment even after standard corneal surgery such as PK,
ogy) and are used successfully in uveitis.29 A modified where glaucoma is also very common postoperatively?31–34
treatment paradigm for patients with chemical burn might Close to 200,000 PKs are presently being performed
start promptly in the emergency department (in addition to annually worldwide, and a reduction of the incidence of
standard treatment such as lavage, etc.) with the local postoperative glaucoma could result in a major improvement
administration of triamcinolone (Kenalog), injected sub- of ocular public health. To investigate this question further
Tenon or subconjunctivally. The initial choice of a cortico- in the laboratory, mice were implanted with miniature
steroid allows a tuberculosis test to be performed, and the corneal grafts or with miniature KPros into their previously
results returned before considering biologics—which pres- untouched, normal corneas.18 As was suspected, also such
ently can take 24 hours. When tuberculosis has been proven a penetrating surgery triggers rapid upregulation of TNF-a
absent in the patient, a biologic such as adalimumab in the retina, as well as ganglion cell apoptosis, although of
(Humira) subcutaneously, or infliximab (Remicade) intrave- less magnitude than in the alkali burn model used earlier
nously, might be a logical drug for long-term continuation.30 (Fig. 5). Even a short penetrating injury in a mouse cornea
Doses, routes of administration, duration of treatment, and can release potentially injurious levels of inflammatory
the effect of recently introduced new cytokine inhibitors are cytokines.35 The fact that glaucoma is such a long-term
presently under investigation. problem postoperatively after PK and after KPro, in patients,
In the burn patients, prophylaxis against later IOP- speaks for likely future routine local administration of
associated glaucoma from outflow obstruction—often starting a powerful antiinflammatory drug (steroid or biologic) at
in the healing and scarring phase—should be considered as the end of any surgical procedure—similar to what is
well. Thus, prompt institution of a carbonic anhydrase recommended after chemical burns. The route of local
inhibitor (drops can be unreliable, irritating, after burn) is administration can be subconjunctival, sub-Tenon or, less
recommended to bring the IOP to the lowest safe level and likely, intravitreal. Postoperative antiinflammatory drops to
maintain it there for months. Finally, after 3 to 6 months, the surface of the eye, or released from a subconjunctival
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Dohlman et al Cornea Volume 38, Number 12, December 2019
ganglion cell damage during the first few days after the
traumatic event? In our animal experiments, the IOP
remained normal before burn and 24 hours later (Fig. 6),
but what about the possibility of a severe peak between the 2
time points? Some additional experiments were therefore
performed in mice and rabbits (unpublished, but with
approved protocols). An IOP spike was indeed recorded in
rabbits with a fleeting maximum of 45 mm Hg, and
remained above 30 mm Hg for a total of only 45 minutes.
Afterward, the IOP fell to normal values. In mice, the
pressures were normal after 1 and 4 hours. This pattern
should be compared with what is known in the literature
about the levels of IOP required to cause ganglion cell
damage. Thus, in one study, a continuous pressure of 45 mm
Hg for at least 7 hours daily, for several days, was necessary
to initiate ganglion cell attrition.37 Therefore, it seems
extremely unlikely that the IOP during the first few
postevent days in our animals—when retinal apoptosis
occurs–will have played any pathophysiological role.
The clinical literature correlated with the laboratory
studies cited in this brief review seems to indicate the
existence of a rapid, inflammatory, IOP-independent path-
way to glaucoma—susceptible to effective inhibition by
FIGURE 4. Further experiments on mice with alkali-burned antibodies (Fig. 7). TNF-a has already been shown exper-
corneas showed that other retinal layers can be affected by imentally to be a mediator between high IOP and ganglion
apoptosis and that infliximab can have a profound protective cell apoptosis.38,39 However, in our animal experiments,
effect on them as well. This graph illustrates the situation 24 ganglion cell attrition was clearly triggered by the postburn
hours postburn, indicating the percentage of apoptosis. Black inflammation, not by the IOP—the latter remaining in
bar: untreated mice. Gray bar: treated with the anti-TNF-a a harmless range within 1 to 3 days after the exposure
antibody infliximab. GCL, ganglion cell layer; IPL, inner plex- (depending on the animal) when severe damage to the
iform layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; OPL, outer plexiform ganglion cells had already occurred19 (Fig. 6). In addition,
layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer. ª Wolters Kluwer Health
2017. Reproduced with permission from Wolters Kluwer
Health from Paschalis, Zhou, Lei, et al., Am J Pathol 201710.
1592 | Copyright 2019 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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