TheCrossOfChrist by Jack Sequeira
TheCrossOfChrist by Jack Sequeira
TheCrossOfChrist by Jack Sequeira
Jack Sequeira
Chapter 1
Crucify Him!
The greatest event that has ever taken place in
the history of mankind is the death, burial, and
resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. As one well-
known writer put it, “The sacrifice of Christ as an
atonement for sin is the great truth around which
all other truths cluster. In order to be rightly
understood and appreciated, every truth in the word
of God, from Genesis to Revelation, must be
studied in the light that streams from the cross of
Calvary.” (Gospel Workers, Ellen G. White, p.
In John 7:7 Jesus told the Jews why they hated
Him. His works proved that their works were evil.
When you let Christ live in you, Christ will do
something in you that can never be done by the
world. That’s the problem. As long as you are
doing good things that they can do, there’s no
problem; but the moment you love your enemies
and you are revealing Christ’s unconditional love
in you, something that they can’t generate, they
will get mad because you’re putting them to shame.
So Paul tells us, “If you live godly in Christ, the
cost of that is being persecuted.”
Chapter 2
Forsaken of God
What is it that makes Christ’s death the
supreme sacrifice above all other human deaths?
Many martyrs have suffered horrible deaths, some
in ways that at least outwardly appear more
agonizing than the death of the cross. Again, have
you ever wondered why the cross made such a
tremendous impact on the disciples and the early
Christians? The disciples spent almost three years
with Christ. They traveled with Him, slept where
He slept, and heard Him preach. They were taught
by Christ and they witnessed His tremendous
miracles. In spite of all this, three years later, at the
Lord’s supper they were still a group of greedy,
self-seeking men.
Therefore, He was totally God-dependent all
through His earthly ministry. John 5:30 says, “I can
do nothing of myself.” John 6:57 says, “I live by
the Father.” See also John 8:28 and John 14:10. All
these texts state very clearly that Christ was totally
God-dependent. Then read Rom 6:4; Acts 2:24, 32;
Eph. 1:20. All of these texts clearly tell us that it
was the Father who raised Christ from the dead.
Keep these two things in mind: Christ was God-
dependent, and He was dependent on the Father for
the resurrection. Don’t ask me what happened to
His divine consciousness when He was in the
grave. Where was His divine life? I don’t know.
It’s a mystery. We will spend eternity studying
that, but I do know one thing, it was the Father He
was depending on for the resurrection just like
everything else.
That is exactly what the devil tried to get Him
to do. In Luke 23:35-39, at least three times the
devil approached Christ—once through the Roman
soldiers, once through the priests, and once through
the thief on the left-hand side. Then, in Matt.
27:35-46, the people also added to that temptation.
The temptation was the same, “Come down from
the cross and save yourself.” Can you imagine
what that temptation was like? We can’t. I’m glad
Desire of Ages makes that clear: “The temptation
that Christ experienced can never be fully
understood by men.... The withdrawal of the
Divine Countenance from the Savior in this hour of
supreme anguish pierced His heart with a sorrow
that can never be fully understood by man.” Ibid.
Chapter 3
Born Crucified
As already mentioned, the cross of Christ was
at the heart of New Testament preaching. This is
especially true of the greatest preacher, evangelist,
and theologian of the New Testament, the apostle
Paul. As an introduction to this chapter, let us look
at one of those sublime statements he made about
the cross: “For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to
preach the gospel; not with wisdom of words, lest
the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish
foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the
power of God” (1 Cor. 1:17, 18).
Now we will look at the third important truth of
the cross. We read in Corinthians that the cross of
Christ is the power of God to save us from sin. The
New Testament teaches that the cross is where God
saves us from sin. It is in the cross that we have
redemption from sin. But in order to appreciate this
truth fully we must first of all come to grips with
Now God does not hold you guilty for the law
of sin that dwells in your members. You were born
with it. You are not guilty of it. So the force of sin,
the power of sin doesn’t involve guilt, but it does
disqualify you and me from heaven. In 1 Cor.
15:50 we read, “Flesh and blood,” and by that Paul
means: “sinful human nature cannot inherit the
kingdom of God.” Why? Because “corruption
cannot inherit incorruption” (1 Cor. 15:50).
In Gal. 5:24 we read: “We who belong to
Christ have crucified the flesh.” That’s where the
flesh belongs with all its desires. Romans 13:14
says: “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will
make no provision for the flesh.” Gal. 5:16 says:
“Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfil the
desires of the flesh.” Do you want victory over the
power of the flesh? It is in the cross of Christ, not
in your promises, not in your resolutions. They are
like ropes of sand. Christ says in John 12:24:
“Verily, verily, (verily means “truly” and said
twice indicates emphasis) I say unto you, except a
kernel of wheat fall to the ground and dies it
abideth alone (a seed cannot bear fruit until it falls
to the ground and dies), but if it die it bringeth
forth much fruit.”
Chapter 4
The Resurrection
Any study on the Cross of Christ is incomplete
without touching on the resurrection. Not only was
the resurrection of Christ everything to His
disciples, but it plays a vital part in our redemption
and, in this concluding chapter on the Cross of
Christ, we will see four important reasons why the
resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is significant
to Christians in terms of our salvation.
Then Jesus, as they drew towards the village,
began to expound to them. Listen to what He says
to them in Luke 24, verse 25-27: “Then He [that is,
Jesus] said to them, ‘O foolish ones and slow of
heart to believe in all that the prophets have
spoken. Ought not the Christ to have suffered these
things and to enter into His glory?’ And then,
beginning with Moses, going through all the
prophets, Jesus expounded to them in all the
Scriptures the things concerning Himself.”