History and Government - Teaching Methods .New
History and Government - Teaching Methods .New
History and Government - Teaching Methods .New
1.0 Introduction.
In this first lesson we are going to define the term history and government and the
importance of studying the two as a combined subject in the secondary school
curriculum. The lesson will also look at history as a social science and its place in the
curriculum. Lastly, the focus will be on sources of studying history and government
1.1 Objectives
Although there is no generally accepted definition of the term “history”,
most of the above definitions seem to point at one idea: people and their
actions (events). From this, history can be taken to mean a study of the
aggregate of people’s past and present activities in time perspective. These
activities must be of some significance to humanity.
Now that we have known what history is, we will go ahead and look at why it is
necessary for you and your students to study history.
1.3 Importance of studying history
History was important in many societies of the world and it still is because:
it welds the society together by creating a spirit of togetherness and
interdependence among people who have a common goal and interest. “Without
history a society scarcely exists” (Harold Perkin: 1970).
it enables the learners to develop the ability of visualizing how other people feel
and think and thus helps them to solve their problems.
it helps to modify and improve the society by pointing out weaknesses and
strengths of peoples’ activities. It is of value because it “teaches us what man has
done and thus what man is” (R.C. Collingwood: 1992).
it gives us a sense of identity by telling us who we are, where we came from and
why we are found where we are.
it educates us on the world citizenship and this leads to international cooperation
and interdependence among nations.
Note: The foregoing shows the value of history in education that, “history should be
taught to everyone as part of their general education for life so that they can better
understand the world they live in” (Perkin: 1970). In Kenya, history as a subject
is combined with Government. It is therefore necessary for one to understand the
meaning and importance of Government.
Activity Identify the main features emerging from the above definitions on
We are sure you came up with some of the following features: authority, control, power
over people, ruling institutions and processes etc. It is important to note that as a subject
in the curriculum, government can be understood as the study of the political and
administrative structure (Legislative, executive and judiciary) of a given state or states.
Now that you understand the definitions and importance of both history and
government, it would be important to consider the place of history in the curriculum.
What role does it play as far as achievement of national goals of education are
1.6 The Place of History in the Curriculum
SCIENCE Peopl Aggregate of people’s past
Formal processes by which and present activities
Interaction and associations Understanding of the nature behaviour
of people and meaning of human and
History is not only related to social science but to other subjects in the curriculum as
well. This being the case, it is important that a history teacher bears the following in
These objectives of education are supposed to be achieved after learners have been
exposed to various disciplines of study, which are included in the curriculum. Each and
every subject in the secondary school curriculum in Kenya makes its own contribution
towards the achievement of these goals. The claim that a certain discipline/subject is the
most important would not be true. However, it would not be wrong to say that there are
certain disciplines that are more conspicuous and they infectiously permeate all the
others. History is one of such subjects. In relation to all humanities and social sciences,
none of these disciplines makes meaning or sense outside its historical context. Thus,
history can be referred to as the mother of all subjects because its contribution seems to
outweigh the contributions of other subjects.
This contribution is reflected in the general objectives of History and Government, which
state that by the end of the course, the learner should be able to:
Besides helping to achieve the national goals of education, history also makes the other
subjects to be understood better, for example,
Geography: by showing how present physical conditions have been brought
about by the past.
Science: by showing how scientific knowledge has been gradually built
during the past, for example, what science says about evolution.
Economics: by showing the development of economic activities of humans in
time perspective.
After looking at the place of history in the curriculum and its relation to other subjects,
we now turn to sources.
It is important for a history and government teacher to know these sources because:
it makes one not only aware of the various history and government sources at
one’s disposal but also of other alternative sources incase the ones in hand are
it enables the teacher to identify the weaknesses of various sources available
and thus be able to assess the reliability of the information available by cross -
checking with other sources.
it enables the teachers to know the procedure to use to collect historical data
for teaching.
It helps the learners to develop enquiry skills whereby they will learn to pose
hypotheses, collect data, determine the authenticity of sources and draw
conclusions from the data collected. They will also learn how to criticize and
analyse data.
There are various sources from which information for history and government is
obtained. The main sources are written documents, oral sources, archaeology, linguistics
and anthropology. While written and oral sources provide information for both History
and Government, the others are purely sources for history.
The written source was used in Europe, Asia and Arabia for many years before it was
introduced in Africa (except for Egypt which used hieratic Egyptian papyrus before the
Christian era). The written documents contained the history of the people of Europe,
Asia, America and Africa.
Some of the written documents on Africa can be found in libraries of North Africa,
Europe, the Middle East and Armenia, and in the homes of prominent Africans and
scholars in the Sahel. Recently, Ahmed Baba Centre at Timbuktu was established as a
centre of African history with the responsibility of collecting all written documents in the
world on African history.
The first written record on East Africa appeared under the title “The Periplus of the
Erythrean Sea” an anonymous work composed about 230 before the Christian era.
This was followed by other written works by Arab geographers, European explorers,
traders, missionaries, administrators and scholars and lastly African writers.
Today written documents are important because:
some are readily available for reference.
they are more reliable than other sources because they are written after careful
research and consultation.
they are portable, i.e. they are more convenient to carry from place to place
without distorting the contents.
they at times offer recent information as is the case of local dairies and
As source of History and Government, oral sources have some advantages in that they
provide first-hand information from the participator or witness of an event. History
becomes lively and interesting because it is told from the point of view of the participator
or the narrator. They correct basic biasness in local and foreign interpretation and lastly
they sometimes provide information, which is not available in books.
Activity Interview old people in your community about the origins of the
Community and file the findings.
From the above research, you must have noticed that oral sources have a number of
limitations. Some of these shortcomings are:
They suffer from distortion due to loss of memory of the narrator.
Some have a problem of biasness and exaggeration. This depends on the
community one is talking about. If it is one’s own community, the narrator
tends to over-praise certain happenings by underplaying the enemy’s
Misinterpretation/misquotation of information: This happens when the
listener does not understand exactly what the narrator is saying or implying.
Sometimes information received is misinterpreted or misquoted.
There are missing gaps or links. In a number of stories, there is some
information missing and this makes the story incomplete.
To overcome the above limitations, the teacher has to cross-check the information
on oral sources with other sources to assess the reliability of the information.
This will give oral sources a high order of reliability.
1.7.3 Archaeology
The term “archaeology” comes from a Greek word “archaios” meaning beginning or
ancient. As a discipline it means the study of very ancient times and antiquities. This
study provides silent witnesses and clues to civilization. Some of the clues left behind
include foodstuffs, weapons, skeletons of people and animals, and artefacts, or objects
made of stone, iron, copper, gold, glass or pottery. Other areas of interest are cities,
caves and tombs. These are studied and the history of people is written from them. This
includes social activities, such as education, religion, clothing, eating habits, marriage
and building, etc; economic activities, e.g. farming, iron working and pastoralism, etc.;
and political activities such as palaces, weaponry, etc;
An archaeologist begins by locating historical sites where people lived and follows this
by digging up or excavating the site in search of remains of human existence. After
discovering an artefact, the archaeologist starts studying it by recording the stratum in
which it was found, deciphering the text it bears, describing its shape, ascertaining its
dimensions, and so on. The data collected are studied from the stratigraphic, philological
and typological stand points. Through this, the date and origin of the artefact is
discovered using carbon dating. This is the process in which the amount of carbon in an
object is measured. The more carbon there is in an object, the younger it is. In case the
archaeologist is not able to determine the date, the findings are submitted to other
disciplines for scientific investigation.
Archaeology has enabled the historian come up with useful information on early people.
A classroom teacher can benefit from these findings by organizing a class to make trips
to some of the historical sites where evidence on early humans and their way of life was
discovered. Some of these sites in Kenya are Olorgessailie, Lukenya, Kariandusi, Hyrax
Hill, Gamble’s Cave, Muringa and Koobi Fora. Apart from visiting these places, the
teacher can also take students to museums to study some of the artefacts kept there.
Activity Identify and locate on a map some of the historical sites in Kenya
where you could take your class.
Archaeology as a source of history exposes the learners to reality when they interact with
real objects. It also gives information which otherwise is not available in other sources.
At the same time, it makes the teaching and learning of history interesting.
1.7.4 Linguistics.
Linguistics can be defined as the scientific approach used to study language. It deals with
aspects such as grammar patterns, similarities and differences between languages to find
out if they are genetically related. For example, if two languages display regular
correspondences in form and meaning in as much as 20% of their vocabularies (provided
that borrowing can be ruled out by some special techniques), they are said to be
genetically related.
Genetic classification of languages involves comparing words that are similar in both
form and meaning. Where the languages have descended from a common parent, words
having the same meaning may be expected to show regular correspondence in sounds that
are contained in them.
Linguistics is of great help to historians when trying to find out to which language family
a particular language belongs. Genetically, related languages are assumed to have
diversified through the operation of geographical and cultural factors from an originally
homogeneous parent or proto language.
Thus, the study of Linguistics helps the historian to know which groups of people had or
shared a common origin and language. A good example of such language families is the
Bantu group which has more than 400 communities in East, Central and South Africa.
Most of these communities recognize some words in each other’s language. For instance,
if we compare the word for “person” in various Bantu languages in Kenya, we find that
only slight changes are noticed as far as pronunciations and form of writing are
Activity Fill in the table below the equivalent of the word person in each of the
communities identified.
1.7.5 Anthropology
Anthropology deals with the study of human race, its origins, developments, beliefs and
customs. It attempts to identify the commonalities and differences existing among
human beings, their sources and depths of these sources among various societies. This
could be the way a society exists today or as it used to exist in the past. It aims at
achieving an understanding of the relationship between humans as biological entities and
their adaptations to their environment. There are two branches of anthropology namely:
physical and cultural anthropology. Physical anthropology traces the biological
development of humans as it is studied through fossil remains of early people to much
later forms. Cultural anthropology on the other hand deals with basic aspects of people’s
way of life such as type of food, clothing, shelter, language, folklore and religion.
An anthropologist could also study two or more communities and make a comparison
between them to find out whether they have similarities in their way of life. If so, this
would mean that they had a common origin. The historian will make use of the findings
of anthropologists to trace the origins, movements, settlements, interactions and
developments of communities.
