Alok 2019
Alok 2019
Alok 2019
Disaster Risk?
Shashwat Alok
Indian School of Business
Nitin Kumar
Indian School of Business
Received December 7, 2017; editorial decision September 24, 2019 by Editor Harrison
Hong. Authors have furnished an Internet Appendix, which is available on the Oxford
University Press Web site next to the link to the final published paper online.
Policy makers and institutional investors across the world are increasingly
concerned about the impact of climate change risks on the broader economy, in
general, and capital markets, in particular.1 At a recent UN Foundation Investor
Summit on Climate Risk, the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, remarked
that “. . . investors need to know how the impacts of climate change can
affect specific companies, sectors and financial markets as a whole.”2 Similarly,
We thank Harrison Hong (Editor) and two anonymous referees. We also thank Andrew Karolyi, Jose Scheinkman,
and Sumudu Watugala (discussant) and participants at the RFS Climate Finance Conference 2017 and 2018
for helpful comments. Any remaining errors or omissions are our own. Send correspondence to Shashwat
Alok, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, Telangana 500111, India; telephone: 91-40-23187188. E-mail:
[email protected].
1 Climate risk can be broadly classified into three categories (Hjort 2016): (a) environmental risks, such as loss
of biodiversity, melting of ice sheets; (b) policy risks, such as when and how new regulations will be imposed,
and their impacts; and (c) economic risks, defined as the uncertainty impact of climate risk on the economy, in
general, and financial markets in particular. Our study concerns the economic risk associated with climate risk.
2 See Ki-moon (2016).
© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Society for Financial Studies.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].
4 Institutional funds hold more than 60% of domestic equity and account for around 70% of trading volume
(Gompers and Metrick 2001; Bennett et al. 2003; Boehmer and Kelley 2009). The more recent report in Investment
Company Institute Fact Book 2018 shows that the total net assets of U.S. investment companies is close to $22.5
trillion, of which $18.7 trillion is held in open-ended mutual funds. The shares held by mutual funds represent
more than 30% of outstanding shares in the U.S. market.
to (or otherwise made keenly aware of) the consequences of a rare but
devasting climatic event may overestimate the probability of such disasters
in the future, and, consequently, underweight stocks recently exposed to such
climatic events in their portfolios. We call this the “salience hypothesis.”
We also recognize that professional money managers have better information
than most individual investors. This implies that a money manager can
more correctly estimate the impact of climatic disasters and make a rational
portfolio allocation decision. For instance, Coval and Moskowitz (2001)
show that mutual fund managers possess superior information about their
local investments. We call this the “information hypothesis,” and note that
5 Perhaps, for example, portfolio managers who are “sensation seekers” choose to invest in firms located in a
region with a higher unconditional probability of a climatic disaster. Of course, for this omitted variable to be
problematic in our setting, sensation seeking would need to be correlated with the tendency to exhibit salience
6 In the prior example, a sensation-seeking fund manager who invests in risky stocks could be located either near
or far from a coastline.
characteristics (e.g., fund size, recent returns, and flows; firm leverage, size,
and profitability) and fixed effects (firm, fund, year-quarter, disaster-quarter,
county, and stock-season fixed effects). Next, we find that this local-fund
underweighting of disaster zone stocks is sharpest up to four quarters after
the disaster, before gradually diminishing over subsequent quarters, a finding
that is consistent with the implications of salience bias (a salient event loses
importance in the mind of an investor as time passes and other salient events
arrive). Importantly, portfolio weights of disaster zone stocks for control group
and treatment groups funds do not have any differential predisaster quarter
7 Of course, given the nature of our tests—limited to mutual fund trading inferred through quarterly holdings
data—we cannot conclusively determine that mutual fund underweighting alone drives this return reversal effect.
