The 17 Best Foods For High Blood Pressure

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Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the most common preventable risk factor
for heart disease.
Over 1 billion people around the world have high blood pressure.
It is defined as systolic blood pressure (SBP) values (the top number) of 130mmHg or
more, and/or diastolic blood pressure (DBP, the bottom number) of more than 80mmHg.
Lifestyle changes and dietary modifications can also help lower blood pressure levels
and reduce your risk of heart disease.
Doctors may also prescribe medications to reduce blood pressure levels, including
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.
Including certain foods in your diet, especially ones in potassium and magnesium, may
help lower your blood pressure levels.


Citrus fruits may help lower blood pressure.
They’re loaded with vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds, that could help keep your
heart healthy by reducing risk factors for heart disease like high blood pressure.
Citrus fruits can include: grapefruit, oranges, lemons.
A 2021 study reviewed the last 10 years of information on fruit and management of high
blood pressure.
The researchers found that eating roughly 530 to 600g of fruit per day (about four
oranges) was beneficial for blood pressure management.
Researchers have linked citrus fruits, in particular with a lower possibility of high blood
Drinking orange and grapefruit juice may help reduce blood pressure.
But grapefruit and grapefruit juice can interfere with common medications for lowering
blood pressure, so consult a healthcare professional before adding this fruit to your diet.


Fatty fish are an excellent source of omega-3 fats, which have significant heart benefits.
These fats may help reduce blood pressure levels by lowering inflammation.
A 2022 study looked at 71 studies and health information from 4 973 people to
determine the relationship between omega-3 fats from the diet or supplements and
blood pressure.
The largest benefit for lowering blood pressure occurred with a daily amount between 2
to 3g of omega-3 fats (about a 3.5-ounce serving of salmon).
Higher omega-3 fat levels in the diet, including fish, may also lower the risk of high
blood pressure in young adults with no history of heart disease or diabetes.

Swiss chard and spinach are two examples of leafy greens that may help lower blood
These leafy greens are a source of the nutrients such as potassium and magnesium,
which support optimal blood pressure levels.
For instance, 1 cup (175g) of cooked Swiss chard delivers 20% and 36% of your daily
potassium and magnesium needs, respectively.
A 2022 study found that among females with high sodium levels from their diet, every
1g increase in daily potassium from the diet was linked with a 2.4 mmHg lower SBP.
Spinach is a leafy green high in a plant-based compound known as nitrate, which may
lower blood pressure.
It’s also loaded with antioxidants, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which can
support heart health.
An older, small study of 27 people found that those who ate 16.9 ounces (500ml) of a
high nitrate spinach soup daily for 7 days experienced reductions in both SBP and DBP,
compared with those who consumed low nitrate asparagus soup.
More recent clinical research does not show a similar effect of high-nitrate leafy greens
on lowering BP, so additional studies are needed to further explore these results.


Nuts and seeds may have a beneficial effect on blood pressure.
Examples of nuts and seeds to eat as part of a balanced diet focused on lowering blood
pressure include: pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, chia seed, pistachios, walnuts, almonds.
Many nuts and seeds offer a concentrated source of nutrients important for blood
pressure control, including fiber and arginine.
Arginine is an amino acid needed to produce nitric oxide, an essential compound for
blood vessel relaxation and blood pressure reduction.
While some research shows a positive relationship between eating nuts or seeds and
lower blood pressure, the evidence is mixed in clinical studies.
Scientists believe the conflicting results could be because clinical studies involving nuts
or seeds and blood pressure measurements might be too short in time to identify any
potential effects on lowering blood pressure.
Longer studies may help researchers better understand how nuts or seeds may lower
blood pressure.

Legumes are rich in nutrients that help regulate blood pressure, such as magnesium
and potassium.
Numerous observational studies suggest legumes may help lower high blood pressure
Legumes include: lentils, beans, peas.
But a 2023 review of 16 clinical studies found no relationship between eating legumes
and lowered blood pressure levels.
The authors suggest that additional studies that are larger and longer may help explain
how legumes correlate with lower blood pressure in other studies.