1.8 Summary
In this lesson an attempt has been made to define history as a concept. Although the
definitions of the term history are many and varied, it suffices to say that, it is that which
is concerned with the recording of significant events of human beings both past and
present. The importance of the subject lies in its power of welding the society and the
individuals together giving them a sense of identity and a common destiny.
The study of history in Kenya goes hand in hand with the study of government, a subject
dealing with the administrative organs and structure of the Kenya government today.
This knowledge is important for it makes people aware of their rights and obligations in
the society.
History as a subject has an important role in the curriculum because like any other
subject, it contributes to the achievement of national goals of education especially those
concerned with national unity, interdependence of nations, cultural heritage, religious and
moral development and lastly, individual fulfilment.
History and Government as a subject has a rich source of information in oral and written
sources. The other valuable and related sources for history include archaeology,
linguistics and anthropology. These three can unearth a lot about past events / activities
of humans and they are closely related.
Aggarwal, J.C Teaching Social Studies Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd; 1982.
Bining AC and D.H Bining Teaching the Social Studies in Secondary Schools, 3rd edition
Magraw – hill company, 1952.
Crookalll, P.C. (1975) Handbook for History Teachers in Africa. London: Evans
Nasibi M.W. & M. Kiio(2004) Handbook for History and Government Teachers
Nairobi, Strongwall
2.0 Introduction
In the previous lesson, we defined history and government, discussed their importance
and the place of history as a discipline in the curriculum. We further drew the
relationship between history and other social sciences. Lastly we explained the sources
of history and government. In this lecture, our focus will be on strategies and methods of
teaching History and Government.
2.1 Objectives
In order to organise learning experiences for students, teachers use teaching strategies
which are ways and means of organizing and facilitating learning experiences. There are
two teaching strategies namely: expository and heuristic (discovery) strategies.
Examples of methods falling under expository approach are lecturing, dictating notes,
narrative, text reading and audio-visual presentation among others. The heuristic strategy
is learner-centred. Learners are normally the main characters in the teaching learning
process. The teacher’s role is that of a guide, director, supervisor. The approach is
characterized by:
o the students being actively involved in seeking and finding information,
discovering meanings, attempting translations and definitions, thinking of
examples and applications, making notes, summaries and compositions
and judging critically.
o the teacher mostly organizing the task, providing and suggesting resources
and monitoring how the students are doing the task.
Examples of methods falling under discovery approach are class discussion, small group
work, role-play and project work among others. In history teaching and learning both
strategies are absolutely necessary depending on a number of factors. Sometimes
students cannot find all the required information. This explains the need for exposition
so that the teacher can supply learners with knowledge, which is otherwise not really
available to them (learners). On the other hand, if all the information was given, students
would never learn how to find it by themselves hence the need for discovery approach.
Whichever method a teacher adopts, the following factors should be considered: the
nature of the topic; objectives of the lesson; the type of learners - age, ability and interest;
teacher’s personality, interest, ability and creativity; theories of learning, e.g. traditional
view versus progressive; facilities available time, books, money etc; size of the class;
environment which include- weather, ventilation and lighting.
Although there is a great variety of teaching methods at the teacher’s disposal, not
all of them are suitable for history teaching and learning. Some of the most
suitable methods used in learning are lecture, story telling, questioning,
discussion, role-playing, real and imaginary visits and lastly projects.
There are two forms of lecturing namely: formal and informal. A formal lecture is purely
verbal and communication is basically one way from the speaker to the audience. In an
informal lecture, communication is two-way from the speaker to the listener and from the
listener to the speaker. Informal lecture is normally interrupted by among others,
questions, comments, suggestions, viewing and observations and demonstrations.
The lecture method whose history goes back to more than 2,500 years has been criticized
from many quarters. Many educationists feel that the method is out-dated. The current
emphasis is on inquiry or problem-solving approach in teaching and learning. Critics of
this method say that:
lecture method does not engage its listeners in active learning, such as
modelling, acting, visiting places of interest, discovering and demonstrating
among others. It rather places the learners in a passive position, restricting
their activity to listening and note taking. As a result, the learners do not
develop an inquisitive mind. Instead, they form a tendency of accepting the
ready-made ideas ‘poured’ to them by their teachers.
materials taught through lecture is quickly forgotten. McCleish (1968)
reported that 40% of the main points were recalled immediately after the
lecture and only 20% a week later.
lecturers merely repeat material that can be found in textbooks. It is therefore
a waste of time to lecture on material that is factual and available in books.
some lectures are boring and uninspiring especially when they are handled by
incompetent teachers. They develop deadening monotony and learners
wander into more pleasant thoughts instead of listening, thus losing interest in
the subject.
lecture method disadvantages those who are not skilled in note-making. As a
result, they lose much of the lecture especially if there is no opportunity for
discussion and clarification.
lectures are ineffective in changing learning values and attitudes as the
learners are presented with facts to accept and memorize.
Question ? What are the other criticisms against lecture method, not mentioned
Note: Although much of the above criticism is valid to a certain extent, it should be
pointed out that it is not the technique itself, which is defective, but rather its
abuse as a result of being handled by inexperienced and unimaginative teachers.
Proper planning and supplementary provisions can overcome most of the
weaknesses of the method. Used properly and appropriately, it can bring
satisfying results in history teaching and learning.
Question How would you answer the charge that lecture method is
Undemocratic in the classroom?
To review a discussion
When the learners have been assigned tasks in groups, it is very important after they
have presented their discussion, for the teacher to summarize the main points of the
topic under discussion.
To expand content
Through lecture method, the teacher is able to present additional materials based on
extensive reading or one’s own experience. This information could otherwise not be
available to the learners.
To conclude a lesson
After presentation, the teacher may conclude by summarizing the main points of the
lesson through lecture method. This is what is known as recapitulation.
To give assignment
When giving an assignment, some amount of lecture is unavoidable. This is because
the teacher is required to explain what is expected of the learners in the given
Note Although, the above situations are appropriate for lecture method, it is important
for the history teacher to note that the success of any lecture depends on three main
factors stated below:
Ability of the teacher
The personality of the teacher, training, competence, resourcefulness, interest
and imagination will contribute to a good lecture. The teacher has to think and
dramatize related ideas, taking students from one generation to another, or
from their nation to another.
The readiness and the capacity for the learners to follow the lecture
The teacher has to be aware of the ability of the class to understand. The younger
the learners are, the more difficult it will be for them to concentrate on a lecture for
long because their capacity of absorbing and concentrating on lectures diminish with
time, for example, the form ones cannot concentrate on a lecture for a full forty (40)
minutes period as university undergraduate students would.
After the completion of a lecture, the teacher should follow it up with related activities in
order to bind the learning. Such activities are:
Making notes - encourage learners to make notes using the outline given.
discussion - discuss with them the points they feel they did not understand
during the lecture.
Answering of questions - ask oral questions on the content covered.
Tests/quizzes - ask them written questions to test their understanding.
Summary - let one student summarize the main points of the lecture.
Activity From the above points, how do you think, the teacher can arouse
and maintain interest in a lecture?
The following points should be considered by the teacher when using story-telling
Identify topics in history and government which you think can
revise work already covered and expose difficulties which the learners may be
faced with so that they can be solved.
prepare learners for new material by finding out what the learners know
regarding a particular topic.
encourage self-expression, promote thinking and develop appreciation of
ideas among the learners.
stimulate interest, imagination, initiative and creativity among the learners.
Note: Although there are two basic categories of questions mentioned above, there are
other questions, which cut across the two categories. These are probing questions
(see Figure 4). Probing questions enable students to think beyond their first
simple response. Usually they are never prepared in advance because they are
asked according to the students’ response to earlier questions.
Probing questions serve the following purposes:
Application comprehension
Analysis application
If the purpose of the question was the recall of factual material, the teacher
may use another student to answer the question.
If the question asked calls for a judgment or decision, the teacher may
rephrase the question. This may take the form of a series of linked questions
to guide the learner to the correct answer.
If an answer is partly right and partly wrong, separate the two portions, and
leave no doubt which answer is correct.
Do not force the learners to accept an answer that they believe to be incorrect.
The history teacher can use questions at different levels of the lesson for example, at the
introduction as set induction. Here, the questions may be useful in defining the topic or
focusing attention, or even bringing out the lesson’s objective or reviewing the previous
lesson. It may be a way of relating the theme to the learners’ experience. Questions can
also be used during lesson development in order to find out if the learners are following
the lesson and also to get information on the topic under study. Lastly, they can be used
at the end of the lesson as a sure way of summarizing the lesson or giving an assignment.
3.0 Introduction
In the last lecture we discussed the two teaching strategies as expository and
heuristic. We also looked at some methods of teaching, which fall under expository
method. The last method to be discussed was questioning which is a bridge
between expository and heuristic approaches. In this lesson, we will zero on some
of the heuristic methods, which could be applied to history teaching and learning.
3.1 Objectives
Expository oriented discussion is where the teacher defines the objective(s) of the
lesson, explains learning activities, allows for the discussion, invites questions
before concluding the activity.
In inquiry-oriented discussions, the teacher may not state the objectives, instead one
arranges for the discussion to take place and the whole activity is open-ended.
Usually, there are no specific conclusions to be made. The teacher serves as a
guide not as a leader. The students carry out the discussion and arrive at a
Question ? Differentiate between controlled and open discussion?
Question ? Identify other roles of learners which have not been mentioned
Note: There are two types of discussion namely: whole class discussion and small group
As a teaching technique, the whole class discussion cannot work alone. It is serviced by
other methods like lecture, questioning, small groups because after using a given
approach, the teacher addresses the whole class and thus initiates more
response/discussion from the class.
Random grouping: This is where students are grouped without any order.
Friendship grouping: The teacher deals with a clique as a group.
Achievement level grouping: Students are grouped according to their
Differential ability grouping: The teacher intentionally places students with
different leadership and academic abilities in one group so that they can
form a more functional group.
Gender inclined: Students are grouped according to their gender. The idea
is to promote competition between boys and girls.
The teacher is free to make modification of the above guidelines to suit the
objectives of the lesson.
