Notes of The Chapter People As Resource
Notes of The Chapter People As Resource
Notes of The Chapter People As Resource
8. How did countries like Japan become developed without natural resources?
➢ Countries, like Japan, have invested in human resource. They
did not have any natural resource. These countries are
developed/rich. They import the natural resource needed in
their country.
➢ They have invested on people, especially in the field of education
and health.
➢ These people have made efficient use of other resources, like land
and capital.
➢ Efficiency and the technology evolved by people have made
these countries rich/developed.
9. What are the various activities undertaken in primary, secondary and tertiary sector?
➢ The various activities have been classified into three
main sectors i.e., primary, secondary and tertiary.
➢ Primary sector includes agriculture, forestry,
animal husbandry, fishing, poultry farming,
mining and quarrying.
➢ Manufacturing is included in the secondary
sector. Trade, transport, communication, banking,
education, health, tourism, services, insurance, etc.
are included in the tertiary sector. The activities in this
sector result in the production of goods and services.
14. What are the steps taken by the government in the field
of education in India?
➢ There is a provision made for providing universal access,
retention and quality in elementary education with a
special emphasis on girls.
➢ There is also an establishment of pace setting of schools
like Navodaya Vidyalaya in each district.
➢ Vocational streams have been developed to equip large
number of high school students with occupations
related to knowledge and skills.
15. Write a note on expenditure by the government on
➢ The plan outlay on education has increased from Rs 151
crore in the first plan to Rs 99,300 crore in 2020–21.
➢ The expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP
rose from 0.64% in 1951–52 to 3.1% in 2019–20 (B.E.)
and has remained stagnant around 3% from past few
➢ The Budgetary Estimate as stated in the Budget
Documents of Union State Governments, Reserve Bank
of India, the expenditure on education as a
percentage of GDP has declined to 2.8% in 2020–21 (B.E.)
16. Write a note on literacy rate in India.
➢ The literacy rates have increased from 18% in 1951 to 85%
in 2018.
➢ Literacy is not only a right, it is also needed if the citizens
are to perform their duties and enjoy their rights properly.
➢ However, a vast difference is noticed across different
sections of the population.
➢ Literacy among males is nearly 16.1% higher than females
and it is about 14.2% higher in urban areas as compared
to rural areas.
➢ As per 2011 census, literacy rates varied from 94% in
Kerala to 62% in Bihar.
➢ The primary school system (I–V) has expanded to
over 7,78,842, lakh in 2019–20.
19.Answer the following questions on the basis of the table given below:
a. Is the increase in the number of colleges adequate to
admit the increasing number of students?
b. Do you think we should have more number of universities?
c. What is the increase noticed among the teachers in the year
d. What is your idea about future colleges and universities?
20. What is the importance of health?
➢ The health of a person helps him to realise his/her potential and the
ability to fight illness.
➢ He/She will not be able to maximise his/her output to the overall growth
of the organisation.
➢ Health is an indispensable basis for realising one’s well-being.
➢ Henceforth, improvement in the health status of the population has
been the priority of the country.
➢ Over the last five decades, India has built a vast healt infrastructure and
has also developed the manpower required at primary, secondary
and tertiary sector in government, as well as, in the private sector.
21.Over the last five decades, India has built a vast health infrastructure
and has also developed the manpower required at primary,
secondary and tertiary sector in government, as well as, in the
private sector.
What are the consequences of these measures?
➢ These measures have increased the life expectancy to over 69.4
years in 2016.
➢ Infant mortality rate has come down from 147 in 1951 to 36 in
➢ Crude birth rates have dropped to 20 and death rates to 6.2
within the same duration of time.
22. Answer the following questions on the basis of the table given
i. What is the percentage increase in dispensaries from
1951 to 2020?
ii. What is the percentage increase in doctors and nursing
personnel from 1951 to 2020?
iii. Do you think the increase in the number of doctors
and nurses is adequate for India? If not, why?
iv. What other facilities would you like to provide in a
v. Discuss about the hospital you have visited?
vi. Draw a graph of this table.
23.Define unemployment.
▪ Unemployment is said to exist when people who are willing to work
at the going wages cannot find jobs.
24.Jeetu, Seetu or Sheela can’t be counted unemployed. Why?
▪ Jeetu and Seetu are not the part of labour force. Sheela is doing household
chores which is not economic activity.
25.The nature of unemployment differs in rural and urban areas. Why?
i. In case of rural areas, there is seasonal and disguised
unemployment. Urban areas have mostly educated
ii. Seasonal unemployment happens when people are not able to
find jobs during some months of the year. People dependent upon
agriculture usually face such kind of problem. There are certain busy
seasons when sowing, harvesting, weeding and threshing is done.
Certain months do not provide much work to the people dependant
on agriculture.
iii. In case of disguised unemployment people appear to be employed.
They have agricultural plot where they find work. This usually
happens among family members engaged in agricultural activity.
The work requires the service of five people but engages eight
people. Three people are extra. These three people also work in the
same plot as the others. The contribution made by the three extra
people does not add to the contribution made by the five people. If
three people are removed the productivity of the field will not
decline. The field requires the service of five people and the three
extra people are disguised unemployed.
iv. In case of urban areas educated unemployment has become a
common phenomenon. Many youth with matriculation,
graduation and post-graduation degrees are not able to find job.
A study showed that unemployment of graduate and post-
graduate has increased faster than among matriculates.