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EIM-11 Q1 W3 Mod3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila





Quarter 1 Week 3 Module 3

Learning Competency:
Prepare Electrical Materials and Tools for
the Task
How to Use this Competency
Based Module?

Before you start answering the module, I want you to set aside other tasks or
activities that might disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple
instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the lessons.
Writing enhances learning which is an important factor for your improvement.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!

Parts of the Module

• Expectations - These are the lessons which you will be informed after
completing the lessons in the module.
• Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back - This section will measure topics and skills you have learned
from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Activities - These are activities designed to develop critical thinking and other
competencies. This can be done with or without a partner depending on the
nature of the activity.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
• Checking your Understanding - It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
• Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

Lesson 3: Prepare
Electrical Tool and


• Prepare a list of electrical tools and materials for a specific job

• Use electrical tools and materials in line with the job specification

Pre-test 3.1

I. Multiple Choice: Read each statement carefully. Then, Write the letter of the correct
answer before on the space provided. Use capital letter only and no erasures.

_____1. What will be the best tools to use, if you want to mount junction box in a
wooden wall?
A. Screwdriver B. Hammer C. Pliers D. Gimlet
_____2. To remove the insulator of the TW #18 AWG solid cu. wire, what is the best
tool to use?
A. Pliers B. Wire stripper C. Blade cutter D. Hickey
_____3. These are tools used in driving or pounding and pulling out nails.
A. Ballpeen hammers B. Claw hammer
C. Mallet (rubber head) D. Stubby screwdriver

_____4. A small drilling machine with a chuck capacity of ¼‖ to 3/8‖. It is used in
making holes on metal sheets and concrete walls.
A. Electric power drill B. Portable electric drill
C. Power saw D. Portable grinder
_____5. Johnny wants to bend a plastic pipe in 90degree. What is the best power tool
to use?
A. Electric stove B. Heat gun
C. Lighter D. Gas stove
_____6. This is a metal box where all circuit breaker place.
A. Junction box B. Square box
C. Utility box D. Panel board
_____7. An electrical material used as the passage of wires for protection and
A. Connectors B. Clamps
C. Conduits D. Male plug
_____8. It is used to attach metallic or non-metallic conduit to the junction or utility
A. Connectors B. Clamps
C. Conduits D. Male plug
_____9. This is a protective device used to automatically in trip position when trouble
in the circuit such as short circuit or overload occurs.
A. Circuit breaker B. Fuse
C. Electrical tape D. Bulb
_____10. It is an octagonal shaped electrical material where the connections or joints
of wires are being done? It is also where the flush type lamp holder is
A. Junction box B. Square box
C. Utility box D. Panel board

II. Identification: Read the statement carefully and identify what is being described or
defined. Write your answer on the space provided.

______________1. This is used for griping, holding, cutting electrical wires and cables
and even small nails. Usually used by linemen in doing heavy
______________2. Used for cutting and holding fine wires. This can reach tight space
or small opening where other pliers cannot reach and used in
making terminal loops of copper wires.
______________3. This has a cross tip resembling a positive (+) sign. It is used to
drive screws with cross slot heads.
______________4. This tool is used in driving or pounding and pulling out nails.
______________5. This tool is used to cut metal or plastic pipe.

______________6. Is a device inserted to a convenience outlet to conduct electric
current? A flat cord is attached to it on one end and the other end
is connected to a current consuming instrument or appliance.
______________7. This is a circuit protective device that automatically blows and cut
the current when an overload or short circuit happens.
______________8. This is a rectangular shaped metallic or plastic (PVC) material in
which flush type convenience outlet and switch are attached.
______________9. Are electrical materials used as the passage of wires for protection
and insulation.
______________10. Are used to attach metallic or non-metallic conduit to the junction
or utility boxes.

Looking Back to Your Lesson

I. Identification: Read the statement carefully and identify what is being described or
defined. And write the answer before the number

_______________1. It only used a single line to represent connections of outlets and

_______________2. It is a graphical presentation of electrical wiring connections to
install in a house or building.
_______________3. It is a circuit in which lamp are connected across the wires. The
voltage across each load is the same.
_______________4. It is a complete flow of current in the circuit or when the circuit is
switched ON.
_______________5. It is a condition of the circuit when total current flowing in the
circuit is more than the current capacity or ampacity of the
conductor or the branch circuit.