3.2.10 Debates
The most formal of all discussion techniques is the debate. It requires learners to hold
formal argument on a given issue. It is an important technique in history teaching and
learning because it enables participants to see the other side of an issue in order to meet
the arguments of their opponents; clarifies the controversy at stake and prepares the
learners for future roles in the society, e.g. being politicians, lawyers, etc.
Time keeper
1st P 2nd P 1st O 2nd O
Note: The panel discussion could be used when a topic under discussion provides a
variety of points of view and when the students have done research in a group and
their results need to be presented before the class.
3.10 Summary
In this lesson we have discussed the following methods under heuristic strategy:
discussion, small groups, brainstorming, debates and panel discussion. The following
features were covered under each of the methods: the importance of the methods, when to
use them in the classroom, how to use them and their limitations as methods of teaching
history and government.
4.0 Introduction
In the last lesson, we focused on interactive methods of teaching history. In this lecture,
our discussion will be based on some of the experiential methods which could be applied
in the teaching and learning of history. Among the methods are; role-play, educational
visits, imaginary visits and project method.
4.1 Role Play Method
It is defined as an unrehearsed dramatization in which the players try to clarify a
situation by acting out the roles of the participants in the situation. Selected
members of a class act out or imitate a situation/condition or circumstances. The
method is based on a life situation where the players personify other people and
assume their roles. However, it should be emphasized that the learners are
playing roles and that they are not portraying their own character.
There are many History and Government topics that can be taught through the use
of this method. These include:
Through these visits, learners are involved in the following: Listening, interviewing and
observing people in action, examining real things e.g. tools, reports and other documents
and participating in community affairs.
These places you have identified above are important in teaching of History and
Government as a subject. This is illustrated by the points below.
Question How could you prepare your learners for the trip?
you should ensure that there is proper conduct in the bus during the
trip, e.g. remaining on one’s seat, not sticking arms and heads out
of the window.
In cases of stops on the way, one has to take roll call to ensure that
nobody is left behind.
On arrival, you should reinstruct the learners on what should be
you have to ensure that students walk together in groups.
The students should carry out specific tasks assigned to them.
you should supervise the learners in various activities they are
involved in.
The teacher should control time and ensure that the students go
back to school/home before nightfall.
If the trip calls for spending the night out, away from the
school/home, you should ensure that the students are safe and
Activity Visit Kenya Museum and make brief notes on what is available
in the following sections:
(i) Pre-history section
(ii) Struggle for Independence section
(iii) Ethnography section
(iv) Artifacts of display
4.3 Imaginary educational visits
A very stimulating approach of teaching history would be to weave facts around
an imaginary visit to the actual place where events took place. This approach
could be used under the following situations:
When teaching remote history, you should take the learners’ minds to that time in
the past; they should be asked to imagine that they are living during that period in
the past and to visualize how they would have reacted in a given situation at that
When the place under discussion cannot be visited because of the distance or
insecurity, the learners should be asked to take imaginary journeys to that place.
When the learners cannot visit a given place because of lack of money or time.
When teaching topics, which are not exciting/interesting, the teacher will help the
learners to visualize the events vividly as if they are happening now.
When the teacher’s aim is to develop imaginative powers of the learners.
Before embarking on an imaginary visit, the learners should be assigned roles,
which they are supposed to perform at the imaginary site/venue. These would
include interviews, observations and participation in other relevant activities.
They would then be told to make individual or group reports, on coming back
from the imaginary visit.
This kind of approach will inspire learners to research on some unfamiliar topics so long
as they are guided on what to look for so that they can be able to report their findings to
the class.
producer type: The learners are expected to construct real things and models, e.g.
tools used by early man, modes of transport, court of arms etc.
consumer type: The learners are expected to make use of already produced
material, e.g. watching a film, reading or listening to a story about a great
personality, studying lectures of great personalities and writing on the
achievements and characters of the persons. After consuming the produced
materials, the learners can be engaged in a project like writing and acting out a
4.6 Summary
In summary, various methods of teaching History and Government have been discussed.
Those methods fall under two broad approaches to teaching namely expository and
heuristic. Expository strategy is an autocratic approach to classroom teaching while
heuristic is democratic. Whereas the latter is learner-centred, the former is focused on the
teacher. Teaching methods, which fall under these two strategies, run in a continuum
from purely teacher-centred methods to extremely learner-centred. Each method is
determined by among others the nature of content , type of learners, teacher’s personality
and teaching/learning environment.
Aggarwal, J.C Teaching Social Studies Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd;
Burston, W. H and C.W Green (eds.) Handbook for History Teachers, 2nd edition,
Metheun, London 1972.
Callahan J.F. and Clark L.H. (1990) Teaching in the Middle Secondary schools. London:
Crookalll, P.C. (1975) Handbook for History Teachers in Africa. London: Evans
Nasibi M.W. & M. Kiio (2004) Handbook for History and Government Teachers
Strongwall Africa: Nairobi
5.0 Introduction
In the previous lessons, we looked at various teaching methods. In this lesson, we
focus on learning resources. These resources will be discussed in relation to their
relevance to history teaching, and their utility in the classroom. Some of their
advantages and disadvantages will be highlighted.
5.1 Objectives
Print media.
This includes textbooks, reference books, encyclopaedias, newspapers,
journals, magazines, programmes, reviews, periodicals, etc.
Non-projected media (Graphic materials)
These are materials that use combination of drawings, words,
pictures and symbols. They include chalkboard, diagrams, charts, atlas,
maps, pictures, bulletins, felt and magnetic boards.
Silent projected media
These are projected materials that have no sound. They include slides,
filmstrips, overhead transparencies, silent films and microfilms.
It refers to any material through which messages are directed to the ear.
In this category there is audiotape recorders and radio.
Audio-visual projected media
These are materials through which messages are directed simultaneously at the
ear and eye. They include sound filmstrips, sound slide sets, sound
motion pictures and videotapes.
These are real things or objects.
These are representatives of real things.
Mass media
It refers to any means through which a message is conveyed to the
public. This includes radio, television and newspapers.
In using the above resources, you have to select the right materials to use in a given
history lesson. In this selection process, you should be guided by the following
Question ? Given the above advantages, what are some of the limitations of
media production?
5.4 Commonly used Materials in the Teaching and Learning of History and
5.4.1 Textbooks
A textbook can be defined as a standard book especially designed to teach a specific body
of knowledge to a specific group of learners. It is written for a particular subject at a
particular level in school or college. A good example of a history textbook is the History
and Government series by Kenya Institute of Education. Of all the materials of
instruction, the textbook has the most influence on teaching content and method
especially with the exploding growth of knowledge. According to J.W. Hurt (1962) and
Crookall (1972), a textbook remains, after the teacher, the learner’s chief aid, support and
the learner’s companion throughout the history course.
For effective utilization, you should never depend solely on the textbook nor repeat word
by word, what is in it. Rather, one should do the following:
Familiarize yourself within the textbook and supplement textbook information
with material from other books and sources. After identifying a topic covered in
the textbook, the reader should read it, and look for a similar topic in other history
resources available in the library or in the school.
Add reality to textbook information by using teaching aids, examples and
explanations which are not the same as those in the textbook.
Rearrange the order of topics if you thinks it is desirable adapting it to the learners
and their needs.
Use only those parts of the text that seem to be relevant. Skip the other parts.
Use the textbook for reference purposes during a lesson or a series of lessons.
Study pictures, maps, diagrams, sketches and particular passages and build
lessons around them. They can form a basis for class discussion.
Use the textbook when you want to develop critical thinking by encouraging
critical reading and testing for logic, and bias. The teacher can show the learners
that writers disagree sincerely by allowing them to compare the text with source
Use the textbook when discussing controversial issues. Discuss with the students
the view held by different people and sources (books) where these arguments
could be found.
Use it to explain unfamiliar historical terms.
Use it to develop writing styles e.g. writing of peoples’ biographies and
Incorporate the textbook into multi-media teaching strategy i.e. use it with other
materials and methods.
Use assignments in the textbook as follow-up activities after the lesson
considering different abilities of the learners.
Use it as a source of structure when planning to teach and encourage students to
use it as a basis for note making.
Activity Use the questions below to evaluate the effectiveness of the
textbook you are using to teach history and government in
any of your classes
Question ? How would you train your students on how to use the textbook?
While the learners may be keen to search for information by themselves, they may not
know what exactly they need; what sources to consult and how to go about processing the
They may not also be able to understand available, useful but difficult materials partly
due to their limited language capability and partly due to lack of supportive knowledge.
To overcome these problems you should do the following:
Survey the available reading first to evaluate their suitability on criteria of:
relevance and accuracy of information; and relatedness to the topic.
appropriateness to class reading level in terms of vocabulary, sentence
structure, level of abstraction and in terms of reasoning power of issues
that are controversial.
background material that is, whether additional information will be
needed to subsidize or support the existing material.
Identify a theme on which to focus reading. The teacher should consider
the theme can be clearly stated to suit the learner’s level;
the learners will have problems with parts of it;
it will fulfill the purpose for which it is intended.
Prepare relevant notes such as vocabulary and actual information to be
Prepare a series of focused questions to enable learners to know exactly
what they are required to extract from the readings.
Evaluate learners’ answers to determine which areas need further
Display on the bulletin board some newspaper cuttings, showing some
historical or current information, photographs, and illustrations. These
could be mounted in a book later or filed for future reference.
5.6 Chalkboard
Chalkboard is the most useful and versatile of the visual aids at the disposal of a history
teacher. It would not be wrong to say that the chalkboard is irreplaceable and
indispensable. According to J.C. Aggarwal (1982), it is the oldest and the best friend of
the teacher and the most universally used aid.