1.2 Hypotheses
Bordalo et al. (2012) model choice under salient risk, with investors who
overweight the probability of a left-tail event when it is salient and act in an
overly risk-averse manner. In our setting, this implies that mutual fund managers
may overestimate the probability of salient (but rare) disasters that affect their
portfolio firms in the future (e.g., following the occurrence of a major climatic
disaster) and, consequently, underweight such firms in their portfolio. We call
this the salience hypothesis. Coval and Moskowitz (2001), however, find that
fund managers possess significant informational advantages with respect to
firms located in their proximity; these fund managers overweight nearby firms
and earn abnormal returns from their local holdings. In our setting, this implies
that fund managers may possess superior information regarding proximate
firms, and, consequently, may underweight local disaster firms if they expect
such firms to underperform in the near future as a result of a disaster strike. We
Figure 1
Empirical design
8 For robustness, we also use alternative cutoff distances of 50, 150, 200, and 250 miles (see Section 3.4).
9 A focus on the two quarters before and the two quarters after the disaster mitigates the likelihood of our results
being driven by idiosyncratic small or large weights in any given quarter. For robustness, we also work with
Q−1 to Q+1, Q−1 to Q+2, Q−1 to Q+3, Q−2 to Q+1, Q−2 to Q+3, and Q−3 to Q+3 and find similar
results (see Section 3.4).
10 The underweighting by CLOSE
ms funds is given by
Thus, the relative underweighting by close funds relative to distant funds is given by β3 .
zone stocks, WEIGHT mst , consistent with Coval and Moskowitz (2001). In
addition, both close and far funds decrease their weight on disaster zone stocks
prior to the disaster, consistent with both types of funds reducing their exposure
during a season with higher unconditional disaster risk, such as hurricanes
in late summer. These parallel pretreatment trends provide support for the
use of difference-in-differences (DID) strategy in this context to estimate the
causal effect of the disaster events. Further, we also use a distributed lag model
to formally test for the absence of differential pre-trends in our data. This
procedure and the results, which do not reject equal pre-trends, are discussed
in detail in Section 3.1.2.
We note that our research design draws on the experimental setup of
Dessiant and Matray (2017; DM), with some important differences. First, while
DM focus on hurricanes, our study includes 16 climatic disasters (including
Table 1
Summary statistics: Climatic disasters
Column 3 reports the average damage (in 2016 $ billions) associated with each
unique disaster event. The top-four disasters, based on the average damage
imposed per occurrence, are hurricanes/tropical storms,11 floods, tornadoes,
and wildfires. These are likely to be more salient disasters, and together account
for over 90% of the total damages caused by all climatic disasters during our
sample period. Finally, Column 4 reports the number of unique combinations
of County × Disaster. Figures 3 and 4 show the geographical distribution of
disaster counties.
11 SHELDUS categorizes hurricanes and tropical storms together, as hurricanes are also tropical storms with
sustained wind speeds over 74 miles per hour.
Figure 3
of a firm located in the county is represented by shading. Lighter (darker) shades represent firms in the lowest (highest) quartile of size distribution.
[16:30 30/1/2020 RFS-OP-REVF190150.tex]
Figure 4
Disaster counties and the distribution of close funds
This figure shows the geographical distribution of disaster counties in our sample. Bubble size represents the number of funds within 100-mile radius of the disaster county (close funds). The
average logged size (in $millions) of a fund located close to the county is represented by shading. Lighter (darker) shades representing funds in the lowest (highest) quartile of size distribution.
Do Fund Managers Misestimate Climatic Disaster Risk
Table 2
Summary statistics: Mutual funds
A. Fund-quarters (full sample)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Variable NOBS Mean SD Median
Fund size ($ millions) 127,303 1,083 2,473 238
Fund age 127,303 13.66 12.72 1.16
Manager experience 96,294 7.54 5.58 6.00
Expense ratio 123,331 .013 .004 .012
Turnover ratio 123,331 .858 .725 .66
B. Treatment versus control funds
12 Ideally, we would like to know the actual location of the fund and plants of the firm. Unfortunately, we do not
have access to the plant or fund locations. Hence, we follow prior studies that also identify disaster zone firms
and funds based on the headquarters’ location (see, for instance, Chaney et al. 2012; Barrot and Sauvagnat 2016;
Dessaint and Matray 2017). Further, to the extent that the actual plant location may be geographically distant
from the headquarters, we are likely to misclassify nondisaster firms as disasters firms. If anything, this is likely
to bias our estimates against finding any effects (Barrot and Sauvagnat 2016).
the funds in control and treatment groups are economically similar to each
other. They differ slightly in fund size, age, expense ratio, and turnover ratio.
Accordingly, we control for these differences in our regression specifications
in the next section.
