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Subject Code: MBA 2023

Section: 3
Topic: A Study On Consumer Awareness And Adoption On Organic
Team Members: Athish SK -20232MBA0006
Manoj S - 20232MBA0032
Vigneshkanna V-20232MBA0051
Tharun Kumar. AS. -20232MMF0007
Introduction to the study:
Consumer awareness and adoption of organic spices refer to the extent to which consumers are
knowledgeable about the benefits of organic spices and their willingness to purchase and
consume them. Organic spices are those that are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides,
fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Consumer awareness is important because it drives demand for organic spices and helps to
promote sustainable agricultural practices. When consumers are aware of the benefits of
organic spices, they are more likely to seek them out and purchase them, which in turn supports
farmers who grow these products.
Consumer adoption refers to the process by which consumers begin to incorporate organic
spices into their diets. This can involve trying new products, experimenting with new recipes,
and developing a preference for organic spices over conventional ones.
Factors that can influence consumer awareness and adoption of organic spices include
marketing and advertising campaigns, product labeling, availability of organic spices in stores
and online, and education about the benefits of organic farming practices.
Overall, the study of consumer awareness and adoption of organic spices is important for
understanding consumer preferences and behaviors related to sustainable agriculture and
promoting the use of environmentally friendly products.

Today the environmental is getting on destroying. This is the biggest problem the world is
facing today and all people all around the world are more conscious towards its degradation.
The people around the world are becoming pro-environmental and are demanding for the
products that are safety to their health and that also satisfy their needs as well as helps in
maintain the detrimental effects on the environment. Witnessing this demand by the consumers,
the companies are producing their products with the materials which have a very less harmful
impact on environment. Even the food that we eat has been changed lots via including chemical
so people are started to use natural products. The improvement of Organic food is still infant
stage in India. It is very important to know about the consumer attitude towards Organic food,
based on consumer knowledge, Environmental concern, personal norms, subjective norms and
purchase intention are measured which allows us to know the purchase intention on organic
products. Consumers differ from one person to other. They will differ by their ideas, taste,
perception, likes and dislikes, attitude which is simply said as thought oriented, if one consumer
have positive impact on organic products then it will create the purchase intention.


It contains fewer pesticides.

Organic spices contain lots of nutrients.

Organic foods are often fresh because it doesn‟t contain preservatives that make it last long.

Organic farming is better for environment.

Organic food is Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) –


Organic food contains fewer chemicals with more bacteria-resistance.

Organically-grown crops have more antioxidants and vitamins that are good for health.

Organic dairy, spices and meet carry a more favourable fatty acid profile. Consuming this
can prevents from occurrence of heart diseases.

Organic foods have lower nitrate level. By consuming this we can reduce the risk of lifestyle
ailments like cancer.

Organic products is also good to environment too as it tends to improve soil quality, helps
in ground water conservation and contributes to reduce pollution.

Organic foods have better taste.

Organic food builds stronger immune system.

Organic foods are poison-free.

Organic foods are not genetically modified.

Organic products are more costly.

Lack of awareness about organic products.

Consumer preference of low cost products.

It is hard to convince the farmer to convert them to produce organic farming because they
are used of using chemical that will give them a lot of income.

Insufficient supply of organic products.

Organic products are available in limited number of shops.

The environmental concern is termed as one of the most crucial problem that the world
is facing today. Almost 64% around world consider protection of environment as the most
important issue that lies ahead for encouraging economic growth (Ottmam, 1998). It is because
of our unsustainable lifestyle in the past that the environmental problems have become more
sever. Some studies indicate that around 30 to 40 percentages of environmental problems are
because of our past consumption habits in the past (Grunert, 1995). Because of these reasons,
public begun to feel sustainable consumption by protecting the environment and green
marketers responded by identifying their needs. According to Jain and Kaur (2004), it is good
to see that people in India have stated to realizing the need of conserving the environment. The
protection of environment through sustainable consumption is possible only through
“ORGANIC PRODUCTS”. The products that are non-toxic, made from recycled materials,
minimally packaged and which has less environmental impacts, are called as green products
(Ottman, 1998). The present study selected “organic spices products” and studied the decisions
of consumers towards its awareness and adoption to purchase. With increasing concern of
health problems and food safety many consumers have turned their interest towards organic
products. The increased consumer‟s interest on organic spices has been attributed towards the
growing demand for food which are free from pesticides and chemical residues. Organic spices
products promote a balance among human, other living organism and nature. It has also
promoted no artificial preservatives and best maintain the originality of food. This prevents use
of harmful ingredients and thereby ensures health. This study is mainly done to improve
knowledge about consumer attitude towards organic spices product consumption and to know
whether there is any potential that might have for varying their behaviour. Therefore
consumer‟s attitude, perception towards organic spices products, willingness to pay for organic
spices products and intention to adoption to purchase organic spices products will be the main
agenda of this study.