Activity Make a chalkboard plan for a lesson you would teach for 40
minutes based on any history and government topic of your choice
5.6.3 How to use the chalkboard in history teaching and learning
For effective use of the chalkboard you should:
ensure the chalkboard is clean before using it.
partition the chalkboard into three sections if the size allows:
use the left hand column for new words/concepts/terms
and any of those unexpected needs that occur in most
use the central column for planned summary, main
points of the lesson, record structure of the lesson.
keep the right hand column for sketches and diagrams.
write titles in capital letters in the middle top part of the chalkboard and
underline them.
start writing from the top left corner and proceed to the right.
write straight and parallel (horizontal) to the chalkboard.
leave ample margins on both sides of the chalkboard.
write legibly and visibly.
give adequate and uniform spacing between the words and lines.
maintain uniformity in writing style and size so that the material to be
emphasized shows up.
make sure that any work appearing on the chalkboard is clear, clean, neat,
orderly, relevant , true and of correct spelling. This improves the impact of
do not block what you have written, stand out of the way.
draw learners’ attention on what you write on the chalkboard and allow time
for them to transfer information in their notebooks before erasing.
From your daily interaction of the chalkboard and the above information,
Activity identify the limitation of chalkboard as a learning resource
5.7 Summary
In this lesson, we have introduced learning resources relevant to the teaching of history
and government by highlighting their importance. We went further to categorize learning
resources and to identify some of these resources which could be used in teaching of
history and government. The specific resources discussed here were: textbooks,
collateral materials and the chalkboard. The importance of each and how they could be
effectively utilized in the classroom were discussed.
6.0 Introduction
In the previous lesson we learnt about the importance of resources in the teaching of
History and Government. We also learnt about the use of print media and chalkboard in
teaching History and Government. In this lesson we are going to learn about the use of
graphic materials in History and Government. They include charts, maps and pictures.
6.1 Objectives
Examples of some chars used in teaching and learning of history are pie charts, graphs,
pictorial charts, diagrams, time line and line charts.
direct learners’ attention when it is needed most, e.g. in introduction for a good
effect and at the end forceful conclusion.
motivate learners by providing a variety of media.
summarize information through the use of figures, statistics and symbols
transform abstract ideas in visual form.
stimulate creative thinking.
When you are selecting a chart make sure that is of good quality. The following are
qualities which you should look for in a good chart.
have a heading/title in capital letters.
bring out the message clearly, precisely and forcefully, i.e. it should have a central
idea standing out clearly.
use symbols which can be understood by the users.
contain information which is true, accurate and authentic in all respects.
be simple, not loaded wit unnecessary details.
have bold writing and outlines which can be clearly seen from a distance.
Give the chart a key at the right hand bottom corner. The key should tell exactly
what each symbol represents.
Keep it in good condition before and after use.
You should note that it is not just enough to have a good chart. The chart should be
utilized effectively as per the following suggestions.
Use proper materials for displaying the chart without damaging it, e.g. cellotape, a
string for hanging, pins, staples, etc.
Display it when you are ready to use, i.e. it should be introduced at the right time.
A times prepare questions which could be answered using the chart.
Use a pointer to point out specific features in the chart.
Make maximum use of the chart during the lesson.
Once the class is through with the chart, it should be removed
Store and preserve it for future use.
(i) Prepare a chart relevant to any of the History and Government topics of your
choice. It should be accompanied by notes to show how it will be utilized.
(ii) List down factors which delimit the use of charts in history teaching and
You will now be introduced to the use of maps in History and Government
A map refers to a representation of the surface of the earth or a section of it as it seen
from above drawn on scale. It shows shapes of some physical features, shape size and
position of countries, direction and distance. The use of maps is an integral part of
teaching history. They are available inform of wall maps, maps in historical atlas or in a
textbook. Some maps deal with physical features while others show political and
economic development of certain parts of the world.
Since history deals with human activities, the history teacher should use appropriate
maps when teaching about a place where there is or has been human life. There are a
number of maps which could be useful in history teaching/learning. These are:
Physical and climatic maps – they are useful when studying people’s
relationship with their environment.
Outline maps – they show the coastlines, main rivers and possible mountain
ranges of a country. Using such maps the learners can put in relevant historical
Historical maps – they show political boundaries of various countries, origin,
growth and decline of kingdoms.
Distribution maps – they show population density, language groupings,
distribution of resources, religious relationships, etc.
Economic maps – they deal with distribution of resources.
6.3.2 How to use maps effectively in the teaching and learning of history
For effective utilization of maps should do the following:
Hang it conveniently in the classroom.
Display it at the right time for instance when you want to use it to emphasize an
idea, after introducing something which needs to be checked on the map.
Let the students focus on the map at the same time whether they are looking at it
as a class, individual or group.
Make a sketch out of small and detailed maps with useful information or have
them projected on an overhead projector.
In using a wall map, use a pointer when showing important features. Do not
block it.
Identify questions to be answered by the students using the map.
Make sure the learners develop a variety of skills such as critical observation and
interpretation. This is possible if the map is studied in detail.
Make sure any assignment given on the map is done to your satisfaction by
checking the students’ exercise books. This could be either drawing the map or
filling in an outline map with specific information.
Encourage students to collect and draw as many maps as possible. This will
improve their skill in drawing.
Fold and keep them well after use for future utilization.
Collect as many maps as possible which are relevant in the teaching of History
and Government and identify topics where maps could be utilised.
Using an outline map, put in relevant information on any area of your interest in
We are going to introduce you to another graphic material which is suitable in History
and Government teaching/learning. This is a picture. A picture is a painting, a drawing
or a photograph of a person, object or a scene. There is a wide variety of pictures for
history teaching which can be obtained from textbooks reference books, historical picture
books, postcards, newspapers, magazines etc. These sources are available in places such
as, travel agents, embassies, business firms, chamber of commerce, government
information offices, libraries, commercial publishers and distributors, archives, museums
and galleries. They could also be obtained from individuals.
to break the class monotony by holding attention, arousing curiosity, creating
interest, stimulating constructive discussion, and providing opportunity for the
teacher to guide the whole range of activities associated with them.
to help students of low ability to follow the lesson better when pictures are used
than when explanations are used alone.
to substitute field trips thus saving time and money. A teacher can visit these
places, take photographs and bring them to the classroom for observation and
to bring past events, distant places and people into the classroom.
It is one thing to have good pictures and another to utilize them effectively. You will
find the following suggestions useful when using pictures in a History and Government
You should prepare questions in advance which will guide learners into
interpreting pictures to direct or challenge their observation.
You should guide the learners to ensure that they not only look at pictures but also
look into, them criticize, interpret and explain their significance.
Select and arrange pictures carefully to form a sequence so that significant
questions can be raised as the learners examine them.
Loose and large pictures should be displayed at a strategic point for every learner
to see.
Small pictures should be projected so that the entire class see them. In the
absence of a projector, enough copies should be produced using a duplicator or
photocopier and distributed to the whole class.
Provide pictures for individual, small group study and whole class study.
Students should be taught how to use pictures for various purposes.
Use a few pictures at a time, holding back pictures on topics which will arise later
in the unit. Such a procedure is a good way to move learners from one unit to
another. As the unit progresses, new pictures can be introduced in connection
with specific questions and problems.
Use labels and captions, coloured paper, arrows and strips (in drawn pictures) to
highlight items in pictures. This will add to the instructional value of pictures
through improvised eye appeal.
Keep pictures clean and untattered. Transparent plastic papers can be used to
reserve them for future use.
When do you use pictures in History and Government lessons?
Most of the topics in History and Government invite the use of pictures whether they are
drawn, painted or taken by means of a chemical action of light (photography). The
following are some of the situations which call for use of pictures e.g.
When introducing a lesson in order to stimulate interest in the learners. This is
very essential for instance when teaching about Kenyan leaders: Jomo Kenyatta,
Ronald Ngala and Tom Mboya. A picture of each of these personalities will be
produced at the beginning of the lesson.
When illustrating and clarifying a point during the lesson. To make the point
under discussions vivid and interesting, pictures can be introduced in the lesson
development stage. For instance when teaching about ‘Development of
Agriculture in Egypt, show a picture of farming tools such as plough, shadoof
When dealing with a topic/a theme in history, pictures dealing with specific
points (features) of the topic are produced as each feature is discussed. For
instance when discussing pre-historic man, the teacher can show learners pictures
of man at each evolution stage. Similarly, those pictures covering all stages of
evolution could be arranged in a chronological order and mounted on a chart for
the class to study or look at later. In a topic like transport, the class can make use
of pictures showing early forms of transport to those indicating the most
advanced mode of transport.
When following up a lesson. After conducting a lesson with picture (s) , the
teacher can display the pictures on the wall with written questions underneath.
Students can be given time to study the pictures and try to answer the questions.
Use of pictures in the teaching and learning of history has some limitations:
A picture is static and gives only one isolated viewpoint whereas the movement
of learners give them constantly changing viewpoints.
A picture is only two dimensional and therefore it does not give the depth of
whatever it is trying to portray.
It is lacking in the texture (feel) of whatever it is supposed to portray.
At times it is not possible to have enough copies for the whole class due to lack
of a photocopying or duplicating facilities and this makes their utilization
Effective utilization of pictures need resourcefulness and competence on the part
of the teacher. Not many teachers have acquired these skills nor are they able to
(i) Get pictures from newspapers and magazines cuttings, study them
carefully and
Write titles or captions for them.
Discuss in groups of 4(four) what they portray
(ii) Identify and list topics from History and Government syllabus
which could be taught through the use of pictures and suggest suitable
pictures which go with each topic.
6.5 Summary
In this lesson you have been introduced to various graphic material suitable for
teaching History and Government. You have also been given suggestions on how to
utilize them effectively. In the next lesson you will learn about objects and models.
7.0 Introduction
In the previous lesson we dealt with the use of charts, maps and pictures in History and
Government teaching/learning. Specifically, the lesson examined the importance and
utilization of the named resources. In this lesson we are going to discuss the importance
and utilization of objects and models in History and Government lessons.
7.2.1 Objectives
7.2.1 Objects
An object is a visible or tangible thing to which attention or action is directed. In history
teaching, it refers to a real thing which has some historical importance. Examples of
objects which can be used in history teaching and learning are: tools, weapons, household
articles, stones, shells, instruments, pottery, remains of food,, skulls of early main, caves,
iron implements, horns, scrolls, stone tablets, currency, drums, etc.
utilize more senses, e.g. sense of seeing, touching, smelling, tasting. This makes
learning more effective and learnt material retainable
7.2.4 Some of the topics where objects could be used in a history lesson
The following are some topics which could be taught using objects:
Early man – e.g. tools, remains of food, just to mention a few.