Brief Introduction

Electrical task can be accomplished systematically to save time, effort, and

resources with the use of appropriate electrical tool, materials, and supplies.

Topic: Electrical Basic Hand Tools and Power

1. Familiarize the different basic electrical hand tools and equipment;
2. Use and select basic electrical hand tools and equipment in line with the job
specification; and
3. Appreciate the value of basic hand and power tools.

Learning Content:

Electrical Tools and Equipment

Electrical task can be accomplished systematically to save time, effort, and

resources. Most of the work cannot be done using bare hands. To do the task,
electrical tools or equipment are needed to perform the job. This lesson will discuss
the function/use of each tool or equipment used in electrical wiring installations.

The following are common electrical tools and equipment needed in the
installation of electrical wiring.

SCREW DRIVERS- These tools are made of steel hardened and tempered at the tip
used to loosen or tighten screws with slotted heads. They come in various sizes and

1) Standard/Flat Screwdriver- The blade tip is wedge-shaped and

resembles a negative (-) sign. This is used to drive screws with a
single slot head.

2) Philips Screwdriver- This has a cross tip resembling a positive (+)
sign. This is used to drive screws with cross slot heads.

3) Stubby Screwdriver- It comes in either Standard or Philips

screwdriver with short shank or blade and a shorted handle used to
turn screws in tight space where standard screwdriver cannot be

4) Allen Screwdriver/Wrench- This could be in the shape of a

screwdriver or a wrench. Its function is to drive screw with hexagonal
slot head.

HAMMERS- These are tools used in driving or pounding and pulling out nails. They
are made of hard steel, wood, plastic, or rubber. The following are types of hammer:

1) Claw hammer

2) Mallet (rubber head)

3) Ballpeen hammer

PLIERS- These made from metal with insulators in the handle and are used for cutting,
twisting, bending, holding, and gripping wires and cables.

1) Combination Pliers (Lineman’s Pliers)- This is used for gripping,

holding, and cutting electrical wires and cables and even small nails.
They are usually used by linemen in doing heavy tasks.

2) Side Cutting Pliers- This type of pliers is used for cutting fine,
medium, and big wires and cables.

3) Long Nose Pliers- This is used for cutting and holding fine wires.
This can reach tight space or small opening where other pliers cannot
reach and used in making terminal loops of copper wires.

Wire Stripper- A tool used for removing insulation of medium sized wires ranging from
gauge #10 to gauge #16.

Electrician’s Knife- This is used by linemen to remove insulation of wire and cables
in low and high voltage transmission lines.

Portable Electric drill- A small drilling machine with a chuck capacity of ¼’’ and 3/8’’.
It is used in making holes on metal sheets and concrete walls.

Hacksaw- This tool is used to cut metal conduit and armored/shielded cable.

Steel tape rule is a measuring tool used to measure the length of an object in
centimeter and inches.

Multi-tester is used to measure the voltage, resistance and current of a circuit. It is

connected in parallel or series with the circuit depending on what to measure.

Bender (Hickey) - a pipe bending apparatus.

Heat gun - A heat gun is a device used to emit a stream of hot air, usually at
temperatures between 100 °C and 550 °C (200-1000 °F), with some hotter models
running around 760 °C (1400 °F), which can be held by hand. Heat guns usually have
the form of an elongated body pointing at what is to be heated, with a handle fixed to
it at right angles and a trigger, in the same general layout as a handgun, hence the

Blow Torch – Use for Plastic pipe bending.

File - A file is a tool used to remove fine amounts of material from a workpiece. It is
common in woodworking, metalworking, and other similar trade and hobby tasks. Most
are hand tools, made of a case-hardened steel bar of rectangular, square, triangular,
or round cross-section, with one or more surfaces cut with sharp, generally parallel

Gimlet - A gimlet is a hand tool for drilling small holes, mainly in wood, without splitting.

Fuse puller - A fuse puller is a tool used to insert and remove electrical fuses from
their housing.

Holster – Use to hold different hand tools.

Pipe threader - Use to thread metallic pipe.

Soldering - tools are used in making splices and taps connections of wires.


Direction: Draw a minimum of 25 basic hand and power tools with function in long
bond paper.