Berries offer impressive health benefits, including the potential to reduce heart disease
risk factors like high blood pressure.
Berries are a rich source of antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which are pigments
that give berries their vibrant color.
Anthocyanins can increase nitric oxide levels in the blood and reduce the production of
molecules that restrict blood flow.
This may help lower blood pressure levels.
But more research in humans is needed to confirm this.
Some berries that may reduce blood pressure include: blueberries, raspberries,
chokeberries, strawberries, grapes, cranberries.
A 2020 review of clinical studies found various types of berries, including whole, freeze-
dried, or juice forms, reduced SBP by over 3mmHg.
The strongest effect on SBP in this study was for cranberry juice.

Eating whole grains like amaranth may help lower your blood pressure levels.
Studies show that diets rich in whole grains may decrease your likelihood of high blood
You could also try these other whole grains if amaranth isn’t for you: whole oats, quinoa,
brown rice, corn, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta.
A review of 28 studies found that every 30g increase in daily whole grains eaten was
linked with an 8% reduced chance of high blood pressure.
Amaranth is a whole grain that’s particularly high in magnesium.
One cooked cup (246g) provides 38% of your daily magnesium needs.

The oil from the fruit of the olive tree has numerous health benefits, including lowering
blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease.
A 2020 review of studies found that due to the nutrients and plant-based compounds in
olive oil, such as the omega-9 fat oleic acid and antioxidant polyphenols, it can be a
beneficial part of a diet that aims to lower blood pressure.
Crunchy, sweet, and nutritious carrots are a staple veggie in many people’s diets.
Carrots are high in plant-based compounds that may be involved in various health
processes, such as managing blood pressure.
A 2023 study found that the possibility of high blood pressure went down 10% for
roughly every 100g of carrots (about 1 cup of grated raw carrots) eaten daily.

10. EGGS
Not only are eggs nutrient-dense but research also suggests that they can be part of a
balanced eating plan for blood pressure management.
A 2023 study among 2,349 adults in the United States found that eating five eggs or
more per week was linked with an SBP level that was 2.5mmHg lower than people who
ate less than half of an egg per week.
Egg eaters also had a significantly lower likelihood of developing high blood pressure
over the long term.
Eating eggs also does not appear to be linked with other risk factors for heart disease
beyond blood pressure, and the latest evidence seems to support adults in good
health eating up to 3 eggs per day.


Tomatoes and tomato products are rich in many nutrients, including potassium and the
carotenoid pigment lycopene.
Lycopene has been significantly linked with beneficial effects on heart health, and
eating foods high in this nutrient may help reduce heart disease risk factors like high
blood pressure.
A review of 21 studies concluded that consuming tomato and tomato products improves
blood pressure and may help reduce your chance of heart disease and dying from heart
Additional studies have shown an inconsistent relationship between a diet with
tomatoes and blood pressure, so more clinical studies may be needed.

Broccoli is known for its many beneficial effects on health, including the health of your
circulatory system.
For example, adding this cruciferous veggie to your diet may be a smart way to reduce
blood pressure.
Broccoli is loaded with flavonoid antioxidants, which may help lower blood pressure by
enhancing blood vessel function and increasing nitric oxide levels in your body.
A study that included data from 187 453 people found that those who consumed 4
broccoli servings or more per week had a lower likelihood of high blood pressure than
those who consumed broccoli once a month or less.

Yogurt is a nutrient-dense dairy product packed with minerals that help regulate blood
pressure, including potassium and calcium.
A review of 28 studies found that consuming three servings of dairy per day was linked
with a 13% lower possibility of high blood pressure, as well as that a 7-ounce (200g)
increase in the amount of dairy eaten per day had a relationship with a 5% reduction in
risk for high blood pressure.
A 2021 study also showed that among people with high blood pressure, having a
serving of yogurt per day was linked with lower SBP levels.
No effects were found for people with blood pressure in the typical levels.
The researchers suggest that increasing daily yogurt consumption by one level was
linked with a 1.44mmHg reduction in SBP.
For example, increasing the daily amount of yogurt you eat from 2 to 4 times per week
to 5 to 6 times per week may benefit people with high blood pressure.