Development of transport and communication up to the 19 th century. In teaching
forms of communication, drums, horns, scrolls and stone tablets could be used for
illustration. Under forms of transport, the following items could be useful: boats,
rafts, canoes and sailing ships etc.
Development of early agriculture. You could use farming tools and samples of
food crops.
Development of transport and communication from mid 18th century to the
present day. Under transport we could make use of ships, trains, motor vehicles,
aeroplanes. In communication you could use things like newspapers, magazines,
telephones, telegrams, radio, television, cinema, etc.
Trade: You could use examples of currencies and some items of trade.
One can make use of documents containing Bill of Rights, Constitution of Kenya,
etc. In a topic like National Integration, the flag and coat of arms could be useful.
Identify and list at least five other topics in History and Government which
could be taught using objects. For each topic list down suitable objects which
could be used to teach it.
7.3 Models
a model is a copy or a representation of a real thing or object on a smaller scale. Just like
an actual object or thing it has breadth, length and depth and can be viewed from other
sides. Usually, models are not true to scale miniature but the more accurate ones are
better teaching aids because the learners are able to visualize them as they would have
visualized the real objects.
learners become creative and initiative as they are expected to come up with good
use of models can sometimes be economical in terms of time and finance. For
example, instead of taking the class to a historical site, the models of objects on
the site could be made by both learners and the teacher and then be brought to the
classroom for use.
Many times you and your learners will be forced to make your own models in the
absence of ready made models. Therefore you will find the following guidelines useful:
Introduce the object to be modelled, highlighting its main physical features;
Identify the materials to be used;
Supply the material or ask the learners to look for materials;
Assign roles to individuals or groups;
Guide them on how to prepare models;
Ensure that the amount of detail included depend on the age of the learners;
Supervise the work and give guidance where necessary;
Evaluate the finished product using the qualities discussed above.
(i) You may make the model and then present the finished article to the class
or group.
(ii) In utilizing the model you should use the same procedure used in
utilization of objects.
(i) Make a model which you can use in teaching history topic of your choice
and write a utilization guide on how you are going to utilize it.
(ii) What advantages do models have over real things?
(iii) Collect various types of currencies and identify their countries.
7.4 Summary
In this lesson we have discussed the importance of using objects and models in History
and Government lessons. We have also learnt how we could use these resources
effectively in the course of instruction. In the next lesson we are going to learn how we can
make use resource people to enrich History and Government lessonss
Aggarwal J. C 1982. Teaching Social Studies. Vikas publishing House Pvt Limited
Crookall R. E. 1972- Handbook for History Teachers in Africa. Longon: Evans Brothers
Ltd, Montague Russel Square. 7
Farrant J. S. 1980 Principles and practice of Education Longman Group Ltd.
Greig T. O. and J. C. Brown 1975. Activity Methods in the Middle Schools. Oliver and
Boyd London
8.0 Introduction
In the last lesson we dealt with the use of real things or representation of real things in
History and Government lessons. In this lesson we are going to learn about the use of
resource people in teaching/learning History and Government.
8.1 Objectives
A resource person is anybody who can supply learners with useful information not available
in textbooks. The person could be either a professional or a non-professional. Examples of
resource people are: civic leaders, government officers, village elders religious leaders, war
veterans, fellow teachers in the school, students, parents, craftsmen and blacksmiths.
Resource people influence the future careers of these students. After getting a
lecture from prominent persons, the learners may be inspired to be like those
Use of resources people motivates the learners to learn with the hope that the
resource person has something special to offer.
They provide new information to the learners and teachers which might not be
available in history books.
They provide interaction between the school and the wider community thus
preparing the child for outside life.
Find out if any learning resources are required and also if the class needs to be
arranged in a particular way, e.g. in a circle or groups.
Prepare the learners with questions to ask the resource person.
Arrange time for the lesson (when the resource person will present the talk and
the duration of the talk.
Give direction to the resource person as to how to get to the school and where to
get you in the school.
Meet the resource person and walk to the classroom together.
Introduce the resource person to the learners.
Control the discussion between the learners and the resource person. Check on the
digression and maintain discipline.
Put down important points which might need clarification and also note any errors
(misconception) made by the resource person for correction later.
After the presentation invite questions from students to facilitate discussion.
Thank the resource person for the visit/contribution.
Make a follow-up in form of an activity.
It is important to note that use of a resource person has its limitations. Some of
these limitations are outlined below.
8.2.5 Limitations of Using a resource person
8.3 Summary
In this lesson we have seen the importance of using resource people in History and
Government lessons. We have also been warned of the limitations of using the
resource people in teaching-learning History and Government. In our next lesson we
are going to discuss the use of audio-materials in History and Government lesson.
8.4 Definition of Key words
9.0 Introduction
As introduced earlier, audio materials are those materials whose messages are directed to
the ear. These are basically the radio and the tape recorder. We are going to discuss how
we could use audio materials in History and Government lessons.
9.1 Objectives
9.2 Radio
The radio has been described as one of the most effective systems or methodology of
imparting knowledge, skills and attitudes to the learners. Farrant (1980) describes it as
one of the cheapest and common media. Crookall (1972) sees it as an essential
educational tool because ‘a good educational broadcasting quickens the imagination and
stirs the emotions of the listener by bringing past to life, by clothing old records with the
warmth and reality missing from even he best written books’.
Although these programmes are not addressed to the classroom audience, the history
teacher can make use of any relevant ones. A keen and dedicated teacher can record the
programmes, replay them to sieve what is of use to the learners. If it is a pure historical
programme it can be replayed in class. In such a case the teacher can prepare a series of
questions in advance to know exactly what they are required to extract from the
programme. This could be identifying certain ideas, writing summaries or comparing.
The teacher can also alert the learners about the programme and the time it will be on air,
and then as part of homework, ask the learners to listen to it. As a follow-up, the teacher
should ask them questions related to the programme.
There are also radio programmes to schools produced by K.I.E., addressed to various
subjects of the curriculum. The radio programmes are usually prepared by a team of
highly qualified personnel in their respective subjects who ensure that the programmes
are supplied to schools free of charge and teachers are advised to make full use of them.
The programmes are accompanied with teachers’ notes which need to be situated
carefully before the programmes are used. There are also audio cassettes on the same
which are available for sale at affordable price.
Presentation: This should involve a good introduction, logical lesson
development and a conclusion. The conclusion can be a summary of the main
points of the lesson or questions on the content covered.
Learners’ involvement: This should be reflected in the learning activities which
should be appropriate and challenging enough for the intended class level.
Follow-up: The follow should be in form of assignments e.g. project work,
written questions, library work etc.
tune the radio before the lesson begins to ascertain that the volume is high
enough for all to hear (this should be tested before the teacher goes to the
ensure good sitting/seating arrangement;
display the necessary instructional materials before the lesson starts;
place the radio at a strategic place in the class to enable learners to hear without
turn on the radio at the right time (when the lesson is beginning);
turn on the right volume;
listen and obey instructions of the radio teacher; and
make a follow-up to the lesson by organizing a discussion, asking the learners
questions, or giving a related assignment.
Speeches: The teacher and the learners could record live speeches, by the
president(s), members of parliament and administrators (P.C., D.O.) during the
national public holidays. The teacher could also record audio cued (already
recorded) speeches replayed through the radio and television programmes, e.g.
speeches by Jomo Kenyatta, President arap Moi,, Mandela, Julius Nyerere and
other important figures.
Debates: The tape recorder could be used to record a debate/discussion by a
group of students on important matters from a selected theme/topic, e.g. a topic
like factors promoting national unity, the learners could debate on the importance
of Kiswahili as a national language. The discussion could then be replayed to the
same group or another group of learners for evaluation. The teacher could also
make use of relevant debate in television programmes by taping and replaying
them in class.
What other situations do you think invite the use of a tape recorder?
- know the duration of the programme so that the teacher could make the
necessary adjustment regarding the lesson (timetable).
- decide on how the material will be presented, i.e. whether it will be a
continuous play or there will be pauses to allow for questions and
- decide on assessment procedures to use to determine whether the
objectives have been realized.
- test on the condition of the cassette and on the cells (in places with no
electricity) whether they are low or high.
Prepare the class for listening:
- introduce the programme to the students and explain the objectives;
- write new terms and concepts on the chalkboard and explain them;
- inform the learners what is expected of them during the lesson e.g. making
notes, writing down the main points, etc.
- reorganize seating/sitting arrangement if need be;
- emphasize on class control;
- encourage students to listen quietly and carefully.
Play the programme
- Place the player in a strategic place.
- Turn on the player and make sure the volume is loud enough for the whole
- Stop and replay where necessary.
- Ensure that the learners are doing the right thing at the right time during
the programme. This is to ensure full participation, e.g. making notes and
answering questions.
Follow-up activity
As a part of follow-up of the programme the teacher should do the following:
- Fill in gaps where there were omission in the presentation.
- Make clarification on area which were not clear to the learners.
- Invite questions/comments from the students about the programme.
- Ask questions to find out whether the learners understood the lesson.
- Give assignment to the learners, e.g. to write notes, work on a project, to
draw a chart, to role play, to write a test.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the programmes by assessing learners
performance in the given assignments.
The recorded programme lacks the visual image which is very necessary in the
teaching of history.
The programme does not cater for individual differences.
Communication is usually one-way from the presenter to the audience and not
Sometimes tape recorders are used to substitute the teacher although this should
not be the case as the teacher is expected to guide the learners throughout the
Effectiveness of using the tape recorder depends on the listening skills of the
learners, something which is beyond the teacher’s control as one cannot
ascertain that the learners are really listening.
It is not effective in large classes as the sound may not reach all the students.
Not every school can afford to buy the machine and its accompaniments.
Tape record some history programmes from the radio and play them in
9.4 Summary
In this lesson we have looked at the use of audio materials in History and
Government lessons. We have seen that the radio and the tape recorder are
very useful tools of teaching History and Government because they quicken
learner’s imagination as they listen to people narrating historical events. In
the next lesson we are going to learn about use of audio-visual materials in
History and Government lessons.