3. Results
We begin by discussing the portfolio response of fund managers to climatic
disasters and then examine alternative explanations for our findings. Next, we
distinguish between the information and salience hypotheses. Finally, we briefly
13 The median size of a mutual fund portfolio in our sample is $239 million. The dollar value invested in the median
disaster zone stock by close funds is $2.05 million (unreported in tables). So a reduction in overall portfolio
weight of .09% translates into .09∗$239million
≈ 1.5% reduction in the dollar value of a stock holding.
Table 3
Portfolio response to climatic disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Closems .405 .066 .086 .072 .093 .091
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
Postt −.021 −.041 −.040 −.041 −.042 −.034
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
Closems × POSTt −.089 −.045 −.046 −.050 −.051 −.046
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
Debt/assetss,t−1 .009 .005 .008
(.321) (.578) (.418)
LBMs,t−1 .055 .044 .038
(.000) (.000) (.001)
WEIGHT mst = β0 +β1 CLOSE ms +β2 POST t +β3 (CLOSE ms ×POST t )+Xs,t−1 +
where m refers to a fund, s refers to a firm, and t refers to a quarter. We focus on two quarters before to two
quarters after the disaster. CLOSE ms equals 1 for fund-firm pairs that are less than 100 miles away from each
other and 0 otherwise. POST t equals 1 for the disaster quarter and the two following quarters and 0 otherwise.
The data span the period 1995–2016. Standard errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and clustered at the fund
level. p-values are reported in parentheses.
2, we repeat our tests after controlling for year, disaster-quarter, and fund and
county fixed effects and obtain qualitatively similar results.
In Column 3, we follow Kang and Stulz (1997) and repeat the results
after controlling for the log of firm size (LSI ZE), log of 1 + book-to-
market ratio (LBM), price momentum (MOM), profitability (ROA), sales
growth (SALESGROW T H ), and leverage (DEBT /ASSET S), in addition
to fixed effects. All firm level covariates are measured at the end of the
quarter t −1.14 We find that our results are robust to controlling for these firm
level characteristics. In Column 4, we control for fund characteristics, such as
expense ratio, turnover ratio, fund size, fund returns (average monthly return
over quarter t −1), and net flows during quarter t −1. In Column 5, we control
for both firm and fund characteristics, and find our results to be robust. Finally,
in Column 6, we also control for the contemporaneous stock returns and find
similar results. In other words, our results persist even after holding stock prices
We exclude floods from the above tests, as prior evidence suggests that
μm +δt +mst ,
14 LSI ZE is the log of market equity. MOM is the cumulative 12-month return of a stock, excluding the immediate
past month. ROA is the ratio of earnings before interest, depreciation, and taxes to the book value of total assets.
SALESGROW T H is the percentage quarterly change in firm sales, as compared to the same fiscal quarter of
the prior year.
3.1.3 Do managers learn? Bernile et al. (2017) show that disasters affect the
risk attitude of fund managers. They find that, compared to fund-managers not
experiencing a disaster, fund managers in the disaster area reduce their portfolio
volatility due to their becoming more (irrationally) averse to risk, in general,
including risks that are unaffected by the disaster; this risk aversion declines
with repeated exposures to disasters. In our context, we wish to know whether
portfolio overreaction varies with the prior disaster experience of managers. For
each fund in our sample, we first compute the number of major disasters that
a fund manager has experienced at any given point in time during our sample
period. We, then, split our sample into quartiles based on the prior disaster
experience of managers in a fund.
Table 5 shows the results of this test. Columns 1 to 4 show results for
quartiles 1 to 4, respectively. We find that, for all managers, the coefficient on the
interaction term, CLOSE ms ×POST t , is negative and statistically significant.