Performance Rubrics

Criteria 3 2 1 Rating
Some of the Most of the
All drawings are
drawings are drawings are
Appearance creatively/
moderately not creative
artistically done.
creative/ artistic. and artistic

Able to finish
Able to finish the
Time Able to finish the the activity
activity ahead of
Management activity exact to after the
the given period. given period

Activity sheet is Activity sheets Activity sheet

Cleanliness no marks of any have some marks is messy or
erasures. of erasures. untidy.
Less than ½
Above to the Exact to the to the
No. of
prescribed no. of prescribed no. of prescribed
drawings drawings no. of


• Using appropriate basic hand and power tools is very useful to us as an

electrical student/technician because it makes our work easy to save time and

Checking Your Understanding

Direction: Make a video/vlog demonstrating on how to use and maintain basic

electrical hand and power tools with guidance of your guardian. Use at least 1 basic
electrical hand or power tools found in your home but if you don’t have any basic hand
and power tool at your home improvise the tools using the available materials.


1. Don’t clown around or engage in horseplay.
2. Report all injuries at once.
3. Keep the floors around your work area clean.
5. Use appropriate tools correctly.
6. Wear all the PPE needed in this job.

Performance Rubrics

Criteria 3 2 1 Rating

Can operate the Can operate the Can operate the

Operation hand and power hand power tool hand and power
tool very well well tool

Able to finish the

Able to finish the Able to finish the
Time activity after the
activity ahead of activity exact to
Management given period of
time. the given time.

Systematically Systematically
Cannot follow
follow the steps follow the steps
Process the steps
prescribed all the prescribes
time. sometimes.

Did not observe
Observed the
Observed the the safety
safety precaution
Safety safety precaution precaution
all the time. prescribed all the
Can act with Can act with
Can act with full confidence confidence
of confidence according to according to
Acting Role
according to their role but their role but
their role. have some have more
difficulties, difficulties.
The The
Moral Lesson presentation/vlog presentation/vlog
is very well
is well instructive is instructive

Topic: Electrical Wiring Supplies and Materials

1. Familiarize the different electrical wiring supplies and materials;
2. Use and select electrical wiring supplies and materials in line with the job
specification; and
3. Appreciate the value of electrical wiring materials and supplies in line with the
job requirements.
Learning Content:

Electrical Supplies and Materials

Electrical materials are developed and constructed for a special purpose such as to:

1. Control the flow of current in an electrical circuit;

2. Carry electrical current from the source to the load or current consuming apparatus;
3. Hold and secure wires to its fixtures inside and outside houses and buildings; and
4. Protect the houses, buildings, appliances’ and instruments from any destruction and

The following are the most used electrical materials.

Convenience outlet- a device that acts as a convenient source of electrical energy

for current consuming appliances, it is where the male plug of an appliance is inserted

and usually fastened on the wall or connected in an extension cord. It maybe single,
duplex, triplex or multiplex and could be surface type or flush type.

Flash type Surface type

Male plug- a device inserted to a convenience outlet to conduct electric current. A flat
cord is attached to it on one end and the other end is connected to a current consuming
instrument or appliance.

Lamp holders- devices that hold and protect the lamp and are also called as lamp
Sockets/ Receptacle. These come in many designs and sizes. They are classified as
flush, hanging (weatherproof/chain) and surface types.

Flash type Lamp holder

Surface type Hanging weather proof

Hanging chain type
Switch- devices that connects and disconnects the flow of electric current in the
circuit. There are many shapes, designs, and types and they are classified as hanging,
flush, and surface types.

Surface type Pushbutton

Weatherproof type Hanging type

Surface type
Key operated type Dimmer Switch

Fuse- a circuit protective device that automatically blows and cut the current when
and overload or short circuit happens

Cartridge type Knife blade fuse Edison base – plug fuse

Circuit Breaker - a protective device used to automatically blow and cuts the current
when trouble in the circuit such as short circuit or overload occurs.

DIN Rail type Plug-in type

Bolt-on type

Junction Box- an octagonal shaped electrical material where the connections or joints
of wires are being done. It is also where the flush type lamp holder is attached. This
could be made of metal or plastic (PVC) Polyvinylchloride.