Certain herbs and spices contain powerful compounds that may help reduce blood
pressure by helping blood vessels relax.
Some herbs and spices that may help lower blood pressure according to results from
animal and human research include: celery seed, cilantro, saffron, lemongrass, black
pepper, garlic, onion powder, chili powder, oregano, cumin, red pepper, ginseng,
cinnamon, cardamom, basil, ginger.
More recently, a 2021 study on 71 people with risk factors for heart disease found that
seasoning foods with 6.6g (1.3 teaspoons) of 24 different herbs and spices daily was
linked to lower blood pressure after 4 weeks when compared with lower dosages of
herbs and spices (3.3g/day and 0.5g/day).

Potatoes have several plant-based compounds that could be useful in managing blood
pressure levels.
A baked medium potato (173g) with the skin contains 941mg of potassium.
This is 20% of your daily requirement and more than a medium banana provides.
A 2021 study fed 30 adults at high risk for or with high blood pressure four possible
diets, including one diet with 1 000mg of potassium from potatoes (boiled, baked, pan-
heated), for 17 days.
At the end of the study, the researchers concluded that the diet with potatoes reduced
SBP as part of an overall healthy diet providing roughly 3.3g of potassium per day.
Kiwifruit is exceptionally high in vitamin C and contains other nutrients involved in blood
pressure regulation, including fiber, potassium, and magnesium.
They also provide various plant-based polyphenol and antioxidant compounds.
That’s why researchers believe kiwifruit could help lower risk factors for heart disease,
including blood pressure.
A 2022 study of 43 healthy Asian adults from New Zealand found that eating two kiwis
at breakfast every day for 7 weeks resulted in a 2.7mmHg lower SBP than the group not
eating kiwifruit.
Additional research with more people over longer periods of time may help confirm the
role kiwi could play in helping lower blood pressure.


The United States Department of Agriculture defines “lean meat” as any meat with less
than 10g of fat, 4.5g or less of saturated fat, and less than 95mg of cholesterol per 100g
(about a 3.5-ounce serving).
Lean animal proteins might include any of the following meat or poultry foods that
provide high quality protein and nutrients involved in blood pressure management:
skinless chicken breast, beef sirloin, pork tenderloin, 93% lean ground turkey.
An older study with a small sample of older adults with elevated blood pressure found
that when lean pork was substituted for chicken or fish in a modified DASH (Dietary
Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet for 6 weeks, it lowered blood pressure
comparable to a more traditional DASH diet.
Research from scientists in China supports varying your protein sources for a lower
possibility of developing high blood pressure.
Of eight possible different protein sources, including unprocessed red meat and poultry,
people with the highest variety score (four different proteins or higher) had a 66% lower
chance of developing high blood pressure.
Lean meats can be part of a balanced eating plan for lowering blood pressure if they
meet your personal taste, budgetary, and cultural food needs.


The following includes frequently asked questions about foods that may help reduce or
prevent high blood pressure.
What food lowers blood pressure quickly?
No single food can “quickly” lower blood pressure.
But, having a diet rich in foods with certain nutrients (like potassium) may help lower or
maintain healthy blood pressure over the long term.
Experts recommend the DASH diet for people with high blood pressure or those looking
to maintain optimal levels.
It includes foods like fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.

Can drinking water lower blood pressure?

While drinking water won’t immediately bring down your blood pressure, staying
hydrated is important to supporting an optimal blood pressure range.
Water can help you meet your daily hydration needs.

Do bananas lower blood pressure?

Bananas are a source of potassium, a mineral involved in maintaining blood pressure.
While blood pressure can’t be lowered by eating bananas, it can count toward
increasing your daily potassium intake.
If you don’t like bananas, you may enjoy other foods that are high in potassium, such as
A diet with potassium-rich foods may help lower blood pressure.

What foods should you avoid if you have high blood pressure?
If you have high blood pressure, consider significantly limiting or avoiding foods high in
sodium, added sugars, and saturated fat.
You can also try swapping fattier cuts of meat for leane options.


Along with other lifestyle modifications, a healthy diet can significantly lower blood
pressure levels and help reduce your heart disease risk.
If you have high blood pressure levels or want to maintain healthy blood pressure,
adding a few foods listed in this article to your diet may help.
It may be best to speak with a doctor or registered dietitian before making significant
changes to your eating plan.

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