Scope of the study:

Organic spices food promotes a balance of human, other living organisms and the nature.
It also promotes no artificial preservatives and best maintain the originality of food. This
prevents excess use harmful ingredients and there by ensures health. This study attempted to
gain knowledge about consumer awareness towards organic spices food consumption and to
see whether there is any potential this might have for changing their behavior. The rationale
for carrying out this study is that consideration for the environment
could come only from well-informed citizens who are aware
of, and fully committed to their rights to a quality health and environment. Therefore
consumer’s awareness and satisfaction towards organic spices food will be the main aim of this

1. To study the consumer awareness of organic spices products.

2. To study the attitude of consumers buying and using of organic spices products.

3. To analyze the factors influencing the purchase of organic spices products among the

4. To identify the level of satisfaction of consumers towards organic spices products.

5. To identify the problems faced by consumers to purchase the organic spices.

6. To study and suggest measures on how the consumption of organic food can be spread wider.


1. The study was conducted in Tamil Nadu. Hence, the result may not be generalized to other
areas of the country.

2. The sample consists of only Limited number of consumers.

3. The study is confined to main organic spices products irrespective of numerous organic
products available in the market.

4. The sampling and survey method adopted in this study has its own limitations. Thus, result
of the study is subject to the above limitations.

Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference in the adoption of organic spices
between consumers with high and low awareness.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): Consumers with high awareness of organic spices are more likely
to adopt them compared to those with low awareness.

Vlahovic et al. (2011), in a study in Serbia, analysed the consumer attitude towards organic
food consumption. The main objective of that study was to identify the main factors that
influence the demand and expenditure of organic products and to examine consumer‟s
preferences and motives that have greater impact in purchasing organic food products in Serbia.
The findings showed that most of the consumers were not frequently informed about the
importance of organic food consumption; high price was found to be a limitation factor. Fruits
and vegetables are the mostly preferred and purchased organic products.
Somnath Chakrabarti (2012), made a study on “Factors influencing organic food purchase
in India – expert survey insights”. The main aim of the paper is to document the findings of an
expert survey in the organic food category in India. The list of experts was prepared. Experts
were contacted through judgmental sampling method. Feedback on the expert questionnaires
was collected from July to October 2007 from 33 highly knowledgeable senior experts‟ mainly
through face‐to‐face personal surveys and through e‐mail surveys. The finding is that the
Importance placed on health motivation has the highest average rating and is one of the lowest
standard deviations among the explanatory variables in the expert survey.
Justin Paul and Jyoti Rana(2012),conducted a survey on “Consumer behaviour and purchase
intention for organic food” The main objective of this study is to understand the behaviour of
ecological consumers and their intention to purchase organic food. The study aims to determine
the factors influencing consumer behaviour towards organic food. The method used for the
data collection was a face‐to‐face interview, using a structured questionnaire, with closed‐
ended questions. In total, 463 respondents participated in the survey. It was decided to use
various multivariate analyses like multiple regressions, factor analysis and cluster analysis with
large sample size. The results show that health, availability and education from demographic
factors has a positive influence on the consumer's attitude towards buying organic food.
Sangkumchaliang and Huang (2012) analysed consumer‟s perceptions and attitudes or
organic food products in Northern Thailand. Their Results shows that the main reasons for
purchasing organic food products are an expectation of a healthy and environmentally friendly
means of production. Further, the results showed that buyers tend to be older and higher
educated than those who do not buy them.
Jane See Siou Zhen and ShaheenMansori (2012) , conducted a survey on “Young Female
Motivations for Purchase of Organic Food in Malaysia”. This research studies the impact of
factors that (4As: Acceptability, Affordability, Availability and Awareness and Consumer
Innovativeness) might influence the consumer intense to purchase organic food. questionnaires
were collected from that there were female participant age between 20-34 years old based on
convenience sampling. The results have discovered that acceptability, affordability, and
awareness are most important factors that can influence consumer purchase intention.
A.Z.A Mukul, Sharmin Afrin and Mohammad Masudul Hassan (2013) made a study on
“Factors that are Affecting Consumer‟s Perceptions about Organic Food”. The main objective
of this study is to analyse consumer‟s perceptions about the risk and quality ascribes of organic
food consumption. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 100 respondents by using
random Sampling method. The most importance of this study show that
Consumers‟perceptions on quality of organic food consumption is to influenced by Five factors
namely Food safety, Price, Environmental friendly, Nutrition and sensory attributes.
Foodconsumption patterns are shifting as a result of health and environmental issues. Interest
in organically produced food is escalating end-to-end the world.
S.K.Yadav, SubhashBabu, M.K.Yadav, KalyanSingh, G.S.Yadav and SureshPal(2013),
made a survey on “A Review of Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture in Northern
India”. This says that organic farming is sustainable agriculture in north india.Thos conclude
by saying that Organic farming can provide quality food without adversely affectingthe soil‟s
health and thus the environment. There is need to identify suitable crops products onregional
basis for organic production that has international market demands the whole region as such
cannot afford to go for organic at a time because of its commitments to insure food and
nutritional security.
Chiew Shi Wee, Mohd Shoki Bin Md,Ariff, Norhayati Zakuan ,Muhammad Naquib
Mohd Tajudin(2014), made a survey on “Consumers Perception, Purchase Intention and
Actual Purchase Behavior of Organic Food Products ”. This study examines consumer‟s
perception, purchase intentions and actual purchase behaviour and the interrelationship
between them towards the organic food products”. This study shows how to find consumer‟s
perception, purchase intentions and actual purchase behaviour and the interrelationship
between them towards organic food products.