Metal type PVC type

Utility Box- a rectangular shaped metallic or plastic (PVC) material in which flush type
convenience outlet and switch are attached.

PVC type Metal type

Flat Cord- Is a duplex stranded wire used for temporary wiring installation and
commonly used in extension cord assembly. It comes in a roll of 150 meters and with
sizes of gauge # 18 and gauge #16 AWG (American wire gauge).

Electrical Wire/Conductor- electrical material that could be:

1. Stranded- wire which is made of multiple strands joined together to make a

single wire.

2. Solid- wire is made of a single strand of copper or aluminum wire. These are
used in wiring installation inside and outside the buildings.

Conduits/Pipes- electrical materials used as the passage of wires for protection and
insulation. These could be rigid metallic, flexible metallic conduit (FMC), rigid non-
metallic (PVC), and flexible non-metallic or corrugated plastic conduit (CPC).

PVC EMT Flexible hose

Clamps- electrical materials used to hold and anchor electrical conduits in its proper

Metal clamp Plastic clamp

Connectors- used to attach metallic or non-metallic conduit to the junction or utility


Metal connector Flexible hose connector

PVC Connector


Direction: Draw a minimum of 15 kinds of electrical wiring materials and supplies with
function in long bond paper.

Performance Rubrics

Criteria 3 2 1 Rating
Some of the Most of the
All drawings are
drawings are drawings are
Appearance creatively/
moderately not creative
artistically done.
creative/ artistic. and artistic

Able to finish
Able to finish the
Time Able to finish the the activity
activity ahead of
Management activity exact to after the
the given period. given period

Activity sheet is Activity sheets Activity sheet

Cleanliness no marks of any have some marks is messy or
erasures. of erasures. untidy.
Less than ½
Above to the Exact to the to the
No. of
prescribed no. of prescribed no. of prescribed
drawings drawings no. of


• Using appropriate electrical wiring materials and supplies are very essentials to
know to avoid electrical hazards like electrical fire.

Checking Your Understanding

Direction: List down all the electrical wiring materials and supplies that you can find
in the electrical plan below. Write you answer in the table below.


QTY. Unit Item Description

Post Test 3.1

I. Multiple Choice: Read each statement carefully. Then, Write the letter of the correct
answer before on the space provided. Use capital letter only and no erasures.

_____1. What will be the best tools to use, if you want to mount junction box in a
wooden wall?
A. Screwdriver B. Hammer C. Pliers D. Gimlet
_____2. To remove the insulator of the TW #18 AWG solid cu. wire, what is the best
tool to use?
A. Pliers B. Wire stripper C. Blade cutter D. Hickey
_____3. These are tools used in driving or pounding and pulling out nails.
A. Ballpeen hammers B. Claw hammer
C. Mallet (rubber head) D. Stubby screwdriver
_____4. A small drilling machine with a chuck capacity of ¼‖ to 3/8‖. It is used in
making holes on metal sheets and concrete walls.
A. Electric power drill B. Portable electric drill
C. Power saw D. Portable grinder
_____5. Johnny wants to bend a plastic pipe in 90degree. What is the best power tool
to use?
A. Electric stove B. Heat gun
C. Lighter D. Gas stove
_____6. This is a metal box where all circuit breaker place.
A. Junction box B. Square box
C. Utility box D. Panel board

_____7. An electrical material used as the passage of wires for protection and
A. Connectors B. Clamps
C. Conduits D. Male plug
_____8. It is used to attach metallic or non-metallic conduit to the junction or utility
A. Connectors B. Clamps
C. Conduits D. Male plug
_____9. This is a protective device used to automatically in trip position when trouble
in the circuit such as short circuit or overload occurs.
A. Circuit breaker B. Fuse
C. Electrical tape D. Bulb
_____10. It is an octagonal shaped electrical material where the connections or joints
of wires are being done? It is also where the flush type lamp holder is
A. Junction box B. Square box
C. Utility box D. Panel board

II. Identification: Read the statement carefully and identify what is being described or
defined. Write your answer on the space provided.