10.0 Introduction
In this lesson we are going to learn about the use of audio-visual resources. These are
resources which promote learning through the sense of hearing and sight. We are also
going to learn about the importance of a history room.
10.1 Objectives
Apart from using audio materials you could also use audio-visual and silent projected
media to enrich your history lessons. Audio-visual materials included in this group are:
films, televisions, videos and sound slides. Use of audio-visual materials in History and
Government teaching is very important because they:
- extend human perception by revealing the remote, the inaccessible, the
invisible and the inaudible to the learners.
- bring the outside world with its differing cultures to a history classroom more
vividly than any other means under the teacher’s control. This arouses interest
in history learning.
- stimulate thinking among the learners and change their attitudes by providing
another dimension to learners’ view of reality.
- summarize information by allowing time lapse photography; an event which
took many years can be shown in few hours e.g. the first world war.
- clarify new terms and concepts and act as a spring board for further
10.2 Films
You are advised to identify whatever relevant films are available and where to find them.
It is important that they select films that are pertinent to the teaching objectives. Some of
the places where films can be available are British Council Library, National Museums,
American Cultural Centre, Kenya Institute of Education, Kenya National Library
Services, Kenya National Archives, Universities and other institutions of higher learning.
In deciding to use films, you should be aware of their limitations such as the following:
- Some films can give learners incorrect notions.
- At times learners treat films as entertainment rather than learning features.
- Films may emphasize elements that should not be emphasized in the course.
- Films are not very adaptable because it is difficult to excerpt what is wanted
or to skip what is irrelevant.
- They are difficult to get and to show when they are required.
- They require special provision for projection.
- They take up a fair amount of time, thought and money
Below are some of the ways you can organize to show a film to your History and
Government students:
- Prepare yourself:
Select a film related to the study;
Pay careful attention to the recommended level of use;
Check the equipment to ascertain that it is in good condition;
Plan how it is going to be used;
Use film guides (pamphlets)
- Follow-up:
Ask students questions about the film.
Discus the main features of the film.
Initiate creative follow-up activities, e.g. written work, tests, projects,
reading on the topic, preparing a report.
If necessary reshow the film.
10.3 Television
According to Binning et al (1952), the television has great possibilities as an educational
medium. It can be a powerful tool in history teaching and learning because there are some
programmes that can be utilized in history lessons. Examples of such programmes are:
- Special days or public holidays, e.g. Kenyatta Day, Madaraka, Moi and
Jamhuri days.
- Religious holidays, e.g. Christmas, Easter and Idd-ul-Fitr.
- Programmes on past events, e.g. Deutche Welle feature which shows first and
second world wars, events following the wars e.g. peace treaty of Versailles,
life history and achievement of certain personalities.
- Cultural programmes, e.g. drama and music festivals, cultural weeks, Kenya
Rhythms which show cultural dances of different communities in East Africa.
- Special world events, e.g. coronation of presidents, presidential elections, etc.
- General programmes, e.g. Face to Face, “Dunia Wiki Hii”, Yaliyotokea and
Agricultural Shows.
- Commercial programmes, e.g. trade fairs, stock exchange, commercial
exhibitions. These can be useful in teaching about economic history of Kenya.
A history teacher should identify relevant television programmes from the local dailies
and as part of homework the learners should be asked to view these programmes during
their own free time. In cases where not every student is served with a television set, the
teacher should video-tape the programme and show it to the entire class. This can also be
done as follow-up on what the students viewed on their own. Where a school owns a
television set, the teacher should reorganize the timetable if it is during school hours so
that the students can have a chance of viewing some of these programmes.
In spite of its usefulness, the television as a teaching aid has a number of disadvantages:
- It is expensive for some schools.
- There is poor reception in some parts of the country. Therefore, there is need
for more satellites to be set up.
- Some programmes fall during wrong hours either when the students are
occupied or when the teacher is not available to organize the entire class for
- It is difficult to sieve out important information from a programme designed
for a different purpose and addressed to a different audience (public).
There are activities within the school environment and outside which could be video-
taped and replayed to the learners. They include plays e.g. trials of Dedan Kimathi,
history projects, national days’ speeches and community work. There are also ready made
programmes in some agencies which a history teacher can borrow. Such are programmes
on first and second world wars, a film on Idi Amin Dada of Uganda, life and death of
Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, coronation of Nelson Mandela, Sarafina – the struggle in South
Africa for political liberation, heroes of first and second world wars, the conquest of
Berlin, the cold war among others.
Pick some topics from History and Government syllabus which can be taught
using some ready-made video-taped information.
Identify places where you can obtain relevant video-tape programmes.
Borrow relevant History and Government video-taped programmes and play
them back.
10.5 Silent projected media
These are materials which are projected through a projector to the audience and they do
not have sound, hence the term silent. The most commonly used materials for history
teaching and learning in this category are slides, filmstrips and overhead transparencies.
10.5.1 Slides
These are pictures taken through the use of a camera using a special film known as a slide
film. Once the pictures have been taken, they are processed and framed ready for use
through projection using a slide projector.
10.6 Filmstrips
These are a continuous series of films of uniform size which are shown in a fixed order.
They are shown on a filmstrip projector.
There are two main types of filmstrips:
Story-telling filmstrips: These are a series of pictures which tell a story. They are
usually accompanied by a written script which can be read by a teacher as the pictures are
being shown.
Study filmstrips: It is not shown in the same manner as story-telling type instead each
picture is used for detailed observation and study on areas of historical importance. The
aim is to spark discussion among learners and arouse interest of learning the area under
- Accommodation or stockroom for all the necessary materials used in history
teaching and learning, e.g. charts, globes, maps, pictures, models, objects, text
and reference books, projects, films, tapes, slides, newspapers, newspaper
cuttings, files, magazines and pamphlets.
- A history library.
- A history workshop for preparation of instructional materials.
- A history theatre for showing plays, films, slides, etc.
- A departmental headquarters.
- It has portable chalkboard(s) and the usual permanent chalkboard as in other
- It has good ventilation and enough light.
- You should encourage learners to equip the history room by collecting and
preparing materials to be used so that the room can grow steadily and
constantly with time.
- You should change material when it has served its purpose.
- You should make sure that whatever is there serves a purpose.
In our schools, this provision for a history room is not there, but
it is the duty of a history teacher to campaign for one. One has
to convince the administration that it is a necessity for effective
history teaching and learning.
10.9 Summary:
In the last lecture you were exposed to a variety of learning resources which could be
used in teaching and learning of History and Government. This lecture will focus on
preparation, which you should make before teaching. Specifically, the lecture will deal
with the scheming process.
In order for the teaching of History and Government to reach its highest degree of
success, the history teacher should have adequate knowledge about the nature of the
History and Government syllabus. At the same time thorough preparation of schemes of
work and lesson planning, should be done prior to teaching. This will equip the teacher
with the necessary tools needed to handle the subject with ease.
11.1 Objectives
What problems are you likely to face if you use a scheme work
prepared by another teacher?
- Constraints within the school system: These include time for achieving the goals
and objectives, the restriction placed on the teacher by the school system, e.g.
examinations and other interruptions.
- Teaching environment: This includes the classroom, its size, environment in the
classroom and the relationship between history and other subjects in the
o Topic
- could be thought of as a unit of study to be taught within a given number of
periods. It indicates the area of the syllabus being dealt with.
o Sub- topic
o – It breaks down the topics into suitable units and forces the teacher to
decide what can be handled in one lesson.
o Subject Matter
o Is the actual content of the lesson? This is where the teacher notes down a
summary of the main teaching points. It specifies what learners are
expected to achieve at the end of the lesson.
- Objectives: They are in most cases specific and stated in behavioral terms of what
the teacher expects students to do at the end of the lesson.
- Teachers activities: what the teacher will be doing during the lesson.
- Learning activities: These are activities which the students should carry out in
order to learn the content presented to them by the teacher.
- Teaching and learning resources: These are non-printed materials used to
facilitate learning. They make explanation and description more real, lively and
interesting for the class. Examples include pictures, real objects/specimen, charts,
maps, etc.
- Assessment: This is how you would establish if you have achieved your objective.
- References: These are books that a teacher uses or consults when planning a
lesson. They are both the textbooks and any other printed materials that a teacher
reads to look for facts and information about a certain topic. The following
information should be included in this column: the title of the book and its
author’s name, publisher and place of publication, chapter and page.
- Remarks: This column is provided so that the teacher can note whether the
lessons planned in the scheme are taught. There should be a reason to miss any
class, for example, by virtue of sickness, public holidays or other related reasons.
The teacher should indicate this and suggest when such a lesson will be taught.
Lessons that need to be repeated should also be shown in this column. The
remarks are important because they assist in future planning and teaching. They
should be written immediately after a lesson has been taught. The following is a
format of a History and Government scheme of work.
A format of a History and Government Scheme of Work
Week Dat Less Topic Sub topic Objectives Teachers Learning activities Resources
e on activities
6 1 Introduction to The meaning By the end of the -Explanation Defining the term The chalk for summary board
History of of History lesson the learner -asking history.
Government. should be able to questions Answering questions
explain the meaning of -guiding on
history discussion definition.
Asking questions on
the meaning Writing
points on
2 The By the end of the Discussing in groups Pictures of
importance of lesson the learner of 5 the importance people of different nations and races
History should be able to of history. Asking together in harmony.
explain the questions for
importance of History. clarification.
Writing down
points on
Prepare a scheme of work lasting for one month on a topic of your choice from the current
History and Government syllabus.
11.3. Summary
In this lecture we have dealt with the scheming process as part of preparation for teaching. The
key areas discussed in the lecture include:
- The importance of a scheme of work
- Factors to consider before the scheming process.
- Elements in a scheme of work.
In the next lecture we will discuss another important tool to be prepared prior to teaching. This is
the lesson plan.
- a scheme of work – a breakdown of the syllabus into manageable units which could be
covered in a specific period of time such as a school term or a whole year.
- Elements - various components which form a scheme of work.
- Syllabus – a prescribed course of study in a given subject or level.
- The scheming process – the procedure used to prepare a scheme of work.
