Pronouns (Basic Grammar 2)

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with teacher
Nada Amira
What is pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a

common noun or a proper noun. There are
different kinds of pronouns : Personal
Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, Possessive
Pronouns, Interrogative Pronouns,
Demonstartive Pronouns, Idenfinite Pronouns.
Personal Pronouns
The words, I, you, they, we, she, he, it
are called personal pronouns. They take
place of words for people, animals,
places, or things, and are used subject
of the verb in a sentence. Example :
This is my uncle. He works in a bank.
The words me, you, him, her, it, us, and
them are also personal pronouns. They
also take the place of words for people,
animals, places or things. They are used
as the object of the verb in a sentence.
Example : Baby birds cannot fly. Mother
bird has to feed them.
Fill the blank with the correct personal pronoun

Exercise 1 Exercise 2

Peter and I are brothers.

....... share a bedroom Sue is not well. Dad is
together see a doctor.

My brother is a teacher.
All his students like....
.......... teaches English

Children, ...... are making

Here is another tennis
too much noise!
racquet. I do not know who
left... here.
Reflexive Pronouns are the
Interrogative Pronouns are
words myself, yourself,
the words who, whom, what,
himself, herself, itself,
and which. You use this
ourselves, yourselves, and
pronouns to ask questions.
themselves. They refer to
Example : What is your
the person or animal that
dog’s name?, Who are those
is subject of the verb.
persons?, Which do you
Example : I made this cake
prefer, Whom did you
Fill the blank with the correct pronouns

Exercise 3 Exercise 4

No one can help us. We have

to help.... .....broke the vase?

John, you must behave.... in .... came first, the chicken

front of your friends. or the egg?

They painted the wall all

by,,,,, .... is the word for a stamp
Possessive Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns

The words this, The words anyone,

The words mine,
these, that, and anybody, anything,
yours, his, hers,
those are called someone, somebody and
ours, and theirs are
demonstrative something are called
called possessive
pronouns. They are indefinite pronouns.
pronouns. You use
showing words. You use indefinite
possessive pronouns
Singular : This and pronouns when you are
to talk about things
That not talking about a
that belong to
Plural : These and particular person or
Those thing.
Fill the blank with the correct pronouns

Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7

It was my fault, not.... ...... is a pitcure of ..... knows the answer

our beach house? to that question.

Put....back in the
This is my bag not Is.....yours? cupboard, please.
James... is under that

Rita and I both have Are....your scissors?

I can see...but I do red but No.... are Mary’s. ....
notknow what it is.
... is blue. are mine.

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