R. Karthika AND Dr.K. Senthilkumar (2019), CONDUCTED A STUDY ON “Factors

influencing and purchase intention of organic food products in Dharmapuri town”. This paper
says the influencing factor and purchase intention of organic food products. Research
methodology Research is a systematic study of a given problem. This study is based on the
primary and secondary data. The primary data has been collected through questionnaire by
using simple random sampling technique on retail outlets of organic products. The secondary
data had collected from Department of Horticulture, Organic Farming Certification Agencies
and Department stores. And apart from this, the secondary data will also be collected from
published books, reports, journals, magazines, and internet. This study is conducted to know the
level of awareness towards organic products in Dharmapuri Town. Total 100 questionnaires were
distributed to the respondents and get back 100 completed, duly filled questionnaires ready to use
for the study were gathered.
Dr. Jyoti Rana and Ms. Shikha Raghav(2019), made a study on ” Influence of Barriers and
Motives on Organic Food Consumers Buying Decision” The paper focuses on exploringthe
motives and barriers in understanding consumer buying decision. Methodology: The purpose
is based on existing literature and the interview of 100 consumers who were aware and have
consumed organic food. The findings described that consumers buy organic fruits, vegetables,
milk, grocery because of health and safety concern. Consumers pay attention to different
deterrents while buying different organic products.
A Sai Manideep, P. Srinivasa Reddy and M Siva Koti Reddy (2019) has made a study on
“Consumers‟ Perception on Purchase of Wellness Products: An Empirical Analysis”. The main
objective of this study are Does health, safety, environment and product quality attributes have
any relation to consumers purchase intention for wellness products? And Doeseducation
qualification of the consumers is associated with perception towards purchase of wellness
products. Convenience sampling method was adopted in determining the sample. The
researcher as enumerator by mall intercept method directly interacted to identify the perception
of consumers towards consumption of organic products in achievement of wellnessin life. A
total of 700 responses were collected from the consumers who consume these products. Chi-
square test was used to identify the independence of opinion/perception of consumers with
respect to education qualification of the respondents From the analysis it is found that
consumer‟s perception has an association with attributes such as health, safety, environmental
conscious towards using of organic products with educational qualification of the consumers
and product quality doesn‟t have any dependent association.
Methodology in research is defined as the systematic method to resolve a research problem
through data gathering using various techniques, providing an interpretation of data gathered
and drawing conclusions about the research data. It involves studying the methods used in your
field and the theories or principles behind them, in order to develop an approach that matches
our objectives.
Research design is a systematic way to study a problem. It summarizes the procedures for
conducting a study. The descriptive type of research study is done as it involves to discover
answers to the questions who, what, when, where and sometimes how. In the research study,
the descriptive type of research is taken up as it involves the collection of data and creation of
a distribution of the number of times the researcher observes a single event or characteristic, or
it may involve relating the interaction of two or more variables.
Descriptive research characterized as simply the attempts to determine, describe or identify
what it is. Descriptive research is mainly aimed toward the current issues or problems on data
collection that allows to elucidate things more completely than was possible without employing
this method. In its popular format, descriptive research is employed to explain characteristics
and/or behaviour of sample population.
Descriptive statistics use data collection and analysis techniques that gives reports concerning
the measures of central tendency, variation, and correlation. The three main purposes of
descriptive studies are often explained as describing, explaining and validating research
findings. This method enables the opportunity to integrate the qualitative and quantitative
methods of data collection.
A part of the population used in the study is called a sample. In other words, the selection of a
group of individuals or items from a population in such a way that this group represents
population is called a sample.
Non-probability sampling is a type of sampling technique in which the selection of individuals
or items for a sample is not based on randomization. This means that each member of the population
does not have an equal chance of being selected for the sample. Non-probability sampling is often