However, as we move from Columns 1 to 4 (i.e., as managers’ prior experience
Table 4
Dynamics of portfolio response to disasters
(1) (2)
Closems × Post[0,2] −.089 −.046
(.000) (.000)
Closems × Post[3,4] −.079 −.042
(.000) (.001)
Closems × Post[5,6] −.048 −.005
(.053) (.736)
Closems .405 .078
(.000) (.000)
Closems × Pre[-4,-3] .005 .012
(.743) (.233)
WEIGHT mst =β0 +β1 (CLOSE ms ×P RE[−4,−3])+β2 CLOSE ms +β3 CLOSE ms ×POST [0,2]+
θ1 POST [0,2]+θ3 POST [3,4]+θ3 POST [5,6]+Xs,t−1 +Xm,t−1 +μm +δt +mst ,
where m refers to a fund, s refers to a firm, and t refers to a quarter. We focus on four quarters before to six quarters
after the disaster. That is, if the disaster strikes in quarter t = Q, we focus on quarters Q−4 to Q+6. POST [0,2]
is a dummy variable that equals 1 for quarters Q, Q+1, and Q+2 and 0 otherwise. POST [3,4] and POST [5,6]
are defined analogously. P RE[−4,−3] equals 1 for quarter Q−3, and Q−4 and 0 otherwise. Controls are the
same as those used in model 5 of Table 3. The data span the period 1995–2016. Standard errors are robust to
heteroscedasticity and clustered at the fund level. p-values are reported in parentheses.
3.2.1 Are the results mechanically driven by the drop in stock prices? One
potential concern regarding our tests is that our results may be mechanically
Table 5
Do managers learn? Portfolio response to disasters based on the prior disaster experience of fund
Disaster experience quartile First Second Third Fourth
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Closems .130 .101 −.026 .063
(.002) (.008) (.424) (.078)
Postt −.068 −.051 −.040 −.030
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
Closems × POSTt −.052 −.063 −.027 −.022
(.023) (.004) (.148) (.196)
Debt/assetss,t−1 .047 .034 −.031 −.001
(.041) (.115) (.152) (.970)
WEIGHT mst = β0 +β1 CLOSE ms +β2 POST t +β3 (CLOSE ms ×POST t )+Xs,t−1 +Xm,t−1 +μm +δt +mst ,
where m refers to a fund, s refers to a firm, and t refers to a quarter. We focus on two quarters before to two
quarters after the disaster. CLOSE ms equals 1 for fund-firm pairs that are less than 100 miles away from each
other, 0 otherwise. POST t equals 1 for the disaster quarter and the two following quarters, and 0 otherwise. We
split the sample into four quartiles based on the number of prior disaster events experienced by the managers.
Columns 1–4 report results for the first to fourth quartiles. The data span the period 1995–2016. Standard errors
are robust to heteroscedasticity and clustered at the fund level. p-values are reported in parentheses.
driven by a temporary drop in stock price of disaster zone firms around disasters.
This would automatically lead to a drop in portfolio weights of these stocks even
in the absence of any actual trading by the close funds. This is an interesting
puzzle in itself, as it implies that other investors may be selling the disaster
zone stocks in response to the disasters, driving prices downward. Although
Table 6
Portfolio response to disasters (#shares held and dollar value of trades)
Traded value
Shares ($ millions)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Closems .031 .022 .091 .059
(.124) (.005) (.125) (.177)
PostT −.011 −.016 −1.519 −1.569
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
Closems x POSTT −.010 −.009 −.283 −.222
(.041) (.014) (.007) (.000)
Debt/assetss,t−1 −.029 −.042
(.000) (.141)
Ymst = β0 +β1 CLOSE ms +β2 POST t +β3 (CLOSE ms ×POST t )+Xs,t−1 +Xm,t−1 +μm +δt +mst ,
where m refers to a fund, s refers to a firm, and t refers to a quarter. The dependent variable in Columns 1 and
2 is # shares held, which is defined as the ratio of total number of shares of stock s held by fund m in quarter
t to the total number of shares of stock s outstanding. The dependent variable in Columns 3 and 4 is Traded
value, which is the dollar value (in millions) of the shares bought or sold. We focus on two quarters before to two
quarters after the disaster. CLOSE ms equals 1 for fund-firm pairs that are less than 100 miles away from each
other and 0 otherwise. POST t equals 1 for the disaster quarter and the two following quarters and 0 otherwise.
The data span the period 1995–2016. Standard errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and clustered at the fund
level. p-values are reported in parentheses.
our results in Table 3 already control for stock returns,15 we go a step further
and repeat our tests with two alternative dependent variables in Table 6.
15 We interpret these results with caution. To the extent that stock returns are affected by disasters, we avoid
controlling for them in the baseline regression, because doing so would lead to the “bad control” problem and
confound our coefficient estimates (see Angrist and Pischke 2008, section 3.2.3).