In the previous lecture we introduced you to some aspects of preparation for teaching History and
Government. In this lecture you are going to learn how to prepare your own history and
Government lesson plans.
12.2.1 Importance of a lesson pla
A lesson plan is important in teaching and learning of history because:
- it serves as evidence of careful pre-thinking and preparation by the teacher because the
lesson plan is used as a basis for the lesson to be presented.
- it enables the teacher to be familiar with the teaching content and to visualize the best way
of covering it using appropriate methods and materials.
- it serves as a summary, guide/road map to the teacher on the content to be taught and
action to be taken at various stages of the lesson in order to avoid vagueness and
- it acts as a reference/a memory bank to the teacher because it reminds one of the main
points to focus on during the lesson.
- it gives the teacher security and confidence so long as there is something to refer to during
the lesson.
- it improves the teacher ‘s performance by acting as a basis for future planning.
? What do you think are the shortcomings of a History and Government taught without
adequate lesson preparation?
We are now going to outline the main elements of a lesson plan. These are:
3. Administrative details:
These include the name of the school one is teaching; personal details of the teacher, e.g. one’s
name and registration number; the specific class to be taught, six of the class, the subject, the
time the lesson will be taught, topic and sub-topic.
Instructional objectives are also known as: specific objectives, learning objectives, behavioral
objectives and educational objectives.
These are learning objectives which describe what one can do as a result of having learnt and
what an observer can see the learner doing in order that one can judge whether or not learning has
been successfully achieved. They also forecast on what the teacher intends the student to do by
the end of 40 minutes. A good instructional objective is made up of three aspects: terminal
behaviour, test conditions and level of performance or indication of a standard of performance.
We are now going to give you reasons why instructional objectives are important.
- They provide a guide for choosing content to be taught, as well teaching methods and
learning materials to be used.
- They help in allocating teaching time.
- They help in deciding on criteria for evaluating the quality of teaching and learning.
- They control the behaviour of the learners and the teacher.
Terminal behaviour
The objective should be behavioral, measurable and observable. It should describe the
learning outcome that the teacher intends to produce as a result of his/her instruction. It states
what the learner should be able to do after the instruction. The objectives must be in terms of
the learner not the teacher.
Test conditions:
Conditions are limitations or restrictions placed on the student i.e. the conditions under which
the experience should occur. They could also be materials or aids given to the student when
he/she is being evaluated to determine whether the objective has been achieved or not. Some
of the phrases used are: “ by the end of the lesson” “ using a map the learner should be able
You should note that the objective should refer to content and skill coverage in the lesson
and should describe what student activity is to be applied.
To arrive at the above action verbs one needs to ask these questions:
- What do I expect the learner to be to do?
- In what way should the learner show that he/she has learnt?
- What level of performance will be acceptable as evidence that he/she has learnt?
When stating objectives, you should avoid implicit or vague verbs. Some of the implicit verbs
you should avoid are:
In writing an objective avoid will and use should i.e. by the end of the lesson the learner should
be not will be.
We will give you three examples of well-stated instructional objective after which you will
attempt to construct yours.
Below are examples of objectives, which could be achieved in a 40 minutes lesson: By the end of
the lesson the learner should be able to:
- state at least five results of the settlement of Agikuyu in the mount Kenya region during
the pre-colonial period.
- describe the political organization of the Ameru during the pre-colonial period.
- explain how the harambee movement has contributed to the development of Kenya since
Construct two good instructional objectives from a topic of your choice taken from the
History and Government syllabus.
12.3.4. Time:
In a lesson plan, time refers to the duration the lesson will take at introduction, development and
conclusion levels. Proper timing of a lesson simply involves a consideration of:
o how much content can be covered in a given teaching period
o what audio and visual resources are available.
Time factor will dictate the kind of activities the learners will be involved in, and the method and
resources you as a teacher will use to cover given content or topic.
12.3.5 Content:
This column includes the historical information, which the teacher wants to pass to the learner.
You should select an adequate amount of facts that would give the student a sound picture or
understanding of the event, period or the situation of the lesson.
The content column consists of three main steps of a history lesson: Introduction, Lesson
Development and conclusion.
This provides for organization of a favourable learning atmosphere. You should think of
something to stimulate the learners’ interest and capture it for the new material about to be
- Asking a question within the learners’ experience in a given setting.
- Reviewing new words, terms from previous lesson and introducing new terms or
Introduction is important in a lesson because it sets the pace, the tone, the vigour and even quality
of the rest of the lesson.
12.3.7 Conclusion
This is rounding off the lesson. You can conclude your in any of the following ways:
- Summarizing the main points highlighted during the lesson either orally or by use of the
- Asking questions on the topic covered.
- Giving assignment as a follow up of the lesson just taught.
Learning activities are important because of the following reasons:
- They save the learners from the boredom caused by passiveness when they just sit and
- They fix the teaching more firmly in the learners’ minds, since their involvement arouses
interest in the material of the lesson.
- They train learners to think critically.
The following are some of the activities you could involve your students in.
- Asking and answering of teacher’s questions used in question and answer method.
- Discussing which can either be verbal or written, individual or group work, in the middle
of a lesson or at the end, with a warning or impromptu.
- Writing something on the chalkboard, or pointing at something on a map or chart.
- Drawing a relevant historical map, pictures or diagrams.
- Drawing a time chart to illustrate a particular period.
- Looking up for present day happenings from the newspaper or journals/magazines.
- Role-playing in the lesson. The learners can come to class prepared to act some roles of
great men under discussion. Part or whole lessons could be dramatized.
- Holding debates or seminars or panels. A part or even the whole lesson can be turned into
a debate or seminar with the students playing a major part.
- Note-taking during the lesson. This is important because it starts the learners off in art of
making their own notes which involves a lot of discrimination between the important and
the non-important.
Make a list of at least five other worthwhile learning activities which you
would engage your students in during a History and Government lesson
12.3.10 Self-evaluation
This takes place after teaching when the teacher looks at the lesson already delivered in an
objective manner. The lesson is assessed by asking oneself these questions:
Have I achieved my objectives?
Have the learners understood my lesson?
If the answer is yes you should substantiate by explaining how the lesson was understood and
how the objectives were achieved.
If the answer is no, try to find out why the learners did not understand the lesson or why the
objectives were not achieved. You should ask yourself the following questions:
Where did I fail in my teaching?
Is it because I was not very well prepared?
Did I have enough teaching points?
Did I have enough teaching aids?
Did I use appropriate teaching methods?
Self-evaluation will enable you to discover strengths and weaknesses, in the teaching so as to act
appropriately. This will make you a better teacher day by day.
Expected --
The objective was realized because learners were able to explain the meaning of the term “History” in
their own words.
12.4 Summary:
13.0 Introduction
13.1 Objectives
Assessment is a systematic process used to determine the extent to which educational objectives
are achieved. This is done through measurement and evaluation. Although the terms
“measurement” and “evaluation are often used interchangeably, there is a slight distinction
between the two. Measurement involves the construction, administration and scoring tests in
order to come up with quantitative descriptions of students’ performance and it is more specific
than evaluation. Evaluation on the other hand means the process in which value judgement plays
a key role in such areas as grading and promoting students. Such judgement is based on a
composite of different types of measurements obtained from tests, projects, laboratory work,
reports and examinations.
The teaching/learning of History and Government is greatly influenced by the
methods of assessment used to monitor learning progress and to guide
teaching. This involves identifying and defining the objectives of instruction
and constructing or selecting evaluation instruments, which best appraise these
In this lesson, we are going to discuss methods of assessing learners in History and Government
lessons. There are two types of assessments.
Formative Assessment – This refers to an assessment of learning while in the process of
teaching/learning e.g. class tasks, assignments and end of term examination. It is used to
identify learners’ needs in order to guide them.
Summative Assessment – deals with summing up processes of learning at the end of the
course. It is primarily concerned with purpose, progress and outcomes of the teaching-
learning process.
To provide an objective basis for determining the promotion of students from one class to
To help improve the learning in progress by pinpointing exactly where the learners are
having problems so that the teacher can give remedial work.
To check the pace of teaching by impelling the teacher to strive to accomplish the desired
objective (s).
To help the teacher to determine which work to be given to learners at what level (for
differential assignment).
To furnish parents or guardians with information about their children’s performance.
Just like formative assessment, summative assessment has several functions. It is used to:
determine the effectiveness and worthiness of a programme, e.g. 8:4:4 in order to make
reliable decision about educational planning in terms of time, manpower, and other
predict the general trend in the teaching/learning process.
identify problems that might hinder the achievement of set goals of education.
furnish the public (community) with the information concerning school’s performance.
provide information to employers in order to determine at what level of education a
certificate holder should enter a career.
select students for further education.
13.2.1 Methods of Assessment
Which of the above types of assignment is suitable in
History and Government?
There are certain considerations, which you need to consider when constructing a test e.g.
Define the learners’ task as completely and clearly as possible ensuring that it measures
the intended objectives.
Write the items clearly and specifically in order for the learners to know what is expected
of them.
The expected responses from the students should relate to significant content and
behaviour as indicated in the table of specifications and objectives.
Restrict the subject matter to be covered by the question.
The area of emphasis for the question should be indicated either by underlining, writing in
italics, or bold writing.
The question should be interesting and challenging enough and at the proper level of
difficulty relative to the students and the test purpose.
Structure the questions in such a way that an overall understanding of the learners can be
Each question should be easy to follow from the learners’ point of view.
Avoid vague terms that could elicit contradictory responses from the learners by making
sure the questions are not linguistically or conceptually ambiguous.
You also need to come up with a good test. A good test should have the following characteristics:
validity, reliability, objectivity, usability and discrimination.
It refers to the degree to which the test measures what it is supposed to measure. In other
words, it should adequately sample the content and the objectives of the areas the teacher
has taught. In test construction, the teacher should be guided by the following key
questions concerning the validity.
Does the test adequately sample the content area?
Does the test involve the skills that are important in the area e.g. cognitive, affective, and
Does the test relate to all behaviour objectives for the unit?
If the test cannot provide this essential information, then it is of little value and
therefore should not be used. The validity depends on the purpose of the test, the
procedure and the interpretation of results.