______________1. This is used for griping, holding, cutting electrical wires and cables
and even small nails. Usually used by linemen in doing heavy
______________2. Used for cutting and holding fine wires. This can reach tight space
or small opening where other pliers cannot reach and used in
making terminal loops of copper wires.
______________3. This has a cross tip resembling a positive (+) sign. It is used to
drive screws with cross slot heads.
______________4. This tool is used in driving or pounding and pulling out nails.
______________5. This tool is used to cut metal or plastic pipe.
______________6. Is a device inserted to a convenience outlet to conduct electric
current? A flat cord is attached to it on one end and the other end
is connected to a current consuming instrument or appliance.
______________7. This is a circuit protective device that automatically blows and cut
the current when an overload or short circuit happens.
______________8. This is a rectangular shaped metallic or plastic (PVC) material in
which flush type convenience outlet and switch are attached.
______________9. Are electrical materials used as the passage of wires for protection
and insulation.
______________10. Are used to attach metallic or non-metallic conduit to the junction
or utility boxes.

Reflective Learning

Direction: Write your reflection about the lesson on the space provided.

I learned that ….

• Azares, Efren F. and Recana, Cirilo B. Practical Electricity III; Adriana
Publishing: 1999.
• Agpaoa, Feleciano. Interior and Exterior Wiring Troubleshooting; National
Bookstore: 1991.
• Fajardo, Max B. and Fajardo, Leo R. Electrical Layouts and Estimates. 2nd
• Cardenas, Elpidio J. Fundamental and Elements of Electricity.
• Philippine Electrical Code. Year 2017 Edition.
• Fundamental and Elements of Electricity by: Elpidio Cardenas Coryright 1989.
National Bookstore.
• Balana, Ulysses B., TLE III Electricity, Eferza Academic Publication, 2004, pp.
• Handley, William, Industrial Safety Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co.; 1977, pp.
• Hubert, Charles I. Preventive Maintenance of Electrical Equipment – 2nd Ed.,
New York: McGraw Hill Book Co.; 1974, pp.
• Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers, Inc. Phillippine Electrical Code, Part
I, 2002, # 41, Monte de Piedad St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines: Bookman
Inc., June 2002.
• Philippine Electrical Code; Year 2000 Edition; Volume I by the Institute of
Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines. First Printing June 2002.
• Lyndon L Catequista, Building Wiring Installation NCII Competency Based
Learning Materials First Year, Department of Education: 2008.
• Rodrigo S. Castillo et. al., Building Wiring Installation NCII Competency Based
Learning Materials Second Year, Department of Education: 2009.
• Marino C. Cueto, Building Wiring Installation NCII Competency Based Learning
Materials Third Year, Department of Education: 2008.
• Noel M. Espineli, Building Wiring Installation NCII Competency Based Learning
Materials Second Year, Department of Education: 2009.
• Hector M. Vallarta and Roman A. Cabusora Jr., K to 12 Basic Education
Curriculum Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module,
Department of Education.

First Edition 2020
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government
agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such
work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition
the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e. songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright
holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these
materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not
represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Edgardo Q. Lariosa, EQHS, Master Teacher II

Editor: Ariel D. Tosio, EPS – TLE-TE/VOC

Reviewer/Validator: Zacarias M. Bangayan, PCCAHS, Assistant Principal
Christopher T. Castulo, EARVHS, Master Teacher II
Noel G. Bergania, JASHS, Master Teacher II
Aysa Geneviere O, Lapuz, EQHS, Teacher III

Illustrator: Edgardo Q. Lariosa, EQHS, Master Teacher II

Layout Artist: Edgardo Q. Lariosa, EQHS, Master Teacher II

Management Team: Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director

Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief
Dennis M. Mendoza, Regional EPS in Charge of LRMS
and Regional ADM Coordinato
Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V, Schools Division
Aida H. Rondilla, Chief-CID
Lucky S. Carpio, Division EPS in Charge of LRMS and
Division ADM Coordinator

Answer Keys

Pre-test / Post-test 3.1 Answer Key

I. Multiple Choice
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. A
II. Identification:
1. Combination pliers
2. Long Nose
3. Philip Screwdriver
4. Claw Hammer
5. Pipe Cutter
6. Plug
7. Fuse
8. Utility Box
9. Conduits
10. Connector / Adaptor

Looking Back to Your Lesson Answer

I. Identification:
1. One Line Diagram
2. Electrical Plan
3. Parallel Circuit
4. Closed Circuit
5. Overload


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