16 We obtain the shares traded by fund m in quarter t by comparing the shares held by the fund in quarter t and t +1
(adjusted for, e.g., stock splits).
Table 7
Fund characteristics and portfolio response to disasters
Concentration Number of stocks Fund size Fund age Manager experience
Above Below Below Above Above Below Above Below Above Below
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Closems .122 .025 .103 .039 .101 .072 .067 .094 .063 .097
(.000) (.030) (.000) (.029) (.000) (.003) (.001) (.000) (.004) (.000)
Postt −.064 −.024 −.062 −.023 −.047 −.037 −.039 −.045 −.048 −.041
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
Closems x Postt −.074 −.014 −.053 −.028 −.038 −.059 −.059 −.045 −.046 −.051
(.000) (.049) (.000) (.001) (.003) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.001) (.000)
Fund controls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
N 541,539 553,081 539,959 554,661 518,714 575,906 527,164 567,395 401,886 417,369
ADJRSQ .461 .496 .428 .385 .597 .553 .635 .537 .574 .587
In this table, we analyze whether the portfolio response to disasters varies with fund concentration, fund size, fund
age and manager experience. We use two measures for fund concentration/diversification: Herfindahl-Hirschman
index (HHI) based on the weights allocated to each stock in the fund’s portfolio and the number of stocks in the
portfolio. Specifically, Column 1 (2) reports the results for the subsample of funds with HHI concentration above
(below) the median, and Column 3 (4) reports the results for the subsample of funds with the number of stocks
below (above) the median. Column 5 (6) reports the results for the subsample of funds with fund size above
(below) the median, and Column 7 (8) reports the results for the subsample of funds with fund age above (below)
the median. Column 9 (10) reports the results for the subsample of funds with fund manager’s experience above
(below) the median. We run the following regression model for each of the subsamples:
WEIGHT mst = β0 +β1 CLOSE ms +β2 POST t +β3 (CLOSE ms ×POST t )+Xs,t−1 +Xm,t−1 +μm +δt +mst ,
Where m refers to fund, s refers to firm, and t refers to quarter. We focus on the two quarters before to two
quarters after the disaster. CLOSE ms equals 1 for fund-firm pairs that are less than 100 miles away from each
other, and 0 otherwise. POST t equals 1 for the disaster quarter and the two following quarters and 0 otherwise.
Controls are the same as in model 5 of Table 3. The data span the period 1995–2016. Standard errors are robust
to heteroscedasticity and clustered at the fund level. p-values are reported in parentheses.
induce a preference for local mutual funds (Bailey et al. 2011), and, to the extent
that such local investors may themselves have over invested in local firms, they
may simply want to reduce their exposure to local firms. Thus, close funds
may experience outflows driven by the behavioral bias of their investors, and,
consequently, managers may reduce their holdings in disaster zone firms to
assuage such investors and curb outflows (a clientele effect). This is interesting
in itself, as it suggests that, even though fund managers may themselves be
rational, flow-driven trading pressures created by behavioral biases of their
investors may still cause them to trade in a biased way.17
To examine the above possibility, we test whether our results are driven
by some specific socioeconomic characteristic of fund investors. To fix ideas,
let us say that the only investor characteristic that influences their investment
17 Coval and Stafford (2007) show that flow-driven mutual fund trading pressure can cause temporary stock
preference is age. For instance, older investors and those closer to retirement
may be particularly risk-averse and prefer lower volatility in their portfolios. If
disasters result in higher volatility in disaster zone stocks, these investors may
rationally prefer to hold funds with less exposure to such stocks. Alternatively,
younger investors have less experience, and, consequently, may be more likely
to exhibit salience bias. Thus, if we find that our results hold only for the
subsample of funds with higher proportion of younger or older investors, it may
cast doubt on our thesis of salience bias in the behavior of mutual fund managers.
Conversely, if our results hold in both subsamples, it would be difficult to argue
in favor of a clientele effect.