This is the accuracy and consistency with which a test measures what it measures. In
other words, the test should generate quite similar scores when it is administered to a
similar group of students on two successful occasions, then it is concluded that it
possesses high degree of consistency and reliability. On the other hand, if it cannot
produce the results that are consistent, then the results cannot be trusted or relied upon.
It refers to freedom from subjective judgment. The test must be as free as possible from
bias. A measuring instrument has objectivity when two or more competent observers can
independently agree whether or not a learner’s test performance meets the standard
criteria stated in the learning objective.
Objectivity of a test will be affected by: type of tests, mode of scoring and
state of mind and condition of the scorer.
Usability (Economy)
This refers to the practical aspects of the time and resources required for test compared to
the value of the information obtained. Sometimes, the time and resources involved in
preparing a test compared to the value of the information obtained may render the test
It refers to the ability to test to separate students on how well they perform on the test.
The questions set must be representative of the subject matter taught and should be
sufficiently difficult so that those who know the subject can be separated from those who
do not know it.
We are now going to discuss the commonly used type of tests in History and Government
teaching/learning. These are objective and essay tests.
There are many types of objective questions, among them are: multiple choice
type; supply item category (completion test),; true-false, matching exercise.
You are going to be given various examples from each of the types.
The following steps should be followed when constructing multiple choice items:
- Choose relevant and important topics from which to develop items.
- Design statements that imply situations that students have not previously
- Write the stem (the question) first. Try to make it as short as possible and use clear
simple language.
- The stem must be carefully worded to avoid vagueness and different
- State your questions positively because negatives tend to confuse students.
- Look for the key (answer).
- Make sure that there is only one correct answer.
- Look for distractors (wrong options).
- Distractors should not be obviously wrong but rather they should be plausible.
- Make all the responses almost equal in length or make two responses short and the
other two long.
- Place the correct answer in different positions in each question.
- Make sure all responses fit grammatically with the stem. If only the correct answer
completes the sentence in a grammatical way you are providing a clue to the
student who is guessing.
- Avoid phrases such as none of these or all of them.
- Ensure that the test is not too long otherwise it will become an endurance test
rather than a test of ability.
13.3.2 Examples of multiple choice questions
(i) The Akamba interacted with neighbours during the pre-colonial period mainly
A. trade
B. raiding
C. warfare
D. intermarriage
(ii) Which one of the following was a religious practice among the Abaluyia during the
pre-colonial period?
A. worshipping God in shrines.
B. pouring libation to ancestral spirits.
C. sending people out to preach their traditional faith.
D. offering human sacrifices to their god.
(iii) The main economic activity of the Agikuyu in the 19th century was:
A. crop farming.
B. cattle keeping.
C. iron smelting.
D. basket weaving.
(iv) One of the results of the Abagusii resistance against colonial rule is that:
A. The Abagusii were allowed to retain their independence.
B. The Abagusii land was alienated for European settlement.
C. The Abagusii were allowed to grow coffee.
D. The Abagusii were exempted from paying hut tax.
This form of testing requires the students to provide missing information with a word, phrase or
symbol. Its purpose is to determine the student’s ability to recall or recognize the appropriate
term: concept or phrase to complete a statement. They are recognized by the presence of blanks
in which the students write the answers to the questions. At times, a number of words or phrases
are placed below the question from which the student will be required to choose the most suitable
to complete the sentence or statement.
Below are some suggestions to the teacher on how you could construct supply item tests.
- Give clear instructions for each question.
- Make the wording clear and specific enough in order to avoid ambiguous
- Provide for brief responses.
- Provide blanks either at the beginning or at the end of a statement.
- Use only key words for blanks.
- Do not leave many blank spaces in the sentences, as they tend to confuse students.
- Make sure there is only one correct answer.
- Do not make answers too obvious.
- Avoid long and complex statements.
- Avoid vague questions, which may elicit different types of answers from students.
- Avoid using highly technical terms.
Prepare at least four supply items from a topic in the current History and Government
Prepare five True/False items on a given topic from History and Government syllabus.
The following suggestions will be useful when you are constructing matching items.
Column 1 column 2
1. Abushiri uprising 1. Did not want the British to construct the railway
through their territory.
2. Mau Mau rebellion 2. Resented the idea of providing labour for the IBEA
3. Maji Maji rebellion 3. The peasants wanted back their land.
4. Nandi resistance 4. Resented forced labour and taxation and harassment by
the Germans
5. Taita resistance 5. Resented to be sold as slaves by the British.
6. Wanted the Germans to leave the Coast.
7. Were against the British interfering with their way of
Column 1 Column 2
Column 1 Column 2
1. Angola 1. Monrovia
2. Botswana 2. Addis Ababa
3. Burundi 3. Moroni
4. Cameroon 4. Gaborone
5. Chad 5. Luanda
6. Camoros 6. Cairo
7. Egypt 7. Accra
8. Ethiopia 8. Bujumbura
9. Gabon 9. Abidjan
10. Ghana 10. Yaunde
11. Ivory Coast 11. Libreville
12. Liberia 12. N’Djamena
13. Bangui
14. Maseru.
Column 1 Column 2
- The learner spends too much time searching for the correct response especially if
it is a complex matching.
- It is difficult to design a matching exercise that will measure genuine
understanding of a high level or the ability to interpret complex relationships.
- If not well constructed, matching item tests are likely to give clues.
Using the above examples construct a matching exercise items from various History and
Government topics.
In the restricted response essay question, the student is more limited in the form and scope of the
answer because one is told specifically the context that the answer is to take. It is suitable for
measuring learning outcomes at the comprehension, application and analysis levels. Terms
associated with restricted response questions include such words as define, state, identify, give,
name, compare, contrast, classify, illustrate, trace, explain and outline.
(i) Describe the political organization of the Nandi during pre-colonial period. (15 marks)
(ii) Explain the causes and results of the ‘Mau Mau war’. (15 marks)
(iii) Explain the factors which hastened the achievement of independence in Kenya after
1945. (15 marks)
(iv) Describe the development of early agriculture in Mesopotamia. (15 marks)
(v) Analyze the factors that led to European colonization of Africa. (15 marks)
(i) Give three reasons why the British government encouraged the development of
agriculture in Kenya during the colonial period. (3 marks)
(ii) Give five reasons why Christian missionaries established schools in Kenya for African
children. (5 marks)
(iii) Name five sources of revenue for Municipal Councils in Kenya. (5 marks).
- They provide opportunities for the learner to demonstrate the degree to which one
can analyze a given problem.
- They enable the learner to creatively select relevant information related to the
topic under discussion.
- They can provide good measure of learners understanding of any given area of
- They enable the learner to organize answers in a systematic (logical) and
comprehensive manner.
- They help the learner to improve the skills of writing and logical organization of
- They provide the learner with opportunity to demonstrate as much as possible
what one knows since there is no absolutely wrong or right answer.
- They give students opportunity to express themselves using their own phrases,
words and expressions and with minimum restrictions.
- They measure more complex higher levels of understanding.
Although essay questions are useful in History and Government assessment , they have a
number of limitations
- They suffer form content unreliability and inadequate sampling of items because
the teacher can assess on only a limited sample of content covered and on very
few items (questions), given the lengthy answers (responses) expected.
- There is lack of consistency in judgment because scoring depends on the physical
and mental state of the scorer.
- Scoring is highly subjective because the evaluator can at times be impressed with
the literary skills and handwriting of the learners. This can seriously impair the
validity of marks awarded in essay tests.
- Grading calls for expert judgment because they produce responses which can only
be effectively graded by a competent examiner.
- Learner’s performance in a given item can influence the scorer in other items. The
scorer gives more or less marks depending on the first performance of the
- Reliability of most essay tests is low especially where option questions are
allowed. Students answer questions of different content, thus making the results
unreliable because the scores cannot be compared.
- They are time consuming for students because a lot of time is spent thinking and
writing, and for the teacher when grading because one is expected to understand
and interpret the student’s mind when marking.
The above limitations could be reduced if the following suggestions are taken into consideration:
- Restrict essay tests to objectives that are best achieved through this type of testing
e.g. analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
- Avoid vague terms that would elicit contradictory responses from learners.
- Structure items in such a way that an overall understanding of the learners can be
assessed. This can be achieved through the use of questions such as ‘explain why’
‘analyze how’ ‘give reasons for’, etc.
- Score one question at a time for all who attempted it for consistency and flow of
your line of thought.
- Score every objective that is to be measured independently.
- Mark an essay test when you are physically sound and mentally alert.
- Make sure that the environment you are marking in is free from distractions.
- Prepare a marking scheme based on a valid criteria.
When preparing tests, you should be guided by a table of specification to know which levels of
learning should be tested.
Application: Requires one to apply knowledge or make generalization to new situations, e.g.
illustrate, demonstrate and interpret.
Analysis: Involves breaking down knowledge into parts and to show relationship among the
parts, e.g. analyze, compare and contrast.
Synthesis: Requires the learner to put or bring together parts and elements of knowledge to form
a whole and build relationships for new situations, e.g. write, formulate, organize, contrast, etc.
Evaluation: Includes the making of judgments about the value of something on the basis of a
given criteria, e.g. evaluate, choose, compare, etc.
The table of specification consists of one row (vertically) showing the subject matter (content) to
be tested, and six columns defining the different levels of cognitive abilities to be tested in each
subject matter area shown in the row (vertically).
- Content does not always fall in a single cognitive level. Sometimes it cuts
across two or more levels of learning.
- The number of items per learning level depends on the amount of content
covered and the proportion of emphasis given during instruction.
- It is not always easy to differentiate between some levels of learning e.g. it
is difficult to draw a line between analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
13.9 Summary
This chapter highlighted the major features of assessment in History and Government
teaching learning. There are two types of assessment: formative and summative.
Formative evaluation which is guidance oriented aims at ensuring a healthy acquisition
and development of knowledge and skills by students and identifying their needs in order
to guide them towards desired goals. Its ultimate goal is to help students perform well at
the end of the programme. Summative evaluation attempts as far as possible to determine
to what extent the broad objectives of a programme have been achieved, thus it is
judgmental and terminal in nature.