used in research when it is not feasible or practical to obtain a random sample. Examples of non-
probability sampling include convenience sampling, purposive sampling, quota sampling, and
snowball sampling.
However, in order to draw conclusions about the population from the sample, it must assume
that the sample is representative of the population. This is often a risky assumption to make in
the case of non-probability sampling due to the difficulty of assessing whether the assumption
holds. In addition, since elements are chosen arbitrarily, there is no way to estimate the
probability of any one element being included in the sample. In this study I have used non –
random sampling. In non – random sampling I have used convenience sampling.
The sample size selected for study is 200.
Sampling is the procedure or process of selecting a sample from the population. A sampling
can also defined as the process of drawing a sample from a population and of compiling a
suitable statistic from such a sample in order to estimate the parameter drawn from the parent
population and to test the significance of the statistic computed from such sample.
In this study the sampling method used is convenience sampling.
Purposive sampling is a type of non-probability sampling technique in which researchers select
individuals or items for a sample based on a specific purpose or criterion. In other words, the
selection of participants is not based on chance but rather on the researcher's knowledge and
judgment of the population being studied. Purposive sampling is often used when the
population being studied is small, difficult to access, or when the researcher is looking for a
specific type of participant.
The population size is an important consideration in research as it can impact the
generalizability and precision of the study's results. In the case of this study which involves
human subjects, the size of the population can greatly affect the feasibility of data collection
and the validity of the findings. The size of the population being studied may be defined by
various characteristics, such as age, gender, location, or skill set, depending on the research
question. The population size in descriptive research can range from a small sample size, such as
a case study of a single individual, to a large population size, such as a national survey of a
particular group. The sample size and sampling method used in descriptive research will depend
on the population size and the level of precision and confidence desired in the results.

Population in statistics means the whole of the information which comes under purview of
statistical investigation. It is the totality of all the observations of a statistical enquire.
The population used here is the Tamil Nadu people who are aware of organic spices food
Data collection tools are methodologies used to gather data from a targeted group of people to
assess pre-defined parameters by analysing the data and gaining rich insights about the same.
In data collection process we collect two types of data.
Primary data:
In this study the primary data is collected through questionnaire.
Secondary data:
In this study the secondary data was collected by analyzing previous survey’s, websites, PhD
reference’s etc.

The need for organic food is steadily increasing in the highly developed countries while
developing countries still need to go a long way. The untapped potential markets for organic
foods in the countries like India need to be realised with organised interventions which require
a better understanding of the consumer's preference for food. Therefore, an analysis of
consumer ‘awareness on several features of organic products may be conceived as a significant
background to build the markets for organic food in the initial phase of market development.
However, growing domestic market for organic foods necessitates analysing the consumer
‘awareness and knowledge level of organic foods to better target the potential segments.
The results of the study indicated that only the educated consumers exhibited interest in using
organic spices for the betterment of their health, as they are free from chemicals and pesticides.
These types of study compel immediate action on the loss of traditional knowledge and
medicinal values of spices and condiments. Consumer education is highly recommended as a
contribution to protecting the health, safety, economic and legal interests of society. It is
mandatory to create awareness among the young aged consumers towards Organic
foods/Spices which are more advantageous to humans as well as the environment.
As awareness and knowledge of various attributes of organic foods are fundamental for
creating market demand for organically grown products, this study explores the level of
understanding among the consumers on different aspects of organic foods. It may also help the
government to design strategies for consumer education on the benefits of going organic.

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