Table 8
Socioeconomic clienteles and portfolio response to major disasters
Unemployment rate Prop poor Prop Elderly Prop black Prop Hispanics
Below Above Below Above Below Above Below Above Below Above
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Closems .108 .070 .089 .111 .129 .068 .086 .106 .087 .104
(.000) (.003) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.001) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
Postt −.046 −.035 −.041 −.045 −.035 −.054 −.039 −.045 −.045 −.039
(.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000)
Closems x Postt −.060 −.028 −.055 −.039 −.038 −.052 −.042 −.073 −.052 −.047
(.000) (.051) (.000) (.024) (.018) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.000) (.001)
Property damage −.000 .000 −.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
N 625,955 431,359 587,829 469,485 598,778 484,010 614,137 468,646 631,959 450,829
Adj R 2 .570 .590 .573 .588 .575 .588 .574 .586 .578 .579
This table reports the coefficient estimates from the following regression model:
WEIGHT mst = β0 +β1 CLOSE ms +β2 POST t +β3 (CLOSE ms ×POST t )+Xs,t−1 +Xm,t−1 +μm +δt +mst ,
where m refers to a fund, s refers to a firm, and t refers to a quarter. We focus on two quarters before to two
quarters after the disaster. CLOSE ms equals 1 for fund-firm pairs that are less than 100 miles away from each
other and 0 otherwise. POST t equals 1 for the disaster quarter and the two following quarters and 0 otherwise.
In Columns 1 and 2, we split the sample based on whether the unemployment rate in the disaster county is above
or below the full sample median. Similarly, in Columns 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8; and 9 and 10, we split the
sample based on the proportion of poor, proportion of older adults (ages 45 and greater), proportion of black,
and proportion of Hispanic populations, respectively. DAMAGE is the damage caused by a disaster (USD 2016
per capita) in a firm’s county. Controls are the same as those used in model 5 of Table 3. The data span the period
1995–2016. Standard errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and clustered at the fund level. p-values are reported
in parentheses.
19 We also conduct one additional test (untabulated). We explicitly examine whether close funds experience greater
outflows relative to distant funds. Again, in these tests, we focus on two quarters prior to two quarters after the
disaster. Each observation represents a unique fund-quarter. The dependent variable in these tests is net flow. Net
[T N Am,t −T N Am,t−1 (1+Rm,t )]∗100
flow for fund m in quarter t is defined as Net Flowm,t = T N Am,t−1 , where T NAm,t
represents the total net assets of fund m at the end of quarter t, and Rm,t is the CRSP net return of fund m during
quarter t. The coefficient on the interaction term CLOSE ms ×POST t does not suggest a differential change in
net flows into close funds, as compared to net flows into distant funds, following a natural disaster.
20 A disaster often affects multiple counties in the disaster zone. Therefore, one neighboring county can be matched
to more than one county in the disaster zone, thus, serving as a control for more than one treatment (disaster)
Table 9
Portfolio response to climatic disasters (disaster vs. near-disaster zone firms)
A. Pre- versus post- B. Difference-in-difference-in-differences
Disaster Near-disaster
This table reports the coefficient estimates from the following regression models: A. Pre- versus post-(single
B. Difference-in-difference-in-differences
WEIGHT mst = β0 +β1 CLOSE ms +β2 POST t +β3 DISASTERst +β4 CLOSE ms ×POST t +
where m refers to a fund, s refers to a firm and t refers to a quarter. We focus on two quarters before to two quarters
after the disaster. CLOSE ms equals 1 for fund-firm pairs that are less than 100 miles away from each other and 0
otherwise. POST t equals 1 for the disaster quarter and the two following quarters and 0 otherwise. DISASTERst
equals 1 for firms headquartered in the disaster zone and 0 for firms headquartered in the neighborhood zone.
Columns 1 and 2 (3 and 4) reports the results for the subsample of firms in disaster (near-disaster) counties.
Columns 1 and 3 (2 and 4) report the results for close (far) funds. The data span the period 1995–2016. Standard
errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and clustered at the fund level. p-values are reported in parentheses.
our baseline tests in Table 3, we compare the reaction of funds located close to
disaster zone firms relative to far funds with regards to disaster zone stocks. In
panel A of Table 9, we perform a single difference test and examine the change
in portfolio weights around the disaster event for the four paired groups. We find
that the extent of underweighting is, by far, greatest for the Close × Disaster
3.3.2 Impact on profitability. Our results, documented thus far, show that
close mutual funds reduce their weights on firms located in the disaster zone, but
not on firms located in the near-disaster zone. If the underweighting of disaster
zone stocks is driven by access to superior information regarding the future
performance of such stocks, then we would expect a drop in the performance
of disaster zone stocks, relative to near-disaster zone stocks, in the periods
after the disaster strikes. That is, the information hypothesis would suggest that
firms underweighted by a close fund in a near-disaster zone should outperform
underweighted firms in the disaster zone around hurricane strikes.
