CT Clean Out
Form Title: Hazard Identification and Risk Control Analysis [HIRCA] Form
ID Source Activity Hazard Classification Sev Pro Cat Existing Control to reduce the Probability Existing Control
269 Operational
Pumping and Liquid Safety -3 3 -9 Crew are current on Nitrogen Operating First aid kit ava
Handling nitrogen Standard Equipment and surface line Barricaded the
Liquid when comes pressure test and ensure no leaks before the personnel only
nitrogen into contact job Place equipment in well ventilate area Do plan Run water
with skin can not enter confined space with out PTW Rig up Safety shower a
cause equipment as per Standard Barricade the available Rig up
personnel area and allow only authorized personnel wellhead and c
injury. Complete PTW and risk assessment before
Nitrogen gas the job wear proper PPE for N2 handling Stop
can displace the job if it is unsafe.
oxygen and
can cause
270 Operational
CSC Personnel Safety -3 3 -9 Perform prejob meeting and TBT before Wear proper PP
equipment rig injury, spotting/rig up/rig down equipment Perform emergency res
up and rig equipment risk assessment before the tasks (Identify plan and first ai
down damage pinch points, lifting technique, lifting of load) heavy equipme
could occur if Wear proper PPE (safety harness when path or below th
not done working at height more than 1.6m) Rig up unsafe Rig up e
properly. equipment as per applicable standard Only as per standard
Pinch points, competent crew can rig up CSC equipment persons
Lifting heavy Complete Lifting plan when involved crane
objects, and sling Ensure lifting equipment are
Lifting of certified and valid (lifting sling, crane, forklift,
load, slip trip pad eyes) Establish good communication
and fall. during the rigup/rig down Ensure sufficient
light Ensure equipment are in good working
conditions ( Green tags)
271 Operational
Mixing and Personnel Safety -2 3 -6 Wear proper PPE Review MSDS before Wear proper PP
transferring injury/Environmental handling chemicals Check suction and stations are ins
chemicals damage discharge line to ensure no leaks before control/containm
transfer chemicals. Only competent persons emergency res
are allowed to mix and handling chemicals kits Fire extingu
Complete TBT, PTW and JSA before the route is clear B
tasks Ground chemicals drum/ only authorized
tanks/equipment properly Ensure sufficient job is it is unsaf
light when handling acids Inspect chemical
drums sacks to be in good condition before
opening/using When open the drum ensure
pressure is bled off and keep body parts away
from the cap Establish good communication
to avoid any confusion
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12/11/2019 Risk Database
ID Source Activity Hazard Classification Sev Pro Cat Existing Control to reduce the Probability Existing Control
272 Operational
Equipment Can cause Safety -3 3 -9 Ensure equipment are in good condition and Rig up minimum
pressure test personnel inspected (green tags) Wear proper PPE Review emerge
and high injury, Safety devices (POP off, gauges) are certified first aid kits and
pressure equipment and valid Rig up equipment as per standard test safety devi
pumping damage Complete PTW, JSA,TBT before the jobs pressure test E
Define pressure limits for the job Setup and and inspection
install safety device on equipment and the for HP line) Sec
line and ensure they are operational Standard Fire e
Barricade the area and install warning sign pressure to zer
Only authorized person can operate the job is it if un
equipment Follow SOP on equipment rig up,
pumping and pressure test
371 Operational
Lifting and -Fall off loads Safety -3 3 -9 Operators certified by third party. • Risk • Clear the area
loading of from cranes, Analysis before the activity, where is included non-essential p
equipment & forklifts or all risks with the real conditions. • Permit to possible. • Main
chemicals any other Work. • SIMOPS. • Ensure load is within personnel. • Ev
lifting crane capacity • Certified crane with safety any moment if S
appliance. load margin •Inspect lifting appliance, sling, load if necessa
- Injuries wire hook, hose for visual damage and trace properly. • Put a
while of hydraulic oil leak on crane •Perform pre-job Ensure continu
handling the meeting •Known the load to be lifted •Start the signaler and
load. lifting operation only if weather permits radios and hand
- •Ensure good communication is established
Inappropriate •Review lifting plan ( equipment spot area,
rigging. swing path, location layout) before lifting
•Designate only one guide for the crane who
can give Signal • Do not stay under or in
between the swing path of the load, including
blind spot • Use safety harness when work at
height above 1.6m • Limited access to the
lifting area • Lights to control the activity. •
Double Check the rigging. • Fastening the
load with the appropriate accessories. • Using
certified accessories. • Using tag lines. •
Using signaler and guide person on land. •
Signaling the areas and restricting the access
to non-involved personnel. • Using fresh
people. Avoid people with symptoms’ of
fatigue or when it might be suspected.
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12/11/2019 Risk Database
ID Source Activity Hazard Classification Sev Pro Cat Existing Control to reduce the Probability Existing Control
372 Operational
Mob and • Rollovers Safety -3 3 -9 • During nights only convoys are allowed. • • Only convoy t
demob of • Lose the Night Driving considered only as last option. • protect the load
equipment load Journey Management involving security is available • Dr
• Accidents provider. • Loads properly rigged. • Identify MSDS • Driver
with the the risks along the road route to locations • know emergenc
villagers/ Ensure drivers are familiar with the road and kits are availab
citizens understand the risk associated • Controlled are to be availa
• Collisions speed by Drive Right. • In low visibility emergency • No
• Mechanical situations, reduce speed as much as be resting durin
Problems possible. • Fatigue Management. Drivers and drivers and sec
passengers properly rested. • No one should must be resting
exceed 16 hours of wakefulness. If one identified is ext
member of the crew/driver has been working change is requi
for more or close to 16 hours, the continuity of risk analysis an
the operation shall be consulted with the Line Lights turned o
Manager. Until the risk is analyzed and the make the convo
control measures implemented the activity accommodation
should be stopped. • Pre-Inspection approved when arrive to d
by Job Supervisor. • Rigging accessories in approved by the
good conditions. • Only certified drivers by Unit Vice-Presid
OS. • 24 hours notice to prepare the crew and
the equipment
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