We employ a multivariate difference-in-differences strategy to evaluate
whether climatic disasters have an adverse incremental impact on the
performance of disaster zone firms relative to near-disaster zone firms. Table 10
reports estimates from the following regression specification:
Table 10
Impact of disasters on firms’ performance
ROAs,t Sales growths,t
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Postt .002 −.002 2.123 2.860
(.459) (.190) (.303) (.319)
Disasterst −.010 .001 .352 2.036
(.359) (.089) (.250) (.315)
Postt × Disasters −.003 −.001 −2.312 −2.838
(.230) (.244) (.295) (.316)
Debt/assetss,t−1 −.029 .088 .764 −2.575
(.349) (.284) (.418) (.329)
LBMs,t−1 −.043 .002 .585 .692
Yst = β0 +β1 POST t +β2 DISASTERst +β3 (POST t ×DISASTERst )+Xs,t−1 +μs +δt +st ,
where s refers to a firm and t refers to a quarter. The dependent variable Y is ROA in Columns 1 and 2 and
Sales growth in Columns 3 and 4. POST t equals 1 for the disaster quarter and the two following quarters and
0 otherwise. DISASTERst is a dummy variable that identifies stocks that are in the disaster zone. It equals 1 for
all stocks that are in the disaster zone and 0 for the stocks in the near-disaster zone. The data span the period
1995–2016. Standard errors are robust to heteroscedasticity and clustered at the fund level. p-values are reported
in parentheses.
similar results. In Columns 3 and 4, we repeat these tests using sales growth as
a measure of firms’ performance and obtain qualitatively similar results. These
results are consistent with the idea that both firms that are headquartered in the
disaster zone area and those in nearby areas may experience a similar level of
profitability decrease, because of the types of widespread disruptions that occur
in and around the epicenter of a disaster (power outages, road closures, public
service downtime). Further, it is also possible, that while there may be an adverse
impact of the disasters on local sales, a greater fraction of the sales of these firms
may be coming from other regions not affected by the disaster, thereby limiting
the overall effect of the disasters on firm profitability. Thus, our findings indicate
21 Barrot and Sauvagnat (2016) also find a weak evidence of a drop in sales growth of disaster zone firms by about
2.4%–2.6% two quarters after the event.
smaller market capitalization, the median market cap of these nonheld firms is
$46 million. Finally, we restrict the treatment sample to the disaster zone firms
in our sample and find that although there is an economically meaningful drop
in sales growth, the coefficient estimate is not statistically distinguishable from
zero. Consistent with firms held by funds being larger, firms in our sample have
an average market cap of $354 million.
Overall, while the evidence from analyzing the post-disaster profitability
of disaster and near-disaster zone firms in our sample is consistent with the
salience hypothesis, our estimates regarding the impact of disasters on sales
growth in affected firms lie in the confidence interval of prior studies, such as
DGTW-adjusted returns for years: year-1, year+1, and year+2, and quarterly
DGTW-adjusted returns for the event-quarter by averaging each equal-weighted
portfolio DGTW-adjusted return over all events. Our events are those climatic
disasters that cause the most damage, that is, hurricanes and tornadoes.23 Such
climatic disasters are arguably the most salient in our database, as hurricanes and
tornadoes are preceded by days of media coverage warning of their impending
arrival; in addition, these climatic disasters are, geographically, widespread in
their direct impact, and have large “footprint” in terms of average damage per
event (see Table 1). Table 11 shows the results. Panel A shows DGTW-adjusted
returns for close funds, and panel B reports results for far funds. Panel C reports
Table 11
Underweighting and stock returns
A. Close
Tercile Year-1 Event qtr Year+1 Year+2
1 1.141 −7.890 11.122 2.051
(.695) (.003) (.214) (.273)
2 −.782 −1.946 .148 2.393
(.811) (.257) (.955) (.377)
3 19.339 9.025 −.267 −2.633
(.010) (.001) (.945) (.390)
1-3 −18.198 −16.914 11.389 4.684
(.028) (.000) (.062) (.031)
effect. This is somewhat outside the scope of our analysis, as it would involve a
market-wide assessment of the valuation of stocks subject to temporary disaster
risks. For instance, other market participants, outside the mutual fund universe,
could possibly push down prices. In that sense, our evidence in this section
can be interpreted, most precisely, as supporting the idea that mutual fund
managers who experience salience bias and oversell stocks within the disaster
zone likely impose a performance “cost” on their investors in the form of selling
3.4 Robustness
We perform a number of robustness tests. For brevity, we report a concise
summary of these tests.24
3.4.2 Floods. We earlier noted, in Section 3.1.1, that we find weak evidence of
managerial overreaction to floods. However, when we examine the subsample
of floods that cause more damage (those with above-median total damages and
per capita damages), we find significant evidence that close funds underweight
stocks located in flood-hit counties more than that by distant funds. In another
test, we include floods along with hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires, and then
rerun our tests. We find robust results.
To ensure that our results are not driven by the choice of cutoff, we repeat
our baseline specification with alternative distance cutoffs of 50, 150, 200, and
250 miles to classify close fund-firm pairs. We find that the coefficient on the
interaction term is always statistically and economically significant in these
alternative specifications with the magnitude of the estimate decreasing with
3.4.6 Alternative pre- and post-disaster quarters. To ensure that our results
are not driven by a particular window around climatic disasters, we perform
tests with alternative windows around the disaster quarter. We work with the
following windows around the disaster quarter: [-1Q, +1Q], [-1Q, +2Q], [-1Q,
+3Q], [-2Q, +1Q], [-2Q, +3Q], and [-3Q, +3Q]. We find similar results across all
event windows. The coefficient on the interaction terms, CLOSE ms ×POST t ,
is always significant and similar to our baseline results in Table 3.
3.4.9 Are the results due to home bias? One potential concern with our tests
is that our results may be simply a manifestation of home bias. Specifically, we
know from prior studies that, on average, local funds hold a greater share of
local firms in their portfolios (Coval and Moskowitz 1999). This implies that,
even if both local and distant funds sold out 100% of their holdings in disaster
zone stocks, one might still see a greater negative coefficient on CLOSE ms ×
POST t for close funds. To address this concern, we repeat our baseline tests
25 For the stock season, we use four fixed effects per firm, one for each quarter of the year to control for seasonality.
with the natural log of the total dollar value of the shares of a disaster zone
stock held by a fund as the dependent variable. The log transformation allows
us to capture the percentage change in total capital invested in a disaster zone
stock around the disaster events. Thus, a fund that sells half of its one million
shares of a stock will have the same dependent variable value as a fund that sells
half of its 10,000 shares. Our results are robust to this alternative specification:
close funds sell a higher proportion of their predisaster holdings of disaster
zone stocks.
4. Conclusion
We examine whether professional money managers misestimate climatic
disaster risk. The risk associated with climatic disasters can enter a manager’s
portfolio if a disaster affects portfolio firms. Using a difference-in-differences
strategy, we first show that relative to the distant funds, funds closer to the
disaster zone reduce their portfolio holdings of firms located in the disaster
area. We do not observe such a differential underweighting by close funds
relative to the distant funds with respect to the firms located in the neighboring
Consistent with the fund managers overestimating the adverse impact of
disasters on stocks located in the disaster zone, we find that the bias in their
trading response is transitory and vanishes with time and distance. Moreover,
the response of close funds is not driven by any information advantage they
may possess over the distant funds as we do not find any difference in the
post-disaster profitability across firms in the disaster area and those in the
neighboring counties. The greater underweighting of the disaster zone firms
by close funds relative to distant funds is not driven by flow-driven trading
pressure created by biased investors or due to the drop in stock price of the
disaster zone firms.
Finally, we find that climatic disaster risk misestimation is costly to the fund
investors as it adversely affects portfolio returns. Specifically, a portfolio that
goes long on the disaster zone stocks that experience the sharpest reduction in
weights in portfolios of close funds and goes short on the stocks that experience
the least reduction generates statistically and economically significant positive
risk-adjusted returns after the disaster.
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